FOOD AND NUTRITION My name is Virginia Bernal and I chose the topic of FOOD AND NUTRITION because the last years everybody is talking about if the food we eat is healthy and nutritional, and I think that people should know how essential is to eat well to be healthy. 1) Definition.Eating healthy means getting enough vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, and limiting unhealthy foods and drinks. So to eat healthy, be sure to get plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. Also you can eat proteins coming from seafood, lean meats, eggs or beans (peas, seeds, and nuts too). It's also important to limit: • Sodium (salt). • Added sugars – like refined sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup, and honey. • Saturated fats, which come from animal products (cheese, fatty meats, whole milk, and butter) and plant products (palm and coconut oils). • Trans fats, which may be in foods like stick margarines, junk foods, and some desserts. • Refined grains which are in foods like cookies, white bread, and some snack foods. 2) Benefits of eating healthy.• Eating healthy is good for your overall health since it can help you to get the right balance of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. • It will help you feel your best and have plenty of energy. • It can also help you manage your weight. • It will lower your risk for certain chronic diseases (like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or some types of cancer). • It can help you handle stress better. 3) How do you get started on healthy eating.Healthy eating starts with smart food choices, such as: - adding more fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and - cutting back on foods that have a lot of fat, salt, and sugar Then, there are some small changes to start to eat healthy: • Don't try to change everything at once. At first, set an easy goal you can reach (like having a salad and a piece of fruit each day) and then make a long-term goal too (such as having one vegetarian dinner a week). • Ask family and friends to practice healthy eating with you. You could make meals together, and share healthy, delicious recipes and cooking tips. • Listen to your body. Eat until you are satisfied instead of full and more slowly. • Start cooking healthier by baking, broiling, steaming, or boiling more often than frying (hornear, asar, al vapor o hervir). 4) Healthy shopping in the supermarket.The next time you go food shopping: • Try to buy in small shops (butcher shop, fish shop, bakery, grocery store...) • Make a shopping list and only buy what's on your list. • Don't shop while you are hungry (eat something before). • Read the nutrition facts label and the ingredients list too. • Use these tips to buy healthy foods: - Try a variety of vegetables and fruits in different colours. - Look for low-sodium foods from this list. - Choose fat-free or low-fat dairy products. - Replace old favourites with options that have fewer calories and less saturated fat. - Choose foods with whole grains. - Buy lean meat and poultry and other foods with protein like eggs, fish, seafood, and beans. 5) Eat healthy away from home.You can make smart food choices wherever you are – at work, in your favourite restaurant, or enjoying outdoors-, even when you are away from home: • At lunch, have a sandwich on whole-grain bread instead of white bread. • Skip the soda or cola, you can drink water instead. • In a restaurant, choose plates that are steamed, baked, or grilled instead of fried. • On a long drive or shopping trip, pack healthy snacks like fruit, unsalted nuts, or low-fat cheese sticks. 6) Nutrition and children.If your children regularly eat a wide variety of basic foods, they will be wellnourished. Here are some ways you can help support your child's healthy eating habits: • Eat together as a family as often as possible. Keep family meals pleasant and positive. • Do nothing else during the meal other than talking and enjoying each other - no TV or other distractions. • If they see how you eat healthy, they will copy our behaviour. • Make physical activity a part of your family's daily life. 7) What are the risks of eating poorly? • A person with poor eating habits is going to be poorly nourished. • That means he or she won't be getting the amounts of nutrients needed for healthy development. • This can lead to being underweight or overweight. • Poorly nourished person tend to have weaker immune systems, which increases their chances of illness (heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or high cholesterol). Poor eating habits include: • Eating a very limited variety of foods. • Refusing to eat entire groups of foods, such as vegetables. • Eating too many foods of poor nutritional quality, such as soft drinks, chips, and doughnuts. • Overeating from being served large portions, more than they need. 8) Is healthy eating the same as going on a diet? Healthy eating is not a diet. It means making changes you can live with and enjoy for the rest of your life. Diets are temporary. And after you stop dieting, you also may over-eat to make up for what you missed. Ajo Garlic Aguacate Avocado Alcachofa