E SUB-COMMITTEE ON HUMAN ELEMENT, TRAINING AND WATCHKEEPING 1st session Agenda item 3 HTW 1/3/4 20 November 2013 Original: ENGLISH VALIDATION OF MODEL TRAINING COURSES Model course – General Operator's Certificate for GMDSS Note by the Secretariat SUMMARY Executive summary: This document provides the draft of a revised model course on General Operator's Certificate for GMDSS Strategic direction: 5.2 High-level action: 5.2.2 Planned output: Action to be taken: Paragraph 3 Related document: STW 40/14 1 Attached in the annex is a revised draft model course on General Operator's Certificate for GMDSS. 2 The preliminary draft of this revised model course was forwarded to members of the validation panel for their comments. Due to time constraints, any comments received on the draft course from the validation panel will be provided directly to the Sub-Committee. Action requested of the Sub-Committee 3 The Sub-Committee is invited to consider the above information and take action, as appropriate. *** I:\HTW\1\3-4.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 1 ANNEX DRAFT MODEL COURSE ON GENERAL OPERATOR'S CERTIFICATE FOR GMDSS MODEL COURSE 1.25 GENERAL OPERATOR’S CERTIFICATE FOR THE GLOBAL MARITIME DISTRESS AND SAFETY SYSTEM 2014 Edition Course + Compendium I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This Model Course on GOC for the GMDSS is based on the Radio Regulations Edition 2012 and SOLAS 1974 as amended. It has been compiled by Mrs. Simone Wilde, Mr. Andreas Braun and Mr. Dietrich Kaun under direction of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) in co-operation with Mrs. Brunhild Osterhues from University of Applied Science Bremen 2012 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 3 Contents INTRODUCTION TO MODEL COURSES................................................................... 4 PART A: COURSE FRAMEWORK.............................................................................. 6 PART B: COURSE OUTLINE AND TIMETABLE ..................................................... 11 PART C: DETAILED TEACHING SYLLABUS ......................................................... 14 PART D: INSTRUCTOR‘S MANUAL ........................................................................ 27 PART E: EVALUATION ............................................................................................ 31 INFORMATION REQUESTED OF INSTRUCTORS WHO IMPLEMENT IMO MODEL COURSES ................................................................................................................. 37 ANNEX 1: EXAMPLE OF TRAINEE’S PRACTICAL PROFICIENCY CHECKLIST . 39 ANNEX 2: PRACTICAL EXAMINATION PROTOCOL GOC .................................... 45 COMPENDIUM (see separate Contents) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 61 HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 4 Introduction to model courses Purpose of the model courses The purpose of the IMO model courses are to assist maritime training institutes and their teaching staff in organizing and introducing new training courses or in enhancing, updating or supplementing existing training material where the quality and effectiveness of the training courses may thereby be improved. It is not the intention of the model course programme to present instructors with a rigid “teaching package” which they are expected to “follow blindly”. Nor is it the intention to substitute audio-visual or “programmed” material for the instructor’s presence. As in all training endeavours, the knowledge, skills and dedication of the instructor are the key components in the transfer of knowledge and skills to those being trained through IMO model course material. Because educational systems and the cultural backgrounds of trainees in maritime subjects vary considerably from country to country, the model course material has been designed to identify the basic entry requirements and trainee target group for each course in universally applicable terms, and to specify clearly the technical content and levels of knowledge and skill necessary to meet the intent of IMO conventions and related recommendations. Use of the model course To use the model course the instructor should review the course plan and detailed syllabus, taking into account the information provided under the entry standards specified in the course framework. The actual level of knowledge and skills and the prior technical education of the trainees should be kept in mind during this review, and any areas within the detailed syllabus which may cause difficulties because of differences between the actual trainee entry level and that assumed by the course designer should be identified. To compensate for such differences, the instructor is expected to delete from the course, or reduce the emphasis on, items dealing with knowledge or skills already attained by the trainees. He should also identify any academic knowledge, skills or technical training which they may not have previously acquired. By analysing the detailed syllabus and the academic knowledge required to allow training in the technical area to proceed, the instructor can design an appropriate preentry course or, alternatively, insert the elements of academic knowledge required to support the technical training elements concerned at appropriate points within the technical course. Adjustment of the course objectives, scope and content may also be necessary if in your maritime industry the trainees completing the course are to undertake duties which differ from the course objectives specified in the model course. By analysing the detailed syllabus and the academic knowledge required to allow training in the technical area to proceed, the instructor can design an appropriate preentry course or, alternatively, insert the elements of academic knowledge required to I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 5 support the technical training elements concerned at appropriate points within the technical course (ref. 1st and 2nd class Radio Electronic Certificate). Within the course plan the course designers have indicated their assessment of the time that should be allotted to each learning area. However, it must be appreciated that these allocations are arbitrary and assume that the trainees have fully met all entry requirements of the course. The instructor should therefore review these assessments and may need to re-allocate the time required to achieve each specific learning objective. Lesson Plans Having adjusted the course content to suit the trainee intake and any revision of the course objectives, the instructor should draw up lesson plans based on the detailed syllabus. The detailed syllabus contains specific references to the textbooks or teaching material proposed for use in the course. Where no adjustment has been found necessary in the learning objectives of the detailed syllabus, the lesson plans may simply consist of the detailed syllabus with keywords or other reminders added to assist the instructor in making his presentation of the material. Presentation The presentation of concepts and methodologies must be repeated in various ways until the instructor is satisfied that the trainee has attained each specified learning objective. The syllabus is laid out in learning-objective format and each objective specifies what the trainee must be able to perform as the learning outcome. Implementation For the course to run smoothly and to be effective, considerable attention must be paid to the availability and use of: Properly qualified instructors Support staff Rooms and other spaces Real equipment GMDSS communication simulator, where appropriate, with Touchscreens and PTT working in a network Textbooks, technical papers Other reference material Thorough preparation is the key to successful implementation of the course. The IMO has produced “Guidance on the Implementation of IMO Model Courses,” which deals with this aspect in greater detail. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 6 PART A: Course Framework Scope This course covers the training recommendations in annex 3 to the IMO Assembly resolution A. 703 (17) - Recommendation on Training of Radio Operators related to the General Operator’s Certificate (GOC). The course is revised to meet the Radio Regulations 2012. Objective A trainee successfully completing this course and passing the prescribed examination should be able to efficiently operate the GMDSS equipment, and to have primary responsibility to radio communications during distress-, urgency-, safety and routine incidents. Given the number of severe problems being experienced in the GMDSS as a result of the large amount of false Distress alerts that sometimes occur, training will also be provided in techniques to avoid the unintentional transmission of false Distress alerts and the procedures to use in order to mitigate the effects of false Distress alerts following unintentional transmission. Entry standards This course framework requires a little knowledge of maritime radio communication practice, but a working knowledge of English as a second language. Elementary computer skills are assumed in the recommended course timetable. Candidates are assumed to have basic computer skills in order to participate in the course. However additional computer skills training will be required by candidates without any basic proficiency in the use of computers. Certification Every person in charge of or performing radio duties on a ship that is required to participate in the GMDSS is required to hold an appropriate GMDSS certificate, which satisfies the provisions of the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union (ref. ITU RR Art. 47). In addition, every candidate for certification in accordance with the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended (STCW-Convention), for service on a ship which is required to have a radio installation by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (SOLAS), shall not be less than 18 years of age, and have completed an approved education and training and shall meet the standard of competence specified in section A-IV/2 of the STCW Code. The material contained in this course covers all aspects of training in GMDSS radio communications. However, where the additional requirements for certification under the STCW-Convention contained in column 2 of table A-IV/2 of the STCW Code are not examined as part of the national qualification requirements for a certificate issued under the Radio Regulations, the appropriate provisions for training and assessment contained in section A-IV/2 of the STCW Code will have to be met separately. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 7 The examination must be supervised by an independent, objective examiner [usually a qualified representative from the Administration, Port Captain’s Office or likewise (STCW-Convention, Section A-I/6, A-I/7 and A-I/8)]. Course intake limitations The maximum number of trainees should depend on the facilities and equipment available, bearing in mind the scope and objectives of this course. The instructor trainee ratio should be limited to 1:12. When a class size exceeds 12 trainees, an assistant instructor is required. Practical training should be undertaken in small groups of not more than 8 trainees, depending on the available equipment. The recommendations for facilities and equipment for this course are based on a total number of 12 trainees and corresponding instructor capacity (most academies, colleges or maritime education institutions recommend 8 students per instructor). The use of GMDSS simulators to supplement training on real equipment may allow greater numbers to be accommodated without sacrificing training standards. However, the course co-ordinator will have to ensure that the timetable arrangements still provide sufficient access to real GMDSS equipment. Note also the arrangements needed for examination and assessment listed under column 3 of table A-IV/2 of the STCW Code. Staff requirements The following are the minimum qualifications recommended for instructors presenting a course that follows the IMO Model Course 1.25. The instructor in charge shall: – be properly qualified in the subject matter. – be in possession of a valid General Operator’s Certificate issued by an IMO white list flag state; – have considerable experience in maritime radio communications, including GMDSS, also a good general knowledge of ships, maritime Distress, Urgency Safety and Routine communications as well as Search and Rescue matters; – have completed type specific familiarization relevant to the equipment used for training; – have a current relevant teaching qualification or have successfully completed a Train-The-Trainer course, including the application of simulators in training and meets the requirements of STCW regulation I/6 and I/12. Teaching facilities and equipment (for example) GMDSS simulation equipment must meet all applicable performance standards set out in Regulation I/12 of the STCW-Convention. The lecture portion of the course should take place in any suitable classroom with adequate desk/seating space for all trainees. Standard classroom facilities must be available such as whiteboard/chalkboard, appropriate projection system, etc. For practical training, adequate working space and separate parallel working areas are recommended. The following equipment is the minimum recommended: I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 8 – One fully operational MF/HF transmitter/receiver set for radiotelephony, NBDP and DSC (an additional DSC controller is recommended since local communications over a hard- wired back-to-back connection between DSC controllers then becomes possible);* – One dummy satellite EPIRB (406 MHz) with hydrostatic release mechanism;* – One dummy SART; – One EGC receiver facility (An Inmarsat-C covers that requirement on board);* – A Distress alarm panel for passenger ships (1/2 dummy – to avoid unintended Distress- alarms), connected to the VHF-DSC, MF-DSC and Inmarsat-C; – One NAVTEX receiver;* – One fully operational VHF transmitter/receivers for radiotelephony and DSC, incorporating a DSC watch receiver for channel 70 (it should be possible to go on the air with one of them);* – One two-way portable VHF radiotelephone with charging arrangement; – One portable two-way on-scene communication for 121,5 and 123,1 MHz (dummy); – One training network with personal computers, touchscreens and PTTs with realistic simulation equipment should be provided for each trainee, capable of running relevant programmes for simulating the operation of Inmarsat,-B and -C, DSC and NBDP, Navtex, VHF-DSC, MF/HF DSC, as appropriate; – One battery inverter power supply, connected as the reserve source of energy (not necessarily located in the working area) or a regular reserve source of energy (radio batteries) connected to the charging arrangement (re.: COMSAR/Circ.16, 4 March 1998); and – Sign and marking in accordance with the requirements of the administrations for GMDSS ship stations. Note GMDSS training equipment (real equipment) should be installed in such a way that it corresponds with the requirements of installation on board GMDSS vessels. The standard should be set at the Training Institutions and not on board. Note GMDSS training simulators have to provide all communication requirements. This means, that the simulator should simulate the features of the designated simulated equipment in distress-, urgency-, safety- and routine decisions. It must be possible to simulate the contact to ship stations as well as to all kinds of coast stations in a network of computers. Note Throughout the course, safe working practices are to be clearly defined and emphasized with reference to current international requirements and regulations. * Two sets of equipment would prove advantageous. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 9 Teaching aids (A) A1 GOC Model Course Compendium A2 PC programme in a network, including documentation, for the simulation of: 1 Inmarsat-B / Fleet77 operations 2 Inmarsat-C operations (including EGC) 3 Narrow Band Direct Printing (NBDP) 4 Digital Selective Calling (VHF-DSC, MF/HF-DSC) 5 Navtex A3 User manuals for all installed or simulated GMDSS equipment A4 Log-book A5 Demonstration equipment (SARTs, portable GMDSS VHF, portable two-way onscene Communication VHF for 121,5 and 123,1 MHz and EPIRBs) A6 Real equipment as VHF Handheld, VHF-DSC, MF/HF including NBDP and DSC and Inmarsat-C IMO and ITU References (R) R1 GMDSS handbook R2 IA MSAR Manual R3 Standard Marine Communication Phrases R4 International Code of Signals – (INTERCO) R5 Master Plan of the shore-based facilities for the GMDSS R6 STCW-Convention R7 IMO Resolution A.814(19) R8 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974, as amended (SOLAS) R9 Radio Regulations (RR), as amended R10 Recommendation ITU-R M.585-6 R11 Recommendation ITU-R M.541-9 R12 Recommendation ITU-R M.493-13 R13 Recommendation ITU-R M.625-04 R14 Recommendation ITU-T R series R15 Recommendation ITU-R M.690-02 Textbooks (T) T1 T2 1 2 T3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ITU Manual for Use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services ITU List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV) ITU List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments (List V) Inmarsat Maritime Communications Handbook Harmonization of GMDSS requirements for radio installations on board SOLAS-ships (COMSAR/Circ. 32) EPIRB and SART User Manual IMO International SafetyNET Manual Inmarsat’s “SafetyNET Users’ Handbook” Admiralty List of Radio Signals, Volume 5, as amended Note It is expected that the national education institution implementing the course will insert references to national requirements and regulations as necessary. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 10 Availability of publications Information Sources: The following contacts may be helpful in obtaining reference documents mentioned in this Manual. International documents are available in the official languages of the sponsoring organizations. The organization's website should have the most current contact information such as telephone, facsimile and e-mail. IMO Publishing 4 Albert Embankment London SE1 7SR United Kingdom Website: www.imo.org E-mail: [email protected] International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Bureau des radiocommunications (BR) Place des Nations CH-1211 Genève 20 Switzerland Website: www.itu.int/ITU-R/ E-mail: [email protected] International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 999 University Street Montreal, Quebec Canada H3C 5H7 Website: www.icao.int E-mail: [email protected] Inmarsat 99 City Road London EC1Y 1AX United Kingdom Website: www.inmarsat.com E-mail: [email protected] International Cospas-Sarsat Programme 700 de la Gauchetière West, Suite 2450 Montreal, Quebec H3B 5M2 Canada Website: www.cospas-sarsat.org E-mail: [email protected] Centro Internazionale Radio-Medico (CIRM) Viale dell'Architettura, 41 00144 Rome Italy Website: www.cirm.it Email: [email protected] Amver Maritime Relations 1 South Street USCG Battery Park Building New York, NY 10004 United States Website: www.amver.com Global Positioning System (GPS) U.S. Coast Guard NAVCEN MS 7310 7323 Telegraph Road Alexandria, VA 20598-7310 United States Website: www.navcen.uscg.gov I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 11 PART B: Course Outline and Timetable Overview The following section presents the topics of the 132-hour GOC course in a simplified outline format. The topics are organized into 9 general subject areas. The total hours are allocated in the following manner: Practice Lecture Examination 58,5 hrs 68,5 hrs 5,0 hrs The duration allocated to each topic is presented in the Course Timetables, and is repeated in Part C – Detailed Teaching Syllabus. The Learning Objectives for each topic are presented generally in Part C, and with full detail in the compendium. As defined in Part A – Course Framework, the Classroom setting should provide one workstation for each trainee, and all workstations should be networked to the simulation instructor and server Course Outline - Total 132 hours minimum Subject Area Hours 1. Introduction 1,0 2. The statutory framework of the Maritime Mobile Service 6,0 International Convention of Safety of Life at See Radio Regulations 3. Identification of Radio Stations Identification of Ship Stations Identification of Coast Stations Identification of Search and Rescue Stations Identification of Vessel Traffic Service Stations Identification of Aids to Navigation Identification of Aircraft Stations Identification of associated craft with parent ship I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 2,0 HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 12 Subject Area Hours Identification of Ship Earth Stations and Coast Earth Stations 4. Service Publications 3,0 List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (ITU List IV) List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments (ITU List V) Manual for use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime MobileSatelliete Services Admiralty List of radio Signals 5. Technical 10,0 Radio wave propagation Modulation basics Transmitter and receiver basics Batteries Antennas DSC basics Radiotelex basics. Fault location and service on GMDSS marine electronic equipment 6. GMDSS Components General VHF DSC MF/HF DSC VHF/MF/HF/ Voice Procedure Radiotelex Inmarsat COSPAS/SARSAT EPIRB Search and Rescue Transponder / Transmitter (SART) Maritime safety Information The use and functions of portable VHF radio I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 84,0 HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 13 Subject Area Hours Portable VHF aeronautical radio for 121,5 and 123,1 MHz 7. Other Systems used on board 2,0 Ultra High Frequency Handhelds Automatic Identification System Ship Security Alert System 8. Search and Rescue operation 8,0 The role of the Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre International Aeronautical (IAMSAR) Manual and Maritime Search and Rescue The role and method of use of ship reporting systems 9. Miscellaneous skills and operational procedures for general communications 11,0 Use of English in written and oral form for safety communications Details of a radio telegram Procedure of traffic charging Examination A Theoretical Examination B Practical Examination 5,0 Providing that the learning objectives contained in part C of this course are fully achieved, the course timetable may be adjusted to suit course entry requirements based on different standards of prior knowledge in radio- communications or seagoing experience. In addition, any adjustment should take into account the need to maintain an effective instructor to student ratio and adequate access to GMDSS equipment for practical training during course. Some instructors consider the course programme to be quite complex and some administrations have decided that 132 hours is a minimum amount of hours, in spite of the student’s background. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 14 PART C: Detailed Teaching Syllabus The detailed teaching syllabus has been written in learning-objective format in which the objective describes what the trainee must do to demonstrate that knowledge has been transferred. All objectives are understood to be prefixed by the words, “The expected learning outcome is that the trainee…..” In order to assist the instructor, references are shown against the learning objectives to indicated IMO references and publications, textbooks, additional technical material and teaching aids which the instructor may wish to use when preparing course material. The material listed in the course framework has been used to structure the detailed teaching syllabus; in particular, – Teaching aids (indicated by A) – IMO and ITU references (indicated by R) – Textbooks (indicated by T) Abbreviations used in the detailed teaching syllabus are: – – – – – – – – – – – AP Art. Ch. Fig. p., pp Pa. Pt RR Reg. Res. Sect. Appendix Article Chapter Figure Page, pages Paragraph Part Radio Regulation Regulation Resolution Section Note Throughout the course, safe working practices are to be clearly defined and emphasized with reference to current international requirements and regulations. It is expected that the institution implementing the course will insert references to national and/or regional requirements and regulations as necessary. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 15 Learning Objectives Subject Areas and topics have been outlined in Part B. In Part C, the Learning Objectives associated with each topic are provided, along with teaching aids and references. The Learning Objectives are further described in sufficient detail in the Compendium for the development of a GOC Instructor’s Manual as described in Part D. The Learning Objectives are presented in a verb-based manner to facilitate outcomes-driven learning and skills development. All Learning Objectives are understood to be prefixed by the phrase: “The expected learning outcome is that the trainee is able to . . . .” Bear in mind that the overarching competencies to be developed throughout the course are the “transmit and receive of information using GMDSS subsystems and equipment fulfilling the functional requirements of GMDSS” and “provide radio services in emergencies” (STCW, A-IV/2). The GOC instructor should strive to present all of the Learning Objectives in or as close to the contexts of real conditions as possible. Through practice and understanding of these Learning Objectives as tasks to master and apply, the trainee achieves the desired competence and which the instructor may assess in the scored final evaluation. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 1. 2. Introduction The statutory framework of the Maritime Mobile Service International Convention of Safety of Life at See IMO / ITU/ Reference 1,0 2,5 R8 Ch.IV Reg.4 Functional requirements Sea Areas R8 Ch.II Reg.2 Definitions of coverage and sea areas for Digital Selective Calling (DSC) R8 Ch.II Reg.2 Carriage requirements R8 Ch.IV Reg.8-11 Details of equipment specifications Al, A2, A4 and A4 Details of carriage requirements Means of ensuring availability of ship station equipment R8 Ch.IV Reg.4 Primary and secondary means of alerting R8 Ch.I Reg.7, 9 Bridge alarm panel and its purpose R9 Art.31 Sect. III Requirements for radio safety certificates Watchkeeping R8 Ch.IV Reg.12 Watchkeeping procedures as defined in the Radio Regulations R8 Ch.IV Reg.16 R8 Ch.IV Reg.13 Other watchkeeping procedures R8 Ch.IV Reg.13 Radio personal Sources of power Reserve power supplies, capacity and duration as defined in SOLAS Convention Reserve source of energy Prohibitions on the connection of nonGMDSS equipment Radio Regulations Authority of the master Secrecy of correspondence Ship station licences I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 3,5 R9 Art.36 R9 Art.17 R9 Art.18 R9 Art.39 R9 Art.47 R9 Art.15, 16 Teachin g Support s hrs theor. Learning Objectives hrs pract. HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 16 IMO / ITU/ Reference Inspection of stations Radio Operator’s Certificates Frequencies R9 AP 1 Interferences The use of and restrictions for different emissions according to frequencies in the Maritime Mobile Service (MMS) R9 AP 18 R9 AP 17 The role of the various modes of communication R9 Art.51, Art.5 The usage of bands MF, HF, VHF, UHF and SHF frequencies in the MMS The concept management of HF R9 AP 17 R9 Art.15 frequency R9 AP 17, 18 VHF telephony R9 Art.53 Frequency plans and channelling system HF telephony MF telephony frequencies HF NBDP frequencies R9 Art.31 Frequencies for distress, urgency and safety communications Frequencies for routine communication and reply Call categories Distress Urgency Safety Routine Watchkeeping 3. Identification of radio stations 2,0 Identification of ship stations Ships name Call sign Maritime Mobile Service Identity Group calling number I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc R9 Art.19 Sect.III R9 Art.19 Sect.IV R10 R10, Sect. 2 Teachin g Support s Learning Objectives hrs theor. hrs pract. HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 17 Identification of coast stations IMO / ITU/ Reference Teachin g Support s Learning Objectives hrs theor. hrs pract. HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 18 R10, Annex Identification of Search and Rescue Stations Identification stations of Vessel Traffic Service R10, Sect.4 Identification of Aids to Navigation R10, Sect.3 Identification of aircraft stations R10, Sect.5 Identification of associated craft with parent ship T3-1 Identification of Ship Earth Stations and Coast Earth Stations 4. Service publications 1,0 2,0 R9 Art.20 List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations T2 List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments Manual for use by the Matitime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services T1 T3-6 Admiralty List of Radio Signals 5. Technical Radio wave propagation 2,0 Basics Line of sight propagation Ground waves and sky waves Ionosphere structure UHF and VHF propagation MF propagation HF propagation VLF propagation LF propagation Modulation basics 1,0 R9 AP 1 Sect.II R9 AP 1 Sect.II I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc IMO / ITU/ Reference Teachin g Support s hrs theor. Learning Objectives hrs pract. HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 19 Frequency modulation Amplitude modulation Bandwidth of different types of modulation R9 AP 27 Part C Carrier and assigned frequencies Official designations of emission 1,0 Unofficial designations of emissions Transmitter and receiver basics 1,0 Transmitter structure Receiver structure Batteries Basics Different kinds of batteries - UPS systems Characteristics of different battery types Primary batteries 1,0 Secondary batteries Charging batteries, battery charging methods Maintenance and monitoring of batteries Antennas VHF antennas MF/HF antennas 1,0 Satellite antennas 1,0 Antenna maintenance R13 Annex 1 DSC basics R13 Annex 1 Radiotelex basics Automatic request for repeat R11, R12 A3 A6 2,0 Forward Error Correction Fault location and service on GMDSS marine electronic equipment 6. GMDSS Components General I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 5,0 A3 A6 IMO / ITU/ Reference VHF DSC Basics The use and functions of the VHF radio station installation DSC possibilities R11 R12 10,0 R9 Art. 30-33 Operational VHF DSC procedures in the GMDSS R11, R12 Telecommand and traffic information Channel selection in call format DSC acknowledgement DSC relay process Test transmissions R9 Art.32 R9 Art.32 Alerting and announcement R9 Art.33 Distress alert R9 Art.33 Distress alert relay R11 Announcements for all ships (distress, urgency, safety) R11, R12 R11, R12 Announcement to individual station (urgency, safety, routine) Group announcement (urgency, safety, routine) 5,0 Polling and position request Automatic/Semi-automatic service with coast stations R12 List of practical tasks MF/HF-DSC Basics The use and functions of the MF/HF radio station installation DSC possibilities 10,0 R9 Art.30-33 R11 R12 R9 Art.15, AP 17+18 Operational MF/HF DSC procedures in the GMDSS Telecommand and traffic information Frequency selection in call format Acknowledgement I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc R9 Art.32 Teachin g Support s hrs theor. Learning Objectives hrs pract. HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 20 IMO / ITU/ Reference Distress alert relay R9 Art.33 R11 Usage of frequencies R11, R12 Test transmissions R11, R12 R11, R12 Alerting and announcement Distress alert Distress alert relay 6 Announcement to individual (urgency, safety, routine) Geographic (urgency, safety) area 4 station R9 Art.32 announcement Group announcement (distress, urgency, safety, routine) R11 Polling and position request R11 Automatic service with coast stations R14 Practical tasks VHF/MF/HF voice procedure Distress procedure R11 6,0 Urgency procedure 3,0 Safety procedure Port operation communication and ship movement R13 Routine communication R14 Calling a subscriber (ship to shore) R9 Art.32+33 Phone call from ashore (shore to ship) Transmission of a telegram R13 Intership communication On board communication Radiotelex Basics Numbering Automatic and manual calling Radiotelex equipment Details of a telex message I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 10 6,0 Teachin g Support s Learning Objectives hrs theor. hrs pract. HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 21 IMO / ITU/ Reference Operational MF/HF radiotelex procedures in the GMDSS Teachin g Support s Learning Objectives hrs theor. hrs pract. HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 22 T3-1 A3 Distress procedure Urgency procedure Safety procedure Routine procedure Communication T3-1 A3 List of practical tasks MF/HF Inmarsat Basics Inmarsat space segment Inmarsat ground segment Different Inmarsat systems and their functions Inmarsat-B system Use of the Inmarsat-B system Components of an Inmarsat-B ship earth station T3-1 A3 Handling of an Inmarsat-B SES Acquiring a satellite connection Use of 2-digit code service via Inmarsat-B T3-1 A3 Practical Tasks Inmarsat-C system The use of Inmarsat-C system Selecting an Ocean Region Logging-in to an Ocean Region/ NCS Common Signalling Channel Use of 2-digit code service via Inmarsat-C Routing via a CES Navigational areas (Navarea) Metrological areas (Metarea) / Log out before switching off Routine operational tasks Quick reference Inmarsat-C guide I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc R9 Art.30-33 R11 IMO / ITU/ Reference Teachin g Support s Learning Objectives hrs theor. hrs pract. HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 23 Components of an Inmarsat-C/Mini-C SES T3-1 Practical Tasks T3-1 Inmarsat-M systems The limitations regarding Inmarsat-M and the GMDSS T3-1 Inmarsat Fleet 77 Components of an Inmarsat Fleet ship earth station T3-1 Method of acquiring manually and automatically T3-1 satellite both T3-1 Handling of an Inmarsat Fleet 77 SES T3-1 Use of 2-digit code service via Inmarsat Fleet T3-1 Practical Tasks T3-1 Inmarsat D and D+ Inmarsat Numbers (IMN) 1,0 2,0 Procedure for sending a distress alert-, call- and message via Inmarsat-B and 0,5 Inmarsat Fleet 77 1,0 Overview of SafetyNET and FleetNET services Operational voice procedure via Inmarsat Distress-, urgency- safety and routine communication Procedure for sending an urgency calland message via Inmarsat-B and Inmarsat Fleet 77 Procedure for sending a safety announcement, call and message via Inmarsat-B and Inmarsat Fleet 77 Routine communication via Inmarsat-B and Fleet 77 List of practical tasks Operational Inmarsat telex procedure Distress via Inmarsat-B telex Distress via Inmarsat-C telex I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc R9 Art.34 R9 Res.205 R15 T3-3 A5 0,5 1,0 IMO / ITU/ Reference Teachin g Support s hrs theor. Learning Objectives hrs pract. HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 24 Urgency / Safety Inmarsat-B telex Urgency / Safety via Inmarsat-C telex Routine communication List of practical tasks Inmarsat Email procedure Procedure for sending an email to shore Cospas/Sarsat R9 Art.15 T3-3 A5 R9 Art.15 R9 Res.360 Structure Cospas/Sarsat space segment Cospas/Sarsat ground segment Possibilities Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon 3,0 (EPIRB) 7,0 The basic operation of the Cospas/Sarsat satellite system and signal routing/path R9 AP 15+17 Essential parts of Cospas / Sarsat EPIRBs Basic characteristics of operation on 406 and 121.5 MHz EPIRB A2 A3 A3 The registration and coding of a 406 MHz EPIRB T3-1 T3-4 T3-5 The information contents of a distress alert Operation The float-free function The correct use of the lanyard Routine maintenance, testing requirements and test operation Additional EPIRB features Withdrawal of an unintended false distress transmission Tests Practical Tasks Search and Rescue Transmitter (SART) Transponder Different types of SARTs and their operation Search and rescue radar transponder I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc / 0,5 1,0 0,5 1,0 A6 A6 IMO / ITU/ Reference Teachin g Support s Learning Objectives hrs theor. hrs pract. HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 25 AIS radar transmitter Routine maintenance, testing requirements and test operation Practical tasks Maritime Safety Information (MSI) Basics NAVTEX NAVTEX frequencies NAVTEX system Responsibilities ordinator of a NAVTEX Co- Messages Operation of the NAVTEX receiver Selection of transmitters, message type Practical tasks EGC Geographic area messages and Inmarsat system messages Classes of Inmarsat-C receiver types EGC setup MSI via VHF/MF/HF The usage and functions of portable VHF radio Practical tasks Portable VHF Aeronautical Radio for 121,5 and 123,1 MHZ 7. Other systems used on board Ultra High Frequency (UHF) handhelds Automatic Identification System Ship Security Alert System 8. Search and Rescue (SAR) operation I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 2,0 A6 The role of the Maritime ordination Centre (MRCC): Rescue Co- 4,0 International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual 1,0 IMO / ITU/ Reference Maritime rescue organisations Knowledge of SAR systems worldwide 0,5 2,5 Use of English in written and oral form for 5,0 safety communications 2,0 The role and method of use of ship reporting systems R2 Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel Rescue System (AMVER) Japanese Ship Reporting System (JASREP) Australian Ship Reporting System (AUSREP) Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships (LRIT) 9. Miscellaneous skills and operational procedures for general communications Use of the IMO Communication Phrases Standard R3 Marine R4 Use of the International Code of Signals Recognition of standard abbreviations and commonly used service codes Use of the International Phonetic Alphabet Details of a radio telegram R9 AP 14 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 R14 The preamble Prefix Different types of address The different kind of addresses The text The signature Procedure of traffic charging The international charging and accounting I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc R9 Art.58 R14 Teachin g Support s Learning Objectives hrs theor. hrs pract. HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 26 system IMO / ITU/ Reference Teachin g Support s hrs theor. Learning Objectives hrs pract. HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 27 List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations The AAIC code and its use Coast station-, landline and ship station charge T3-1 Currencies used Coast station-, landline and ship station charge Inmarsat communication charging systems Examination A Theoretical examination B Practical examination 2,0 3,0 PART D: Instructor‘s Manual General This manual reflects the view of an independent consultant on methodology and organization of the work and is based on his own experience as an instructor. The instructor should use this manual as guidance initially but should work out his own ideas and methods, based on the experience gained and tailored to suit the various backgrounds of the students. This manual contains guidance on the teaching methods that are considered to be the most appropriate to the subject matter. However, since circumstances vary, the instructor himself must decide upon the best methods to adopt in order for the students to attain the specified objectives. Use the teaching aids, IMO references, etc. The compendium accompanying this course contains text covering some subjects, which are not adequately covered in the other course material. When using this compendium, the instructors should take into account the student‘s prior knowledge of these subjects. Note that the students are training to become operators of radiocommunication equipment and not technicians or engineers. The instructor may choose to use books if deemed suitable for this purpose. There are also many other books covering the GMDSS, or parts of the GMDSS available throughout the world. A number of videos and CD‘s are also available. The instructor has to make sure, that the additional books used for training contain the correct information. It is important that the instructor makes use of official publications wherever possible, especially those which are required to be carried on board ships. This will serve to I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 28 familiarize the students with this information. Nevertheless, national publications should also be taken into account. Note that this compendium contains information of a general nature; when lecturing on technical subjects, the instructor should make use of the technical manuals covering the actual equipment provided for the course. Advantage should also be taken of the information that is provided in the Inmarsat publications listed under T3. Lesson plans When choosing the most appropriate teaching method, it will be necessary to draw up some form of plan. The purpose of a lesson plan is to create the structure for the lessons, which can be adjusted according to the circumstances. Without such a plan there is a risk of the lesson becoming disorganized and ineffective. The process of producing a lesson plan is also very important as it focuses the instructor‘s attention on every detail of the course. The time allocated to each component of the lesson is important, particularly on short courses where there is little opportunity to compensate for lost time. It is essential that all elements of a lesson be given a reasonable proportion of the available time. Failure to do this would result in the neglect of certain subjects. Other forms of lesson planning may be equally suitable, but whatever the style, the important fact is that planning and preparation are essential to good teaching. Use of personal computers (PCs) More and more use of software based GMDSS simulation will take place in the training of students, especially with regard to NBDP, DSC and lnmarsat B/-C and Fleet operations. It is very important to make sure that the students are familiar with this kind of equipment. Where PCs are used for simulating1 communication exercises in this course, their use should be made as simple and easy as possible. The PCs should be in a network with touchscreens and PTT to handle the different equipment as realistic as possible. The software shall simulate the equipment as realistically as possible in all situations Unless an enhanced course, which also includes general use of PCs, is being conducted, the instructor should avoid using precious time on purely PC-related matters. False Distress Alert The generation and emission of false distress alerts must be avoided and every precaution possible must be taken in order to achieve this. This means that the students must understand the very serious consequences of generating and emitting false distress alerts and be instructed on how to avoid such incidents and on the action they should take if they inadvertently transmit such an alert. 1 Refer to the guidelines in the STCW Code (section B-1/12, paragraph 67) regarding the use of simulators in training for seafarers. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 29 The different MRCCs around the globe are facing an increasing number of false alerts (however, during the last couple of years such incidents have been reduced). The consequences are a loss of faith in this communication system and in the GMDSS as a concept, especially within the Search and Rescue Community. It also leads to a serious waste of resources, both economical and human. In view of the fact that the students are to become professionals, i.e. the persons who will, as a part of their shipboard duties (ref. SOLAS Ch. IV, Regulation 12), be responsible for the operation of the communication equipment, therefore the instructor must impress upon them the importance of thinking before using this equipment, especially regarding DSC and lnmarsat-C. The instructor must also make sure that the students understand the possible danger of false distress alerts being initiated by other members of the crew, especially those who are able to gain access to equipment though lack of necessary authorization or familiarity with the equipment that is needed to prevent improper operation. Measures need to be ensured that whenever anybody on board, not in possession of a relevant certificate, may be allowed to use GMDSS equipment for commercial purposes, this person must be instructed properly and must also be supervised by a responsible operator. As a general rule, all GMDSS training must be supervised by the Instructor while giving training on real equipment, this to avoid unintentional alarms. Another problem area is the testing of equipment, especially the testing of EPIRBs and SARTs. This equipment should only be tested by qualified personnel, and preferably only in connection with the annual radio survey and in accordance with the prescribed testing procedures (ref. SOLAS Ch. IV, Reg. 15.9 and guidelines given in MSC.1/Circ.1040/Rev.1). Furthermore, a problem may arise during the installation and servicing of the GMDSS equipment. A responsible operator should supervise this work and should ensure that the technician knows about the risk of emission of false Distress alerts that exists unless caution is shown. Procedures to advice RCCs of the transmission of false Distress alerts have been established by IMO. It is necessary for the instructors to gain familiarization with the content of IMO Assembly Resolution A. 814 (19) – Guidelines for the Avoidance of False Distress Alerts and ITU-R Resolution 349 (REV.WRC-12) Operational procedures for cancelling false distress alerts in the GMDSS. Search and Rescue matters When instructing qualified deck officers or students undergoing training in the deck department, the instructor should take advantage of this fact and use whatever navigational training equipment is available. For instance, a radar simulator, an ARPA simulator and/or a full mission bridge simulator, or realistic GMDSS simulators (with touchscreens and PTTs) could be an extremely valuable tool for training in SAR communication. If such equipment is available, the instructor should co-operate with other relevant instructors in order to provide as realistic training as possible. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 30 English language The STCW Code requires that any seafarer whose duties include communications shall have a sufficient knowledge of the English language. The Radio Regulations recommend the use of IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases and, where language difficulties exist, the Inter- national Code of Signals should be available for exercises. A general knowledge of the English language is therefore to be expected from the students. The instructor will have to make sure that the students can actually use maritime English for communication purpose. This is extremely necessary regarding Distress, Urgency and Safety. With regard to the spoken language, the instructor should conduct the majority of the theoretical and practical training sessions using the English language and require the students to reply to any questions, and to put their own questions and comments, using the English language. Independent Examination On all theoretical subjects, the examination should be conducted as a combination of written, practical as well as oral tests. The practical test in combination with the voice procedure can be performed on real equipment which is connected together (VHF, MF/HF) or on PC based simulation with touchscreen and PTT which simulates the equipment as well as the radio conditions and carry out all relevant and necessary general radio communications using radiotelephony, NBDP and DSC On all practical subjects, the examination should include a combination of oral tests and practical demonstrations (ref. STCW-Convention, Ch. IV, Section A-IV/2). A part of the written and oral tests should be conducted in English in order to ensure that the student, as a minimum, is able to: read and understand written distress and safety messages received via NBDP and Inmarsat -B/-C; compose written distress and safety messages for transmission via (NBDP) and Inmarsat -B/-C; conduct distress traffic and participate actively in SAR-communications via radiotelephony; read and understand the information given in all relevant service documents, including relevant parts of the technical documentation; and carry out all relevant and necessary general radio communications using radiotelephony, NBDP and DSC. The practical tests should be carried out on real equipment or/and on the above mentioned pc based simulation. The student must be able to (see example of trainee’s proficiency checklist on use of GMDSS): handle all relevant maritime radio equipment (VHF-DSC, MF/HF-DSC, NBDP, Inmarsat C, Inmarsat B, Fleet 77, NAVTEX, EPIRB, SART, GPS etc.) show all communication types (Voice, Telex, DSC etc.) in combination with the operation of the corresponding facilities perform traffic in all kinds of priorities (distress, urgent, safety, routine) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 31 Part E: Evaluation Introduction The effectiveness of any evaluation depends on the accuracy of the description of what is to be measured. The learning objectives that are used in the detailed teaching syllabus, Column 3 Methods for demonstrating competence - and Column 4 - Criteria for evaluating competence - in Table A-IV/2 of the STCW Code, set out the methods and criteria for evaluation. Instructors should refer to these when designing the assessment. It is consistent with the intent of STCW that demonstration of skills and practical understanding is determined by direct observation, while knowledge and theoretical understand is determined through written examination in a variety of question styles. STCW 2010 Code The training and assessment of seafarers required under the Convention are administered, supervised and monitored in accordance with the provisions of Regulation I/6 of the STCW Convention. Assessment is also covered in detail in IMO Model Courses [3.12 & 6.09A]. Assessment Planning Assessment planning should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timebound (SMART). Some methods of assessment that could be used depending upon the course/qualification are as follows and all should be adapted to suit individual needs: observation (In oral examination, simulation exercises, practical demonstration); questions (written or oral); tests; simulation (also refer to section A-I/12 of the STCW code 2010); Validity The evaluation methods must be based on clearly defined objectives, and must truly represent what is meant to be assessed; e.g. against only the relevant criteria and the syllabus or course guide. There must be a reasonable balance between the subject topics involved and also, in the testing of trainees’ KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY of the concepts. Reliability Assessment should also be reliable (if the assessment was done again with a similar group/learner, would similar results be achieved). Different group of learners may have the same subject at different times. If other assessors are also assessing the same course/qualification, there is need to ensure all are making the same decisions. To be reliable an evaluation procedure should produce reasonably consistent results, no matter which set of papers or version of the test is used. If instructors are assessing their own trainees, they need to know what they are to assess and then decide how to do this. The “what” will come from the standards/learning outcomes of the course/qualification they are delivering and the “how” may already be decided for them if it is in assignments, tests or examinations. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 32 The instructors need to consider the best way to assess the skills, knowledge and attitudes of their learners, whether this will be formative and/or summative and the validity and reliability of the assessment. All work assessed should be valid, authentic, current, sufficient and reliable; this is often known as VACSR – “valid assessments create standard results”: valid – the work is relevant to the standards/criteria being assessed; authentic – the work has been produced solely by the learner; current – the work is still relevant at the time of assessment; sufficient – the work covers all the standards/criteria; reliable – the work is consistent across all learners, over time and at the required level. It is important to note that no single method can satisfactorily measure knowledge and skill over the entire spectrum of matters to be tested for the assessment of competence. Care should therefore be taken to select the method most appropriate to the particular aspect of competence to be tested, bearing in mind the need to frame questions which relate as realistically as possible to the requirements of the officer's tasks at sea. Compiling assessments Whilst each examining authority establishes its own rules, the length of time which can be devoted to assessing the competence of candidates for certificates of competency is limited by practical, economic and social restraints. Therefore a prime objective of those responsible for the organization and administration of the assessment system is to find the most efficient, effective and economical method of assessing the competency of candidates. An examination system should effectively test the breadth of a candidate's KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY of the subject areas pertinent to the tasks he is expected to undertake. It is not possible to examine candidates fully in all areas, so in effect the assessment samples a candidate's KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY by covering as wide a scope as is possible within the time constraints and testing his depth of KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY in selected areas. The assessment as a whole should assess each candidates comprehension of principles, concepts and methodology; ability to apply principles, concepts and methodology; ability to organize facts, ideas and arguments and abilities and skills in carrying out the tasks to perform in the duties he or she is to be certificated to undertake. All evaluation and testing techniques have their advantages and disadvantages. An examining authority should carefully analyse precisely what it should be testing and can test. A careful selection of test and evaluation methods should then be made to ensure that the best of the variety of techniques available today is used. Each assessment shall be that best suited to the learning outcome or ability to be assessed. Quality of test items No matter which type of test is used, it is essential that all questions or test items used should be as brief as possible, since the time taken to read the questions themselves lengthens the examination. Questions must also be clear and complete. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 33 To ensure this, it is necessary that they be reviewed by a person other than the originator. No extraneous information should be incorporated into questions. Examination guideline The efficient operation of GMDSS depends on the proficiency of the maritime radio operators. The examination should consist of a theoretical and practical part. A Theoretical Examination The theoretical examination should consist of multiple choice questionnaires or a questionnaire in which the applicant can answer the questions with his own words. Every training post should have a pool of approximately 250 to 300 questions spread over the complete field of the section A1 to A6. Each questionnaire should consist of approximately 100 questions. A1: Basic knowledge of the GMDSS Different components of the GMDSS Construction of the GMDSS Sea areas Carriage requirements Knowledge of the regulations and agreements in the maritime mobile service (Radio Regulations, SOLAS etc.) Regulations concerning documentation Preservation of the secrecy of correspondence A2: Types of communication in the maritime mobile service Distress, urgency and safety communication Public correspondence Port operation service Ship movement service Intership communication On board communication A3: Types of station in the maritime mobile service Ship stations Ship Earth stations Coast stations Coast Earth stations Pilot stations, port stations etc. Aircraft stations Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC) A4: Elementary knowledge of radio frequencies and frequency bands Frequency and wavelength The units of frequencies: Hz, kHz, MHz, GHz. The subdivision of the most significant part of the radio Spectrum: MF, HF, VHF, UHF, SHF Different propagation mechanisms and typical ranges I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 34 Propagation on MF frequencies Propagation on different HF frequency bands Propagation on VHF and UHF frequencies I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 35 A5: Frequencies allocated to the maritime mobile service The usage of LF, MF, HF, VHF, UHF and SHF frequencies in the maritime mobile service Modes of communication (Radiotelephony, NBDP, Fax, Email, Data, DSC) Classes of emission Bandwidth of different emissions, carrier frequency and assigned frequency Official designations of emission Unofficial designations of emissions (e. g. TLX, SSB, AM, FM) The concept of radio channel: simplex, semi-duplex and duplex; paired and unpaired channels and frequencies. Channelling systems in the VHF, MF and HF maritime mobile bands, including allocations for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). Distress and safety frequencies Intership communications frequencies Port operations frequencies Ship movement frequencies Calling frequencies A6: Maintaining the functionality of a ship station Sources of energy of ship stations Batteries Different kinds of batteries and their characteristics Charging Maintenance of batteries Antenna maintenance Functional tests B Practical Examination In the practical examination several applicants can proof their knowledge at the same time depending on the technical equipment. For each applicant a protocol as shown in Annex I should be used. To conduct GMDSS distress-, urgency-, safety- and routine radio traffic in English language by means of case examples on real radio devices on dummy loads communicating with each other or on approved networked GMDSS simulation equipment which meets all applicable performance standards set out in Regulation I/12 of the STCW-Convention, should be used. B1: Detailed practical knowledge and ability to use radio equipment (see Annex 1) B2: Detailed practical knowledge of distress, urgency, safety and routine communication procedures in radiotelephony, radiotelex and via satellite systems Distress communication o Alert, call and message (including DSC, EPIRB and SART) o Distress traffic with ship stations, coast stations and aircraft stations o Cessation of distress traffic I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 36 o Withdrawing of a false distress alert Urgent communication o Announcement, call and message o Urgency traffic with ship stations, coast stations and aircraft stations o Cessation urgency traffic Safety communication o Announcement, call and message o Safety traffic with ship stations, coast stations and aircraft stations o Cessation safety traffic Routine communication o Ship station to Ship station o Ship to Coast station or and subscriber o Ship earth station to ship earth station o Ship earth station to coast earth station or land subscriber B3: Ability of using Handbooks and ITU Lists List of coast station and Special Service Stations List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments Handbook for the use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile Satellite Services (Maritime Manual) Inmarsat Handbook Admiralty List (Vol I and Vol III) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 37 Information Requested of Instructors who implement IMO Model Courses Introduction 1 IMO model courses are periodically revised to take into account the changes which have taken place in relevant Conventions, resolutions and other matters affecting each course. To help IMO to improve the content of courses when they are revised, the assistance of all instructors who implement or participate in implementing courses is requested, whether the implementation is part of an IMO technical cooperation project or part of a Maritime Training Academy’s regular programme. Information requested and its format 2 To simplify their consolidation by IMO, the technical comments and suggestions for the improvement of model courses should follow the format that is outlined below. If no comments or suggestions are to be provided under topic, please insert “no comments” against the item. 3 Please identify: 1 the course number and title; 2 the date and location of its implementation; 3 the approximate number of IMO model courses you have implemented to date; and 4 the approximate number of times you have implemented this particular model course. 4 In commencing on Part A – Course Framework, please comment on the items (`Scope’, ‘Objectives’, etc.) in the order in which they appear in the course; in all cases, please indicate: 1 the number of participants who met the entry standards and the number who did not; 2 the course intake and, if the recommendations in ‘Course intake limitations’ were exceeded, the reasons for this and your observations on the effect of this on the quality of the course; 3 if conditions under ‘Staff requirements’ were met; if not, please indicate the nature of the deficiency and give your observations of the effect of this on the quality of presentation of the course; and 4 any lack of equipment or facilities as compared with the recommendations under ‘Teaching facilities and equipment’ and your observations of the effect on this lack on the quality of presentation of the course. 5 In commenting on Part B – course Outline, please bear in mind that minor variations in time allocations are inevitable. Major difficulties with allocations of time and any omissions or redundancies of subject areas should be briefly explained. 6 In commenting on Part C – Detailed Teaching Syllabus, please identify the specific learning objectives concerned by their paragraph numbers. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 38 7 In commenting on Part D – Instructor’s Manual, please clearly identify the section concerned. If the bibliography or the practical exercises are found to be unsatisfactory, please identify suitable alternative texts, as far as possible, or outline alternative exercises, as appropriate. 8 In commenting on the compendium, please clearly identify the paragraphs being commented upon. 9 Any further comments or suggestions you may have which fall outside the scope of the items listed above may be added at the end. In particular, your views on the usefulness of the course material to you in implementing the course would be appreciated, as would the contribution to IMO of any additional teaching material you found useful in implementing it. Please address your comments to: International Maritime Organization 4, Albert Embankment London SE1 7SR United Kingdom Tel +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax +44 (0)20 7587 3210 Email: [email protected] I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 39 Annex 1: Example of trainee’s practical proficiency checklist VHF-DSC Transmit capabilities DSC distress alert without nature of distress DSC distress alert with nature of distress DSC relay to all stations DSC relay to an individual station (coast station or ship station) DSC all stations urgency announcement with working channel DSC ship to ship urgency announcement with working channel DSC ship to coast station urgency announcement DSC all stations safety announcement with working channel DSC ship to ship safety announcement with working channel DSC ship to coast station safety announcement DSC ship to ship routine announcement with working channel DSC ship to coast station safety announcement DSC group announcement (urgency, safety, routine) with working channel DSC geographic area announcement (urgency, safety, routine) with working channel DSC polling DSC position request DSC medical transport Other capabilities Select DSC received messages out of memory (distress + non distress) Select own MMSI numbers Implement coast stations Implement subscriber Implement position and time (if no GPS is available) Change DSC auto acknowledgement settings Change channel Change power settings Switch between International channels an US channels Switch on and off the dual watch function Edit the address book Carry out the implemented test routine Operate the Volume and Squelch Establish operational readiness (ch16, 25W, International channel selection) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 40 MF/HF-DSC Transmit capabilities DSC distress alert without nature of distress DSC distress alert with nature of distress DSC relay to all stations DSC relay to geographic area DSC relay to an individual station (coast station or ship station) DSC all stations urgency announcement with working frequency DSC ship to ship urgency announcement with working frequency DSC ship to coast station urgency announcement DSC all stations safety announcement with working frequency DSC ship to ship safety announcement with working frequency DSC ship to coast station safety announcement DSC ship to ship routine announcement with working frequency DSC ship to coast station safety announcement DSC group announcement (urgency, safety, routine) with work. frequency DSC geographic area announcement (urgency, safety, routine) with working frequency DSC polling DSC position request DSC medical transport Other capabilities Select DSC received messages out of memory (distress + non distress) Select own MMSI numbers Implement coast stations Implement subscriber Implement position and time (if no GPS is available) Implement new coast station frequencies Change DSC auto acknowledgement settings Change frequencies (TX and RX) for communication Change power settings Change kind of modulation Operate the Volume and Squelch Operate the Tuning Operate the Clarifier Operate the RF-Gain Switch to Automatic Gain Control Switch between International frequency and channels I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 41 Switch on and off the DSC watch function Add new coast stations Edit the paired channel list (Communication with coast stations) Change routine DSC watch frequencies Carry out the implemented test routine Edit the address book Establish operational readiness (TX/RX 2182kHz, full Power, SSB, DSC watch) INMARSAT-B Transmit capabilities Sending distress alert, call and message by telephony Sending urgency or safety calls using access codes by telephony Sending a distress relay to a MRCC Calling a land subscriber by telephony Calling a ship by telephony Test the distress facility Sending distress alert, call and message by telex Sending urgency or safety messages using access codes by telex Transmitting a telex to a land subscriber Transmitting a telex to a ship Opening a conversation call to a ship or a land subscriber Other capabilities telephony Login and logout procedure Changing the satellite Change the Coast Earth Station (CES) Change the position and time (if no GPS is available) Change the azimuth and elevation Edit the default settings (Ringtone, Background light, Language etc.) Edit the address book Read the call log Commissioning Establish operational readiness (TX/RX on, Successful login) Other capabilities telex Edit the configuration Edit the address book Compose a correct telex to a ship or a land subscriber I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 42 Save the telex in a correct folder Open a message out of the correct folder Read the receive logs Use the help function Establish operational readiness INMARSAT-C Transmit capabilities Sending distress alert without nature of distress Sending distress alert with nature of distress Sending distress message with nature and details of distress Sending urgency or safety messages using access codes by telex Transmitting a telex/fax/email etc. to a land subscriber Transmitting a telex to a ship Login and logout procedure Change the satellite Other capabilities Edit the default settings (configuration, routing, etc.) Implement different Metareas/Coastal warning areas Perform a link test Configure and carry out a data reporting Edit the address book Compose a correct telex/fax/email to a ship or a land subscriber Save the telex in a correct folder Open a message out of the correct folder Read the logs (Transmit, Receive, EGC) Use the help function Establish operational readiness (Transceiver on, Printer on, Screen on) INMARSAT Fleet77 Transmit capabilities Sending distress alert-, call- and message by telephony Sending urgency or safety calls using access codes by telephony Sending a distress relay to a MRCC Calling a land subscriber by telephony Calling a ship by telephony Transmit an email to a land subscriber I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 43 Other capabilities telephony Login and logout procedure Changing the satellite Change the Coast Earth Station (CES) Change the position and time (if no GPS is available) Edit the default settings (Ringtone, Background light, Language etc.) Edit the address book Read the call log Commissioning Establish operational readiness (TX/RX on, Successful login) Other capabilities Email Edit the configuration Edit the address book Compose a correct email to a ship or a land subscriber Save the email in a correct folder Open a message out of the correct folder Read the receive logs Use the help function NAVTEX Select receive station Select receive message Select receive frequency Read message from receive memory Changing the default settings (display, print etc.) EPIRB Putting the EPIRB out of bracket Testing the EPIRB Switch the EPIRB to alarm mode Switch off the EPIRB SART Putting the SART out of bracket Testing the SART Switch the SART to transmit mode I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 44 Switch off the SART VHF PORTABLE Change channel Change power settings Switch between International channels an US channels Switch on and off the dual watch function Operate Volume and Squelch control Change Battery UHF PORTABLE Change channel Change power settings Switch on and off the dual watch function Operate Volume and Squelch control Change Battery VHF AERO Change channel Change power settings Operate Volume and Squelch control Change Battery I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 45 Annex 2: Practical Examination Protocol GOC I Compulsory Tasks - Terrestrial Maritime Mobile Service - MF/HF-DSC Conducting GMDSS distress-, urgency- und safety radio traffic in English language by means of case examples on two MF/HF-DSC radio devices communicating with each other or with approved networked radio simulation equipment. Examinee 1 Editing DSC distress alert 1.Attempt and transmitting distress message in radio telephony 2.Attempt 1.Attempt Imposing silence 2.Attempt 1.Attempt Conducting distress traffic 2.Attempt 1.Attempt Cease distress traffic 2.Attempt DSC urgency 1.Attempt announcement and transmitting an urgency 2.Attempt message Record of a safety 1.Attempt message and initiation of further measures 2.Attempt1 Relay of a received distress 1.Attempt alert to a coast station by Radio-telex (ARQ) 2.Attempt Examinee 2 Reading out memory and acknowledging receipt of distress message Editing DSC distress alert relay and transmit it to a coast station Conducting distress traffic 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt Cancelling of a false distress 1.Attempt alert (DSC and radio telephony) 2.Attempt Record of an urgency message and initiation of further measures 1.Attempt DSC safety announcement and transmitting a safety message Editing DSC distress alert and initiation of distress traffic by means of radio telex (FEC) 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt I Compulsory Tasks – Maritime Mobile Satellite Service - Inmarsat B Conducting GMDSS distress-, urgency- safety and routine traffic in English language by means of case examples on an approved networked radio simulation equipment or functional dummy loaded Inmarsat B device. Examinee 1 Release a distress alert 1.Attempt and transmit the distress message by 2.Attempt telephony 1.Attempt Conducting distress traffic 2.Attempt Request medical advice 1.Attempt by means of access codes via telex 2.Attempt Transmitting of a safety 1.Attempt message to a land subscriber by telex 2.Attempt Installation of a routine 1.Attempt connection to a ship earth stations by telex 2.Attempt I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc Examinee 2 Release a distress alert 1.Attempt and transmit the distress message by 2.Attempt telex 1.Attempt Conducting distress traffic 2.Attempt Request medical advice 1.Attempt by means of access codes via telephony 2.Attempt Transmitting of a safety 1.Attempt message to a ship earth station by telex 2.Attempt Installation of a routine 1.Attempt connection to a land subscriber by telex 2.Attempt HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 46 III Compulsory Tasks – Maritime Mobile Satellite Service - Inmarsat C Conducting GMDSS distress-, urgency- safety and routine traffic in English language by means of case examples on an approved networked radio simulation equipment or functional dummy loaded Inmarsat C device. Set type of EGC message Examinee 1 1.Attempt Initiate a distress alert including kind of distress Transmitting a safety message to a Navtex Coordinator Transmitting a routine telex to a SES Reading out receiving-, transmitting-and EGC memory, Close down operation state 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt Set type of EGC receiving area Examinee 2 1.Attempt Initiate a distress alert including kind of distress Request medical advice by means of access code Transmitting a routine telex to a land subscriber Reading out receiving-, transmitting-and EGC memory, Close down operation state 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt The examinee shall pass all compulsory tasks successfully latest in the second attempt. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 47 IV Additional Tasks VHF DSC Calling a VTS station Set up dual watch function Decrease or increase power level Using the squelch and explaining its function Navtex, EPIRB, SART Set up Navtex: kind of message and coast station Testing and releasing of an EPIRB Testing and releasing of a SART MF/HF and Radio-telex Tuning the routine DSC scan frequencies MF/HF: Install a ship to ship connection(DSC/Teleph ony) MF/HF: Install a ship to ship connection(DSC/Telex)) MF/HF: Transmitting a message to all stations (DSC/Radio-telex FEC) Radio-telex: Edit and save a telex message Remarks of the Examiner 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt Radio-telex: Edit 1.Attempt address book (ship station, land subscriber) 2.Attempt 1.Attempt Radio-telex: Tune scan frequencies 2.Attempt I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 48 IV Additional Tasks Inmarsat-B Inmarsat B: Edit and save a telex message Inmarsat B: Transmitting a fax to a land subscriber Inmarsat B: Changing Satellite and coast earth station Inmarsat B: Edit address book (ship station, land subscriber) Inmarsat B: Reading out receiving-,and transmitting memory Inmarsat-C Inmarsat C: Transmitting a test message to the own SES Inmarsat C: Edit and save a telex message Inmarsat C: Transmitting a fax to a land subscriber Inmarsat C: Changing Satellite and coast earth station Inmarsat C: Edit address book (ship station, land subscriber) Inmarsat C: Transmitting a distress priority message Remarks of the Examiner 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 1.Attempt 2.Attempt At least two of three additional tasks shall be successfully passed latest within the second attempt I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 49 COMPENDIUM CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS INDEX OF TABLES INDEX OF FIGURES 1. INTRODUCTION 65 2. THE STATUTORY FRAMEWORK OF THE MARITIME MOBILE SERVICE 65 2.1. INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION OF SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEE 2.1.1. Functional requirements 2.1.2. Sea Areas Definitions of coverage and sea areas for Digital Selective Calling (DSC) 2.1.3. Carriage requirements Details of equipment specifications A1, A2, A4 and A4 Details of carriage requirements Means of ensuring availability of ship station equipment Primary and secondary means of alerting Bridge alarm panel and its purpose Requirements for radio safety certificates 2.1.4. Watchkeeping Watchkeeping procedures as defined in the Radio Regulations Other watchkeeping procedures 2.1.5. Radio personal 2.1.6. Sources of power Reserve power supplies, capacity and duration as defined in SOLAS Convention Reserve source of energy Prohibitions on the connection of non-GMDSS equipment 2.2. RADIO REGULATIONS 2.2.1. Authority of the master 2.2.2. Secrecy of correspondence 2.2.3. Ship station licences 2.2.4. Inspection of stations 2.2.5. Radio Operator’s Certificates I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 66 66 67 67 68 69 70 70 70 72 72 72 72 73 73 74 74 74 75 75 76 76 76 77 77 HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 50 2.2.6. Frequencies 78 Interferences 78 The use of and restrictions for different emissions according to frequencies in the Maritime Mobile Service (MMS) 79 The role of the various modes of communication 79 The use of MF, HF, VHF, UHF and SHF frequency bands in the MMS 80 The concept of HF frequency management 82 VHF telephony 82 Frequencies for distress, urgency and safety communications 82 Frequencies for routine communication and reply 82 2.2.7. Call categories 83 Distress 83 Urgency 83 Safety 83 Routine 83 2.2.8. Watchkeeping 83 3. IDENTIFICATION OF RADIO STATIONS 3.1. IDENTIFICATION OF SHIP STATIONS 3.1.1. Ships name 3.1.2. Call sign 3.1.3. Maritime Mobile Service Identity 3.1.4. Group calling number 3.2. IDENTIFICATION OF COAST STATIONS 3.3. IDENTIFICATION OF SEARCH AND RESCUE (SAR) STATIONS 3.4. IDENTIFICATION OF VESSEL TRAFFIC SERVICE(VTS) STATIONS 3.5. IDENTIFICATION OF AIDS TO NAVIGATION 3.6. IDENTIFICATION OF AIRCRAFT STATIONS 3.7. IDENTIFICATION OF ASSOCIATED CRAFT WITH PARENT SHIP 3.8. IDENTIFICATION OF SHIP EARTH STATIONS AND COAST EARTH STATIONS 4. SERVICE PUBLICATIONS 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. LIST OF COAST STATIONS AND SPECIAL SERVICE STATIONS (ITU LIST IV) LIST OF SHIP STATIONS AND MARITIME MOBILE SERVICE IDENTITY ASSIGNMENTS (ITU LIST V) MANUAL FOR USE BY THE MARITIME MOBILE AND MARITIME MOBILE-SATELLITE SERVICES ADMIRALTY LIST OF RADIO SIGNALS 5. TECHNICAL 5.1. RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION 5.1.1. Basics 5.1.2. Line of sight propagation 5.1.3. Ground waves and sky waves 5.1.4. Ionosphere structure 5.1.5. UHF and VHF propagation 5.1.6. MF propagation 5.1.7. HF propagation I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 85 85 85 85 86 86 87 87 88 88 89 89 89 90 90 91 92 93 94 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 100 HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 51 5.1.8. VLF propagation 5.1.9. LF propagation 5.2. MODULATION BASICS 5.2.1. Frequency modulation 5.2.2. Amplitude modulation 5.2.3. Bandwidth of different types of modulation 5.2.4. Carrier and assigned frequencies 5.2.5. Official designations of emission 5.2.6. Unofficial designations of emissions 5.3. TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER BASICS 5.3.1. Transmitter structure 5.3.2. Receiver structure 5.4. BATTERIES 5.4.1. Basics 5.4.2. Different kinds of batteries - UPS systems 5.4.3. Characteristics of different battery types Primary batteries Secondary batteries 5.4.4. Charging batteries, battery charging methods 5.4.5. Maintenance and monitoring of batteries 5.5. ANTENNAS 5.5.1. VHF antennas 5.5.2. MF/HF antennas 5.5.3. Satellite antennas 5.5.4. Antenna maintenance 5.6. DSC BASICS 5.7. RADIOTELEX BASICS 5.7.1. Automatic request for repeat (ARQ) 5.7.2. Forward Error Correction (FEC) 5.8. FAULT LOCATION AND SERVICE ON GMDSS MARINE ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT 6. GMDSS COMPONENTS 6.1. GENERAL 6.2. VHF DSC 6.2.1. Basics 6.2.2. The use and functions of the VHF radio station installation 6.2.3. DSC possibilities 6.2.4. Operational VHF DSC procedures in the GMDSS Telecommand and traffic information Channel selection in call format DSC acknowledgement DSC relay process Test transmissions 6.2.5. Alerting and announcement Distress alert Distress alert relay I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 105 105 106 106 108 109 111 111 112 112 112 114 115 115 116 116 116 117 118 119 120 120 120 122 123 124 125 125 125 125 126 126 127 127 130 131 133 134 134 134 134 134 134 135 136 HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 52 Announcements for all ships (distress, urgency, safety) Announcement to individual station (urgency, safety, routine) Group announcement (urgency, safety, routine) Polling and position request Automatic/Semi-automatic service with coast stations List of practical tasks 6.3. MF/HF-DSC 6.3.1. Basics 6.3.2. The use and functions of the MF/HF radio station installation 6.3.3. DSC possibilities 6.3.4. Operational MF/HF DSC procedures in the GMDSS Telecommand and traffic information Frequency selection in call format Acknowledgement Distress alert relay Use of frequencies Test transmissions 6.3.5. Alerting and announcement Distress alert Distress alert relay Announcement to individual station (urgency, safety, routine) Geographic area announcement (urgency, safety) Group announcement (distress, urgency, safety, routine) Polling and position request Automatic service with coast stations Practical tasks 6.4. VHF/MF/HF VOICE PROCEDURE 6.4.1. Distress procedure 6.4.2. Urgency procedure 6.4.3. Safety procedure 6.4.4. Port operation and ship movement communication 6.4.5. Routine communication Calling a subscriber (ship to shore) Phone call from ashore (shore to ship) Transmission of a telegram 6.4.6. Intership communication 6.4.7. On board communication 6.5. RADIOTELEX 6.5.1. Basics 6.5.2. Numbering 6.5.3. Automatic and manual calling 6.5.4. Radiotelex equipment 6.5.5. Details of a telex message 6.5.6. Operational MF/HF radiotelex procedures in the GMDSS Distress procedure Urgency procedure I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 137 138 139 139 139 140 141 141 144 146 148 149 149 149 149 149 150 150 150 153 153 154 155 156 156 157 158 158 165 168 171 171 171 172 173 174 175 175 176 176 177 179 180 181 181 182 HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 53 Safety procedure 183 Routine procedure 184 List of practical tasks MF/HF 190 6.6. INMARSAT 192 6.6.1. Basics 192 Inmarsat space segment 192 Inmarsat ground segment 194 Different Inmarsat systems and their functions 196 6.6.2. Inmarsat-B system 198 Use of the Inmarsat-B system 198 Components of an Inmarsat-B ship earth station 198 Handling of an Inmarsat-B SES 200 Acquiring a satellite connection 201 Use of 2-digit code service via Inmarsat-B 202 Practical Tasks 203 6.6.3. Inmarsat-C system 204 The use of Inmarsat-C system 206 Selecting an Ocean Region 207 Logging-in to an Ocean Region/ NCS Common Signalling Channel 207 Use of 2-digit code service via Inmarsat-C 207 Routing via a CES 208 Navigational areas (Navarea) / Metrological areas (Metarea) 208 Log out before switching off 208 Routine operational tasks 209 Quick reference Inmarsat-C guide 209 Components of an Inmarsat-C/Mini-C SES 211 Practical Tasks 212 6.6.4. Inmarsat-M systems 213 The limitations regarding Inmarsat-M and the GMDSS 214 6.6.5. Inmarsat Fleet 77 214 Components of an Inmarsat Fleet ship earth station 215 Method of acquiring satellite both manually and automatically 216 Handling of an Inmarsat Fleet 77 SES 216 Use of 2-digit code service via Inmarsat Fleet 218 Practical Tasks 218 6.6.6. Inmarsat-D and D+ 219 6.6.7. Inmarsat Numbers IMN 219 6.6.8. Overview of SafetyNET and FleetNET services 219 6.6.9. Operational voice procedure via Inmarsat 220 Distress-, urgent- safety and routine communication 220 Procedure for sending a distress alert-, call- and message via Inmarsat-B and Inmarsat Fleet 77 221 Procedure for sending an urgency call- and message via Inmarsat-B and Inmarsat Fleet 77 221 Procedure for sending a safety announcement, call and message via Inmarsat-B and Inmarsat Fleet 77 222 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 54 Routine communication via Inmarsat-B and Fleet 77 List of practical tasks 6.6.10. Operational Inmarsat telex procedure Distress via Inmarsat-B telex Distress via Inmarsat-C telex Urgency / Safety Inmarsat-B telex Urgency / Safety via Inmarsat-C telex Routine communication List of practical tasks 6.6.11. Inmarsat Email procedure Procedure for sending an email to shore 6.7. COSPAS / SARSAT 6.7.1. Structure Cospas/Sarsat space segment Cospas/Sarsat ground segment 6.7.2. Possibilities 6.8. EPIRB 6.8.1. The basic operation of the COSPAS-SARSAT satellite system and signal routing/path 6.8.2. Essential parts of Cospas / Sarsat EPIRBs 6.8.3. Basic characteristics of operation on 406 and 121,5 MHz EPIRB 6.8.4. The registration and coding of a 406 MHz EPIRB 6.8.5. The information contents of a distress alert 6.8.6. Operation 6.8.7. The float-free function 6.8.8. The correct use of the lanyard 6.8.9. Routine maintenance, testing requirements and test operation 6.8.10. Additional EPIRB features 6.8.11. Withdrawal of an unintended false distress transmission 6.8.12. Practical Tasks 6.9. SEARCH AND RESCUE TRANSPONDER / TRANSMITTER (SART) 6.9.1. Different types of SARTs and their operation Search and rescue radar transponder AIS radar transmitter 6.9.2. Routine maintenance, testing requirements and test operation 6.9.3. Practical tasks 6.10. MARITIME SAFETY INFORMATION 6.10.1. Basics 6.10.2. NAVTEX NAVTEX frequencies NAVTEX system Responsibilities of a NAVTEX Co-ordinator Messages Operation of the NAVTEX receiver Selection of transmitters, message type Practical tasks 6.10.3. EGC I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 222 222 222 223 224 227 228 229 230 230 230 232 232 232 235 238 238 238 239 240 240 240 240 241 241 241 242 242 242 242 243 243 244 245 245 246 246 247 247 247 250 250 254 256 256 257 HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 55 Geographic area messages and Inmarsat system messages Classes of Inmarsat-C receiver types EGC setup 6.10.4. MSI via VHF/MF/HF 6.11. THE USE AND FUNCTIONS OF PORTABLE VHF RADIO 6.11.1. Practical tasks 6.12. PORTABLE VHF AERONAUTICAL RADIO FOR 121,5 AND 123,1 MHZ 7. OTHER SYSTEMS USED ON BOARD 7.1. ULTRA HIGH FREQUENCY (UHF) HANDHELDS 7.2. AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM 7.3. SHIP SECURITY ALERT SYSTEM 8. SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATION 8.1. THE ROLE OF THE MARITIME RESCUE CO-ORDINATION CENTRE 8.1.1. Maritime rescue organisations 8.1.2. Knowledge of SAR systems worldwide 8.2. INTERNATIONAL AERONAUTICAL AND MARITIME SEARCH AND RESCUE (IAMSAR) MANUAL 8.3. THE ROLE AND METHOD OF USE OF SHIP REPORTING SYSTEMS 8.3.1. Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel Rescue System (AMVER) 8.3.2. Japanese Ship Reporting System (JASREP) 8.3.3. Australian Ship Reporting System (AUSREP) 8.3.4. Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships (LRIT) 257 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 268 268 269 270 271 271 272 273 273 274 277 278 279 9. MISCELLANEOUS SKILLS AND OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES FOR GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS 281 9.1. USE OF ENGLISH IN WRITTEN AND ORAL FORM FOR SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS 9.1.1. Use of the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases 9.1.2. Use of the International Code of Signals 9.1.3. Recognition of standard abbreviations and commonly used service codes (Q-Code) 9.1.4. Use of the International Phonetic Alphabet 9.2. DETAILS OF A RADIO TELEGRAM 9.2.1. The preamble 9.2.2. Prefix 9.2.3. Different types of address 9.2.4. The text 9.2.5. The signature 9.3. PROCEDURE OF TRAFFIC CHARGING 9.3.1. The international charging and accounting system 9.3.2. The AAIC code and its use 9.3.3. Coast station-, landline and ship station charge 9.3.4. Currencies used for the account of international radio communications 9.3.5. Inmarsat communication charging systems 281 281 281 281 281 282 282 283 283 283 283 283 283 284 284 284 284 APPENDIX 1: VOICE PROCEDURES 288 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 56 APPENDIX 2: MORSE CODE TABLE APPENDIX 3: PHONETIC ALPHABET AND FIGURE CODE APPENDIX 4: Q-CODES APPENDIX 5: FREQUENCIES USED FOR DSC APPENDIX 6: VHF FREQUENCIES APPENDIX 7: MF FREQUENCIES APPENDIX 8: HF DUPLEX CHANNELS APPENDIX 9: VOICE SHIP – SHIP FREQUENCIES APPENDIX 10: FREQUENCIES FOR DATA TRANSMISSION APPENDIX 11: TELEX SHIP – COAST FREQUENCIES APPENDIX 12: TELEX SHIP – SHIP FREQUENCIES APPENDIX 13: TELEX COMMAND CODES APPENDIX 14: TABLE OF MARITIME IDENTIFICATION DIGITS APPENDIX 15: LIST OF CALL SIGNS APPENDIX 16: TWO DIGIT ACCESS CODES APPENDIX 17: NON DELIVERY CODES NOTIFICATION (NDN) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 289 290 292 297 299 301 310 318 319 324 332 333 335 343 353 356 HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 57 AA: Accounting Authority AAIC: Accounting Authority Identification Code AGC: Automatic Gain Control AIS: Automatic Identification System ALRS: Admiralty List of Radio Signals AM: Amplitude Modulation AMSA: Australian Maritime Safety Authority AMVER: Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel Rescue System AOR-E: Atlantic Ocean Region-East AOR-W: Atlantic Ocean Region – West ARQ: Automatic request for repeat ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASP: Application service providers AtoN: Aids to Navigation ATU: Antenna Tuning Unit AUSREP: Australian Ship Reporting System bps: bits per second CC: Coast station Charge CES: Coast Earth Station CESO: Coast Earth Station Operator ch70: VHF channel70 CP: Public Correspondence CR: Restricted public Correspondence CS: Coast Stations CSP: Communications service providers DCE: Data Circuit terminating Equipment DSB: Double-Sideband DSC: Digital Selective Calling DTE: Data Terminal Equipment EGC: Enhanced Group Call EHF: Extra High Frequency ENID: EGC network Identification EPIRB: Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon fax: Facsimile FEC: Forward Error Correction FM: Frequency Modulation FSK: Frequency Shift Keying GEOSAR: Geostationary Search and Rescue Gfr: Goldfranc GLONASS: Global Navigation Satellite System GMDSS: Global Maritime Distress and safety System GNSS: Global Navigational Satellite System GOC: General Operator’s Certificate GPS: Global Positioning System GSO: Geostationary Orbit HF: High Frequency HSD: High Speed Data IAMSAR: International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 58 IMN: Inmarsat: INTERCO: IOR: ISP: ITU: JASREP: LEOSAR: LF: LL: LRIT: LUF: LUT: MCC: Metarea: MF: MID: MMSI: MPDS: MRCC: MSI: MUF: Navarea: NAVTEX: NBDP: NCS: NDN: nm: NOAA: NOC: OSC: OTF: POR: PSDN: PSTN: PTT: R/T: RCC: RF: ROC: RR: RSC: SAR: SART: SCC: SDR: SES: SHF: SMC: Inmarsat Number International Mobile Satellite Organization International Code of Signals Indian Ocean Region Inmarsat service provider International Telecommunication Union Japanese Ship Reporting System Low Earth Orbit Search and Rescue Low Frequency Land Line charge Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships Lowest usable frequency Local User Terminals Mission Control Centre Metrological areas Medium Frequency Maritime Identification Digits Maritime Mobile Service Identity Mobile Packet Data Service Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre Maritime Safety Information Maximum Usable Frequency Navigational areas Navigational Text Message Narrow Band Direct Printing Network Co-ordination Station Non-Delivery Codes Notification Nautical miles National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Network Operations Centre On-Scene Co-ordinator Optimum Traffic Frequency Pacific Ocean Region Packet Switched Data Network Public Switched Telephone Network Push To Talk Radio Telephony Rescue Co-ordination Centre Radio Frequency Restricted Operator’s Certificate Radio Regulations Rescue Sub Centre Search and Rescue Search and Rescue Transponder Satellite Control Centre Special Drawing Right Ship Earth Station Super High Frequency Search and Rescue Mission Co-ordinator I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 59 SOLAS: SRR: SSAS: SSB: STCW: SURPIC: UHF: UTC: VAT: VHF: VLF: VTS: International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea Search and Rescue Region Ship Security Alarm System Single Sideband International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 as amended Surface Picture Ultra High Frequency Universal Co-ordinated Time Value Added Tax Very High Frequency Very Low Frequency Vessel Traffic Service I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 60 Table 1: Equipment specification ...............................................................................70 Table 2: Type of emission and its application ............................................................79 Table 3: Modes of communication .............................................................................80 Table 4: MF frequency bands ....................................................................................81 Table 5: Distress / Urgency /Safety Frequencies (MF/HF in kHz) .............................82 Table 6 Routine frequencies in (MF/HF in kHz) .........................................................82 Table 7: Frequency bands .........................................................................................94 Table 8: Frequency ranges and their applications .....................................................96 Table 9: Important VHF channels and their application ...........................................129 Table 10: VHF DSC possibility table ........................................................................133 Table 11: VHF-DSC practical training tasks ............................................................141 Table 12: International MF DSC frequencies ...........................................................143 Table 13: MF/HF DSC possibility table ....................................................................148 Table 14: MF/HF-DSC practical training tasks.........................................................158 Table 15: Radiotelex practical training tasks ...........................................................191 Table 16: Service of different Inmarsat types in comparison ...................................197 Table 17: INMARSAT-B practical training tasks ......................................................204 Table 18: INMARSAT-C practical training tasks ......................................................213 Table 19: Different Inmarsat Fleet systems in comparison ......................................215 Table 20: INMARSAT Fleet 77 practical training tasks ............................................219 Table 21: EPIRB practical training tasks .................................................................242 Table 22: SART practical training tasks ...................................................................246 Table 23: NAVTEX transmission .............................................................................249 Table 24: Codes for message types ........................................................................253 Table 25: NAVTEX practical training tasks ..............................................................256 Table 26: VHF PORTABLE practical training tasks .................................................266 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 61 Figure 1: Statutory framework .............................................................................. 65 Figure 2: SOLAS .................................................................................................. 66 Figure 3: Limits of sea areas British Isles and North West Europe DSC .............. 68 Figure 4: Example of a Maritime Radio Station for terrestrial and satellite communication..................................................................................... 69 Figure 5: Bridge alarm panel ................................................................................ 72 Figure 6: Radio Regulations ................................................................................. 76 Figure 7: ITU Regions (Article V RR) .................................................................... 80 Figure 8: List of coast stations and special service stations ................................. 90 Figure 9: List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments ............................................................................................................. 91 Figure 10: Manual for Use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services ............................................................................................... 92 Figure 11: Admiralty List of Radio Signals Vol.1 ................................................... 93 Figure 12: Example of wavelength ....................................................................... 95 Figure 13: Line of sight propagation ..................................................................... 96 Figure 14: Ground waves and sky waves ............................................................. 97 Figure 15: Sky wave radio path ............................................................................ 98 Figure 16: HF radio communication paths ............................................................ 103 Figure 17: Frequency modulation ......................................................................... 106 Figure 18: Amplitude modulation .......................................................................... 108 Figure 19: A3E DSB Telephony (Commercial broadcast)..................................... 108 Figure 20: J3E SSB Telephony (supressed carrier) ............................................. 109 Figure 21: F3E Frequency modulated telephony (Sidebands for single tone are shown) ................................................................................................. 109 Figure 22: A3E DSB Telephony (Commercial Broadcast) .................................... 110 Figure 23: H3E SSB Telephony (full carrier)......................................................... 110 Figure 24: J3E SSB Telephony (supressed carrier) ............................................. 111 Figure 25: F1B Frequency modulated telex .......................................................... 111 Figure 26: Basic transmitter block diagram........................................................... 113 Figure 27: Basic receiver block diagram ............................................................... 114 Figure 28: Lead acid battery ................................................................................. 115 Figure 29: Battery charging system ...................................................................... 118 Figure 30: VHF ground plane antenna ................................................................. 120 Figure 31: VHF dipol antenna ............................................................................... 120 Figure 32: VHF rod antenna ................................................................................. 120 Figure 33: T-type MF/HF wire antenna ................................................................. 121 Figure 34: Inmarsat-C omnidirectional antenna .................................................... 122 Figure 35: Inmarsat-B parabolic follow up antenna .............................................. 123 Figure 36: Example antenna installation ............................................................... 123 Figure 37: Technical format of a call sequence (DX / RX) .................................... 124 Figure 38: Communication possibilities ................................................................ 126 Figure 39: The range of VHF transmissions ......................................................... 128 Figure 40: VHF channeling ................................................................................... 129 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 62 Figure 41: VHF radio station ................................................................................. 130 Figure 42: Handling of a received VHF DSC distress alert ................................... 136 Figure 43: Range of MF transmitter ...................................................................... 142 Figure 44: MF/HF radio station ............................................................................. 144 Figure 45: Handling of a received VHF/MF DSC distress alert ............................... 152 Figure 46: Handling of a received HF DSC distress alert ....................................... 152 Figure 47: Example of a rectangular geographic area ............................................ 155 Figure 48: Canellation of False distress alerts ........................................................ 165 Figure 49: Sample of a telegram ............................................................................ 173 Figure 50: Answerback description (land subscriber) ............................................. 177 Figure 51: Answerback description (ship subscriber) ............................................. 177 Figure 52: Manual telex calling of a coast station ................................................... 178 Figure 53: Automatic telex calling procedure to a land subscriber .......................... 178 Figure 54: Radioltelex terminal ............................................................................... 179 Figure 55: Example telex to land subscriber ........................................................... 180 Figure 56: Example distress telex transmission ...................................................... 182 Figure 57: Example urgency telex transmission ..................................................... 183 Figure 58: Example safety telex transmission ........................................................ 184 Figure 59: Example routine telex transmission to a land subscriber ....................... 185 Figure 60: Example link connection ........................................................................ 186 Figure 61: Example running telex transmission ...................................................... 187 Figure 62: Example details of connection ............................................................... 188 Figure 63: Example manual ship to ship connection............................................... 189 Figure 64: Example running ship to ship connection .............................................. 190 Figure 65: Inmarsat satellite positions .................................................................... 192 Figure 66: Inmarsat coverage map (I 3).................................................................. 193 Figure 67: Allocation of a communication channel ................................................. 195 Figure 68: Different Inmarsat types in comparison ................................................. 196 Figure 69: Inmarsat B equipment............................................................................ 199 Figure 70: Inmarsat B cradle .................................................................................. 200 Figure 71: Inmarsat B telex screen ......................................................................... 201 Figure 72: Inmarsat B antenna alignment ............................................................... 202 Figure 73: Inmarsat-B log in satellite ...................................................................... 202 Figure 74: Inmarsat-B manual selection of satellite ................................................ 202 Figure 75: Inmarsat-B request medical advice by 2-digit code ............................... 202 Figure 76: Inmarsat satellites and Navareas / Metareas......................................... 208 Figure 77: Components of different Inmarsat-C types ............................................ 211 Figure 78: Interface possibilities ............................................................................. 212 Figure 79: Inmarsat Fleet 77 components .............................................................. 215 Figure 80: Inmarsat Fleet 77 cradle ........................................................................ 216 Figure 81: Inmarsat Fleet 77 Email screen ............................................................. 217 Figure 82: Overview of SafetyNET and FleetNET .................................................. 220 Figure 83: Overview of priorities ............................................................................. 221 Figure 84: Example Inmarsat land subscriber international phone number ............ 221 Figure 85: Example Inmarsat B ship earth station phone number .......................... 222 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 63 Figure 86: Inmarsat-B telex selecting distress transmission ................................... 223 Figure 87: Inmarsat-B telex distress transmission .................................................. 224 Figure 88: Example International Inmarsat land subscriber telex number .............. 224 Figure 89: Inmarsat Mini-C telex distress panel ...................................................... 225 Figure 90: Inmarsat-C distress telex settings .......................................................... 225 Figure 91: Inmarsat-C mayday relay telex transmission ......................................... 226 Figure 92: Inmarsat-C priority settings .................................................................... 227 Figure 93: Inmarsat-B urgency transmission .......................................................... 228 Figure 94: Example Inmarsat-B ship earth station telex number ............................ 228 Figure 95: Inmarsat-C address book ...................................................................... 230 Figure 96: Inmarsat Fleet 77 Email transmission .................................................... 231 Figure 97: Inmarsat Fleet 77 Email settings ........................................................... 231 Figure 98: GEOSAR coverage and GEOLUT location............................................ 232 Figure 99: LEOSAR and GEOSAR satellite constellation ....................................... 234 Figure 100: GEOLUT stations ................................................................................ 235 Figure 101: Cospas / Sarsat LUTs.......................................................................... 236 Figure 102: Different EPIRB types .......................................................................... 238 Figure 103: Communication path in Cospas / Sarsat system ................................. 239 Figure 104: EPIRB .................................................................................................. 241 Figure 105: SART ................................................................................................... 243 Figure 106: SART images on radar screen ............................................................ 244 Figure 107: AIS SART image on radar screen ....................................................... 245 Figure 108: Navarea / Metarea overview ................................................................ 248 Figure 109: Example NAVTEX coverage areas of transmission ............................. 250 Figure 110: MSI information line ............................................................................. 251 Figure 111: Example of a navigational warning via NAVTEX ................................. 254 Figure 112: NAVTEX receiver ................................................................................ 255 Figure 113: Geographical EGC transmission ......................................................... 259 Figure 114: EGC information line ........................................................................... 260 Figure 115: EGC navigational warning ................................................................... 261 Figure 116: EGC weather information .................................................................... 261 Figure 117: EGC SAR information .......................................................................... 262 Figure 118: Example of different Inmarsat-C classes ............................................. 263 Figure 119: Inmarsat-C EGC set up window .......................................................... 264 Figure 120: Maritime VHF handheld ....................................................................... 265 Figure 121: Portable VHF aeronautical radio.......................................................... 267 Figure 122: ECDIS screen with AIS signals ............................................................ 269 Figure 123: Basic concept of the GMDSS .............................................................. 270 Figure 124: Example of SAR regions...................................................................... 271 Figure 125: LRIT system ........................................................................................ 280 Figure 126: Example of spelling ............................................................................. 282 Figure 127: Preamble of a radio telegram .............................................................. 282 Figure 128: Inmarsat billing .................................................................................... 286 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 64 Introduction to the Compendium This Compendium to the IMO Model Course for the GMDSS GOC is intended as an aid to both students and instructors. It aims to bring together, into one document, theory concerning different aspects of radio communications, which may be of value in the explanation and comprehension of subjects studied for the GOC. The Instructor may use document as radio communications theory reference work, to supplement the documents listed in part A of the IMO Model Course. When using the compendium, it should be noted that the students are training to become operators of radio communication equipment, and not technicians or engineers (although that can be more or less accomplished by doing the 1st or 2nd Class Radio Electronic Certificate). Students may find the theoretical and general interest parts helpful as background reading, which will increase and clarify their understanding of the subjects. It should not be noted that the material covered by the compendium is in places, in excess of that required by the holder of a GMDSS GOC Certificate. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 65 1. Introduction Radio has been the foundation of the distress and safety systems used by ships at seas in the first instance of the use of radio to save lives at sea in1899. It was soon realized that, to be effective, a radio –based distress and safety system had to be founded on internationally agreed rules concerning the type of equipment, the radio frequencies used an operational procedures. The first international agreement was established under the auspices of the predecessor to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Many of the operational procedures for morse telegraphy established at the turn of the century have been maintained to the present day. The current system is called the Global Maritime Distress and safety System (GMDSS).This system was adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 1988 and replaces the 500 kHz Morse code system. The GMDSS provides a reliable ship-to-shore communications path in addition to ship-to-ship alerting communications. The new system is automated and uses ship-to-shore and ship to ship alerting by means of terrestrial radio and satellite radio paths for alerting and subsequent communications. The GMDSS will apply to all cargo ships of 300 gross tonnages and above, and to all passenger ships, regardless of size, on international voyages. 2. The statutory framework of the Maritime Mobile Service Figure 1: Statutory framework I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 66 2.1. International Convention of Safety of Life at See Figure 2: SOLAS As more detailed regulations became necessary for the shipping industry, the most recent of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 1974) was adopted in 1974, 1978 and 1988 and amended from time to time. The SOLAS Convention has become one of the main instruments of the IMO. The GMDSS used by most of the world‘s shipping until 1992, is defined by chapter IV of the SOLAS Convention and the ITU Radio Regulations (RR). There was a transition period from the old to the new system in order to allow the industry time to overcome any unforeseen problems in implementation of the new system. The transitional period began on 1 February 1992 and continued to 1 February 1999. SOLAS Chapter IV applies to all ships engaged on international voyages except: Cargo ships less than 300 gross tonnage, Ships of war and troopships, Ships not propelled by mechanical means, Wooden ships of primitive build, Pleasure yachts not engaged in trade, Fishing vessels, and Ships being navigated within the Great Lakes of North America. 2.1.1. Functional requirements The GMDSS is a largely, but not fully, automated system which requires ships to have a range of equipment capable of performing the nine radio communication functions of the GMDSS in accordance with Regulation 4-1 of the SOLAS Convention. Every ship, while at sea, shall be capable for the: transmission of ship-to-shore distress alerts by at least two separate and independent means, each using a different radio communication service; reception of shore-to-ship distress alerts; transmission and reception of ship-to-ship distress alerts; I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 67 transmission and reception of search and rescue co-ordinating communications; transmission and reception of on-scene communications; transmission and reception of signals for locating; transmission and reception of maritime safety information; transmission and reception of general radio communications to and from shore-based radio systems or networks; and transmission and reception of bridge-to-bridge communications. 2.1.2. Sea Areas of coverage and sea areas for Digital Selective Calling (DSC) The GMDSS is based on the concept of using four marine communication sea areas to determine the operational, maintenance and personnel requirements for maritime radio communications. Sea area A1 means an area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available, as may be defined by a Contracting Government. Such an area could extend typically about 30 nautical miles (nm) from the coast station (SOLAS Chapter IV,Reg. 2-12). Sea area A2 means an area, excluding sea area A1, within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one MF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available, as may be defined by a Contracting Government. For planning purposes this area typically extends to up to 150 nm offshore, but would exclude any A1 designated areas. In practice, satisfactory coverage may often be achieved out to around 300 nm offshore (SOLAS Chapter, IV, and Reg. 213). Sea area A3 means an area, excluding sea areas A1 and A2, within the coverage of an International Mobile Satellite Organization (Inmarsat) geostationary satellite in which continuous alerting is available, This area lies between about latitudes 76° north and 76° south, but excludes A1 and/or A2 designated areas (SOLAS Chapter IV,Reg. 2-14). Sea area A4 means an area outside sea areas A1, A2 and A3. This is essentially the Polar Regions, north and south of about 76° of latitude, but excludes any other areas (SOLAS Chapter IV,Reg. 2-15). I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 68 Figure 3: Limits of sea areas British Isles and North West Europe DSC 2.1.3. Carriage requirements Equipment carriage requirements for ships at sea depend upon the sea area in which the ship is sailing. Furthermore, ships operating in the GMDSS are required to carry a primary and a secondary means of distress alerting. This means having VHF DSC as a primary system for a ship near coastal areas, backed up by a satellite Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB). A ship operating in an offshore ocean area could have Medium-Frequency DSC, High-Frequency DSC or Inmarsat satellite communications as a primary system backed up by a satellite EPIRB. The type of equipment used in the primary system is determined by the sea area in which the ship will be navigating. The carriage requirements are defined in SOLAS chapter IV, Reg. 7 to 9 for the four sea areas. Table 1 shows how the SOLAS Regulations would translate into the bare minimum carriage requirements for the four sea areas. The majority of ships will, however, be fitted with a more comprehensive radio installation. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 69 MF/HF-DSC Radiotelex VHF-DSC Battery Charger Inmarsat C Inmarsat C Distress Panel Figure 4: Example of a Maritime Radio Station for terrestrial and satellite communication Details of equipment specifications A1, A2, A4 and A4 Sea areaA1 Sea areaA2 Sea areaA3 Sea areaA4 VHF with DSC X X X X SART (2) X X X X NAVTEX receiver X X X X EGC receiver X X X X EPIRB X X X X VHF portable (2 or 3) X X X X X X X Equipment MF telephony with DSC plus Inmarsat-B or Inmarsat-C MF/HF telephony with DSC and telex Notes: X X X X or X Required in those sea areas where the NAVTEX service is available. Required in those sea areas where the NAVTEX service is NOT available. The EGC receive facility may be included in the standard Inmarsat-C terminal. 406 MHz COSPAS-SARSAT EPIRB I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc X HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 70 Table 1: Equipment specification Details of carriage requirements Every ship shall be provided in accordance with SOLAS IV, Reg. 7: a VHF radio installation capable of transmitting and receiving DSC and radiotelephony (Minimum ch70, ch06, ch13 and ch16) a radio installation capable of maintaining a continuous DSC watch on VHF channel 70 (ch70) a search and rescue locating device capable of operating either in the 9 GHz band or on frequencies dedicated for Automatic Identification System (AIS). a receiver capable of receiving international Navigational Text Message (NAVTEX) service broadcasts if the ship is engaged on voyages in any area in which an international NAVTEX service is provided a radio facility for reception of maritime safety information by the Inmarsat enhanced group calling system if the ship is engaged on voyages in any area of Inmarsat coverage but in which an international NAVTEX service is not provided. An EPIRB which shall be capable of trans-mitting a distress alert through the polar orbiting satellite service operating in the 406 MHz band Every passenger ship shall be provided with means for two-way on-scene radio communications for search and rescue purposes using the aeronautical frequencies 121.5 MHz and 123.1 MHz from the position from which the ship is normally navigated Means of ensuring availability of ship station equipment The means of ensuring the availability of equipment are determined by the sea areas in which the ship sails (SOLAS Chapter IV, Reg. 15). In sea areas A1 and A2, the availability of equipment shall be ensured by using one of the following methods: duplication of equipment; shore-based maintenance; at-sea electronic maintenance; or a combination of the above, as may be approved by the Administration. In sea areas A3 and A4, the availability of equipment shall be ensured by using a combination of at least two of the above mentioned methods, as may be approved by the Administration. Primary and secondary means of alerting The method of distress alerting can depend on the sea area in which the ship is sailing and on the equipment carried. As provided in SOLAS, transmitting ship-toshore distress alerts by at least two separate and independent means, each using a I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 71 different radio communication service (SOLAS Chapter IV, Reg. 4).The likely methods of initiating a distress alert in the four sea areas are shown below. Sea Area A1 VHF DSC on channel 70 EPIRB (Cospas/Sarsat) Search and Rescue Transponder (SART) Sea Area A2 VHF DSC on channel 70 (for ships in a range of 30 nm) MF DSC on 2187.5 kHz Inmarsat EPIRB(Cospas/Sarsat) SART Sea Area A3 VHF DSC on channel 70 (for ships in a range of 30 nm) MF DSC on 2187.5 kHz (for ships in a range of 150 nm) Inmarsat and/or HF DSC on 8414.5 kHz and all other HF DSC frequencies EPIRB(Cospas/Sarsat) SART (Radar and/or AIS) Sea Area A4 VHF DSC on channel 70 (for the ships in a range of 30 nm) MF DSC on 2187.5 kHz (for the ships in a range of 150 nm) HF DSC on 8414.5 kHz and all other HF DSC frequencies EPIRB(Cospas/Sarsat) SART (Radar and/or AIS) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 72 Bridge alarm panel and its purpose A distress alarm panel is a device which makes it possible to initiate transmission of distress alerts by the radio from the position from which the ship is normally navigated. It is normally connected to the VHF-DSC, MF-DSC and Inmarsat-C terminal. (SOLAS Chapter IV, Reg. 9 to 11) Function Buttons Display Figure 5: Bridge alarm panel Distress Button VHF, MF-HF, Inmarsat Requirements for radio safety certificates A Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate shall be issued after an initial or renewal survey to a cargo ship which complies with the relevant requirements of SOLAS Chapter IV by the Administration under which flag the vessel is sailing. The validation of the certificate shall not exceed five years.(SOLAS Chapter I, Reg. 12 and 13) 2.1.4 Watchkeeping Watchkeeping procedures as defined in the Radio Regulations Ships, whilst at sea, shall maintain a continuous watch appropriate to the sea area in which the ship is sailing (SOLAS Chapter IV, Reg. 12), using: VHF DSC channel 70 MF DSC distress and safety frequency 2187.5 kHz HF DSC distress and safety frequencies: 8414l5 kHz and also on at least one of the distress and safety DSC frequencies 4207.5 kHz, 6312.0 kHz, 12577.0 kHz or 16804.5 kHz, appropriate to the time of day and the geographical position of the ship, if the ship is fitted with an MF/HF radio station. This watch may be kept by means of a scanning receiver VHF channel 16, if practicable an Inmarsat Ship Earth Station (SES) (if the ship is fitted with) for satellite shore-to-ship distress alerts I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 73 a radio watch for broadcasts of Maritime Safety Information (MSI) on the appropriate frequency or frequencies on which such information is broadcast for the area in which the ship is navigating A continuous watch for broadcasts of MSI shall also be kept, for the area in which the ship is sailing, by: NAVTEX (518 kHz) receiver Inmarsat-C or Enhanced Group Call (EGC) SafetyNET receiver HF telex Other watchkeeping procedures Weather and navigational warnings are also transmitted at fixed times throughout the day by coast stations on MF, HF and VHF. The ITU List of Radio Determination and Special Service Stations should be consulted for further details. National publications, such as the Admiralty List of Radio Signals (ALBS) Vol. 5, may be consulted as useful additional aids. Detailed radio communication watchkeeping requirements are set forth in part A, chapter VIII and part B, chapter VIII of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 as amended (STCW Convention) as well as in the RR Chapter VII Art. 31–12 to 31–20. In addition to the distress and safety DSC frequencies ship stations should monitor automatically the DSC ship-to-ship routine calling frequency 2177 kHz in the MF band and the international routine DSC frequencies used by coast stations in order to receive Public Correspondence (CP). 2.1.5 Radio personal Regulation IV/16 of the SOLAS Convention requires that: Every ship shall carry personnel qualified for distress and safety radio communication purposes to the satisfaction of the Administration. The personnel shall be holders of certificates specified in the RRs as appropriate, any one of whom shall be designated to have primary responsibility for radio communications during distress incidents. The provisions of the RRs require that the personnel of ship stations and ship earth stations for which a radio installation is compulsory under international agreements and which use the frequencies and techniques of the GMDSS shall include at least. For stations on board ships which sail beyond the range of VHF coast stations: A holder of a first- or second- class radio electronic certificate or a General Operator’s Certificate (GOC); For stations on board ships which sail within the range of VHF coast stations: A holder of a first-or second- class radio electronic certificate or a General Operator’s Certificate or a Restricted Operator’s Certificate (ROC). An ROC only covers the operation of GMDSS equipment required for GMDSS sea area A1, and does not cover the operation of GMDSS A2/A3/A4 equipment fitted on a ship over and above the basic A1 requirements, even if the ship is in a sea area A. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 74 The combined effect of the requirements for maintenance and personnel in the four sea areas is that there must be at least one GOC holder on board ships sailing in A2, A3 or A4 sea areas. The STCW Convention requires that all deck officers shall hold an appropriate qualification to operate VHF radio communication equipment; that is, ROC standard on GMDSS ships or whatever international/ national requirements determine. In those cases, particularly in sea area A1, where additional equipment, over and above the minimum carriage requirements, is fitted, a higher standard of operator’s certification may also be required in order to ensure that the operator knowledge requirements match the actual equipment comprising the radio installation. (SOLAS Chapter IV, Reg. 16) 2.1.6. Sources of power To comply with the SOLAS Convention, ships are required to have a supply of electrical energy available sufficient to operate the radio installations, and to be able to charge any batteries used as part of a reserve source of energy, at all times while at sea. Reserve power supplies, capacity and duration as defined in SOLAS Convention Reserve source or sources (SOLAS Ch. IV, Reg. 13) of energy are a mandatory requirement and must be capable of powering the radio installation in the event of failure of the ship’s main and emergency source of electrical energy for the purpose of conducting distress, urgency and safety radio communications. The reserve sources of energy have to be capable of simultaneously operating the VHF radio installation and, as appropriate for the sea area or sea areas for which the ship is equipped, either the MF radio installation, the HF radio installation or the ship earth station and other necessary loads, such as navigational equipment linked to the radio installation or essential emergency lighting for the installation. AIS is included after 1 July 2002. The reserve sources of energy should be adequate for at least one hour or six hours, depending on whether the ship is provided with an emergency source of electrical power complying with SOLAS Ch. 11-1/42 or 43 and Ch. IV/13.2.1 and 13.2.2, as appropriate. The reserve power sup- ply must be independent of the propelling power of the ship and the ship’s electrical system. (SOLAS Chapter IV, Reg. 13) Reserve source of energy The radio communication equipment may operate either from the ship’s DC or AC mains supply (often stepped down to 24 V DC), or from 24 V DC supplied by a bank of batteries. The batteries often form a reserve source of energy, which are on a “Float Charging System” so that, should the mains supply fail, the batteries automatically take over. The float charging system ensures that the batteries are always fully charged. If necessary, a “boost” charge can be given at any time, i.e., a higher current charging supply is applied to secure a quicker charging period. (More details under sub clause 0. 5. Technical) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 75 Prohibitions on the connection of non-GMDSS equipment All equipment to which this chapter applies shall be of a type approved by the Administration. Such equipment shall conform to appropriate performance standards not inferior to those adopted by the Organization (SOLAS Chapter IV, Reg. 14) 2.2. Radio Regulations Since the global use and management of frequencies and the martime radio operational procedures require a high level of international cooperation, one of the principal tasks in the International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) Radio Communication Sector is to facilitate the complex intergovernmental negotiations needed to develop legally binding agreements between sovereign States. These agreements are embodied in the RRs and in world and regional plans adopted for different space and terrestrial services. Today, the RR apply to frequencies ranging from 9 kHz to 400 GHz, and incorporate over 1000 pages of information describing how the spectrum must be used and shared around the globe. In an increasingly “unwired” world, some 40 different radio services compete for allocations to provide the spectrum needed to extend applications or support a larger number of users. Covering both legal and technical issues, these Regulations serve as an international instrument for the optimal international management of the spectrum covering radio and communication procedures. The four volumes of the RR are published with their Articles, Appendices, Resolutions and Recommendations by the ITU. The regulations regard, among other things, to: Operational procedures Distress, urgency and safety signals Authority of the master Secrecy of correspondence Ship station licences Inspection of stations Radio Operators Certificates Frequencies Watchkeeping Identification of radio stations I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 76 Figure 6: Radio Regulations 2.2.1. Authority of the master The service of a ship station is placed under the sole authority of the master or of the person responsible for the ship or other vessel carrying the station. The person holding this authority shall require that each operator comply with the RRs and that the ship station for which the operator is responsible is used, at all times, in accordance with the RRs. The master or the person responsible, as well as all persons who may have knowledge of the text or even of the existence of a radio telegram, or of any information whatever obtained by means of the radio communication service, are placed under the obligation of observing and ensuring the secrecy of correspondence. 2.2.2. Secrecy of correspondence The holder of a radio station licence is required to preserve the secrecy of telecommunications, as provided in the RRs. Administrations shall undertake the necessary measurements to prohibit and prevent the unauthorized interception of radio communications not intended for the general use of the public or other than that which the station is authorized to receive. The divulgence of the contents, simple disclosure of the existence, publication of any use whatever, without authorization of information of any nature whatever obtained by the interception of radio communications is forbidden. In cases where unauthorized correspondence is involuntarily received it shall not be reproduced, nor communicated to third parties, nor used for any purpose. Even its existence shall be disclosed. 2.2.3. Ship station licences No transmitting station may be established or operated by a private person or by any enterprise without a license issued in an appropriate form and in conformity with the provisions of these regulations by or on behalf of the government of the country to which the station in question is subject (RRs, Chapter V, and Art. 18). I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 77 The government which issues a license to a mobile station or a mobile earth station shall indicate therein in clear form the particulars of the station, including its name, call sign and, where appropriate, the public correspondence category, as well as the general characteristics of the installation. To facilitate the verification of licences issued to mobile stations and mobile earth stations, a translation of the text in one of the working languages of the Union shall be added, when necessary, to the text written in the national language. 2.2.4. Inspection of stations The governments or appropriate Administrations of countries which a ship station or ship earth station visits may require the production of the licence for examination. The operator of the station, or the person responsible for the station, shall facilitate this examination. The licence shall be kept in such a way that it can be produced upon request. As far as possible, the licence, or a copy certified by the authority which has issued it, should be permanently exhibited in the station. The inspectors shall have in their possession an identity card or badge, issued by the competent authority, which they shall show on request of the master or person responsible for the ship or other vessel carrying the ship station or the ship earth station. When the licence cannot be produced or when manifest irregularities are observed, governments or administrations may inspect the radio installations in order to satisfy themselves that these conform to the conditions imposed by the RRs. In addition, inspectors have the right to require the production of the operators’ certificates, but proof of professional knowledge may not be demanded. When a government or an Administration has found that the operators’ certificates cannot be produced, then this Administration must inform the Administration under which the ship station or ship earth station is registered as soon as possible. According to SOLAS Regulations the radio stations of passenger ships including those used in life-saving appliances shall be subject to an initial survey before the ship is put into service and annual surveys. The radio installations, including those used for life-saving appliances, of cargo ships shall be subject to an initial survey before the ship is put in service and a renewal and periodical survey at intervals specified by the Administration. The surveys for passenger and cargo ships shall be such as to ensure that the ships’ radio stations, including those used in life-saving appliances are in all respects in satisfactory working conditions. Before leaving, the inspector shall report the result of his inspection to the master, or the person responsible for the ship or other vessel carrying the ship station or ship earth station inspector shall make this report in writing. 2.2.5. Radio Operator’s Certificates The service of every ship radiotelephone station, ship earth station and ship station using the frequencies and techniques for GMDSS, as prescribed in Chapter VII of the RR, shall be controlled by an operator holding a certificate issued or recognized by the government to which the station is subject. Provided the station is so controlled, other persons besides the holder of the certificate may use the equipment. (RR, Chapter IX, Art. 47) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 78 There are six categories of certificates, shown in descending order of requirements, for personnel of ship stations and ship earth stations using the frequencies and techniques prescribed in Chapter VII. An operator meeting the requirements of a certificate automatically meets all of the requirements of lower order certificates. (World radio communication conference 2007) First-class radio electronic certificate Second-class radio electronic certificate General operator’s certificate Restricted operator’s certificate. Long range certificate (only for non-SOLAS vessels) Short range certificate (only for non-SOLAS vessels) The holder of one of the first four certificates specified above may carry out the operation of SOLAS ship stations or ship earth stations using the frequencies and techniques prescribed in Chapter VI of the RR. After a period of 5 years, the certificates for service on SOLAS ships have to be revalidated. The restricted operator’s certificate covers only the operation of GMDSS equipment required for GMDSS sea areas A1, and does not cover the operation of GMDSS A2/A3/A4 equipment fitted on a ship over and above the basic A1 requirements, even if the ship is operating in a sea area A1. GMDSS sea areas A1, A2, A3 and A4 are identified in the SOLAS convention see also 0 of this compendium. The holder of one of these certificates may carry out the service of ship stations or ship earth stations on board leisure crafts using the frequencies and techniques prescribed in Chapter VI of the RR. These certificates have a lifelong validation. 2.2.6. Frequencies Interferences All stations are forbidden to carry out unnecessary transmissions, or the transmission of superfluous signals, or the transmission of false or misleading signals, or the transmission of signals without identification) Transmitting stations shall radiate only as much power as is necessary to ensure a satisfactory service. In order to avoid unlawful interferences locations of transmitting stations and, where the nature of the service permits, locations of receiving stations shall be selected with particular care; radiation in and reception from unnecessary directions shall be minimized by taking the maximum practical advantage of the properties of directional antennas whenever the nature of the service permits; the choice and use of transmitters and receivers shall be in accordance with the provisions of the RRs. Special consideration shall be given to avoiding interference on distress and safety frequencies. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 79 The class of emission to be employed by a station should be such as to achieve minimum interference and to assure efficient spectrum utilization. The use of and restrictions for different emissions according to frequencies in the Maritime Mobile Service (MMS) All kind of emissions are described in the RR appendix 1. Table 2 shows some popular emissions in the MMS: Kind of emission Explanation Used in Band A1A Unmodulated morse code MF, HF A2A Double Sideband morse code MF, HF H2A Single Sideband morse code MF, HF J2B Single Sideband Telex MF, HF F1B Frequency Modulated Telex MF, HF A3E Double Sideband Telephony No more applicable H3E Single Sideband Telephony (full carrier) 2182 kHz (MF) R3E Single Sideband Telephony (reduced carrier) MF, HF J3E Single Sideband carrier) MF, HF F3E Frequency modulated Telephony VHF G3E Phase modulated telephony VHF Telephony (suppressed Table 2: Type of emission and its application The emission H3E is only allowed on 2182 kHz. The emission J3E is the most used emission for radiotelephony in MF and HF bands. For technical details see 0 5.2. Modulation basics in this compendium. The role of the various modes of communication Kind of emission Used for… A1A Morse telegraphy, Free line signal on Telex frequencies A2A Morse telegraphy, Free line signal on Telex frequencies H2A Morse telegraphy, Free line signal on Telex frequencies J2B Single Sideband Radiotelex F1B NAVTEX, DSC A3E Older lifeboat station telephony H3E MF Telephony on 2182 kHz, Bearing signal (Carrier) R3E Telephony on MF and HF, not often used I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 80 J3E MF/HF Telephony with ship- or coast stations F3E VHF telephony G3E VHF telephony on ships Table 3: Modes of communication The use of MF, HF, VHF, UHF and SHF frequency bands in the MMS For the allocation of frequencies the world has been divided into three Regions as shown on the following map. Figure 7: ITU Regions (Article V RR) To avoid mutual interferences there are certain MF frequency bands allocated for each region. In addition other frequency bands can also be used regardless of the region. As shown in the table below single frequency bands can be allocated to different radio services in the appropriate regions. The use of single frequencies in each MF band in its region is allocated by the responsible Authority of each country. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 81 Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 1 606.5-1 625 FIXED MARITIME MOBILE LAND MOBILE 1 625-1 705 FIXED MOBILE BROADCASTING RADIOLOCATION 1 606.5-1 800 FIXED MOBILE RADIOLOCATION RADIONAVIGATION 1 635-1 800 FIXED MARITIME MOBILE LAND MOBILE 1 705-1 800 FIXED MOBILE RADIOLOCATION AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION 1 800-2 000 AMATEUR FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile RADIONAVIGATION RADIOLOCATION 1 850-2 000 FIXED MOBILE except aeronauticalmobile 1 850-2 000 AMATEUR FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile RADIOLOCATION RADIONAVIGATION 2 000-2 065 FIXED MOBILE 2 000-2 025 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) 2 000-2 065 FIXED MOBILE 2 065-2 107 MARITIME MOBILE 2 045-2 160 FIXED MARITIME MOBILE LAND MOBILE 2 065-2 107 MARITIME MOBILE 2 107-2 170 FIXED MOBILE 2 170-2 173.5 MARITIME MOBILE 2 107-2 170 FIXED MOBILE 2 170-2 173.5 MARITIME MOBILE 2 173.5-2 190.5 MOBILE (distress and calling) 2 170-2 173.5 MARITIME MOBILE 2 173.5-2 190.5 MOBILE (distress and calling) 2 190.5-2 194 MARITIME MOBILE 2 173.5-2 190.5 MOBILE (distress and calling 2 190.5-2 194 MARITIME MOBILE 2 194-2 300 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) 2 190.5-2 194 MARITIME MOBILE 2 194-2 300 FIXED MOBILE 2 300-2 498 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) BROADCASTING 2 194-2 300 FIXED MOBILE 2 300-2 495 FIXED MOBILE BROADCASTING 2 502-2 625 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) 2 300-2 495 FIXED MOBILE BROADCASTING 2 505-2 850 FIXED MOBILE 2 625-2 650 MARITIME MOBILE MARITIME RADIONAVIGATION 2 505-2 850 FIXED MOBILE 3 155-3 200 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) 2 650-2 850 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) 3 155-3 200 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) 3 200-3 230 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) BROADCASTING 3 155-3 200 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) 3 200-3 23 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) BROADCASTING 3 230-3 400 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile BROADCASTING 3 200-3 230 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) BROADCASTING 3 230-3 400 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile BROADCASTING 3 500-3 900 AMATEUR FIXED MOBILE 3 230-3 400 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile BROADCASTING 3 750-4 000 AMATEUR FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) 3 500-3 800 AMATEUR FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile Table 4: MF frequency bands I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 82 The concept of HF frequency management In the different HF bands between 4 MHz and 26 MHz certain frequencies are allocated for the purpose of radiotelephony, radio telex (NBDP), facsimile (fax), data and transmission. The frequency plan and channelling system are enlisted in the RRs appendix 17 and in appendix 10 - 14 of this compendium. VHF telephony The VHF maritime band between about 156 MHz and 174 MHz is split into 54 channels with a bandwidth of 25 kHz each. The channel spacing of 12,5 kHz can be used if the neighbouring authorities agree. The list of VHF channels and their frequencies can be found in the RRs appendix 18 and in appendix 8 of this compendium. Frequencies for distress, urgency and safety communications DSC RX DSC TX RTP-COM NBDP Direction ch70 ch70 ch16 -- S-S, S-CS, Area 2187,5 2187,5 2182,0 2174,5 S-S, S-CS, Area 4207,5 4207,5 4125,0 4177,5 S-S, S-CS, Area 6312,0 6312,0 6215,0 6268,0 S-S, S-CS, Area 8414,5 8414,5 8291,0 8376,5 S-S, S-CS, Area 12577,0 12577,0 12290,0 12520,0 S-S, S-CS, Area 16804,5 16804,5 16420,0 16695,0 S-S, S-CS, Area Table 5: Distress / Urgency /Safety Frequencies (MF/HF in kHz) Frequencies for routine communication and reply DSC RX ch 70 2177,0 2177,0 4219,5 6331,0 8436,5 12657,0 16903,0 19703,5 22444,0 26121,0 DSC TX ch70 2177,0 2189,5 4208,0 6312,5 8415,0 12577,5 16805,0 18898,5 22374,5 25208,5 RTP-COM VHF-Work MF-Work Coast-Work Coast-Work Coast-Work Coast-Work Coast-Work Coast-Work Coast-Work Coast-Work Coast-Work Table 6 Routine frequencies in (MF/HF in kHz) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc NBDP -MF-Work Coast-Work Coast-Work Coast-Work Coast-Work Coast-Work Coast-Work Coast-Work Coast-Work Coast-Work Direction S-S, S-CS, Area S-S, Area S-CS S-CS S-CS S-CS S-CS S-CS S-CS S-CS S-CS HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 83 The routine DSC frequencies in the HF area for calling coast stations are the first of three lines of DSC routine calling frequencies in the RR The coast working frequencies are described in the RR, appendix 17 2.2.7. Call categories In the GMDSS there are 4 categories of priority. Distress The transmission of a distress alert and/or a distress call and message indicates that a mobile unit or person is threatened by grave and imminent danger and requires immediate assistance. Distress communications shall have priority over all other communications. Urgency The transmission of an urgency announcement and an urgency call and message indicates that the following information’s refer to an urgent need for assistance or a medical transport or a medico call/message. Urgency communications shall have priority over all other communications, except distress communication. Safety The transmission of a safety announcement and a safety call and message indicates that the following information’s refer to the safety of navigation, weather conditions, nautical warnings or to the ship movement communication. Safety communications shall have priority over all other communications, except distress and urgency communication. Routine The transmission of a routine announcement and a routine call and message indicates that the following information’s refer not to distress- urgency- or safety purposes. Routine communications shall have no priority. 2.2.8. Watchkeeping Coast stations assigned with watch-keeping responsibilities in the GMDSS shall maintain an automatic DSC watch on frequencies and for periods of time as indicated I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 84 in the information published in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations. Coast earth stations assigned with watch-keeping responsibilities in the GMDSS shall maintain a continuous automatic watch for appropriate distress alerts relayed by space stations. Ship stations, appropriately equipped, shall, whilst at sea, maintain an automatic DSC watch on the appropriate distress and safety calling frequencies in the frequency bands in which they are operating. Ship stations, where which have the appropriate equipment, shall also maintain watch on the appropriate frequencies for the automatic reception of transmissions of meteorological and navigational warnings and other urgent information to ships. Ship stations complying with the provisions of the RRs should, where practicable, maintain a watch on the frequency 156.8 MHz (VHF channel 16) Ship earth stations complying with the provisions of the RRs shall, while at sea, maintain watch except when communicating on a working channel. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 85 3. Identification of radio stations In transmissions carrying identification signals a station shall be identified by a call sign, by a Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) or by other recognized means of identification which may be one or more of the following: name of station, location of station, operating agency, official registration mark, flight identification number, selective call number or signal, selective call identification number or signal, characteristic signal, characteristic of emission or other clearly distinguishing features readily recognized internationally When a station operating in the maritime mobile service or the maritime mobilesatellite service is required to use maritime mobile service identities, the responsible Administration shall assign an identity to the station in accordance with the provisions described in ITU-R M.585-4. Maritime mobile service identities are formed by a series of nine digits which are transmitted over the radio in order to uniquely identify ship stations, ship earth stations, coast stations, coast earth stations, and other non-ship borne stations operating in the maritime mobile service or the maritime mobile-satellite service, and group calls These identities are formed in such a way that the identity or part thereof can be used by telephone and telex subscribers connected to the public telecommunications network principally to call ships automatically in the shore-to-ship direction. Access to public networks may also be achieved by means of free-form numbering plans, so long as the ship can be uniquely identified using the system’s registration database to obtain the ship station identity, call sign or ship name and nationality. All transmissions shall be capable of being identified by identification signals 3.1. Identification of ship stations Ships shall be identified by the following: a call sign or the official name of the ship preceded, if necessary, by the name of the owner on condition that there is no possible confusion with distress, urgency and safety signals; or its selective call number or signal. 3.1.1. Ships name Normally the ship will be named by the owner of the vessel. 3.1.2. Call sign All stations open to international public correspondence, all amateur stations, and other stations which are capable of causing harmful interference beyond the boundaries of the territory or geographical area in which they are located, shall have call signs from the international series allocated to its Administration as given in the Table of Allocation of International Call Sign Series in appendix 19 of the compendium. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 86 The ITU assigns call sign series to each country. Germany for example has the series DAA-DRZ and Y2A-Y9Z. Example: DGDC, DL4766, Y5LM Call signs are being formed in the following way: two characters and two letters, or two characters, two letters and one digit (other than the digits 0 or 1), or two characters (provided that the second is a letter) followed by four digits (other than the digits 0 or 1 in cases where they immediately follow a letter), or two characters and one letter followed by four digits (other than the digits 0 or 1 in cases where they immediately follow a letter). (WRC-07) Details of call sign series for each country will found in appendix 19 of the compendium. 3.1.3. Maritime Mobile Service Identity Ships participating in the maritime radio services should be assigned a nine digit unique ship station identity in the format M1I2D3X4X5X6X7X8X9 Where in the first three digits represent the Maritime Identification Digits (MID) and X is any figure from 0 to 9. The MID denotes the geographical area of the Administration responsible for the ship station so identified. The MMSI of a vessel is assigned by an Administration of a country under which flag the vessel is sailing. An important element of a MMSI is the MID. Each Administration has been allocated one or more MID for its use. Germany for example has been allocated 211 and 218: Example: 211 232 000, 218 456 000 You will find details of MMSI series for each country in appendix 18 of the compendium. Survival craft station call signs shall conform to the following: The call sign of the parent ship followed by two digits (other than the digits 0 or 1 in cases where they immediately follow a letter). 3.1.4. Group calling number Group ship station call identities for calling simultaneously more than one ship are formed as follows: 01M2I3D4X5X6X7X8X9 Where the first figure is zero and X is any figure from 0 to 9. The MID represents only the territory or geographical area of the Administration assigning the group ship I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 87 station call identity and does not therefore prevent group calls to fleets containing more than one ship nationality 3.2. Identification of coast stations In addition to the call sign, coast stations in the maritime radio services should be assigned a nine-digit unique coast station identity in the format 0102M3I4D5X6X7X8X9 Where the digits 3, 4 and 5 represent the MID and X is any figure from 0 to 9. The MID reflects the territory or geographical area in which the coast station or coast earth station is located. Group coast station call identities for calling simultaneously more than one coast station are formed as a subset of coast station identities, as follows: 0102M3I4D5X6X7X8X9 Where the first two figures are zeros and X is any figure from 0 to 9. The MID represents only the territory or geographical area of the Administration assigning the group coast station call identity. The identity may be assigned to stations of one Administration which are located in only one geographical region as indicated in the relevant ITU-T Recommendations. The combination 010293949506070809 is reserved for the All Coast Stations Identity and should address all VHF 00XXXXXXX stations. It is not applicable to MF or HF coast stations. 3.3. Identification of Search and Rescue (SAR) Stations When an aircraft is required to use maritime mobile service identities for the purposes of conducting search and rescue communications with stations in the maritime mobile service, the responsible Administration should assign a nine-digit unique aircraft identity, in the format 111213M4I5D6X7X8X9 Where the digits 4, 5 and 6 represent the MID and X is any figure from 0 to 9. The MID represents only the territory or geographical area of the Administration assigning the aircraft call identity. The Administration may use the seventh digit to differentiate between certain specific uses of this class of MMSI, as shown in the example applications below: 111MID1XX 111MID5XX The combination I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc Fixed-wing aircraft Helicopters HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 88 111213M4I5D6070809 should be reserved for a Group Aircraft Identity and should address all 111MIDXXX stations within the Administration. The Administration may further augment this with additional Group Call identities, i.e. 111MID111, etc. 3.4. Identification of Vessel Traffic Service(VTS) stations VTS stations will normally not have call signs. They should be called by the station name followed by its purpose and the word Radio for example: Hamburg Pilot Radio Hamburg Traffic Radio Hamburg Port Radio Kiel Kanal Radio Hunte Bridge Radio As the number of coast stations decreases in many countries, an Administration may wish to assign MMSI of the format above (Coast Stations) to harbour radio stations, pilot stations and other stations participating in the maritime radio services. The stations concerned should be located on land or on an island in order to use the 00MIDXXXX format. The Administration may use the sixth digit to further differentiate between certain specific uses of this class of MMSI, as shown in the example applications below: 00MID1XXX 00MID2XXX 00MID3XXX Coast radio stations Harbour radio stations Pilot stations, etc. 3.5. Identification of Aids to Navigation When a means of automatic identification is required for a station aiding navigation at sea, the responsible Administration should assign a nine-digit unique number in the format 9192M3I4D5X6X7X8X9 where the digits 3, 4 and 5 represent the MID and X is any figure from 0 to 9. The MID represents only the territory or geographical area of the Administration assigning the call identity for the navigational aid. The format shown above applies to unmanned AIS aids to navigation(AtoN) floating in the water and virtual AIS aids to navigation belonging to aids to navigation systems. The Administration may use the sixth digit to differentiate between certain specific uses of the MMSI, as shown in the example applications below: 99MID1XXX Physical AIS AtoN 99MID6XXX Virtual AIS AtoN I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 89 In addition to the use of the sixth digit to differentiate between specific navigational aids as explained above, the seventh digit may be used for national purposes, to define areas where the AIS AtoN are located or types of AIS AtoN to the discretion of the Administration concerned. 3.6. Identification of aircraft stations Aircraft stations are identified by: a call sign which may be preceded by a word designating the owner or the type of aircraft; or a combination of characters corresponding to the official registration mark assigned to the aircraft; or a word designating the airline, followed by the flight identification number. The call sign consists of two characters and three letters. An aircraft which has to be able to communicate with ships and/or coast stations in cases other than SAR can use maritime mobile equipment. Administrations should assign ships MMSI’s. 3.7. Identification of associated craft with parent ship Devices used on craft associated with a parent ship, need unique identification. These devices which participate in the maritime mobile service should be assigned a nine-digit unique number in the format 9182M3I4D5X6X7X8X9 where the digits 3, 4 and 5 represent the MID and X is any figure from 0 to 9. The MID represents only the territory or geographical area of the Administration assigning the call identity for the craft associated with a parent ship. This numbering format is only valid for devices on board crafts associated with a parent ship. A craft may carry multiple devices for which a MMSI is required. These devices may be located in lifeboats, life-rafts, MOB-boats or other craft belonging to a parent ship. 3.8. Identification of Ship Earth Stations and Coast Earth Stations Inmarsat-B starts with number 3, all in all 9-digits Inmarsat-C starts with number 4, all in all 9-digits Inmarsat-M starts with number 6, all in all 9-digits Inmarsat Fleet starts with number 76, all in all 9-digits and 60 for high speed data, all in all 9-digits I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 90 4. Service publications 4.1. List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (ITU List IV) Figure 8: List of coast stations and special service stations The List IV contains important information for the mariner, in relation to radiocommunications including the GMDSS and CP services. Detailed information is provided in relation to the facilities available at each maritime coast radio station. These stations may provide watch keeping using DSC techniques and radiotelephony. The frequencies for transmitting, receiving and the geographical coordinates for each station are given. Details of additional services such as medical advice, navigational and meteorological warnings, MSI, AIS, meteorological bulletins and radio time signals are given with the hours of service and operational frequencies. It also contains information on Port stations, Pilot stations, Coast earth stations, VTS stations, contact information of RCC, SAR agencies, Navarea coordinators and AtoNs. It should be noted that no supplements will be printed between two editions. However, a file containing a compilation of changes, notified to this List, will be made available for information, free of charge, through the ITU MARS webpage. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 91 4.2. (ITU List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments List V) Figure 9: List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments The List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments (List V) is a service publication prepared and issued, once a year, by the ITU, in accordance with provision no. 20.8 of the RR. As stipulated in appendix 16 to the RR, this List shall be provided to all ship stations for which a GMDSS installation is required by international agreement. This List is published in CD-ROM format and contains the Preface and reference tables in a booklet form. The CD-ROM contains, in pdf format, information concerning ship stations, coast stations and search and rescue aircraft for which an MMSI has been notified to the radiocommunication bureau as well as other ship stations, predetermined groups of ship stations, Accounting Authority (AA) identification codes and contact information of notifying administrations. The CD-ROM also contains a database which enables users to search for and display particulars and details of ship stations, accounting authorities and countries responsible for the notifications. The CD ROM also contains a database, along with an interface similar to the ITU MARS system (http://www.itu.int/ITU-R/go/mars/en). Which enables users to search for and display, particulars and details of ship stations, AAs and countries responsible for the notifications. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 92 4.3. Manual for use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services Figure 10: Manual for Use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services The Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services reflects the regulatory provisions and the latest decisions concerning those services by ITU conferences (including relevant decisions pertaining to the introduction of new systems and techniques). As prescribed in appendix 16 of the RR, the Manual is required to be carried in stations on board ships. The Manual for use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services is published in accordance with Article 20 (No. 20.14) of the RR, and results from studies carried out in the ITU-R since 2008. Edition 2013 comprises two volumes, not sold separately. Volume 1 provides descriptive text of the organization and operation of the GMDSS and other maritime operational procedures, while volume 2 contains the extracts of the regulatory texts associated with maritime operations. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 93 4.4. Admiralty List of Radio Signals Figure 11: Admiralty List of Radio Signals Vol.1 The Admiralty List of Radio Signals series provides comprehensive information on all aspects of maritime radio communications. The data is organised into six volumes, some divided into several parts for ease of handling. Each of the six volumes is presented in a user-friendly format with full colour photographs and diagrams. The contents range from a complete listing of stations handling maritime public correspondence to a full range of products and services essential for compliance with the GMDSS. The volumes also feature radio stations broadcasting weather services and forecasts and a detailed explanation of the complexities of Global Satellite Position Fixing Systems. ALRS publications are presented in a user-friendly format and are updated through section VI of the weekly editions of Admiralty Notices to Mariners. New editions are published annually containing all changes to information held. Volume 1 (Parts 1 & 2) - Maritime Radio Stations Volume 2 Radio Aids to Navigation, Satellite Navigation Systems, Differential GPS (DGPS) Legal Time, Radio Time Signals and Electronic Position Fixing Systems Volume 3 (Parts 1 & 2) - Maritime Safety Information Services Volume 4 Meteorological Observation Stations Volume 5 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Volume 6 (Parts 1 - 7) - Pilot Services, Vessel Traffic Services and Port Operations I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 94 5. Technical 5.1. Radio wave propagation The radio wave is needed to carry the signal information efficiently and without distortion. In the case of audio frequencies, which may range from about 50Hz to 15 kHz, it would not be technically feasible to radiate the information directly from a practical transmitter and antenna. (Try to calculate the wavelength by the above mentioned formula with the15 kHz frequency. Then you will see the impractical size of the antenna you need for such a transmission.) Higher frequencies can radiate efficiently from antennas having dimensions typically between a quarter and one wave length. Thus, practical communication systems use a radio wave to carry the audio or other (e.g., vision or data) information between the transmitting and receiving sites. Three main physical mechanisms govern the propagation of radio waves: Line of sight Ground wave Sky wave Each frequency range has its own propagation characteristic. The reliability of a connection between two stations with a transmitter and a receiver depends on the choice of the correct frequency band. The Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum is divided in several major bands: Frequency Band Description 15 kHz - 30 kHz Very Low Frequency (VLF) 30 kHz - 300 kHz Low Frequency (LF) 300 kHz - 4 MHz 4 MHz - 30 MHz 30 MHz - 300 MHz 300 MHz - 3 GHz Medium Frequency (MF) High Frequency (HF) Very High Frequency (VHF) Ultra High Frequency (UHF) 3 GHz - 30 GHz Super High Frequency (SHF) 30 GHz - 300 GHz Extra High Frequency (EHF) Table 7: Frequency bands I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 95 5.1.1. Basics The equivalent between wavelength and frequency Radio waves radiate at the velocity of light, 300 x 106 m per second. The equivalent between the velocity of light (c), frequency (f) and the wavelength (λ) i.e. longer wavelength corresponded to lower frequency, shorter wavelength to higher frequency. f = number of cycles per second c = velocity of light 300 x 106 meters per second (300000 km per second) λ = wavelength in meters Figure 12: Example of wavelength I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 96 The subdivision of the most significant parts of radio spectrum used in Maritime Mobile Service (MMS) Frequency Band 30 kHz – 300 kHz Description Example for MMS Low Frequency (LF) Weather Information Medium Frequency (MF) NAVTEX, DSC High Frequency (HF) NAVTEX, DSC, Voice, Telex and Data communication 30 MHz – 300 MHz Very High Frequency (VHF) DSC, Voice, Data communication 300 MHz – 3 GHz Ultra High Frequency (UHF) Voice communication, Satellite communication 300 kHz – 4 MHz 4 MHz – 30 MHz Table 8: Frequency ranges and their applications Different Antennas used for specific frequencies Different types of antennas have to correspond with the different frequency ranges for which the antennas are used (see also 0.) 5.1.2. Line of sight propagation Figure 13: Line of sight propagation Above about 50 MHz, propagation is essentially by line-of-sight. This is accomplished, in the case of terrestrial radio, via the lower part of the atmosphere – termed the troposphere – and in the case of space communication via earth-orbiting satellites. Figure 13: Line of sight propagation shows a stylised terrestrial radio link. In general, the received signal is the sum of a direct signal along path a, clear of the ground, and several reflected signals along paths such as b and c. Because a radio signal undergoes a phase reversal at the reflection point, the theoretical situation is that the direct and reflected signals should cancel out if the receiver antenna is at ground level. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 97 Since land has poor ground conductivity, total cancellation does not occur in practice, as simple experiment with portable VHF FM receiver will show. However, the sea is a very good conductor, which means that maritime VHF antennas should be mounted well above the sea in order to avoid severe cancellation effects. 5.1.3. Ground waves and sky waves Figure 14: Ground waves and sky waves In principle, a transmitting antenna sited at the earth’s surface will set up a surface wave which follows the curvature of the earth. The distance, over which reliable communications can be achieved by the surface, or ground wave, depends on the frequency and the physical properties (i.e. ground conductivity and dielectric constant) of the earth along the transmission path. A ground wave can only be established with useful efficiency where the wavelength is greater than several tens of meters. Seawater has the highest conductivity and will support the propagation of a ground wave, in much the same manner as a metal plate. At the other end of the scale, an arid desert provides very lossy ground conditions and will not support the efficient propagation on ground wave signal. The significance of this for maritime communications is that long distance working is possible at medium to low frequencies using only modest transmitter power compared to those for broadcasting at similar frequencies over land. Figure 13: Line of sight propagation also shows surface wave propagation over a terrestrial radio link. In principle, the received signal will be the sum of the line-ofsight signals and the surface wave. In practice, however, one or other of the two components will predominate depending on the transmission frequency and length of the radio link. Ground wave propagation predominates at MF, LF and VLF. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 98 Within the frequency range of 1 – 30 MHz, ionospheric reflection is the controlling factor in achieving long-distance communications by radio waves. 5.1.4. Ionosphere structure Figure 15: Sky wave radio path Because the ionization process in the upper atmosphere is responsible for this effect that is caused by the sun, it will be evident that the density of ionization will vary with the time of day and the season of the year. The sunspot cycle, which takes approximately 11years, also has an effect. Ionospheric storms and other disturbances occur from time to time and – in extreme cases – can cause a communication black-out lasting for some days. In general, the net result is that, to communicate over a given distance, a higher frequency is necessary when the density of ionization is high and a lower frequency when the density of ionization falls. Long-distance propagation of radio waves at HF is mainly the result of single or multiple reflections from ionized regions in the upper atmosphere known collectively as the ionosphere. These ionized regions are generated at heights of 100 – 40 (55– 220 nm) as a result of partial ionization of the molecules making up the rare field upper regions by ultraviolet and soft (long wavelength x-ray solar radiation). The ionization process converts the molecules into plasma of ions and free electrons. There is a complex variation in the degree of ionization with height such that distinct layers of more intense ionization are formed. The different layers result from different parts of the ultraviolet spectrum. The heights of these layers vary from day to night and with seasons. The most important layers for long-distance propagation of radio waves are: The E–layer at 120 km The F1–layer at 200 km The F2–layer at 300 - 400km I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 99 At night and mid-winter the F1 and theF2 layers combines to form a single F- layer at approximately 250 km. This is a result of a gradual recombination of the ions and electrons back into the atmospheric gas molecules during night. Below the E-layer is the D-layer, at a height of 50 – 90 km, which also has an influence on propagation, but more as an absorber of radio waves than as a reflecting layer. However, at VLF and LF frequencies the D-layer is sufficiently reflective to guide signals between the ground and the bottom of the D-layer for several thousand kilometres with little attenuation. Ionospheric reflection may be simply described as the phenomenon where by a wave appears to undergo reflection on reaching a suitable ionized region. Free electrons are set in motion so a store-radiate the wave in a changed direction. As it passes through the ionized layers, the wave may eventually be reflected back to the earth. On a simplified view the effect may be viewed as reflection from an area at what is termed the mirror height. The effect is frequency-dependent, with a greater degree of ionization being necessary to cause reflection as the frequency is increased. Usually the higher layers have the greater degree of ionization and therefore reflect the highest frequencies. Because of the greater mirror height, the communication Range achieved by a single reflection will also be greatest under these circumstances. The solar radiation responsible for ionizing the atmosphere varies continuously from day to night and between the seasons. Sunspot activity also has a strong underlying effect on the degree of ionization. The level of sunspot activity varies over a cycle of around 11years, with periods of maximum ionization occurring when the number of sunspots is at a maximum. Normally, the variation is predictable enough for the best frequency bands to be selected for the intended communication path without difficulty. HF communications can, however, be disrupted by ionospheric storms for several days at a time when eruptions on the sun’s surface emit a stream of high-energy charged particles which then obliterate the ionized layers – the F-region in particular. Aurorally displays in the Polar Regions often accompany these events. Ionospheric storms are often preceded by sudden ionospheric disturbances (sids) when intensely strong bursts of ultraviolet radiation from the sun produce intense ionization of the low D-layer. When sids occur, waves are absorbed in the D-layer before reaching the higher layers or are reflected over much shorter distances than usual, with the result that long-distance communications will be blocked for hours at the time. 5.1.5. UHF and VHF propagation Above 50 MHz the predominant propagation mechanism is by straight-line paths, i.e., line-of sight. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 100 For satellite communications an unobstructed view of the satellite is required, and the ship earth station antenna must be mounted to achieve the best view to the satellite possible. For terrestrial communications the range depends upon the heights of both the transmitting and receiving antenna. Because of a slight bending effect on radio waves in the troposphere, caused mainly by water vapor, the radio horizon is in fact greater than the optical horizon by factor of 4/3. Taking this factor into account, the maximum range at sea is given by the formula: Range in nm = 4 x [ Tx (ft) + 4Rx (ft)] Range in nm = 2.22 x [ Tx (m) + JRx (m)] Range in km = 4.12x [ Tx (m) + Rx (m)] Where Tx and Rx are the heights of the transmitting and receiving antenna above sea level, measured in feet or meters as indicated. 5.1.6. MF propagation Day Propagation MF communications depend mainly on ground-wave propagation but with a further reduction in range because of the increased effect of attenuation by the earth. A coast station can achieve good ground wave coverage for voice communications up to 550 km (300 nm). Ship stations, with less powerful transmitters and less elaborate antenna systems, can usually expect reliable ground wave communications up to 275 km (150 nm) for voice communications and 550 km (300 nm) for DSC/telex. Night propagation However, in addition to the ground wave propagation, sky wave propagation starts to become significant at MF, particularly at night, greatly extending the range. This can be a negative effect, however, owing to mutual interference between stations on the same frequency and interference fading caused by signals arriving at the receiver by different paths (ground wave and sky wave) from the transmitting station. 5.1.7. HF propagation In practice a good guide to establishing reliable communication at HF is to monitor the transmission of the appropriate coast station channels e.g. telex (NBDP), Voice transmissions (weather report, traffic lists…) on the more likely bands for the time of day and season and then call the station on whichever band provides a strong stable signal. If this is not successful, the other bands should be tried. The ionosphere can behave erratically at times, and on occasion, reception is better in the ship-to-shore direction than in the shore-to-ship direction or vice versa. Communication is frequently unreliable around sunrise and sunset. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 101 The considerably variability of radio communication at HF is a consequence of signal propagation being predominately by sky wave, both day and night. A ground wave signal is still present but attenuates too rapidly to be of value for reliable commercial communications. The D-layer of the ionosphere has little effect above 4 MHz and long-distance propagation is done by reflection from the E- or F-layers. In general terms, the higher the HF band used, the greater the range. This is because the higher the frequency, the further the wave has to pass into the ionosphere before it undergoes sufficient bending to be returned to earth. To a first approximation, therefore, the situation is that the higher the frequency, the greater will be the reflection (mirror) height and so greater will be the potential range. Long-range propagation is also possible as a result of multiple reflections between the ground, the ionosphere and even between the layers of the ionosphere itself. However, these modes of transmission are very variable and would not be used intentionally for normal commercial communications. The best policy for reliable HF communications is to use the highest frequency consistent with the length of the radio circuit using a single reflection. The angle at which a radio wave enters the ionosphere is also an important factor, with reflection occurring at a lower height for oblique incidence compared to vertical incidence (see Figure 15: Sky wave radio path) The highest frequency which can be used to communicate between two fixed points by sky wave propagation is known as the Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF). Since this frequency puts the receiver on the edge of the ship distance, it is better to use the lower frequency of 0.85 x MUF, termed the Optimum Traffic Frequency (OTF), in order to improve reliability. Note, however, that the preferred choice of channel may already be in use. For example, to establish communications with Kiel Mail Radio (Germany, HF e-mail) during daytime, the following would apply: 4 MHz = N. France 6 MHz = N. Spain 8 MHz = N. Africa 12 MHz = Ghana 16 MHz = Angola 22/25 MHz = South Africa At night, due to changes in the ionosphere, the situation changes as the F1 and F2 layers merge and the heights of the E and F layers fall. The general result is that, to cover the same range at night it is necessary to halve the operating frequency; e.g., a link from Kiel Mail to Cape Town during daytime is possible on 22/25 MHz. During the night the 12 MHz bands would be the first choice. When transmitting east—west, the signal may pass from daytime to night-time conditions, and it may be very difficult to establish effective communications. One I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 102 strategy is to estimate the optimum transmission band according to the day / night conditions at the midpoint of the radio circuit. The best course of action may be to wait until the entire path between the two stations is in daylight or darkness/nighttime. Maximal usable frequency The MUF which is reflected by the ionosphere over any particular path is known as the MUF. The MUF depends on: the time of the day; season; latitude and; period of sunspot cycle. The MUF varies according to which layer is responsible for reflection back to the earth. For each layer, the MUF is obtained when the ray path leaves the earth tangentially, so that the ray approaches the appropriate layer at as oblique an angle as possible. As shown in Figure 15: Sky wave radio path, this correspond to an overall ground-to-ground distance of about 4000 km (2200 nm) for F2- layer propagation (path A); or 2500 km (1300 nm) for E-layer (path B). Any rays leaving the earth at a higher angle of elevation (path C) will penetrate the layer and not be reflected. To use such ray angles, with consequently shorter path, it is necessary to reduce the operating frequencies (path D) In general, the strongest signals (i.e. those with least attenuation) will occur using frequencies just below the MUF, for the particular path distance and layer involved. When a wave is sent vertically upwards (see Figure 15: Sky wave radio path), the highest frequency for which reflection by any particular layer will occur is termed the critical frequency, fo. This frequency is much lower than the MUF for oblique incidence, being related approximately by MUF = fo/cos α, where α is the angle of incidence of the ray to the layer. At frequencies higher than fo, the waves will penetrate the layer and be lost, but as the angle of radiation is progressively lowered an angle will be reached where reflection occurs (termed as the critical wave angle). Signals can then be received at a great distance (receiver Rx2 in Figure 16: HF radio communication paths), and radiation at lower angles will be reflected to even greater distances (e.g., receiver Rx3). I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 103 Figure 16: HF radio communication paths Receivers at Rx2 and Rx3 can receive signal by reflection from the ionosphere from points P2 andP3 respectively. The point P2 represents the location nearest the transmitter where reflection can take place at the frequency being used. The distance from the transmitter to Rx2 is termed the SKIP DISTANCE and represents the minimum distance where sky wave propagation will be effective at this frequency. At point P1 the level of ionization is not sufficient to return a signal to earth. The receiver Rx1 represents the point at which a signal can still be received by ground wave propagation from the transmitter. There will therefore be a region, known as the SKIP ZONE, where propagation by both ground wave and sky wave is very poor and little useful signal will be received. At points nearer to the transmitter no signals will be received by ionospheric reflection, but when sufficiently close to the transmitter (receiver Rx1 in Figure 16: HF radio communication paths) to be within range of the ground wave the signals will again be heard. In between there is an area of very poor reception, termed the skip zone. The distance from the transmitter to the nearest point, at which a wave at a particular operating frequency returns, after reflection, back to the earth (receiver Rx2) is known as the skip distance. When the frequency is less than the critical frequency fo there will, of course be no skip at all. This situation is often found for frequencies below 8 MHz. The critical wave angle for a particular layer depends on the operating frequency and decreases as the frequency increases. In consequence, the skip distance increases with frequency. The MUF therefore represents a limit, which must not be exceeded for the receiver to remain in the area of reception just beyond the skip zone. The result is that the skip distance extends towards the receiver as the operating frequency approaches the MUF. The reflecting layer also absorbs HF radiation, and this effect decreases markedly as the operating frequency approaches the MUF. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 104 The combined effect is that, for any particular radio circuit, the optimum working frequency lies just below the MUF for the particular path. Any rise in operating frequency of fall in MUF will result in a sudden drop-out of received signals as the skip zone extends to include the reception point. Lowest usable frequency (LUF) As the operating frequency is reduced, the reflection will occur in the lower layers of the ionosphere. However, at lower altitudes, and in the D-layer especially, the energy in the wave is subject to increase absorption caused by collisions between air molecules and electrons which are set in motion by the radio waves. The effect increases at lower frequencies, and the limit for any particular path is reached at the LUF. While the MUF is determined solely by the physical properties of the ionosphere, the LUF also has dependence on the radiated power and the receiver sensitivity over the circuit, and can be controlled to an extent by attenuation to optimizing equipment and antenna performance — hence the need to keep both equipment and antennas in good condition. Optimum traffic frequency Ionospheric absorption is much less at night than during the day and therefore the attenuation of the lower HF frequencies is very little different from that of higher frequencies during the day. Since the MUF at night over a particular path will generally be less than half the daytime figure, this means that for night-time longdistance communications it is possible to maintain considerably lower frequencies and still achieve good reliability. The MUF for a particular path is higher during summer months than in the winter months, but during ionospheric storms the MUF may become much lower for transmission in some directions but higher in others. In planning the optimum traffic (or working) frequency for any particular time, season, distance and direction, it is therefore necessary to take all of these variations into consideration. At any particular time, a sky wave path is available on channels in a window below the MUF and above the LUF. The MUF is defined by the prevailing ionospheric conditions, but the LUF is set by a combination of path loss and equipment parameters such as transmitter power, noise and receiver/antenna performance. In practice, the first choice of working frequency for sustained circuit reliability would be around 85% of the MUF. The MUF can be predicted on a long-term average basis. The variations in MUF can be up to a third higher or lower on a "normal" day-to-day basis and, in disturbed conditions, the MUF can be less than half the predicted value. The LUF is typically about half the MUF for maritime HF equipment, but this can vary considerably. Under normal conditions, the window of available frequencies varies predictably as follows: I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 105 daytime MUF is higher than night-time MUF; winter MUFs are both lower than and vary more than summer MUFs; radio circuits less than 1000 km (600 nm) normally use frequencies below 15 MHz; radio circuits greater than 1000 km normally use frequencies above 15 MHz; and MUFs are higher when the sunspot number is high Single hop condition An HF radio circuit can also be set up by multiple reflections between the ionosphere and the ground. Variability and absorption increase with each reflection (or hop), so the single-reflection (hop) path, as described above, is to be preferred for maximum circuit reliability. To avoid multiple-hop conditions it is advisable to aim for the MUF for the highest ionospheric layer, in the expectation that this will normally exceed the MUF for the lower levels and thereby avoid multiple reflections involving the lower layers. 5.1.8. VLF propagation The radio wave follows the curvature of the earth's surface and is known as a ground wave. The range of a ground wave signal is governed by the rate of loss of energy into the ground, which in turn is governed by the value of ground conductivity. The attenuation of the ground wave is least over seawater and greatest over the rocky ground or deserts. VLF signals are reflected well by the D-layer of the ionosphere, because the height of the D-layer is of the same order of wavelengths at VLF, the net effect is of a waveguide for VLF signals between the ground and the D- layer. The signal attenuation is very low under these conditions and transmission paths up to 22000 km (12000 nm) are possible. Large antenna arrays are normally used at VLF with very high output transmitter powers (750 kW) to give virtually world-wide coverage. VLF transmissions are therefore only used in the shore to ship direction. VLF signals penetrate the sea to a depth of a few tens of meters, making them very effective for maintaining communications with submerged submarines. 5.1.9. LF propagation At LF, ground wave propagation predominates, as with VLF, and due to the higher frequency, the range is reduced, particularly over land, due to the relatively greater attenuation effect of poor ground conductivity as the wavelength is reduced. The waveguide effect between the ground and the D-layer still applies at LF, and conditions are in fact more stable than at VLF. There is also an improvement with regards to lower background noise levels at LF. However the path attenuation is higher. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 106 Ranges of one to 3600 km (2000 nm) are possible at LF but, again, large antennas and transmitter output powers are required. 5.2. Modulation basics The simplest form of communication is Morse code, sent by switching the carrier frequency on and off in a sequence of “dots” and “dashes”. But the rate of information is relatively low, 20 to 25 words per minute is a good communication rate. But to transmit information by using Morse code a special knowledge and ability is required. Modulation is the mechanism whereby a radio frequency carrier wave is used for the transmission of information. In doing so the carrier frequency is changed by a useful signal. Thereby it becomes possible to transmit a low frequency useful (DSB) signal on a high frequency. The transmitting signal covers a certain bandwidth which depends on the useful signal. In AM the high-frequency amplitude is varied by a low-frequency useful signal. FM is a mechanism in which the carrier frequency is altered by the signal to be transmitted. Narrow Band Direct Printing (NBDP) is a method for radiotelex. For this purpose, the telegraph signal shifts the frequency of the carrier between predetermined values. In the maritime context the type of information carried is mainly speech or data. 5.2.1. Frequency modulation In the telecommunications, Frequency Modulation (FM, code of emission: F3E) conveys information over a carrier wave by varying its instantaneous frequency. This contrasts with Amplitude Modulation (AM), in which the carrier is varied while the frequency remains constant. Figure 17: Frequency modulation I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 107 In radiotelephony frequency modulation is also known as phase modulation (code of emission: G3E) when the carrier phase modulation is in time integral of the FM signal. The ITU designates some VHF channels as F3Eand others as G3E but, as far as the operator is concerned, there is no difference because a change in frequency of the carrier also results in a corresponding change in the phase of the carrier, and vice versa. In frequency shift keying (FSK), which is used for NBDP a frequency of 170 Hz is shifted about a certain centre frequency (e.g.1700 Hz) as “mark” and “space” tones. I.e. mark = 1685 Hz and space = 1785 Hz. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 108 5.2.2. Amplitude modulation In AM the information modulated on to the carrier wave appears as frequencies below and/or above the carrier frequency, known as sidebands of a certain bandwidth depending on the nature of information. In radiotelephony each sideband requires a bandwidth of 2.8 kHz for an acceptable speech communication. The upper and lower sidebands contain the same information. And a bandwidth around the carrier frequency is 5.6 kHz for the transmission of speech, although 32.8 kHz were sufficient. Figure 18: Amplitude modulation In double-sideband (DSB) transmission method (code of emission: A3E) more than two thirds of the transmitter output power is contained in the carrier which contains no useful information signal. By elimination the duplicated information in the lower sideband, along with the carrier, the transmitter efficiency is increased by the power which was necessary to transmit the lower sideband. The code of emission for single sideband (SSB) transmission with full carrier is H3E. In effect, the frequency space which was necessary to transmit two sidebands is now reduced by 50 %, and so more stations can transmit. Amplitude fc Figure 19: A3E DSB Telephony (Commercial broadcast) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc Frequency HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 109 In the GMDSS all maritime voice communication will use SSB with suppressed carrier (code of emission: J3E). In this mode nearly the full transmitter output power is spent to transmit the information signal. Amplitude Frequency fc Figure 20: J3E SSB Telephony (supressed carrier) 5.2.3. Bandwidth of different types of modulation The bandwidth for a given class of emission is the width of the frequency band which is just sufficient to ensure the transmission of information at the rate and with the quality required under special conditions. For different types of communication different values of bandwidth are required and necessary, on one hand not to interfere other radio services and on the other hand to minimize interference by statics and noise. If the bandwidth on the receiver’s side is set too wide for the mode of transmission then more noise will be apparent. Also, greater interference from unwanted stations or adjacent frequencies will be received. It will reduce the receiving quality of the wanted station. Frequency and phase modulation (F3E/G3E) generate several sidebands above and below the carrier for each modulation frequency which depends on the depth of modulation. Thus the occupied channel bandwidth for a frequency-modulated voice transmission is about 16 kHz. Amplitude fc Frequency Figure 21: F3E Frequency modulated telephony (Sidebands for single tone are shown) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 110 In amplitude modulation the bandwidth is much smaller than in FM. Because 2.8 kHz are necessary to transmit speech with a sufficient quality the bandwidth for DSB transmission (H3) is 5.6 kHz. ( Figure 21 and Figure 22) In the SSB mode it is 2.8 kHz, independently if it is H3E or J3E. (Figure 23 and Figure 24) Amplitude Frequency fc Figure 22: A3E DSB Telephony (Commercial Broadcast) Amplitude fc Figure 23: H3E SSB Telephony (full carrier) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc Frequency HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 111 Amplitude Frequency fc Figure 24: J3E SSB Telephony (supressed carrier) Because of the frequency shift mode, which is used for NBDP transmissions, a comparing small bandwidth of 300 Hz only is required. (Figure 25) Amplitude Frequency fc Figure 25: F1B Frequency modulated telex 5.2.4. Carrier and assigned frequencies The carrier frequency is a frequency which is necessary to convey information on HF. Thereby the carrier frequency is modulated by the content of information, either in FM or AM or FSK. The assigned frequency is the centre of a frequency band assigned by an Administration to a station or service. 5.2.5. Official designations of emission ITU Radio Regulations classify and symbolize emissions according to their basic characteristics. The basic characteristics are: First symbol: Letter A Letter H Letter F Letter G Letter J Second symbol: I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc type of modulation of the carrier AM double sideband transmissions SB transmissions with full carrier frequency modulation phase modulation SSB transmissions with suppressed carrier nature of signal(s) modulating the carrier HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 112 Figure 1 Figure 2 no modulating signal (e.g. Morse code) a single channel containing quantized or digital information without the use of a modulating sub-carrier a single channel containing analogue information two or more channels containing quantized or digital information Figure 3 Figure 7 Third symbol: Letter A Letter B Letter E type of information to be transmitted telegraphy for aural reception telegraphy for automatic reception telephony In maritime radio communications the following classes of emission are used: A1A A2A H3E J3E F3E G3E F1B J2B Signalling by keying the carrier directly Morse code DSB modulated Morse code SSB full carrier radiotelephony (in older equipment for 2182 kHz only) SSB suppressed carrier radiotelephony FM radiotelephony phase modulation radiotelephony frequency shift keying, radiotelex (NBDP) SSB telegraphy for automatic reception, radiotelex 5.2.6. Unofficial designations of emissions Besides the above mentioned ITU designated classes of emission there are several unofficial designations for different transmissions. AM SSB CW TLX 5.3. double side band telephony (commercial broadcast, A3) single sideband, suppressed carrier (J3E) Morse code (A1A) radiotelex in F1B mode Transmitter and receiver basics 5.3.1. Transmitter structure I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 113 Figure 26: Basic transmitter block diagram The radio frequency generator produces the carrier, i.e., the frequency on which a transmission will be carried out. The modulator is used to combine the information signals from the microphone or the telex with the carrier. The type of modulation may be amplitude (AM) frequency (FM) or phase (PM). This modulated signal is then amplified within the transmitter and fed to the antenna. The antenna requires tuning to the carrier frequency so that it will radiate efficiently. Antennas made from wire elements radiate most efficiently when they are one quarter of a wavelength long. It is not practicable to install an antenna on board ships, which is physically the ideal length covering all of the MF or HF bands. However, the electrical length of the antenna can be lengthened or shortened in respect to its physical length by the introduction of extra radio-frequency circuit elements, inductors and capacitors, in an Antenna Tuning Unit (ATU). In most modern equipment, this is achieved automatically by pressing the <Tune> button before actual transmission. A signal strength meter, which measures antenna current, gives a visual indication of transmission. Most equipment allows for Manual tuning mode on 2182 kHz in case the automatic tuning fails. Individual manufacture's manuals should be consulted for further details. The default 2182 kHz setting need only be carried out upon installation or if the appropriate antenna is moved or changed. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 114 5.3.2. Receiver structure Figure 27: Basic receiver block diagram The wanted signal is received by tuning the input to the receiver to the wanted frequency. Received signals vary greatly in strength due to a number of factors, e.g. A local transmitter radiating high or low power. A distant station radiating high or medium power. Variations in the ionosphere, which may affect signals on MF at night or on HF at any time — polarization fading. Simultaneous reception by ground and sky waves on MF at night, which may constantly vary in strength or phase and interact with each other — interference fading. On the HF bands, signals can reach the receiver having taken different paths, again causing interference fading. The radio frequency <Gain> or <Sensitivity> control allows manual adjustment of the input amplifier so as to set up the gain to suit conditions. Continual adjustment of the gain control may be necessary if fading occurs, in which case the Automatic Gain Control (AGC) can be switched, thereby taking over from manual control, i.e., the AGC holds the output at a nearly constant level even though the input may fluctuate widely. Most GMDSS MF/HF receivers can be tuned into the Wanted Signal by more than one method, i.e., if paired HF frequencies are required you can simply select the ITU channel number. Alternatively, the actual frequency can be keyed in. If it becomes necessary to retune to a station only a few kHz away, then the up/down <Tune Arrows> can be used. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 115 Fine-tuning is sometimes necessary, especially when it is required to ‘clarify' reception of SSB speech transmissions (i.e., mode of emission = J3E). Selection of the <clarifier> allows tuning down to an accuracy of 10 Hz but it is normally used by listening to the output and tuning to the speech rather than to the actual frequency. The <Volume> or <AF Gain> control simply varies the amount of signal passing to the loudspeaker, whilst the <squelch> or <mute> control turns off the loudspeaker when no signals are being received. The setting of the <mode> control is dependent upon the type of modulated signal being received, i.e., on the mode of emission 5.4. Batteries 5.4.1. Basics The GMDSS requires for the ships radio station among others a power supply by a rechargeable battery. Some equipment like EPIRBs, portable VHF-transceivers and SARTS are mainly powered by primary batteries. Generally batteries cells provide electrical energy by means of an electro-chemical reaction involving the exchange of electrons between the positive and negative electrodes (anodes and cathodes) of the cell through an electrically conducting ionexchange medium, in liquid or paste form, called the electrolyte. When an external electrical load is connected current is generated as electrons transfer from the cathode to the anode. While a cell delivers electrical energy, the chemical composition of the electrodes is changing. The capacity of the cell will decrease and eventually exhaust when no further chemical change is possible. Figure 28: Lead acid battery The defining characteristics of various types of cells are the cell (battery) voltage and the battery capacity. The cell voltage is open-circuit potential difference between the I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 116 electrodes (also called electromotive force [emf]), depending resulting from the particular electrochemical reaction between the electrodes and the electrolyte. The capacity of a battery of cells indicates the amount of energy which can be delivered over a standard discharging period. The measurement for battery capacity, at a temperature of 20°C is ampere-hour (AH). That means, that theoretically a battery of cells, in a good condition, rated at 140 AH can deliver 10 amperes for 10 hours. 5.4.2. Different kinds of batteries - UPS systems Generally batteries can be divided in two main groups: Primary cells/batteries Secondary cells/batteries Primary batteries have a single lifespan. That means, that it is impossible to recharge them and therefore they require periodic replacement. Although not rechargeable, primary batteries have compensation advantages in several applications where small size and long storage life are the main consideration. Over the smaller range of battery size, the ratio power output to weight or size is typically superior for primary cells. UPS systems For ships’ radio stations SOLAS requires three independent types of power supply: ship’s main source of energy ship’s emergency source of energy reserve source of energy (for radio stations only) In case of a breakdown of the ship’s main power supply the ship’s emergency source of energy must be able to supply all important loads of the ship with the necessary energy for the duration of 18 hours. The emergency source of energy can consist of a self-starting generator or a battery. If the emergency source of energy is a generator it must connect automatically with the emergency switch board and take over all important loads within 45 seconds. On every ship a reserve source of energy must be available to conduct distress and safety radio traffic in case of a breakdown of the main and the emergency source of energy for at least one hour. To bridge the time from breakdown of ship’s main source of energy until fully acceptance of important loads by the emergency source of energy the serve source of energy will take over the energy supply of the radio station. 5.4.3. Characteristics of different battery types Primary batteries Zinc-carbon-cells: I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 117 For many decades the zinc-carbon cell was the mass –market primary cell. The cells consist of a zinc cover as the negative electrode (cathode) and a bar of pressed carbon as the positive electrode (anode), which is beset with an electrolyte of an ammonium-chlorine solution. The electric tension of one zinc-carbon cell is 1.5 Volts. The disadvantage of zinc-carbon cells is that they are not leak proof. At a discharged cell electrolyte can leak and hence destroy the battery contacts and printed circuit boards. Lithium batteries: Lithium batteries consist of an anode made of lithium and graphite and manganese dioxide cathode. Mostly propylene carbon or acetonitrile is used as electrolyte. The cell voltage ranges from 2.6 to 3.6 Volts. They are ideal for a high reliability. Nevertheless they should be replaced latest after three to five years. They are mostly used in EPIRBs and SARTs. Because they should be replaced after a certain time the EPIRB’s or SART’s body is to be marked with the date of battery replacement. Secondary batteries Lead acid batteries: The advantage of secondary cell batteries over primary batteries is the ability to recharge repeatedly. The 2 Volts cell lead-acid battery has been in widespread use for more than 150 years and is still the most commonly used type of secondary battery on board ships. Lead-acid accumulators consist of an acid-proof body and two lead plates with the function of positive and negative electrodes. The lead plates are beset with a 38% sulphuric acid (H2SO₄). PVC fence between the plates guarantee that the plates do not contact each other. In a discharged condition lead sulphate (PBSO₄) settles on both electrodes (Plates).In a charged condition the positive electrode consists of lead oxide (PbO₂ and the negative electrode of lead (Pb).The measure of the charging condition is the acid density, it is between 1.24 g/cm³ and 1.28 g/cm³. The acid density of a badly loaded battery is 1.1 g/cm³. But if the density is less that 1.18 g/cm³the battery can be considered to be damaged, and it will not reach its full capacity. Nickel-Iron or Nickel-Cadmium batteries: Other types of batteries in common use in marine installation are nickel-iron (NiFe) or nickel cadmium (Ni-Cad) batteries. These types are more robust and less dangerous than lead batteries. In opposite to lead batteries the electrolyte of NiFe or Ni-Cad does not consist of an acid but of a 20% caustic potash (KOH) with a specific gravity of 1.17 g/cm³ to 1.19 g/cm³ in charged condition. In Ni-Fe batteries the positive electrode (anode) consists of nickel and the negative electrode (cathode) of iron plates. In Ni-Cad batteries there are nickel-hydroxide-coated plates as anode and cadmium-Hydroxide-coated plates as cathode. Each cell of both types of batteries is able to deliver an output voltage I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 118 between 1.2 Volts and 1.7 Volts when fully charged, but their output capacity increases with temperature. Unlike lead batteries, NiFe and NiCad batteries may be left discharged for a long period of time without deterioration. They exhibit a “memory effect” during the Charge/Discharge cycle and should be fully discharged before being charged or full capacity will not be achieved. Lithium-Ion batteries: Due to further Development of primary lithium cells there are usable rechargeable lithium-ion cells are available. Lithium-ion batteries have a high energy density and no memory effect. The cell voltage and the maximal charging and discharging current vary depending on the applied materials for the electrodes and the electrolyte. The durability of lithium-ion batteries deteriorates as well by employment as by the time, also without any employment. The nominal voltage of lithium cells is approximately 3.6 V, the charging voltage is between 4.0 V and 4.3 V. Deeply discharged batteries cause an irreversible damage. Lithium-ion batteries require a special and complicated charging circuit. 