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State of the Art Report on Ageing Test Methods for Bituminous Pavement
Article in International Journal of Pavement Engineering · September 2003
DOI: 10.1080/1029843042000198568
1 author:
Gordon D. Airey
University of Nottingham
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International Journal of Pavement Engineering
State Of The Art Report on Ageing Test Methods
for Bituminous Pavement Materials
G. D. Airey
School of Civil Engineering, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7
To cite this article: G. D. Airey (2003): State Of The Art Report on Ageing Test Methods for
Bituminous Pavement Materials, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 4:3, 165176
To link to this article:
State Of The Art Report on Ageing Test Methods for
Bituminous Pavement Materials
G.D. Airey
Senior Lecturer
Nottingham Centre for Pavement Engineering
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD
Tel: +44 115 9513913
Fax: +44 115 9513909
Email: [email protected]
The findings of an extensive literature review on bitumen and asphalt mixture ageing
test methods are presented in the paper. The primary factors affecting the durability of
bituminous paving mixtures (assuming they are constructed correctly) are age
hardening and moisture damage. Ageing of the bituminous binder is manifested as an
increase in its stiffness (or viscosity). Water damage is generally manifested as a loss
of cohesion in the mixture and/or loss of adhesion between the bitumen and aggregate
interface (stripping). Short-term ageing is primarily due to volatilisation of the
bitumen within the asphalt mixture during mixing and construction, while long-term
ageing is due to oxidation and some steric hardening in the field. Of the tests used to
simulate short-term ageing, the extended heating procedures of the thin film oven test
(TFOT) and the rolling thin film oven test (RTFOT) are the most frequently used
binder methods. In regard to long-term binder ageing, the oxidative pressure ageing
vessel (PAV) test and the rotating cylinder ageing test (RCAT) have shown the
greatest potential. Asphalt mixture ageing is primarily limited to extended heating
methods for loose bituminous material prior to compaction and combinations of
extended oven ageing, high and low pressure oxidation, and ultraviolet and infrared
light treatments.
Keywords: bitumen, ageing, asphalt mixtures, oxidation, TFOT, RTFOT, PAV
The primary factors affecting the durability of bituminous paving mixtures, assuming
they are constructed correctly, are age hardening and moisture damage. Ageing of the
bituminous binder is manifested as an increase in its stiffness (or viscosity). Water
damage is generally manifested as a loss of cohesion in the mixture and/or loss of
adhesion between the bitumen and aggregate interface (stripping).
Ageing (hardening) is primarily associated with the loss of volatile components and
oxidation of the bitumen during asphalt mixture construction (short-term ageing) and
progressive oxidation of the in-place material in the field (long-term ageing). Both
factors cause an increase in viscosity of the bitumen and consequential stiffening of
the mixture. Other factors may also contribute to ageing, such as molecular
structuring over time (steric hardening) and actinic light (primarily ultraviolet
radiation, particularly in desert conditions). Oxidation, volatile loss and thixotropic
effects (steric hardening) tend to be universally accepted as the three dominant factors
affecting age hardening. However, the precise list of factors differs with Petersen
(1984) listing the three composition-related factors mentioned above, Vallerga et al.
(1957) suggesting six factors while Traxler (1963) suggests an additional nine factors.
Age hardening can have two effects, either increasing the load bearing capacity and
permanent deformation resistance of the pavement by producing a stiffer material or
reducing pavement flexibility resulting in the formation of cracks with the possibility
of total failure (Vallerga, 1981).
Tests related to ageing of bituminous materials can be broadly divided into two
categories, namely; tests performed on bitumens and tests performed on bituminous
(asphalt) mixtures. Much of the research into the ageing of bitumen utilises thin film
oven ageing to age the bitumen in an accelerated manner (e.g. thin film oven test,
rolling thin film oven test, rolling microfilm oven test, tilt-oven durability test).
Typically, these tests are used to simulate the relative hardening that occurs during the
mixing and laying process (i.e. short-term ageing). To include long-term hardening in
the field, thin film oven ageing is typically combined with pressure oxidative ageing
(e.g. Iowa durability test, SHRP-PAV, HiPAT, RCAT).
This paper contains a critical review of existing test methods, protocols and
techniques for assessing the age hardening of bituminous paving materials. Both
binder and mixture tests have been reviewed with particular attention being given to
highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods and the
suitability of the tests for both modified and unmodified binders.
Numerous attempts have been made by researchers over the last seventy years to
correlate accelerated laboratory ageing of bitumen with field performance. Most of
this research has used thin film ovens to age the bitumen in an accelerated manner,
with most of the thin film oven ageing methods relying on extended heating (oven
volatilisation) procedures. The ageing tests are presented in Table I.
Extended Heating Procedures
Extended heating procedures tend to be used to simulate short-term ageing
(hardening) of bitumen associated with asphalt mixture preparation activities. The
most commonly used standardised tests, to control the short-term ageing of
conventional, unmodified bitumen, are the thin film oven test (TFOT), the rolling thin
film oven test (RTFOT) and the rotating flask test (RFT).
Thin Film Oven Test
The TFOT was first introduced by Lewis and Welborn (1940) to differentiate between
bitumens with different volatility and hardening characteristics. In the TFOT, a 50 ml
sample of bitumen is placed in a flat 140 mm diameter container resulting in a film
thickness of 3.2 mm. Two or more of these containers are then positioned on a
rotating shelf (5 to 6 rpm) in the oven for 5 hours at 163C. The TFOT was adopted
by AASHTO in 1959 and by ASTM in 1969 (ASTM D1754) as a means of evaluating
the hardening of bitumen during plant mixing. However, a major criticism of the
TFOT is that the thick binder film which results in a large volume to exposed surface
area for the aged binder. As the bitumen is not agitated or rotated during the test, there
is a concern that ageing (primarily volatile loss) may be limited to the ‘skin’ of the
bitumen sample.
