ebook winter 2015 coaches

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Sessionsand Activitiesrrom
Across the Worid-*4th Edition
Compiled by Bobby Puppione — @bobbypup
A b o u t th e B o oklet
This book contains sessions and activities from soccer coaches and trainers from across the world. It is the
fourth edition of the book. Previous compilations were put together in December 2013, April 2014, and
October/November 2014. The intent is to compile sessions and activities for coaches to share, adapt, and
I encourage you to follow all of these contributors as they all add value to the game. Thank you to all of
these coaches for allowing us to share their sessions and activities.
Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me to continue developing as a coach. Shout out to our club,
Cincinnati United Soccer Club/CUP (@cincyunited), and all of our players, trainers, coaches, directors,
parents, referees, and volunteers.!
As always, special thank you to my family and friends for always inspiring me.
All the best,!
- Bobby Puppione
Twitter: @bobbypup
Email: [email protected]
C o n trib u to rs:
Adrian Parrish — @kysoccerdoc
Zac Crawford — @zaccraw4d
Gary Curneen — @GaryCurneen
Bobby Puppione — @bobbypup
Ian Barker — @barkernscaa
David Robertson — @cincysoccer2307
Wayne Harrison — @wayneharrison9
Ken Lolla — @KenLolla
Dan Chubbock — @danchubbock
Neil Cooper — @NCHammer1980
Tony Mee — @coachtonymee
Louis Lancaster — @LouisLancs
Matt Mueller — @mjmueller0303
Matt Thomas — @GoalIn_One
Jonathan Williams — @ JonnyWill18
24/7 UK Soccer Academy
Table of C ontents
Page 4
Gary Curneen — @garycurneen
Topic Position Specific Training - Center Forward
Page 5
Dan Chubbock — @danchubbock
Topic Passing - One Touch
Page 6
Ben Trinder — @btrinds
Topic “El Rondo”
Page 7
24/7 UK Soccer Academy
Topic Ball Striking
Page 8-9
Adrian Parrish — @kysoccerdoc
Topic Defend Later
Page 10
Jonathan Williams — @ JonnyWill18
Topic Possession Overload with Cognitive Development
Page 11
Tony Mee — @coachtonymee
Topic Defending Against the Counter Attack
Page 12-13
Bobby Puppione — @bobbypup
Topic Back 4 Defending
Page 14
Ian Barker — @barkernscaa
Topic Speed of Play/Penetration
Page 15
David Robertson — @cincysoccer2307 Topic 2v1/1 v2/2v2 Transition
Page 16
Louis Lancaster — @LouisLancs
Topic Striker Movement
Page 17-18
Matt Thomas @GoalIn_One
Topic 4v2/5v3
Page 19
Louis Lancaster — @LouisLancs
Topic Playing Through Midfield
Page 20
Zac Crawford — @zaccraw4d
Topic Improve GK Flank Play/Improve MF & F Flank Play
Page 21-24
Neil Cooper — @NCHammer1980
Topic Various Receiving/Passing Activities
Page 25
Dan Chubbock — @danchubbock
Topic Possession - In Transition
Page 26-27
Matt Mueller — @mjmueller0303
Topic Speed of Play/Positional Possession
Page 28-29
Jonathan Williams — @ JonnyWill18
Topic Finishing With and Without Pressure
Page 30
24/7 UK Soccer Academy
Topic When to Turn/When Not to Turn
Page 31
Ian Barker — @barkernscaa
Topic Communication and Awareness
Page 32
David Robertson — @cincysoccer2307 Topic 4v2 Rondo
Page 33-34
U of L Symposium - Danny Cepero
Topic Goalkeeper Reaction Training
Page 35-38
Ken Lolla — @KenLolla
Topic Possession With a Purpose
Page 39-51
Wayne Harrison — @wayneharrison9
Topic Changing from Attacking to Defending Team Shape
Interactive Session Plan ™
Location: CSU Bakersfield - Gary Curneen
Session date:
Feb '15
Topic: Position Specific Training - Center Forward
1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
i Players - 2 serve and 1 works
Player B starts in middle - receives ball from player A through one side of square, must
come out the other side and pass into bottom goal (left sided work)
Then Player B turns and does the same from player C in top goal (right sided work)
Work 45 seconds - then change players - 3 sets each
Two touch limit
Player B must keep first touch inside square
Coaching Points:
Always check to the ball
Receive in one direction, come out the other
Quality of final pass_______________________________________________________
Two players work at the same time with tw o servers
5oth Players A and B start at same time, go through ladders, receive the ball from
server on either side, take a touch and shoot
The exercise keeps moving as Players A and B switch starting spots and work the
other side
Work for 45 seconds - x3 sets
Coaching Points:
Quality of movement and finish on both sides
Change service (volleys, chest, etc)
Switch ladder work (backwards, sideways, etc)
Two goal shooting (add keepers) - Both A and B work at the same time
ieceive the ball from server, take touch past mannequin, then shoot
After shot, sprint around and work on the other goal
Work for 1 minute - x4 sets
Coaching Points:
iverything done at high intensity
Challenge players to perform through fatigue
Always hit the target!