5.4.4. Charging batteries, battery charging methods Current Battery Indicator Charging Voltages Emergency Light Switch 12V Alarm LED Charging Current AC Alarm LED Menu Knobs Figure 29: Battery charging system The GMDSS requires an automatic charging system if rechargeable batteries are used as reserve source of energy. The charging system must be capable of fully recharging the batteries within 10 hours to the required minimum capacity. The value of the average of the charging current should measure 10% of value of the battery’s capacity. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 119 Example: Battery capacity = 140 Ah – average charging current = 14 A. To determine the state of an open lead-acid cell it is usual to take readings of the specific gravity of the electrolyte by using a hydrometer. This is possible because the specific gravity rises and falls linearly during the charge and discharge process. The specific gravity of a fully charged battery differs between 1.24 g/cm³ and 1.28 g/cm³, depending on the battery’s maker. If the reserve source of energy consist of a sealed lead-acid battery it is impossible to determine the specific gravity of the acid. In this case a yearly capacity test of the reserve source of energy is necessary. At a reduced level of electrolyte in NiFe and NiCad cells are topped up with caustic potash. 5.4.5. Maintenance and monitoring of batteries A frequent maintenance is the basis for a reliable working condition of the battery. When working on batteries, effective safety precautions must be taken i.e. wearing protective goggles and gloves never use naked flames do not wear metal articles, exercise extreme care when using metal tools check fully charge on operation avoid over-discharging below 2,1 Volts for any cell do not leave a battery discharged or it will become difficult or impossible to charge ensure electrolyte level is maintained, but do not overfill, 1 cm above plates is adequate note specific gravity of each cell, large variations between cells usually mean that one or more cells no longer retain a charge and so warn of impending failure keep cells top clean and dry, check ventilation holes, tighten terminals and coat with Vaseline never put metal things on cells’ tops. During the charging process in a lead-acid cell explosive hydrogen gas is developed, hence the need to avoid naked flames or sparks which could cause ignition. During use, in lead-acid batteries the water evaporates from the battery electrolyte. It has to be replaced. When topping up the battery cells, distilled water has to be used to avoid introducing any extraneous chemicals into the electrolyte, which could block the chemistry of the charging/discharging process. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 120 However, if in NiFe or NiCad batteries the level of liquid is reduced the cells have to be topped up not, with distilled water but with caustic potash. 5.5. Antennas An antenna is an element capable of radiating and intercepting radio waves. The radiation and reception of radio waves is most effective when the antenna is in resonance. Various resonant configurations can be achieved by antennas with dimensions of 1/4 or 1/2 wavelength or multiples thereof. It is more important for a transmitting antenna to be in resonance than for a receiving antenna since transmitter performance can be badly degraded by a mismatched antenna. Older types of transmitter could be damaged, by feeding into poor antenna but modern designs usually incorporate automatic protection circuitry to shut down the transmitter or reduce power to a safe level if necessary. 5.5.1. VHF antennas As the wavelength in the maritime VHF-band (154-174 MHz) is around 2 meters it is possible to use 1/4- and 1/2- wavelength antennas. The most basic design is the dipole, which consists of a split 1/2-wavelength element connected at the centre to a balanced feeder cable. Figure xxx shows some simple examples of VHF antennas, including the artificial ground-plain antenna and the VHF rod antenna — typically a 1.5 m fiberglass pole contains a dipole antenna. As noted in section vhf propagation, it is important that VHF antennas are mounted as high as possible and in a position free from obstruction by the ship's superstructure. Feeder Cable Figure 30: VHF ground plane antenna Cable Figure 31: VHF dipol antenna Figure 32: VHF rod antenna 5.5.2. MF/HF antennas In the MF/HF bands, however, wavelengths vary from 180 meters (1.650 kHz) to about 12 meters (26 MHz). Resonant λ /4- or λ/2 antennas covering this entire 1 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 1 HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 121 frequency range are therefore not possible. The problem can be eased by using a number of separate antennas, each covering a single band or several harmonically related bands. An ATU is usually used to "match" the transmitter output to the antenna over a wide range of frequencies. In effect, the ATU uses electrical components, i.e. coils (inductors) and capacitors, to achieve a resonant electrical length in combination with the actual physical length of the antenna. Nevertheless, it must be noted that the efficiency is still determined by the physical length of the antenna. Even if the ATU can match a very short antenna to the transmitter, for example, the overall efficiency will be poor. Connections between the transceiver, the ATU and the main antenna should be kept as short as possible to ensure the efficient transfer of energy to the antenna. Figure 33: T-type MF/HF wire antenna If there is ample space between existing masts or to erect special antenna masts, then the main or emergency antenna may be a wire antenna. A wire antenna may be stretched between masts or between a mast and another elevated part of the ship's superstructure. An example is shown in Figure 33: T-type MF/HF wire antenna (today, mostly whip-antennas are used), although inverted-L type’s antennas may be found. However, because of lack of space on board many modern ships, most GMDSS fittings use vertical whip antennas for MF/HF transmissions. For example, the main HF transceiver may use an 8 m whip, the MF telephony device may use a 4 m whip and the NAVTEX receiver may use a 1 m whip. A separate 6 m whip is commonly used for the MF/HF DSC receiver. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 122 5.5.3. Satellite antennas For the different Inmarsat standards various antenna types are required. Inmarsat-C For Inmarsat standard C devices omnidirectional antennas are used. These antennas are comparatively of small dimensions because the signals to be exchanged do not need such high field strength and not a wide band width than voice communications. The Inmarsat-C antenna must be installed in a position on the ship in which an omni-directed view to the satellite is possible. Figure 34: Inmarsat-C omnidirectional antenna Inmarsat-B, Fleet, -M Because of the need of more band width for Inmarsat devices dealing with voice and High Speed Data (HSD) exchange the antenna must be exactly spotted to the appropriate satellite. For this requirement can be only fulfilled by parabolic follow up antennas. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 123 Figure 35: Inmarsat-B parabolic follow up antenna 5.5.4. Antenna maintenance Figure 36: Example antenna installation All antennas should be kept clean, salt deposits removed, and feeders, isolators and brackets checked regularly. The various insulators must also be checked for cracks and must be cleaned regularly. The Safety loop on a wire antenna prevents the antenna falling if undue strain (e.g., from high winds or build-up of ice) is placed upon it; the weak link should break in the first instance rather than the antenna. A spare wire antenna should be carried and should be stored in an easily accessible place so that it can rapidly be erected if necessary. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 124 It should be remembered that dangerously high voltage and RF currents are present close to the main antenna. Ideally, the ATU and the link to the main antenna shall be protected to prevent any one touching the feeder. Before doing any maintenance work on any antenna, ensure that power is removed from the equipment and that the main fuses are removed and kept in a safe place (a pocket is often the simplest and safest place). As a further precaution, the antenna, where possible, should also be grounded, since RF energy can still be induced in the antenna from other antennas on board or on nearby ships. Even though a shock from an induced RF voltage may only startle rather than cause direct injury, an accident may still result through, for example, falling from a ladder, or dropping tools from a height. An antenna rigging plan shall be available showing the positions of the various antennas. 5.6 DSC basics Dot pattern Dot pattern Phasing sequence Phasing sequence Format specifier Call content Adress Closing sequence Category Self identification Figure 37: Technical format of a call sequence (DX / RX) The system is a synchronous system using characters composed from a ten-bit errordetecting code. The phasing sequence provides information to the receiver to permit correct bit phasing Apart from the phasing characters, each character is transmitted twice in a timespread mode; the first transmission (DX) of a specific character is followed by the transmission of four other characters before the re-transmission (RX) of that specific character takes place, allowing for a time-diversity reception interval of: 400 ms for HF and MF channels and 331/3 ms for VHF radio telephone channels The phasing sequence consists of specific characters in the DX and RX positions transmitted alternatively. (ITU-R M 493) Six DX characters are transmitted. The classes of emission, frequency shifts and modulation rates are as follows: F1B or J2B 170 Hz and 100 baud for use on HF and MF DSC calling channels. When frequency-shift keying is effected by applying audio signals to the input of single-sideband transmitters (J2B), the centre of the audio-frequency spectrum offered to the transmitter is 1 700 Hz. When a DSC call is transmitted on HF and MF working channels for public correspondence, the class of emission is J2B. In this case, audio tones with frequencies 1 700 Hz 85 Hz and modulation rate 100 Bd are used in order for the DSC call to be transmitted. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 125 The call content includes information about self- identification, address (if necessary), category of call, frequency information and ships position information (in case of distress alerting). The “end of sequence” (EOS) character is transmitted three times in the DX position and once in the RX position. 5.7. Radiotelex basics The Mode of emission for Radiotelex / NBDP is F1B. In the F1B method telex signal codes are transmitted at MF/HF as a sequence of two audio tones. According to ITU recommendations a frequency shift of 170 Hz about the centre frequency of 1700 Hz is used to send the “mark” and “space” tones. That means, that mark = 1615 Hz and space = 1785 Hz. A narrower bandwidth for a transmitted signal means that less noise and interference (both man-made and natural) is apparent at the receiver, resulting a relatively smaller masking effect on the wanted transmission. Furthermore the transmitter power is used more efficiently. The net effect is that, for the same transmitter power, the effective range of a transmission will be greatly extended by using a narrow bandwidth method of modulation such as SSB. 5.7.1. Automatic request for repeat (ARQ) ARQ is a mode for communication between two stations. In this mode the receiving telex station checks the incoming code groups representing the first three characters and if these are correctly received it requests the sending telex station to send the next three characters. If a group is received incorrectly, the receiving telex station requests to repeat the last group. 5.7.2. Forward Error Correction (FEC) FEC is used for communication to “All Stations”. It is sometimes known as broadcast FEC, or collective FEC. This mode would be used, e.g. for distress traffic and for NAVTEX broadcasts. The information is sent continuously with a continuous repeat of five characters later. The receiving telex station waits for each repeated character and providing one of the two characters confirms to the correct code, the character is printed. 5.8 Fault location and service on GMDSS marine electronic equipment Familiarization with the use of manufacturer’s documentation and users’ handbooks to locate simple faults. Trouble shooting in accordance with the documentation of equipment. Control of the GMDSS equipment to make sure that a safe and correct working of the equipment is possible. Knowledge of installations within the GMDSS equipment. Use of built-in test measuring instruments. Indication in different switch positions and the appropriate desired values in each switch position, in accordance with manufacturers’ handbooks. Read battery current in load condition. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 126 Use of software in accordance with the equipment. An understanding of indications on displays and screens and follow the instructions of the menu. Familiarization with the use of Ampere, Volt, Ohm meters and checking of main and battery voltage, battery acid or base by using a hydrometer as well as fuses and antenna isolation, where practical. Knowledge of elementary fault repair. Knowledge of fuses’ indication. Measures of precaution while repair work, using the appropriate tools. 6. GMDSS components 6.1. General Ship Station CP, CR, … Coast Station Ship Station Figure 38: Communication possibilities The maritime mobile service is a service between coast stations and ship stations, or between ship stations, or between associated on-board communication stations; survival craft stations and Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) stations may also participate in this service. A coast station is a land station in the maritime mobile service which is not intended to be used in motion. A ship station is a mobile station in the maritime mobile service located on board a vessel which is not permanently moored, other than a survival craft station A survival craft station is a mobile station in the maritime mobile service or the aeronautical mobile service intended solely for survival purposes and located on any lifeboat, life raft or other survival equipment. The public correspondence is any telecommunication except distress-, urgency- or safety communications which the offices and stations must accept for exchange. A ship station open for public correspondence shall have an Accounting Authority Identification Code (AAIC) which guarantees the accounting of telecommunications. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 127 Restricted public correspondence (CR) can be used by stations which have a need for limited public correspondence only and have not concluded an accounting contract with an accounting authority. The port operations service is a maritime mobile service in or near a port, between coast stations and ship stations, or between ship stations, in which messages are restricted to those relating to the operational handling, the movement and the safety of ships and, in emergency, to the safety of persons. Messages which are of a CP nature shall be excluded from this service. The ship movement service is a safety service in the maritime mobile service other than a port operations service, between coast stations and ship stations, or between ship stations, in which messages are restricted to those relating to the movement of ships. Messages which are of a CP nature shall be excluded from this service. In the terrestrial radio services UHF, VHF, MF and HF the first rule should always be: Listen first – Then transmit The ship station license and the radio operator’s certificates have to be kept on board in original and have to be presented upon request of authorized persons. The actual editions of service publications, edited by ITU as there are: List of coast stations and special service stations List of ship stations and maritime mobile service identity assignments Manual for the maritime mobile and maritime mobile satellite service have to be kept on board (see also chapter 4: Service Publications) In communications between coast stations and ship stations, the ship station shall comply with the instructions given by the coast station in all questions relating to the order and time of transmission, to the choice of frequency, and to the duration and suspension of work. In communications between ship stations, the station called controls the working in the manner indicated above. However, if a coast station finds it necessary to intervene, the ship stations shall comply with the instructions given by the coast station. (ITU, R M 541Section V. § 30 (1) – (3)) 6.2. VHF DSC 6.2.1. Basics The propagation of VHF transmissions is a ”line-in-sight” transmission. The range of VHF transmissions depends in the first instance on the height of the appropriate antenna, but also on the transmitting power of the transmitting station. Generally it can be assumed that the range of VHF transmissions is approximately 30 nautical miles. It has to be noted that the coverage range of DSC transmissions is higher than that of voice transmissions. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 128 Every ship borne maritime VHF transmitter must be capable to vary its power output between high power and low power. The high power output must not fall below 6 Watt and not exceed 25 Watt. In the low power position the output power can vary between 0.5 Watt and 1.0 Watt. To avoid interferences the lowest necessary output power shall be selected when installing VHF contacts. For establishing contacts to stations in a close distance to a transmitting station (see Figure 39: The range of VHF transmissions) mostly the “low power” output should be sufficient, while for contact s between stations in a farer distance to any other the “high power” transmitting position can be selected. 8 nm with 1W 30 nm with 25W Figure 39: The range of VHF transmissions The ITU allocated the frequency band 156 MHz to 174 MHz to the maritime mobile vhf service. Originally this range was divided into 28 channels, from channel 01 to channel 28. The distance between two channels was 50 kHz. Later, when more modern technical possibilities were available the channel spacing changed to 25 kHz. The additional channels got the numbering from channel 60 to channel 88 so that the numbering of the already existing equipment needed not to be changed worldwide. Regarding the frequency band channel 60 now is the first channel followed by channel 01 in a distance of 25 kHz followed by channel 61 in a distance of 25 kHz etc. (See Figure 40: VHF channeling) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 129 Figure 40: VHF channeling In the VHF band simplex channels are used as well as duplex channels. Simplex operation is an operating method on one single frequency of a telecommunication channel in which transmission is alternately made possible in each direction, for example, by means of a manual control. Channel 16 is a simplex channel using TX frequency 156,8 MHz as well as RX frequency 156,8 MHz. Simplex channels are used for communications in ship to ship and in ship to shore and shore to ship (mostly port operation service). Duplex operation is an operating method using a two-frequency telecommunication channel in which transmission is possible in both directions simultaneously. Channel 28 is a duplex channel using TX frequency 157,4 MHz and RX frequency 162,0 MHz. Duplex channels are to be used for communications between ship- and coast stations. Semi-duplex operation is a method of occupying a two-frequency telecommunication channel on which has simplex operation at one end of the circuit and duplex operation at the other. The most important VHF channels and their applications are shown in Table 9. Channel Ch 70 Ch 16 Ch 06 Ch 13 Ch 15+17 Ch 75+76 Description DSC distress alert, urgency, safety and routine announcement Voice distress, urgency, safety and routine calling Ship to ship SAR operation, safety related communication Communication for safety of navigation, ship movement and port operation service On board communication, power does not exceed 1W Navigation related communication (max 1W), AIS via Satellite Table 9: Important VHF channels and their application I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc Special May used also by aircraft stations May used also by aircraft stations May used also by aircraft stations HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 130 6.2.2. The use and functions of the VHF radio station installation Display Control Buttons Menu Buttons Keyboard Indicator Lamps Loudspeaker Squelch On/Off Switch Volume Distress Button Figure 41: VHF radio station Controls Distress Button: This button is protected by a lid. To use, lift the Lid and Push the distress button to transmit a distress alert (without kind of distress). Volume: Adjust the volume. Squelch: Pull and adjust silent when no station is received. This knob is also to make sure before calling a coast station on a working channel that there is no traffic in progress. Control Buttons: Control the power (1W or 25W), switching between International or US channels, switch the Loudspeaker on or off, setting the light intensity. Menu Buttons: Switch between Tel Mode (Radiotelephone parameters are show) and DSC Mode (DSC Parameters are shown), Open the Address Book, Press “TX / Call” to start creating a DSC alert or announcement, Press “RX / LOG” to open received calls. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 131 Keyboard: Push the number buttons to key in a channel, press and hold the “Shift Button” to get access to the orange second functions (Dual Watch, Scan, Functions etc.). On / OFF Switch: Push to switch the device on or off. Loudspeaker: to influence the loudspeaker turn the Volume Switch or push the relevant Control Button. Indicator lamps: These lamps show the condition when lid for TX – transmitting, 1W – 1W transmission mode, CALL – DSC announcement is received, ALARM – an alarm call is received. Display: The display shows the current settings of Channel, Volume, Squelch, Transmitting power, Loudspeaker condition etc. Selection of channels To select any channel other than displayed push the number buttons 0....9, e.g. to select channel 28 push first “2” than “8”. For a quick change to channel 16 just press the “16” key. Squelch The sensitivity of receivers can be adjusted with “squelch” so that the basic noise, which is always present, is not quite audible. If this adjusted level exceeds a stronger signal the NF signal can pass and will become audible. Any missing signals or any signals which level which is below the adjusted level then the receiver remain mute. Dual watch If it is necessary to observe channel 16 and another channel simultaneously press the shift button and then Dual Watch (DW). In the dual watch mode the receiver switches between a selected channel and channel 16 in very short intervals. Selection of power Push the power button to switch between 25W and 1W, depending on the distance to be covered. Other features In every case the operation instructions of this device has to be observed. 6.2.3. DSC possibilities In the maritime mobile service VHF equipment of two different quality standards can be used. Class A/B covers VHF equipment which is obligatory for the use on board of ships which are applicable for SOLAS convention. Class D is mainly intended for the use on ships which do not apply to the SOLAS convention but voluntarily they can additional be used to the obligatory VHF equipment on board of SOLAS ships. The table below shows all features of Class A/B and Class D VHF equipment. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 132 Applicable to Type Ships Class A/B Ships Class D Coast TX RX TX RX TX RX RT RLS RT EPIRB RT EPIRB RT EPIRB RT EPIRB RT EPIRB RT EPIRB All modes RT Duplex RT Medical transport Ships and aircraft (res.18) All modes RT Duplex RT RT acknowledgement Unable to comply acknowledgement Position request Position acknowledgement Test Test acknowledgement All mode RT Duplex RT Distress alerts Distress acknowledgement Distress relay individual Distress relay geographic area Distress relay all ships Distress relay acknowledgement individual Distress relay ackn all ships Urgency and Safety all ships Urgency/Safety individual Routine group calls Routine individual calls and their acknowledgement I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 133 All mode RT Duplex RT RT acknowledgement Data Data acknowledgement Unable to comply acknowledgement Polling Request Able to comply acknowledgement Unable to comply acknowledgement End of call request End of call acknowledgement ..Polling acknowledgement Semi/Auto VHF (optional) Start of call = available = not available Table 10: VHF DSC possibility table 6.2.4. Operational VHF DSC procedures in the GMDSS DSC provides an automated access to coast stations and ships. The message information is stored in the receiver and can be displayed or printed out following receiving. Four levels of priority — Distress, Urgency, Safety and Routine — are available for DSC calls. At all coast stations, ship-to-shore Distress calls receive priority handling and are routed to the nearest Rescue Co-ordination Centre (RCC). On board ship, DSC receivers sound an alarm when a Distress call is received. DSC is a technique of transmitting digital codes, which allow suitably equipped stations to: Transmit and receive Distress alerts. Transmit and receive Distress alert acknowledgements. Relay Distress alerts. Announce Urgency and Safety calls. Initiate routine priority calls and set up working channels for subsequent general communications on Radio Telephony (R/T) or telex. The detailed DSC procedures are contained in the most recent version of Recommendation ITU-R M 541 The only VHF DSC channel is channel 70 (156,525 MHz). All DSC calls automatically include phasing signals, error- checking signals and identity (MMSI number) of the calling station. The protocol includes an initial dot I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 134 pattern, which is used to alert scanning receivers that a DSC call is imminent. Other information can be added, either manually or automatically. The actual information added is dependent upon the purpose of the call. The DSC call is set up by entering information, using the command menu of the DSC controller that is attached to, or incorporated into, the transmitter. Telecommand and traffic information Telecommand and traffic information are features which are important for the handling of the subsequent information exchange. Channel selection in call format When calling another maritime mobile station the DSC call format should contain information about a working channel on which both stations subsequently exchange their information. On calling a coast station, do not propose a working channel in the DSC announcement because the coast station will inform each mobile station which working channel shall be used for communication with this coast station. DSC acknowledgement DSC announcements to all stations or to a certain group of stations must not be acknowledged by any of the receiving stations. However, individual DSC announcements either to a coast station or another ship station should be acknowledged by the called station where ever possible. DSC relay process The only case in which DSC information are relayed can be cases of distress. Test transmissions The number and duration of test transmissions shall be kept to a minimum. They should be coordinated with a competent authority or a coast station, as necessary, and, wherever practicable, be carried out on artificial antennas or with reduced power. However, testing on the distress and safety calling frequencies should be avoided, but where this is unavoidable, it should be indicated that these are test transmissions. 6.2.5. Alerting and announcement Alerting An alert is a digital selective call (DSC) using a distress call format, in the bands used for terrestrial radio communication, or a distress message format, in which case it is relayed through space stations. The distress alert relay is a DSC transmission on behalf of another station. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 135 Announcement An announcement is a digital selective call using urgency, safety or routine call format in the bands used for terrestrial radio communication, or urgency, safety or routine message format, in which case it is relayed through space stations. Call A call is the initial voice or text procedure. Distress alert The DSC equipment should be capable of being pre-set to transmit the distress alert on channel 70. The distress alert shall be composed by entering the ship’s position information, the time at which it was taken and the nature of distress. Normally the actual ships position is taken from a suitable navigation indicating receiver. If the position of the ship cannot be entered, the position information will be replaced as the digit 9 transmitted ten times. If the time cannot be included, then the time information will be transmitted automatically as the digit 8 repeated four times. Activate the distress alert attempt by a dedicated distress button. A distress alert attempt will be transmitted as 5 consecutive calls on channel 70. To avoid call collision and the loss of acknowledgements, this call attempt may be transmitted on the same frequency again after a random delay of between 3 ½ and 4 ½ min from the beginning of the initial call. This allows acknowledgements arriving randomly to be received without being blocked by retransmission. The random delay will be generated automatically for each repeated transmission; however it will be possible to override the automatic repeat manually. The DSC equipment should be capable of maintaining a reliable watch on a 24-hour basis on channel 70. If time permits, key in or select on the DSC equipment keyboard – – – – the nature of distress, the ship’s last known position (latitude and longitude), the time (in Universal Co-ordinated Time (UTC)) the position was valid, type of subsequent distress communication (telephony). DSC Acknowledgements of distress alerts should be initiated manually. Acknowledgements should be transmitted on the same frequency as the distress alert was received. Distress alerts shall normally be acknowledged by DSC by appropriate coast stations only. Acknowledgements by coast stations on VHF will be transmitted as soon as practicable. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 136 The acknowledgement of a distress alert consists of a single DSC acknowledgement which shall be addressed to “all ships” and include the identification of the ship, its position and the time the position was valid and if possible, the nature of distress, which is being acknowledged. In areas where reliable communications with one or more coast stations are practicable, ship stations on receiving a distress alert or a distress call from another vessel should defer acknowledgement for a short interval of time, so that a coast station may make the first acknowledgement. Ships receiving a DSC distress alert from another ship should set watch on channel 16 and acknowledge the call by radiotelephony when they are able to render help. If a ship station continues to receive a DSC distress alert on VHF channel 70, a DSC acknowledgement should be transmitted to terminate the call only after consulting with a Rescue Coordination Centre or a Coast Station and being directed to do so (see Figure 42: Handling of a received VHF DSC distress alert). The automatic repetition of a distress alert attempt should be terminated automatically on receipt of a DSC distress acknowledgement. An inadvertent DSC distress alert shall be cancelled by DSC, if the DSC equipment is so capable. However in all cases, cancellations shall also be transmitted by radiotelephony. Figure 42: Handling of a received VHF DSC distress alert Distress alert relay I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 137 Radio personnel serving on ships should be made aware of the consequences of transmitting a distress relay call and of routing a DSC distress alert relay to other than coast stations (CS). The number of unintended activations of DSC distress alerts and DSC distress alert relays creates an extra work load and confusion to (M)RCCs and also causing delay in the response-time. The original distress alert from a ship in distress should not be disrupted by other ships, by transmitting a DSC distress alert relay. Recommendation ITU-R M.541-9 on Operational procedures for the use of DSC equipment in the Maritime Mobile Service identifies only two situations in which a ship would transmit a distress relay call (distress alert relay): On receiving a distress alert on VHF channel 70, which is not acknowledged by a coast station after a suitable time. The distress alert relay should be addressed to the appropriate coast station, where ever possible; and On knowing that another ship in distress is not able to transmit the distress alert itself and the master of the transmitting ship considers that further help is necessary. The distress alert relay and call should be addressed to "all ships" or to the appropriate coast station. Under no circumstances is a ship permitted to transmit a DSC distress alert relay purely on receipt of a DSC distress alert on either VHF or MF channels. Key in or select on the DSC equipment keyboard: Distress relay All Ships or the 9-digit identity of the appropriate coast station, the 9-digit identity of the ship in distress, if known, the nature of distress, the latest position of the ship in distress, if known, the time (in UTC) the position was valid (if known), type of subsequent distress communication (telephony). Coast stations, after having received and acknowledged a DSC distress alert, may if necessary, retransmit the information received as a DSC distress alert relay, addressed to all ships or a specific ship. Ships receiving a distress alert relay transmitted by a coast station shall not use DSC to acknowledge the alert, but should acknowledge the receipt of the alert by radiotelephony on channel 16. Announcements for all ships (distress, urgency, safety) The announcement is carried out by transmission of a DSC urgency/safety announcement on the DSC distress and calling channel 70. The DSC urgency/safety announcement may be addressed to all stations at or to a specific station. The channel on which the urgency/safety message will be transmitted shall be included in the DSC urgency/safety announcement. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 138 Key in or select on the DSC equipment keyboard: the appropriate calling format on the DSC equipment (all ships); the category of the call (urgency/safety), the channel on which the urgency/safety message will be transmitted, the type of communication in which the urgency/safety message will be given (radiotelephony), transmit the DSC urgency/safety call. Ship stations in receipt of an urgency/safety all ships announcement shall monitor the frequency or channel indicated for the message for at least five minutes. However, in the maritime mobile service, after the DSC announcement the urgency message shall be transmitted on a working frequency: in the case of a long message or a medical call; or in areas of heavy traffic when the message is being repeated. After the DSC announcement the safety message shall be transmitted on a working channel. In the maritime mobile service, the safety message shall, where practicable, be transmitted on a working channel. A suitable indication to this effect shall be made in the DSC announcement. In the case that no other option is practicable, the safety message may be sent by radiotelephony on VHF channel 16 (frequency 156.8 MHz). Announcement to individual station (urgency, safety, routine) The VHF DSC channel 70 is used for DSC for distress and safety purposes as well as for DSC for public correspondence. Key in or select on the DSC equipment keyboard for ship calling: the appropriate calling format on the DSC equipment (individual); The individual or group MMSI the category of the call (urgency/safety/routine), the channel on which the urgency/safety/routine message will be transmitted, the type of communication in which the urgency/safety/routine message will be given (radiotelephony), transmit the DSC urgency/safety/routine call. A DSC announcement for an individual coast station is transmitted as follows. Key in or select on the DSC equipment keyboard: the appropriate calling format on the DSC equipment (individual); Individual coast station MMSI the category of the call (urgency/safety/routine), the type of the subsequent communication (normally radiotelephony), transmit the DSC call. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 139 A DSC call for public correspondence may be repeated channel 70, if no acknowledgement is received within 5 min. Further call attempts should be delayed at least 15 min, if acknowledgement is still not received The acknowledgement of a routine DSC announcement from a coast station contains a VHF channel on which the subsequent traffic shall be carried out. Group announcement (urgency, safety, routine) The purpose of group announcements is to inform a certain group of ships - or coast stations of an event which could be of interest for that group of stations only. Key in or select on the DSC equipment keyboard: the appropriate calling format on the DSC equipment (group); Group MMSI the category of the call (urgency/safety/routine), the channel on which the urgency/safety/routine message will be transmitted, the type of communication in which the urgency/safety/routine message will be given (radiotelephony), transmit the DSC urgency/safety/routine group announcement. Polling and position request The purpose of polling is to assert that the called station is in the range of the calling station and if it is operational. Position request is selected when a station wants to get position details from a called station. Key in or select on the DSC equipment keyboard: the appropriate calling format on the DSC equipment (polling/ position request); Individual MMSI the category of the call (urgency/safety), transmit the DSC urgency/safety polling/position request announcement. The polling acknowledgement does not contain any special information. The fact that an acknowledgment has been received from the called station shows that the called ship is within the range and its VHF equipment is in operation. The polling acknowledgement does not contain any special information. The fact that an acknowledgment has been received from the called station shows that the called ship is within the range and its VHF equipment is in operation. Automatic/Semi-automatic service with coast stations A couple of coast stations offer the possibility for a direct dialling to land subscribers without any operator’s involvement. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 140 A DSC announcement for an individual coast station automatic service call transmitted as follows. Key in or select on the DSC equipment keyboard: the appropriate calling format on the DSC equipment (individual); Individual coast station MMSI country code, area code and telephone number of subscriber the category of the call (urgency/safety/routine), the type of the subsequent communication (normally radiotelephony), transmit the DSC announcement. List of practical tasks Done? Transmit capabilities DSC distress alert without nature of distress DSC distress alert with nature of distress DSC relay to all stations DSC relay to an individual station (coast station or ship station) DSC all stations urgency announcement with workingchannel DSC ship to ship urgency announcement with working channel DSC ship to coast station urgency announcement DSC all stations safety announcement with working channel DSC ship to ship safety announcement with working channel DSC ship to coast station safety announcement DSC ship to ship routine announcement with working channel DSC ship to coast station safety announcement DSC group announcement (urgency, safety, routine) with working channel DSC geographic area announcement (urgency, safety, routine) with working channel DSC polling DSC position request DSC medical transport Other capabilities Select DSC received messages out of memory (distress + non distress) Select own MMSI numbers Implement coast stations Implement subscriber Implement position and time (if no GPS is available) Change DSC auto acknowledgement settings I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 141 Change channel Change power settings Switch between International channels an US channels Switch on and off the dual watch function Edit the address book Carry out the implemented test routine Operate the Volume and Squelch Establish operational readiness (ch16, 25W, International channel selection) Table 11: VHF-DSC practical training tasks 6.3. MF/HF-DSC 6.3.1. Basics The range of MF transmitter does not only depend on its output power (see Figure 43: Range of MF transmitter) but also on an optimal matching of the transmitter to the transmitting antenna. It depends also on the time of day. For the propagation during daylight hours the ground wave is mostly used. It is to note that a DSC transmission can generally cover a higher range than an analogue voice transmission. On most MF transmitters the output power can be varied in several steps from low power to high power in accordance with IMO performance standards. To avoid any interference the lowest necessary output power shall be selected for establishing contacts (see Figure 43: Range of MF transmitter) . To avoid interferences the lowest necessary output power shall be selected when installing MF/HF contacts. For establishing contacts to stations within a close distance to the transmitting station, the use of the “low power” output should be sufficient, whilst contacting stations at a greater distance, the use of the “high power” transmitting position can be selected. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 142 80 nm with low power 200 nm with full power Figure 43: Range of MF transmitter I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 143 Direction Receive(kHz) Transmit (kHz) 2187,5 2187,5 2187,5 2187,5 2187,5 2187,5 Routine ship to ship, individual station, geographic area announcement 2177,0 2177,0 Routine ship to coast station 2177,0 2189,5 Distress ship to ship, ship to coast station, all stations individual station, geographic area announcement Urgency ship to ship, ship to coast station, all stations individual station, geographic area announcement Safety ship to ship, ship to coast station, all stations individual station, geographic area announcement Table 12: International MF DSC frequencies I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 144 6.3.2. The use and functions of the MF/HF radio station installation Control Buttons Display Menu Buttons Indicator Lamps Control knob Volume Keyboard Distress Button Figure 44: MF/HF radio station Controls Distress Button: This button is protected by a lid. To use, lift the Lid and Push the distress button to transmit a distress alert (without kind of distress). Volume: Adjust the volume Control knob: Pull and adjust frequency or RF-Gain. Control buttons: Switch between channel or frequency, switch between Transmitter- or receiver frequency, changing the class of emission, tuning the receiver or switch to RF-Gain. Menu buttons: Switch between Tel Mode (Radiotelephone parameters are show) and DSC Mode (DSC Parameters are shown, must be selected if DSC routine frequencies should be watched additionally), Open the Address Book, Press “TX / I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 145 Call” to start creating a DSC alert or announcement, Press “RX / LOG” to open received calls. Keyboard: Push the number buttons to key in a channel or frequency, press and hold the “Shift button” to get access to the orange second functions (Power, Scan or additional functions) On / OFF Switch: Push to switch the device on or off Loudspeaker: to influence the loudspeaker turn the Volume Switch or push the relevant Control Button. Indicator lamps: These lamps show the condition when lid for TX – transmitting, transmission mode, CALL – DSC announcement is received, ALARM – an alarm call is received. Display: The display shows the current settings of Channel/Frequency, Volume, Kind of emission, Transmitting power etc. Selecting the RX (receive) and TX (transmit) frequency The actual RX and TX frequencies can be keyed in. If it becomes necessary to retune to a station, with only a small Hertz frequency difference, then the up/down <Tune Arrows> can be used (RX). Selecting ITU channel number GMDSS MF/HF receivers can be tuned to the Wanted Signal by more than one method, i.e., if paired HF frequencies are required, then it is possible to simply select the ITU channel number Using of clarifier or RX (receiver) fine tuning Fine-tuning is sometimes necessary, especially when it is required to "clarify' reception of single-sideband (SSB) speech transmissions (i.e., mode of emission = J3E). Selection of the <clarifier> allows tuning down to an accuracy of 10 Hz but it is normally used by listening to the output and tuning to the speech rather than to the actual frequency. Selecting the class of emission As there are different classes of emission for voice, NBDP (telex) or data transmissions it is absolutely necessary to select the correct class of emission in order to receive a suitable desired signal. The setting of the <mode> control is dependent upon the type of modulated signal being received/transmitted, i.e., on the mode of emission Using volume control and squelch The Volume or AF gain control simply varies the amount of signal passing to the loudspeaker, whilst the squelch control turns off the loudspeaker when no signals are being received. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 146 Controlling RF gain and using automatic gain control The radio frequency <Gain> or <Sensitivity> control allows manual adjustment of the input amplifier so as to set up the gain to suit conditions. Continual adjustment of the gain control may be necessary if fading occurs, in which case the AGC can be switched, thereby taking over from manual control, i.e., the AGC holds the output at a nearly constant level even though the input may fluctuate widely. Using 2182 kHz instant selector The purpose of the 2182 kHz instant key is to adjust receiver and transmitter frequency to 2182 kHz, to the appropriate class of emission to voice communication and to maximum power output in order to avoid time consuming manual tuning. Transmitting power The MF/HF transmitters offer the possibility to vary output power. Selection of transmitter power level For establishing contacts to stations in a close distance to a transmitting station (see Figure 43: Range of MF transmitter) the range of MF/HF transmissions mostly the “low power” output should be sufficient, while for contacts between stations in a farer distance to any other stations the “high power” transmitting position can be selected. Transmitter tuning To guarantee an optimal emission of the required frequency (wavelength) via the antenna it is necessary to match the antenna length to the wavelength. This will be done by an ATU, either manually or automatically when pressing the PTT key. 6.3.3. DSC possibilities Regarding VHF equipment, MF/HF equipment is also divided into two different quality standards. Class A/B covers MF/HF equipment which is obligatory for the use on board of ships which are applicable for SOLAS convention. Class E is mainly intended for the use on ships which do not apply to the SOLAS convention but voluntarily they can be used additionally to the obligatory MF/HF equipment on board of SOLAS ships. The table below shows all features of Class A/B and Class E MF/HF equipment. Applicable to Type Ships Class A/B Ships Class E Coast TX RX TX RX TX RX RT CED Distress alerts Distress acknowledgement I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 147 RT (MF) FEC (MF) RT (HF) FEC (HF) RT FEC RT FEC RT FEC RT FEC RT FEC J3E RT F1B FEC J3E RT F1B FEC Medical transport Ships and aircraft (res.18) J3E RT J3E RT with pos number J3E RT acknowledgement F1B FEC or ARQ F1B FEC or ARQ with pos number F1B FEC or ARQ acknowledgement Unable to comply acknowledgement Position request Positon requenst acknowledgement Test Test acknowledgement J3E RT F!B FEC Distress relay individual Distress relay geographic area Distress relay all ships Distress relay acknowledgement individual Distress relay ackn all ships Urgency and Safety all ships Urgency and Safety geographic area Urgency/Safety individual and their acknowledgement Routine group calls I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 148 Routine individual calls and their acknowledgement J3E RT J§E RT with pos number J3E acknowledgement F1B FEC, ARQ or Data F1B FEC, ARQ or Data with pos number F1B FEC, ARQ or Data acknowledgement Unable to comply Polling Request coast station Request ship station Able to comply acknowledgement Signal strength test by ship on working channel Coast station ackn. with new working frequency Coast station ackn. with same working frequency Unable to comply End of call request on working channel End of call acknowledgement on working channel ..Polling acknowledgement Semi/Auto MF/HF (optional) J3E RT, F!B FEC, ARQ = available = not available Table 13: MF/HF DSC possibility table 6.3.4. Operational MF/HF DSC procedures in the GMDSS DSC provides automated access to coast stations and ship stations. In general the DSC procedures on MF and HF are the same than described under the operational VHF DSC procedures. However there are some differences between VHF DSC and MF/HF DSC: On MF/HF equipment no “all ships” announcement is available. There is a possibility to transmit a multi frequency distress alert in all MF/HF bands. Each band between 2MHz (MF) to 16 MHz (HF) has one DSC distress alerting and urgency/safety announcement frequency available which is used in both directions, ship to shore, shore to ship and ship to ship (simplex). See Table 12: International MF DSC frequencies. Additionally in the bands between 2 MHz and 26 MHz there are several routine DSC announcement frequencies available for both, international and national announcements. In the 2 MHz band the frequency 2177,0 kHz is used for DSC routine announcements in the direction ship to ship (simplex). For routine DSC announcements in direction ship to shore and shore to ship in the I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 149 bands between 2 MHz and 26 MHz duplex frequencies are applicable (see appendix 7). Telecommand and traffic information Telecommand and traffic information’s are features as there is frequency information, class of emission, position information..., which are also important for the handling of the subsequent information exchange. Frequency selection in call format When calling another maritime mobile station the DSC call format shall contain working frequency information on which both stations subsequently exchange their information. At calling a coast station no working channel should be purposed in the DSC announcement because the coast station will inform the mobile station on which free working frequency has to be conducted. Acknowledgement DSC announcements to a geographic area or to a certain group of stations must not be acknowledged in any case by any other receiving station. Individual DSC announcements either to a coast stations or another ship station should be acknowledged by the called station where ever possible. Distress alert relay The only cases in which DSC information are relayed are in cases of distress. Use of frequencies DSC watchkeeping Due to the fact that in the MF and HF bands different DSC frequencies are available MF/HF equipment offers the possibility that the communication receiver can either be used as a scan receiver for the observation of DSC routine frequencies or for normal traffic exchange. Additionally a second DSC receiver, which is always part of the MF/HF equipment, is used as a scan receiver for the DSC distress alerting frequencies in the bands between 2 MHz and 16 MHz. Intership frequencies (Simplex) Ship to ship traffic should be conducted as simplex communications. Although duplex communications are permitted under certain conditions. Coast station frequencies (Duplex) Ship to shore traffic is mostly duplex communications. HF coast station frequencies are normally paired frequencies which are indicated by a channel numbers. It is possible to enter the RX and TX frequencies of a certain channel manually or enter the channel number so that the RX and TX frequencies tuned automatically. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 150 Test transmissions Testing on the exclusive DSC distress and safety frequencies should be avoided as far as possible by using other methods. MF and HF test calls can be carried out with the category “urgency” or “safety” and the announcement may be automatically acknowledged by the called coast station. Normally there would be no further communication between the two stations involved. 6.3.5. Alerting and announcement Distress alert The DSC equipment shall be capable of being preset to transmit the distress alert on 2187,5 kHz or one of the HF DSC distress frequencies between 4MHz and 16 MHz. The distress alert shall be composed by entering the ship’s position information, the time it was valid and the nature of distress. Normally the actual ships position is taken from a suitable navigation indicating receiver. If the position of the ship cannot be entered, the position information will be replaced as the digit 9 transmitted ten times. If the time cannot be included, then the time information will be transmitted automatically as the digit 8 repeated four times. Activate the distress alert attempt by a dedicated distress button. A distress alert attempt will be transmitted as 5 consecutive alerts on the selected DSC distress frequency. To avoid alert collision and the loss of acknowledgements, this call attempt may be transmitted on the same frequency again after a random delay of between 3 ½ and 4 ½ min from the beginning of the initial call. This allows acknowledgements arriving randomly to be received without being blocked by retransmission. The random delay will be generated automatically for each repeated transmission; however it will be possible to override the automatic repeat manually. The DSC equipment should be capable of maintaining a reliable watch on a 24-hour basis on all DSC .MF/HF distress frequencies. The DSC distress alert on MF should be transmitted to all stations, on HF to an individual coast station. If time permits, key in or select on the DSC equipment keyboard the coast station MMSI (only HF), the nature of distress, the ship’s last known position (latitude and longitude), the time (in UTC) the position was valid, type of subsequent distress communication (telephony or NBDP). DSC distress alerts may be sent on a number of HF bands in two different ways: I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 151 either by transmitting the DSC distress alert on one HF band, and waiting a few minutes for receiving acknowledgement by a coast station; if no acknowledgement is received within 3 min, the process is repeated by transmitting the DSC distress alert on another appropriate HF band etc.; or by transmitting the DSC distress alert at a number of HF bands with no, or only very short, pauses between the calls, without waiting for acknowledgement between the calls. It is recommended to follow procedure a) in all cases, where time permits to do so; this will make it easier to choose the appropriate HF band for commencement of the subsequent communication with the coast station on the corresponding distress traffic channel. DSC acknowledgements of distress alerts on 2187,5 kHz (MF) should be initiated manually. DSC acknowledgements should be transmitted on the same frequency as the distress alert was received. Distress alerts shall normally be acknowledged by DSC by appropriate coast stations only. Acknowledgements by coast stations on MF/HF will be transmitted as soon as practicable. The acknowledgement of a distress alert consists of a single DSC acknowledgement which shall be addressed to “all ships” and include the identification of the ship, its position and the time the position was valid and the nature of distress, whose distress alert is being acknowledged. In areas where reliable communications with one or more coast stations are practicable, ship stations in receipt of a distress alert or a distress call from another vessel should defer acknowledgement for a short interval so that a coast station may be the first to acknowledge receipt. Ships receiving a DSC distress alert from another ship should keep watch on the radio telephony or radiotelex frequency in the same frequency band in which the distress alert was received. In the MF band ships must acknowledge the receipt of the distress alert and/or message on 2182 kHz (voice) or 2174,5 kHz (NBDP) (see Figure 45: Handling of a received VHF/MF DSC distress alert). Ships receiving a DSC distress alert on HF from another ship shall not acknowledge the alert (see Figure 46: Handling of a received HF DSC distress alert). If no DSC distress acknowledgement is received from a coast station within 5 min and no distress communication is observed going on between a coast station and the ship in distress: inform a Rescue Coordination Centre via appropriate radio communications means, transmit a DSC distress alert relay to a coast station I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 152 The automatic repetition of a distress alert attempt should be terminated automatically on receipt of a DSC distress acknowledgement. An inadvertent DSC distress alert shall be cancelled by DSC, if the DSC equipment is so capable. However in all cases, cancellations shall also be transmitted by radiotelephony or radiotelex depending on where and with which mode of communication the DSC alert was transmitted. Figure 45: Handling of a received VHF/MF DSC distress alert Figure 46: Handling of a received HF DSC distress alert I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 153 Distress alert relay In case it is considered appropriate to transmit a DSC distress alert relay. Distress alerts relay on HF should be initiated manually; If the master realizes that another ship in distress is not able to transmit the distress alert itself and further help is necessary, then he can transmit a DSC distress alert relay. This distress alert relay and call should be addressed to all ships in a geographic area or to the appropriate coast station. Key in or select on the DSC equipment keyboard: Distress relay, the 9-digit identity of the appropriate coast station, the 9-digit identity of the ship in distress, if known, the nature of distress, the latest position of the ship in distress, if known, the time (in UTC) the position was valid (if known), type of subsequent distress communication (telephony). Transmit the distress alert relay. Coast stations, after having received and acknowledged a DSC distress alert, may if necessary, retransmit the information received as a DSC distress alert relay, addressed to all ships in a geographic area or a specific ship. Ships receiving a distress alert relay transmitted by a coast station shall not use DSC to acknowledge the alert, but should acknowledge the receipt of the alert by radiotelephony or radiotelex. Ships receiving a DSC distress alert relay from a coast station on HF, addressed to all ships within a specified area, should NOT acknowledge the receipt of the relay alert by DSC, but by radiotelephony or radiotelex on the telephony or telex distress traffic frequency in the same band(s) in which the DSC distress relay call was received. Announcement to individual station (urgency, safety, routine) Urgency and safety announcements to individual stations should be carried out on a suitable DSC distress frequency. Key in or select on the DSC equipment keyboard for urgent or safety: the appropriate calling format on the DSC equipment (individual), The individual ship or coast station 9 digit identity, the category of the call (urgency/safety), the frequency (ship to ship only)on which the urgency/safety message will be transmitted, the type of communication in which the urgency/safety message will be given (radiotelephony/radiotelex), I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 154 the DSC distress frequency band must correspond with the frequency band for the message transmission. Transmit the DSC urgency/safety announcement. Routine announcements will be carried out on a DSC routine frequency. Key in or select on the DSC equipment keyboard for routine: the appropriate calling format on the DSC equipment (individual), The individual ship or coast station 9 digit identity, the category of the call (routine), the frequency (ship to ship only)on which the routine message will be transmitted, the type of communication in which the routine message will be given (radiotelephony/radiotelex), the DSC routine frequency band must correspond with the frequency band for the message transmission, A DSC announcement for an individual coast station is transmitted as follows. Key in or select on the DSC equipment keyboard: the appropriate calling format on the DSC equipment (individual), Individual coast station 9 digit identity, the category of the call (urgency/safety/routine), the type of the subsequent communication (normally radiotelephony/ radiotelex), the DSC distress or routine frequency band must correspond with the frequency band for the message transmission. Transmit the announcement. The acknowledgement of an urgency/safety/routine DSC announcement from a coast station contains the working frequency or channel on which the subsequent traffic shall be carried out. Geographic area announcement (urgency, safety) The announcement is carried out by a transmission of a DSC urgency/safety announcement on the DSC distress and announcement frequency in the band in which it is assumed that the transmission will be received. The DSC urgency/safety announcement may be addressed to all stations in a geographic area or to a specific station (see Figure 47: Example of a rectangular geographic area). The frequency on which the urgency/safety message will be transmitted shall be included in the DSC urgency/safety announcement. Key in or select on the DSC equipment keyboard: the appropriate calling format on the DSC equipment (geographic area), I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 155 the category of the call (urgency/safety), the frequency on which the urgency/safety message will be transmitted, the type of communication in which the urgency/safety message will be given (radiotelephony/radiotelex), the DSC distress frequency band must correspond with the frequency band for the message transmission. Transmit the DSC geographic area urgency/safety announcement. Ship stations in receipt of an urgency/safety geographic area announcement shall monitor the frequency or channel indicated for the message for at least five minutes. However, in the maritime mobile service, after the DSC announcement the urgency/ safety message shall be transmitted on a working frequency in radiotelephony or radiotelex. Reference point 55 degrees north, 004 degrees West 55 degrees north, 001 degrees West 03 degrees 02 degrees 53 degrees north, 004 degrees West 53 degrees north, 001 degrees West Figure 47: Example of a rectangular geographic area Group announcement (distress, urgency, safety, routine) All coast stations call Recommendation ITU-R M.493 on DSC systems for use in the Maritime Mobile Service provides for "group calls" an address consisting of the characters corresponding to the station's MMSI and a number of Administrations have already assigned a "group call" MMSI to their coast stations in addition to the coast stations individual MMSI. By multilateral agreements, a "group call" MMSI could be assigned to all coast stations of a specific region, e.g., an RCC area and could comply with IMO's requirement without need of introducing further modifications to GMDSS equipment. An alternative method to implement an "all coast stations" call without the need to modify Recommendation ITU-R M.493 could be to define one MMSI world-wide as an address for all coast stations. However, this solution would also require a modification of the setup at each coast station participating in the GMDSS. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 156 The purpose of group announcements is to inform a certain group of ships- or coast stations of an event which could be of interest to that group of stations only. Key in or select on the DSC equipment keyboard: the appropriate calling format on the DSC equipment (group), Group 9 digit identity, the category of the call (urgency/safety/routine), the channel on which the urgency/safety/routine message will be transmitted, the type of communication in which the urgency/safety/routine message will be given (radio telephony, radiotelex), the DSC distress or routine frequency band must correspond with the frequency band for the message transmission. Transmit the DSC group announcement. Polling and position request The purpose of polling is to assert that the called station is in the range of the calling station and if it is operational. Position request is selected when a station wants to get position details of a called station. Key in or select on the DSC equipment keyboard: the appropriate calling format on the DSC equipment (polling/ position request), Individual 9 digit identity, the category of the call (urgency/safety), the DSC distress frequency in the band in which a reply can be awaited. Transmit the DSC urgency/safety polling/position request announcement. The polling acknowledgement does not contain any special information. The fact of receiving the acknowledgment from the called station indicates that the called ship is in the range and its MF/HF equipment is operational. The position request acknowledgement contains the called ships position and points to the fact that the MF/HF equipment is in range of the calling station and operational. Automatic service with coast stations A couple of coast stations offer the possibility for a direct dialling to land subscribers without any operator’s involvement. A DSC announcement for an individual coast station automatic telephone service call transmitted as follows. Key in or select on the DSC equipment keyboard: I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 157 the appropriate calling format on the DSC equipment (individual), Individual coast station 9 digit identity, country code, area code and telephone number of subscriber, the category of the call (urgency/safety/routine), the type of the subsequent communication (normally radiotelephony), the DSC distress or routine frequency in the band in which the call shall be carried out. Transmit the DSC announcement. For automatic telex service communications will not be established via DSC but with the telex equipment only (see 0) Practical tasks Done? Transmit capabilities DSC distress alert without nature of distress DSC distress alert with nature of distress DSC relay to all stations DSC relay to geographic area DSC relay to an individual station (coast station or ship station) DSC all stations urgency announcement with working frequency DSC ship to ship urgency announcement with working frequency DSC ship to coast station urgency announcement DSC all stations safety announcement with working frequency DSC ship to ship safety announcement with working frequency DSC ship to coast station safety announcement DSC ship to ship routine announcement with working frequency DSC ship to coast station safety announcement DSC group announcement (urgency, safety, routine) with work. frequency DSC geographic area announcement (urgency, safety, routine) with working frequency DSC polling DSC position request DSC medical transport Other capabilities Select DSC received messages out of memory (distress + non distress) Select own MMSI numbers Implement coast stations Implement subscriber I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 158 Implement position and time (if no GPS is available) Implement new coast station frequencies Change DSC auto acknowledgement settings Change frequencies (TX and RX) for communication Change power settings Change kind of modulation Operate the Volume and Squelch Operate the Tuning Operate the Clarifier Operate the RF-Gain Switch to Automatic Gain Control Switch between International frequency and channels Switch on and off the DSC watch function Add new coast stations Edit the paired channel list (Communication with coast stations) Change routine DSC watch frequencies Carry out the implemented test routine Edit the address book Establish operational readiness (TX/RX 2182kHz, full Power, SSB, DSC watch) Table 14: MF/HF-DSC practical training tasks 6.4. VHF/MF/HF voice procedure 6.4.1. Distress procedure Distress communications rely on the use of terrestrial MF, HF and VHF radio communications and communications using satellite techniques. Distress communications shall have absolute priority over all other transmissions. The following terms apply: The distress alert is a digital selective call (DSC) using a distress call format, in the bands used for terrestrial radio communication, or a distress message format, in which case it is relayed through space stations. The distress call is the initial voice or text procedure. The distress message is the subsequent voice or text procedure. The distress alert relay is a DSC transmission on behalf of another station. The distress call relay is the initial voice or text procedure for a station not itself in distress The distress call shall be sent on the distress and safety frequencies designated in the MF, HF and VHF bands for radiotelephony. The distress alert or call and subsequent messages shall be sent only on the authority of the person responsible I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 159 for the ship, aircraft or other vehicle carrying the mobile station or the mobile earth station. It shall be transmitted with full carrier power (VHF - 25W, MF/HF – full power) Transmissions by radiotelephony shall be made slowly and distinctly, each word being clearly pronounced to facilitate transcription. The phonetic alphabet and figure code in appendix 14 of the RR and the abbreviations and signals in accordance with the most recent version of Recommendation ITU-R M.1172 should be used where applicable. Ship-to-ship distress alerts are used to alert other ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress and are based on the use of DSC in the VHF and MF bands. Additionally, the HF band may be used. Ship stations equipped for DSC procedures may transmit a distress call and distress message immediately following the distress alert in order to attract attention from as many ship stations as possible. Ship stations not equipped for DSC procedures shall, where practical, initiate the distress communications by transmitting a radio telephony distress call and message on the frequency 156.8 MHz (VHF channel 16). The radiotelephone distress signal consists of the word MAYDAY. The distress call sent on the frequency 156.8 MHz (VHF channel 16) or on MF/HF shall be given in the following form: MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY THIS IS SHIP’S NAME SHIP’S NAME SHIP’S NAME CALL SIGN MMSI The distress message which follows the distress call should be given in the following form: MAYDAY; SHIP’S NAME; CALL SIGN;MMSI the position, given as the latitude and longitude, or if the latitude and longitude are not known or if time is insufficient, in relation to a known geographical location; the nature of the distress; the kind of assistance required; any other useful information Distress Relay A station in the mobile or mobile-satellite service which learns that a mobile unit is in distress (for example, by a radio call or by observation) shall initiate and transmit a distress alert relay and/or a distress call relay on behalf of the mobile unit in distress once it has ascertained that any of the following circumstances apply. on receiving a distress alert or call which is not acknowledged by a coast station or another vessel within five minutes I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 160 on learning that the mobile unit in distress is otherwise unable or incapable of participating in distress communications, if the master or other person responsible for the mobile unit not in distress considers that further help is necessary However, a ship shall not transmit a distress alert relay to all ships by DSC on the VHF or MF distress frequencies following receipt of a distress alert sent by DSC by the ship in distress. When an aural watch is being maintained on shore and reliable ship-to-shore communications can be established by radiotelephony, a distress call relay is sent by radiotelephony and addressed to the relevant coast station or rescue coordination centre on the appropriate frequency. The distress call relay sent by radiotelephony should be given in the following form: MAYDAY RELAY MAYDAY RELAY MAYDAY RELAY ALL STATIONS ALL STATIONS ALL STATIONS THIS IS SHIP’S NAME SHIP’S NAME SHIP’S NAME CALL SIGN MMSI (all identifications of the relaying vessel) This call can be addressed to all stations or to an individual station. This call shall be followed by a distress message which shall, as far as possible, repeat the information contained in the original distress alert or message or the observations done by the relaying station: Following received on Channel 16 at time in UTC MAYDAY; SHIP’S NAME; CALL SIGN;MMSI (All identifications of the vessel in distress) the position, given as the latitude and longitude, or if the latitude and longitude are not known or if time is insufficient, in relation to a known geographical location; the nature of the distress; the kind of assistance required; any other useful information or following observed MAYDAY (only MAYDAY, if the vessel in distress is not known) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 161 the observed position, given as the latitude and longitude, or if the latitude and longitude are not known or if time is insufficient, in relation to a known geographical location; the nature of the distress the kind of assistance required; any other useful information Acknowledgement Acknowledgement of receipt of a distress alert, including a distress alert relay, shall be made in the manner appropriate to the method of transmission of the alert and within the time-scale appropriate to the role of the station in receipt of the alert. When acknowledging receipt of a distress alert sent by DSC, the acknowledgement in the terrestrial services shall be made by DSC, radiotelephony or narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy as appropriate to the circumstances, on the associated distress and safety frequency in the same band in which the distress alert was received, taking due account of the directions given in the most recent versions of the RR Art.32. In areas where reliable communications with one or more coast stations are practicable, ship stations in receipt of a distress alert or a distress call from another vessel should defer acknowledgement for a short interval so that a coast station may acknowledge receipt in the first instance. When acknowledging by radiotelephony the receipt of a distress alert or a distress call from a ship station or a ship earth station, the acknowledgement should be given in the following form: MAYDAY SHIP’S NAME and CALL SIGN or MMSI (of the vessel in distress) THIS IS SHIP’S NAME and CALL SIGN (of the acknowledging vessel) RECEIVED MAYDAY Ship stations in receipt of a distress call sent by radiotelephony on the frequency 156.8 MHz (VHF channel 16) shall, if the call is not acknowledged by a coast station or another vessel within five minutes, acknowledge receipt to the vessel in distress and use any means available to relay the distress call to an appropriate coast station or coast earth station. However in order to avoid making unnecessary or confusing transmissions in response, a ship station, which may be at a considerable distance from the incident, I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 162 receiving an HF distress alert, shall not acknowledge it but shall observe the distress frequency in the band in which the distress alert was sent and shall, if the distress alert is not acknowledged by a coast station within five minutes, relay the distress alert, but only to an appropriate coast station or coast earth station. A ship station acknowledging receipt of a distress alert sent by DSC should, in accordance with the following. In the first instance, acknowledge receipt of the distress alert by using radiotelephony on the distress and safety traffic frequency in the band used for the alert, taking into account any instructions which may be issued by a responding coast station. If acknowledgement by radiotelephony of the distress alert received on the MF or VHF distress alerting frequency is unsuccessful, acknowledge receipt of the distress alert by responding with a digital selective call on the appropriate frequency. However, unless instructed to do so by a coast station or a rescue coordination centre, a ship station may only send an acknowledgement by DSC in the event that: no acknowledgement by DSC from a coast station has been observed; and no other communication by radiotelephony or narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy to or from the vessel in distress has been observed; and at least five minutes have elapsed and the distress alert by DSC has been repeated. A ship station in receipt of a shore-to-ship distress alert relay or distress call relay should establish communication as directed and render such assistance as required and appropriate. Distress Traffic and on scene communication On receipt of a distress alert or a distress call, ship stations and coast stations shall set watch on the radiotelephone distress and safety traffic frequency associated with the distress and safety calling frequency on which the distress alert was received. Distress traffic consists of all messages relating to the immediate assistance required by the ship in distress, including search and rescue communications and on-scene communications. The distress traffic shall as far as possible be on the frequencies contained in the RR Article 31. For distress traffic by radiotelephony, when establishing communications, calls shall be prefixed by the distress signal MAYDAY. The rescue coordination centre responsible for controlling a search and rescue operation shall also coordinate the distress traffic relating to the incident or may appoint another station to do so. On-scene communications are those between the mobile unit in distress and assisting mobile units, and between the mobile units and the unit co-ordinating I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 163 search and rescue operations. Control of on-scene communications is the responsibility of the unit co-ordinating search and rescue operations. Simplex communications shall be used so that all on-scene mobile stations may share relevant information concerning the distress incident. If direct-printing telegraphy is used, it shall be in the forward error-correcting mode. The preferred frequencies in radiotelephony for on-scene communications are 156.8 MHz and 2182 kHz. The frequency 2174.5 kHz may also be used for ship-to-ship onscene communications using narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy in the forward error correcting mode. In addition to 156.8 MHz and 2182 kHz, the frequencies 3023 kHz, 4125 kHz, 5680 kHz, 123.1 MHz and 156.3 MHz may be used for ship-toaircraft on-scene communications. The selection or designation of on-scene frequencies is the responsibility of the unit co-ordinating search and rescue operations. Normally, once an on-scene frequency is established, a continuous aural or teleprinter watch is maintained by all participating on-scene mobile units on the selected frequency. MAYDAY SHIP’S NAME and CALL SIGN (for example vessel in distress) THIS IS SHIP’S NAME and CALL SIGN (assisting vessel) Calling reason The rescue coordination centre co-ordinating distress traffic, the unit co-ordinating search and rescue operations or the coast station involved may impose silence on stations which interfere with that traffic. This instruction shall be addressed to all stations or to one station only, according to circumstances. In either case, the following shall be used: In radiotelephony, the signal SEELONCE MAYDAY SHIP’S NAME, CALL SIGN or ALL STATIONS SEELONCE MAYDAY Until they receive the message indicating that normal working may be resumed, all stations which are aware of the distress traffic, and which are not taking part in it, and which are not in distress, are forbidden to transmit on the frequencies in which the distress traffic is taking place. When distress traffic has ceased on frequencies which have been used for distress traffic, the station controlling the search and rescue operation shall initiate a message for transmission on these frequencies indicating that distress traffic has finished. In radiotelephony, the message should consist of: MAYDAY ALL STATIONS ALL STATIONS ALL STATIONS THIS IS I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 164 SHIP’SNAME SHIP’S NAME SHIP’S NAME CALL SIGN MMSI the time of handing in of the message in UTC SHIP’S NAME, CALL SIGN and MMSI (of the mobile station which was in distress) SEELONCE FEENEE False Alert A station transmitting an inadvertent distress alert or call shall cancel the transmission. An inadvertent DSC alert shall be cancelled by DSC, if the DSC equipment is so capable. The cancellation should be in accordance with the most recent version of Recommendation ITU R M.493. In all cases, cancellations shall also be transmitted by radiotelephony. An inadvertent distress call shall be cancelled by radiotelephony in accordance with the procedure described below. Inadvertent distress transmissions shall be cancelled orally on the associated distress and safety frequency in the same band on which the distress transmission was sent, using the following procedure: ALL STATIONS ALL STATIONS ALL STATIONS THIS IS SHIP’S NAME SHIP’S NAME SHIP’S NAME CALL SIGN MMSI PLEASE CANCEL MY DISTRESS ALERT OF time in UTC. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 165 Figure 48: Canellation of False distress alerts 6.4.2 Urgency procedure Urgency communication include Medico- and medical transport calls, urgent communication relating extreme weather conditions and support communications for search and rescue operations. Urgency communications shall have priority over all other communications, except distress. The following terms apply: The urgency announcement is a digital selective call using an urgency call format in the bands used for terrestrial radio communication, or an urgency message format, in which case it is relayed through space stations. The urgency call is the initial voice or text procedure. The urgency message is the subsequent voice or text procedure. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 166 In a terrestrial system, urgency communications consist of an announcement, transmitted using DSC, followed by the urgency call and message transmitted using radiotelephony. The announcement of the urgency message shall be made on one or more of the distress and safety calling frequencies specified in the RRs, using both DSC and the urgency call format, or if not available, radio telephony procedures and the urgency signal. Announcements using DSC should use the technical structure and content set forth in the most recent version of Recommendations ITU-R M.493 and ITU-R M.541. Ship stations not equipped for DSC procedures may announce an urgency call and message by transmitting the urgency signal by radiotelephony on the frequency 156.8 MHz (channel 16), while taking into account that other stations outside VHF range may not receive the announcement. In the maritime mobile service, urgency communications may be addressed either to all stations or to a particular station. When using DSC techniques, the urgency announcement shall indicate which frequency is to be used to send the subsequent message and, in the case of a message to all stations, shall use the “All Ships” format setting. Urgency announcements from a coast station may also be directed to a group of vessels or to vessels in a defined geographical area. The urgency call and message shall be transmitted on one or more of the distress and safety traffic frequencies. However, in the maritime mobile service, the urgency message shall be transmitted on a working frequency: in the case of a long message or a medical call; or in areas of heavy traffic when the message is being repeated. An indication to this effect shall be included in the urgency announcement or call. The urgency signal consists of the words PAN PAN. The urgency call format and the urgency signal indicate that the calling station has a very urgent message to transmit concerning the safety of a mobile unit or a person. Communications concerning medical advice may be preceded by the urgency signal. Mobile stations requiring medical advice may obtain it through any of the land stations shown in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations. Urgency communications to support search and rescue operations need not be preceded by the urgency signal. The urgency call should consist of: PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN ALL STATIONS ALL STATIONS ALL STATIONS THIS IS SHIP’S NAME SHIP’S NAME SHIP’S NAME (or coast station name) CALL SIGN MMSI I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 167 followed by the urgency message or followed by the details of the channel to be used for the message in the case where a working channel is to be used. In radiotelephony, on the selected working frequency, the urgency call and message consists of: PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN ALL STATIONS ALL STATIONS ALL STATIONS THIS IS SHIP’S NAME SHIP’S NAME SHIP’S NAME (or coast station name) CALL SIGN MMSI the text of the urgency message The urgency call format or urgency signal shall be sent only on the authority of the person responsible for the ship, aircraft or other vehicle carrying the mobile station or mobile earth station. The urgency call format or the urgency signal may be transmitted by a land station or a coast earth station with the approval of the responsible authority. Ship stations in receipt of an urgency announcement or call addressed to all stations shall not acknowledge. Ship stations in receipt of an urgency announcement or call of an urgency message shall monitor the frequency or channel indicated for the message for at least five minutes. If, at the end of the five-minute monitoring period, no urgency message has been received, a coast station should, if possible, be notified of the missing message. Thereafter, normal working may be resumed. Coast and ship stations which are in communication on frequencies other than those used for the transmission of the urgency signal or the subsequent message may continue their normal work without interruption, provided that the urgency message is not addressed to them nor broadcast to all stations. When an urgency announcement or call and message was transmitted to more than one station and action is no longer required, an urgency cancellation should be sent by the station responsible for its transmission. The urgency cancellation should consist of: PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN ALL STATIONS ALL STATIONS ALL STATIONS THIS IS SHIP’S NAME SHIP’S NAME SHIP’S NAME (or coast station name) CALL SIGN MMSI PLEASE CANCEL URGENCY MESSAGE OF time in UTC I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 168 Medical Transport The term “medical transports”, as defined in the 1949 Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols, refers to any means of transportation by land, water or air, whether military or civilian, permanent or temporary, assigned exclusively to medical transportation and under the control of a competent authority of a party to a conflict or of neutral States and of other States not parties to an armed conflict, when these ships, craft and aircraft assist the wounded, the sick and the shipwrecked. For the purpose of announcing and identifying medical transports which are protected under the above-mentioned Conventions, the procedure of urgency announcement, call and message is obligatory. The urgency call shall be followed by the addition of the single word MAY-DEE-CAL, in radiotelephony. When using DSC techniques, the urgency announcement on the appropriate DSC distress and safety frequencies shall always be addressed to all stations on VHF and to a specified geographical area on MF and HF and shall indicate “Medical transport” in accordance with the most recent version of Recommendations ITU-R M.493 and ITU-R M.541. Medical transports may use one or more of the distress and safety traffic frequencies for the purpose of self-identification and to establish communications. As soon as practicable, communications shall be transferred to an appropriate working frequency. The use of the signals described above indicates that the message which follows concerns a protected medical transport. The message shall convey the following data: call sign or other recognized means of identification of the medical transport; position of the medical transport; number and type of vehicles in the medical transport; intended route; estimated time en route and of departure and arrival, as appropriate; any other information, such as flight altitude, radio frequencies guarded, languages used and secondary surveillance radar modes and codes. The use of radio communications for announcing and identifying medical transports is optional; however, if they are used, the provisions of the RRs and particularly of the Articles 30-33 shall apply. 6.4.3. Safety procedure Safety communications include navigational and meteorological warnings, I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 169 urgent information, ship-to-ship safety of navigation communications, communications relating to the navigation, movements and needs of ships and weather observation messages destined for an official meteorological service. Safety communications shall have priority over all other communications, except distress and urgency The following terms apply: the safety announcement is a digital selective call using a safety call format in the bands used for terrestrial radio communication or a safety message format, in which case it is relayed through space stations; the safety call is the initial voice or text procedure; the safety message is the subsequent voice or text procedure In a terrestrial system, safety communications consist of a safety announcement, transmitted using DSC, followed by the safety call and message transmitted using radiotelephony, narrow-band direct-printing or data. The announcement of the safety message shall be made on one or more of the distress and safety calling frequencies using either DSC techniques and the safety call format, or radiotelephony procedures and the safety signal. However, in order to avoid unnecessary loading of the distress and safety calling frequencies specified for use with DSC techniques: safety messages transmitted by coast stations in accordance with a predefined timetable should not be announced by DSC techniques; safety messages which only concern vessels sailing in the vicinity should be announced using radiotelephony procedures In addition, ship stations not equipped for DSC procedures may announce a safety message by transmitting the safety call by radiotelephony. In such cases the announcement shall be made using the frequency 156.8 MHz (VHF channel 16), while taking into account that other stations outside VHF range may not receive the announcement. In the maritime mobile service, safety messages shall generally be addressed to all stations. In some cases, however, they may be addressed to a particular station. When using DSC techniques, the safety announcement shall indicate which frequency is to be used to send the subsequent message and, in the case of a message to all stations, shall use the “All Ships” format setting. In the maritime mobile service, the safety message shall, where practicable, be transmitted on a working frequency in the same band(s) as those used for the safety announcement or call. A suitable indication to this effect shall be made at the end of I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 170 the safety call. In the case that no other option is practicable, the safety message may be sent by radiotelephony on the frequency 156.8 MHz (VHF channel 16). The safety signal consists of the word SECURITE. The safety call format or the safety signal indicates that the calling station has an important navigational or meteorological warning to transmit. Messages from ship stations containing information concerning the presence of cyclones shall be transmitted, with the least possible delay, to other mobile stations in the vicinity and to the appropriate authorities through a coast station, or through a rescue coordination centre via a coast station or an appropriate coast earth station. These transmissions shall be preceded by the safety announcement or call. Messages from ship stations, containing information on the presence of dangerous ice, dangerous wrecks, or any other imminent danger to marine navigation, shall be transmitted as soon as possible to other ships in the vicinity, and to the appropriate authorities through a coast station, or through a rescue coordination centre via a coast station or an appropriate coast earth station. These transmissions shall be preceded by the safety announcement or call The complete safety call should consist of: SECURITE SECURITE SECURITE ALL STATIONS ALL STATIONS ALL STATIONS (or individual called station, three times) THIS IS SHIP’S NAME SHIP’S NAME SHIP’S NAME (or coast station name) CALL SIGN MMSI followed by the safety message or followed by the details of the channel to be used for the message in the case where a working channel is to be used. In radiotelephony, on the selected working frequency, the safety call and message should consist of: SECURITE SECURITE SECURITE ALL STATIONS ALL STATIONS ALL STATIONS (or individual called station, three times) THIS IS SHIP’S NAME SHIP’S NAME SHIP’S NAME (or coast station name) CALL SIGN MMSI the text of the safety message Ship stations in receipt of a safety announcement using DSC techniques and the “All Ships” format setting, or otherwise addressed to all stations, shall not acknowledge. Ship stations in receipt of a safety announcement or safety call and message shall I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 171 monitor the frequency or channel indicated for the message and shall listen until they are satisfied that the message is of no concern to them. They shall not make any transmission likely to interfere with the message Intership navigation safety communications Intership navigation safety communications are those VHF radiotelephone communications conducted between ships for the purpose of contributing to the safe movement of ships. The frequency 156.650 MHz is used for intership navigation safety communications (see also RR appendix 15). 6.4.4. Port operation and ship movement communication Radio traffic belonging port operation and ship movement service is a radio traffic regarding the safety of navigation. Calls for this service do not contain the safety signal e.g.: Hamburg Pilot this is Moby Dick / TFKA I will arrive at your position in about two hours Over Use of other frequencies for safety Radio communications for safety purposes concerning ship reporting communications, communications relating to the navigation, movements and needs of ships and weather observation messages may be conducted on any appropriate communications frequency, including those used for public correspondence. In terrestrial systems, the bands 415-535 kHz (see RR Article 52), 1606.5-4000 kHz (see RR Article 52), 4000-27500 kHz (see RR appendix 17), and 156-174 MHz (see RR appendix 18) are used for this function. In the maritime mobile-satellite service, frequencies in the bands 1530-1544 MHz and 1626.5-1645.5 MHz are used for this function as well as for distress alerting purposes. 6.4.5. Routine communication Routine communications are communications which do not require any priority. a subscriber (ship to shore) After announcing the coast station by DSC and receiving their acknowledgement including the working frequencies, the coast station will call the ship station as soon as possible on the specified frequency like e.g. Moby Dick / TKFA 251 725 110 this is Lyngby Radio How do you read me? The ship station replies and supplies the coast stations with the necessary details I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 172 Lyngby Radio this is Moby Dick / TKFA 251 725 110 I read you loud and clear. I have a phone call to Hamburg country code 49 area code 40 telephone number 2006570 my accounting code (AAIC) is IS01 over The coast station replies as follows: Moby Dick / TKFA this is Lyngby Radio I understood, I shall call your party When the subscriber ashore is on the line, the coast station will inform the ship station to start talking: Moby Dick / TKFA this is Lyngby Radio your party is on the line, go ahead please After finishing the conversation the coast station will inform the ship station about the appropriate duration to be paid: Moby Dick / TKFA this is Lyngby Radio It was a 5 minutes call. I have no more traffic for you. Phone call from ashore (shore to ship) After receiving a DSC announcement from a coast station the ship station has to acknowledge the receipt by DSC as soon as possible and tune to the working frequencies which were given in the coast stations announcement. Then the coast station will call the ship station on the mentioned working frequency: Moby Dick / TKFA 251 725 110 this is Lyngby Radio How do you read me? I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 173 The ship station replies to the coast station: Lyngby Radio this is Moby Dick / TKFA 251 725 110 I read you loud and clear. over The coast station will inform the ship station as follows e.g. Moby Dick / TKFA this is Lyngby Radio I have a phone call from Hamburg for the master, stand by I will connect you When the subscriber ashore is on the line, the coast station will inform the ship station to start talking: Moby Dick / TKFA this is Lyngby Radio your party is on the line, go ahead please Transmission of a telegram The contact installation for the transmission of a radio telegram via DSC is the same procedure as described under a subscriber (ship to shore) and 0 Phone call from ashore (shore to ship). After receiving the acknowledgement from the called station, the transmission of the following telegram will be carried out in radiotelephony as follows: Preamble: Prefix Address Text Signature Figure 49: Sample of a telegram The telegram begins: I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc Moby Dick / TKFA 4 13/12 12 0930 IS01 = Urgent = Halo Hamburg = Eta Rotterdam 15.03.0700lt stop require cash usd 5000 = Master + HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 174 MOBY DICK I repeat and spell Mike Oskar Bravo Yankee ....call sign Tango Kilo Foxtrot Alfa, number 4 with 13 slash (/) 12 words of 12th at 0930 accounting code India Sierra 01 Prefix: URGENT Address: Halo I repeat and spell Hotel Alpha Lima Oskar, Hamburg I repeat and spell Hotel Alpha Mike Bravo Uniform Romeo Golf Text: ETA ROTTERDAM I repeat and spell Romeo Oskar Tango Tango Echo Romeo Delta Alpha Mike it follows a mixed code group, I spell 15 point 03 point 0700 Lima Tango STOP REQUIRE CASH it follows a group of letters Uniform Sierra Delta it follows a group of figures 5000 Signature: MASTER End of telegram, over 6.4.6. Intership communication The main purpose of intership communication is the exchange of information regarding the safety of navigation, weather information etc. The exchange of private information should be kept as short as possible. Intership communication on VHF takes always place on simplex channels, on MF/HF it should normally carry out also on simplex frequencies. But it is possible to use duplex frequencies where permitted, duplex communication should be avoided wherever possible (save frequency space). The Ship to ship announcement by DSC must contain the priority, the mode of operation, and the channel or frequency on which the subsequent communications shall be exchanged. The vessel announcing ship to ship communications has to wait for an acknowledgement from the called vessel before both ships can start their information exchange as described below: Tina / DILD 211 327 000 this is Moby Dick / TKFA 251 725 110 I have information, how do you read me? over The called station replies: I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 175 Moby Dick / TKFA 251 725 110 this is Tina / DILD 211 327 000 I read you loud and clear, go ahead please Over The calling station starts the information exchange. During further communication it is not necessary to exchange the MMSI verbally: Tina / DILD this is Moby Dick / TKFA My position is.... over 6.4.7. On board communication The purpose of on board communications is the exchange of information regarding the operation of the own vessel on VHF or/and UHF channels. The power output is limited on VHF to 1W, on UHF to 2W. The on board communication covers: Internal Communication on the vessel Communication between the parent ship and its live saving appliances Communication between the parent ship and its pram Communication while towing or mooring the vessel The identification of the controlling station (bridge) is the ships name followed by the word “control”. The identity of the first participating station (handheld) is the ships name followed by the word Alpha, for the second station it is ships name followed by the word Bravo etc. The voice procedure for example: Moby Dick Charly this is Moby Dick Control What is the distance to the pier? Over 6.5. Radiotelex In Sea area A4, NBDP is the only means of communications in which written information on MF/HF regarding safety of navigation can be exchanged. For ships operating in sea area A4 Radiotelex equipment is compulsory. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 176 6.5.1. Basics The purpose of radiotelex (NBDP) in the maritime mobile service is the exchange of information in direction ship to shore, shore to ship, ship to ship and broadcast to all stations. Two modes of operation are used dependent upon the message destination, i.e., whether the message is addressed to one specific station or to all stations. ARQ: This is the mode for communication between two stations to transmit and receive information during a certain connection. At the end of the own transmission the signals GA+? (Go Ahead) have to be keyed in to inform the receiving station that it now can start with its reply. The “+?” effects that the transmission permit has changed from one station to the other. FEC: This is the mode for communication broadcasting to all stations or to transmit to an individual station in one direction only during a certain connection. This mode would be used, for example, for distress traffic or for NAVTEX broadcasts. 6.5.2. Numbering In the maritime mobile service there are three different identification numbers available to call other radiotelex stations: Coast station telex number consist of four digits, e.g. 3220 Ship station telex number consists of five digit, e.g. 32456 MMSI consists of 9 digit, e.g. 211 234 500 Answerbacks are used to ensure that two communicating stations are connected to the subscriber they wanted to communicate with. The answerback consists of: telex number Chosen abbreviation Country code The answerback of a subscriber ashore consists of His telex number without country code Chosen abbreviation (might be companies name) Country code (letters) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 177 Land subscriber answerback 22249 RUSSJ DK telex number Country code Chosen abbreviation Figure 50: Answerback description (land subscriber) The answerback of a ship station consists of: Its telex number Chosen abbreviation (might be the call sign) X (indicates a mobile station) Ships answerback 3220 HEBG telex number X Mobile station Call sign Figure 51: Answerback description (ship subscriber) Additionally to the above mentioned telex identities it must be possible to maritime telex stations also by using their MMSI. 6.5.3. Automatic and manual calling Radiotelex calls to coast stations can be made manually by entering its telex number and then entering the receiving and transmitting frequencies or the appropriate ITU channel for HF telex operation which will be used for traffic. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 178 Figure 52: Manual telex calling of a coast station Fully automatic calls can also be made when the operator selects the already prepared message, the destination (land subscriber), type of operation (dirtlx), coast station from a pre-programmed list, and then the transmission time. The equipment then chooses the most appropriate free channel and sends the message. Figure 53: Automatic telex calling procedure to a land subscriber When communication has been established, various command codes can be used dependent upon the purpose of the call or the service required (see appendix 15 of this compendium). I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 179 6.5.4. Radiotelex equipment The Radiotelex terminal consists of Screen and keyboard MF/HF transceiver including modem Printer Screen and keyboard Terminal Info Date and Time Hint Bar Text Field Menu Bar Info Field Figure 54: Radioltelex terminal Terminal Info: Shows the current Terminal function (ARQ, FEC or distress mode) Date and Time: Shows Date and Time Hint bar: Gives some hints for using functions Text Field: Key in the text of telex Menu Bar: Shows the current available function menus Info Field: Gives information about the status of the terminal MF/HF transceiver including modem The task of the transceiver is to transmit and to receive the appropriate telex signals. The task of the modem is to modulate the signals to be transmitted and to demodulate the received signals. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 180 Printer The printer records all transmitted and received messages and commands which are necessary for telex communications. 6.5.5. Details of a telex message If possible, the telex message should be prepared in advance by typing it into memory, with the telex terminal in local mode. This allows editing of the message before transmission. The telex message format should generally be in accordance with the relevant ITU-T Recommendation and include the following information: Origin Destination Text of message Signature End of message indicator nnnn Figure 55: Example telex is shown below. Origin Destination Signature End of message Figure 55: Example telex to land subscriber I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc Text HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 181 6.5.6. Operational MF/HF radiotelex procedures in the GMDSS The procedures for radiotelex priority traffic (distress, urgency, safety) are comparable to the appropriate procedures in radio telephony (see 0). When using radiotelex the words “this is”, used in radio telephony, will be replaced by the letters “DE”. The word “received” will be replaced by the letters “RRR” and “all stations” will be replaced by the letters “CQ”. Mostly the ships name will be replaced by the call sign of the vessel because the call sign is shorter than the ships name.Any Information transmitted to all stations shall be preceded by a DSC alert or announcement. Distress procedure Coast stations and ship stations with narrow-band direct-printing equipment shall set watch on the narrow-band direct-printing frequency associated with the distress alert if it indicates that narrow-band direct-printing is to be used for subsequent distress communications. If practicable, they should additionally set watch on the radiotelephone frequency associated with the distress alert frequency. Distress communications by direct-printing telegraphy should normally be established by the ship in distress and should be in the broadcast (forward error correction) mode. The ARQ mode may subsequently be used when it is advantageous to do so. The frequency 2174.5 kHz may also be used for ship-to-ship on-scene communications using narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy in the forward error correcting mode. After a DSC distress alert on a suitable alerting frequency the subsequent distress traffic begins, as shown in the example below (Alert on 2187,5 kHz, Transmission on 2174,5 kHz), on a telex frequency associated with the appropriate alerting frequency. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 182 Figure 56: Example distress telex transmission Urgency procedure Error correction techniques in accordance with relevant ITU-R Recommendations shall be used for urgency messages by direct-printing telegraphy. All messages shall be preceded by the urgency signal PAN PAN. Urgency communications by direct-printing telegraphy addressed to all stations should be transmitted in the FEC broadcast mode. The ARQ mode can be used for urgency communications in direction ship to coast station. After a DSC urgency announcement on a suitable alerting frequency the subsequent urgency traffic begins, as shown in the example below (Announcement on 2187,5 kHz, Transmission on 2174,5 kHz), on a telex frequency associated with the appropriate alerting frequency. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 183 Figure 57: Example urgency telex transmission Safety procedure Safety communications by direct-printing telegraphy addressed to all stations should be transmitted in the FEC broadcast mode. The ARQ mode can be used for safety communications in direction ship to coast station. MSI is transmitted by means of narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy with forward error correction using the frequencies 4210 kHz, 6314 kHz, 8416.5 kHz, 12579 kHz, 16806.5 kHz, 19680.5 kHz, 22376 kHz and 26100.5 kHz. After a DSC safety announcement on a suitable alerting frequency the subsequent safety traffic begins, as shown in the example below (Announcement on 2187,5 kHz, Transmission on 2174,5 kHz), on a telex frequency associated with the appropriate alerting frequency. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 184 Figure 58: Example safety telex transmission Routine procedure Routine communication by direct-printing telegraphy is generally addressed to an individual station (Ship- or Coast station) and should be transmitted in the ARQ mode. The FEC selective mode can also be used for routine communications in one direction ship to ship and ship to shore. Working with coast stations. In the following example it is planned to transmit an already prepared and stored message (Russ1-TLX) via Mobile Radio to the land subscriber “Russjensen”. This message will be sent to the land subscriber in “dirtlx mode” which means that the message will be conveyed direct while the entire connection. See Figure 59: Example routine telex. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 185 Figure 59: Example routine telex transmission to a land subscriber The first line indicates the start time, the RX and TX frequencies which are used with the coast station, the operation mode ARQ and the telex number of coast station. The second line shows the answerback of the coast station. The third line indicates the ships own answerback. In the fourth line the coast station asks with the signals (GA+?) for the land subscribers telex number. After changing the transmission permit the ship station automatically sends the expression “dirtx” (direct telex) followed by the land subscribers country code and telex number. The coast station replies with the code “MOM” (stand by for a moment). The coast station dials the mentioned telex number. The seventh line shows the land subscribers answerback which indicates that the connection is installed. “MSG+?” indicates that the land subscriber is able to receive the message. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 186 Figure 60: Example link connection After an exchange of answerbacks, and upon receipt of the message code “MSG+?”, the ship sends its traffic. The next picture show that message transmitting is going on. The white shimming letters have not yet been transmitted. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 187 Figure 61: Example running telex transmission To disconnect the link to the shore-based subscriber, the telex system keys automatically the message code “KKKK”. The coast station then responds with a date/time group and the call duration, followed by an invitation to continue, i.e., “GA+?” To close the link with the coast station, the system keys automatically the code “BRK+” (break) and return the telex terminal to the "STANDBY" condition. (see Figure 62) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 188 Figure 62: Example details of connection Working with ship stations The following example describes a connection between two ship stations for conversation in ARQ mode on the frequency 8398 kHz. Before the telex link can be installed the station which wants to contact the other has to announce the attention to get in contact via telex. This DSC announcement contains the priority (safety), the class of emission (telex, F1B) and the working frequency on which the subsequent telex communication shall be conducted. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 189 Figure 63: Example manual ship to ship connection The following picture shows the exchanged telex communications. All information printed in small letters are outgoing from the calling station, information printed in capital letters indicate the response of the called station I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 190 Figure 64: Example running ship to ship connection List of practical tasks MF/HF Done? Transmit capabilities Sending distress alert, call and message to all stations (DSC+FEC) Sending distress alert, call and message to an individual stations (DSC+ARQ) Sending a distress relay to a MRCC (DSC+ARQ) Sending urgency or safety messages to all stations (DSC+FEC) Sending urgency or safety messages to an individual station (DSC+ARQ) Transmitting a telex to a land subscriber automatically(dirtlx) Transmitting a telex to a land subscriber manually (dirtlx) Transmitting a telex to a land subscriber (dirtlx+conversation)) Transmitting a telex to a ship (DSC+ARQ) Establishing a conversation call to a ship (DSC+ARQ) Other capabilities telex Edit the configuration I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 191 Edit the address book Coast station setup Compose a correct telex to a ship or a land subscriber Save the telex in a correct folder Open a message out of the correct folder Read the receive logs Poll for message Use the help function Establish operational readiness Table 15: Radiotelex practical training tasks I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 192 6.6. Inmarsat 6.6.1 Basics The Inmarsat structure consists of a space segment and a ground segment. Inmarsat space segment The Inmarsat communications structure comprises of three major components: The space segment The ground segment The ship earth stations The space segment is provided by lnmarsat, and consists of four geostationary communications satellites, with backup satellites in orbit ready to be used if necessary. Geostationary communications satellites are launched into the geostationary orbit (GSO), which is circular orbit 35 700 km (19270 nm) above the equator and lying in the plane of the equator. Satellites in the GSO orbit the earth at exactly the same rate as the earth rotates about its axis and therefore appear to be stationary above a fixed point on the earth's equator, thus eliminating the need to track the satellite from fixed earth stations Figure 65: Inmarsat satellite positions I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 193 The use of the GSO to achieve virtually worldwide coverage by radio from space with a minimum of three equally spaced satellites was first proposed in 1945. Solar panels provide communications satellites with their electrical power requirements and hydrazine gas motors provide the means to perform minor positional corrections in orbit. The Inmarsat satellites are controlled from the Satellite Control Centre (SCC) based in the Inmarsat Headquarters in London, United Kingdom. Extent of global coverage The coverage area of each satellite (also known as "the footprint") is defined as the area on the earth's surface (sea and/or land) within which a mobile or fixed antenna can obtain reliable line-of-sight communications with the satellite. Each Inmarsat satellite is engineered to provide complete coverage of the visible face of the earth. The line-of-sight is not, however, satisfied over the Polar Regions, and communications start to become unreliable for locations above the 76° north or south Figure 66: Inmarsat coverage map (I 3) Ocean Regions The four Inmarsat satellites, corresponding to the four ocean regions, provide overlapping coverage (see Figure 65 and Figure 66) and are positioned thus: I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 194 Atlantic Ocean Region – East (AOR-E) orbital location at 15.5° W Pacific Ocean Region (POR) orbital location at 178° E Indian Ocean Region (IOR) orbital location at 64° E Atlantic Ocean Region – West (AOR-W) orbital location at 54° W In order to call a SES in one of the four ocean regions, the following telex and telephone access codes, corresponding to the international country codes in the public telex and telephone networks, should be used: Telex 580 Telephone 870 Inmarsat ground segment The ground segment comprises a global network of Coast Earth Stations (CESs) or rather a Land Earth Station (LES), Network Co-ordination Stations (NCSs), and a Network Operations Centre (NOC). Each CES provides a link between the satellites and the national/international communications network. The large antennas used by the CESs to communicate with the satellite for its ocean region are capable of handling many calls simultaneously to and from the SESs. A CES operator is typically a large telecommunications company, which can provide a wide range of communications services to the SESs communicating through the CES. Each of the Inmarsat communications systems has its own network of CESs. For each Inmarsat system a separate NCS is located within each ocean region, to monitor and control its communications traffic. Each NCS communicates with the CESs in its ocean region, and with the other NCSs, as well as with the NOC located in the Inmarsat headquarters, making possible the transfer of information throughout the system. The NCSs are involved in setting up calls to and from SESs by assigning a channel, which both the SES and CES use for the call I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 195 Figure 67: Allocation of a communication channel A SES is a device installed on a ship (or a fixed installation in a maritime environment) to enable the user to communicate to and from shore-based subscribers, via a selected satellite and CES. Inmarsat does not manufacture SESs, but permits independent manufacturers to produce models, which meet typeapproval standards, set by Inmarsat for the particular Inmarsat system, Inmarsat-B, C, -M. or Fleet 77. Only type-approved SESs are permitted to communicate over the Inmarsat satellites. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 196 Different Inmarsat systems and their functions Figure 68: Different Inmarsat types in comparison compares the size, the weight and the extent of their equipment above and below deck. Figure 68: Different Inmarsat types in comparison I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 197 Table 16: Service of different Inmarsat types in comparison below indicates the features of different types of Inmarsat systems and their compliance with the GMDSS. Table 16: Service of different Inmarsat types in comparison I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 198 6.6.2. Inmarsat-B system The Inmarsat-B system was introduced in 1994 and uses digital technology to provide high quality telephone, fax, telex, e-mail and data communications, with the antenna size and weight being approximately the same as for the older Inmarsat-A. Inmarsat-B is capable of high-speed data communications (at up to 64 Kbit), making it especially suitable for data-intensive users such as oil and seismological companies which need to exchange large amounts of data on a regular basis Use of the Inmarsat-B system Following successful installation and commissioning, lnmarsat-B maritime terminals can be used to access the full range of Inmarsat services, including access to the GMDSS infrastructure. lnmarsat-B offers similar services to the passed Inmarsat-A and is generally envisaged as the digital successor to the analogue-based Inmarsat-A. lnmarsat-B offers users dedicated digital facsimile and data services at a speed of 9600 bits/s. Inmarsat-M terminals are intended for telephone and low- speed (2400 bits/s) facsimile and voice-band services. Note, however, that lnmarsat-M maritime terminals are not accepted for use in the GMDSS, because there is no provision for a direct printing (i.e., telex) facility. They do, however, have a Distress-alerting button and can be used at sea where GMDSS compliance is not required, or to supplement a ship's GMDSS equipment. Both Inmarsat-B and Inmarsat-M are digital systems, which allow the user to send information using minimal bandwidth and satellite power, thus reducing operating costs. To function, all terminals must be switched on and allowed to warm up as recommended in the manufacturer's instructions. Components of an Inmarsat-B ship earth station In general, Inmarsat-B equipment consist of a parabolic antenna, a power supply unit, a transceiver, a monitor, a keyboard a printer and a control unit. The control unit contains a display, control buttons, and a handset. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 199 Figure 69: Inmarsat B equipment The purpose of the parabolic antenna (Figure 35) is to spot and track any desired satellite. Generally maritime satellite antennas are generally protected against weather influences e.g. rain, hail, snow etc., dirt and salt from the sea. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 200 Handling of an Inmarsat-B SES ON/OFF Switch Display Indicator Lamps Signal Level Menu keys Cursor keys Hook off key Distress Button Keypad Keypad Shift key Select key Loudspeaker Figure 70: Inmarsat B cradle Display: Shows information about status or menu info Indicator lamps: Gives info about the power, call or in use status Cursor key: Allows navigating in menus Shift key: Push that key to be able to get access to second level Loudspeaker: The loudspeaker can be switched on or off On/OFF Switch: To switch the handset on or off Signal level: Indicates the signal strength Menu keys: Get access to the address book, answering machine and ocean region menu. Hook off key: Push this key to hook on or off Key pad: Use to enter telephone numbers or insert letters. Select key: Push to select something. Distress button: Push to transmit a distress alert and distress voice call. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 201 Menu bar Printer info Message info Info field Text field Info bar Figure 71: Inmarsat B telex screen Menu bar: Shows information about current available menus Printer info: Shows details about the connected printer Message info: Shows received messages Text field: You may type in a telex or fax text Info bar: Shows the current Sat Status and Help function Acquiring a satellite connection The Inmarsat-B system works mainly automatically. The equipment should be connected to a Global Navigational Satellite System (GNSS) receiver (e.g. GPS). This ensures that the equipment will direct the antenna automatically to the correct azimuth and elevation angel of the most suitable satellite and will log in. Figure 73 and Figure 72 shows the current log in satellite and its azimuth and elevation angel. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 202 Figure 73: Inmarsat-B log in satellite Figure 72: Inmarsat B antenna The Inmarsat-B equipment offers the possibility toalignment change the satellite manually. See Figure 74 Figure 74: Inmarsat-B manual selection of satellite Use of 2-digit code service via Inmarsat-B With the two digit code SESs have access to special services via Telephony and/or telex which are offered by certain institutions ashore. It should be noted, that some services required by two digit code are liable to pay costs. The code ”32” e.g. is used to obtain medical advice without pay. Some CESs has direct connections with local hospitals for use with this code. Figure 75: Inmarsat-B request medical advice by 2-digit code All access codes are listed in the Inmarsat Handbook and in appendix 20 of this compendium. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 203 Practical Tasks Done? Transmit capabilities Sending distress alert, call and message by telephony Sending urgency or safety calls using access codes by telephony Sending a distress relay to a MRCC Calling a land subscriber by telephony Calling a ship by telephony Test the distress facility Sending distress alert, call and message by telex Sending urgency or safety messages using access codes by telex Transmitting a telex to a land subscriber Transmitting a telex to a ship Opening a conversation call to a ship or a land subscriber Other capabilities telephony Login and logout procedure Changing the satellite Change the Coast Earth Station (CES) Change the position and time(if no GPS is available) Change the azimuth and elevation Edit the default settings (Ringtone, Background light, Language etc.) Edit the address book Read the call log Commissioning Establish operational readiness (TX/RX on, Successful login) Other capabilities telex Edit the configuration I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 204 Edit the address book Compose a correct telex to a ship or a land subscriber Save the telex in a correct folder Open a message out of the correct folder Read the receive logs Use the help function Establish operational readiness Table 17: INMARSAT-B practical training tasks 6.6.3. Inmarsat-C system Inmarsat-C was introduced in 1991 to complement Inmarsat-A by providing a global low cost two-way data communications network using a small terminal that could be fitted on either a large or small vessel. Its compactness makes it especially suitable for smaller vessels such as yachts, fishing vessels or supply craft. The Inmarsat-C system does not provide voice communications but is a means of sending text, data and e-mail messages to and from shore-based subscribers using a store-and-forward technique. This requires the user to prepare the message prior to sending it; it is then transmitted via the land earth station operator who sends it on to its intended destination. The global communications capability of the Inmarsat-C system, combined with its MSI broadcasts and distress-alerting capabilities, has resulted in the Inmarsat-C system being accepted by the IMO as meeting the requirements of the GMDSS. The lnmarsat-C system was introduced in 1991 to complement the Inmarsat-A system by providing low-cost global communications on a small terminal, suitable for fitting on all vessels, large and small. The small size makes the lnmarsat-C especially suitable for smaller vessels, such as yachts, fishing vessels or supply craft The Inmarsat-C system does not provide voice communications, but does provide a means of sending text messages or data to and from an SES, using "store-andforward" messaging. This technique requires a user to prepare the message/data on the terminal and then transmit it via the Inmarsat-C satellite system. After a short delay the message/data will be delivered to the recipient's terminal, where it may be printed, viewed or stored. lnmarsat-C communication services provide the means to send or receive messages between an lnmarsat-C SES and a shore-based telex terminal, personal computer or E-mail service. An Inmarsat-C SES can also send text messages to a shore-based facsimile terminal EGC services enable authorized shore-based information providers to send information over the lnmarsat-C system to selected groups of SESs. These may be within a defined geographical area, or belong to a defined group such as a shipping company. Two EGC services are available I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 205 SafetyNET, which is used to broadcast MSI to ships. FleetNET, which is used typically by companies to send commercial information to ships belonging to their fleet. The lnmarsat-C system can satisfy the GMDSS satellite communication requirements for sea area A3 through the provision of: Distress alerting and distress priority messaging. Reception of MSI by means of EGC SafetyNET broadcasts. General Communications by means of several types of store-and-forward messaging services besides the lnmarsat-C distress and safety functions. Depending on individual CES facilities, Inmarsat-C supports the following commercial store-and-forward messaging services: Telex message service: send and receive messages between the SES and any telex terminal which is connected to the national/international telex networks Facsimile messaging service: send facsimile messages to a shore-based facsimile terminal, and receive re-typed facsimile messages indirectly, via a facsimile bureau service Messages to and from a computer: exchange messages, through the intermediary of a specialist service provider, between the SES and any computer terminal which is connected to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), provided that the remote computer and the SES are equipped with suitable hardware and software E-mail services: exchange messages and files with subscribers to E-mail services, world-wide (e.g. using X.400, Internet, etc.) through the intermediary of an E-mail service provider The lnmarsat-C system features automatic data reporting and polling, which also results in many advantages for general communications. Data reporting allows for the transmission of information at prearranged intervals or as required, while polling allows the user's shore-based management to interrogate the remote ship terminals at any time for the required information, e.g., position, course, speed, fuel consumption, cargo temperature, etc. It is usual to link the SES terminal with a variety of navigation systems, such as Global Positioning System (GPS), in order to provide position reporting, which ensures that the terminal will receive the correct area calls. A CES may interface with any of the following devices connected to the national/international telecommunications network: A telex terminal connected to the international telex network. A computer connected to the international Packet Switched Data Network (PSDN) or the X.25 or X.400 network, named after the communications standards (protocols) used on the network. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 206 A computer connected to the PSTN. A facsimile terminal connected to the PSTN. The Inmarsat-C-system allows an SES to send messages directly to an SES. A facsimile terminal may, instead, send text messages indirectly, via a facsimile bureau service, where the message is re-typed, and sent as a store-and-forward message to the SES. Several Inmarsat-C CESs and other organizations, offer such a bureau service. Dedicated equipment, such as a data-processing system, connected to a private network (such as a leased line). The CES is connected via leased or public landlines directly to a RCC. Every lnmarsat-C CES can therefore route distress calls from an SES with top priority to a specialized land-based centre, to ensure efficient search and rescue activities. Depending on its policy, an lnmarsat-C CES may also interface messages received from one SES, for forwarding over the satellite link to another SES, to enable ship-toship communications. The use of Inmarsat-C system The lnmarsat-C system provides a continuous worldwide service for sending and receiving text or data messages. Various lnmarsat-C SES models available do not have a common control layout or operating features, but all share the common characteristics of providing global communications on a small terminal, which is simple to install and has modest power requirements. The lnmarsat-C SES may also be used to exchange messages with another Inmarsat-SES (or a Land Mobile Earth Station, LMES), i.e., ship-to-ship or mobile-tomobile messaging. The Inmarsat-C system is based on digital technology, which means that anything that can be encoded into digital data, whether text keyed in, numeric data read from instruments, or other information in digital form, can be sent and received over the system. The basic technique used for sending and receiving messages over the lnmarsat-C system is known as "store-and-forward“ messaging. Ship-to-shore messages are prepared on the terminal and then transmitted via an Inmarsat satellite, in a series of data packets, to an lnmarsat-C CES. This CES acts as an interface (or gateway) between the satellite link (the space segment) and the national/international telecommunications network. If the CES receives any data packets in error, it signals back to the SES to re-transmit those packets, and the procedure is repeated until the CES has received the complete message with no errors. The CES stores the message briefly before forwarding it over the telecommunication network to its intended destination; hence the term "store-and-forward". I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 207 A similar procedure takes place when a shore-based correspondent sends a message through a CES addressed to a terminal. The lnmarsat-C system is very flexible, allowing a wide variety of equipment to be connected at either end. The equipment used at either end and the associated communications services depend on individual circumstances. In the event that communications cannot be established, consult the list of Non-Delivery Codes Notification (NDN) shown in appendix 21 of this compendium. Selecting an Ocean Region In many parts of the world, the Ocean Regions covered by different satellites overlap. For example, the coverage map of Inmarsat-C CESs shows that the North Sea is covered by the AOR-W, AOR-E, and IOR satellites. Within such an overlap zone, an antenna is in line-of-sight of more than one satellite (provided the antenna is not obstructed), and the SES may be logged-in to any one of the associated Ocean Regions. N.B. MSI by EGC SafetyNET for Navarea I is only available via the AOR-E satellite (see section 12 for a detailed description of EGC services) Logging-in to an Ocean Region/ NCS Common Signalling Channel The SES must be logged-in to an Ocean Region before messages can be sent or received over the lnmarsat-C system. Logging-in informs the system that the SES is now available for communications, and causes the SES to tune to the NCS Common Signalling Channel (or NCS Common Channel) for that Ocean Region. When the SES is tuned to the NCS Common Channel, it is said to be synchronised, or listening, to the channel, or in idle mood. Some SESs perform a log-in automatically when switched on, selecting the strongest NCS Common Channel signal. Other SESs do not perform an automatic log-in, but must be logged-in manually to a selected Ocean Region /NCS. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions for how to perform a manual log-in. After a few minutes, the SES should indicate that it has successfully logged-in to the selected Ocean Region, and show the received signal strength of the NCS Common Channel. The signal strength should be at least the minimum suggested by the manufacturer. If not, refer to the manufacturer's instructions concerning further action. During distress working or when requiring MSI for your ocean area, you should set the automatic scan on your terminal to scan only your ocean region. When changing ocean regions it is only necessary to log-in to the new NCS. Use of 2-digit code service via Inmarsat-C With the two digit code Inmarsat-C SESs have access to special services via telex which are offered by certain institutions ashore. For details see 0. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 208 Routing via a CES The required CES and routeing is selected using a 3-digit code, e.g., to contact Goonhilly, key in code 102 for the AOR-E routeing or code 002 for the AOR-W routeing. This is usually done as a simple selection from the Transmit menu, where all the CESs are available as a preprogramed list stored in memory. Whilst in the transmit menu, access the address book to programme in the name and number of any terminals that you wish to contact. When the routeing and subscriber have been selected, press <Enter> to transmit. Navigational areas (Navarea) / Metrological areas (Metarea) An EGC receiver is able to receive MSI’s in the dedicated Navarea / Metarea automatically. For more information regarding EGC reception and the selection of Navareas and message types see 0. Figure 76: Inmarsat satellites and Navareas / Metareas Log out before switching off If possible, keep the SES under power and logged-in to an Ocean Region at all times, so that the SES is ready to send or receive messages immediately. However, if the SES is to be switched off for a prolonged period (for example, to conserve electrical power), and it is logged-in to an Ocean Region, then the SES must be logged-out of that Ocean Region before the SES is switched off. Logging-out of the SES informs the Ocean Region NCS that the SES is no longer able to receive messages. The system will then reject any messages intended for the SES and inform callers that this SES is not available. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 209 WARNING: Failure to log-out before switching off the SES will result in repeated attempts to send the message via the selected CES to the SES whenever a caller tries to communicate. Eventually, after a number of re-tries (depending on the CES), the CES will cease attempting to deliver the message and, if requested, return a nondelivery notice to the sender.Therefore, switching off an SES without logging-out first may well then result in messages being completely lost rather than being delayed. Routine operational tasks The following tasks should be carried out at regular intervals of no more than every eight hours and ideally even more frequently: On the SES monitor, check which Ocean Region is currently logged in. If this has changed from the previously intended Ocean Region, make sure that the new Ocean Region is suitable, particularly for potential correspondents. Remember that the CES selected in the new Ocean Region must support the required communications services. Inform potential correspondents of the new Ocean Region, so that they can make contact as desired. Check that the signal strength indicated on the SES is above the minimum level recommended by the manufacturer Quick reference Inmarsat-C guide The steps below summarize how to use an Inmarsat-C SES for distress and safety purposes, and how to send and receive general communications. Prepare your SES 1. Make sure your SES antenna has an unobstructed view of the sky in all directions. 2. Switch on your Inmarsat-C SES and all associated equipment. 3. Log in to the ocean region you have selected. 4. Decide on the CES through which you are going to communicate. 5. Confirm that your SES is logged in and receiving a strong NCS Common Channel signal. Routine checks 1. Throughout your journey, make sure that your SES is receiving a strong signal and all associated equipment is working properly. 2. If you are going to sail outside the ocean region to which you are currently logged in, make sure your SES is logged in either manually or automatically to the new ocean region and receiving a strong signal. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 210 Sending a distress call You may use your SES to send a brief distress alert or a more detailed distress priority message to an RCC. Receiving MSI broadcasts Your SES can receive broadcasts of MSI within an ocean region Sending a message (ship-to-shore) 1. Create your message on the SES text editor or edit an existing message. 2. Select transmit (send) mode. 3. Select the CES through which you want your message routed. 4. Select the time of your message and whether you want confirmation of delivery and hardcopy. 5. Before sending your message check that all the details you have entered are correct. 6. Enter the command to transmit (send) your message. Receiving messages (shore-to-ship) 1. Make sure that everyone who may need to contact you knows how to do so. 2. Provided your SES is logged in and receiving a strong NCS Common Channel signal, it should automatically receive all messages intended for it. 3. Make sure that your SES is set to store and/or print all received messages. 4. Note that some EGC messages may be sent frequently and could fill up your SES’s memory or disk storage. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 211 Components of an Inmarsat-C/Mini-C SES Figure 77: Components of different Inmarsat-C types Interconnection Inmarsat permits only type-approved SES models, and their peripherals, to be commissioned into the lnmarsat-C system. An SES comprises two parts — the Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and the Data Circuit terminating Equipment (DCE). In some models the DTE and DCE may be built into the same case, whilst in other models they are separate. DTE Interface The DTE interfaces external input/output devices to the SES, such as: A keyboard, screen and printer An external computer WARNING: If a multi-tasking computer is used to operate an Inmarsat-C SES, no unnecessary software should be installed which could prevent the computer performing an Inmarsat-C function, or cause it to be infected by "viruses", which might adversely affect communications. A position-reporting system, using for example GPS, the Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS), to provide the ship's position, for use in periodic position reports. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 212 The DTE also provides storage for messages created on the keyboard, before they are transmitted over the satellite link. DCE Interface The DCE interfaces the SES to the satellite system, using its transmitter and receiver and an antenna. The DCE functions in a sense as a "satellite modem" by analogy to a modem, which provides an interface between a computer and the telephone network. The DCE transmitter and receiver can be tuned independently to different channels, depending on the circumstances. Figure 78: Interface possibilities Antenna The antenna must be able to maintain a line-of-sight path with the selected satellite. On a ship-based DCE, the antenna is omni-directional, so that it can transmit to and receive from the intended satellite even when the ship is pitching and rolling in heavy seas. (Figure 34: Inmarsat-C omnidirectional antenna) Note that this type of antenna has no moving parts, unlike the much larger InmarsatB directional antenna, which constantly moves to counter the motion of the ship, and so requires considerably elaborate electronics and power sources. Practical Tasks Done? Transmit capabilities Sending distress alert without nature of distress Sending distress alert with nature of distress I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 213 Sending distress message with nature and details of distress Sending urgency or safety messages using access codes by telex Transmitting a telex/fax/email etc. to a land subscriber Transmitting a telex to a ship Login and logout procedure Change the satellite Other capabilities Edit the default settings (configuration, routing, etc.) Implement different Metareas/Coastal warning areas Perform a link test Configure and carry out a data reporting Edit the address book Compose a correct telex/fax/email to a ship or a land subscriber Save the telex in a correct folder Open a message out of the correct folder Read the logs (Transmit, Receive, EGC) Use the help function Establish operational readiness (Transceiver on, Printer on, Screen on) Table 18: INMARSAT-C practical training tasks 6.6.4. Inmarsat-M systems Inmarsat-M was introduced in 1993 to complement the existing Inmarsat-A system by providing global telephone/fax and data communications on an SES which is inexpensive and compact in size. The Inmarsat-M SES is smaller and lighter than an Inmarsat-B SES, making this network suitable for smaller vessels such as fishing vessels and yachts. lnmarsat-M services include two-way global telephone, facsimile and computer data communications. Inmarsat-M SESs are available as either single-channel or multichannel models. However, a multi-channel SES generally requires greater transmission power than a single-channel SES, so the power supply and antenna for a multi-channel Inmarsat-M SES model are larger and of higher gain than for a single-channel model The Inmarsat mini-M system was launched in January 1997 and offers the same services as Inmarsat-M, but in a smaller, more lightweight and compact unit. This SES can be made smaller because it operates only in the spot-beam coverage of the latest Inmarsat-3 satellites. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 214 Using internal batteries, the typical talking time is about 1.5 - 2.5 hours and up to 50 hours on standby. However, most maritime installations have external power supplies which allow for continuous operation. It is possible to operate an Inmarsat mini-M with a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card. It can be easily installed and removed, making it possible for a number of individuals to make calls on a shared Inmarsat mini-M, whilst still allowing for individual billing lnmarsat-M does not form any part of the GMDSS as it is unable to comply with regulations concerning reception of distress alerts due to the fact that the system is voice only and there is no facility for direct printing of messages. The limitations regarding Inmarsat-M and the GMDSS lnmarsat-M does not form any part of the GMDSS as it is unable to comply with regulations concerning reception of distress alerts due to the fact that the system is voice only and there is no facility for direct printing of messages. 6.6.5. Inmarsat Fleet 77 The Inmarsat Fleet 77 system was launched in November 2001. It offers a unique high performance service for high-speed shore-to-ship and ship-to-shore communications. Fleet 77 introduces a new Mobile ISDN and Mobile Packet Data Service (MPDS) delivering voice, fax and data at speeds of up to 64 kbit/s. Inmarsat Fleet 77 is equipped to satisfy and safety telephony requirements of the GMDSS only. It offers more efficient data-driven communications for applications such as technical management and crew roistering, accessing a head office intranet, and obtaining updates of weather and chart information. Store-and-forward video is also available for on board diagnostics and telemedicine. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 215 Table 19: Different Inmarsat Fleet systems in comparison Components of an Inmarsat Fleet ship earth station In general, Inmarsat Fleet 77 equipment consists of a parabolic antenna, a power supply unit, a transceiver, a PC, a keyboard, a printer and a control unit. The control unit contains a display, control buttons, a distress button and a handset. Figure 79: Inmarsat Fleet 77 components I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 216 Method of acquiring satellite both manually and automatically The Inmarsat Fleet 77 system works mainly automatically. The equipment has to be connected to a GNSS receiver (e.g. GPS). This ensures that the equipment will direct the antenna automatically to the correct azimuth and elevation angel of the most suitable satellite and will log in. See also 0. Handling of an Inmarsat Fleet 77 SES Info Line LCD Display Distress Button Hint Line Indicator LEDs Menu Button 2nd Level Button Alpha Numeric Buttons Priority Indicator LEDs Figure 80: Inmarsat Fleet 77 cradle I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 217 The handset is the primarily interface for the Fleet 77 system. It enables the user to dial numbers, it displays error and status messages, and it is used to configure the transceiver. Distress Button: Push to transmit a distress alarm Priority Indicator LEDs: This section gives info about transmitting priorities Info Line: Shows the mailbox and signal strength LCD Display: Shows details of the current menu. This section gives the user visual indications about the operation and status of the system Hint Line: Gives hints to the current used menu Indicator LEDs: shows info about power, alarm, synchronisation and connection Menu Button: Gives access to different menus. This section enables the user to interact with the software menu system of the transceiver 2nd Level Button: Gives access to the 2nd key level Alpha Numeric Buttons: This section enables the user to dial and perform data entry functions into the transceiver Message Window Task Buttons Folder Window Address Book Window Text Window Figure 81: Inmarsat Fleet 77 Email screen Folders window is located in the upper left part of the screen. This window includes the following folders: I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 218 Sent Items - sent messages Inbox - Incoming messages Drafts - draft messages for transmission Outbox - messages ready for transmission Deleted Items - deleted messages Address Book window is located in the bottom left part of the screen. This window contains a list of email subscribers. Message window is located in the right part of the screen. The details of the marked message can be seen in the bottom part of the window. Text Window is located in the lower right part of the screen. The details of the marked message can be seen. Use of 2-digit code service via Inmarsat Fleet With the two digit code Fleet SESs have access to special services via telephony which are offered by certain institutions ashore. It should be noted, that some services required by two digit code are liable to pay costs. All access codes are listed in the Inmarsat Handbook and in Annex 20 of this model course Practical Tasks Done? Transmit capabilities Sending distress alert-, call- and message by telephony Sending urgency or safety calls using access codes by telephony Sending a distress relay to a MRCC Calling a land subscriber by telephony Calling a ship by telephony Transmit an email to a land subscriber Other capabilities telephony Login and logout procedure Changing the satellite Change the Coast Earth Station (CES) Change the position and time (if no GPS is available) Edit the default settings (Ringtone, Background light, Language etc.) Edit the address book Read the call log Commissioning Establish operational readiness (TX/RX on, Successful login) Other capabilities Email I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 219 Edit the configuration Edit the address book Compose a correct email to a ship or a land subscriber Save the email in a correct folder Open a message out of the correct folder Read the receive logs Use the help function Table 20: INMARSAT Fleet 77 practical training tasks 6.6.6. Inmarsat-D and D+ Inmarsat-D is a one way data transfer system for mobile stations (Simplex Broadcast). Inmarsat-D+ is more enhanced with a back channel where an acknowledgement can be received. Inmarsat-D and D+ are often used as a Ship Security Alarm System (SSAS). 6.6.7. Inmarsat Numbers IMN Each system uses a distinctive Inmarsat Number (IMN) series which allows the SES functionality to be recognized from the number allocated to that terminal: lnmarsat-B Nine digits, beginning with 3 lnmarsat-C Nine digits, beginning with 4 lnmarsat-M Nine digits, beginning with 6 Inmarsat Fleet 77Nine digits, beginning with 76 Inmarsat Fleet 77Nine digits, beginning with 60 (HSD) Beispiel 6.6.8. Overview of SafetyNET and FleetNET services SafetyNET and FleetNET are part of EGC. Information regarding SafetyNET can be found under 0. FleetNET offers the possibilities for receiving information transmitted for groups of ships, for fleets or ships of a certain flag state (See Figure 82: Overview of SafetyNET and FleetNET). Information regarding it should be noted, that the participation of FleetNET is liable to pay costs. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 220 Figure 82: Overview of SafetyNET and FleetNET 6.6.9. Operational voice procedure via Inmarsat Inmarsat-B, -M and Fleet systems are constructed among others for voice communications. Distress-, urgent- safety and routine communication The distress-, urgency- and safety communications in the GMDSS must comply with the appropriate rules of the RRs as defined in chapter VII. Some Inmarsat equipment offers the possibility to transmit so called “priority messages”. Priority messages suppress other messages with a lower importance (See Figure 83: Overview of priorities). Priority P3 Distress A distress (P3) will pre-empt all other communications Priority P2 Urgent An urgency (P2) call will pre-empt both safety (P1) and routine (P0) calls Priority P1 Safety Routine I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc A safety (P1) call will pre-empt a routine (P0) call Priority P0 Lowest priority HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 221 Figure 83: Overview of priorities Procedure for sending a distress alert-, call- and message via Inmarsat-B and Inmarsat Fleet 77 To perform a distress alert the user has to press the distress button on the cradle. This ship to shore distress alert produces the satellite number, the ships Inmarsat ID and the priority “distress” on a screen in the appropriate Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) / RCC. The alert will be interrupted if the button is released within five seconds. After the MRCC has responded to the ship the vessel starts its transmission of a distress call and distress message as described under 0 with the exemption that a transmission of a MMSI is not necessary. Distress messages transmitted through Inmarsat systems are sent through the general communication channels with absolute priority to ensure rapid receipt. To perform a distress alert relay in the direction ship to shore, the user has to transmit a distress priority message (P3, see Figure 83) to a MRCC without pressing the distress button. When receiving a distress priority call in the direction shore to ship, the personal on board will be alerted by an audible alarm and by an indicator light. Procedure for sending an urgency call- and message via Inmarsat-B and Inmarsat Fleet 77 Every urgency call and message has to be addressed either to a subscriber ashore or to another ship earth station. When editing an urgency call it has to be noted that the priority P2 must be selected (See Figure 83). Subscribers ashore can be e. g. Hospitals and MRCCs. The land subscribers telephone number is mostly compose of as follows: Country Code Area Code Telephone Number Access Code 00 49 421 536870 Figure 84: Example Inmarsat land subscriber international phone number I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 222 Calling a ship earth station needs after the common access code the satellite access number for telephony and then the ships Inmarsat ID e.g. Inmarsat-B ID: Access Code Inmarsat B ID Sat Access Code 00 870 323 411 100 Figure 85: Example Inmarsat B ship earth station phone number The priority P2 indicates that the following communications are of a very high importance. Because of this the use of the urgency signal Pan Pan is therefore not necessary, it would confuse the subscriber e.g. a hospital ashore. The urgency signal can be used in connection with MRCCs, RCCs and ship earth stations. The voice procedures to conduct P2 communications see 0 for sending a safety announcement, call and message via Inmarsat-B and Inmarsat Fleet 77 Every safety call and message has to be addressed either to a subscriber ashore or to another ship earth station. When editing a safety call it has to be noted that the priority P1 must be selected (See Figure 83). Subscribers ashore can be e. g. NAVTEX coordinator, weather administrations, MRCCs.... The priority P1 indicates that the following communications are regarding the safety of navigation or important weather information. Because of this the use of the safety signal Securite is therefore not necessary, it would confuse the subscriber e.g. national hydrographic offices. The safety signal can be used in connection with MRCCs, RCCs and ship earth stations. The voice procedures to conduct P1 communications see 0. Routine communication via Inmarsat-B and Fleet 77 Every routine call and message has also been addressed either to a subscriber ashore or to another ship earth station. Editing a routine call follow the instructions given in Figure 84 List of practical tasks 6.6.10 Operational Inmarsat telex procedure Inmarsat-B and Inmarsat-C are constructed among others for telex communications. The distress-, urgency- and safety communications in the GMDSS must comply with the appropriate rules of the RRs as defined in chapter VII. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 223 For the transmission of priority messages the appropriate instructions of the manufactures are to be observed. Distress via Inmarsat-B telex Inmarsat-B provides the possibility to transmit a true distress alert or a distress test. To perform a telex distress alert the user has to select the distress menu and to click within the menu on “Transmit Distress” (See Figure 86). Figure 86: Inmarsat-B telex selecting distress transmission The distress information will be conveyed from the SES via the satellite and the CES to the responsible MRCC. After the connection is established the automatic transmission of distress information will start. When the automatic transmission is finished additional details can be manually added by the operator on the ship in distress. The existing connection is a duplex connection so both parties are able to respond after inviting each other with “GA+” (go ahead). See Figure 87 Distress messages transmitted through Inmarsat systems are sent on the general communication channels with absolute priority to ensure rapid receipt. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 224 Connection Information Automatic Transmisson Answer from RCC Manually inserted information by ship earth station Figure 87: Inmarsat-B telex distress transmission To perform a distress alert relay in the direction ship to shore, the operator has to transmit a distress priority message (P3, see Figure 83) to a MRCC / RCC by entering the appropriate telex number See Figure 88. Telex Country Code Access Code 00 Telex Number 41 246466 Figure 88: Example International Inmarsat land subscriber telex number The further On Scene Communications must be carried out on VHF or MF and, where necessary on HF distress frequencies. Distress via Inmarsat-C telex Inmarsat-C provides two possibilities to transmit a distress alert: I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 225 Distress alert including the ships Inmarsat ID and the last known position and time. Distress alert including the ships Inmarsat ID, the last known position and time and additionally the nature of distress. In the first method open the cover lid and press the distress button for at least 5 seconds, until the transmission starts. (See Figure 89) Figure 89: Inmarsat Mini-C telex distress panel In the second method enter the distress menu and select the nature of distress (See Figure 90). Then lift the cover lid and push the distress button for at least 5 seconds. (See Figure 89) Figure 90: Inmarsat-C distress telex settings The distress information will be conveyed from the SES via the satellite and the CES to the responsible MRCC. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 226 To perform a distress alert relay in the direction ship to shore, the operator has to prepare a distress relay message as described in Figure 91. Figure 91: Inmarsat-C mayday relay telex transmission Thereafter the operator has to select the transmit menu and click on the distress priority. Then the addressee will change to “SEARCH & RESCUE” automatically. (See Figure 92). After pressing the send button the distress information will be conveyed from the SES via the satellite and the CES to the responsible MRCC. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 227 Figure 92: Inmarsat-C priority settings The further On Scene Communications has to be carried out on VHF or MF and, where necessary on HF distress frequencies Urgency / Safety Inmarsat-B telex Inmarsat-B offers two possibilities to transmit messages to any subscriber: Transmit the message directly to the subscriber and interrupt the connection after sending automatically. Set up a “conversation call” then transmit the message. The existing connection is a duplex connection so both parties are able to respond after inviting each other with “GA+” (go ahead). Figure 93 shows method one. After preparing an urgency or safety message the access code (00), the telex country code (41) and the telex number of the destination (246466) have to be filled into the appropriate address field. By pushing the return key on the keyboard the transmitting starts. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 228 Figure 93: Inmarsat-B urgency transmission To perform an urgency or safety call and message to another SES the access code, the Sat access code and the Inmarsat-B ID of the other SES have to be filled into the address field as shown below. Access Code 00 Inmarsat B ID Sat Access Code 580 323 411 100 Figure 94: Example Inmarsat-B ship earth station telex number Urgency / Safety via Inmarsat-C telex The Inmarsat-C system does not offer the possibility for a “call for conversation”. Subscribers either ashore or on a ship cannot be reached by a direct call in the Inmarsat-C system. The store and forward mode is possible only. That means that prepared messages are send from the SES via a satellite into a memory of a CES. Then the connection will be interrupted automatically. The CES will forward the message to the addressee automatically as soon as possible. After delivery the CES will send an appropriate acknowledgement to the SES. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 229 Routine communication Sending and receiving a telex / fax via Inmarsat-B The format for a telex has to be composed in accordance with the relevant ITU-T Recommendation. For dialling a telex subscriber it has to be started with the access code 00 (automatic dialling) followed by the telex country code (28) and the telex subscriber number (511244). In the direct connection after the telex delivery the connection will be shut down automatically. On the other hand there is a possibility for direct conversation between the SES and the subscriber ashore. After dialling the subscriber’s number, within approximately 15 seconds you should receive the answerback of the called. This means that the telex connection to the called subscriber has been established. You may now proceed with your telex message To send a fax it is necessary to dial the number like the normal phone connection (see 0). Sending and receiving a telex / fax via Inmarsat-C Before transmitting a prepared telex or fax, the address book which contains different types of addresses, has to be opened to select the correct telex or fax address. After composing a telex or a fax it is possible to transmit a telex via two different types of telex addresses (See Figure 95): Subscriber ashore: Click on “Telex”, enter telex country code and subscribers number as well as subscribers answerback (See Figure 95). Ship subscriber: Click on “Mobile”, enter satellite access code (580) and the Inmarsat-C ID of the ship to be called. For a fax transmission the address book has to contain a fax address in which “Fax” is selected and the country code, area code, and the subscribers fax number is entered. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 230 Figure 95: Inmarsat-C address book List of practical tasks 6.6.11. Inmarsat Email procedure Inmarsat Fleet 77 and Inmarsat-C offer the possibility to transmit emails in the direction ship to shore and ship to ship. Procedure for sending an email to shore An easy way to send an email is to use Inmarsat Fleet 77. After composing an email it should be made sure, that the system is online. Then select or enter the correct email address and press the send button. The email will be immediate send to the addressee. (See Figure 96) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 231 Figure 96: Inmarsat Fleet 77 Email transmission Before sending a composed or stored email, the address book has to be prepared with an email address. Then click the email address, click “More E-mail” and enter subject details then press “SEND” (See Figure 97). The email will now deliver to the subscriber. Figure 97: Inmarsat Fleet 77 Email settings I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 232 6.7. Cospas / Sarsat 6.7.1.Structure Figure 98: GEOSAR coverage and GEOLUT location Cospas/Sarsat space segment Geostationary Search and Rescue (GEOSAR) satellite constellation The GEOSAR constellation is comprised of satellites provided by the USA (geostationary operational environmental satellite series), India (Indian national satellite system series) and the European Organisation for the exploitation of meteorological satellites. The Cospas-Sarsat GEOSAR system The GEOSAR system consists of 406 MHz repeaters carried on board various geostationary satellites, and the associated Local User Terminals (LUT)s called GEOLUTs which process the satellite signal. As a GEOSAR satellite remains fixed relative to the Earth, there is no Doppler effect on the received frequency and Doppler radio location positioning techniques cannot be used to locate distress beacons. To provide rescuers with beacon position information, such information must be either: acquired by the beacon through an internal or an external navigation receiver and encoded in the beacon message, or I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 233 derived, with possible delays, from the Low Earth Orbit Search and Rescue (LEOSAR) System. The 406 MHz GEOSAR system Cospas-Sarsat has demonstrated that the current generation of Cospas-Sarsat 406 MHz beacons could be detected using search and rescue instruments on board geostationary satellites. The GEOSAR system consists of 406 MHz repeaters carried on board various geostationary satellites and the associated ground facilities called GEOLUTs which process the satellite signal. Geostationary satellites orbit the Earth at an altitude of 36,000 km, with an orbit period of 24 hours, thus appearing fixed relative to the Earth at approximately 0 degrees latitude (i.e. over the equator). A single geostationary satellite provides GEOSAR uplink coverage of about one third of the globe, except for Polar Regions. Therefore, three geostationary satellites equally spaced in longitude can provide continuous coverage of all areas of the globe between approximately 70 degrees North and 70 degrees South latitude. Since GEOSAR satellites remain fixed relative to the Earth, there is no Doppler effect on the received frequency and, therefore, the Doppler positioning technique cannot be used to locate distress beacons. To provide rescuers with position information, the beacon location must be either: acquired by the beacon though an internal or an external navigation receiver and encoded in the beacon message, or derived from the LEOSAR system Doppler processing. Cospas-Sarsat has demonstrated that the GEOSAR and LEOSAR system search and rescue capabilities are complementary. For example the GEOSAR system can provide almost immediate alerting in the footprint of the GEOSAR satellite, whereas the LEOSAR system: provides excellent coverage of the polar regions (which are beyond the coverage of geostationary satellites); can calculate the location of distress events using Doppler processing techniques; and is less susceptible to obstructions which may block a beacon signal in a given direction because the satellite is continuously moving with respect to the beacon. LEOSAR satellite constellation The Cospas-Sarsat 406 MHz LEOSAR system uses the same polar-orbiting satellites as the 121.5 MHz system and, therefore, operates with the same basic constraints which result from non-continuous coverage provided by LEOSAR satellites, although with significantly improved performance resulting from the improved beacon technical characteristics. The use of low-altitude orbiting satellites provides for a strong Doppler effect in the up-link signal thereby enabling the use of Doppler positioning techniques. The Cospas-Sarsat 406 MHz LEOSAR system operates in two coverage modes, namely local and global coverage. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 234 Figure 99: LEOSAR and GEOSAR satellite constellation 406 MHz LEOSAR global mode The 406 MHz SARP system provides global coverage by storing data derived from on board processing of beacons signals, in the spacecraft memory unit. The content of the memory is continuously broadcast on the satellite downlink. Therefore, each beacon can be located by all LEOLUTs which track the satellite (even for LEOLUTs which were not in the footprint of the satellite at the time the beacon was detected by the satellite). This provides the 406 MHz global coverage and introduces ground segment processing redundancy. The diagram to the right depicts a LEOSAR satellite orbiting the Earth in the direction of the North Pole. The blue circle represents the satellite field of view at a point in the recent past when the satellite was over the southern Atlantic Ocean. At that point in time the satellite detected the 406 MHz beacon in Antarctica, however, since there were no LEOLUTs in its field of view, a distress alert could not be generated at that time. Nevertheless, the satellite continued to transmit the processed data associated with this distress beacon. When the LEOLUT located on the North West coast of Africa came into the view of the satellite, this LEOLUT received the beacon information and generated a distress alert. The 406 MHz global mode may also offer an additional advantage over the local mode in respect of alerting time. As the beacon message is recorded in the satellite memory by the first satellite pass which detected the beacon, the waiting time is not dependent upon the satellite achieving simultaneous visibility with the LEOLUT and the beacon. Consequently, the time required to produce alerts could be considerably reduced. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 235 The animated graphic depicts two beacons: the yellow beacon is detected in global mode only whereas the red beacon is detected in both local and global modes. Cospas/Sarsat ground segment GEOLUTs A GEOLUT is a ground receiving station in the Cospas-Sarsat System that receives and processes 406 MHz distress beacon signals which have been relayed by a Cospas-Sarsat geostationary satellite. Due to the extremely large continuous coverage footprint provided by each geostationary satellite, GEOLUTs are able to produce near instantaneous alerting over extremely large areas. However, due to the fact that the satellite remains stationary with respect to distress beacons, GEOLUTs are not able to determine beacon locations using Doppler processing techniques. In view of this, 406MHz beacons with location protocols allow for the encoding of position data in the transmitted 406 MHz message, thus providing for quasi-real time alerting with position information via the GEOSAR system. Figure 100: GEOLUT stations LEOSAR coverage The Cospas-Sarsat LEOSAR system provides global coverage for 406 MHz beacons and coverage over most land areas for 121.5 MHz beacons. The shaded areas indicate regions without coverage for 121.5 MHz beacons. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 236 1 ALGIERS, ALGERIA 15 BEIJING, CHINA 29 LAHORE, PAKISTAN 2 OUARGLA, ALGERIA 16 HONG KONG, CHINA 30 CALLAO, PERU 3 PARANA, ARGENTINA 17 TOULOUSE, FRANCE 31 ARKHANGELSK, RUSSIA 4 RIO GRANDE, ARGENTINA 18 BANGALORE, INDIA 32 NAKHODKA, RUSSIA 5 ALBANY, AUSTRALIA 19 LUCKNOW, INDIA 33 JEDDAH, SAUDI ARABIA 6 BUNDABERG, AUSTRALIA 20 JAKARTA, INDONESIA 34 SINGAPORE 7 BRASILIA, BRAZIL 21 BARI, ITALY 35 CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA 8 RECIFE, BRAZIL 22 KEELUNG, ITDC 36 MASPALOMAS, SPAIN 9 CHURCHILL, CANADA 23 YOKOHAMA, JAPAN 37 BANGKOK, THAILAND 10 EDMONTON, CANADA 24 DAEJEON, KOREA 38 COMBE MARTIN, UK 11 GOOSE BAY, CANADA 25 WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND 39 ALASKA, USA 12 EASTER ISLAND, CHILE 26 ABUJA, NIGERIA 40 CALIFORNIA, USA 13 PUNTA ARENAS, CHILE 27 TROMSOE, NORWAY 41 FLORIDA, USA 14 SANTIAGO, CHILE 28 SPITSBERGEN, NORWAY 42 GUAM 43 HAWAII, USA 44 HAIPHONG, VIETNAM Figure 101: Cospas / Sarsat LUTs I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 237 LEOLUTs The configuration and capabilities of each LEOLUT may vary to meet the specific requirements of the participating countries, but the Cospas and Sarsat LEOSAR spacecraft downlink signal formats ensure inter-operability between the various spacecraft and all LEOLUTs meeting Cospas-Sarsat specifications. The capability of a LEOLUT is determined, for the most part, by the LEOSAR satellite channels it was designed to process. There are a possible 4 channels that may, depending upon the specific satellite being tracked, be available for processing. Some satellites support all the channels listed below, and some only support a limited set of them. The 406 MHz Search and Rescue Processor (SARP) satellite channel transmits received 406 MHz beacon data which has already been partially processed by the satellite to determine the identification, transmit time, and received frequency for each distress beacon transmission burst. Because of the on board memory capability of the SARP channel, this channel provides global (yet not continuous) coverage for distress beacons which operate at 406 MHz The 406 MHz Search and Rescue Repeater (SARR) channel receives 406 MHz beacon transmission bursts and immediately retransmits them on the satellite downlink. Since there is no memory associated with the repeater channel, this type of processing supports only local mode coverage (i.e. the distress beacon and the LEOLUT must be in simultaneous view of the satellite for a period of time). Furthermore, since the satellite does not process the data, all the processing is performed by the LEOLUT. 121.5 MHz and 243 MHz Search and Rescue Repeater (SARR) channels operate in a fashion similar to the 406 MHz SARR channel; however, 121.5/243 MHz beacons do not include identification information. For the 121.5 MHz, 243 MHz and 406 MHz signals received via their respective SARR channel, each transmission is detected and the Doppler information calculated. A beacon position is then determined using this data. In the case of 406 MHz distress beacons, the LUT is also able to provide identification information associated with the beacon. Processing the SARP channel 2400 bits per second (bps) data (i.e. those generated from 406 MHz transmissions) is relatively straightforward since the Doppler frequency is measured and time-tagged on board the spacecraft. All 406 MHz data received from the satellite memory on each pass can be processed within a few minutes of pass completion. To maintain accurate location processing, an update of the satellite ephemeris is produced each time the LUT receives a satellite signal. The downlink carrier is monitored to provide a Doppler signal using the LUT location as a reference, or I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 238 highly stable 406 MHz calibration beacons at accurately known locations are used to update the ephemeris data. 6.7.2. Possibilities 6.8. EPIRB The transmission of an EPIRB signal can be considered to be a distress alert. The essential purpose of an EPIRB signal is to help determine the position of survivors during SAR operations. The EPIRB signal indicates that one or more persons are in distress, that they possibly may no longer be on board a ship or aircraft and that receiving facilities may no longer be available. Figure 102: Different EPIRB types 6.8.1. The basic operation of the COSPAS-SARSAT satellite system and signal routing/path A LUT receiving an EPIRB transmission would consider that the vessel in distress is unable to transmit a distress message and so a distress alert relay and a distress message would normally be transmitted by a coast station to ships in the area by any suitable means, e.g., Inmarsat (EGC), DSC, NAVTEX. This EPIRB-system uses low-altitude polar-orbiting satellites operating in the 406 MHz band. The transmissions are received by the satellites, which pass on the relevant information to a LUT, which then passes information to rescue authorities via a Mission Control Centre (MCC). See Figure 103 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 239 Figure 103: Communication path in Cospas / Sarsat system 6.8.2. Essential parts of Cospas / Sarsat EPIRBs An EPIRB consists of a buoy, which carries antennas and the necessary electronic equipment, power supplies, navigational aids, a hydrostatic release, and possibly a control panel with an interface to the ship's power supply and remote activator. Some EPIRB types incorporate an integral navigation receive capability provided e.g. by a GPS receiver, enabling the position to be updated automatically. In this case, data may be fed directly into the Distress Message Generator All types of EPIRBs should additionally be equipped with a flashing light with a low duty-cycle ratio, which is automatically activated by the onset of darkness to locate the EPIRBs position visually. See Figure 104 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 240 6.8.3. Basic characteristics of operation on 406 and 121,5 MHz EPIRB The emission of a 406 MHz band EPIRB will be relayed by an appropriate satellite to a LUT which forwards the distress information via a MCC to the MRCC automatically. A 121.5 MHz terrestrial signalling facility is included on all current production Cospas / Sarsat EPIRBs, which serves primarily to provide a homing signal for SAR units and other aircrafts 6.8.4. The registration and coding of a 406 MHz EPIRB The ship owner must ensure that any EPIRB have been registered with the relevant authority in the flag state, enabling details to be available to SAR authorities when requested. 6.8.5. The information contents of a distress alert The position of the EPIRB can be found by the satellite, using Doppler frequency-shift measurement techniques. The 406 MHz EPIRB transmits digitally coded information, regarding: distress information, country of origin and ships identification and serial number. Optionally EPIRBs can additionally transmit the distress position, the date and time, if supplied with navigational aids. Some EPIRBs offer the feature for remote control with the possibility to select the nature of distress which then will also be transmitted 6.8.6. Operation All EPIRBs should have arrangements for local manual activation or float-free release and self-activation. Remote activation from the navigating bridge, while the EPIRB is installed in the float-free mounting, may also be provided. The equipment, mounting and releasing arrangements should be reliable, and should operate satisfactorily under the most extreme conditions likely to be met at sea. Manual distress alert initiation should require at least two independent actions, remove a protection facility then activate the distress switch. See Figure 104 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 241 Antenna Red/green LED Test Button Strobe Light Activation Switch Figure 104: EPIRB 6.8.7. The float-free function The buoy is mounted in place until it is released manually or by the float-free mechanism. A float free mechanism consists of a hydrostatic release facility which releases the EPIRB out of its bracket in case of sinking when the EPIRB has reached a certain water depth (approx. 1.5m). A possible interface to ship's radio and navigational systems may be done by means of conventional plugs and sockets or by cordless connection which must not hinder the EPIRB on free floating. 6.8.8. The correct use of the lanyard EPIRBs should be installed so that they cannot be tampered with or accidentally activated. EPIRBs are equipped with a buoyant lanyard suitable for use as a tether in order to secure the beacon to a life raft, boat or person in the water. To prevent the EPIRB from being dragged under water, the lanyard should never be attached to the ship, or arranged in such a way that it can be trapped in the ship's structure when floating free. 6.8.9. Routine maintenance, testing requirements and test operation EPIRBs incorporate the means to carry out regular tests (without access to the space segment) and indicate the emission of a distress alert or any fault in the equipment. EPIRBs should be tested in accordance with producer’s manual on a regular basis as follows: Press and release test button Red lamp should flash once. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 242 The indicator lamp should flash in accordance with the appropriate producer’s information After 60 seconds the EPIRB must switch off automatically 6.8.10 Additional EPIRB features The VHF EPIRB is intended for use in al sea areas and operates by transmitting a DSC Distress alert on the channel 70 (156.525 MHz) The "nature of distress" indication should be "EPIRB emission". The "distress coordinates" and "time" need not be included in the DSC message. In this case, however, the digit "9" repeated ten times and the digit "8" repeated four times should replace the missing position and time information. The "type of subsequent communication" should be "no information", Some VHF DSC EPIRBs also incorporate a 9 GHz search and rescue transponder for the purpose of providing a locating signal 6.8.11. Withdrawal of an unintended false distress transmission If an EPIRB is accidentally activated, the nearest coast station or an appropriate coast earth station or MRCC/RCC MUST be informed immediately that a false distress alert has been transmitted and should be cancelled. Details of those stations which are involved are to be found in the ITU List of Coast Stations and various publications produced by national Administrations and service providers 6.8.12. Practical Tasks Done? Putting the EPIRB out of bracket Remove EPIRB into the bracket Testing the EPIRB Switch the EPIRB to alarm mode Switch off the EPIRB Table 21: EPIRB practical training tasks 6.9. Search and Rescue Transponder / Transmitter (SART) This equipment is used to home SAR units to the position of a vessel or persons in distress. This piece of equipment should only be activated in cases of distress. To ensure that the SART transmission will be receivable over a useful distance it is essential that the SART be mounted as high as possible. In order to maximise the range, the regulations require a mounting height of at least 1 metre above sea level. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 243 Switch Ring Security Tab Indicator Light Figure 105: SART 6.9.1. Different types of SARTs and their operation and rescue radar transponder They operate in the 9 GHz band and transmit only, assuming they are switched on, when triggered by another radar pulse of a vessel or a radar station ashore. The range of a radar transponder depends of the height of its antenna which should be at least 1meter above sea level. Then the SART signals can be received by vessels in a distance of approximately 5 nautical miles, detection at longer ranges will be achieved from aircraft; at 3000 ft. for example, the aircraft radar should elicit a useful response up to 30 nautical miles away from the SART. The transmission produces a distinctive line on the radar display of about 12 blips extending out from the location of the SART along the line of bearing. These change to concentric circles when the SAR unit reaches to within about 1 mile of the SART. The radar display produced by the SART is illustrated in Figure 106 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 244 Figure 106: SART images on radar screen The SART image on the radar display may be more easily identified, especially if clutter or many other targets are present, by detuning the SAR unit's radar. Detuning reduces the intensity of return echoes on the display but allows the SART signal to be seen more easily since the SART emits a broad-band signal which detuning does not affect to the same degree Detuning the radar can be dangerous, and may infringe collision- avoidance regulations in some locations, because echoes from real targets will be removed AIS radar transmitter The AIS radar transmitter operates on channel AIS1 and AIS2 in the maritime mobile VHF band. The AIS SART is a self-contained radio device used to locate a survival craft or a distress vessel by sending updated position reports using a standard automatic identification system (AIS) class A position report. A position and time synchronization of AIS SART are derived from a build in GNSS receiver (e.g. GPS). Once per minute the position is send as a serious of eight identical position report message (four on AIS1 and four on AIS2). This scheme creates a high probability that at least one of the messages is send on the highest point of a wave. The range of AIS transmitters depends of the height of its antenna and is comparable to the range of the radiation of maritime VHF equipment. The transmission of an AIS SART generates a special symbol on electronic sea charts (circle with cross). The picture below shows a half gated radar screen in order to point out the AIS signals (SART, Vessel, Base station). I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 245 Base Station Vessel AIS SART Figure 107: AIS SART image on radar screen 6.9.2. Routine maintenance, testing requirements and test operation SARTs incorporate the means to carry out regular tests and indicate any fault in the equipment. Radar transponders should be tested in accordance with producer’s manual on a regular' basis as follows: Switch SART to test mode Hold SART in view of radar antenna. Check that visual indicator light operates Check that audible beeper operates Observe radar display — concentric circles should be displayed AIS radar transmitters cannot be tested except by authorised persons with special test equipment on board the vessel. The producer instructions are to be observed. The batteries life should be checked in accordance with the appropriate label on the SART (AIS+Radar). 6.9.3. Practical tasks Done? Putting the SART out of bracket I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 246 Remove SART into bracket Testing the SART Switch the SART to transmit mode Switch off the SART Table 22: SART practical training tasks 6.10. Maritime Safety Information Maritime safety information comprise navigational and meteorological warnings, meteorological forecasts, shore-to-ship distress alerts, SAR information and other urgent safety-related messages of vital importance broadcast to ships. It may also include electronic chart correction data. The MSI service is an internationally coordinated network of broadcasts of MSI from official information providers, such as: National hydrographic offices, for navigational warnings and electronic chart correction data National meteorological offices, for weather warning and forecasts Maritime rescue co-ordination centres for shore-to-ship distress alerts, and other urgent information The International Ice Patrol, for North Atlantic ice hazards Reception of MSI broadcasts is free of charge to all ships. 6.10.1. Basics There are different systems for broadcasting MSI The International NAVTEX Service, whereby the Information Provider forwards the MSI for a given area via a NAVTEX transmitter. The reception of NAVTEX MSI is limited by the range of the MF propagation to the coastal area around the transmitter. The International SafetyNET Service, whereby the Information Provider forwards the MSI for a given area to an Inmarsat-C Land Earth Station (LES), for broadcasting via the satellite network over an entire Inmarsat Ocean Region; consequently, ships can receive SafetyNET MSI anywhere in that Ocean Region, irrespective of their distance from the LES or MSI Provider. MSI information can also be broadcasted by coast radio stations on VHF and HF frequencies using Radiotelephony as well as Radiotelex on HF. The VHF propagation is limited to a range of approximate 30 miles, the HF propagation can be unlimited (including Polar Regions) depending on the appropriate frequency range. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 247 6.10.2. NAVTEX NAVTEX is an international automated direct-printing service for promulgation of navigational and meteorological warnings, meteorological forecasts and other urgent information to ships. It was developed to simple and automated means of receiving MSI on board ships at sea in coastal waters. The information transmitted may be relevant to all sizes and types of vessel and the selective message-rejection feature ensures that every mariner can receive a safety information broadcast which is tailored to his particular needs. In the GMDSS, a NAVTEX receiving capability is part of the mandatory equipment which is required to be carried in certain vessels under the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Details of operational and planned NAVTEX services are published periodically in the various national lists of radio signals, in an annex to the International Telecommunication Union's ITU List of coast stations and special service stations in the GMDSS Master Plan published by IMO in its series of GMDSS Circulars. NAVTEX frequencies The following frequencies may be used for NAVTEX broadcasts: 518 kHz Type of service: Content: Language: Co-ordination: International MSI English By IMO NAVTEX Co-ordinating Panel 490 kHz and 4209.5 kHz Type of service: National Content: MSI Language: As selected by the national administration Co-ordination: Transmitter identification character allocated by IMO NAVTEX Co-ordinating Panel Other national frequencies allocated by the ITU Type of service: National Content: As selected by the national administration Language: As selected by the national administration Co-ordination: By appropriate national administration NAVTEX system As shown in Figure 108 the worldwide NAVTEX system comprises 21 Navareas / Metareas. In each Navarea / Metarea there are several NAVTEX transmitting stations available, each identified by a different single letter of the alphabet. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 248 Figure 108: Navarea / Metarea overview The principal features of NAVTEX are the use of a single frequency, with transmissions from stations within and between Navareas and Metareas coordinated on a time-sharing basis to reduce the risk of mutual interference (See Figure 108). The List below shows the transmitter identification characters and their associated transmission start times. Each transmitter identification character is allocated a maximum transmission time of 10 minutes every 4 hours. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 249 Table 23: NAVTEX transmission NAVTEX transmissions have a designed maximum range of about 400 nautical miles. The minimum distance between two transmitters with the same transmitter identification identifier is, therefore, be sufficient to ensure that a receiver cannot be within range of both at the same time. In order to avoid erroneous reception and interference of transmissions from two stations having the same transmitter identification character, it is necessary to ensure that such stations have a large geographical separation. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 250 Figure 109: Example NAVTEX coverage areas of transmission Responsibilities of a NAVTEX Co-ordinator The NAVTEX Co-ordinator is responsible for the messages transmitted by each station under his control. This responsibility includes checking that the content of each message is in accordance with the international regulations and that it is relevant to the NAVTEX service area of the transmitting station. Messages The national providers (described under 0) forward an MSI to a responsible NAVTEX co-ordinator in order to transmit the message via one or more NAVTEX stations within his Navarea (See Figure 110) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 251 Figure 110: MSI information line The NAVTEX co-ordinator decides whether a message belongs to the priority vital, important or routine VITAL priority messages Messages assessed as VITAL, are to be broadcast immediately, subject to avoiding interference to on-going transmissions. On receipt of a message with a VITAL priority, the NAVTEX Co-ordinator will commence monitoring the NAVTEX frequency. If the frequency is clear, the VITAL message is to be transmitted immediately. If the frequency is in use, the Co-ordinator shall contact the station which, according to the schedule, will be transmitting during the following time slot and ask it to postpone their transmission start by one minute, to allow a space for the VITAL message. Once the VITAL message has been transmitted, the scheduled station is free to start its routine transmissions; Example: SAR information, Tsunami warnings etc. = VITAL priority IMPORTANT priority messages Messages assessed as IMPORTANT, are to be broadcast during the next available period when the NAVTEX frequency is unused. This is to be identified by monitoring the frequency. It is expected that this level of priority will be sufficient for the majority of urgent information; Example: Meteorological warnings = IMPORTANT priority and ROUTINE priority messages. Messages assessed as ROUTINE, are to be broadcast at the next scheduled transmission time. This level of priority will be appropriate for almost all messages I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 252 broadcast on NAVTEX and are always to be used unless special circumstances dictate the use of the procedures for an IMPORTANT or VITAL priority message. Example: Meteorological forecasts = ROUTINE priority NAVTEX messages include instructions to the NAVTEX receiver for processing MSI. These instructions consist of four technical “B” characters which make up an alphanumeric code as follows: B1 Transmitter Identification Character: The transmitter identification character is a single letter which is allocated to each transmitter. It is used to identify the broadcasts which are to be accepted by the receiver and those to be rejected, and also the time slot for the transmission. B2 Subject Indicator Character: Information is grouped by subject in the NAVTEX broadcast and each subject group is allocated a B2 subject indicator character. The subject indicator character is used by the receiver to identify the different classes of messages as listed in Table 24. Messages received which have been transmitted using subject indicator character D will set off an alarm built into the NAVTEX receiver. B3B4 Message Numbering Characters: Each message within each subject group is allocated a two digit sequential serial number, beginning at 01 and ending at 99. The B3B4 message numbering characters together, are often referred to as the “NAVTEX number”. The NAVTEX number is solely allocated as a component of the NAVTEX message identity and should not be confused with (and bears no correlation to), the series identity and consecutive number of the Navarea or Coastal warning contained in the message. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 253 Table 24: Codes for message types The NAVTEX message below is an example for a typical NAVTEX reception. The navigational warning (A) was transmitted in the Navarea I by the NAVTEX station Tallinn (K). I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 254 Transmitting Station „Tallin“ Start group Kind of message „Navigational warning Message number „38“ Date / Time group ZCZC KA38 051444 UTC AUG KALININGRAD NAV WARN 097 SOUTHEASTERN BALTIC, KUSHKAYA KOSA LIGHT LESNOJ 55-01.0N 020-36.8E UNLIT NNNN End of message Text Figure 111: Example of a navigational warning via NAVTEX Operation of the NAVTEX receiver A dedicated NAVTEX receiver comprises a radio receiver, a signal processor and a printing device. Optionally the NAVTEX equipment can additionally include: an integrated printing device; or a dedicated display device with a printer output port and a message memory; or a connection to an integrated navigation system and a message memory; which has the ability to select messages to be printed, or viewed and stored in a memory The operational and technical characteristics of the NAVTEX system are contained in relevant ITU Recommendation. Performance standards for ship borne equipment are laid down in relevant IMO Resolutions. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 255 DIM Switch Display Enter Knob Navigate Knob Open Button Menu Knob List Knob Print Paper Print Knob Hint Display On/Off Switch Figure 112: NAVTEX receiver On/Off Switch push turns the power on or off Menu Button Opens menu/Returns to the previous display Nav Button Shifts the cursor and display; selects items on menus Enter Button Selects a shown item List Button Opens the LIST options Print Button opens the PRINT option Display indicates particulars of a received message Hint Display indicates menu functions Dim Switch Adjusts the panel and LCD dimmer (+: raises the setting -: decreases the setting) Print Paper on the print paper the received message will be printed out Open Button push to replace the paper roll I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 256 Selection of transmitters, message type Reception of messages, transmitted using subject indicator characters A, B, D and L, which have been allocated for navigational warnings, meteorological warnings, search and rescue information, acts of piracy warnings, tsunamis and other natural phenomena, is mandatory and cannot be rejected on the NAVTEX receiver. This has been designed to ensure that ships using NAVTEX always receive the most vital information. Some subject indicator characters can be used to reject messages concerning certain subjects which may not be required by the ship (e.g. LORAN messages may be rejected by deselecting the B2 subject indicator character H on the NAVTEX receiver on board a ship which is not fitted with a LORAN receiver). A user may choose to accept messages, as appropriate, either from the single transmitter which serves the sea area around his position or from a number of transmitters. Ideally, the user should select the station within whose coverage area his vessel is currently operating and the station into whose coverage area his vessel will transit next. (See Figure 109) Practical tasks Select receive station Select received message Select receive frequency Read message from receive memory Changing the default settings (display, print etc.) Changing paper Table 25: NAVTEX practical training tasks I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc Done? HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 257 6.10.3. EGC As the NAVTEX system covers coastal waters up to about 400 nautical miles only shipping must be enabled to receive MSI beyond the NAVTEX coverage. One of these systems is the EGC. The EGC system supports two services for selective reception: The EGC SafetyNET service, which allows the EGC receiver operator to program the receiver with the geographical areas for which MSI will be received, and the categories of MSI messages required The EGC FleetNET service, a commercial service, where individual EGC receivers are programmed to store an EGC network Identification (ENID) code, which is used to select only messages intended for ships belonging to a group, such as a fleet or national flag, or subscribers to an information service. EGC receivers can be programmed individually to use this information to select only the required messages, and to reject all others. Figure 76 on page 208 shows the coverage of the four Inmarsat satellites in connection with 21 Navareas / Metareas. In the sea area A4 an EGC reception is impossible because the satellite propagation is hinder by the earth curvature. Navareas / Metareas within the sea area A4 will be supplied with MSI by HF radiotelephony or radiotelex via a coast station. Geographic area messages and Inmarsat system messages The following is a list of the different types of MSI which can received with EGC receivers: All ships (general call); Navarea / Metarea warnings, MET forecast or Piracy warnings to Navarea or Metarea; Navigational, Meteorological or Piracy warnings to a circular or rectangular area; Search and Rescue coordination to ships to a circular or rectangular area; Shore-to-ship distress alerts to a circular area; Coastal warnings include the following type of messages: Navigational warnings; Meteorological warnings; Ice reports; Search and rescue information, acts of piracy warnings, tsunami and other natural phenomena; Meteorological forecasts; Pilot and VTS service messages; I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 258 AIS service messages (non navigational aid); LORAN system messages; GNSS messages; Other electronic navigational aid messages; Other Navigational warnings (additional to Navigational warnings); No messages on hand. To avoid excessive duplication of broadcasts, the IMO has authorised the following arrangements: For a given Navarea 7 Metarea or other area, which is covered by more than one Ocean Region satellite, scheduled broadcasts of MSI, such as navigational warnings and meteorological information, are made only via a single nominated satellite/Ocean Region. For a Navarea / Metarea or other area, which is covered by more than one Ocean Region satellite, unscheduled broadcasts of MSI, such as gale warnings, distress alert relays, search and rescue coordination are made via all satellites/Ocean Regions which cover the area concerned. SafetyNET offers the ability to address MSI to a given geographical area. The area may be fixed, as IMO defined Navareas and Metareas coastal warning area or it may be a user defined circular or rectangular area. MSI is submitted for broadcast using three priorities: Safety – Priority 1, Urgency – Priority 2 and Distress- Priority 3. Aboard ships MSI messages are received by Inmarsat-C and mini-C type-approved maritime terminals with EGC SafetyNET capability (see Figure 113). I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 259 Figure 113: Geographical EGC transmission Information providers authorized to broadcast messages (MSI) through a CES and NCS to SESs which are equipped with an EGC receive capability. (See Figure 114) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 260 Navigational Warnings Meteorological Warnings SAR Information Other urgent/safety information’s Maritime Safety Information (International and national co-ordination) Co-ordinated Broadcast Services Area A Area B Area C Network Co-ordination Station (NCS) Figure 114: EGC information line I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc Area D HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 261 The text below shows a typical safety message broadcasted via Inmarsat-C EGC LES 102 - MSG 7698 - MetWarn/Fore Safety Call to Area: 1 - PosOK STRATOS CSAT 1-MAY-2011 05:44:00 606085 NAVAREA ONE 044 ENGLAND, EAST COAST Thames Estuary. Chart BA 1975. Black Deep light-buoy moved to 51-47.79N 001-36.31E. Figure 115: EGC navigational warning The text below shows a typical urgent message broadcasted via Inmarsat-C EGC LES 112 - MSG 1140 - MetWarn/Fore Urgent Call to Area: 5 - PosOK NL BURUM LES 28-MAY-2011 15:36:29 831346 WARNING NR 074/2011 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 GMT - MON - 28/FEB/2011 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND E OF 035W STARTING AT 010000 GMT. WAVES FM NE/NW BECOMING SW/SE 3.0/4.0 METERS. VALID UNTIL 020600 GMT. Figure 116: EGC weather information The text below shows a typical Distress Relay broadcasted via Inmarsat-C EGC I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 262 LES 105 - MSG 5966 - SAR Distress Call to Area: 35+36 N 11+14 E – PosOK FM MRCC ROME - ITALIAN COAST GUARD TO ALL SHIPS TRANSITING IN SICILY CHANNEL IN ORDER TO PROTECT THE HUMAN LIFE AT SEA, YOU ARE KINDLY REQUESTED TO KEEP A SHARP LOOKOUT AND TO REPORT ANY SIGHTINGS OF BOATS WITH MIGRANTS ON BOARD TO MRCC ROME AT FOLLOWING NUMBERS: PHONE: 0039 06 59084527 / 59084409 FAX: 0039 06 5922737 / 59084793 INM-C: 424744220 EMAIL: [email protected] Figure 117: EGC SAR information Classes of Inmarsat-C receiver types EGC SafetyNET (and FleetNET) broadcasts are received using Inmarsat-C or Inmarsat mini-C maritime terminals of different classes. Class 2 and 3 models provide EGC capability in addition to shore-to-ship and ship-to-shore messaging capability; class 0 are stand-alone EGC receivers only. (See Figure 118) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 263 Figure 118: Example of different Inmarsat-C classes EGC setup The EGC setup window (Figure 119) shows that additional Navareas / Metareas 2, 3 and 9 and Coastal warning areas A, B, C, E, F, K, M are selected to receive MSI. To be sure that this information will be received, it is necessary to check that the terminal is logged in to the nominated satellite. System Messages options is used to set up the terminal to receive Inmarsat “System” type EGC messages giving information about Inmarsat systems, planned outages, new services, etc. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 264 Figure 119: Inmarsat-C EGC set up window 6.10.4. MSI via VHF/MF/HF Maritime safety information is information which is necessary for the safety of navigation. This information’s includes SAR information, meteorological and navigational warnings as well as weather forecasts and weather analyses and charts. Coast stations may transmit MSI using radiotelex in the FEC mode on the following frequencies: 4210 kHz 6314 kHz 8416 kHz 12579 kHz 16806.5 kHz 19680.5 kHz 22376 kHz 26100.5 kHz Transmission times are given in the ITU List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations. Navigation and weather messages are also transmitted on R/T frequencies at the times indicated in the ITU List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations and in various national publications. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 265 6.11 The use and functions of portable VHF radio Antenna Display Volume Squelch Scan Knob Dual Watch Ch16 Switch Power Knob Light Mode On /Off Switch Figure 120: Maritime VHF handheld On/Off Switch: To push the On/Off button switch the device on or off Power Knob: Push this button to switch between Low and high power or 6W) Display: The display shows the current settings of Channel, Volume, Squelch, Transmitting power, Loudspeaker condition etc. Volume: Press Volume key and adjust the volume by pressing the navigate buttons up or down Scan Knob: Press and hold Scan key to scan all channels or set a channel and press and hold scan key Ch16 Switch: push to select ch 16 as fast as possible Squelch: Push squelch button to select squelch mode than adjust with navigation buttons Dual Watch: Press and hold D/W button to select dual watch of selected channel and channel 16. Light Mode: Backlight on/off and light mode select I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc (1W HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 266 Portable maritime VHF handheld radios can be used for two purposes: For distress communications between the mother vessel and lifesaving appliances and between lifesaving appliances. For on board communications between the controlling station and slave stations and between slave stations. Primary emergency batteries are to be stored and sealed for emergency situations and a secondary rechargeable battery must be used only for daily on board communication in the portable VHF transceiver. 