This concern over the testing of bitumen in relatively thick films meant that there was
a move, from the 1950s, to develop or modify ageing tests to age and test bitumen in
microfilm thicknesses. One such example is the modified thin film oven test
(MTFOT), used by Edler et al., (1985), where the binder film is reduced from 3.2 mm
to 100 m with an additional increased exposure time of 24 hours. This minor
modification of the TFOT was done in order to increase the severity of the ageing
process to include oxidative hardening of the binder as well as volatile loss.
Rolling Thin Film Oven Test
The RTFOT is probably the most significant modification of the TFOT involving the
placing of bitumen in a glass jar (bottle) and rotating it in thinner films of bitumen
than the 3.2 mm film used in the TFOT. The RTFOT, therefore, simulates far better
the hardening which bitumen undergoes during asphalt mixing (Hveem et al., 1963;
Shell Bitumen Review, 1973).
The RTFOT was developed by the California Division of Highways and involves
rotating eight glass bottles each containing 35 g of bitumen in a vertically rotating
shelf, while blowing hot air into each sample bottle at its lowest travel position
(Hveem et al., 1963). During the test, the bitumen flows continuously around the
inner surface of each container in relatively thin films of 1.25 mm at a temperature of
163C for 75 minutes. The vertical circular carriage rotates at a rate of 15
revolutions/minute and the air flow is set at a rate of 4000 ml/minute. The method
ensures that all the bitumen is exposed to heat and air and the continuous movement
ensures that no skin develops to protect the bitumen. The conditions in the test are not
identical to those found in practice but experience has shown that the amount of
hardening in the RTFOT correlates reasonably well with that observed in a
conventional batch mixer (Whiteoak, 1990). The RTFOT was adopted by ASTM in
1970 as ASTM D2872.
Several modifications have also been made to the RTFOT, however most of them
have been relatively minor, for example Edler et al. (1985) used an extended time
period of 8 hours rather than 75 minutes in their extended rolling thin film oven test
(ERTFOT), while Kemp and Predoehl (1981) used 5 hours. A more recent
modification is the development of a nitrogen rolling thin film oven test (NRTFOT) to
determine more accurately the actual loss of volatiles during the test (Parmeggiani,
2000). The procedure is identical to the standard test except that nitrogen, rather than
air, is blown over the exposed surface of the bitumen samples.
A similar application of the RTFOT with nitrogen gas is the rapid recovery test (RRT)
used to obtain a quantity of ‘recovered binder’ from modified or unmodified cutback
or emulsion binders (MCDHW 1998). The procedure uses a temperature of 85C with
the RTFOT to evaporate water and/or the light solvent or highly volatile fraction of
emulsions or cutback binders. Nitrogen gas is used instead of air to minimise ageing
Rotating Flask Test (DIN 52016)
The RFT method consists of ageing a 100 g sample of bitumen in the flask of the
rotary evaporator for a period of 150 minutes at a temperature of 165C. As the flask
is rotated at 20 rpm, the material forming the surface of the specimen is constantly
replaced thus preventing the formation of a skin on the surface of the bitumen.
Shell Microfilm Test
The Shell microfilm test is another variation of the principal used with the TFOT. In
this test a very thin, 5 microns, film of bitumen is aged for 2 hours on a glass plate at
107C (Griffin et al., 1955). The thinner film thickness was chosen to simulate the
film thicknesses that exist in asphalt mixtures. The bitumen is evaluated on the basis
of viscosity before and after testing to provide an ‘ageing index’. However, there is
limited reported correlation between field performance and laboratory ageing using
the Shell microfilm test (Wellborn, 1979), except for the work done on the ZacaWigmore test roads (Zube and Skog, 1969). Simpson et al. (1959) compared the
viscosity data for bitumen recovered from the two test roads with the Shell microfilm
test and found a definite correlation between field and laboratory data.
The Shell microfilm test was modified slightly by Hveem et al. (1963) and Skog
(1967) by increasing the film thickness to 20 microns and the exposure time to 24
hours with a slight reduction in temperature to 99C. These alterations did
demonstrate an indirect relationship between field and laboratory hardening.
Additional, slight variations were made by Traxler (1961) and Halstead and Zenewitz
(1961), who increase the binder film thickness from 5 to 15 microns.
Rolling Microfilm Oven Test
The rolling microfilm oven test (RMFOT) is a modification of the RTFOT in order to
obtain much thinner films of bitumen for ageing (Schmidt and Santucci, 1969). The
test consists of dissolving bitumen in benzene (solvent), coating the inside of the
RTFOT bottles with this solution and then allowing the benzene to evaporate. The
result of this process is the creation of a 20 micron film of bitumen which is then aged
at 99C for 24 hours.
The RMFOT was modified by Schmidt (1973) in order to reduce the amount of
volatile loss during ageing. This was accomplished by placing a capillary in the
opening of the RTFOT bottle and calibrating the capillary size to match the volatile
loss from the bottle to that achieved during the ageing of asphalt mixture specimens at
60C. A 1.04 mm diameter opening was selected and in addition the ageing time was
increased from 24 to 48 hours. The modified RMFOT was found to have good
correlation with field cracking of the Zaca-Wigmore pavements as well as with other
field and laboratory aged asphalt mixtures. The primary disadvantage of the test is the
small amount of aged bitumen (0.5 g per bottle) that can be used for subsequent
binder testing.