’ rogression: Change mannequins and work left side
Overall, w o rk in g on:
1 - Checking in to th e ball and transferring it to an othe r angle
2. M o vem en t and finishing fro m w id e angles inside 18 yard box
Comments: 3. Set-Shot fro m distance
Interactive Session Plans™ created by www.academysoccercoach.com
Print Session
Email Session
© Copyright CSUB 2014
Passing - O n e to u c h
Duration: 90 Mins
@ danchubbock
Age: U12
• Teach the players how and when to play one touch passes
• Improve speed of play
• Teach players to play combinations quicker, with one touch passing
" Players pass the ball ¡n an hourglass p attern a n d follow their
" Players should a tte m p t to play e a c h pass one to uch .
C o a c h in a Points:
" When receiving: on toes, eye c o n ta c t w ith player passing to,
m ove to ball a n d o p e n hips
" When passing: locke d ankle, eye on ball w hen passing, quick
m o v e m e n t to sp a ce behind receiver. Punching m otion with
fo o t in a first tim e pass.
A d d an extra ball. play in a ny direction. a d d d efe nd e r.
Split into tw o team s o f 7.
Each te a m has tw o ta rg e t players, b oth ends.
Three players in the m iddle have a ball per te am .
Must p la y a t least three one to u c h passes, before playing a
first tim e ball into ta rg e t player.
Target player passes into m iddle a n d switches w ith player,
w h o passed them the ball.
First te a m to switch all four ta rg e t players gain point.
C o a c h in g Points:
Play the w a y you fa c e . C onstantly scan field for options.
C o m m u n ica te . Think one pass a h e a d . G o o d b o d y position
w hen receiving. G o o d passing & receiving te chn iqu e.
- set up sam e as previous exercise, b ut now only one ball
b e tw e e n b oth team s.
- Teams must play a m inimum o f five passes, before playing to,
a n d sw itching with ta rg et.
- Players c a n use targets to m aintain possession
C o a c h in g Points:
Decision m aking. M o ve m e n t o ff the ball. C om m un ica tion .
Passing/Receiving te chn iqu e.
A d d Touch restrictions.
V ________________________________________
Set players up, according to numbers available.
" E l
o n d o "
"Bounce" Rondo
Developing Possession Rondo
A fun session starter for players of a good
ability, This Rondo involves "bouncing" the
ball off a player in the centre.
Players on the outside can pass to each
other or try to win the team a point by
bouncing the ball off their central team
This Rondo can be progressed to include
2v1 in favour of the white players who try
to receive, combine and play out to win a
A great w ay to begin coaching to develop
possession. Both teams have 2 target
players who play on opposite sides of the
square. The central players look to
combine, and maintain possession while
playing to their target players.
In the pic, Blue play up and down with
Whites playing across.
Target players represent a goalkeeper and
a striker, if you like. This practice can be
used as a base to deliver multiple topics.
Sessions designed b y Ben Trinder - UEFA B Licensed Coach
Them e:
Interactive Session Plan
24-7 UK Soccer Academy Coach
Session date
Team/Age Group U12-U14
To teach players to strike the ball correctly using laces. To improve technique and work on the players
accuracy when
Time available
90 Minutes
Explanation: As a team, using one half of a full sized field have the team using 3 balls.
They must move around the field, striking balls to each other using laces. They must
vary the distance and keep the ball on the floor to begin with.
Coaching Points: Striking ball with laces - When approaching the ball build up some
speed with some powerful short steps to the ball. Place your standing foot beside the
ball, but not right next to it. Use your arms to help balance. With a bend in the knee,
bring your kicking foot to the ball. Have your toe pointing down and across the ball,
exposing your laces to the center of the ball. Keep your knee and body over the ball, as
you make contact with the ball follow through to generate power. Ensure that your hips
and your laces are facing your intended target.
Explanation: Using one half of the field and using four goals on each side of the field.
Have a square filled with balls in the middle. Divide your team into four teams. Position
one team next to each goal. Have them compete against each team. They have to sprint
to the square, use a turn to get the ball out in front of them. There will be a line of disks in
front of each goal where they have to strike behind. There will be no goal keeper but the
goal will divided into three. The corners will be worth 2 points and the middle 1 point.
Coaching Points: Striking ball with laces - build up some speed with some powerful short
steps to the ball. Place your standing foot beside the ball, but not right next to it. With a
bend in the knee, bring your kicking foot to the ball. Have your toe pointing down and
across the, exposing your laces to the center of the ball. Keep your knee and body over
the ball, as you make contact with the ball follow through to generate power. Ensure that
your hips and your laces are facing your intended target.
