Saturday Sunday 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm (Spanish) and 5:00pm Daily Rosary Novena Monday - Saturday 8:00am Daily, after morning Mass Tuesday, after morning Mass Perpetual Adoration Sacrament of Penance Vocation Holy Hour Baptism and Marriage 24 hours Saturday 3:30pm - 4:30pm and 6:00pm - 7:00pm 1st Friday, 8:00am Mass Please call Parish Office Pastor Father Brian Corcoran Associate Pastor Father Ben Awongo AJ Deacon Bob Beiner School Principal Dan Schuh Music Director Julie Marner 1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828 Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118 Saint John School : 760 944-8227 [email protected] Page 2 Saint John the Evangelist “We are not nourished, some from one body, others from another, but all from the same Body!” ... Our celebration in honor of the Body and Blood of Christ dates back to the 11th century as a response to the heresy of Berengarius of Tours, who denied the presence of Christ in the consecrated bread and wine. The Belgian, Blessed Juliana of Mount Cornillon, began to promote a festivity that eventually became the feast that it is today! ... Welcome to Bishop McElroy this Wednesday (1), as he celebrates the Sacrament of Confirmation with our youth and adults at 6:30pm. Spirit! ... Bishop McElroy and the Diocese of San Diego is featured in the current issue of the ‘National Catholic Reporter’, a national Catholic newspaper, for our plans for a Diocesan Synod this coming October, to reflect on Pope Francis’ recent powerful exhortation on ‘Marriage and Family Life’. ... Monsignor Timothy Harnett lovingly and courageously guided our Saint John parish family for 27 years until his retirement in 2006. We are ever grateful and mindful! This Friday (3) would have been Monsignor’s 60th Anniversary of Ordination. May he truly now rest in peace! ... We deeply appreciate, too, the presence of his sister, Sister Winifred, with Monsignor over the past two years, daily providing a love and a warmth that none of us at Saint John could ever rise to! ‘Thank you’, Sister, for all that you have been to your brother and to us all at Saint John. ... Father Joseph Freeman shares Monsignors anniversary of ordination. His 11th Anniversary is also this Friday (3). Congratulations! ... And it was on Pentecost Sunday, June 4, 1972, that Father Brian was ordained, so congratulations on your 44th Anniversary this Saturday (4). ... $15,270.14 was contributed last weekend (22), with 330 families using envelopes. 120 families contributed a further $4,559.00 online! ... $48,325.00 is the amount contributed to date for Father Joseph’s Appeal for Holy Spirit Church! ... Our Fiesta de las Flores Grand Drawing is on August 7, with prizes of $5,000, $2,500, $1,000 and $500! Thank you’ for welcoming home our Fiesta Raffle tickets, sent with our children. Parish families will receive theirs shortly in the mail! ... Congratulations to our children in our Spanish language Religious Ed as they celebrate their First Eucharist this Sunday (29), at the 12:00pm Mass! May 29, 2016 ... Our Altar Society’s Tailgate Swap-Meet is on Saturday, June 18. Sign up today at the Gazebo. ... Our Men’s Fellowship meet on Wednesday (1) at 7:00am, and on Thursday (2), the Altar Society at 6:30pm! Serving! ... The first Friday of each month, that’s this Friday (3), is a special day of prayer here at Saint John for vocations to the priesthood in San Diego. The 8:00am Mass is followed by Adoration and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Wow! ... Our Saint John School, partnering with parents as primary educators, guides the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, physical and cultural growth of our children! Give our children the best, consider enrolling them in our great school! Give Dan Schuh a call at 760 944-8227. ... Our Saint John School Rosary is this Friday (3), at 2:00pm, in the church. ... Our Saint John Bible Camp “Following Jesus, the Light of the World” is in July, Monday (18) to Friday (22), from 8:30am to 12:00pm, in our Hall. Children currently in Grades K - 5 are welcome. Pick-up a Registration Form in the Rel Ed or Parish office, and on the school and parish websites. For more info, please call 760 436-0664. ... Our Annual Catholic Appeal supports the wonderful ministry of our Diocese. Please consider making a pledge today. ... 