Tilt-Oven Durability Test
An additional modification to the RTFOT is found in the California tilt-oven
durability test (TODT) where the oven is tilted 1.06 higher at the front to prevent
bitumen migrating from the bottles (Kemp and Predoehl, 1981). In addition, the
TODT uses a lower temperature and longer time for ageing compared to the RTFOT,
namely 168 hours at 113C. This level of ageing approximates to that found for
pavement mixtures after 2 years in hot desert climates (Petersen, 1989). In addition,
Kemp and Predoehl (1981) aged laboratory produced specimens in four distinct
climates in the field and concluded that the TODT could be used to predict hot
climate hardening of bitumen.
A similar modification was reported by McHattie (1983) with test conditions of 100
hours at 115C. Both methods (168 hours at 113C and 100 hours at 115C) were
evaluated by Santucci et al. (1981), who found the tests at 168 hours and 113C to be
more severe.
Thin Film Accelerated Ageing Test
A modification of the RMFOT is the thin film accelerated ageing test (TFAAT),
developed by Petersen (1989), which has the advantage of providing an increased
amount of aged binder as it uses a sample size of 4 g of binder compared to the 0.5 g
of the RMFOT. Whereas extended heating tests, such as the TFOT and RTFOT,
reflect only the ageing (mainly volatile loss) that occurs during hot-plant mixing, the
TFAAT was developed to produce a representative level of volatilisation and
oxidation to simulate the level of oxidative age hardening typically found for
extended pavement ageing.
The TFAAT was developed to complement a column oxidation procedure developed
by Davis and Petersen (1967) where a 15 micron thick bitumen film, coated on Teflon
particles, was oxidised in a gas chromatographic column at 130C for 24 hours by
passing air through the column. As the TFAAT uses eight times more binder than the
RMFOT, with subsequent increased binder films, the TFAAT either has to have
longer ageing times or higher test temperatures to achieve the same degree of
oxidative ageing as that found for the RMFOT. Petersen (1989) found that performing
the test at 130C for 24 hours produced the same degree of oxidative ageing found for
the RMFOT as well as for 11 to 13 year old pavements. As with the RMFOT, the 31
mm diameter opening for the standard RTFOT bottle was reduced to 3 mm to restrict
excessive volatile loss. The TFAAT can also be performed at the lower temperature of
113C but for a longer period of 3 days compared to the one day test at 130C.
Modified Rolling Thin Film Oven Test
One of the main problems with using the RTFOT for modified bitumens is that these
binders, because of their high viscosity, will not roll inside the glass bottles during the
test. In addition, some binders have a tendency to roll out of the bottles. To overcome
these problems, Bahia et al. (1998) developed the Modified Rolling Thin Film Oven
Test (RTFOTM).
The test is identical to the standard RTFOT except that a set of 127 mm long by 6.4
mm diameter steel rods are positioned inside the glass bottles during oven ageing. The
principle is that the steel rods create shearing forces to spread the binder into thin
films, thereby overcoming the problem of ageing high viscosity binders. Initial trials
of the RTFOTM indicate that the rods do not have any significant effect on the ageing
of conventional penetration grade bitumens (Bahia et al., 1998). However, recent
work at the Turner-Fairbanks research centre has indicated that using the metal rods
in the RTFOTM does not solve the problem of roll-out of modified binder and further
validation work is required before the technique can be accepted.
The rapid recovery test (RRT) uses a similar mechanism to prevent the roll-out of
emulsions or cutback binders but instead of steel rods the procedure uses 120 mm
long by 12.2 mm diameter stainless steel or PTFE screws (MCDHW, 1998). The
direction of the screw is such that the sample is drawn to the rear of the bottle during
rotation in the RTFOT carousel. Oliver and Tredrea (1997) also used a roller with a
screw thread to age polymer modified bitumens (PMBs) in the RTFOT where, as the
bottle rotated, the roller ‘screwed’ the binder towards the back wall of the bottle.
Using their modified RTFOT with a exposure time of 9 hours and a temperature of
163C, Oliver and Tredrea were able to produce similar changes in the rheological
properties of polymer modified and unmodified bituminous binders to those found
after 2.5 years exposure in a sprayed seal in a hot climate.
Oxidative (Air Blowing) Procedures
Although thin film oven tests can adequately measure the relative hardening
characteristics of bitumens during the mixing process they generally fall short of
accurately predicting long-term field ageing. Attempts have been made to overcome
this by combining thin film oven ageing with oxidative ageing.
Iowa Durability Test
The Iowa Durability Test (IDT) is one such test that combines thin film ageing with
oxidative ageing (Lee, 1973). The test consists of ageing binder residue from a
standard TFOT in a pressure vessel at 2.07 MPa using pure oxygen at a temperature
of 65C for up to 1000 hours. As the residue binder from the TFOT is not transferred
from its container, the film thickness during the pressure-oxidation treatment is still
3.2 mm.
Lee found that ageing bitumen using the IDT produced a hyperbolic relationship
similar to that found for binders aged in the field over a five year period. Based on
this hyperbolic relationship and considerable field and laboratory data, Lee concluded
that 46 hours of ageing with the IDT is equivalent to 60 months field ageing for Iowa
conditions (Lee, 1973).
Pressure Oxidation Bomb
Edler et al. (1985) used a similar approach to that used by Lee, where residue from
their eight hour ERTFOT was followed by oxidation under pressure using the
pressure oxidation bomb (POB). The POB consists of a cylindrical pressure vessel
fitted with a screw-on cover containing a safety blow-off cap, pressure gauge and
stopcock. The vessel houses a metal support where twelve 40 mm by 40 mm glass
plates coated with 30 micron bitumen films are positioned horizontally. The test
consists of ageing the bitumen residue at a pressure of 2.07 MPa at 65C for 96 hours.