Progression: Adding a goalkeeper in each goal. Shoot low into corners. Weak foot
Explanation: 36x18 Yard, 5v5. There will be two goals and two goalkeepers. The two
teams will play but will only be able to score inside the opposition's18 yard area. If you
have a large squad you can make it a tournament format. First team to 2 goals wins, with
winners staying on and next team entering. The game speed should be quick with the
emphasis on taking quick touches and shots inside the 18 yard area.
Coaching Points: Players must build some power in the last few steps of their approach
to the ball. Standing foot planted next to the ball. Their arms must be out and used for
balance. Their shooting foot must approach the ball with their toe pointing down and
across the ball. They must keep their shooting legs knee over the ball as well as their
body weight. They must strike through the center of the ball and follow through to
generate power. Ensure that hips and laces are pointing towards intended target.
Progression: Specify laces or instep. Specify what area of the goal they must aim at bottom corners, top corners. Limit touches when shooting - two touch max. One touch
Action Points/Notes:
Each activity can be extended as required to make up a 90 minute session
Allow for 10 minutes free play at the end of the session
Interactive Session Plans created by www.academysoccercoach.com
© Copyright 24-7 UK Soccer Academy 2013
K e n tu ckv Y o u th Soccer A ssociation
Lesson Plans - D e fe n d in g Later
A d riá n Parrish -T e c h n ic a l D ire c to r
Training Objectives: Help the team as a unit to recognize who, when and why the individuals/team
should drop behind the ball to defend later rather than earlier. If it is on for the players/team to win
early the team should still apply pressure.
* 30 yard x 16 yard grid divided into two
* 4v4. One team places two defenders in on half of the grid to create
a 4v2
* If the defenders win the ball they play the ball to their team mates
in the other half
* Theyjoin their teammates and two players from the other team
come over to create a 4v2
Coaching Points
* Angle of approach to force the play towards the halfway line
* Pressure needs to be more intense towards the halfway line
(teaching the players to defend from the front)
* Players need to drop and shape body to make play predictable and
try to intercept the pass.
Small Sided Activity
* Place two cones (a goal) on top of the 18 yard box
* Place a 8x8 yard box inside the Center Circle
* Play the width of the 18 yard box
* 7v5, working with the team attacking the coned goal. Normal goal scoring rules.
* Team of 7 (including GK) score by trying to play the ball into the target player
who must stay inside the 8v8 grid
* If the target player receives the ball on the ground the team scores one point. If
they receive an aerial pass and can control it, they score 2 points.
* Normal soccer rules apply
Coaching Points
* Help the players see the keys of when to drop back, such as the player with the
ball puts their hand down and looks to play long
* Back peddle and keep hips open so you can see the ball and the field
* When dropping be patient and compact
* Organization, if one player goes and the other players do not the team needs to
be prepared to pull them back and not chase
K e n tu ckv Y o u th Soccer A ssociation
Lesson Plans - D e fe n d in g Later
A d riá n Parrish -T e c h n ic a l D ire c to r
Expanded Small Sided Activity
* 8v8 on 65 x 48 yard field
* One team attacks one large goal and the other team attacks one large goal and
two small goals
* Normal rules apply including offside
* The team attacking the three goals can score in any of them, one goal in each
Coaching Points
* Look for pictures on how to coach the players/lines to work together
* #9 is the trigger player and helps the team dictate when to press and when to
* #10, #8, #6 try to keep the play on one side and make it compact. Need to cut
out passing lanes and not allow the ball get played in behind. Be patient and make
play predictable.
* #6 needs to be prepared to drop in alongside #5 and deny space
* #3, #5, #2 organize the players in front of them, defend the spaces in front and
9v9 Game
* 9v9
* The team that you coach plays in a 1-4-3-1 versus a 1-3-3-2
* Cover the points in previous parts of the session, look for moments of helping
the players realize who should drop, when and where to drop and why to drop
Finish with a 5 minute cool down including jogging and stretching
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© Copyright wvm .acadcm ysocccrcoach.co.uk 2014
Possession Overload with Cognitive Devlopment
30x20 ( adjust with number)
Cones ( 3 colors)
3 Colors of vests
Two teams of four in the middle (adjust to your number 3x3, 5x5, neutral
inside, etc) with one neutral team of four working the sides of the rectangle.
The players on the outside have a cone the color of each team in the middle
(one cone each color to three cones each color in the hands). When a team in
possession plays you and they get it back, drop the cone in relation to that
teams color. Once you have been used on the outside ard all cones dropped,
you are done for that team and they must focus on the other targets.
However, if say Neutral on the left has all cones dropped for red and red uses
them again, they must pick all cones back up and play resumes. First team to
get all outside players to drop the cones wins.
Rotate when the game finishes or have a set-time and whoever has the most
cones dropped wins.
Touch limits
Adding a neutral in the middle
Touch limit for outside players
10 passes is also a point to keep inside players a bit honest
Competition- winner stays.
