TESTVOURSETF3rrswEns T hese are th e a nswersto t he Tes t Your s elf O ues t ionsin U n i t 9 6 . 1. Preguntas acerca de vosotros y de vuestro(a) amigo(a). lHe J Answer'l'm fa tt er ' or ' l' m t hinner ' . t n" n," I does'or'*..{ ,n" } c) Answer,t"r,{ ,n" ¡ , I a) Bre nd a'sskirt is B. 3. a) b) c) Good, be¿¿er,best. Bad, worse, worsf. Do you want a single or a return licket? 4. a) b) c) Asia. A mile . The y are th e sam e! 5. a) (Co uld lh ave) a t our is t c las s t ic k et t o Pa r i s , olease? | d on 't ag ree . Could you tell me the quickest way to the stat¡on, b) c) ) ,ñ" ¡ .u"' -l A n s w e r 'Y e s , I w o u l d ' o r 'N o , I w o u l d n 't '. Answer 'l'd like to be a ...' (y decid lo que os gustaría ser). h) would like to be a ...' (y decid { S';" } lo que a vuestro amígo(a)le gustaría ser). Answer' C a r o l 'ss k i r t i s A 2. I He I .. i s otder' . sñ" } f) g) doesn't'. b) A nsw er' t' m otder'or.' { Answer'tcan'or't 'N", { l:^ } i.n't'o'. a) Answer'ves, { ll^ } 'tshet lsnef ''', h," ,ruo, I u,-nl. ,hun ,, { , } {( t :n:""'} --'Ishe aller b) d) f l-la l c) A n n 's s k i r t i s C . d) e) f) Was that cheap or expensive? Fastenyour seat belts. No smoking. d) e) f) please? Wa i t h e r e ( a m o m e n t ) ( p l e a s e ) What's the matter?/What ¡s it? Havea good trip! UNITR 97 ili Nffif W E W En esta unidad aprenderéis a hablar de fa que habéis hecho a de lo que han hecho |as demás. Eneontraréis también alguna información acerca de un muchaeho de Nigeria y la forma de predecir el futura por media de fas hoias de té. s7/ j p@Y@q,tRffieñffieñ8ffiR @ A puzzle. a --\ a4 NUMBER 4 8 MINUTES 9 MINUTES 11 MINUTES NUMBER 1 14 MINUTES rds in the box. Then answerthe Robin'stime is betterthan Adam's. Adam's time is not as bad as Paul's. Martin'stime is better than Robin's. Paul'stime is worse than Martin's. Adam's time is not as good as Martin's or Robin's. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9 1/ 2 What number is Robin? What numberis Martin? What number is Paul? What number is Adam? Whose time was the best? Whose tirnewas the worst? es#g ,& r',1 *hf-:-ffi rfi N+J-[ r) I.: ' ' i IANGUAGE ES- Miss Peel has arrived. Míss Peel ha llegado. Read the words and listento the tape. Then listen againand say the sentences. fll o----o l--Miss Peel has arrivedon the moon. She is at a hotel. Have you got a room for a few nights? Receptionist: A single room or a double room? Miss Peel: A single,,please. Receptionist: With or without a bath? Miss Peel: with a bath, please. Receptioníst: Could I have your passport, please? Miss Peel: Yes ... hereyou are. Receptionist: Thank you. Have you come from the Earth? Miss Peel: Yes. I have. Receptionist: Have you been to the moon before? Miss Peel: No. I haven't. Receptionist: Haveyou got any suitcases? Miss Peel: No, I haven't. My suitcases haven't arrived. But they'll be herelater. Receptionist: I see. Right. Room 168 on the ninety-seventh floor. Here's your key. Herbert, show Miss Peel to her room. Herbert: This way, madam. ... Going down! Miss Peel: Are all the hotels underground on the moon? Herbert: Yes, of course! Miss Peel: How interestingl Miss Peel: a singleroom una habitación individual a doubleroom una habitacióndoble Haveyou beento ¿Haestadousteden the moon before? la luna antes? come(came-come) venir (Ellos/as)nohan They haven't arrived. llegado. a key una llave 97/3 IESWhere have they been? Where haven't they been? r Paris London Geneva Barcelona Some tourists have been to Europe'They have been to the towns in the Photographs. Can you answer the questions? 