Accelerated Ageing Test Device / Rotating Cylinder Ageing Test
Similar in concept to the RTFOT is the Accelerated Ageing Test Device developed at
the Belgium Road Research Centre (BRRC) (Verhasselt and Choquet, 1991).
Although standard tests such as the RTFOT and RFT can adequately simulate
construction ageing, their high temperatures make them unsuitable for simulating
field ageing. This has lead to the development of the accelerated ageing device which
has been based on a theoretical kinetic approach to ageing (Verhasselt, 1996;
Verhasselt, 2000).
The device consists of a fairly large cylinder (tube), with an internal diameter of 124
mm and a length of 300 mm, which is capped at both ends but with a central aperture
of diameter 43 mm at one end, where bitumen can be introduced and extracted (see
Figure 1 (Verhasselt, 2000)). After charging the cylinder with up to 500 g of bitumen,
a stainless steel roller, 296 mm in length and 34 mm in diameter, is placed into the
cylinder. The cylinder is then placed in a frame which rotates the cylinder at 1
revolution per minute and flows oxygen through the aperture at a rate of 4 to 5 litres
per hour (75 ml/min). Rotation of the roller within the cylinder distributes the bitumen
into an even 2 mm thick film on the inner wall of the cylinder. Tests are conducted at
temperatures between 70C and 110C. At discreet intervals, approximately 20 g to
25 g of bitumen is removed from the cylinder for subsequent testing. Due to the large
initial quantity of bitumen, the procedure allows numerous evaluations to be made
and progressive changes in the bitumen chemistry and physical properties to be
Using the Accelerated Ageing Test Device, now known as the Rotating Cylinder
Ageing Test (RCAT) (Verhasselt, 2000), Choquet found that ageing bitumen at 85C
for 144 hours reflects field ageing with regard to the formation of asphaltenes. He also
noted that temperatures less than 100C were essential in accelerated ageing tests in
order to produce chemical and rheological changes similar to those found in the field.
Verhasselt (1997) also found mutual agreement between in-service ageing in the field
and laboratory ageing using the RCAT for dense mixtures. However, Francken et al.
(1997) found that longer ageing times than 240 hours were required to simulate field
ageing of porous mixtures.
Pressure Ageing Vessel
The SHRP-A-002A research team developed a method using the pressure ageing
vessel (PAV) to simulate the long-term, in-service oxidative ageing of bitumen in the
field (Christensen and Anderson, 1992). The method involves hardening of bitumen
in the RTFOT or TFOT followed by oxidation of the residue in a pressurised ageing
vessel. The PAV procedure entails ageing 50 g of bitumen in a 140 mm diameter pan
(3.2 mm binder film) within the heated vessel, pressurised with air to 2.07 MPa for
20 hours at temperatures between 90 and 110C (AASHTO PP1) (see Figure 2).
Migliori and Corte (1999) investigated the possibility of simulating RTFOT (shortterm ageing) and RTFOT + PAV (long-term ageing) simply by means of PAV testing
for unmodified penetration grade bitumens. They found that 5 hours of PAV ageing at
100C and 2.07 MPa was equivalent to standard RTFOT ageing, and that 25 hours of
PAV ageing at 100C and 2.07 MPa was equivalent to standard RTFOT + PAV
Verhasselt and Vanelstraete (2000) compared the relative accelerated ageing obtained
using the PAV at 100C and the RCAT at 85C for a range of unmodified and
polymer modified binders. They found that the changes observed (rheological
properties, IR spectra) and reaction mechanisms involved are quite similar for both
techniques. They established an equivalency between the two methods such that 20
hours of PAV ageing approximately corresponds to 178 hours of RCAT ageing.
However, they did find that the higher temperature of the PAV did result in some
segregation of the polymer in some of the PMBs.
High Pressure Ageing Test
The High Pressure Ageing Test (HiPAT) is a modification of the PAV procedure
using a lower temperature of 85C and a longer duration of 65 hours (Hayton et al.,
1999). The reason for these modifications was the concern that the temperatures used
in the PAV procedure were unrealistically high compared to expected pavement
temperatures. In addition it was felt, particularly for modified binders, that the
procedure was liable to significantly alter the binders to an unrepresentative extent to
that found in the field.
Initial studies to predict long-term ageing in the field have suggested that the HiPAT
process may be more severe than the natural ageing process for a dense asphalt
mixture with a 10 year service life (Hayton et al., 1999). However, the procedure
shows potential as a tool to identify binders that age excessively in service.
An alternative to the HiPAT procedure is the extended recovery test which is an
extension of the RRT used to age emulsions or cutbacks containing highly volatile oil
(MCDHW, 1998). The procedure consists of maintaining samples of emulsion or
cutback bitumen at 85C for two hours in the RTFOT with nitrogen gas flow followed
by a further 22 hours with an air supply.
Ultraviolet and Infrared Light Treatments
The sun beams energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength band
between 200 and 3000 nanometres (nm) (Bocci and Cerni, 2000). Approximately 7
percent of the solar radiation that reaches the surface of the earth is ultraviolet (UV)
radiation (180 - 400 nm), 42 percent is within the visible band (400 - 800 nm) and 51
percent is infrared (IR) radiation (800 - 3000 nm). In the UV range, three different
sub-ranges of increasing wavelength can be identified: UVC band (240 - 280 nm),
UVB band (280 - 315 nm) and UVA band (315 - 400 nm). The relative importance of
the three bands is governed by their intensity and wavelength with the shorter ones
being more destructive.
The use of UV and IR light to age bitumen has been reported by Vallerga et al.
(1957), where bitumen films were aged in TFOT containers. The UV treatment was
found to be more effective in terms of changing the physical properties of the bitumen
compared to the use of infrared light.