Adapt, Share, Enjoy!
Defending Against the Counter Attack 14/2/15
Category: Tactical: Defensiva principies
Skill: U12
Apractice to develop strategies to cope with defending counter attacks.
Possession to Penétrate (30 mins)
Attack Buildina
Both teams attemptto score bypassing to a team mate making a
run into the shaded zene.
If a player runs into the shaded zone withoutthe ball, a 3 second
rule applies (getoutwithin 3 seconds).
D efending the C ounter (30 mins)
Defending the Counter
To initiate the Counter, the coach plays a ball in to one of the
In this example, Red 1 presses to preventforward playfrom the
blues, whilst Red 2 applies pressure from the "wrong" side to tryto
forcé a mistake. Red 3 narrows off to make the defence compact
whilst Red 4 makes a recovery run beyond the ball. Red 5 is
defending the space behind in case the Blues playdirect.
Progression - allow the teams to score by running or passing
the ball into the shaded zone.
Game Scenario (30 mins)
The final partofthe practice adds in the Goalkeeper and a goal.
The principies of play remain the same, with the coaches initiating
Counter Attacking situations if theydon't occur organically in the
Teams switch roles after a set period.
Pro-Club: SportSessionPlanner.com
Tony Mee, Doncaster, United Kingdom
Topic: Back 4 D efending S ession
Bobby Puppione
- FIFA 11+ Warm-up
- Performance Work — footwork, agility, changes of direction
- Goalkeepers train separately with GK coach until Activities 3 and 4
A c tiv ity 1:
- White team tries to play
ball across the grid to other
white team while black shifts
defensively to prevent a
penetrating pass. Rotate middle
team after 60-90 seconds.
- Focus on the shifting of the
middle four players.
1. Add a 4th team
2. Add a transitional aspect
A c tiv ity 2:
- Play 6v6 to 6 small goals
- Teams defend 3 goals and
attack 3 goals
- Set-up in a 4-2 formation for
each team.
- Play 5 minute games.
1. Add a neutral player to make
defending tougher.
2. Make the game full width
A c tiv ity 3:
- Play 8v6 plus GK to a big goal/
3 counter goals
- Black team defends as a back 6
and looks to score in small goals.
- White team looks to score in
big goal.
- Can add target players instead
of small goals
- Add black target players to
connect with before scoring in
small goals.
Final Game:
- Play 9v9 or 11v11
- Observe how team defends in the final third
C oaching Points:
role of the goalkeeper
wide backs - prevent crosses, move centrally to support center backs
center backs - give cover/support, box organization/marking, passing on players
what to do once we have won it — counter/transition
blocking shots
tackling/ball winning
David Robertson - @CincySoccer2307
Cincinnati United Premier - @ cincyunited
2 Goals
2 Zones
3 Lines o f players (B & C attacking, D Defending)
2v1/1v2/2v2 Transition A ctivity:
A ctivity always begins with the ball in goalkeeper (A)'s hands.
B & C pop o ff their cones and create good angles to receive.
A distributes the ball to B or C (1), who must play the ball to their partner
before advancing into next area (2) (can remove that restriction)
D immediately goes to press in opponents half
B & C look to combine to score (3, 4, 5)
IF D wins the ball at any point (or GK saves the shot), they go 1v2 to goal until
a goal is scored or ball goes out o f bounds
As soon as a goal is scored or ball goes out, next player in line D dribbles
onto pitch at speed to create a 2v2 (6)
Coaching Points:
- Receiving angles (how can we go forward quickly?)
- First touch (across body, forward touch)
- Speed & Tempo
- A ttacking in a 1v2 scenario when presented (get to goal)
- Dealing with transition (attacking & defending)
Strikers Beyond
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The strkef moves h the same direction as the b a l fcltowed by a
diagonal rnn meeting a straight pass.
-Set up the a reo as above.
-Good ball suppfy.
-Whites sooring in the big goaL
-Blues scorhg in either of the 3 goals
-The blue defendefs a e not albwed to defend behind the fines of
-Whites look to attack the space beyond
-AJIow recovemg defendéis to track strkers runs - Give the 3 gods
in on the ha» way íne diffenent valúes g'rving the whites a
defendng strategy.
To View all Louis sessions visit www.discoutfootballkits.com /louis
Coach plays ball out to goalkeeper who passes to 4 attackers which creates a 4v2
2 defenders work together to win ball back and can score ¡n 2 goals at halfway line
Progression time limit. after 3 passes extra defender can join in
Coach plays ball out to goal keeper who passes it out to the 5 attackers who then attack the 3 defenders
3 defenders will look to w ork together as a unit an additional defender will be tracking back from behind the defenders so
¡t’s 5v4
Defenders have 2 goals a t hallway line that they can score in once possession of ball is won.