Artichoke Albericoque Apricot Apio Celery Arándano Bilberry Boniato Sweet potato Caqui Persimmon Berenjena Eggplant Cereza Cherry Berro Watercress Ciruela Plum Brécol Broccoli Dátil Date Calabacín Marrow Frambuesa Raspberry Calabaza Pumpkin Fresa Strawberry Cebolla Onion Granada Pomegranate Cebolleta Chive Grosella Currant Col rizada Kale Grosella negra Black currant Col ; berza Cabbage Higo Fig Coles Bruselas Brussel sprouts Higo chumbo Prickly pear Coliflor Cauliflower Kiwi Kiwi fruit Endivia Endive Limón Lemon Espárrago Asparagus Mandarina Tangerine Espinaca Spinach Mango Mango Guisante Pea Melocotón Peach Haba Broad bean Melón Melon Judía verde French bean Membrillo Quince Lechuga Lettuce Mora Mulberry Nabo Turnip Naranja Orange Pepino Cucumber Nectarina Nectarine Perejil Parsley Níspero Medlar Pimiento Pepper Papaya Papaya Pim morrón Sweet pepper Pera Pear Puerro Leek Piña Pineapple Rábano Radish Plátano Banana Rábano pic Horseradish Pomelo Grapefruit Remolacha Beet ; Beetroot Sandia Watermelon Seta ; Hongo Mushroom Uva Grape Zanahoria Carrot Zarzamora Blackberry Beicon Bacon Abadejo Cod Carne blanca White meat Almeja Clam Carne bovina Beef Anchoa Anchovy Carne de carnero Mutton Arenque Herring Carne de cerdo Pork Atún Tuna (fish) Carne cordero Lamb Bacalao Cod Carne de gallina Chicken Besugo Sea bream Carne de ternera Veal Bonito Tuna ; Bonito Carne de venado Venison Boquerón Anchovy Carne magra Lean meat Caballa Mackerel Carne picada Mince ; Ground meat Calamar Squid Cangrejo de mar Crab Carne roja Red meat Cangrejo de río Crayfish Carne sin hueso Boned meat Caracol Winkle Chorizo Hard pork sausage Centollo Spider crab Codorniz Quail Dorada Gilthead Costilla Cutlet Gamba Prawn Embutido Sausage Langosta ; Bogavante Lobster Fiambre Served cold Langostino Prawn Hígado Liver Lenguado Sole Jamón Ham Lubina Sea bass Jamón cocido Boiled ham Jamón serrano Parma ham Marisco Shellfish ; Seafood Mortadela Mortadella Mejillones Mussel Paté Pâté Merluza Hake Pato Duck Mero Grouper Pavo Turkey Ostras Oysters Perdiz Partridge Pulpo Octopus Pollo Chicken Rape Angler fish Salami Salami Salmón Salmon Salchicha Sausage Salmonete Red mullet Salchichón Salami type sausage Sardina Sardine Trucha Trout Arroz Rice Almendra Almond Avena Oats Toasted almond Canelones Cannelloni Almendra tostada Centeno Rye Alubia ; Habichuela Kidney bean Cereales Cereals Avellana Hazelnut Espaguetis Spaghetti Cacahuete Peanut Fideo Noodle Castaña Chestnut Harina Flour Frutos secos Dry fruits, nuts Garbanzos Chickpeas Harina de arroz Ground rice Harina de avena Oatmeal Guisantes secos Dried peas Harina de maíz Corn flour Habas secas Dried broad beans Harina de trigo Wheat meal Higo seco Dried fig Harina integral Wholemeal flour Kiko Toasted maize Macarrones Macaroni Legumbres Legume Pan Bread Pan blanco White bread Legumbres secas Dried legumes Pan casero Homemade bread Lenteja Lentil Nuez de Brasil Brazil nut Pan de centeno Rye Bread Nuez de nogal Walnut Thin-crusted bread Pasa Raisin Pan de molde Pasa de Corinto Currant Pan duro Stale bread Pipa Sunflower seed Pan moreno Brown bread Pistacho Pistachio Pan rallado Breadcrumbs Pan tierno Fresh bread Pan tostado Toast Pasta Pasta Trigo Wheat Almorzar To have lunch Merienda Afternoon tea Almuerzo Lunch Merienda cena High tea Apetito Appetite Nutrición Nutrition Asar To roast Coffee break Asar a la parrilla To grill Pausa para tomar un café Beber To drink Pelar To peel Calentar To heat Plato fuerte Main course Cantina Canteen Poner la mesa To lay the table Carta de vinos Wine list Postre Sweet ; Dessert Casa de comidas Cafe (U.K.); diner (USA) Preparar la comida To make lunch Cena Dinner ; Supper Quitar la mesa To clear the table Cenar To have dinner Remover To stir Cocer al horno To bake Sed Thirst Cocinar ; Cocer To cook Servir To serve Comedor Dining room Servir la mesa To wait at table Comer To eat Sopa Soup Cortar To cut; to chop Tener hambre To be hungry Desayunar To have breakfast Tener sed To be thirsty Desayuno Breakfast Tentempié Snack Descongelar To defrost Entremés Hors d'oeuvre Estofar ; Guisar To stew Freír To fry Glotonería Gluttony Hambre Hunger Hervir To boil Hora de cenar Dinnertime Hora del almuerzo/de la comida Lunchtime Hora del té Teatime Libro de cocina Cookbook Abrelatas Tin opener Lavaplatos Batidora Food mixer Olla Pot Bol ; Tazón Bowl Olla de presión Cafetera Coffee pot Pressure cooker Cazo Saucepan Panera Bread bin Cazuela Casserole Plato ; Fuente Dish Cazuela ; Puchero Plato sopero Soup plate Pan Sacacorchos Corkscrew Cocina Cooker Sartén Frying pan Congelador Freezer Secadora Tumble-dryer Cubertería Cutlery Taburete Stool Cubo de la basura Rubbish bin Tapadera de un cazo Lid of a pot Cuchara Spoon Taza Cup Cuchara de postre Dessertspoon Tenedor Fork Tetera Teapot Tijeras Scissors Tostadora Toaster Vajilla Crockery Vaso Glass Cuchara de servir Tablespoon Cuchara sopera Soup spoon Cucharilla Teaspoon Cucharón ; Cazo de servir Ladle Cuchillo Knife Cuchillo del pan Bread knife Fregadero Sink Frigorífico ; Nevera Fridge Gratinador ; Parrilla Grill Grifo Tap Horno Oven Horno microondas Microwave (oven) Jarra Jug Lavadora Washing machine Lavavajillas ; Dishwasher