Traxler (1963) used actinic light to simulate the photochemical ageing of bitumen.
His data shows that the photochemical reaction has a significant effect on thin films of
bitumen (3 microns) but that the effect decreases for thicker films.
Montepara et al. (1996) developed an ultraviolet ageing chamber for the long-term
ageing of conventional paving grade bitumen. The chamber uses a mercury gas lamp
with a frequency band between 180 and 315 nm (UVC and UVB). Bitumen is heated
to 140C and spread on glass plates (25 cm x 20 cm) to obtain a binder film thickness
of approximately 1.5 mm. The plates are then positioned on an ageing bench at a set
distance below the lamp and aged for 450 days (equivalent to approximately 2000
solar days). At 20-day intervals, bitumen samples from the glass plates are subjected
to standard physical tests (penetration, softening point and viscosity) as well as
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
(FTIR) testing. The results show clear evidence of volatilisation, oxidation and
polymerisation of the bitumen due to ageing under UV radiation.
Montepara and Giuliani (2000) compared the relative ageing produced by RTFOT,
UV radiation and PAV ageing. They subjected two conventional penetration grade
bitumens to UV radiation using a 2000 W, high UV ray density emission lamp for
equivalent solar exposure periods of 1, 2, 6 and 10 years after RTFOT ageing. The
results show that UV ageing produces a reduced ageing effect compared to PAV
Bocci and Cerni (2000) developed an alternative UV standardised ageing procedure.
The procedure attempts to simulate UV radiation exposure corresponding to 4.6 years
to 14.5 years as measured at 40 reference stations throughout Western Europe. This
accumulated radiation corresponds to a fixed energy quantity of 360,000 Wh/m2. In
the UV ageing method, 30 g of bitumen is placed in a container and heated to produce
a uniform layer of 1 mm. Identical containers are then placed in a specially prepared
radiation room equipped with an iron vapour light at high UVA, UVB and UVC
radiation emissions. The bitumen samples are then aged for between 12 and 35 days,
depending on their position in the room relative to the lamp, in order to accumulate
energy equal to 360,000 Wh/m2.
Initial trials with the UV ageing procedure, using a range of binders, show that
standard extended heating and oxidative procedures (RTFOT followed by PAV)
produce different ageing effects to that obtained from the photochemical process. This
indicates that the ageing results obtained by photochemical treatments cannot
generally be reproduced by thermal-oxidative treatments, particularly for binders that
are susceptible to UV ageing. There may therefore be a need to combine
photochemical techniques with extended heating and oxidative procedures to simulate
long-term field ageing of bituminous materials.
Edler et al. (1985) developed a weatherometer to simulate climatic conditions on the
road, with part of the test comprising UV light treatment. The weatherometer consists
of a cabinet housing a revolving sample holder, a temperature controlled environment,
an ultraviolet light source and a sprinkling device. The test consists of ageing 100
micron bitumen films, coated on 50 mm by 50 mm glass plates, at 65C during a 2
hour cycle comprising a 102 minute cycle of UV light only and 18 minutes of UV
light and water spray at a pressure of 300 kPa. Test durations of 32.5 hours, 73.5
hours, 7 days and 14 days were used.
Kuppens et al. (1997) used a special climate chamber (oven) to simulate the ageing of
porous asphalt under Dutch climatic conditions. The procedure consists of subjecting
bitumen, over a 24 hour period, to 16¼ hours of UV light at 50C, 4 hours rain with
NaCl at 40C, 1 hour water at 20C and 2¾ hours dry at -20C. The procedure
therefore attempts to simulate both field ageing and water damage and can be
repeated as often as required. However, evaluation of the procedure showed a very
poor correlation with field performance.
Microwave Ageing
Bishara et al. (2000) have developed a microwave method of ageing neat, unmodified
bitumen to give a product equivalent to that produced by the combined ageing
achieved with RTFOT followed by PAV ageing. The one-step approach consists of
subjecting bitumen to microwave radiation at a temperature of 147C and an air
pressure of 3.08 MPa for 4.5 hours at an output power of approximately 1000 W.
Based on physical as well as chemical analysis, the results from the microwave
method were found to be comparable to those obtained for RTFOT + PAV ageing.
Steric Hardening
Traxler (1963) identified molecular structuring (thixotropy), which results in steric
hardening, as one of his 15 effects that reduce the binding properties of bitumen.
Steric hardening is mostly reversed by heating or mechanically working the bitumen,
but a portion may be permanent depending on the composition of the bitumen.
However, there are currently no test methods that address steric hardening.
In addition to artificially ageing binders, a number of methods also exist for
artificially ageing the bituminous (asphalt) mixture. These can broadly be divided into
four categories:
Extended heating procedures;
Oxidation tests;
Ultraviolet/Infrared treatment; and
Steric hardening.
The basic procedure is to artificially age the mixture and then assess the effect of
ageing on key material parameters (eg stiffness, viscosity, strength etc). Extended
heating procedures typically expose the mixture to high temperatures for a specified
period(s) of time before suitable testing (eg compressive testing, tests on recovered
binder, etc). Oxidation tests typically utilise a combination of high temperature and
pressure oxidation to laboratory age specimens. Ultraviolet/infrared treatment
involves exposing specimens to either ultraviolet or infrared radiation.
Most of the initial studies on asphalt mixture ageing involved tests on the recovered
binder as detailed by Hubbard and Gollomb (1937) and Shattuck (1952).
Understandably these tests relied on acceptable and sound procedures for extracting
and recovering bitumen from the asphalt mixtures (Abson, 1933).
A large percentage of the initial laboratory ageing procedures used Ottawa sand as a
standard ‘aggregate’ with the tests being done with ultraviolet light as well as
extended exposure to heat and air (Lang and Thomas, 1939). A list of asphalt mixture
ageing tests is presented in Table II.