Attackers really have to think how to break down defenders knowing there is an additional defender coming from behind
Progression time limit. additional defender after certain amount of passes
in association wrth
tralnlng sesslon
created by
leve! 5 coach
discountfootballkits .com
the UK's leading branded teamwear specialist
Missing O ut M idfield
CCapyiipMm*wK*ienylocc«cojcAco ut MM
-Set up the crea as abave suitng the needs of your players and
nimbers avalable
-Set up the crea as above suitng the needs of your players and
nimbers avalable
-The two defenders are in the defending thrd 3vl.
-They must deíver the b a l direct to the strker.
-They can either ptay a fast pass on the gound a go over the
-Once the strker recerves the b a l they can either h m orlayrtoff
for the midfielders
-The 1vad midfieldefs then joh the attack to creóte a 3v2
-tf the v/hites w n the b d l they must go through the same process
-Smlar process to the previous gom e
-Ths trne the b a l must go into the mídele thrd.
-The midftelder on the b a l can then b'eak out nto the end zcoe
-Set a chalenge for the midñelders. Can they try and all be on
different Ines h the middle thrd
-I Ike to treat the oreas B<e a basketbal key. where the players try
not to spend more than three seconds h the same ¡ne
-Add another striker or mktfielder to sut the needs of your
-Add mere players progresshg to llvll and full pitch
-Alow a defender to drive into midfield meaning a midfielder must
then move into the final thrd
-Give the players a chotee whefher to ms$ out or play through
To view
visit www.discountfootballkits.com /louis
NAME: Zac Crawford
TEAM: ASA/Birmingham Hammers Jrs.
Improving GK ability to deal with flank play,
Improving MF and FW ability to create flank play
ORGANIZATION (Physical Environment / Equipment / Players)
2 groups of field players start with balls near midfield. 1 GK in the goal, other GK
inside box to act as traffic. Set-up 1st and 2nd goal opportunities.
Ball starts with GK feet playing ball out to attackers, who must combine and cross ball.
GK must call AWAY or KEEPER. Read visual cues of placement of def.
Attackers must be clean and play quickly with head up.
Int2- add 2nd goal. Int3- add overlap. Int 4- allow back post runs.
ORGANIZATION (Physical Environment / Equipment / Players)
3 v 3 (Outside box) to 2 v 2 Inside Box around pe nalty area.
Players outside th e box can pass free to o th e r players outside o f th e box, or can d rib b le to create num bers up
situations. No de fend in g outside th e box.
If defenders w in th e ball, th e y m ust play outside o f th e box to restart.
GK-communication- early AWAY or KEEPER. Weight is slightly forward, see the ball off the 1st attacker's foot. Get off the
line as much a possible when appropriate. Ready for rebounds.
FPs-look for quick combination. Timing and placement of runners. Create numbers up situations. Possession vs.
Penetration based on position of defenders.
hysical Environment / Equipment / Players)
7 v 7 + 3 in 60 X 44 w ide field w m idfield line & 2 large goals. 2 blues stay outside grid as bum pers player,
one stays in middle.
O ne team Team in 1-4-2 shape. Ball starts w ith G K hands fo r distribution.
Ball m ust go outside before going to goal. G oals o ff crosses are 2 pts, headers are 3 pts.
GK- communicate and organize defenders. Focus on 1st attacker. Use specific
communicate with player's names.
FPs- patience, peeling off, getting the ball wide when defense is compact centrally.
ORGANIZATION (Physical Environment / Equipment / Players)
9 v 9 in 75X55 yard field. Blue team in 1-4-3-1. White team in
1-2-3-3. Extra balls spread out around the field.
Look for opportunities for GK to not organize/communicate w
Interactive Session Plans™created b y www.academysoccercoach.com a C
Print Session
Email Sessionl
© Copyright Alabama Soccer Association 2014
Random Exercises for Receiving with moderate/high Pressure
A c tiv ity 1 - Tag
NsiH c
¿fe (Clisa íi
2011 www.acadcmysocccrcoach.co.uk]
2 taggers bcgin in the middlc (green). Rcst of team is split in half. Half havc a ball and half
do not. Players with the ball are "safe". Taggers must take players without a ball. Players
with the ball look to pass to theirteammates to stop them from being tagged. All players
must kcep moving and players with the ball are only allowed 5 touchcs bcforc they MUST
pass it on.
Coaching Points:
• Communicate with players you’re passing to
• Keep your head up to be aware of taggers and teammates who need a ball
• Make passes accurate and at right time
- More taggers
- Fewer balls
- If ball goes out of square, last player to touch it becomes taggcrj
Activity 2 - 2v1 Rondos
Neil Cooper
2v1 Rondos
CAPA Coach
2v1 R ondos
G rou ps o f 3 go in to m ú ltip le 8x8 yard boxes. Players play 2v1 in the box. If the
defe n d e r w in s the ball, th e y sw itc h p o s itio n w ith the player th a t lo st
p o sse ssio n o f the ball. V ary length o f tim e th e y play fo r before a llo w in g a rest
period. This is im p o rta n t as it w ill encourage d iffe re n t fo c u s e s based on how
long th e y ’ve been playing. Exam ple -1 m inute sh o u ld mean lo ts o f m ovem ent
o ff ball. 4 m in u te s w ill m ean m ore s h ie ld in g /p ro te c tin g the ball as p layers tire.