6.11.1. Practical tasks Done? Change channel Change power settings Switch between International channels an US channels Switch on and off the dual watch function Operate Volume and Squelch control Change Battery Table 26: VHF PORTABLE practical training tasks I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 267 6.12 Portable VHF aeronautical radio for 121,5 and 123,1 MHz Antenna Channel Selector Volume Squelch PTT Microphon e 121,5 Indicator TX Indicator On/Off Switch Volume Battery Pack Channel Selector Figure 121: Portable VHF aeronautical radio On/Off Switch: To push the On/Off button switch the device on or off Channel Selector: Select between two different frequencies (121,5 MHz and 123,1 MHz) 121,5 Indicator: 121,5 MHz indicator LED is on if 121,5 MHz is select by the channel selector Volume: Adjust volume by pulling the volume adjusting dial. The small screen indicates the level of volume Squelch: Adjust squelch by rotate the adjusting dial. The small screen indicates the level TX Indicator: The indicator LED is on while pressing the Push To Talk (PTT) button PTT Push to talk button. Push if you wish to talk. : Microphone: Speak into the microphone while pushing the PTT Light Mode: Change Battery Pack by pressing two buttons if the battery is empty I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 268 This portable VHF aero transceiver is a battery operated 200mW carrier AM transceiver for the VHF air band (118-137MHz) covering the two frequencies 121.5MHz and 123.1MHz. The unit is specially designed and manufactured as an emergency two way transceiver for communication with aircrafts and it is part of carriage requirements for passenger vessels. 7. Other Systems used on board 7.1. Ultra High Frequency (UHF) handhelds UHF handhelds are used for on board communications. They are working in the frequency range around 457MHz and 467 MHz. They are especially qualified for communications within the superstructure and between the decks house, the engine room or cargo holds of a vessel. 7.2 Automatic Identification System AIS is an automatic tracking system used on ships and by VTS identifying and locating vessels by electronically exchanging data with other nearby ships, AIS base stations and satellites. Information provided by AIS equipment such as unique identification (MMSI), position, course and speed can be displayed on a screen or ECDIS (See figure XXX). AIS is intended to assist a vessel`s watch standing and allow officers and maritime authorities to track and monitor vessel movements and to avoid collisions. The ECDIS screen shows several ships (triangles) with their identities (MMSI) and courses. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 269 Figure 122: ECDIS screen with AIS signals 7.3. Ship Security Alert System The ship security alert system, when activated in case of e.g. piracy or armed attack, shall: Initiate and transmit a ship to shore security alert to a competent authority designated by the Administration, which in these circumstances may include the Company, identifying the ship, its location and indicating that the security of the ship is under threat or has been compromised; Not send the ship security alert to any other ships; Not raise any alarm on-board the ship; Continue the ship security alert until deactivated and/or reset The ship security alert system shall be capable of being activated from the navigation bridge and in at least one other location. The alarm should be send via a reliable and suitable communication system. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 270 8. Search and Rescue operation Figure 123: Basic concept of the GMDSS The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the IMO coordinate, on a global basis, member states efforts to provide SAR services. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 271 The aim is to provide an effective worldwide system, so that wherever people sail or fly, SAR services will be available if needed. The overall approach that each state takes in establishing, providing, and improving SAR services is influenced by the fact that these efforts are an integral part of a global SAR system. 8.1. The role of the Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre The SAR Convention (1979) established the need for centres assigned with the task of co-ordinating rescue operations on a regional basis to be known as Maritime Rescue Coordination Centres. Under this Convention, the World’s oceans were divided into areas or SAR regions for search and rescue purposes, for which contracting coastal states were to be responsible (See Figure 124) Figure 124: Example of SAR regions The RCC is an operational facility responsible for conducting an efficient organization of SAR services and for co-ordinating the carrying out of SAR operations within an Search and Rescue Region (SRR) SAR action in response to any distress situation is achieved through co-operation among SAR Administrations. The MRCC nearest the distress incident will normally acknowledge the distress alert and assume responsibility for SAR co-ordination. A RCC co-ordinates, but does not necessarily provide SAR facilities throughout the internationally recognized SRR as described in the global SAR plan of the IMO. 8.1.1. Maritime rescue organisations A search and rescue organization shall be established for the provision of search and rescue services in accordance with the IMO International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979, as amended, and the Convention on International Civil Aviation. The competent national authorities shall be responsible for the provisions of their search and rescue services. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 272 During search and rescue operations, the competent national authorities shall be entitled to call for the collaboration and support of other Government services. Questions of the assignment of costs, connected with the conduct of a search and rescue operations, shall not be allowed to interfere with its prompt and effective execution by the departments in charge. States being party to the SOLAS Convention, the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, and the Convention on International Civil Aviation, have accepted the obligation to provide aeronautical and maritime SAR coordination services for their territories, territorial seas, and where appropriate, the high seas. SAR services must be available on a 24 hour basis. To carry out these responsibilities, a State should either establish a national SAR organization, or join one or more other States to form a regional SAR organization. In some areas an effective and practical way to achieve this goal is to develop a regional system associated with a major ocean area and continent. Maritime SRR’s are published in the IMO SAR plan. The purpose of having SRR’s is to clearly define who has primary responsibility for co-ordinating responses to distress situations in every area of the world, which is especially important for an automatic routing of distress alerts to responsible RCC’s. 8.1.2. Knowledge of SAR systems worldwide The SAR system, like any other system, has individual components that must work together to provide the overall service. Each SRR is associated with an RCC. The goal of ICAO and IMO conventions relating to SAR is to establish a global SAR system. Operationally, the global SAR system relies upon States to establish their national SAR system and then co-ordinate provision of their services with other States for Worldwide coverage. The primary system components are: communications throughout the SRR and with external SAR services an RCC for the coordination of SAR services if necessary, one or more Rescue Sub Centre (RSC) to support an RCC within its SRR SAR facilities, including SRU’s (SAR Units) with specialised equipment and trained personnel, as well as other resources which can to be used to conduct SAR operations. On-Scene Co-ordinator (OSC) assigned, as necessary, for co-ordinating the onscene activities of all participating facilities support facilities that provide service in support of SAR operations. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 273 8.2 International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual ICAO and IMO have jointly developed a manual to foster co-operation between themselves, between neighbouring states and between aeronautical and maritime Authorities on SAR. There are three volumes of the IAMSAR Manual. These volumes provide guidelines for a common aviation and maritime approach to organizing and providing SAR services. Each IAMSAR Manual volume is written with specific SAR system duties in mind, and can be used as a stand-alone document, or, in conjunction with the other two volumes, as a means to attain a full view of the SAR system. The Manual will assist those responsible for establishing, managing, and supporting SAR services to understand the: functions and importance of SAR services; relationships between global, regional, and national aspects of SAR; components and support infrastructure essential for SAR; training needed to coordinate, conduct, and support SAR operations, communications functions and requirements for SAR; basic principles of managing and improving SAR services to ensure success. Volume I is the Organization and Management volume and discusses the global SAR system concept, establishment and improvement of national and regional SAR systems, and co-operation with neighbouring States to provide effective and economical SAR services. Volume II the Mission Co-ordination volume assists personnel who plan and coordinate SAR operations and exercises. Volume III is the Mobile Facilities volume and is intended to be carried aboard rescue units, aircraft, and vessels to help with performance to search, rescue, or OSC functions, and with aspects of SAR that pertain to their own emergencies. 8.3 The role and method of use of ship reporting systems Various states have implemented ship reporting systems. A ship reporting system enables the Search and Rescue Mission Co-ordinator (SMC) to quickly know the approximate positions, courses and speeds of vessels in the vicinity of a distress situation by means of a Surface Picture (SURPIC), and other information about the vessel which may be valuable, e.g., whether a doctor is aboard, know how to contact the vessels, improve possibility for rapid aid during emergencies, reduce the number I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 274 of calls for assistance to vessels unfavourably located to respond and reduce the response time to provide assistance. Masters of vessels should be encouraged to send regular reports to the Authority operating a ship reporting system for SAR. Ships are a key SAR resource for RCCs, the reporting systems enable them to quickly identify the capable vessel which will be least harmed by a diversion, enabling other vessels in the vicinity to be unaffected. A list of many of the ship reporting systems is listed in the IAMSAR Manual Vol II. 8.3.1. Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel Rescue System (AMVER) AMVER is a worldwide system operated exclusively to support SAR and make information available to all RCCs. The AMVER System has been implemented in the US since 1958, it is operated by the United States Coast Guard and it provides important aid to the development and co-ordination of Search and Rescue efforts. On demand, the SAR authorities are quickly informed on the position and characteristics of vessels near a reported distress situation. AMVER’s greatest use is in providing SURPIC’s to RCC’s. A SURPIC either lists latitude/longitude or provides a graphical display of vessels near the position of a distress situation. Merchant vessels of 1000 gross tons or more on any voyage of greater than 24 hours should participate. In general, international participation is voluntary regardless of owner‘s nationality or vessels flag, voyage origin, or destination. To register and participate in AMVER “ships” have to complete the SAR(Q)form: http://www.amver.com/sarqform.asp. AMVER participants will note the basic format for AMVER reports corresponds to the IMO standard. There are four types of AMVER reports: Sailing Plan (AMVER/SP//) The Sailing Plan contains complete routing information and should be sent within a few hours before, upon, or within a few hours after departure. Position Report (AMVER/PR//) The Position Report should be sent within 24 hours of departure and subsequently at least every 48 hours until arrival. The destination should be included. Deviation Report (AMVER/DR//) The Deviation Report should be sent as soon as any voyage information changes, which could affect AMVER’s ability to accurately predict the vessel’s position. Changes in course or speed due to weather, ice, change in I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 275 destination, or any other deviations from the original Sailing Plan should be reported as soon as possible. Arrival Report (AMVER/FR//) The Arrival report should be sent upon arrival at the sea buoy or port of destination. Reporting Format: Each AMVER message consists of report lines. There are 15 types of lines. The first line begins with the word “AMVER” followed by a slash (/), a two letter code identifies the report type and ends with a double slash (//), as shown below. Each remaining line begins with a specific letter followed by a slash to identify the line type. The remainder of each line contains one or more date fields separated by single slashes. Each line ends with a double slash. All reports should end with an end-of-report (Z) line. This Z-line has been new added to facilitate automatic processing of AMVER reports, because the information required for position and Deviation Reports has been increased, as recommended by numerous participants, to ensure enough information is provided to keep AMVER accurate. Example for a Sailing Report: AMVER/SP// A/SANDY JOAN/KGJF// B/240635Z MAR// E/045// F/198// G/TOKYO/3536N/13946E// I/LOS ANGELES/3343N/11817W/031300Z APR// L/GC/210/4200N/18000E/280400Z// L/RL/200/4200N/16000W/300030Z// L/RL/161// M/JCS// V/MD/NURSE// X/NEXT REPORT 250800Z// Y/JASREP/MAREP// Z/EOR// A/vessels name/radio call sign// B/date and time// E/current course // F/estimated average speed// G/port of departure/lat/long// I/destination/lat/long/eta// L/route information lines// M/current coastal radio station or satellite number V/onboard medical resources// X/up to 65 characters of amplifying comments Y/relay instructions// Z/end of report// The lines M,V,X and Y are optional items, Y line is required for US vessels. Transmission of messages: The following methods are recommended for ships to transmit AMVER reports: E-mail: If a ship already has an inexpensive means of sending electronic mail to an internet address, this is a preferred method. The messages may be sent to: I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 276 [email protected] or [email protected] .The e-mail path on shore to the AMVER center is free, but the communications service provider may still charge from ship to shore. AMVER/SEAS “Compressed Message” via INMARSAT-C via Telenor: Ships must be equipped with INMARSAT-C transceiver with floppy drive and capability to transmit a binary file. Ships must have an IBM-compatible computer with an interface between the computer and the INMARSAT transceiver. The AMVER/SEAS Software can be downloaded free of charge from the internet at: http://seas.amverseas.noaa.gov/seas The AMVER address is: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the phone number must be entered in the address book of the INMASRSAT-C transceiver. Ships that meet the system requirements may send combined AMVER/Weather observation messages free of charge via Telenor Land Earth Stations at: 001 (Southbury) AORW, 101 (Southbury)–AORE, 201 (Santa Paula)-POR, 321 (Aussaguel) IOR. HF Radio-telex Service of USCG Communication Stations: Information how to send AMVER messages this way can be found at: http://www.navcen.uscg.gov/marcomms/cgcomms/call.htm HF Radio at no cost via USCG contractual agreements with the following companies: Mobile marine radio (WLO) Mobile (WCL) Marina Del Ray (KNN) Seattle (KLB) Telex: AMVER Address: (0) (230) 127594 AMVERNYK AMVER reports may be filed via telex using either satellite (code 43) or HF radio. Ships must pay the tariffs for satellite communications. Fax: Fax number to the USCG Operations System Center (OSC) in Martinsburg, West Virginia: (01) (304) 264-2505 Stations which accept AMVER messages are listed e.g. in Admiralty List of Radio Signals Vol 1. Further information on the AMVER program may be obtained from: I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 277 United States Coast Guard AMVER Maritime Relations Office USCG Battery Park Building 1 South Street 2. Floor New York, NY 10004-1499 U.S.A. Tel: +1 212 668-7764 Fax: (212)668-7684 Telex: 127594 AMVERNYK Mail:[email protected] 8.3.2. Japanese Ship Reporting System (JASREP) The JASREP System provides up-to-date information on the movements of vessels in order, in the event of a distress incident: to reduce interval between the loss of contact with a vessel and the initiation of search and rescue operations in cases where no distress signal has been received; to permit rapid determination may be called upon to provide of vessels which can assist to permit delineation of a search area of limited size in case the position of a vessel in distress is unknown or uncertain; to facilitate the provision of urgent medical assistance or advice to vessels not carrying a doctor The JASREP is compatible with the AMVER system with which the Japan Coast Guard co-operate in information exchange on the ships positions for search and rescue purposes. Any ship regardless of tonnage, flag or type may participate in the JASREP System as far as she is within the service area. The approximate service area is the sea enclosed by the parallel of latitude 17° N and the meridian of longitude 165° E The participation is voluntary. There are four types of JASREP reports: sailing plan position report deviation report final report The formats of the reports are nearly the same as described above with AMVER. Participation in this system initiates when a ship sends her sailing plan and terminates when the ship sends her final report to Japan Coast Guard. If no position report or final report is received from a participant in no less than 27 hours subsequently the previous port, Japan Coast Guard will verify the safety. Depending on circumstances, SAR operations will be initiated and hence position reports and final reports must be sent without fail. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 278 Reports should be sent to a Japanese coast station. These stations may be called on VHF or 2189,5 KHz (DSC), other means such as telex or Email may be used. 8.3.3. Australian Ship Reporting System (AUSREP) AUSREP was established in 1973 in accordance with SOLAS as a result of an incident where a trading ship was lost off the west coast of Tasmania. This reporting system is operated by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) through the Australian Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC Australia) in Canberra. Ships trading in the Australian region could notify the authorities of their planned routes and itineraries. AUSREP is mandatory for certain ships but other commercial ships visiting Australia or transiting Australian waters are encouraged to participate voluntarily. Vessels required to participate in the AUSREP system are: All Australian registered ships engaged in interstate or overseas trade and commerce, while in the AUSREP area. Ships not registered in Australia, but engaged in the coasting trade between Australia and the external territories, or between external territories, while in the AUSREP area. Foreign ships, from their arrival at their first Australian port, until their departure from their final Australian port. However, they are encouraged from their entry into and final departure from the AUSREP area. Australian fishing vessels proceeding on overseas voyages, while in the AUSREP area (excluding Queensland-New Guinea voyages). The area of coverage for AUSREP and for the Australian SRR are identical. AUSREP is a positive reporting system which means that, should an expected report not be received, action including worldwide communication checks, alerting of ships in the vicinity and possible launching of search aircraft will be initiated. Ships participating in AUSREP are required to provide several reports: sailing plans position reports deviation reports final reports Primary means of communication for reporting purposes are Inmarsat-C using special access code (SAC 1243 via the Perth CES (Pacific 212 or Indian 312)), HF or other Inmarsat Communication as phone/fax/telex services. One method to send the Position Reports is Inmarsat-C polling, masters of vessels being polled will still be required to send sailing plans, deviation reports and final reports so that the system integrity is maintained. Masters are asked not to send manual Position Reports unless polling is unavailable. More details on the AUSREP system may be obtained in the information booklet published by AMSA, or from the RCC direct by telephone. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 279 8.3.4. Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships (LRIT) In May 2006, the IMO adopted resolutions of the 81st Maritime safety Committee which made amendments to the SOLAS 74 and introduced the establishment of the Long Range Identification and Tracking System for reasons related to national security. The main purpose of the LRIT ship position reports is to enable a contracting Government to obtain ship identity and location information in sufficient time to evaluate the security risk. The LRIT system is mandatory since 31st December 2008 for all passenger ships, cargo ships of over 300 gross tonnes, high speed crafts and mobile offshore drilling units. The LRIT system consists of: the satellite communication equipment already installed on board ship, Communications service providers (CSP), Application service providers (ASP), LRIT data centres, the LRIT distribution plan and the International LRIT data exchange. A ship in transit sends a position report via its shipborne equipment (Inmarsat-C, D+, Iridium or HF). The message includes the shipborne equipment identifier, positional data latitude and longitude, and the date and time of the transmission and must be sent 4 times a day (every 6 hours). The frequency of messages can be changed to a maximum of once every 15 minutes through a user request. The CSP operates the satellites and the communication infrastructure and services to link the various parts of the LRIT system, using communication protocols in order to ensure the end-to-end secure transfer of the LRIT information. The data is then transmitted to the ASP. The ASP completes the LRIT information of the vessel by adding the ship identity (IMO and MMSI number) as well as the date and time the position report is received and forwarded by the ASP. The extended message is then passed to a LRIT Data Centre. These centres are a system of National, Regional and Cooperative LRIT Data Centres, they collect and distribute data to Contacting Governments and Search and Rescue services according to the Data Distribution Plan, which defines rules and rights for access (which users can receive which information). The Data Centres interact with the LRIT International Data exchange. Each administration should provide to the LRIT Data Centre it has selected, a list of the ships entitled to fly its flag, which are required to transmit LRIT information, together with other salient details and should update such lists when changes occur (see Figure 125) Ships should only transmit the LRIT information to the Data Centre selected by their administration. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 280 Figure 125: LRIT system I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 281 9. Miscellaneous skills communications 9.1. Use of English in written and oral form for safety communications and operational procedures for general It is recommended to use the English language to ensure a sufficient standard communication. It is very important that distress-, urgency- and safety traffic have to be conducted so that everybody involved receiving this information can understand it correctly. 9.1.1. Use of the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases The IMO has published in its “Standard Marine Communication Phrases” special phrases for different events to ensure that crew members involved understand the meaning of such phrases how they are really meant. 9.1.2. Use of the International Code of Signals If there is the risk that the standard communication phrases are not correctly understood the IMO International Code of Signals (INTERCO) can be consulted to bridge those difficulties. In case of phrases the code of signal uses codes consisting of one or more code groups of one or more letters followed by a figure describing a special situation. The use of the code of signals has to be announced by the word INTERCO Example: Code Meaning RB I am dragging my anchor RS No- one is allowed on board 9.1.3. Recognition of standard abbreviations and commonly used service codes (Q-Code) Certain situations in the traffic exchange can be expressed by so called “Q-codes”, consisting of three letters beginning with the letter “Q” which can be used as a question or a statement. The Q-codes are defined in the RRs and can additionally be found in appendix 6 of this compendium. Example: Q-Code QTH QRV Question What is your position? Are you ready (to communicate)? Statement My position is I am ready (to communicate) 9.1.4. Use of the International Phonetic Alphabet In radio telephony difficult words, proper names and code and figure groups have to be spelled in accordance with the International Phonetic Alphabet, which is defined in the RRs and can be found in appendix 5 of this compendium. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 282 9.2. Details of a radio telegram Although nowadays information can be exchanged by email or other media, radio telegrams did not completely lose their importance in the maritime mobile service. A radio telegram can consist of preamble, prefix, address, text and signature. For radio telegrams a minimum charge for 7 chargeable words is essential While conveying a radio telegram by radio telephony speaks slowly and clearly at all times so that the receiving station is able to write the telegram without demand. The different parts of a telegram should be announced as such before its transmission begins To avoid unnecessary demands proper names, difficult words and code groups have to be announced as repeated and spelled. Examples: TEXASCON AB12? I repeat and spell…Tango Echo Xray Alpha … It follows a mixed group, I spell Alpha Bravo One …. Figure 126: Example of spelling 9.2.1. The preamble The preamble is the official part of a telegram and contains ships name and call sign, number of telegram, number of words, date of post, time of post (mostly in UTC) and AAIC. The preamble is free of charge. Ships name Number Time Call sign Moby Dick / TKFA Date 4 13 / 12 Chargeable words 12 AAIC 0930 IS01 Counted words Figure 127: Preamble of a radio telegram Telegrams are numbered in a separate daily series to each station (Number). The number of words indicates the number of chargeable and counted words or groups of characters in the address, text and signature (chargeable/counted). Any word or group with more than ten characters is charged as two words. The date indicates the date of post in the current month, it needs not to be the date of transmission. The I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 283 time of post is not absolutely the transmission time. The AAIC indicates the authority which is responsible for the account of the telegram. 9.2.2. Prefix The prefix can be used to indicate a special type of telegram or its treatment, e.g. URGENT (conveyed with priority) OBS (meteorological observation) SLT (ship letter telegram) FAX xxxx (telegram delivery by fax) EMAIL xxxx (telegram delivery by email) 9.2.3. Different types of address The address of a telegram indicates to whom it will be delivered. There are two distinguished addresses: Full address Short address The full address contains information which is necessary to deliver the telegram to its consignee or addressee. The short address contains two words only. To ensure the delivery to the addressee an agreement between the appropriate administration and the addressee is necessary. 9.2.4. The text The text must consist of at least one word and can be composed in plain or coded language. 9.2.5. The signature A signature is voluntarily but it is required by some countries. 9.3. Procedure of traffic charging 9.3.1. The international charging and accounting system All public correspondence connected through terrestrial circuits or through satellite networks must be charged for. Charges for calls via coast stations can be found in the ITU List of Coast Stations or can be asked after finishing traffic exchange with a coast station Terrestrial charges may comprise: the land-line charge the Coast station Charge (CC) the ship charge any charges for special services I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 284 any local taxes e.g., Value Added Tax (VAT) In general, operator-connected calls have mostly a minimum 3 minutes charge and 1 minute incremental steps thereafter while automatic telephone and telex calls are cheaper because no operator is involved. A number of companies provide radio traffic accounting services worldwide. Shipping companies which want to take part in an unlimited public correspondence need to conclude an appropriate contract with one of the authorised accounting companies. It is the task of an accounting authority to guarantee that the institutions involved in the exchange of radio traffic get the charges they require. 9.3.2. The AAIC code and its use The AAIC designates a certain authorised accounting authority. Before transmitting chargeable radio traffic the ship station has to inform the coast station uncalled of its AAIC so that the administration will know which institution is responsible for accounting. 9.3.3. Coast station-, landline and ship station charge The total amount of chargeable radio communication consist of coast station charge, landline charge, and ship station charge (voluntarily by shipping companies) The coast station charge arises for the chargeable connection between the ship station and the coast station and it is due to the appropriate coast station. The Land Line charge (LL) arises between the coast station and subscriber ashore and is due to the land line administrations. The ship station charge can arise on request of the ship’s owner. 9.3.4. Currencies used for the account of international radio communications Different Administrations use different virtual currencies when dealing with radio traffic charges. These currencies are usually the Special Drawing Right (SDR) or Goldfranc (Gfr). The purpose of these virtual currencies is to avoid heavy loss or benefits when the exchange rate of a national currency falls or rises. 9.3.5. Inmarsat communication charging systems When an SES sends a message or makes a call via a Coast Earth Station Operator (CESO), that CESO will invoice the total cost of the call to the company which has been contracted to act as intermediary by the SES owner/shipping company. This intermediary company can be either an accounting authority or an Inmarsat service provider (ISP). I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 285 If an ISP is selected, the SES operated by the customer is only allowed to use the CESs that have a contract with that ISP in the mobile to fixed direction. In the fixed to mobile direction, all CESs will provide access to all SESs assigned with an ISP billing arrangement. An Inmarsat ISP is an entity which has established a contract with one or more CESOs to promote and retail the services of the contracted CESO to end users. It can be used as an alternative to an AA for all SESs that are intended solely for commercial use and not to be used for distress and safety purposes. Inmarsat will only accept ISPs that have been authorised by at least one CESO If an AA is selected, the customer is allowed access to all CESs, and AAs are required as a matter of procedure to pay all the CESs where the traffic was generated. Maritime customers who intend to use the CES for distress and safety must select an AA. Inmarsat accepts only those accounting authorities that have been officially notified to the ITU for the country of registration of the SES. Normally each country has an administrative body or licensing authority such as the Ministry of Communications, which approves who can be an Accounting Authority and informs the ITU of whom it has approved. The ITU regularly publishes a List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments ( see 0) which lists the names and addresses of all approved AAs. The billing and settlement process in use today for a ship-to-shore call via the Inmarsat system is described below and is also illustrated in Figure 128 When a ship makes a call via the Inmarsat network, routing through several different stages is involved. These stages include the satellite link to a selected CESO (known as the ‘space segment’), the coast earth station operated by an CESO and the terrestrial lines (possibly in more than one country) to the final destination. When a ship makes a call through a CESO, the CESO checks the SES in it’s database to determine with which accounting company the SES has an agreement. The CESO calculates the cost of the call including the space segment and landline charges and then invoices that accounting company. The accounting company invoices the SES owner for the total consolidated amount plus any handling charge that has already been agreed with the owner. Details of the charges made by an accounting company for its service may be obtained directly from the billing entity (AA or ISP). The accounting company pays the individual amounts due to each CESO and the owner must pay the billing entity. Inmarsat separately invoices each CESO for the use of the space segment. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 286 Figure 128: Inmarsat billing The Inmarsat network charges for calls made via the Inmarsat-B, -M and mini-M services in a similar way to HF/MF radiotelephony, for which calls are charged by the length of the call. The charging unit used by coast earth station operators is either six seconds or one minute. An Inmarsat-C message is charged by the size of the message and not the duration and is charged in units of either 256 bits or 1,024 bits To find approximately how long a data message will take to send using the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) 8 bit format, divide the total number of bits in the message by the data transmitted through the Inmarsat service; this will give you the time in seconds. This is valid only once the call has been established and the modems have finished negotiating (approximately 20 seconds): 1 character = 8 bits = 1 byte. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 287 Computer data (for example, a message comprising text and numbers) is often measured in kilobits, where: 1 kilobit (kbit) = 1,024 bits = 128 characters (bytes) = (approx) 25 words. 1 A4 page full of text = (approx) 2,500 characters = 20 kbits. Telex communication uses a different set of character codes, known as ITA2 (International Telegraph Alphabet 2). Each ITA2 character consists of five data bits, plus one start bit, and 1.5 stop bits (7.5 bits in all). At the standard rate of 50 bits per second, this makes the speed of telex communication 400 characters per minute. When a land-based subscriber makes a call to an Inmarsat SES, the call will be routed via his or her local telecommunications supplier to a CESO with which the supplier has an agreement. If the local supplier is also a CES operator, the call will be directly connected through its own CES. Unlike a ship-originated call, the local supplier to which the caller subscribes is responsible for calculating and invoicing the total cost of the call. The Inmarsat Fleet 77 offers a more convenient and cost-effective digital technology for seafarers with the introduction of the Mobile Packet Data Service (MPDS). This technology splits up data into small packets sent through channels shared by other users. The users are charged by the amount of data sent not by the time they spend online using the connection. In this way it is possible to be connected all the time and pay only for the data transmitted. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 288 Appendix 1: Voice procedures Urgent Call Urgent message Cancellation of an urgent message Safety Call DSC Voice Procedure MAYDAY Name / CS or MMSI des Havaristen this is Name / CS received MAYDAY MAYDAY Unkas/dgku or MMSI this is Europa/dlal received MAYDAY MAYDAY RELAY MAYDAY RELAY MAYDAY RELAY Coast Station Name 3X this is Name Name Name /CS /MMSI following received on ch 16 at 1530 UTC or following in position observerd MAYDAY RELAY MAYDAY RELAY MAYDAY RELAY Lyngby Rdo Lyngby Rdo Lyngby Rdo this is Dakota Dakota Dakota/DCDL 211 231 450 following received on ch 16 at 1530 UTC or following in position observerd Voice Procedure Voice Procedure all stations, all stations, all stations this is Name Name Name / CS /MMSI please cancel my distress alert of today time .... UTC all stations, all stations, all stations this is Unkas Unkas Unkas /dgku 211 231 450 please cancel my distress alert of today 1700 UTC MAYDAY all stations, all stations, all stations this is Name Name Name /CS /MMSI at time in UTC Name and CS SILENCE FINI MAYDAY all stations, all stations, all stations this is Europa Europa Europa/dlal 211 321 560 at 1730 UTC Unkas/dgku SILENCE FINI PANPAN PANPAN PANPAN all stations, all stations, all stations this is Name Name Name /CS /MMSI PANPAN PANPAN PANPAN all stations, all stations, all stations this is Unkas Unkas Unkas/dgku 211 231 450 TEXT in position……. PANPAN PANPAN PANPAN all stations, all stations, all stations this is Name Name Name /CS /MMSI cancel my urgency message of day/time master PANPAN PANPAN PANPAN all stations, all stations, all stations this is Unkas Unkas Unkas/dgku 211 231 450 cancel my urgency message of day/time master SECURITE SECURITE SECURITE all stations, all stations, all stations this is Name Name Name /CS /MMSI SECURITE SECURITE SECURITE all stations, all stations, all stations this is Unkas Unkas Unkas/dgku 211 231 450 TEXT … TEXT … Europa/dlal 211 321 560 this is Unkas/dgku 211 231 450 how do you read me? Rogaland Rdo this is Unkas/dgku 211 231 450 how do you read me? DSC Voice Procedure Neptun SILENCE MAYDAY Ship - Ship Calling Name / CS / MMSI this is Name / CS / MMSI Question Ship - Coast Station Calling Coast Station Name this is Name / CS / MMSI Question I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc MAYDAY Unkas/dgdu 211 231 450 Text… Name, CS or all stations SILENCE MAYDAY DSC Voice Procedure Safety message DSC Voice Procedure End of Distress Voice Procedure Canellation of a false distress alert DSC Voice Procedure Imposing Silence MAYDAY Unkas/dgdu 211 231 450 position - Text … MAYDAY Name / CS / MMSI Text… Voice Procedure Distress Message MAYDAY Name / CS / MMSI position - Text … CS = Callsign Distress relay Call Example MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY this is Unkas Unkas Unkas /dgku 211 231 450 DSC = First alert or nnouncement via DSC Acknowledgement Voice Procedure Distress Message DSC Voice Procedure Distress Call Procedure MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY this is Name Name Name /CS /MMSI Rdo = Radio Distress-, Urgent-, Safety- and Routine Voice Procedure Kind of calling Appendix 2: Morse code table Letters A ._ N _. B _... O ___ C _._. P .__. D _.. Q __._ E . R ._. F .._. S ... G __. T _ H .... U .._ I .. V ..._ J .___ W .__ K _._ X _.._ L ._.. Y _.__ M __ Z __.. 1 .____ 6 _.... 2 ..___ 7 __... 3 ...__ 8 ___.. 4 ...._ 9 ____. 5 ..... 0 _____ Numbers I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 290 Appendix 3: Phonetic alphabet and figure code When it is necessary to spell out call signs, service abbreviations and words, the following letter spelling table shall be used: Letter to be transmitted A Code word to be used Spoken as1 Alfa AL FAH B Bravo BRAH VOH C Charlie D Delta CHAR LEE or SHAR LEE DELL TAH E Echo ECK OH F Foxtrot FOKS TROT G Golf GOLF H Hotel HOH TELL I India IN DEE AH J Juliett JEW LEE ETT K Kilo KEY LOH L Lima LEE MAH M Mike MIKE N November NO VEM BER O Oscar OSS CAH P Papa PAH PAH Q Quebec KEH BECK R Romeo ROW ME OH S Sierra SEE AIR RAH T Tango TANG GO U Uniform V Victor YOU NEE FORM or OO NEE FORM VIK TAH W Whiskey WISS KEY X X-ray ECKS RAY Y Yankee YANG KEY Z Zulu ZOO LOO 1 The syllables to be emphasized are underlined. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 291 When it is necessary to spell out figures or marks, the following table shall be used: Figure or mark to be transmitted 0 Code word to be used Spoken as2 Nadazero NAH-DAH-ZAY-ROH 1 Unaone OO-NAH-WUN 2 Bissotwo BEES-SOH-TOO 3 Terrathree TAY-RAH-TREE 4 Kartefour KAR-TAY-FOWER 5 Pantafive PAN-TAH-FIVE 6 Soxisix SOK-SEE-SIX 7 Setteseven SAY-TAY-SEVEN 8 Oktoeight OK-TOH-AIT 9 Novenine NO-VAY-NINER Decimal point Decimal DAY-SEE-MAL Full stop Stop STOP However, stations of the same country, when communicating between themselves, may use any other table recognized by their administration. 2 Each syllable should be equally emphasized. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 292 Appendix 4: Q-Codes Commercial working Code Question Answer/Advice QOB Can you communicate on R/T (2182 I can communicate on R/T (2182 kHz) kHz)? QOC Can you (channel 16)? communicate in R/T I can communicate on R/T (channel 16) QOD Can you communicate in ... I can communicate in .... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. Dutch English French German Greek 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Italian Japanese Norwegian Russian Spanish Dutch English French German Greek 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Italian Japanese Norwegian Russian Spanish QOL Is your vessel fitted for reception of My vessel is fitted for reception of selective selective calls; if so, what is your selective calls; my selective call number/signal is ... call number/signal? QOM On what frequencies can your vessel My vessel can be reached by selective call be reached by selective call? on frequencies ... (at ... time) by elective call QOO Can you send on any working I can send on any working frequency. My frequency? QRA What is your station station identification is ... identification? QRB What is the distance between our The distance between our stations is ... My stations? QRC What is your accounting accounting authority is ... authority? QRD Where are you coming from and I am coming from ... and bound for ... where are you bound for? QRE What is your estimated time of My estimated time of arrival (ETA) is ... arrival? QRJ How many telephone calls have you I have ... telephone calls to book. booked? QRK What is the intelligibility of my signals The signal intelligibility is ... (or those of another station)? 1. bad 4. good 2. poor 5. excellent 3. fair I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 293 Code Question Answer/Advice QRL Are you busy I am busy/I am busy with ... (NAME/CALL SIGN). Please do not interfere. QRM Is my transmission being interfered Your transmission is being interfered with... with? QRN Are you troubled by static (noise)? I am being troubled by static ... 1. nil 4. severely 2. slightly 5. extremely 3. moderately QRT Shall I stop sending? Stop sending. QRU Do you have anything for me? I have nothing for you. QRV Are you ready? I am ready. QRX When will you call again? I will call again at ... hours on ... KHz/ MHz. QRY What is my turn (to send traffic)? QRZ Who is calling me? Your turn is number ... You are called by ... (on ... KHz/MHz). QSL Can you acknowledge receipt? I am acknowledging receipt. QSM Shall I repeat the last telegram(s)? Repeat the last telegram(s) (give sequence number) QSP Will you relay to ... (NAME/CALL I will relay to (NAME/CALL SIGN) ... free of SIGN)? charge QSW Will you send on this frequency/... I am going to send on this frequency/... KHz/MHz (with class of emission ...)? kHz/MHz (with class of emission ...) QSQ Have you a doctor/other named I have a doctor/named person on board person on board? QSY Shall I transmit on another frequency? Change transmission on another frequency (or on ... KHz/MHz) QTC How many telegrams do you have to I have ... telegrams for you (or NAME/ send? CALL/SIGN) QTH What is your exact position? I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc My exact position is ... (latitude/lingituse, etc.) HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 294 Code Question Answer/Advice QTI* What is your TRUE course? My TRUE course is ... degrees QTJ* What is your speed? My speed is ... knots QTL* What is your TRUE heading? My TRUE heading is ... degrees QTQ Can you communicate with my station by means of the International Code of Signals (INTERCO)? QTR What is the exact time? I am going to communicate with your station by means of the International Code of Signals (INTERCO). The exact time is ... hours QUX Do you have any navigational I have the following warnings or gale warnings in force? warnings in force ... navigational/gale Q-Codes – Distress & Safety/Search & Rescue Code Question Answer/Advice QOE Have you received the Safety signal I have received the Safety signal sent by sent by ... (NAME/CALL SIGN)? (NAME/CALL SIGN) QSE* What is the estimated drift of the The estimated drift of the survival craft is survival craft? (figures and units). QSF* Have you effected rescue? I have effected rescue and am proceeding to ... base (with ... persons injured requiring ambulance) QTD* What has the rescue vessel/air-craft ... (NAME/CALL SIGN) has recovered ... recovered? 1. ... (number) of survivors 2. wreckage 3. ... (number) of bodies QTW* What survivors? is the condition of the Survivors are in .... condition and urgently need QTY* Are you proceeding to the position of I am proceeding to the position of the the incident; if so, when will arrive? incident and expect to arrive at (time/date) QTZ* Are you continuing to search? I am continuing the search for (aircraft, ship, survival craft, survivors or wreckage. QUD Have you received the Urgency signal I have received the Urgency signal sent by sent by (NAME/CALL SIGN)? .... (NAME/CALL SIGN) at ... hours. QUE Have you received the Distress signal I have received the Distress signal sent by I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 295 Code Question Answer/Advice sent by (NAME/CALL SIGN)? .... (NAME/CALL SIGN) at ... hours. QUM May I resume normal working? Normal working may be resumed. QUN To all stations: Will vessels in my vicinity/in the vicinity of My position, TRUE course and speed are ... .... /latitude/longitude, etc.) please indicate their position, TRUE course and speed? To single station: Please indicate your position, TRUE course and speed? QUO* Shall I search for ... 1. aircraft 2. ship 3. survival craft in the vicinity of ... (latitude/longitude etc.)? Please search for ... 1. aircraft 2. ship 3. survival craft in the vicinity of ... (latitude/longitude etc.) QUP* Will you indicate your position by? 1. search light 2. black smoke trail 3. pyrotechnic lights My position is indicated by 1. search light 2. black smoke trail 3. pyrotechnic lights QUR* Have survivors ... 1. received survival equipment 2. been picked up by rescue vessel 3. been reached by ground rescue party? Survivors ... 1. received survival equipment 2. been picked up by rescue vessel 3. been reached by ground rescue party? QUS* Have you sighted survivors/wreck- Position of incidents is marked by ... age; if so, in what position? 1. survivors in water 2. survivors in rafts 3. wreckage QUT* Is position of incident marked? Position of incident is marked by ... 1. flame or smoke float 2. sea marker 3. sea marker dye 4. other QUU* Shall I home ship/aircraft to my Home ship/aircraft ... (NAME/CALL SIGN) position? By sending on ... KHz/MHz. QUW* Are you in search area designated I am in the ... (designated) search area. as ... (designator, latitude/longitude, etc.)? QUY* Is position of survival draft marked? I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc Position of survival draft was marked at ... HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 296 Code Question Answer/Advice at hours by ... 1. flame or smoke float 2. sea marker 3. sea marker dye 4. other QUZ* May I resume restricted working? I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc Distress phase is still in force; restricted working may be resumed. HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 297 Appendix 5: Frequencies used for DSC The frequencies used for distress, urgency, and safety purposes using DSC are as follows (RR Appendix 15): 2 187.5 kHz 4 207.5 kHz 6 312 kHz 8 414.5 kHz 12 577 kHz 16 804.5 kHz 156.525 MHz (Note 1) Note 1 – The frequency 156.525 MHz may also be used for DSC purposes other than distress, urgency, and safety. The frequencies assignable on an international basis to ship and coast stations for DSC, for purposes other than distress, urgency, and safety, are as follows (see Note 2): 2.1 Ship stations (see Note 2) 458.5 2.2 kHz 2 177 (Note 3) 2 189.5 kHz 4 208 4 208.5 4 209 kHz 6 312.5 6 313 6 313.5 kHz 8 415 8 415.5 8 416 kHz 12 577.5 12 578 12 578.5 kHz 16 805 16 805.5 16 806 kHz 18 898.5 18 899 18 899.5 kHz 22 374.5 22 375 22 375.5 kHz 25 208.5 25 209 25 209.5 kHz 156.525 MHz Coast stations (see Note 2) 455.5 kHz 2 177 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc kHz 4 219.5 4 220 4 220.5 kHz 6 331 6 331.5 6 332 kHz HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 298 8 436.5 8 437 8 437.5 kHz 12 657 12 657.5 12 658 kHz 16 903 16 903.5 16 904 kHz 19 703.5 19 704 19 704.5 kHz 22 444 22 444.5 22 445 kHz 26 121 26 121.5 26 122 kHz 156.525 MHz Note 2 – The following (kHz) paired frequencies (for ship/coast stations) 4 208/4 219.5, 6 312.5/6 331, 8 45/8 436.5, 12 577.5/12 657, 16 805/16 903, 18 898.5/19 703.5, 22 374.5/22 444 and 25 208.5/26 121 are the first choice international frequencies for DSC (See RR Appendix 17, Part A, footnote j) and l)). Note 3 – The frequency 2 177 kHz is available to ship stations for intership calling only. In addition to the frequencies listed in no. 2 above, appropriate working frequencies in the following bands may be used for DSC (see RR Chapter II, Article 5): I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 415 - 526.5 kHz (Regions 1 and 3) 415 - 525 kHz (Region 2) 1 606.5 - 3 400 kHz (Regions 1 and 3) 1 605.5 - 3 400 kHz (Region 2) (For the band 1 605 1 625 kHz, see RR No. 5.89) 4 000 - 27 500 kHz 156 - 174 MHz HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 299 Appendix 6: VHF frequencies Channel designator 60 01 61 02 62 03 63 04 64 05 65 06 2006 66 07 67 Notes From ship stations From coast stations m) 156.025 m) 156.050 m) 160.625 x x x 160.650 x x x 156.075 160.675 x x x m) 156.100 160.700 x x x m) 156.125 160.725 x x x m) 156.150 160.750 x x x m) 156.175 160.775 x x x m) 156.200 160.800 x x x m) 156.225 160.825 x x x m) 156.250 160.850 x x x m) 156.275 160.875 x x x f) 156.300 XXX) 160.900 160.900 m) 156.325 160.925 x x x m) 156.350 160.950 x x x h) 156.375 156.375 68 x 70 156.450 x x 156.475 156.475 x x h), q) 156.500 156.500 x x f), j) 156.525 156.525 q) 156.550 156.550 x 156.575 156.575 x 156.600 156.600 12 13 73 75 76 17 Digital selective calling for distress, safety and calling x 156.625 k) 156.650 156.650 x x h), i) 156.675 156.675 x x 156.700 156.700 x 156.725 156.725 x g) 156.750 156.750 n), X1) 156.775 156.775 x f) 156.800 156.800 DISTRESS, SAFETY AND CALLING n), X1) 156.825 156.825 x g) 156.850 156.850 74 16 x i) 14 15 x 156.425 71 72 x 156.450 69 11 x 156.425 i) 10 Public correspondence Two frequency 156.400 09 Intership Port operations and ship movement Single frequency 08 77 18 Transmitting Frequencies (MHz) x 156.875 m) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 156.900 x x x x x 161.500 x x x HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 300 Channel designator Notes Transmitting Frequencies (MHz) 161.525 x x x 156.925 156.925 x 161.525 161.525 x 156.950 161.550 x x x 156.950 156.950 x 161.550 161.550 x 156.975 161.575 x x x 156.975 156.975 x 161.575 161.575 x 157.000 161.600 x x x 157.000 157.000 x 161.600 161.600 x B1), E1) 157.025 161.625 x x x B1), E1) 157.050 161.650 x x x B1), E1) 157.075 161.675 x x x B1), E1) 157.100 161.700 x x x B1), D1), E1) 157.125 161.725 x x x B1), D1), E1) 157.150 161.750 x x x B1), D1), E1) 157.175 161.775 x x x B1), C1), D1), E1) 157.200 161.800 x x x B1), C1), D1), E1) 157.225 161.825 x x x B1), C1), D1), E1) 157.250 161.850 x x x B1), C1), D1), E1) 157.275 161.875 x x x B1), C1), D1), E1) 157.300 161.900 x x x B1), C1), D1), E1) 157.325 161.925 x x x YYY) 157.350 161.950 x x YYY) 157.375 157.375 YYY) 157.400 162.000 x x YYY) 157.425 157.425 AIS 1 f), l), p) 161.975 161.975 AIS 2 f), l), p) 162.025 162.025 1078 2078 A1), A2), A3) 19 1019 2019 79 A1), A2), A3) 1079 2079 A1), A2), A3) 20 1020 2020 80 21 81 22 82 23 83 24 84 25 85 26 86 27 87 28 88 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 156.925 Public correspondence Two frequency A1), A2), A3) From coast stations Port operations and ship movement Single frequency 78 From ship stations Intership x x HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 301 Appendix 7: MF frequencies 495 – 1.800 kHz Allocation to services Region 1 495-505 505-526.5 MARITIME MOBILE 5.79 5.79A 5.84 AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION Region 2 Region 3 MARITIME MOBILE 505-510 MARITIME MOBILE 5.79 510-525 MARITIME MOBILE 5.79A 5.84 AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION 505-526.5 MARITIME MOBILE 5.79 5.79A 5.84 AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION Aeronautical mobile Land mobile 525-535 526.5-1 606.5 BROADCASTING 5.87 5.87A BROADCASTING 5.86 AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION 526.5-535 BROADCASTING Mobile 5.88 535-1 605 BROADCASTING 535-1 606.5 BROADCASTING 1 605-1 625 1 606.5-1 625 FIXED MARITIME MOBILE 5.90 LAND MOBILE BROADCASTING 5.89 5.92 5.90 1 625-1 635 RADIOLOCATION 1 625-1 705 FIXED MOBILE BROADCASTING 5.89 Radiolocation 5.93 1 635-1 800 FIXED MARITIME MOBILE 5.90 LAND MOBILE 5.92 5.96 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 1 606.5-1 800 FIXED MOBILE RADIOLOCATION RADIONAVIGATION 5.90 1 705-1 800 FIXED MOBILE RADIOLOCATION AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION 5.91 HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 302 5.84 The conditions for the use of the frequency 518 kHz by the maritime mobile service are prescribed in Articles 31 and 52. (WRC-07) 5.85 Not used. 5.86 In Region 2, in the band 525-535 kHz the carrier power of broadcasting stations shall not exceed 1 kW during the day and 250 W at night. 5.87 Additional allocation: in Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger and Swaziland, the band 526.5-535 kHz is also allocated to the mobile service on a secondary basis. (WRC-12) 5.87A Additional allocation: in Uzbekistan, the band 526.5-1 606.5 kHz is also allocated to the radionavigation service on a primary basis. Such use is subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21 with administrations concerned and limited to ground-based radiobeacons in operation on 27 October 1997 until the end of their lifetime. (WRC-97) 5.88 Additional allocation: in China, the band 526.5-535 kHz is also allocated to the aeronautical radionavigation service on a secondary basis. 5.89 In Region 2, the use of the band 1 605-1 705 kHz by stations of the broadcasting service is subject to the Plan established by the Regional Administrative Radio Conference (Rio de Janeiro, 1988). The examination of frequency assignments to stations of the fixed and mobile services in the band 1 625-1 705 kHz shall take account of the allotments appearing in the Plan established by the Regional Administrative Radio Conference (Rio de Janeiro, 1988). 5.90 In the band 1 605-1 705 kHz, in cases where a broadcasting station of Region 2 is concerned, the service area of the maritime mobile stations in Region 1 shall be limited to that provided by ground-wave propagation. 5.91 Additional allocation: in the Philippines and Sri Lanka, the band 1 606.5-1 705 kHz is also allocated to the broadcasting service on a secondary basis. (WRC-97) 5.92 Some countries of Region 1 use radiodetermination systems in the bands 1 606.5-1 625 kHz, 1 635-1 800 kHz, 1 850-2 160 kHz, 2 194-2 300 kHz, 2 502-2 850 kHz and 3 500-3 800 kHz, subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21. The radiated mean power of these stations shall not exceed 50 W. 5.93 Additional allocation: in Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, the Russian Federation, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Nigeria, Uzbekistan, Poland, Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, Tajikistan, Chad, Turkmenistan and Ukraine, the bands 1 625-1 635 kHz, 1 800-1 810 kHz and 2 160-2 170 kHz are also allocated to the fixed and land mobile services on a primary basis, subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21. (WRC-12) 5.94 and 5.95 Not used. 5.96 In Germany, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Denmark, Estonia, the Russian Federation, Finland, Georgia, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Israel, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Norway, Uzbekistan, Poland, Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, the Czech Rep., the United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine, administrations may allocate up to 200 kHz to their amateur service in the bands 1 715-1 800 kHz and 1 850-2 000 kHz. However, when allocating the bands within this range to their amateur service, administrations shall, after prior consultation with administrations of neighbouring countries, take such steps as may be necessary to prevent harmful interference from their amateur service to the fixed and mobile services of other countries. The mean power of any amateur station shall not exceed 10 W. (WRC-03) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 303 1 800 - 2 194 kHz Allocation to services Region 1 1 800-1 810 RADIOLOCATION Region 2 1 800-1 850 AMATEUR 5.93 1 810-1 850 AMATEUR 5.98 5.99 5.100 5.101 1 850-2 000 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile 1 850-2 000 AMATEUR FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile RADIOLOCATION RADIONAVIGATION 5.92 5.96 5.103 5.102 2 000-2 025 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) 5.92 5.103 2 000-2 065 FIXED MOBILE 2 025-2 045 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) Meteorological aids 5.104 5.92 5.103 2 045-2 160 FIXED MARITIME MOBILE LAND MOBILE 2 065-2 107 MARITIME MOBILE 5.105 5.106 5.92 2 107-2 170 FIXED MOBILE 2 160-2 170 RADIOLOCATION 5.93 5.107 2 170-2 173.5 MARITIME MOBILE 2 173.5-2 190.5 MOBILE (distress and calling) 5.108 5.109 5.110 5.111 2 190.5-2 194 MARITIME MOBILE I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc Region 3 1 800-2 000 AMATEUR FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile RADIONAVIGATION Radiolocation 5.97 HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 304 5.97 In Region 3, the Loran system operates either on 1 850 kHz or 1 950 kHz, the bands occupied being 1 825-1 875 kHz and 1 925-1 975 kHz respectively. Other services to which the band 1 800-2 000 kHz is allocated may use any frequency therein on condition that no harmful interference is caused to the Loran system operating on 1 850 kHz or 1 950 kHz. 5.98 Alternative allocation: in Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Cameroon, Congo (Rep. of the), Denmark, Egypt, Eritrea, Spain, Ethiopia, the Russian Federation, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Lithuania, the Syrian Arab Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Somalia, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Turkey and Ukraine, the band 1 810-1 830 kHz is allocated to the fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services on a primary basis. (WRC-12) 5.99 Additional allocation: in Saudi Arabia, Austria, Iraq, Libya, Uzbekistan, Slovakia, Romania, Slovenia, Chad, and Togo, the band 1 810-1 830 kHz is also allocated to the fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services on a primary basis. (WRC-12) 5.100 In Region 1, the authorization to use the band 1 810-1 830 kHz by the amateur service in countries situated totally or partially north of 40° N shall be given only after consultation with the countries mentioned in Nos. 5.98 and 5.99 to define the necessary steps to be taken to prevent harmful interference between amateur stations and stations of other services operating in accordance with Nos. 5.98 and 5.99. 5.102 Alternative allocation: in Bolivia, Chile, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, the band 1 850-2 000 kHz is allocated to the fixed, mobile except aeronautical mobile, radiolocation and radionavigation services on a primary basis. (WRC-07) 5.103 In Region 1, in making assignments to stations in the fixed and mobile services in the bands 1 850-2 045 kHz, 2 194-2 498 kHz, 2 502-2 625 kHz and 2 650-2 850 kHz, administrations should bear in mind the special requirements of the maritime mobile service. 5.104 In Region 1, the use of the band 2 025-2 045 kHz by the meteorological aids service is limited to oceanographic buoy stations. 5.105 In Region 2, except in Greenland, coast stations and ship stations using radiotelephony in the band 2 065-2 107 kHz shall be limited to class J3E emissions and to a peak envelope power not exceeding 1 kW. Preferably, the following carrier frequencies should be used: 2 065.0 kHz, 2 079.0 kHz, 2 082.5 kHz, 2 086.0 kHz, 2 093.0 kHz, 2 096.5 kHz, 2 100.0 kHz and 2 103.5 kHz. In Argentina and Uruguay, the carrier frequencies 2 068.5 kHz and 2 075.5 kHz are also used for this purpose, while the frequencies within the band 2 0722 075.5 kHz are used as provided in No. 52.165. 5.106 In Regions 2 and 3, provided no harmful interference is caused to the maritime mobile service, the frequencies between 2 065 kHz and 2 107 kHz may be used by stations of the fixed service communicating only within national borders and whose mean power does not exceed 50 W. In notifying the frequencies, the attention of the Bureau should be drawn to these provisions. 5.107 Additional allocation: in Saudi Arabia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Libya, Somalia and Swaziland, the band 2 160-2 170 kHz is also allocated to the fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile (R), services on a primary basis. The mean power of stations in these services shall not exceed 50 W. (WRC-12) 5.108 The carrier frequency 2 182 kHz is an international distress and calling frequency for radiotelephony. The conditions for the use of the band 2 173.5-2 190.5 kHz are prescribed in Articles 31 and 52. (WRC-07) 5.109 The frequencies 2 187.5 kHz, 4 207.5 kHz, 6 312 kHz, 8 414.5 kHz, 12 577 kHz and 16 804.5 kHz are international distress frequencies for digital selective calling. The conditions for the use of these frequencies are prescribed in Article 31. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 305 5.110 The frequencies 2 174.5 kHz, 4 177.5 kHz, 6 268 kHz, 8 376.5 kHz, 12 520 kHz and 16 695 kHz are international distress frequencies for narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy. The conditions for the use of these frequencies are prescribed in Article 31. 5.111 The carrier frequencies 2 182 kHz, 3 023 kHz, 5 680 kHz, 8 364 kHz and the frequencies 121.5 MHz, 156.525 MHz, 156.8 MHz and 243 MHz may also be used, in accordance with the procedures in force for terrestrial radiocommunication services, for search and rescue operations concerning manned space vehicles. The conditions for the use of the frequencies are prescribed in Article 31. The same applies to the frequencies 10 003 kHz, 14 993 kHz and 19 993 kHz, but in each of these cases emissions mus 3 kHz about the frequency. (WRC-07) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 306 2 194-3 230 kHz Allocation to services Region 1 2 194-2 300 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) 5.92 5.103 5.112 2 300-2 498 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) BROADCASTING 5.113 5.103 2 498-2 501 STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL (2 500 kHz) 2 501-2 502 2 502-2 625 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) 5.92 5.103 5.114 Region 2 2 194-2 300 FIXED MOBILE 5.112 2 300-2 495 FIXED MOBILE BROADCASTING 5.113 2 495-2 501 STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL (2 500 kHz) STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL Space Research 2 502-2 505 STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL 2 505-2 850 FIXED MOBILE 2 625-2 650 MARITIME MOBILE MARITIME RADIONAVIGATION 5.92 2 650-2 850 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) 5.92 5.103 2 850-3 025 AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) 5.111 5.115 3 025-3 155 AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) 3 155-3 200 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) 5.116 5.117 3 200-3 230 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) BROADCASTING 5.113 5.116 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc Region 3 HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 307 5.112 Alternative allocation: in Denmark and Sri Lanka, the band 2 194-2 300 kHz is allocated to the fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services on a primary basis. (WRC-12) 5.113 For the conditions for the use of the bands 2 300-2 495 kHz (2 498 kHz in Region 1), 3 200-3 400 kHz, 4 750-4 995 kHz and 5 005-5 060 kHz by the broadcasting service, see Nos. 5.16 to 5.20, 5.21 and 23.3 to 23.10. 5.114 Alternative allocation: in Denmark and Iraq, the band 2 502-2 625 kHz is allocated to the fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services on a primary basis. (WRC-12) 5.115 The carrier (reference) frequencies 3 023 kHz and 5 680 kHz may also be used, in accordance with Article 31, by stations of the maritime mobile service engaged in coordinated search and rescue operations. (WRC-07) 5.116 Administrations are urged to authorize the use of the band 3 155-3 195 kHz to provide a common worldwide channel for low power wireless hearing aids. Additional channels for these devices may be assigned by administrations in the bands between 3 155 kHz and 3 400 kHz to suit local needs. It should be noted that frequencies in the range 3 000 kHz to 4 000 kHz are suitable for hearing aid devices which are designed to operate over short distances within the induction field. 5.117 Alternative allocation: in Côte d'Ivoire, Denmark, Egypt, Liberia, Sri Lanka and Togo, the band 3 155-3 200 kHz is allocated to the fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services on a primary basis. (WRC-12) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 308 3 230-5 003 kHz Allocation to services Region 1 3 230-3 400 3 400-3 500 3 500-3 800 AMATEUR FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile 5.92 3 800-3 900 FIXED AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) LAND MOBILE 3 900-3 950 AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) 5.123 3 950-4 000 FIXED BROADCASTING Region 2 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile BROADCASTING 5.113 5.116 5.118 AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) 3 500-3 750 AMATEUR Region 3 3 500-3 900 AMATEUR FIXED MOBILE 5.119 3 750-4 000 AMATEUR FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) 5.122 5.125 3 900-3 950 AERONAUTICAL MOBILE BROADCASTING 3 950-4 000 FIXED BROADCASTING 5.126 5.118 Additional allocation: in the United States, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay, the band 3 2303 400 kHz is also allocated to the radiolocation service on a secondary basis. (WRC-03) 5.119 Additional allocation: in Honduras, Mexico and Peru, the band 3 500-3 750 kHz is also allocated to the fixed and mobile services on a primary basis. (WRC-07) 5.121 Not used. 5.122 Alternative allocation: in Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, the band 3 750-4 000 kHz is allocated to the fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services on a primary basis. (WRC-07) 5.123 Additional allocation: in Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe, the band 3 900-3 950 kHz is also allocated to the broadcasting service on a primary basis, subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21. 