Extended Heating Procedures
Pauls and Welborn (1952) exposed 50 mm by 50 mm cylinders of an Ottawa sand
mixture to 163C (TFOT and RTFOT ageing temperature) for various time periods.
The compressive strength of the cylinders, as well as the consistency of the recovered
binder, were compared to that of the original (unaged) material. Results from this
study indicated that bitumen recovered from laboratory aged specimens or aged in the
TFOT could be used to assess the hardening properties of bitumens. However, the
results did not suggest that the TFOT could predict long-term field ageing.
Plancher et al. (1976) used a similar oven ageing procedure to age 25 mm thick by 40
mm diameter specimens at 150C for 5 hours. After this accelerated ageing, the
samples were cooled to 25C for 72 hours and subjected to resilient modulus tests.
Kemp and Predoehl (1981) aged Ottawa sand mixtures in an oven at 60C for up to
1200 hours. The bitumen was then recovered and tested. However they preferred to
use the TODT to age bitumen as it produced much larger quantities of bitumen
compared to the Ottawa sand mixtures.
Hugo and Kennedy (1985) oven aged asphalt specimens that had been cored from
laboratory compacted slabs at 100C for 4 or 7 days under either dry atmosphere or
80 percent relative humidity conditions. Bitumen, recovered from the aged cores, was
then subjected to viscosity testing. In addition, the samples were weighed before and
after ageing and the weight loss used to indicate volatile loss.
Most of the methods used for laboratory ageing of asphalt mixtures involve the ageing
of compacted asphalt mixture specimens. However, Von Quintas et al. (1988)
investigated the use of force draft oven ageing to simulate short-term ‘production’
hardening on loose mixture samples. In this method, loose asphalt material was heated
at 135C in a force draft oven for periods of 8, 16, 24 and 36 hours. Although this
method showed similar levels of ageing to those found in the field, there was
considerable scatter in the laboratory data.
Short and long-term ageing procedures were also developed under the SHRP-A-003A
project. The SHRP short-term oven ageing (STOA) procedure is based on the work
done by Von Quintas et al. (1988). The procedure requires loose mixtures, prior to
compaction, to be aged in a forced draft oven for 4 hours at 135C (AASHTO PP2).
The process was found to represent the ageing occurring during mixing and placing
and also represents pavements of less than two years (Bell et al., 1994; Monismith et
al., 1994).
Scholz (1995) developed a similar short-term ageing procedure to simulate the
amount of hardening which occurs during the construction process for continuously
graded mixtures. The procedure is similar to the SHRP STOA procedure except that
the temperature is either 135C or related to the desired compaction temperature,
whichever is higher, and that the period of conditioning is limited to two hours
(Brown and Scholz, 2000).
Von Quintas et al. (1988) also investigated long-term ageing using a force draft oven
where compacted asphalt mixture specimens were aged for 2 days at 60C followed
by 3 days at 107C. However, Bell (1989) comments that the elevated temperature
level used in the test may cause specimen disruption, particularly for high void
content and/or high penetration grade asphalt mixtures.
Two alternative long-term ageing procedures were developed under the SHRP-A003A project, namely long-term oven ageing (LTOA) of compacted specimens in a
force draft oven and low pressure oxidation (LPO) of compacted specimens in a
modified triaxial cell. The LTOA procedure requires that after STOA, the loose
material should be compacted and placed in a force draft oven at 85C for 5 days
(AASHTO PP2) (Harrigan et al., 1994). The parameters used for LTOA are meant to
represent 15 years of field ageing in a Wet-No-Freeze climate and 7 years in a DryFreeze climate. However, field validation of the LTOA indicates that 8 days at 85C
is equivalent to over 9 years for Dry-Freeze and over 18 years for Wet-No-Freeze; 2
days at 85C is equivalent to 2 to 6 years for both Dry-Freeze and Wet-No-Freeze;
and 4 days at 85C is equivalent to 15 years of field ageing in a Wet-No-Freeze
climate and 7 years in a Dry-Freeze climate (Bell et al., 1994; Monismith et al.,
1994). The details of the LPO procedure are given in section 2.2.2.
In association with his short-term procedure, Scholz (1995) developed a long-term
oven ageing procedure for compacted asphalt mixture specimens. The procedure is
identical to the SHRP LTOA procedure consisting of force draft oven ageing of
compacted specimens at 85C for 120 hours (Brown and Scholz, 2000).
Oxidative (Air Blowing) Procedures
Kumar and Goetz (1977) developed a method consisting of ageing specimens at 60C
for periods of 1, 2, 4, 6 and 10 days while ‘pulling’ air through the compacted
specimens at a constant head of 0.5 mm of water. The low head was used to avoid
turbulence in the air flow through the specimen.
A valuable feature of the research undertaken by Kumar and Goetz is the quantifying
of film thickness and permeability. For open graded mixtures, the ratio of film
thickness to permeability is the best predictor of resistance to ageing. However, for
dense mixtures, permeability is the best predictor. It should be noted that Goode and
Lufsey (1965) also concluded that permeability was a better indicator of ageing
susceptibility than void content. In addition to oven ageing of loose material and
compacted specimens, Von Quintas et al. (1988) also used a pressure oxidation
treatment. The procedure consisted of conditioning compacted specimens at 60C at a
pressure of 0.7 MPa for 5 to 10 days.