A c tiv ity Focus
- 4 typ e s o f 1v1 (defende r behind, defe n d e r at the side, defend er in fro n t,
defe n d e r co m in g fro m an angle)
- C o m b in a tio n play
- S h ie ld in g the ball
• D ecisión M aking in po sse ssio n
• S u p p o rt angles
- C re a tivity on the ball
- A w areness
P ro g re ssio n s
• Make a c tiv ity d ire ctio n a l
- C hange num bers in boxes (som e 2v2, som e 3v1, som e 2v1). Rotate players
th ro u g h each.
Activity 3 - Shielding in a 1v1
1 v 1 Shielding
There is a player at cach comer with a ball and a defender and forward in thc middle of the
square. The idea of the game is for the forward to receive a pass from the players at the
comers and play back to them without the defender stopping them. Once they've done that,
they repeat in a different córner. They cannot play to the same comer consecutively. Play
for 1 minute then defender becomes attacker, attacker moves to a comer and that player is
Coaching Points:
• Put your body between the defender and the ball in order to make the pass
- Play with as few touches as possible
- Make initial move away from the ball before checking back to it
- Defcndcrs try to get around the forward to win the ball
• Communicate with forward in the middle.
• Limit number of touches forward is allowed
- Add second defender and allow players at cones to do throw-ins
Activity 4 - Finding Space to lose pressure
Neil Cooper
Midfield Overload
SSG / Tactical
CAPA 95 Coach
. lT
Midfield Overload Game
Play starts with Blues playing a square ball in safe zone. Pass 2 brings the ball
into midfield where Blues have a 3v2. Blues must play through the other end.
When Blue Target receives the ball, they must play square BEFORE they can
play back into the midfield. Whites look to steal the ball and score in the side
goals. 3 goals and new defenders go in middle.
Coaching Points:
- Move off the ball to create space for teammates
- Interchange positions so as create room for splits and passes to 3rd man
- Targets should let movement develop and not always play to man making a
run. Let them take defender away and then pass to open space
- Limit touches of target players
- Limit touches for all attacking players
Possession - In tra n s itio n
Duration: 90 Mins
@ danchubbock
Age: ALL
• Teach the players to win ball and maintain possession
• C oach players to move from a defensive shape to attacking shape smoothly.
" 3 v l, transitioning into a 5v3.
" Red start w ith the ball, playing a 3 v l, ¡n small square.
" When W hite win possession, grid beco m e s b ig ge r a n d play is
C o a c h in a Points:
Speed o f play. C h a n g e a ng le o f pass, w hen receiving. Play
a w a y from pressure. F ake /D ece p tion to c re a te space.
Touch restriction. M ake grid smaller.
" Three grids, w ith 3 v l, 3v2 a n d 2 vl (8v4 total).
" W hite CB starts w ith ball a n d te a m must m ove ball through
grids to forw ard a nd b a c k aga in .
" Play until Red steal ball five times a n d switch defenders.
C o a c h in a Points:
Decisión M aking. C om m un ica tion . Starting position. M o ve m e n t
o ff the ball. If ball is lost, te a m must adjust shape.
A d d g oals/goalkeepers a t end grid for team s to g o to. A d d
extra defenders.
^ Explanation:
" set team s up into 4v4, plus tw o neutrals.
" ten passes equals a point.
" start g a m e w ith o u t direction a n d d o n 't allow team s to score
in goal.
C o a c h in a Points:
m ove ball a w a y from pressure. W eight o f pass. Speed o f play.
C o m p a c t w hen d e fe n d in g , use sp a ce (de pth & w idth) w hen in
- a d d g oa ls/directio n to g a m e . A d d to u c h restrictions. p la y w ith
one neutral.
Set players up, according to system that team plays.