1. Have they been to 2. Have they been to 3. Have they been to 4. Have they been to 5. Have they been to 6. Have they been to 97/4 Paris? Brussels? Rome? Barcelona? Hamburg? New York? Rome Answers on page 16. Have the children finished school? ¿Han terminado la escuela los niños? ml @ ww Look at the picture and then answer the questions in the box. You'll need these words: he Ves,I she has. he *o, Ishe hasn't. No, they haven't, Yes, they have. school? Havethe "r'iloi"ni¡nished football their 2. Have the boys finished 1. match? 3 . Has the teacheroPenedthe gate? 4 . Has the woman Posted her letter? 5 . Has the man rePairedhis bike? A nswers on pa ge 16 . PRONUNCIATION Here'sa rhyme,Listento it on the tape.Then listenagainand say each lineafter the tape. l;, *,:fr Riga (capital de Letonia) who went for a que fue a cabalgar ride on a t¡ger sabre un tigre the ride el paseo (cabialgando) inside dentro Riga Therewas a young lady from Riga, Who went for a ride on a tiger. They finishedthe ride With the lady inside, And a smileon the face of the tiger. r SONG Song. Polly, put the kettle on. La música de estacanciónProcede de un baile PoPular de lnglaterra, conocido desde el sigto XVIll. La letra fue e'scríta por el autor inglés George Leybourne hacia 1870. Mu' chas veces,al cantar esta canción, en lugar de Suzie se dice Sukey. (J :116) Allegretto Pol - ly Pol- ly Pui put lhe ker - tle on on, we'll lhe tet- tle Su- ¡ie Su - z¡e lake all take hav¿ tea it oll a -gain, theYve all gone a -way. lt;:i,: r., ::l:lri;'' :,:f,::l ::1 l 1 .:: lt.']1t.,', t 'rl:l: Polly,put the kettleonl, Polly,put the kettle on, Polly,put the kettle on. We'll all havetea. Suzie,take it off2again, Suzie,take it off again, Suzie,take it off again. They've all gone away3. tpon el hervidor b calentar) 29uítalo,retíralo 3Sehan ido todos. 97/7 E ES- Have you heard a Martian trumpet? ¿Ha oído usted una trompeta marcíana? Read the words and listen to the tape. listenagainand say the sentences. Miss Peel: What's that? Herbert: It's a Martian trumpet. Have you been to Mars? Miss Peel: No, I haven't. Herbert: Oh, l've visited Mars several Miss Peel: Herbert: Miss Peel: Herbert: Miss Peel: Herbert: Miss Peel: Herbert: 97/8 times. I was on Mars six months ago. Have you heard a Martiantrumpet? No, I haven't. Well, listen! (He plays.) Do you like it? Yes, it's very... interesting! Have you had lessons? Oh yes, l've had lessons.My teacher taught me very well ... and l'm very good at playing the trumpet. Yes, l'm sure you are. ls it difficult? No, it's easy. Try it. (Miss Peel tries.) No, it isn't easy. lt's very difficult, Herbert. Ah. the 97th floor. Here we arel I havevisited... six monthsago teach (taught-taught) a fesson I have had lessons f'm verygoodat... he visitado... hace seísmeses enseñar una lección, una clase he tomadoleccíones soy muy buenoen ... What are they good at? Look at the pictures and at the example. Can you answerthe other questions? 1. What is he good at? 2. What is she good at? 3. What is he good at? a. An s w e rso n p a g e1 6 . b. He's good at jumping. What are they good at? What are they good at? 97/9 KgASsN6 Readingabout a schoolboy i n N igeria. :{ e \ T;i li--i,. í, :1í '{,,11. kry A lot of African countries use English There are a lot of different countries in Africa and a lot of languages,so a lot of African countries use English, too. In Nigeria,for example,childrenlearn English at school. Bola is Nigerian.He is thirteen years old and he lives in a village in the north of Nigeria. Kano is the nearest town. But Bola's school is a long way away from the village, so he doesn't live at home, he lives at school. lt is very hot there, so he often has lessonsoutside. All the boys wear a school uniform: it is white for lessons,light-brown for work and blue for best. In the holidays, Bola goes back home by bus. He wants to be a doctor later. 