Kim et al. (1986) used a similar pressure oxidation treatment on compacted
specimens of Oregon mixtures. Samples were subjected to oxygen at 60C and 0.7
MPa for 0, 1, 2, 3 and 5 days. The effects of ageing were evaluated by indirect tensile
stiffness and indirect tensile fatigue. Although the stiffness results generally increased
with ageing, some mixtures showed an initial decrease in stiffness in the early part of
the ageing procedure. This was attributed to a loss of cohesion in the samples at the
temperature of 60C used in the ageing test. Similar results were found by Von
Quintas et al. (1988) and therefore some confinement of the samples may be desirable
at the elevated temperatures used in these tests. This will probably not be an issue for
high modulus materials.
One of the long-term ageing procedures that were developed under the SHRP-A003A programme was a LPO procedure, carried out on compacted specimens after
they had been short-term aged. The procedure consists of passing oxygen through a
confined triaxial specimen at 1.9 l/min at either 60C or 85C for a period of 5 days.
Khalid and Walsh (2001) developed a LPO test for accelerated ageing of porous
asphalt. The system consists of feeding compressed air, at a flow rate of 3 l/min,
through a series of heat exchange coils and then through a number of porous asphalt
samples (see Figure 3). A test temperature of 60C was used and a rubber membrane
was fitted over the samples to ensure that air flowed through the samples instead of
around its periphery. The technique has been shown to recreate the ageing effect
produced by the SHRP LTOA procedure, although due to its lower temperature,
longer ageing times are required (Khalid and Walsh, 2000).
Korsgaard et al. (1996) used the PAV to age gyratory compacted dense asphalt
mixture specimens rather than bitumen. Based on recovered binder properties they
determined an optimum ageing procedure consisting of PAV ageing for 72 hours at
2.07 MPa and 100C, but concede that 60 hours may be more appropriate for more
porous mixtures.
Ultraviolet and Infrared Light Treatments
Hveem et al. (1963) describe an infrared weathering test for Ottawa sand mixtures.
The test consists of subjecting the sand-bitumen mixture, in a semi-compacted state,
to infrared radiation at a constant mass temperature of 60C and a maintained air
stream across the specimen of 41C. The size distribution of the sand and the binder
content of 2 percent ensures a uniform film thickness of 5 to 7 microns. Based on the
calibration of the test, 1000 hours of exposure in the weathering machine is
approximately equal to 5 years field ageing.
Kemp and Predoehl (1981) also used an actinic light weathering test at a temperature
of 35C for 18 hours duration with 1000 MW/cm2 Angstrom actinic radiation. The
authors note that the weathering test only measures the hardening within the outer 5
microns of the bitumen film irrespective of different bitumen film thicknesses.
Hugo and Kennedy (1985) used two approaches to evaluate the effect of UV radiation
on asphalt mixtures. The first method was similar to that used by Traxler (1963) to
age bitumen and used 54 hours of UV exposure. The second method used an Atlas
weatherometer for a period of 14 days. Compared to the weatherometer used by Edler
et al. (1985) to age pure binder, the levels of ageing were found to be considerable
Tia et al. (1988) used a series of ageing procedures consisting of convection oven
ageing at 60C, force draft oven ageing at 60C and ultraviolet light ageing at 60C
for various periods. They recommended an improved ageing procedure incorporating
both ultraviolet light and forced draft oven heating. In addition they identified UVlight as a major cause of mixture ageing although the resultant effect is a surface one
or at least not at any significant depth into the mixture.
Steric Hardening
The only test method that attempts to measure the steric hardening of paving grade
bitumens is the cohesiograph test (Hveem et al., 1963). The test involves making four
305 mm long semi-cylindrical specimens using Ottawa sand. Two of the specimens
are tested immediately in the cohesiograph whereby the long, slender specimens are
extruded out of a support such that they act as cantilevers and break into short
sections at the test temperature of 23C. The remaining two specimens are tested in
the same way after being cured at 60C for 24 hours. Any differences between the
two sets can be attributed to oxidative ageing, volatile loss or ‘structuring’ of the
bitumen. However, if the cured (second set) specimens are remoulded and re-tested
and the readings reduce to that of the unaged (first set) specimens then any differences
can be attributed to steric hardening rather than oxidative ageing or volatile loss.
The ageing of asphalt mixtures occurs essentially in two phases, namely short-term
and long-term. Short-term ageing is primarily due to volatilisation of the bitumen
within the asphalt mixture during mixing and construction, while long-term ageing is
due to oxidation and some steric hardening in the field. Tests related to the ageing of
bituminous materials can be divided into tests performed on the bitumen and those
performed on the asphalt mixture.
The most commonly used short-term binder ageing tests are the high temperature
TFOT and RTFOT used to simulate the hardening that occurs during asphalt mixture
production. Considerable evidence exists to indicate that the RTFOT and similar
extended, high temperature, heating test methods are able to simulate short-term
ageing for conventional bituminous binders. However, operational difficulties
associated with the ageing of PMBs has necessitated the modification of the RTFOT
testing procedure and apparatus with the positioning of steel rods within the glass
bottles to reduce binder films and prevent roll-out. In addition, bitumen aged in the
TFOT and RTFOT experience higher volatile loss during testing compared to that
experienced during low temperature field ageing of pavement mixtures, while the
levels of oxidative ageing in the tests is considerably lower than that found during
field ageing. Therefore these extended heating tests have a limited ability to estimate
the long-term ageing of bitumen in asphalt pavements.
Based on the inability of these high temperature oven ageing tests to predict field
ageing, tests such as the Shell Microfilm Test, RMFOT, TFAAT and others were
introduced with reduced temperatures and increased ageing times. However, most of
these tests tend to produce relatively small quantities of aged bitumen for further
testing or require excessively long ageing times to age larger quantities of binder.