SLSG Training Session
Speed of Play/Positional Possession
Matt Mueller
10:00 AM
Jordán Andrews
Michael Robson
Nick Randazzo
Emerson Krause
Daniel Munie
Kaleb Weeks
Cade Gordon
Justin Gleason
Kippy Keller
Cameron Blaylock
Bryce Gamache
Henry Etzel
Adam Burnett
Nick Lennartz
Andrew Schulz
Austin Kliefoth
Work to Rest:
Lateral Shuffle - Left
Lateral Shuffle - Right
Hip Rotation ■Outside In
Hip Rotation - Inslde Out
Forward Lunge
Lateral Lunge
Rear Lunge - High Reach
45 Degree Shuffle
45 Degree Shuffle - Backwards
Forward Leg Ralse - Rt/Rt & Lt/Lt
Forward Leg Raise - Rt/Lt & Lt/Rt
Sklps- Qulck & Low
Sklps - Long & Low
Sklps - Qulck with High Knee
Power Sklps
Crossover Run - Right over Left
Crossover Run - Left over Right
Backward Run
10 minutes
Balls, Dises
Dynamic Warmup
Game on Wednesday Night
2 touch
Sharp session
Defenders in middle are passive
Defenders look to cut out passes
Work to Rest:
Y Passing
15 minutes
2 minutes/1 minute
30yds x 30yds
Coaching Points
Check shoulders
Progression 1
Bounce on toes
Up 1, Turn
Lose your man
Progression 2
Spacing of players
Up 1, Turn, Up, Back, Wide, Back, Through
Progression 3
Up 1, Turn, Up, Back, Wide, Back, In, Through
Progression 4
Up, Back, Up, Back, Wide, Back, In, Through
Collin McDonough
Activity #3
Ñame of Activity:
8v4 Positional Possession
15 minutes
Work to Rest:
2 minutes/1 minute
25ydsx 35yds
Balls, Dises, Pinnies
1 setup
Keep the ball
Movement on line
Bounce on toes
Keep the ball
Lose your man
10 passes = 1 point
Check shoulders
Win the ball
Keep possession against 1
3 passes = 1 point
5 games
Total points win
Ñame of Activity:
8v4 Positional Possession to Goal
Work to Rest:
2 minutes/1 minute
1 setup
20 minutes
25yds x 35yds
Balls, Dises, Pinnies, Small Goals
Keep the ball
Movement on line
Bounce on toes
Keep the ball
Lose your man
5 passes = go to goal
Check shoulders
Goal = 1 point
Time run for final pass
Win the ball
Keep possession against 1
3 passes = 1 point
5 games
Total points win
of Activity:
Work to Rest:
‘ Consideration
Multi-Functional Finishing- No Pressure
3-12 field players
4 cones/poles
8-10 minutes then swixh the rotations to the left
Organizaron and Rotations:
The rotation for this exercise ¡s pretty simple, line A moves to B and B moves
to C and C moves to A. The same idea when we change the Crossing line and
dribbling line for the left.
1. ) P layer A d rib b le s at the co n e /p o le at speed, q u ic k m ove and has a s trik e on
2. ) Player A then slides over to combine with Player B for a wall pass on goal.
3. ) As the wall pass is happening, Player C must already be on the move with
the ball to put Service into the box for Players A and B to finish.
Coaching Points:
1. ) Dribble at speed, change of speed and direction, body feints, slow and
speed up, MOVES, quick shot after beating the cone/pole, type and variety of
finish,where is GK and does this have any thought on my selection of
2. ) Weight of pass, timing of combination- don't leave a lot of time between
passes or shot, changes ¡n movement, changes of speed of movement, variety
of finishing, where is GK and does this have any thought on my selection of
technique, first time finish, etc.
3. ) Timing of the run to cross, type of cross and weight- low, high, driven,
lofted, whipper/curled byline- pulí back, timing of the runs, creating space by
the runners to then atlack the space, slashing runs, pulling runs, etc.
Multi-functional finishing- Pressure added
3-12 field players
4 cones/poles
8-10 minutes then swixh the rotations to the left
Organizaron and Rotations:
The rotation for this exercise ¡s pretty simple, line A moves to B and B moves
to C and C moves to A. The same idea when we change the Crossing line and
dribbling line for the left.
1. ) P layer A d rib b le s at the co n e /p o le at speed, q u ic k m ove and has a s trik e on
2. ) Player A then slides over to combine with Player B for a 1v1 to goal. You
can also take away the double pass to add more of a break away element with
incoming pressure.
3. ) Player C then combines with Player A to play a 2v1 against Player B.
Coaching Points:
1. ) Dribble at speed, change of speed and direction, body feints, slow and
speed up, MOVES, quick shot after beating the cone/pole, type and variety of
finish,where ¡s GK and does this have any thought on my selection of
2. ) Angle and speed of approach from defender, where is the GK, weakness of
the defender and space available, can you get a shot off quickly? Moves now
under pressure, slow and speed up, off balance defender, etc.
3. ) Decisión making, pass, dribble, or shoot, angle and speed of approach of
defender, movement of the second attacker to create space, run of the second
attacker to allow space for first attacker, combinaron play, etc.
Interactive Session Plan
24-7 UK Soccer Academy Coach
Session date
Teach players to understand when to play the way they face and when to turn.
Develop shielding, turning and finding a pass
Team/Age Group U12-U14
Time available
90 Minutes
Explanation: Players in groups of 3 with 1 ball between them and 1 defender. Player
with ball feeds ball to other attacker, who then tries to turn and dribble to end line, or
holds ball up and plays it back to team-mate. Defender scores points by winning the
ball. Attacker scores by getting to end-line.