5.125 Additional allocation: in Greenland, the band 3 950-4 000 kHz is also allocated to the broadcasting service on a primary basis. The power of the broadcasting stations operating in this band shall not exceed that necessary for a national service and shall in no case exceed 5 kW. 5.126 In Region 3, the stations of those services to which the band 3 995-4 005 kHz is allocated may transmit standard frequency and time signals. 5.127 The use of the band 4 000-4 063 kHz by the maritime mobile service is limited to ship stations using radiotelephony (see No. 52.220 and Appendix 17). 5.128 Frequencies in the bands 4 063-4 123 kHz and 4 130-4 438 kHz may be used exceptionally by stations in the fixed service, communicating only within the boundary of I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 309 the country in which they are located, with a mean power not exceeding 50 W, on condition that harmful interference is not caused to the maritime mobile service. In addition, in Afghanistan, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Botswana, Burkina Faso, the Central African Rep., China, the Russian Federation, Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Mali, Niger, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Chad, Turkmenistan and Ukraine, in the bands 4 063-4 123 kHz, 4 130-4 133 kHz and 4 408-4 438 kHz, stations in the fixed service, with a mean power not exceeding 1 kW, can be operated on condition that they are situated at least 600 km from the coast and that harmful interference is not caused to the maritime mobile service. (WRC-12) 5.130 The conditions for the use of the carrier frequencies 4 125 kHz and 6 215 kHz are prescribed in Articles 31 and 52. (WRC-07) 5.131 The frequency 4 209.5 kHz is used exclusively for the transmission by coast stations of meteorological and navigational warnings and urgent information to ships by means of narrow-band direct-printing techniques. (WRC-97) 5.132 The frequencies 4 210 kHz, 6 314 kHz, 8 416.5 kHz, 12 579 kHz, 16 806.5 kHz, 19 680.5 kHz, 22 376 kHz and 26 100.5 kHz are the international frequencies for the transmission of maritime safety information (MSI) (see Appendix 17). 5.132A Stations in the radiolocation service shall not cause harmful interference to, or claim protection from, stations operating in the fixed or mobile services. Applications of the radiolocation service are limited to oceanographic radars operating in accordance with Resolution 612 (Rev.WRC-12). (WRC-12) 5.132B Alternative allocation: in Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, the frequency band 4 438-4 488 kHz is allocated to the fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile (R), services on a primary basis. (WRC-12) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 310 Appendix 8: HF Duplex Channels Coast Station – Ship Station 4 MHz band Channel No. Coast stations Ship stations Carrier frequency Assigned frequency Carrier frequency Assigned frequency 401 402 4 357 4 360 4 358.4 4 361.4 4 065 4 068 4 066.4 4 069.4 403 4 363 4 364.4 4 071 4 072.4 404 4 366 4 367.4 4 074 4 075.4 405 4 369 4 370.4 4 077 4 078.4 406 4 372 4 373.4 4 080 4 081.4 407 4 375 4 376.4 4 083 4 084.4 408 4 378 4 379.4 4 086 4 087.4 409 4 381 4 382.4 4 089 4 090.4 410 4 384 4 385.4 4 092 4 093.4 411 4 387 4 388.4 4 095 4 096.4 412 4 390 4 391.4 4 098 4 099.4 413 4 393 4 394.4 4 101 4 102.4 414 4 396 4 397.4 4 104 4 105.4 415 4 399 4 400.4 4 107 4 108.4 416 4 402 4 403.4 4 110 4 111.4 417 4 405 4 406.4 4 113 4 114.4 418 4 408 4 409.4 4 116 4 117.4 419 4 411 4 412.4 4 119 4 120.4 420 4 414 4 415.4 4 122 4 123.4 421 4 417 4 418.4 4 125 4 126.4 422 4 420 4 421.4 4 128 4 129.4 423 4 423 4 424.4 4 131 4 132.4 424 4 426 4 427.4 4 134 4 135.4 425 4 429 4 430.4 4 137 4 138.4 426 4 432 4 433.4 4 140 4 141.4 427 4 435 4 436.4 4 143 4 144.4 428 4 351 4 352.4 – – 429 4 354 4 355.4 – – I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 311 6 MHz band Channel No. Coast stations Ship stations Carrier frequency Assigned frequency Carrier frequency Assigned frequency 601 602 6 501 6 504 6 502.4 6 505.4 6 200 6 203 6 201.4 6 204.4 603 6 507 6 508.4 6 206 6 207.4 604 6 510 6 511.4 6 209 6 210.4 605 6 513 6 514.4 6 212 6 213.4 606 6 516 6 517.4 6 215 6 216.4 607 6 519 6 520.4 6 218 6 219.4 608 6 522 6 523.4 6 221 6 222.4 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 312 8 MHz band Channel No. Coast stations Ship stations Carrier frequency Assigned frequency Carrier frequency Assigned frequency 801 8 719 8 720.4 8 195 8 196.4 802 8 722 8 723.4 8 198 8 199.4 803 8 725 8 726.4 8 201 8 202.4 804 8 728 8 729.4 8 204 8 205.4 805 8 731 8 732.4 8 207 8 208.4 806 8 734 8 735.4 8 210 8 211.4 807 8 737 8 738.4 8 213 8 214.4 808 8 740 8 741.4 8 216 8 217.4 809 8 743 8 744.4 8 219 8 220.4 810 8 746 8 747.4 8 222 8 223.4 811 8 749 8 750.4 8 225 8 226.4 812 8 752 8 753.4 8 228 8 229.4 813 8 755 8 756.4 8 231 8 232.4 814 8 758 8 759.4 8 234 8 235.4 815 8 761 8 762.4 8 237 8 238.4 816 8 764 8 765.4 8 240 8 241.4 817 8 767 8 768.4 8 243 8 244.4 818 8 770 8 771.4 8 246 8 247.4 819 8 773 8 774.4 8 249 8 250.4 820 8 776 8 777.4 8 252 8 253.4 821 8 779 8 780.4 8 255 8 256.4 822 8 782 8 783.4 8 258 8 259.4 823 8 785 8 786.4 8 261 8 262.4 824 8 788 8 789.4 8 264 8 265.4 825 8 791 8 792.4 8 267 8 268.4 826 8 794 8 795.4 8 270 8 271.4 827 8 797 8 798.4 8 273 8 274.4 828 8 800 8 801.4 8 276 8 277.4 829 8 803 8 804.4 8 279 8 280.4 830 8 806 8 807.4 8 282 8 283.4 831 8 809 8 810.4 8 285 8 286.4 832 8 812 8 813.4 8 288 8 289.4 833 8 291 8 292.4 8 291 8 292.4 834 8 707 8 708.4 – – 835 8 710 8 711.4 – – 836 8 713 8 714.4 – – 837 8 716 8 717.4 – – I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 313 12 MHz band Channel No. Coast stations Ship stations Carrier frequency Assigned frequency Carrier frequency Assigned frequency 1201 13 077 13 078.4 12 230 12 231.4 1202 13 080 13 081.4 12 233 12 234.4 1203 13 083 13 084.4 12 236 12 237.4 1204 13 086 13 087.4 12 239 12 240.4 1205 13 089 13 090.4 12 242 12 243.4 1206 13 092 13 093.4 12 245 12 246.4 1207 13 095 13 096.4 12 248 12 249.4 1208 13 098 13 099.4 12 251 12 252.4 1209 13 101 13 102.4 12 254 12 255.4 1210 13 104 13 105.4 12 257 12 258.4 1211 13 107 13 108.4 12 260 12 261.4 1212 13 110 13 111.4 12 263 12 264.4 1213 13 113 13 114.4 12 266 12 267.4 1214 13 116 13 117.4 12 269 12 270.4 1215 13 119 13 120.4 12 272 12 273.4 1216 13 122 13 123.4 12 275 12 276.4 1217 13 125 13 126.4 12 278 12 279.4 1218 13 128 13 129.4 12 281 12 282.4 1219 13 131 13 132.4 12 284 12 285.4 1220 13 134 13 135.4 12 287 12 288.4 1221 13 137 13 138.4 12 290 12 291.4 1222 13 140 13 141.4 12 293 12 294.4 1223 13 143 13 144.4 12 296 12 297.4 1224 13 146 13 147.4 12 299 12 300.4 1225 13 149 13 150.4 12 302 12 303.4 1226 13 152 13 153.4 12 305 12 306.4 1227 13 155 13 156.4 12 308 12 309.4 1228 13 158 13 159.4 12 311 12 312.4 1229 13 161 13 162.4 12 314 12 315.4 1230 13 164 13 165.4 12 317 12 318.4 1231 13 167 13 168.4 12 320 12 321.4 1232 13 170 13 171.4 12 323 12 324.4 1233 13 173 13 174.4 12 326 12 327.4 1234 13 176 13 177.4 12 329 12 330.4 1235 13 179 13 180.4 12 332 12 333.4 1236 13 182 13 183.4 12 335 12 336.4 1237 13 185 13 186.4 12 338 12 339.4 1238 13 188 13 189.4 12 341 12 342.4 1239 13 191 13 192.4 12 344 12 345.4 1240 13 194 13 195.4 12 347 12 348.4 1241 13 197 13 198.4 12 350 12 351.4 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 314 16 MHz band Channel No. Coast stations Ship stations Carrier frequency Assigned frequency Carrier frequency Assigned frequency 1601 17 242 17 243.4 16 360 16 361.4 1602 17 245 17 246.4 16 363 16 364.4 1603 17 248 17 249.4 16 366 16 367.4 1604 17 251 17 252.4 16 369 16 370.4 1605 17 254 17 255.4 16 372 16 373.4 1606 17 257 17 258.4 16 375 16 376.4 1607 17 260 17 261.4 16 378 16 379.4 1608 17 263 17 264.4 16 381 16 382.4 1609 17 266 17 267.4 16 384 16 385.4 1610 17 269 17 270.4 16 387 16 388.4 1611 17 272 17 273.4 16 390 16 391.4 1612 17 275 17 276.4 16 393 16 394.4 1613 17 278 17 279.4 16 396 16 397.4 1614 17 281 17 282.4 16 399 16 400.4 1615 17 284 17 285.4 16 402 16 403.4 1616 17 287 17 288.4 16 405 16 406.4 1617 17 290 17 291.4 16 408 16 409.4 1618 17 293 17 294.4 16 411 16 412.4 1619 17 296 17 297.4 16 414 16 415.4 1620 17 299 17 300.4 16 417 16 418.4 1621 17 302 17 303.4 16 420 16 421.4 1622 17 305 17 306.4 16 423 16 424.4 1623 17 308 17 309.4 16 426 16 427.4 1624 17 311 17 312.4 16 429 16 430.4 1625 17 314 17 315.4 16 432 16 433.4 1626 17 317 17 318.4 16 435 16 436.4 1627 17 320 17 321.4 16 438 16 439.4 1628 17 323 17 324.4 16 441 16 442.4 1629 17 326 17 327.4 16 444 16 445.4 1630 17 329 17 330.4 16 447 16 448.4 1631 17 332 17 333.4 16 450 16 451.4 1632 17 335 17 336.4 16 453 16 454.4 1633 17 338 17 339.4 16 456 16 457.4 1634 17 341 17 342.4 16 459 16 460.4 1635 17 344 17 345.4 16 462 16 463.4 1636 17 347 17 348.4 16 465 16 466.4 1637 17 350 17 351.4 16 468 16 469.4 1638 17 353 17 354.4 16 471 16 472.4 1639 17 356 17 357.4 16 474 16 475.4 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 315 16 MHz band Channel No. Coast stations Ship stations Carrier frequency Assigned frequency Carrier frequency Assigned frequency 1640 17 359 17 360.4 16 477 16 478.4 1641 17 362 17 363.4 16 480 16 481.4 1642 17 365 17 366.4 16 483 16 484.4 1643 17 368 17 369.4 16 486 16 487.4 1644 17 371 17 372.4 16 489 16 490.4 1645 17 374 17 375.4 16 492 16 493.4 1646 17 377 17 378.4 16 495 16 496.4 1647 17 380 17 381.4 16 498 16 499.4 1648 17 383 17 384.4 16 501 16 502.4 1649 17 386 17 387.4 16 504 16 505.4 1650 17 389 17 390.4 16 507 16 508.4 1651 17 392 17 393.4 16 510 16 511.4 1652 17 395 17 396.4 16 513 16 514.4 1653 17 398 17 399.4 16 516 16 517.4 1654 17 401 17 402.4 16 519 16 520.4 1655 17 404 17 405.4 16 522 16 523.4 1656 17 407 17 408.4 16 525 16 526.4 18/19 MHz band Channel No. Coast stations Ship stations Carrier frequency Assigned frequency Carrier frequency Assigned frequency 1801 1802 19 755 19 758 19 756.4 19 759.4 18 780 18 783 18 781.4 18 784.4 1803 19 761 19 762.4 18 786 18 787.4 1804 19 764 19 765.4 18 789 18 790.4 1805 19 767 19 768.4 18 792 18 793.4 1806 19 770 19 771.4 18 795 18 796.4 1807 19 773 19 774.4 18 798 18 799.4 1808 19 776 19 777.4 18 801 18 802.4 1809 19 779 19 780.4 18 804 18 805.4 1810 19 782 19 783.4 18 807 18 808.4 1811 19 785 19 786.4 18 810 18 811.4 1812 19 788 19 789.4 18 813 18 814.4 1813 19 791 19 792.4 18 816 18 817.4 1814 19 794 19 795.4 18 819 18 820.4 1815 19 797 19 798.4 18 822 18 823.4 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 316 22 MHz band Channel No. Coast stations Ship stations Carrier frequency Assigned frequency Carrier frequency Assigned frequency 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 22 696 22 699 22 702 22 705 22 708 22 711 22 714 22 717 22 720 22 723 22 726 22 729 22 732 22 735 22 738 22 741 22 744 22 747 22 750 22 753 22 756 22 759 22 762 22 765 22 768 22 771 22 774 22 777 22 780 22 783 22 786 22 789 22 792 22 795 22 798 22 801 22 804 22 807 22 810 22 813 22 816 22 819 22 822 22 825 22 828 22 831 22 834 22 837 22 840 22 697.4 22 700.4 22 703.4 22 706.4 22 709.4 22 712.4 22 715.4 22 718.4 22 721.4 22 724.4 22 727.4 22 730.4 22 733.4 22 736.4 22 739.4 22 742.4 22 745.4 22 748.4 22 751.4 22 754.4 22 757.4 22 760.4 22 763.4 22 766.4 22 769.4 22 772.4 22 775.4 22 778.4 22 781.4 22 784.4 22 787.4 22 790.4 22 793.4 22 796.4 22 799.4 22 802.4 22 805.4 22 808.4 22 811.4 22 814.4 22 817.4 22 820.4 22 823.4 22 826.4 22 829.4 22 832.4 22 835.4 22 838.4 22 841.4 22 000 22 003 22 006 22 009 22 012 22 015 22 018 22 021 22 024 22 027 22 030 22 033 22 036 22 039 22 042 22 045 22 048 22 051 22 054 22 057 22 060 22 063 22 066 22 069 22 072 22 075 22 078 22 081 22 084 22 087 22 090 22 093 22 096 22 099 22 102 22 105 22 108 22 111 22 114 22 117 22 120 22 123 22 126 22 129 22 132 22 135 22 138 22 141 22 144 22 001.4 22 004.4 22 007.4 22 010.4 22 013.4 22 016.4 22 019.4 22 022.4 22 025.4 22 028.4 22 031.4 22 034.4 22 037.4 22 040.4 22 043.4 22 046.4 22 049.4 22 052.4 22 055.4 22 058.4 22 061.4 22 064.4 22 067.4 22 070.4 22 073.4 22 076.4 22 079.4 22 082.4 22 085.4 22 088.4 22 091.4 22 094.4 22 097.4 22 100.4 22 103.4 22 106.4 22 109.4 22 112.4 22 115.4 22 118.4 22 121.4 22 124.4 22 127.4 22 130.4 22 133.4 22 136.4 22 139.4 22 142.4 22 145.4 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 317 22 MHz band Channel No. Coast stations Ship stations Carrier frequency Assigned frequency Carrier frequency Assigned frequency 2250 2251 2252 2253 22 843 22 846 22 849 22 852 22 844.4 22 847.4 22 850.4 22 853.4 22 147 22 150 22 153 22 156 22 148.4 22 151.4 22 154.4 22 157.4 25/26 MHz band Channel No. Coast stations Ship stations Carrier frequency Assigned frequency Carrier frequency Assigned frequency 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 26 145 26 148 26 151 26 154 26 157 26 160 26 163 26 166 26 169 26 172 26 146.4 26 149.4 26 152.4 26 155.4 26 158.4 26 161.4 26 164.4 26 167.4 26 170.4 26 173.4 25 070 25 073 25 076 25 079 25 082 25 085 25 088 25 091 25 094 25 097 25 071.4 25 074.4 25 077.4 25 080.4 25 083.4 25 086.4 25 089.4 25 092.4 25 095.4 25 098.4 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex 2, page 318 Appendix 9: Voice Ship – Ship frequencies Table of single-sideband transmitting frequencies (kHz) for simplex (single-frequency) operation and for intership cross-band (two-frequency) operation (See § 4 of Section I) 4 MHz band1 6 MHz band 8 MHz band2 12 MHz band3 Carrier frequency Assigned frequency Carrier frequency Assigned frequency Carrier frequency Assigned frequency Carrier frequency Assigned frequency 4 146 4 149 4 147.4 4 150.4 6 224 6 227 6 230 6 225.4 6 228.4 6 231.4 8 294 8 297 8 295.4 8 298.4 12 353 12 356 12 362 12 365 12 354.4 12 357.4 12 363.4 12 366.4 1 These frequencies may be used for duplex operation with coast stations operating on Channel Nos. 428 and 429 (see Sub-Section A). 2 These frequencies may be used for duplex operation with coast stations operating on Channel Nos. 834 up to and including 837 (see Sub-Section A). 3 For use of frequencies 12 359 kHz and 16 537 kHz, see Nos. 52.221A and 52.222A. 16 MHz band3 3 18/19 MHz band (WRC-2000) 22 MHz band 25/26 MHz band Carrier frequency Assigned frequency Carrier frequency Assigned frequency Carrier frequency Assigned frequency Carrier frequency Assigned frequency 16 528 16 531 16 534 16 529.4 16 532.4 16 535.4 16 540 16 543 16 546 16 541.4 16 544.4 16 547.4 18 825 18 828 18 831 18 834 18 837 18 840 18 843 18 826.4 18 829.4 18 832.4 18 835.4 18 838.4 18 841.4 18 844.4 22 159 22 162 22 165 22 168 22 171 22 174 22 177 22 160.4 22 163.4 22 166.4 22 169.4 22 172.4 22 175.4 22 178.4 25 100 25 103 25 106 25 109 25 112 25 115 25 118 25 101.4 25 104.4 25 107.4 25 110.4 25 113.4 25 116.4 25 119.4 For use of frequencies 12 359 kHz and 16 537 kHz, see Nos. 52.221A and 52.222A. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc (WRC 2000) HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 319 Appendix 10: Frequencies for Data Transmission Channel No. 4 MHz band Coast Tx (ship Rx) 6 MHz band Ship Tx/Rx (coast Rx) Coast Tx (ship Rx) 8 MHz band Ship Tx/Rx (coast Rx) Coast Tx (ship Rx) Ship Tx/Rx (coast Rx) 1 2 3 4 5 4 153.5 3, 4 4 156.5 3, 4 4 159.5 3, 4 4 162.5 3, 4 4 165.5 3, 4 6 234.5 3, 4 6 237.5 3, 4 6 240.5 3, 4 6 243.5 3, 4 6 246.5 3, 4 8 301.5 3, 4 8 304.5 3, 4 8 307.5 3, 4 8 310.5 3, 4 8 313.5 6 7 8 9 10 4 168.5 4 181.75 4 184.75 4 187.75 2, 3 4 190.75 3, 4 3, 4 6 323.25 6 249.5 3, 4 6 252.5 3, 4 6 255.5 3, 4 6 258.5 6 271.25 8 316.5 3, 4 8 319.5 3, 4 8 322.5 3, 4 8 325.5 3, 4 8 328.5 6 326.25 6 329.25 2, 3 6 280.25 2, 3 6 283.25 2, 3 6 286.25 6 274.25 6 277.25 2, 3 6 280.25 2, 3 6 283.25 2, 3 6 286.25 8 409.5 8 412.5 8 331.5 3, 4 8 334.5 3, 4 8 337.5 8 343.25 8 346.25 11 12 13 14 15 4 199.75 4 202.75 4 205.75 2, 3 4 190.75 2, 3 4 193.75 2, 3 4 196.75 2 4 217.75 2, 3 4 193.75 2, 3 4 196.75 2 4 217.75 3, 4 3, 4 3, 4 16 17 18 19 20 6 289.25 2, 3 6 292.25 2, 3 6 295.25 2, 3 6 298.25 2, 3 6 301.25 2, 3 6 289.25 2, 3 6 292.25 2, 3 6 295.25 2, 3 6 298.25 2, 3 6 301.25 2, 3 8 425.5 3 8 428.5 3 8 431.5 3 8 434.5 2, 3 8 361.25 8 349.25 3 8 352.25 3 8 355.25 3 8 358.25 2, 3 8 361.25 21 22 23 24 25 6 304.25 2, 3 6 307.25 2, 3 6 310.25 2, 3 6 304.25 2, 3 6 307.25 2, 3 6 310.25 2, 3 8 364.25 2, 3 8 367.25 2, 3 8 370.25 2, 3 8 373.25 2, 3 8 385.5 2, 3 8 364.25 2, 3 8 367.25 2, 3 8 370.25 2, 3 8 373.25 2, 3 8 385.5 2, 3 26 27 28 29 30 8 388.5 2, 3 8 391.5 2, 3 8 394.5 2, 3 8 397.5 2, 3 8 400.5 2, 3 8 388.5 2, 3 8 391.5 2, 3 8 394.5 2, 3 8 397.5 2, 3 8 400.5 31 32 8 403.5 2, 3 8 406.5 2, 3 8 403.5 2, 3 8 406.5 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 2, 3 2, 3 HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 320 Channel No. 12 MHz Coast Tx (ship Rx) 16 MHz Ship Tx/Rx (coast Rx) Coast Tx (ship Rx) 18/19 MHz Ship Tx/Rx (coast Rx) Coast Tx (ship Rx) Ship Tx/Rx (coast Rx) 1 2 3 4 5 12 369.5 3, 4 12 372.5 3, 4 12 375.5 3, 4 12 378.5 3, 4 12 381.5 3, 4 16 550.5 3, 4 16 553.5 3, 4 16 556.5 3, 4 16 559.5 3, 4 16 562.5 3, 4 18 847.5 3, 4 18 850.5 3, 4 18 853.5 3, 4 18 856.5 3, 4 18 859.5 6 7 8 9 10 12 384.5 3, 4 12 387.5 3, 4 12 390.5 3, 4 12 393.5 3, 4 12 396.5 3, 4 16 565.5 3, 4 16 568.5 3, 4 16 571.5 3, 4 16 574.5 3, 4 16 577.5 3, 4 19 682.25 18 862.5 3, 4 18 865.5 3, 4 18 868.5 3, 4 18 871.5 18 881.75 11 12 13 14 15 3, 4 12 399.5 3, 4 12 402.5 3, 4 12 405.5 3, 4 12 408.5 3, 4 12 411.5 3, 4 16 580.5 3, 4 16 583.5 3, 4 16 586.5 3, 4 16 589.5 3, 4 16 592.5 19 692.75 3 19 695.75 3 19 698.75 3 19 701.75 2 18 896.75 18 884.75 3 18 887.75 3 18 890.75 3 18 893.75 2 18 896.75 16 17 18 19 20 3, 4 12 626.25 12 629.25 12 632.25 12 414.5 3, 4 12 417.5 12 423.75 12 426.75 12 429.75 16 595.5 3, 4 16 598.5 3, 4 16 601.5 3, 4 16 604.5 3, 4 16 607.5 21 22 23 24 25 12 635.25 3 12 638.25 3 12 641.25 3 12 644.25 3 12 647.25 12 432.75 3 12 435.75 3 12 438.75 3 12 441.75 3 12 444.75 16 841.25 16 844.25 16 847.25 16 610.5 3, 4 16 613.5 16 620.25 16 623.25 16 626.25 26 27 28 29 30 12 650.25 3 12 653.25 2, 3 12 453.75 2, 3 12 456.75 2, 3 12 459.75 3 12 447.75 3 12 450.75 2, 3 12 453.75 2, 3 12 456.75 2, 3 12 459.75 3 16 850.25 16 853.25 16 856.25 16 859.25 16 862.25 16 629.25 16 632.25 16 635.25 16 638.25 16 641.25 31 32 33 34 35 12 462.75 2, 3 12 465.75 2, 3 12 468.75 2, 3 12 471.75 2, 3 12 474.75 2, 3 12 462.75 2, 3 12 465.75 2, 3 12 468.75 2, 3 12 471.75 2, 3 12 474.75 2, 3 16 865.25 3 16 868.25 3 16 871.25 3 16 874.25 3 16 877.25 16 644.25 3 16 647.25 3 16 650.25 3 16 653.25 3 16 656.25 36 37 38 39 40 12 524.25 2, 3 12 527.25 2, 3 12 530.25 2, 3 12 533.25 2, 3 12 536.25 2, 3 12 524.25 2, 3 12 527.25 2, 3 12 530.25 2, 3 12 533.25 2, 3 12 536.25 2, 3 16 880.25 3 16 883.25 3 16 886.25 3 16 889.25 3 16 892.25 3 16 659.25 3 16 662.25 3 16 665.25 3 16 668.25 3 16 671.25 41 42 43 44 45 12 539.25 2, 3 12 542.25 2, 3 12 545.25 2, 3 12 548.25 2, 3 12 551.25 2, 3 12 539.25 2, 3 12 542.25 2, 3 12 545.25 2, 3 12 548.25 2, 3 12 551.25 2, 3 16 895.25 3 16 898.25 3 16 901.25 2, 3 16 700.5 2, 3 16 703.5 3 16 674.25 3 16 677.25 3 16 680.25 2, 3 16 700.5 2, 3 16 703.5 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 3, 4 3, 4 3 3 3, 4 3, 4 HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 321 Channel No. 12 MHz Coast Tx (ship Rx) 16 MHz Ship Tx/Rx (coast Rx) Coast Tx (ship Rx) 18/19 MHz Ship Tx/Rx (coast Rx) 46 47 48 49 50 12 554.25 2, 3 12 557.25 2, 3 12 560.25 2, 3 12 563.25 2, 3 12 566.25 2, 3 12 554.25 2, 3 12 557.25 2, 3 12 560.25 2, 3 12 563.25 2, 3 12 566.25 2, 3 16 706.5 2, 3 16 709.5 2, 3 16 712.5 2, 3 16 715.5 2, 3 16 718.5 2, 3 16 706.5 2, 3 16 709.5 2, 3 16 712.5 2, 3 16 715.5 2, 3 16 718.5 2, 3 51 52 53 54 55 12 569.25 2, 3 12 572.25 2, 3 12 575.25 2, 3 12 569.25 2, 3 12 572.25 2, 3 12 575.25 2, 3 16 721.5 2, 3 16 724.5 2, 3 16 727.5 2, 3 16 730.5 2, 3 16 733.5 2, 3 16 721.5 2, 3 16 724.5 2, 3 16 727.5 2, 3 16 730.5 2, 3 16 733.5 2, 3 56 57 58 59 60 16 736.5 2, 3 16 739.5 2, 3 16 742.5 2, 3 16 745.5 2, 3 16 748.5 2, 3 16 736.5 2, 3 16 739.5 2, 3 16 742.5 2, 3 16 745.5 2, 3 16 748.5 61 62 63 64 65 16 751.5 2, 3 16 754.5 2, 3 16 757.5 2, 3 16 760.5 2, 3 16 763.5 2, 3 16 751.5 2, 3 16 754.5 2, 3 16 757.5 2, 3 16 760.5 2, 3 16 763.5 66 67 68 69 70 16 766.5 2, 3 16 769.5 2, 3 16 772.5 2, 3 16 775.5 2, 3 16 778.5 2, 3 16 766.5 2, 3 16 769.5 2, 3 16 772.5 2, 3 16 775.5 2, 3 16 778.5 71 72 73 74 75 16 781.5 2, 3 16 784.5 2, 3 16 787.5 2, 3 16 790.5 2, 3 16 793.5 2, 3 16 781.5 2, 3 16 784.5 2, 3 16 787.5 2, 3 16 790.5 2, 3 16 793.5 76 77 78 79 80 16 796.5 2, 3 16 799.5 2, 3 16 802.5 2, 3 16 823.25 2, 3 16 826.25 2, 3 16 796.5 2, 3 16 799.5 2, 3 16 802.5 2, 3 16 823.25 2, 3 16 826.25 81 82 83 84 16 829.25 2, 3 16 832.25 2, 3 16 835.25 2, 3 16 838.25 2, 3 16 829.25 2, 3 16 832.25 2, 3 16 835.25 2, 3 16 838.25 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 Coast Tx (ship Rx) Ship Tx/Rx (coast Rx) HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 322 Channel No. 22 MHz Coast Tx (ship Rx) 25/26 MHz Ship Tx/Rx (coast Rx) Coast Tx (ship Rx) Ship Tx/Rx (coast Rx) 1 2 3 4 5 22 181.5 3, 4 22 184.5 3, 4 22 187.5 3, 4 22 190.5 3, 4 22 193.5 3, 4 25 122.5 3, 4 25 125.5 3, 4 25 128.5 3, 4 25 131.5 3, 4 25 134.5 6 7 8 9 10 22 196.5 3, 4 22 199.5 3, 4 22 202.5 3, 4 22 205.5 3, 4 22 208.5 3, 4 25 137.5 3, 4 25 140.5 3, 4 25 143.5 3, 4 25 146.5 3, 4 25 149.5 11 12 13 14 15 22 211.5 3, 4 22 214.5 3, 4 22 217.5 3, 4 22 220.5 3, 4 22 223.5 3, 4 26 104.25 26 107.25 25 152.5 3, 4 25 155.5 3, 4 25 158.5 25 161.5 25 164.5 16 17 18 19 20 22 226.5 3, 4 22 229.5 3, 4 22 232.5 3, 4 22 235.5 3, 4 22 238.5 26 110.25 3 26 113.25 3 26 116.25 3 26 119.25 2, 3 25 179.5 25 167.5 3 25 170.5 3 25 173.5 3 25 176.5 2, 3 25 179.5 3, 4 3, 4 3, 4 3, 4 21 22 23 24 25 22 390.75 22 393.75 22 396.75 22 399.75 22 402.75 22 243.25 22 246.25 22 249.25 22 252.25 22 255.25 25 182.5 2, 3 25 185.5 2, 3 25 188.5 2, 3 25 191.5 2, 3 25 194.5 2, 3 25 182.5 2, 3 25 185.5 2, 3 25 188.5 2, 3 25 191.5 2, 3 25 194.5 26 27 28 29 30 22 405.75 3 22 408.75 3 22 411.75 3 22 414.75 3 22 417.75 22 258.25 3 22 261.25 3 22 264.25 3 22 267.25 3 22 270.25 25 197.5 2, 3 25 200.5 2, 3 25 203.5 2, 3 25 206.5 2, 3 25 197.5 2, 3 25 200.5 2, 3 25 203.5 2, 3 25 206.5 31 32 33 34 35 22 420.75 3 22 423.75 3 22 426.75 3 22 429.75 3 22 432.75 3 22 273.25 3 22 276.25 3 22 279.25 3 22 282.25 3 22 285.25 36 37 38 39 40 22 435.75 2, 3 22 300.75 2, 3 22 303.75 2, 3 22 306.75 2, 3 22 309.75 3 22 288.25 2, 3 22 300.75 2, 3 22 303.75 2, 3 22 306.75 2, 3 22 309.75 41 42 43 44 45 22 312.75 2, 3 22 315.75 2, 3 22 318.75 2, 3 22 321.75 2, 3 22 324.75 2, 3 22 312.75 2, 3 22 315.75 2, 3 22 318.75 2, 3 22 321.75 2, 3 22 324.75 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 3 3 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 323 Channel No. 1 2 3 4 22 MHz Coast Tx (ship Rx) 25/26 MHz Ship Tx/Rx (coast Rx) 46 47 48 49 50 22 327.75 2, 3 22 330.75 2, 3 22 333.75 2, 3 22 336.75 2, 3 22 339.75 2, 3 22 327.75 2, 3 22 330.75 2, 3 22 333.75 2, 3 22 336.75 2, 3 22 339.75 51 52 53 54 55 22 342.75 2, 3 22 345.75 2, 3 22 348.75 2, 3 22 351.75 2, 3 22 354.75 2, 3 22 342.75 2, 3 22 345.75 2, 3 22 348.75 2, 3 22 351.75 2, 3 22 354.75 56 57 58 59 60 22 357.75 2, 3 22 360.75 2, 3 22 363.75 2, 3 22 366.75 2, 3 22 369.75 2, 3 22 357.75 2, 3 22 360.75 2, 3 22 363.75 2, 3 22 366.75 2, 3 22 369.75 61 62 63 22 372.75 22 438.75 22 441.75 2, 3 22 372.75 22 377.75 22 380.75 Coast Tx (ship Rx) Ship Tx/Rx (coast Rx) 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 The data transmission should be in accordance with the most recent version of Recommendation ITU R M.1798. Non-paired (simplex) operations only. Assignable for wide-band operation using multiple 3 kHz contiguous channels. Channels may be paired with wide-band coast station channels in the same band. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 324 Appendix 11: Telex Ship – Coast frequencies Table of frequencies for two-frequency operation by coast stations (kHz) 4 MHz band 1 Channel No. Transmit Receive 6 MHz band 3 Transmit Receive 8 MHz band 4 Transmit Receive 1 2 3 4 5 4 210.5 4 211 4 211.5 4 212 4 212.5 4 172.5 4 173 4 173.5 4 174 4 174.5 6 314.5 6 315 6 315.5 6 316 6 316.5 6 263 6 263.5 6 264 6 264.5 6 265 8 376.5 2 8 417 8 417.5 8 418 8 418.5 8 376.5 2 8 377 8 377.5 8 378 8 378.5 6 7 8 9 10 4 213 4 213.5 4 214 4 214.5 4 215 4 175 4 175.5 4 176 4 176.5 4 177 6 317 6 317.5 6 318 6 318.5 6 319 6 265.5 6 266 6 266.5 6 267 6 267.5 8 419 8 419.5 8 420 8 420.5 8 421 8 379 8 379.5 8 380 8 380.5 8 381 11 12 13 14 15 4 177.5 2 4 215.5 4 216 4 216.5 4 217 4 177.5 2 4 178 4 178.5 4 179 4 179.5 6 268 2 6 319.5 6 320 6 320.5 6 321 6 268 2 6 268.5 6 269 6 269.5 6 270 8 421.5 8 422 8 422.5 8 423 8 423.5 8 381.5 8 382 8 382.5 8 383 8 383.5 16 17 18 19 20 4 217.5 4 218 4 218.5 4 219 4 180 4 180.5 4 181 4 181.5 6 321.5 6 322 6 322.5 6 323 6 323.5 6 270.5 6 271 6 271.5 6 272 6 272.5 8 424 8 424.5 8 425 8 425.5 8 426 8 384 8 384.5 8 385 8 385.5 8 386 21 22 23 24 25 6 324 6 324.5 6 325 6 325.5 6 326 6 273 6 273.5 6 274 6 274.5 6 275 8 426.5 8 427 8 427.5 8 428 8 428.5 8 386.5 8 387 8 387.5 8 388 8 388.5 26 27 28 29 30 6 326.5 6 327 6 327.5 6 328 6 328.5 6 275.5 6 281 6 281.5 6 282 6 282.5 8 429 8 429.5 8 430 8 430.5 8 431 8 389 8 389.5 8 390 8 390.5 8 391 31 32 33 34 35 6 329 6 329.5 6 330 6 330.5 6 283 6 283.5 6 284 6 284.5 8 431.5 8 432 8 432.5 8 433 8 433.5 8 391.5 8 392 8 392.5 8 393 8 393.5 8 434 8 434.5 8 435 8 435.5 8 436 8 394 8 394.5 8 395 8 395.5 8 396 36 37 38 39 40 1 Ship stations may use the coast station receiving frequencies for transmitting A1A or A1B Morse telegraphy (working), with the exception of channel No. 11 (see Appendix 15). 2 For the conditions of use of this frequency, see Article 31. 3 Ship stations may use the coast station receiving frequencies of channel Nos. 25 up to and including 34 for transmitting A1A or A1B Morse telegraphy (working). 4 Ship stations may use the coast station receiving frequencies of channel Nos. 29 up to and including 40 for transmitting A1A or A1B Morse telegraphy (working). I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 325 Table of frequencies for two-frequency operation by coast stations (kHz) Channel No. 12 MHz band 5 Transmit Receive 16 MHz band 6 Transmit Receive 18/19 MHz band Transmit Receive 1 2 3 4 5 12 579.5 12 580 12 580.5 12 581 12 581.5 12 477 12 477.5 12 478 12 478.5 12 479 16 807 16 807.5 16 808 16 808.5 16 809 16 683.5 16 684 16 684.5 16 685 16 685.5 19 681 19 681.5 19 682 19 682.5 19 683 18 870.5 18 871 18 871.5 18 872 18 872.5 6 7 8 9 10 12 582 12 582.5 12 583 12 583.5 12 584 12 479.5 12 480 12 480.5 12 481 12 481.5 16 809.5 16 810 16 810.5 16 811 16 811.5 16 686 16 686.5 16 687 16 687.5 16 688 19 683.5 19 684 19 684.5 19 685 19 685.5 18 873 18 873.5 18 874 18 874.5 18 875 11 12 13 14 15 12 584.5 12 585 12 585.5 12 586 12 586.5 12 482 12 482.5 12 483 12 483.5 12 484 16 812 16 812.5 16 813 16 813.5 16 814 16 688.5 16 689 16 689.5 16 690 16 690.5 19 686 19 686.5 19 687 19 687.5 19 688 18 875.5 18 876 18 876.5 18 877 18 877.5 16 17 18 19 20 12 587 12 587.5 12 588 12 588.5 12 589 12 484.5 12 485 12 485.5 12 486 12 486.5 16 814.5 16 815 16 815.5 16 816 16 816.5 16 691 16 691.5 16 692 16 692.5 16 693 19 688.5 19 689 19 689.5 19 690 19 690.5 18 878 18 878.5 18 879 18 879.5 18 880 21 22 23 24 25 12 589.5 12 590 12 590.5 12 591 12 591.5 12 487 12 487.5 12 488 12 488.5 12 489 16 817 16 817.5 16 818 16 695 2 16 818.5 16 693.5 16 694 16 694.5 16 695 2 16 695.5 19 691 19 691.5 19 692 19 692.5 19 693 18 880.5 18 881 18 881.5 18 882 18 882.5 26 27 28 29 30 12 592 12 592.5 12 593 12 593.5 12 594 12 489.5 12 490 12 490.5 12 491 12 491.5 16 819 16 819.5 16 820 16 820.5 16 821 16 696 16 696.5 16 697 16 697.5 16 698 19 693.5 19 694 19 694.5 19 695 19 695.5 18 883 18 883.5 18 884 18 884.5 18 885 31 32 33 34 35 12 594.5 12 595 12 595.5 12 596 12 596.5 12 492 12 492.5 12 493 12 493.5 12 494 16 821.5 16 822 16 822.5 16 823 16 823.5 16 698.5 16 699 16 699.5 16 700 16 700.5 19 696 19 696.5 19 697 19 697.5 19 698 18 885.5 18 886 18 886.5 18 887 18 887.5 36 37 38 39 40 12 597 12 597.5 12 598 12 598.5 12 599 12 494.5 12 495 12 495.5 12 496 12 496.5 16 824 16 824.5 16 825 16 825.5 16 826 16 701 16 701.5 16 702 16 702.5 16 703 19 698.5 19 699 19 699.5 19 700 19 700.5 18 888 18 888.5 18 889 18 889.5 18 890 41 42 43 44 45 12 599.5 12 600 12 600.5 12 601 12 601.5 12 497 12 497.5 12 498 12 498.5 12 499 16 826.5 16 827 16 827.5 16 828 16 828.5 16 703.5 16 704 16 704.5 16 705 16 705.5 19 701 19 701.5 19 702 19 702.5 19 703 18 890.5 18 891 18 891.5 18 892 18 892.5 5 Ship stations may use the coast station receiving frequencies of channel Nos. 58 up to and including 156 for transmitting A1A or A1B Morse telegraphy (working), with the exception of channel No. 87 (see Appendix 15). 6 Ship stations may use the coast station receiving frequencies of channel Nos. 71 up to and including 193 for transmitting A1A or A1B Morse telegraphy (working). I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 326 Table of frequencies for two-frequency operation by coast stations (kHz) Channel No. 12 MHz band 5 (cont.) Transmit Receive 16 MHz band 6 (cont.) Transmit Receive 46 47 48 49 50 12 602 12 602.5 12 603 12 603.5 12 604 12 499.5 12 500 12 500.5 12 501 12 501.5 16 829 16 829.5 16 830 16 830.5 16 831 16 706 16 706.5 16 707 16 707.5 16 708 51 52 53 54 55 12 604.5 12 605 12 605.5 12 606 12 606.5 12 502 12 502.5 12 503 12 503.5 12 504 16 831.5 16 832 16 832.5 16 833 16 833.5 16 708.5 16 709 16 709.5 16 710 16 710.5 56 57 58 59 60 12 607 12 607.5 12 608 12 608.5 12 609 12 504.5 12 505 12 505.5 12 506 12 506.5 16 834 16 834.5 16 835 16 835.5 16 836 16 711 16 711.5 16 712 16 712.5 16 713 61 62 63 64 65 12 609.5 12 610 12 610.5 12 611 12 611.5 12 507 12 507.5 12 508 12 508.5 12 509 16 836.5 16 837 16 837.5 16 838 16 838.5 16 713.5 16 714 16 714.5 16 715 16 715.5 66 67 68 69 70 12 612 12 612.5 12 613 12 613.5 12 614 12 509.5 12 510 12 510.5 12 511 12 511.5 16 839 16 839.5 16 840 16 840.5 16 841 16 716 16 716.5 16 717 16 717.5 16 718 71 72 73 74 75 12 614.5 12 615 12 615.5 12 616 12 616.5 12 512 12 512.5 12 513 12 513.5 12 514 16 841.5 16 842 16 842.5 16 843 16 843.5 16 718.5 16 719 16 719.5 16 720 16 720.5 76 77 78 79 80 12 617 12 617.5 12 618 12 618.5 12 619 12 514.5 12 515 12 515.5 12 516 12 516.5 16 844 16 844.5 16 845 16 845.5 16 846 16 721 16 721.5 16 722 16 722.5 16 723 81 82 83 84 85 12 619.5 12 620 12 620.5 12 621 12 621.5 12 517 12 517.5 12 518 12 518.5 12 519 16 846.5 16 847 16 847.5 16 848 16 848.5 16 723.5 16 724 16 724.5 16 725 16 725.5 86 87 88 89 90 12 622 12 520 2 12 622.5 12 623 12 623.5 12 519.5 12 520 2 12 520.5 12 521 12 521.5 16 849 16 849.5 16 850 16 850.5 16 851 16 726 16 726.5 16 727 16 727.5 16 728 91 92 93 94 95 12 624 12 624.5 12 625 12 625.5 12 626 12 522 12 522.5 12 523 12 523.5 12 524 16 851.5 16 852 16 852.5 16 853 16 853.5 16 728.5 16 729 16 729.5 16 730 16 730.5 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 327 Table of frequencies for two-frequency operation by coast stations (kHz) Channel No. 12 MHz band 5 (cont.) Transmit Receive 16 MHz band 6 (cont.) Transmit Receive 96 97 98 99 100 12 626.5 12 627 12 627.5 12 628 12 628.5 12 524.5 12 525 12 525.5 12 526 12 526.5 16 854 16 854.5 16 855 16 855.5 16 856 16 731 16 731.5 16 732 16 732.5 16 733 101 102 103 104 105 12 629 12 629.5 12 630 12 630.5 12 631 12 527 12 527.5 12 528 12 528.5 12 529 16 856.5 16 857 16 857.5 16 858 16 858.5 16 733.5 16 739 16 739.5 16 740 16 740.5 106 107 108 109 110 12 631.5 12 632 12 632.5 12 633 12 633.5 12 529.5 12 530 12 530.5 12 531 12 531.5 16 859 16 859.5 16 860 16 860.5 16 861 16 741 16 741.5 16 742 16 742.5 16 743 111 112 113 114 115 12 634 12 634.5 12 635 12 635.5 12 636 12 532 12 532.5 12 533 12 533.5 12 534 16 861.5 16 862 16 862.5 16 863 16 863.5 16 743.5 16 744 16 744.5 16 745 16 745.5 116 117 118 119 120 12 636.5 12 637 12 637.5 12 638 12 638.5 12 534.5 12 535 12 535.5 12 536 12 536.5 16 864 16 864.5 16 865 16 865.5 16 866 16 746 16 746.5 16 747 16 747.5 16 748 121 122 123 124 125 12 639 12 639.5 12 640 12 640.5 12 641 12 537 12 537.5 12 538 12 538.5 12 539 16 866.5 16 867 16 867.5 16 868 16 868.5 16 748.5 16 749 16 749.5 16 750 16 750.5 126 127 128 129 130 12 641.5 12 642 12 642.5 12 643 12 643.5 12 539.5 12 540 12 540.5 12 541 12 541.5 16 869 16 869.5 16 870 16 870.5 16 871 16 751 16 751.5 16 752 16 752.5 16 753 131 132 133 134 135 12 644 12 644.5 12 645 12 645.5 12 646 12 542 12 542.5 12 543 12 543.5 12 544 16 871.5 16 872 16 872.5 16 873 16 873.5 16 753.5 16 754 16 754.5 16 755 16 755.5 136 137 138 139 140 12 646.5 12 647 12 647.5 12 648 12 648.5 12 544.5 12 545 12 545.5 12 546 12 546.5 16 874 16 874.5 16 875 16 875.5 16 876 16 756 16 756.5 16 757 16 757.5 16 758 141 142 143 144 145 12 649 12 649.5 12 650 12 650.5 12 651 12 547 12 547.5 12 548 12 548.5 12 549 16 876.5 16 877 16 877.5 16 878 16 878.5 16 758.5 16 759 16 759.5 16 760 16 760.5 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 328 Table of frequencies for two-frequency operation by coast stations (kHz) Channel No. 12 MHz band 5 (end ) Transmit Receive 16 MHz band 6 (end ) Transmit Receive 146 147 148 149 150 12 651.5 12 652 12 652.5 12 653 12 653.5 12 549.5 12 555 12 555.5 12 556 12 556.5 16 879 16 879.5 16 880 16 880.5 16 881 16 761 16 761.5 16 762 16 762.5 16 763 151 152 153 154 155 12 654 12 654.5 12 655 12 655.5 12 656 12 557 12 557.5 12 558 12 558.5 12 559 16 881.5 16 882 16 882.5 16 883 16 883.5 16 763.5 16 764 16 764.5 16 765 16 765.5 156 157 158 159 160 12 656.5 12 559.5 16 884 16 884.5 16 885 16 885.5 16 886 16 766 16 766.5 16 767 16 767.5 16 768 161 162 163 164 165 16 886.5 16 887 16 887.5 16 888 16 888.5 16 768.5 16 769 16 769.5 16 770 16 770.5 166 167 168 169 170 16 889 16 889.5 16 890 16 890.5 16 891 16 771 16 771.5 16 772 16 772.5 16 773 171 172 173 174 175 16 891.5 16 892 16 892.5 16 893 16 893.5 16 773.5 16 774 16 774.5 16 775 16 775.5 176 177 178 179 180 16 894 16 894.5 16 895 16 895.5 16 896 16 776 16 776.5 16 777 16 777.5 16 778 181 182 183 184 185 16 896.5 16 897 16 897.5 16 898 16 898.5 16 778.5 16 779 16 779.5 16 780 16 780.5 186 187 188 189 190 16 899 16 899.5 16 900 16 900.5 16 901 16 781 16 781.5 16 782 16 782.5 16 783 191 192 193 16 901.5 16 902 16 902.5 16 783.5 16 784 16 784.5 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 329 Table of frequencies for two-frequency operation by coast stations (kHz) Channel No. 22 MHz band 7 Transmit Receive 25/26 MHz band Transmit Receive 1 2 3 4 5 22 376.5 22 377 22 377.5 22 378 22 378.5 22 284.5 22 285 22 285.5 22 286 22 286.5 26 101 26 101.5 26 102 26 102.5 26 103 25 173 25 173.5 25 174 25 174.5 25 175 6 7 8 9 10 22 379 22 379.5 22 380 22 380.5 22 381 22 287 22 287.5 22 288 22 288.5 22 289 26 103.5 26 104 26 104.5 26 105 26 105.5 25 175.5 25 176 25 176.5 25 177 25 177.5 11 12 13 14 15 22 381.5 22 382 22 382.5 22 383 22 383.5 22 289.5 22 290 22 290.5 22 291 22 291.5 26 106 26 106.5 26 107 26 107.5 26 108 25 178 25 178.5 25 179 25 179.5 25 180 16 17 18 19 20 22 384 22 384.5 22 385 22 385.5 22 386 22 292 22 292.5 22 293 22 293.5 22 294 26 108.5 26 109 26 109.5 26 110 26 110.5 25 180.5 25 181 25 181.5 25 182 25 182.5 21 22 23 24 25 22 386.5 22 387 22 387.5 22 388 22 388.5 22 294.5 22 295 22 295.5 22 296 22 296.5 26 111 26 111.5 26 112 26 112.5 26 113 25 183 25 183.5 25 184 25 184.5 25 185 26 27 28 29 30 22 389 22 389.5 22 390 22 390.5 22 391 22 297 22 297.5 22 298 22 298.5 22 299 26 113.5 26 114 26 114.5 26 115 26 115.5 25 185.5 25 186 25 186.5 25 187 25 187.5 31 32 33 34 35 22 391.5 22 392 22 392.5 22 393 22 393.5 22 299.5 22 300 22 300.5 22 301 22 301.5 26 116 26 116.5 26 117 26 117.5 26 118 25 188 25 188.5 25 189 25 189.5 25 190 36 37 38 39 40 22 394 22 394.5 22 395 22 395.5 22 396 22 302 22 302.5 22 303 22 303.5 22 304 26 118.5 26 119 26 119.5 26 120 26 120.5 25 190.5 25 191 25 191.5 25 192 25 192.5 41 42 43 44 45 22 396.5 22 397 22 397.5 22 398 22 398.5 22 304.5 22 305 22 305.5 22 306 22 306.5 46 47 48 49 50 22 399 22 399.5 22 400 22 400.5 22 401 22 307 22 307.5 22 308 22 308.5 22 309 7 Ship stations may use the coast station receiving frequencies of channels No. 68 up to and including 135 for transmitting A1A or A1B Morse telegraphy (working). I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 330 Table of frequencies for two-frequency operation by coast stations (kHz) Channel No. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 22 MHz band 7 (cont.) Transmit Receive 51 52 53 54 55 22 401.5 22 402 22 402.5 22 403 22 403.5 22 309.5 22 310 22 310.5 22 311 22 311.5 56 57 58 59 60 22 404 22 404.5 22 405 22 405.5 22 406 22 312 22 312.5 22 313 22 313.5 22 314 61 62 63 64 65 22 406.5 22 407 22 407.5 22 408 22 408.5 22 314.5 22 315 22 315.5 22 316 22 316.5 66 67 68 69 70 22 409 22 409.5 22 410 22 410.5 22 411 22 317 22 317.5 22 318 22 318.5 22 319 71 72 73 74 75 22 411.5 22 412 22 412.5 22 413 22 413.5 22 319.5 22 320 22 320.5 22 321 22 321.5 76 77 78 79 80 22 414 22 414.5 22 415 22 415.5 22 416 22 322 22 322.5 22 323 22 323.5 22 324 81 82 83 84 85 22 416.5 22 417 22 417.5 22 418 22 418.5 22 324.5 22 325 22 325.5 22 326 22 326.5 86 87 88 89 90 22 419 22 419.5 22 420 22 420.5 22 421 22 327 22 327.5 22 328 22 328.5 22 329 91 92 93 94 95 22 421.5 22 422 22 422.5 22 423 22 423.5 22 329.5 22 330 22 330.5 22 331 22 331.5 96 97 98 99 100 22 424 22 424.5 22 425 22 425.5 22 426 22 332 22 332.5 22 333 22 333.5 22 334 101 102 103 104 105 22 426.5 22 427 22 427.5 22 428 22 428.5 22 334.5 22 335 22 335.5 22 336 22 336.5 HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 331 Table of frequencies for two-frequency operation by coast stations (kHz) Channel No. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 22 MHz band 7 (end ) Transmit Receive 106 107 108 109 110 22 429 22 429.5 22 430 22 430.5 22 431 22 337 22 337.5 22 338 22 338.5 22 339 111 112 113 114 115 22 431.5 22 432 22 432.5 22 433 22 433.5 22 339.5 22 340 22 340.5 22 341 22 341.5 116 117 118 119 120 22 434 22 434.5 22 435 22 435.5 22 436 22 342 22 342.5 22 343 22 343.5 22 344 121 122 123 124 125 22 436.5 22 437 22 437.5 22 438 22 438.5 22 344.5 22 345 22 345.5 22 346 22 346.5 126 127 128 129 130 22 439 22 439.5 22 440 22 440.5 22 441 22 347 22 347.5 22 348 22 348.5 22 349 131 132 133 134 135 22 441.5 22 442 22 442.5 22 443 22 443.5 22 349.5 22 350 22 350.5 22 351 22 351.5 HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 332 Appendix 12: Telex Ship – Ship frequencies Table of ship station transmitting frequencies (kHz) Frequency bands Channel No. 4 MHz 6 MHz 8 MHz 12 MHz 16 MHz 18/19 MHz 22 MHz 25/26 MHz 1 2 3 4 5 4 202.5 4 203 4 203.5 4 204 4 204.5 6 300.5 6 301 6 301.5 6 302 6 302.5 8 396.5 8 397 8 397.5 8 398 8 398.5 12 560 12 560.5 12 561 12 561.5 12 562 16 785 16 785.5 16 786 16 786.5 16 787 18 893 18 893.5 18 894 18 894.5 18 895 22 352 22 352.5 22 353 22 353.5 22 354 25 193 25 193.5 25 194 25 194.5 25 195 6 7 8 9 10 4 205 4 205.5 4 206 4 206.5 4 207 6 303 6 303.5 6 304 6 304.5 6 305 8 399 8 399.5 8 400 8 400.5 8 401 12 562.5 12 563 12 563.5 12 564 12 564.5 16 787.5 16 788 16 788.5 16 789 16 789.5 18 895.5 18 896 18 896.5 18 897 18 897.5 22 354.5 22 355 22 355.5 22 356 22 356.5 25 195.5 25 196 25 196.5 25 197 25 197.5 11 12 13 14 15 6 305.5 6 306 6 306.5 6 307 6 307.5 8 401.5 8 402 8 402.5 8 403 8 403.5 12 565 12 565.5 12 566 12 566.5 12 567 16 790 16 790.5 16 791 16 791.5 16 792 18 898 22 357 22 357.5 22 358 22 358.5 22 359 25 198 25 198.5 25 199 25 199.5 25 200 16 17 18 19 20 6 308 6 308.5 6 309 6 309.5 6 310 8 404 8 404.5 8 405 8 405.5 8 406 12 567.5 12 568 12 568.5 12 569 12 569.5 16 792.5 16 793 16 793.5 16 794 16 794.5 22 359.5 22 360 22 360.5 22 361 22 361.5 25 200.5 25 201 25 201.5 25 202 25 202.5 21 22 23 24 25 6 310.5 6 311 6 311.5 8 406.5 8 407 8 407.5 8 408 8 408.5 12 570 12 570.5 12 571 12 571.5 12 572 16 795 16 795.5 16 796 16 796.5 16 797 22 362 22 362.5 22 363 22 363.5 22 364 25 203 25 203.5 25 204 25 204.5 25 205 26 27 28 29 30 8 409 8 409.5 8 410 8 410.5 8 411 12 572.5 12 573 12 573.5 12 574 12 574.5 16 797.5 16 798 16 798.5 16 799 16 799.5 22 364.5 22 365 22 365.5 22 366 22 366.5 25 205.5 25 206 25 206.5 25 207 25 207.5 31 32 33 34 35 8 411.5 8 412 8 412.5 8 413 8 413.5 12 575 12 575.5 12 576 12 576.5 16 800 16 800.5 16 801 16 801.5 16 802 22 367 22 367.5 22 368 22 368.5 22 369 25 208 36 37 38 39 40 8 414 16 802.5 16 803 16 803.5 16 804 22 369.5 22 370 22 370.5 22 371 22 371.5 41 42 43 44 45 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc 22 372 22 372.5 22 373 22 373.5 22 374 HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 333 Appendix 13: Telex command codes Code Description AMV Message to be sent to AMVER (see pages 8-9) BRK DATA [number] Message to be forwarded by the coast station, using data facilities, to the PSTN Subscriber number indicated DIRTLX [number] Direct telex connection to the indicated telex subscriber number is required FAX [number] Message to be forwarded as facsimile, via the PSTN, to the subscriber telephone number indicated FREQ Message contains the frequency on which the ship is keeping watch HELP List of the available system facilities is required immediately INF Information is immediately required from the coast station’s data base KKKK Network connection should be cleared whilst maintaining the radio path; further message/communications should follow immediately MAN Message is to be stored and forwarded manually to a country where an automatic telex connection is not available MED An URGENT medical message follows MSG Messages held by the coast station need to be sent immediately MULTLX [number1] Direct telex connection to multiple (i.e., at least 2) telex [number2] subscribers numbers as required MULTLXA As MULTLX, but advice of delivery also required NAV Current navigational warning messages required OBS Meteorological message to be sent to the appropriate meteorological organization(s) OPR Connection through a manual assistance operator required POS Message contains the ship’s position: assists automatic transmission and reception of messages by the coast station RDL Redial the last telex number indicated by DIRTLX I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 334 Code Description RPT [identifier] Retransmission of an earlier broadcast message, sent in FEC mode, is required in ARQ mode; the specific message must be referenced using the appropriate message identifier RTL Message is to be forwarded as radiotelex letter STA Ship station requires an immediate status report of the store-and forward messages it has sent; individual messages may be referenced by adding the appropriate message identifier STS[SELCALL/MMSI] Message is to sent via the coast station store-and forward facility to a specific ship identified by a SELCALL or MMSI number SVC Service message intended for subsequent manual attention TEL [number] Message to be relayed by voice from the coast station to the telephone number indicated TGM Message to be forwarded as radio telegram TLC [number] Message is for immediate connection to a store-andforward facility at the coast station TLXA [number] As TLX, but with advice of delivery to the indicated telex number using normal shore-to-ship procedures TRF Information on current traffic applied by the coast station is required (automatic service only) TST A test message text (e.g., “quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog) URG Emergency use only :the ship station needs to be connected to a manual assistance operator urgently(an audible alarm may be activated at the coast station VBTLX [number] Message is to be dictated by the coast station to a voice bank (voice messaging) telephone number for subsequent retrievably the addressee and duplicated by telex to the telex subscriber number following the command code; the telephone number of the voice bank telephone is included in the first line of the message text of the message. WX Weather information is required immediately I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 335 Appendix 14: Table of Maritime Identification Digits Country/Region MID Adelie Land - France 501 Afghanistan 401 Alaska (State of) - United States of America 303 Albania (Republic of) 201 Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of) 605 American Samoa - United States of America 559 Andorra (Principality of) 202 Angola (Republic of) 603 Anguilla - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 301 Antigua and Barbuda 304, 305 Argentine Republic 701 Armenia (Republic of) 216 Aruba - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 307 Ascension Island - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 608 Australia 503 Austria 203 Azerbaijani Republic 423 Azores - Portugal 204 Bahamas (Commonwealth of the) 308, 309, 311 Bahrain (Kingdom of) 408 Bangladesh (People's Republic of) 405 Barbados 314 Belarus (Republic of) 206 Belgium 205 Belize 312 Benin (Republic of) 610 Bermuda - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 310 Bhutan (Kingdom of) 410 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 720 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 306 Bosnia and Herzegovina 478 Botswana (Republic of) 611 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 336 Country/Region MID Brazil (Federative Republic of) 710 British Virgin Islands - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 378 Brunei Darussalam 508 Bulgaria (Republic of) 207 Burkina Faso 633 Burundi (Republic of) 609 Cambodia (Kingdom of) 514, 515 Cameroon (Republic of) 613 Canada 316 Cape Verde (Republic of) 617 Cayman Islands - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 319 Central African Republic 612 Chad (Republic of) 670 Chile 725 China (People's Republic of) 412, 413, 414 Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) - Australia 516 Cocos (Keeling) Islands - Australia 523 Colombia (Republic of) 730 Comoros (Union of the) 616 Congo (Republic of the) 615 Cook Islands - New Zealand 518 Costa Rica 321 Côte d'Ivoire (Republic of) 619 Croatia (Republic of) 238 Crozet Archipelago - France 618 Cuba 323 Curaçao - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 306 Cyprus (Republic of) 209, 210, 212 Czech Republic 270 Democratic People's Republic of Korea 445 Democratic Republic of the Congo 676 Denmark 219, 220 Djibouti (Republic of) 621 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 337 Country/Region MID Dominica (Commonwealth of) 325 Dominican Republic 327 Ecuador 735 Egypt (Arab Republic of) 622 El Salvador (Republic of) 359 Equatorial Guinea (Republic of) 631 Eritrea 625 Estonia (Republic of) 276 Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of) 624 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 740 Faroe Islands - Denmark 231 Fiji (Republic of) 520 Finland 230 France 226, 227, 228 French Polynesia - France 546 Gabonese Republic 626 Gambia (Republic of the) 629 Georgia 213 Germany (Federal Republic of) 211, 218 Ghana 627 Gibraltar - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 236 Greece 237, 239, 240, 241 Greenland - Denmark 331 Grenada 330 Guadeloupe (French Department of) - France 329 Guatemala (Republic of) 332 Guiana (French Department of) - France 745 Guinea (Republic of) 632 Guinea-Bissau (Republic of) 630 Guyana 750 Haiti (Republic of) 336 Honduras (Republic of) 334 Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of China) - China (People's Republic of) 477 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 338 Country/Region MID Hungary 243 Iceland 251 India (Republic of) 419 Indonesia (Republic of) 525 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 422 Iraq (Republic of) 425 Ireland 250 Israel (State of) 428 Italy 247 Jamaica 339 Japan 431, 432 Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of) 438 Kazakhstan (Republic of) 436 Kenya (Republic of) 634 Kerguelen Islands - France 635 Kiribati (Republic of) 529 Korea (Republic of) 440, 441 Kuwait (State of) 447 Kyrgyz Republic 451 Lao People's Democratic Republic 531 Latvia (Republic of) 275 Lebanon 450 Lesotho (Kingdom of) 644 Liberia (Republic of) 636, 637 Libya 642 Liechtenstein (Principality of) 252 Lithuania (Republic of) 277 Luxembourg 253 Macao (Special Administrative Region of China) - China (People's Republic of) 453 Madagascar (Republic of) 647 Madeira - Portugal 255 Malawi 655 Malaysia 533 Maldives (Republic of) 455 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 339 Country/Region MID Mali (Republic of) 649 Malta 215, 229, 248, 249, 256 Marshall Islands (Republic of the) 538 Martinique (French Department of) - France 347 Mauritania (Islamic Republic of) 654 Mauritius (Republic of) 645 Mexico 345 Micronesia (Federated States of) 510 Moldova (Republic of) 214 Monaco (Principality of) 254 Mongolia 457 Montenegro 262 Montserrat - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 348 Morocco (Kingdom of) 242 Mozambique (Republic of) 650 Myanmar (Union of) 506 Namibia (Republic of) 659 Nauru (Republic of) 544 Nepal (Federal Democratic Republic of) 459 Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 244, 245, 246 New Caledonia - France 540 New Zealand 512 Nicaragua 350 Niger (Republic of the) 656 Nigeria (Federal Republic of) 657 Niue - New Zealand 542 Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth of the) - United States of America 536 Norway 257, 258, 259 Oman (Sultanate of) 461 Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) 463 Palau (Republic of) 511 Palestine (In accordance with Resolution 99 Rev. Guadalajara, 2010) 443 Panama (Republic of) 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 370, I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 340 Country/Region MID 371, 372, 373 Papua New Guinea 553 Paraguay (Republic of) 755 Peru 760 Philippines (Republic of the) 548 Pitcairn Island - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 555 Poland (Republic of) 261 Portugal 263 Puerto Rico - United States of America 358 Qatar (State of) 466 Reunion (French Department of) - France 660 Romania 264 Russian Federation 273 Rwanda (Republic of) 661 Saint Helena - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 665 Saint Kitts and Nevis (Federation of) 341 Saint Lucia 343 Saint Paul and Amsterdam Islands - France 607 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Territorial Collectivity of) - France 361 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 375, 376, 377 Samoa (Independent State of) 561 San Marino (Republic of) 268 Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic Republic of) 668 Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) 403 Senegal (Republic of) 663 Serbia (Republic of) 279 Seychelles (Republic of) 664 Sierra Leone 667 Singapore (Republic of) 563, 564, 565, 566 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 306 Slovak Republic 267 Slovenia (Republic of) 278 Solomon Islands 557 Somali Democratic Republic 666 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 341 Country/Region MID South Africa (Republic of) 601 Spain 224, 225 Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of) 417 Sudan (Republic of the) 662 Suriname (Republic of) 765 Swaziland (Kingdom of) 669 Sweden 265, 266 Switzerland (Confederation of) 269 Syrian Arab Republic 468 Taiwan (Province of China) - China (People's Republic of) 416 Tajikistan (Republic of) 472 Tanzania (United Republic of) 674, 677 Thailand 567 The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 274 Togolese Republic 671 Tonga (Kingdom of) 570 Trinidad and Tobago 362 Tunisia 672 Turkey 271 Turkmenistan 434 Turks and Caicos Islands - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 364 Tuvalu 572 Uganda (Republic of) 675 Ukraine 272 United Arab Emirates 470 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 232, 233, 234, 235 United States Virgin Islands - United States of America 379 United States of America 338, 366, 367, 368, 369 Uruguay (Eastern Republic of) 770 Uzbekistan (Republic of) 437 Vanuatu (Republic of) 576, 577 Vatican City State 208 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 775 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 342 Country/Region MID Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of) 574 Wallis and Futuna Islands - France 578 Yemen (Republic of) 473, 475 Zambia (Republic of) 678 Zimbabwe (Republic of) 679 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 343 Appendix 15: List of Call Signs Call sign series Allocated to AAA-ALZ United States of America AMA-AOZ Spain APA-ASZ Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) ATA-AWZ India (Republic of) AXA-AXZ Australia AYA-AZZ Argentine Republic A2A-A2Z Botswana (Republic of) A3A-A3Z Tonga (Kingdom of) A4A-A4Z Oman (Sultanate of) A5A-A5Z Bhutan (Kingdom of) A6A-A6Z United Arab Emirates A7A-A7Z Qatar (State of) A8A-A8Z Liberia (Republic of) A9A-A9Z Bahrain (Kingdom of) BAA-BZZ China (People’s Republic of) CAA-CEZ Chile CFA-CKZ Canada CLA-CMZ Cuba CNA-CNZ Morocco (Kingdom of) COA-COZ Cuba CPA-CPZ Bolivia (Republic of) CQA-CUZ Portugal CVA-CXZ Uruguay (Eastern Republic of) CYA-CZZ Canada C2A-C2Z Nauru (Republic of) C3A-C3Z Andorra (Principality of) C4A-C4Z Cyprus (Republic of) C5A-C5Z Gambia (Republic of the) C6A-C6Z Bahamas (Commonwealth of the) *C7A-C7Z World Meteorological Organization C8A-C9Z Mozambique (Republic of) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 344 Call sign series Allocated to DAA-DRZ Germany (Federal Republic of) DSA-DTZ Korea (Republic of) DUA-DZZ Philippines (Republic of the) D2A-D3Z Angola (Republic of) D4A-D4Z Cape Verde (Republic of) D5A-D5Z Liberia (Republic of) D6A-D6Z Comoros (Union of) D7A-D9Z Korea (Republic of) EAA-EHZ Spain EIA-EJZ Ireland EKA-EKZ Armenia (Republic of) ELA-ELZ Liberia (Republic of) EMA-EOZ Ukraine EPA-EQZ Iran (Islamic Republic of) ERA-ERZ Moldova (Republic of) ESA-ESZ Estonia (Republic of) ETA-ETZ Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of) EUA-EWZ Belarus (Republic of) EXA-EXZ Kyrgyz Republic EYA-EYZ Tajikistan (Republic of) EZA-EZZ Turkmenistan E2A-E2Z Thailand E3A-E3Z Eritrea E4A-E4Z Palestinian Authority1 E5A-E5Z New Zealand – Cook Islands E7A-E7Z Bosnia and Herzegovina FAA-FZZ France GAA-GZZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland HAA-HAZ Hungary (Republic of) HBA-HBZ Switzerland (Confederation of) HCA-HDZ Ecuador I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 345 Call sign series Allocated to HEA-HEZ Switzerland (Confederation of) HFA-HFZ Poland (Republic of) HGA-HGZ Hungary (Republic of) HHA-HHZ Haiti (Republic of) HIA-HIZ Dominican Republic HJA-HKZ Colombia (Republic of) HLA-HLZ Korea (Republic of) HMA-HMZ Democratic People’s Republic of Korea HNA-HNZ Iraq (Republic of) HOA-HPZ Panama (Republic of) HQA-HRZ Honduras (Republic of) HSA-HSZ Thailand HTA-HTZ Nicaragua HUA-HUZ El Salvador (Republic of) HVA-HVZ Vatican City State HWA-HYZ France HZA-HZZ Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) H2A-H2Z Cyprus (Republic of) H3A-H3Z Panama (Republic of) H4A-H4Z Solomon Islands H6A-H7Z Nicaragua H8A-H9Z Panama (Republic of) IAA-IZZ Italy JAA-JSZ Japan JTA-JVZ Mongolia JWA-JXZ Norway JYA-JYZ Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of) JZA-JZZ Indonesia (Republic of) J2A-J2Z Djibouti (Republic of) J3A-J3Z Grenada J4A-J4Z Greece J5A-J5Z Guinea-Bissau (Republic of) J6A-J6Z Saint Lucia J7A-J7Z Dominica (Commonwealth of) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 346 Call sign series Allocated to J8A-J8Z Saint Vincent and the Grenadines KAA-KZZ United States of America LAA-LNZ Norway LOA-LWZ Argentine Republic LXA-LXZ Luxembourg LYA-LYZ Lithuania (Republic of) LZA-LZZ Bulgaria (Republic of) L2A-L9Z Argentine Republic MAA-MZZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland NAA-NZZ United States of America OAA-OCZ Peru ODA-ODZ Lebanon OEA-OEZ Austria OFA-OJZ Finland OKA-OLZ Czech Republic OMA-OMZ Slovak Republic ONA-OTZ Belgium OUA-OZZ Denmark PAA-PIZ Netherlands (Kingdom of the) PJA-PJZ Netherlands (Kingdom of the) – Netherlands Antilles PKA-POZ Indonesia (Republic of) PPA-PYZ Brazil (Federative Republic of) PZA-PZZ Suriname (Republic of) P2A-P2Z Papua New Guinea P3A-P3Z Cyprus (Republic of) P4A-P4Z Netherlands (Kingdom of the) – Aruba P5A-P9Z Democratic People’s Republic of Korea RAA-RZZ Russian Federation I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 347 Call sign series Allocated to SAA-SMZ Sweden SNA-SRZ Poland (Republic of) SSA-SSM Egypt (Arab Republic of) SSN-STZ Sudan (Republic of the) SUA-SUZ Egypt (Arab Republic of) SVA-SZZ Greece S2A-S3Z Bangladesh (People’s Republic of) S5A-S5Z Slovenia (Republic of) S6A-S6Z Singapore (Republic of) S7A-S7Z Seychelles (Republic of) S8A-S8Z South Africa (Republic of) S9A-S9Z Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic Republic of) TAA-TCZ Turkey TDA-TDZ Guatemala (Republic of) TEA-TEZ Costa Rica TFA-TFZ Iceland TGA-TGZ Guatemala (Republic of) THA-THZ France TIA-TIZ Costa Rica TJA-TJZ Cameroon (Republic of) TKA-TKZ France TLA-TLZ Central African Republic TMA-TMZ France TNA-TNZ Congo (Republic of the) TOA-TQZ France TRA-TRZ Gabonese Republic TSA-TSZ Tunisia TTA-TTZ Chad (Republic of) TUA-TUZ Côte d'Ivoire (Republic of) TVA-TXZ France TYA-TYZ Benin (Republic of) TZA-TZZ Mali (Republic of) T2A-T2Z Tuvalu T3A-T3Z Kiribati (Republic of) T4A-T4Z Cuba I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 348 Call sign series Allocated to T5A-T5Z Somali Democratic Republic T6A-T6Z Afghanistan T7A-T7Z San Marino (Republic of) T8A-T8Z Palau (Republic of) UAA-UIZ Russian Federation UJA-UMZ Uzbekistan (Republic of) UNA-UQZ Kazakhstan (Republic of) URA-UZZ Ukraine VAA-VGZ Canada VHA-VNZ Australia VOA-VOZ Canada VPA-VQZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland VRA-VRZ China (People’s Republic of) – Hong Kong VSA-VSZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland VTA-VWZ India (Republic of) VXA-VYZ Canada VZA-VZZ Australia V2A-V2Z Antigua and Barbuda V3A-V3Z Belize V4A-V4Z Saint Kitts and Nevis V5A-V5Z Namibia (Republic of) V6A-V6Z Micronesia (Federated States of) V7A-V7Z Marshall Islands (Republic of the) V8A-V8Z Brunei Darussalam WAA-WZZ United States of America XAA-XIZ Mexico XJA-XOZ Canada XPA-XPZ Denmark XQA-XRZ Chile XSA-XSZ China (People’s Republic of) XTA-XTZ Burkina Faso I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 349 Call sign series Allocated to XUA-XUZ Cambodia (Kingdom of) XVA-XVZ Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of) XXA-XXZ China (People’s Republic of) – Macao XWA-XWZ Lao People’s Democratic Republic XYA-XZZ Myanmar (Union of) YAA-YAZ Afghanistan YBA-YHZ Indonesia (Republic of) YIA-YIZ Iraq (Republic of) YJA-YJZ Vanuatu (Republic of) YKA-YKZ Syrian Arab Republic YLA-YLZ Latvia (Republic of) YMA-YMZ Turkey YNA-YNZ Nicaragua YOA-YRZ Romania YSA-YSZ El Salvador (Republic of) YTA-YUZ Serbia (Republic of) YVA-YYZ Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Y2A-Y9Z Germany (Federal Republic of) ZAA-ZAZ Albania (Republic of) ZBA-ZJZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ZKA-ZMZ New Zealand ZNA-ZOZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ZPA-ZPZ Paraguay (Republic of) ZQA-ZQZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ZRA-ZUZ South Africa (Republic of) ZVA-ZZZ Brazil (Federative Republic of) Z2A-Z2Z Zimbabwe (Republic of) Z3A-Z3Z The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2AA-2ZZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 350 Call sign series Allocated to 3AA-3AZ Monaco (Principality of) 3BA-3BZ Mauritius (Republic of) 3CA-3CZ Equatorial Guinea (Republic of) 3DA-3DM Swaziland (Kingdom of) 3DN-3DZ Fiji (Republic of) 3EA-3FZ Panama (Republic of) 3GA-3GZ Chile 3HA-3UZ China (People’s Republic of) 3VA-3VZ Tunisia 3WA-3WZ Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of) 3XA-3XZ Guinea (Republic of) 3YA-3YZ Norway 3ZA-3ZZ Poland (Republic of) 4AA-4CZ Mexico 4DA-4IZ Philippines (Republic of the) 4JA-4KZ Azerbaijani Republic 4LA-4LZ Georgia 4MA-4MZ Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 4OA-4OZ Montenegro (Republic of) 4PA-4SZ Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of) 4TA-4TZ Peru *4UA-4UZ United Nations 4VA-4VZ Haiti (Republic of) 4WA-4WZ Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste 4XA-4XZ Israel (State of) *4YA-4YZ International Civil Aviation Organization 4ZA-4ZZ Israel (State of) 5AA-5AZ Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 5BA-5BZ Cyprus (Republic of) 5CA-5GZ Morocco (Kingdom of) 5HA-5IZ Tanzania (United Republic of) 5JA-5KZ Colombia (Republic of) 5LA-5MZ Liberia (Republic of) I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 351 Call sign series Allocated to 5NA-5OZ Nigeria (Federal Republic of) 5PA-5QZ Denmark 5RA-5SZ Madagascar (Republic of) 5TA-5TZ Mauritania (Islamic Republic of) 5UA-5UZ Niger (Republic of the) 5VA-5VZ Togolese Republic 5WA-5WZ Samoa (Independent State of) 5XA-5XZ Uganda (Republic of) 5YA-5ZZ Kenya (Republic of) 6AA-6BZ Egypt (Arab Republic of) 6CA-6CZ Syrian Arab Republic 6DA-6JZ Mexico 6KA-6NZ Korea (Republic of) 6OA-6OZ Somali Democratic Republic 6PA-6SZ Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) 6TA-6UZ Sudan (Republic of the) 6VA-6WZ Senegal (Republic of) 6XA-6XZ Madagascar (Republic of) 6YA-6YZ Jamaica 6ZA-6ZZ Liberia (Republic of) 7AA-7IZ Indonesia (Republic of) 7JA-7NZ Japan 7OA-7OZ Yemen (Republic of) 7PA-7PZ Lesotho (Kingdom of) 7QA-7QZ Malawi 7RA-7RZ Algeria (People’s Democratic Republic of) 7SA-7SZ Sweden 7TA-7YZ Algeria (People’s Democratic Republic of) 7ZA-7ZZ Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) 8AA-8IZ Indonesia (Republic of) 8JA-8NZ Japan 8OA-8OZ Botswana (Republic of) 8PA-8PZ Barbados I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 352 Call sign series Allocated to 8QA-8QZ Maldives (Republic of) 8RA-8RZ Guyana 8SA-8SZ Sweden 8TA-8YZ India (Republic of) 8ZA-8ZZ Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) 9AA-9AZ Croatia (Republic of) 9BA-9DZ Iran (Islamic Republic of) 9EA-9FZ Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of) 9GA-9GZ Ghana 9HA-9HZ Malta 9IA-9JZ Zambia (Republic of) 9KA-9KZ Kuwait (State of) 9LA-9LZ Sierra Leone 9MA-9MZ Malaysia 9NA-9NZ Nepal 9OA-9TZ Democratic Republic of the Congo 9UA-9UZ Burundi (Republic of) 9VA-9VZ Singapore (Republic of) 9WA-9WZ Malaysia 9XA-9XZ Rwandese Republic 9YA-9ZZ Trinidad and Tobago I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 353 Appendix 16: Two Digit Access Codes Access Service Code Remarks 00 Automatic Use this code to make automatic telephone, facsimile and voice-band data calls using international direct dial (IDD) codes. 11 International operator Use this code to obtain information from the international operator of the country where the LESO is located. 12 International information Use this code to obtain information about subscribers in countries other than that where the LESO is located. 13 National operator Use this code to obtain assistance to connect to subscribers in the country where the LESO is located. In countries which do not have an international operator, use this instead of Code 11. 14 National information Use this code to obtain information about subscribers in the country where the LESO is located. 17 Telephone call booking This code may be used via some LESOs to book telephone calls, although normally it is used via the telex service. 20 Access to a maritime PAD This code is used when using a voice-band data modem to access a maritime packet assembly/disassembly (PAD) facility in a packet switched public data network (PSDN). The PAD is accessed via telephone circuits and two additional digits indicating the required data rate should follow the prefix 20. 23 Abbreviated dialling (short code selection) This code is used by some LESOs to allow Inmarsat-A equipped subscribers to use abbreviated dialling codes for their regularly dialled numbers. 28 Internet access This code is used by some LESOs to allow InmarsatA/B/M/mini-M to access the Internet. The terminals must generally first be registered with the LESO before this service can be used. 31 Maritime enquiries This code may be used for special enquiries such as ship location, authorisation, etc. 32 Medical advice Use this code to obtain medical advice. Some LESOs have direct connections with local hospitals for use with this code. 33 Technical assistance Use this code if you are having technical problems with your Inmarsat terminal. Technical staff at the LESO should be able to assist you. 34 Person-to-person call Use this code to contact the operator for a person-toperson call. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 354 Access Service Code Remarks 35 Collect call Use this code to contact the operator for a collect call (charge payable by the recipient of the call). 36 Credit card call Use this code to charge a telephone call to a credit or charge card. Time and duration This code should be dialled at the start of a call instead of Code 00 for an automatic call. With this service, the MES operator is advised of the time and duration of the call being set up, either by a telephone call back from the LESO or, more usually, by a short telex message giving the time and duration of the call. (Note that Code 37 cannot work with a second IMN on Inmarsat-A or an Inmarsat-M/mini-M MES, as there is no associated telex line). 38 Medical assistance This code should be used if the condition of an ill or injured person on board the vessel requires urgent evacuation ashore or the services of a doctor aboard the vessel. This code will ensure that the call is routed to the appropriate agency or authority ashore to deal with the situation. 39 Maritime assistance This code should be used to obtain maritime assistance if the vessel requires assistance or a tow or has encountered oil pollution, etc. Meteorological reports This code should be used by weather-observing vessels to send their observations. In most cases where this service is available the service is free of charge to the vessel, the National Weather Authority paying the relevant charges. 42 Navigational hazards and warnings This code provides a connection to a navigational office for transmission of information from the vessel about any hazards which could endanger the safety of navigation (e.g. wrecks, derelicts, floating obstructions, defective radio beacons or light vessels, icebergs, floating mines etc.). 43 This code provides a connection to an appropriate national or international centre collecting ship Ship position reports movement information for search and rescue (or other) purposes e.g. AMVER or AUSREP, etc. 37 41 6(x) Administration specialised use For use by administrations for specialised use. Often used for leased lines, etc. The ‘x’ digit following the 6 is allocated on a national basis and is usually not used for the same service/leased line for more than one LESO. 70 Databases The LESO will normally use this code, if it is available, to allow automatic access to its information retrieval database. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 355 Access Service Code Remarks 90 Automatic line test This code should be used to obtain test levels and tones when setting up a modem or voice-band data equipment. Commissioning tests This code should be used when a vessel is ready to commence its Inmarsat-A commissioning tests. The code should be used for this purpose only and then solely via the LESO through which the commissioning has been arranged. 92 I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 356 Appendix 17: Non Delivery Codes Notification (NDN) NDN code ABS ACB ADR ANU ATD BK BUS CCD CI CIE CNS DTE ERR FAU FMT FSA IAB IAM IDS IDT IFR IMS IND INH INV ISR LDE LEF LPE MBB MCC MCF MKO MSO NA NAL NC NCH NDA Meaning Absent subscriber. The mobile terminal is not logged in to the ocean region. Access barred. Addressee refuses to accept message. Deleted. The message has not been delivered within an hour and is therefore deleted. Attempting to deliver the message. Message aborted. Is used when a fax or PSTN-connection is cleared abnormally. Busy. Call cut or disconnected. Conversation impossible. The LESO ran out of processing/communications capacity to process the message. Call not started. Data terminal equipment. Used when an X.25 subscriber has cleared the connection during the call attempt. Error. Faulty. Format error. Fast select acceptance not subscribed. Invalid answer-back from destination. Was unable to process the address information in the following message: Invalid data from ship. Input data time-out. Invalid facility request. Message size is invalid; 7,932 characters maximum. Incompatible destination. Was unable to establish the type of message from the following header: Invalid. Invalid ship request. Maximum acceptable message length or duration has been exceeded. Local equipment failure. Local procedure error. Message broken by higher priority Message channel congestion. Message channel failure. Message killed by operator. Machine switched off. Correspondence with this subscriber is not permitted. No address line is present. No circuits. Subscriber’s number has changed. No delivery was attempted. I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc HTW 1/3/4 Annex, page 357 NFA NIA NOB NOC NP NTC OAB OCC OOO PAD PRC PRF RCA REF RLE RPE RPO SCC SHE SNF SPE SUC TBY TGR TIM TMD UNK WFA WIA No final answer-back. No initial answer-back. Not obtainable. No connection. No party. The called party is not, or is no longer, a subscriber. Network congestion/ Operator aborted. Subscriber is occupied. Out of order. Packet assembler/disassembler. Premature clearing. Protocol failure. Reverse charging acceptance not subscribed. There was a failure in the remote equipment. Resource limit exceeded. Remote procedure error. RPOA out of order. Call completed successfully. MES hardware error. The satellite network has failed. MES protocol error. Test results being delivered. Trunks busy. TDM group reset. Time-out. Too many destinations. Unknown. Is used when no other failure codes are suitable. Wrong final answer-back. Wrong initial answer-back. ___________ I:\HTW\1\3-4 Annex.doc