9 7/ 1O Nigerian boy Village in the north of Nigeria a long way away from muy lejos de a village un pueblo a schoofuniform un uniformeescolar losdíasfestivos the holidays Nigerian school African doctor 97/11 HOWTO DO IT? How to tell fortunes from tea-leaves. I lnstructions: You must make the tea with tea-leaves. You can't use tea-bags!Use a white cup. Then you can see the leavesbetter.When you have finished your tea, leave a little tea (with the tea-leaves)at the bottom of the cup. Then ... 1. Turn the tea round in the cup several times from right to left. 2. Put the cup upside-downon a saucer and leaveit for a few minutes. 3. Then look insidethe cup. 4. The leaves on the left of the handle are 'what has happened';the leaves on the right of the handleare 'what is happeningnow' and 'what is going to happen'. 5. Now read the leaves. upside-down boca abajo handle asa platillo saucer whose cuyo 9 7/ 12 A line of leaves: This meansyou will travel. The longerthe line,the longerthe trip' A lot of small leaves: MoneY. Leaves at the bottom of the cuP: Thesesométimesmean bad luck' Dark leaves: Men. Light-brown leaves: Women. A bird: A small bird meansnews. A lot of leaves round a srnall bird mean bad news. A big bird means good news. lf you can see a letter (A, B, ...) near the bird, the news will come from someone whose name startswith that letter. A cat: Means "home" You will be haPPY at home. Clothes: Clothes mean something new will happen or something new has happened. A coat means You will move house. A hat means you will have very good luck, or you have had verY good luck. ,4 shoe often means you will travel or you havetravelled. A dog: You have got a good friend (a letter near the dog tells you the name of your friend). A fish: The best and happiest picture in tea-leaves.Very good luck. A hand: You aren't trying very hard. You shouldtry harder. A horse: Someonelikesyou and is thinking about you. A horseshoe: Very good luck. A moon: News. The nearer the edge of the cup, the sooner You will get the news. A ship: You will have news from a f riend- the f riendis far awaY. A snake: Bad luck. Look out! A stan At the top of the cup, this means you will be happy. At the bottom of the cup, it means you will be unhaPPYfor some days, but then You will be haPPY again. A lot of stars means a lot of children. A tree: You want something. 97/13 w@R@6&PffiffiA&ffig he has arrived has she arrived? they haven't arrived a lesson a key a tiger a handle a saucer a kettle a village a uniform the holidays a singleroom a double room severaltimes inside before have you been here before? six months ago how long ago did you arrive? see (saw-seen) go (went-gone) come (came-come) be (was-been) teach (taught-taught) hear (heard-heard) have (had-had) ride (rode-ridden) they've gone away inside 97/14 Gl) ha llegado ¿ha llegado ella? bllos) no han llegado una lección, una clase una llave un tigre un asa un platillo un hervidor de agua un pueblo un uniforme los días festivos una ha b ita ción in divid uaI una habitación doble varías veces dentro antes ¿ha estado usted aquí antes? hace seis meses ¿cuánto tiempo hace que llegó? ver ir venir ser, estar enseñar oír haber, tener cabalgar (ellos) se han ido uniforms ¡ii rrr rn :' i:'..,: he has arrived a single room 97/15 PANENTS'PAOE Song. (J :t t o¡ ntbsreno thc kd - fs Su - rie Polly, put the kettle on. take ¡t ofl a - ga¡n, Su -z¡e Su - zic m ffi, ¡+l-t-ft, rffin ffi Indicaciones para padres y educadores take it otf tale it a -gain, they'vg of a -ga¡n, a - way- c ffi ffi mTrn t-t-TTf-t ffi conocida y permite practicar la pronunciaciónde los sonidos lfl] l-/-------\-¡ Itl., ldl v lgl. Estetipo de r¡ma, llamada l¡mer¡ck (composición de cinco versos,siempre cómica y absurda),es muy popular en Gran Bretaña. Los niños la escuchan lntegramente; luego la escuchan de nuevo, deteniendo la c¡nta tras cada verso con el fin de poderlorepetir, Página 7. Cancióntradicional,muy