15 of our youth prepared and served 119 Pancake Breakfasts last Sunday (22), raising $1,344.00 towards their scholarship fund for the Summer Steubenville Youth Retreat at USD. ... Always wanted to visit South Africa? Father Mike Ratajczak, Pastor at Saint Thomas More, Oceanside, is leading a pilgrimage from October 4 - 17. Give him a call at 619 368-9939. ... Please, please refrain from assisting the adults/ children begging at our entrances on Sundays. We are always willing to help the needy, but these are just part of a highly organized ‘scam’ operation. ... Tuesday (31) is the feast of the Visitation of Mary, Friday (3) is the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, while Saturday (4) is the memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Family! ... In case you were wondering, next Sunday (5) is the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time! ... Memorial Day! It is good to remember! Enjoy! ... “We are the Body of Christ! Our life is mission!” A privilege and a responsibility! Page 3 Saint John the Evangelist May 29, 2016 Registration is Open! Children currently in Grades K-5 SAINT JOHN VACATION BIBLE CAMP 2016 July 18 - July 22 8:30am-12:30pm Register Now! Registration forms are available on the parish and school websites, at the school, parish and religious education office. Plan on joining the adventure! For info, call Ann or Cindy 760 436-0664 Retrouvaille of Socal/San Diego A lifetime of marriages The program offers tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage relationship June 3 - 5 For info call Sam or Margie at 951 259-9475 or [email protected] MASS INTENTIONS Saturday May 28 Sunday May 29 Saint John Food Pantry! 48 families served by the Food Pantry on 5-17-16 Monday May 30 Tuesday May 31 Please Keep in Your Prayers Karen Adamsen, Martha Amador, Ruth Ariza, Phyllis Azarro, Anthony Baggio, Thomas Baglio, Rosily Baratono, Cindy Bausch, Aiden Blenderman, Maura Brown, Taylor Camisa, Joe Corder, Rob Crewse, Jack Davare, Edward Dillon, Barbara Dorion, Ashlie Dunlap, Stefan Edgerly, Greg Fix, Kathy Fix, Nick Fix, Patty Fix, Jean Gallagher, Jane Glasson, Hiram Lee-Gonzalez, Manny Gonzales, Carolyn Goohs, Aria Johnson, Maria Johnson, Cheyne Johnston, Neal Kusumoto, Jim Kelly, Eva King, Skyler Koehne, Stella Lubera, Julianne Maier, Andy Maduza, Pat McKinley, Robert McLoughlin, Lucy Mee, Maria Mendez, Patty Moore, Luz Nieve, Eileen O’Connor, Grace Oreb, Mary Ann Pavnic, Joaquin Perez, Peter Pongwattana, Jennifer Proder, David Quessenberry, David Rambeau, Ashley Ray, Tom Rechsteiner, Elizabeth Roney, Selena Sandoval, Brad Smith, Lori Smith, Gina Stack, Andrew Todd, Nancy Tsoubris, Jerry Tunnero, Grant and Griffin Waller, Ken Watts, Bernard Wessel and John Whitty. Rest In Peace Brad Gunther We pray for our sick and deceased at daily Mass. Wednesday June 1 Thursday June 2 Friday June 3 Saturday June 4 Sunday June 5 5:00pm Claire Mactague † The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Gn 14:18-20; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Lk 9:11b-17 7:30am Tricia Kelly † 9:00am Helen Sleeper † 10:30am Anthony Boychenko † 12:00pm Parishioners 5:00pm Robert LaCour † 2 Pt 1:2-7; Mk 12:1-2 8:00am Sage Kiesel † Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Zep 3:14-18; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 1:39-56 8:00am Barbara Wibberley † Saint Justin 2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12; Mk 12:18-27 8:00am Carol Ann Leudeke † Saints Marcellinus and Peter 2 Tm 2:8-15; Mk 12:28b-34 8:00am Rita Ross † Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Ez 34:11-16; Rom 5:5b-11; Lk 15:3-7 8:00am Frank King † The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2 Tm 4:1-8; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 2:41-51 8:00am Parishioners 5:00pm Joseph Drago † Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Kgs 17:17-24; Gal 1:11-19; Lk 7:11-17 7:30am March & van der Molen families † 9:00am Special Intention 10:30am Mary Therese Chodzko † 12:00pm Parishioners 5:00pm Robert Strattman † Page 4 Saint John the Evangelist May 29, 2016 Saint John School Perpetual Adoration Pre-school - Grade 8 Principal : Dan Schuh 760 944-8227 or We are looking for more substitutes, especially nighttime. Volunteers are needed for: Sunday, 1:00 am, 2:00am Tuesday, 5:00pm Wednesday, 2:00am Saturday, 3:00pm We also need another volunteer for Day Captain to take charge of arranging substitutes for regular adorers on the Captain’s assigned day. Ken Poggenburg 760 635-2573 Lupe Cardona (Sp)760 753-7784 Perpetual Adoration is prayer in the presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament ... 