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Surface Profile Measurement of Blast Cleaned Steel - ASTM D4417

This international sumdard was developcd in accordunce with internationally recognized principies on standardization established in the Deci ion on Principies for the
Development of lnternational tandard Guides and Recommendations i ued by the World Tn1de Organization Teclmical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committec.
Designation: D4417 -19
Standard Test Methods for
Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned
Steel 1
TI1is ,rnndard is issucd undcr thc fixcd dcsignation 04417; thc numbcr immecliatcly following thc dcsignation indicatcs thc ycar of
original adoption or, in the case of re ision, thc year of la l reví ion. A numbcr in parcnthcsc indicates thc year of la�t rcapproval. A
upcrscript cpsilon (e) indicatcs an editorial changc sincc the last reví ion or reapproval.
This srandard has bee11 approved for use bv agencies of rhe U.S. Deparrmem of Defense.
1. Scope
l. l These te t method cover the de cripüon of technique
for measuring the profile of abrasive blast cleaned urface in
the field. There are other techniques suitable for laboratory use
not covered by the e test method '.
1.2 Method B may also be appropriate to the measurement
of profile produced by using power tools.
OTE 1-The Method B procedure in this standard was developed for
use on Hat surfaces. Depending on the radius of the surface, the results
could have greater variability with lower values and averages.
J .3 SSPC standard SSPC-PA J 7 provides additional guid­
ance for determining conformance with surface profile require­
1.4 The values stated in SI uníts are to be regarded a the
standard. The values given in parenthe es are for information
1.5 This standard does no, purport to address all o.f 1he
safety concerns, i any, associated wilh its use. lt is 1he
responsibility of the user of 1his standard to es1ablish appro­
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter­
mine the applicability of regulato1y limitations prior to use.
1.6 This international s1andard was developed in accor­
dance with in1ema1ionally recognized principies on s1andard­
i:;atio11 established in 1he Decision 011 Principies for 1he
Developme111 of lnternational Standards, Cuides a11d Recom­
mendations issued by the World Trade Organiz.ation Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
' Thcse le ·t mcthods are undcr the jurisdiction of i\STJ\•f Commiucc DO I on
Paint and Rclatcd Coatings. Matcrials. and 1\pplications and are thc din:ct
re ·pon ·ibilily of Subcommillcc 001.46 on Tndustri.11 Protcctivc Coatings.
Currcnt cdition approvcd 0cc. 1, 2019. Publishcd Dcccmbcr 2019. Originally
approvecl in 1984. last previous edition approvcd in 2014 as 04417 - 14. DOT:
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D7 I 27 Test Method for Measurement of Surface Roughnes
of Abrasive Blast Cleaned Metal Surfaces Using a Por­
table Stylus lnstrument
E 177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in
ASTM Test Methods
E69 J Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to
Determine the Preci ion of a Te r Method
2.2 SSPC Siandard: 3
SSPC-PA 17 Procedure for Determining Conformance to
Steel Profile/Surface Roughness/Peak Count Require­
2.3 ASME Standard:�
ASME B46. l-2002 Surface Texrure, Surface Roughne
Wavine s and Lay
2.4 ISO Standards: 5
ISO 4287: 1997 Geometrical Product Specifications
(GPS)-Surface Texture: Profile Method-Terms,
Definition , and Surface Parameters
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
For rcfcrenccd ASTM standards. visit the ASTM wcbsite. or
contact ASTM Customcr Scrvicc at [email protected]. For Amwa/ Book of ASTM
Srandards volumc inforrnation. refer to thc standard's Documcm Sumrnary pagc on
thc ASTM web itc.
-' Availablc from Socicty for Prolcctivc Coatings (SSPC), 800 Trnmbull Dr..
Piu·burgh. Pi\ 15205. http://www.·
• Availablc from American Socicty of Mcchanical Enginccrs (ASME). i\SME
Tmcmational Headqumtcrs, Two Pmk Ave.. Ncw York. •
10016-5990. http://
w, w.a ·
i\vailablc from Intcmational Organizaiion for Standardization (ISO). ISO
Ccnlrnl SccrctariaL BTBC Il. Chcmin de Blandonncl 8. CP �O l. 12 P Vernier.
Gcncva. Switzcrland. hllp://
Copynght@ ASTM lntemational, 100 Barr Harbor Orive. PO Box C700, Wes1 Conshohocken. PA 19428-2959. United Slates