conocida por los niños ingleses,que permite practicar la pronunc¡ac¡óndel sonido ltl y que prei l @ tl t-7---'--l sentaun elemplode la forma verbalhave gone. Página 8. Diálogo que iniroduce la expresióngood at...; además.prelndicaciones refe¡entes a las páginas de la presente unidad senta algunos nuevos ejemplosde verbos irregularesen pres_ Página L ent perfect y la fórmula ago. Los niños miran las ilustraPáginade introducciónque presentael present polect. Página 2. Repasodel comparat¡vo(worse) y del superlativo(worstl del ciones y escuchan la cinta. Después escuchan la c¡nta de adjetivobad (enseñadosen las unidades95 y 96), asf como de nuevoy repitenlas frases. otros comparat¡vosy del caso posesivo's. Los niños m¡ran Página9. Otro ejercicio dedicadoa la expresióngood at (do¡ng somelos t¡empos indicados en la ilustración, leen las frases que thingf. Los niños miran las ilustracionesy contestana |as preguntas que figuran en la página. Despuéspregúnteles:Vühat figuran en la páginay averiguanel número que correspondea cadamuchacho, are you good at? Pág¡na3 . Diálogodedicadoal prosent perfect y a diferentesexpresiones Páginas10-f L Ejerciciode lectura. El texto trata de las actividadesde un que se empleanen los hoteles.Los niños leen las lrases y esescolar nigeriano.Al igual que en anteriorespág¡nasde este 1¡ot l lÉl I-t-l cuchan la c¡nta. A continuación,escuchanla cinta de nuevo y l:r---fl tipo, se ¡ntroducenvar¡aspalabrasnuevas. repiten las frases. Hágalesobservarque el present perfect se Páginasf2-13. PáginasHow to do it? que muestrancómo leer el futuro util¡zapr¡ncipalmentepara referirsea accionesque se han reaen las ho¡as de té. Presentan var¡os ejemplos de prescnt lizadorecientemente,mientrasque el pretér¡tose emplea para perfect y de otras tormas verbales;permitentamb¡énhacer un expresarun pasado más lejano. Esta página ¡ntroducevarios repasode vocabulario.Desdeluego. las prediccionesno deben ejemplos de verbos en present perfect, unos regularesfarser tomadasmuy en s€r¡o. rivedl y otros irregulares(been, come). Nota: La única manera Páginas14-15. Las habitualespáginasde vocabulario. de aprenderlos verboi irrégulareses repetirlosuna y otra vez, hastamemorizarlos. Página4. E¡erc¡c¡oque trata del empleo del present perf€ct en las preANSWERSTO PAGE2: 1. Robinis numbe¡2,2. Mart¡nis number guntas: Have they been to...7 y 6n las respuestas:Yes, tl¡ey 4.3. Paulis number1.4. Adam is number3.5. Martin's.6. Paul's. have {No. they haven'tl. Los niños miran lasfotografíasde las ANSWERSTO PAGE4: l. Yes,they have.2. No, they haven't.3. ciudades que han sido v¡sitadaspor un grupo de turistas y, Yes,they have.4. Yes,they have.5. No, they haven't.6. No, they seguidamente.respondena las preguntas que figuran en la haven't. pág¡na.A cont¡nuación,puede usted preguntarles:Wher6 else ANSWERSTO PAGE 5: l. Yes, rhey have.2. No, rhey haven'r. have they beenT 3. Yes,he has,4. No. she hasn't.5. No, he hasn'r. Página5. Ejerciciodedicadoal present perfect de algunosverbos reguANSWERSTO PAGEg: 2. She's godd at dancing.3. He's good ar l-l lares en tercera persona del singular y del plural. Los niños f t o : tl playingtire piano.4. They'¡egood at sw¡mming.5. The_y're good at observanatentamentela ¡lustracióny respondena las preguntas {'7----fl playingfootbalt. relat¡vasa ella. Pág¡na 6. E¡erc¡c¡ode pronunciación.Se basa en una rima ¡nglesamuy Esta unidad está especialmenteded¡cadaal present perfect (pretérito perfecto),tiempo que se utiliza para hacer referenciaa lo que alguien "ha hecho". (En la página f6 de la un¡dad98 apareceráun resumende las normasque rigen la formación y el empleode este tiempo.) También introduce algunas expresionesempleadas para pedir una habitación en un hotel y, como de costumbre, revisavarios puntos aprendidosen unidades anter¡ores. 97/ 1 6