24 hours, day and night, seven days a week. All are welcome! Saint John School Rosary, Friday (3) at 2:00pm Saint John Preschool Kindergarten Readiness Program: “Building the whole child in preparation for kindergarten” For more info, or to schedule a tour, call Annette Conrad at 760 944-8227 or [email protected] Saturday, June 18, 7:00am - 2:00pm Saint John School Parking Lot For space reservations or more info, call Mary at 760 613-0999 or Michele at 760 846-1006 Remember to patronize our advertisers for making the bulletin possible. Thank you! Memorial Day Parish Office will reopen Tuesday (31) at 8:00am Pagina 5 Saint John the Evangelist Mayo 29, 2016 ALIMENTADOS POR EL SEÑOR Las palabras de Jesús “Esto es mi cuerpo” y “ Este cáliz es la nueva alianza que se sella con mi sangre” fueron sólo parte de su consagración. Jesús dijo dos veces: “Hagan esto en memoria mía” (1 Corintios 11:24, 25). Esta es la buena nueva de la solemnidad de hoy. Como las cinco mil almas hambrientas, somos alimentados por nuestro Señor. Este alimento no satisface sólo por un corto período de tiempo, hasta la próxima comida. Es un alimento que dura y nos cambia. Es un alimento para compartir de la misma forma que lo hizo Melquisedec cuando presentó pan y vino a Abram a su regreso. Como hijos del reino de Dios, tenemos la dicha de poder recibir y compartir el regalo de Dios. Y lo hacemos de la manera más apropiada a nuestra circunstancia en la vida –como padres, hijos, esposos, esposas o religiosos. Durante siglos, la fiesta que hoy celebramos se llamó Corpus Christi (Cuerpo de Cristo) y se conmemoraba el jueves siguiente al Domingo de la Santísima Trinidad. En muchos países ha sido movida al domingo siguiente, para que más personas puedan participar de esta celebración. Hoy en día, la liturgia de esta fiesta concentra nuestra atención en el significado de la Eucaristía, que tantas veces recibimos. La lectura de hoy del Génesis nos dice cómo “Melquisedec, rey de Salem, presentó pan y vino” y bendijo a Abram. Aunque esto tuvo lugar casi dos mil años antes de Cristo, este momento ha sido usado siempre por la Iglesia como un anuncio de la Eucaristía. La lectura de la carta de Pablo a los corintios es la misma que se proclama el Jueves Santo, volviéndonos a contar la historia de la primera bendición y distribución del pan y el vino en la Última Cena. Por tanto, las tres lecturas de hoy nos brindan la oportunidad de profundizar nuestro aprecio por el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo. Yuleni Aragón, Shayla Arteaga, Noé Arrazola, Marissa Bandera, Elián H. Barbosa, Yasmin Beltrán, Anthony Campos, Diego Campos, Ashly Chávez, Adrian Cruz, Andrew Figueroa, Itzel García, Liliana Francisco, Christopher Galván, Osiel García, Jazmín Guzmán, Ángel G. Henríquez, Natalie López, Christian Matías, Alex Mercado, Raymundo Montes Jr., Yaneiry Morales, Christopher Palomar, Christopher C. Robles, Camilla Rodríguez, Miguel Rocha, Daylan Sánchez, Jordán Serrano, Elmer Velásquez, Antonia Zacarías, Melissa A. Zayas LOS INVITAMOS A QUE INSCRIBAN A SUS NIÑOS PARA LAS CLASES DE CATECISMO La Educación Cristiana es muy importante. Les recordamos que estamos inscribiendo a los niños de 6 a 12 años de edad para las clases de catecismo. Hoy y el martes son los últimos días para recibir el 50% de descuento al inscribir a sus hijos para las clases de Catecismo del 2016-2017. Mañana lunes, la oficina estará cerrada por ser día de fiesta. Si tienen preguntas por favor llamen a Mary Morán al 760 436-4366. Page 6 Saint John the Evangelist May 29, 2016 Religious Education Saint John School Religious Education ‘Faithways’ Junior-High Youth Ministry Hispanic Ministry Music Ministry Dan Schuh Ann McGinnis Nicole Steele Isaac Deken Mary Moran Julie Marner 760 944-8227 760 436-0664 760 753-4279 760 753-3679 760 436-4366 760 753-6254 R.C.I.A Perpetual Adoration Perpetual Adoration (Spanish) Centering Prayer Adult Faith Liz Beiner Ken Poggenburg Lupe Cardona Shirley Shetula 760 753-6254 760 635-2573 760 753-7784 760 525-6721 Altar Society Boy Scouts Cub Scouts Catholic Men’s Fellowship Culture of Life Guadalupañas Holy Name Knights of Columbus Saint Vincent de Paul Seniors Organizations Joi Catlin Blane Adessa Richard Weston David Pavnic / Chris Cammack Jennifer Grethel Olivia Reynaga Rick Decker Pat Connors Sandra Watson Nettie March 760 470-6316 760 944-0626 760 230-6183 760 753-6254 760 753-6254 760 753-5230 760 753-6254 760 822-3639 760 753-3056 760 753-6254 Audrey Aere, Vincent Alvarez, Salvatore Battiata, Gianna Badone Beaumont, Jesse Calado, Diana Contreras, Sergio Contreras, Ezekiel Deken, Siena Del Val, Ella Dickow, Kaitlin Donnelly, Finn Egan, Tatum Frith, Xander Garcia Tierrablanca, Diego Gonzales, Kara Larkin, Sophie Legaspi, Vivyana Leyva, Alexandra Linlor, Logan Loebig, Giovanni Lopez, Enzo Lyons, Edward Lyons, Helena Mac Quarrie, Gabriella Marquez Tenuto, Janelle Mendoza, Dane Morris, Christian Murillo, Nicolle Nazi, Ezekiel Neal, Lily O'Connell, Karla Perez, Nader Polus, Everett Powell, Colette Rossow, Lilah Sardo, Michael Sullivan, Natalia Torres Pereyra, Emery Unsworth, Annagrace Vieceli, Shawniece Walker, Lilia Wright, Noah Yoder, Jake Zochowski, Andrew Zurn