Currently, the most commonly used binder tests to simulate long-term ageing are the
PAV and RCAT. In terms of long-term ageing, no one test seems to be satisfactory
for all cases and the RCAT method, based on a kinetic approach to ageing, is
probably the most acceptable. Like the RCAT method, the HiPAT procedure makes
use of a lower temperature and extended time to simulate long-term ageing, compared
to the PAV.
The most promising methods for short-term ageing of asphalt mixtures are extended
heating of the loose material and extended mixing. The most promising methods for
long-term ageing of mixtures include extended oven ageing, such as the SHRP longterm oven ageing method, pressure oxidation, using low pressure oxidation as well as
pressurised procedures, and ultraviolet and infrared light treatments. In terms of sun
radiation, the high absorption coefficient of bitumen in the ultraviolet range means
that the influence of UV is limited to the top 1 to 2 mm of the surface and can
generally be neglected. However, the influence of infrared radiation should not be
neglected as its absorption results in considerable increase in mean temperature which
simulates oxidative reactions in the bitumen.
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TABLE I Bitumen Ageing Methods
Test method
Sample size
Film thickness
Extra features
Thin film oven test (TFOT) (Lewis and Welborn,
1940) – ASTM D1754, EN 12607-2
Modified thin film oven test (MTFOT) (Edler et al.,
Rolling thin film oven test (RTFOT) (Hveem et al.,
1963) – AASHTO T240, ASTM D2872, EN12607-1
Extended rolling thin film oven test (ERTFOT) (Edler
et al., 1985)
Nitrogen rolling thin film oven test (NRTFOT)
(Parmeggiani, 2000)
Rotating Flask Test (RFT) – DIN 52016, EN12607-3
5 hours
50 g
3.2 mm
24 hours
100 m
75 minutes
35 g
1.25 mm
8 hours
35 g
1.25 mm
75 minutes
35 g
1.25 mm
150 minutes
100 g
Shell microfilm test (Griffin et al, 1955)
2 hours
5 m
Air flow – 4000
Air flow – 4000
N2 flow – 4000
Flask rotation –
20 rpm
Modified Shell microfilm test (Hveem et al., 1963)
Modified Shell microfilm test (Traxler, 1961; Halstead
and Zenewitz, 1961)
Rolling microfilm oven test (RMFOT) (Schmidt and
Santucci, 1969)
Modified RMFOT (Schmidt, 1973)
24 hours
2 hours
20 m
15 m
24 hours
0.5 g
20 m
48 hours
0.5 g
20 m
Tilt-oven durability test (TODT) (Kemp and Predoehl,
Alternative TODT (McHattie, 1983)
168 hours
35 g
1.25 mm
1.04 mm 
100 hours
35 g
1.25 mm
TABLE I Bitumen Ageing Methods (continued)
Test method
Sample size
Film thickness
Extra features
130C or
24 hours
72 hours
75 minutes
160 m
35 g
1.25 mm
3 mm 
Steel rods
1000 hours
3.2 mm
Pressure oxidation bomb (POB) (Edler et al., 1985)
96 hours
Accelerated ageing test device / Rotating cylinder
ageing test (RCAT) (Verhasselt and Choquet 1991)
Pressure ageing vessel (PAV) (Christensen and
Anderson 1992)
70C to 110C
144 hours
TFOT residue –
50 g
500 g
3.2 mm
High pressure ageing test (HiPAT) (Hayton et al.,
TFOT residue –
50 g
RTFOT residue
– 50 g
2.07 MPa –
pure oxygen
2.07 MPa –
pure oxygen
4 to 5 l/hr –
pure oxygen
2.07 MPa – air
3.2 mm
2.07 MPa – air
Thin film accelerated ageing test (TFAAT) (Petersen,
Modified rolling thin film oven test (RTFOTM) (Bahia
et al., 1998)
Iowa durability test (IDT) (Lee 1973)
90C to 110C
20 hours
65 hours
30 m
2 mm
TABLE II Asphalt Mixture Ageing Methods
Test method
Sample size
Extra features
Production ageing (Von Quintas et al., 1988)
8, 16, 24, 36 hours
Loose material
SHRP short-term oven ageing (STOA)
4 hours
Loose material
Bitutest protocol (Scholz 1995)
2 hours
Loose material
Ottawa sand mixtures (Pauls and Welborn 1952)
Various periods
50 mm x 50 mm
Plancher (1976)
5 hours
25 mm x 40 mm 
Ottawa sand mixtures (Kemp and Predoehl 1981)
1200 hours
Hugo and Kennedy (1985)
4 or 7 days
80% relative humidity
Long-term ageing (Von Quintas et al., 1988)
2 days
Compacted specimens
3 days
SHRP long-term oven ageing (LTOA)
5 days
Compacted specimens
Bitutest protocol (Scholz 1995)
5 days
Compacted specimens
Kumar and Goetz (1977)
1, 2, 4, 6, 10 days
Compacted specimens
Air at 0.5 mm of water
Long-term ageing (Von Quintas et al., 1988)
5 to 10 days
Compacted specimens
0.7 MPa - air
Oregon mixtures (Kim et al., 1986)
0, 1, 2, 3, 5 days
Compacted specimens
0.7 MPa - air
SHRP low pressure oxidation (LPO)
60C or 85C
5 days
Compacted specimens
Oxygen – 1.9 l/min
Khalid and Walsh (2001)
Up to 25 days
Compacted specimens
Air – 3 l/min
PAV mixtures (Korsgaard et al., 1996)
72 hours
Compacted specimens
2.07 MPa - air
FIGURE 1 Rotating Cylinder Ageing Test (after Verhasselt, 2000)
FIGURE 2 Pressure Ageing Vessel (after Christensen and Anderson, 1992)
FIGURE 3 Low Pressure Oxidation Technique for Porous Asphalt (after Khalid
and Walsh, 2002)
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