Coaching Points: Communication 'time/turn', 'hold' or 'man-on'. Attacker moves to meet
the ball. If space is created between Attacker and defender, attacker should receive ball
half turned on back foot in order to break!
quickly. If the defender is near by, (touch tight) then the attacker should still be half
turned but receive ball on front foot so as to protect ball from defender and play the way
they face!
Explanation: 30 x 30 grid. 4 servers. 1 attacker. 1 defender. Player checks to become an
option to receive ball by moving away from defender and towards servers. Player then
receives the ball and tries to either play the ball back to server or turn and play to a
different server. Player scores a point for every pass they play back to a server. 2 points
for playing ball to a different server. Play for 60 seconds, or until defender wins ball.
Servers can move along the line to become an option.!
Coaching Points: Go away at an angle to draw defender from the middle. Take a glance
to see where defender is. Touch away from defender. Turn and attack space if defender
is not tight. Create space to turn in to. Communication.
Progression: Vary speed and height of serves. Place cones on servers line in which they
must stay between to receive the ball to force player with ball to work harder to
find an option. Player cannot play back to same server. 2 v 2 in the middle. 2 v 1 in
middle and server joins to make 2 v 2
Turn and Burn: !
Explanation: 40 x 60 yard grid, with a 10 yard channel across center. 2 goals and 2 goal
keepers with 5 v 5 on the field. Team must work ball to the middle area. When there, they
must choose to either go towards goal they are facing or turn and attack the other goal.
Decide if both teams can attack or if one team attacks both goals and one team defends
both goals for 3 minutes the change.!
Coaching Points: Spread players deep and wide. Attack by playing into space. Turn and
change direction. Speed of play. Communication
Progression: Allow defender to enter middle area. Limit number of touches. To make
easier add a neutral player or another attacker. !
To make harder add another defender
Action Points/Notes:
Each activity can be extended as required to make up a 90 minute session
Allow for 10 minutes free play at the end of the session
Interactive Session Plans created by www.academysoccercoach.com
© Copyright 24-7 UK Soccer Academy 2013
Communication and Awareness
Brazil players havé an apparent sixth sense and seem to kncw where they all are on the
pitch. This session teaches players the best way to keep possession and find a target.
Sfazil has lím ense
m ilvduhi talent and d a > w
Player A recclvos tho
batí and Is unable
to turn so passes to
Playee 8
Player 8 is unabte to
turn and drops the
batí to tho target (T)
who has moved In
Player 8 is unable to
turn and eleets to use
th e support target
Player C dears space
and the far target
moves to be open as
ptayer 0 moves to
SCAttttM WOttdvndC. TIus
actm ty devoleos a sonso oí
‘team’ and rcquircs players
awarc o<caen othoc
on a 3Sx20-yaf(J
area wilh tuvo target players
on tho edgesotihe atea
Note: A» tO p tiy tn wcar the
samcW i
teams attemet to oby
passes «rom target to target
A pass can go bacJt to the
tirst target it a team needs to
keeo posscuíon Hthe bal
rtachcs the tar target. ttwt
team koeps possosyon and
trios to got the ba l back to
the «her sde wtth a target
switchng dates w th a
t i '? *
1. Take away the targets.
2 íhe player wtvofnd» the
ta rg tt ¡s the payer to stop
The target Joinlng In eteets
to do so on the dribble
and player O steps out to
be the target
3 Soeoíy h w «he playe»
(Oirwig must do so on the
The batí is cxchanged
through player B
between the targets
• Combmation day n t<gM
soaces w *h «tose control
and short. sharo passes.
• ComnxmKatioriataii
tm ev
• Awareness o í wtx»c the
ball is and id m the best
X X K íd,
•Ptay withheadup
P la y e r m o v e m e n t
B o íl m o v o m e n t
P u n w lth b a ll
David R obertson (@ CincySoccer2307)
C incinnati United Prem ier (@ CincyUnited)
4v2 R ondo to Introduce Left/R ig ht/S p lit Possession Concept:
A, B, C & D play on the outside o f the grid w h ich is s p lit into tw o zones.
To begin defenders (1 & 2) can not leave th e ir zone
W henever A, B, C o r D is in possession o f the ball, th e ir su p p o rtin g players
m ust sh o w and provide op tio ns to the Left, R ight & where a s p lit could occur.
1 & 2 shadow defend fo r 60-90 seconds taking away a passing lañe. A-D m ust
move the entire length o f th e ir side lin e to provide quick s u p p o rtin g angles.
P rogress the a c tiv ity to allow defenders 1 & 2 to go anywhere in the grid (no
zone re strictio n ). The s p lit becom es "o n " m ore often now.
Coaching Points:
- S u pp ortin g A ngles (Do not "h id e " behind defender)
- Play fro n t fo o t
- F irst to u ch m ust be tig h t/clo se co n tro l
- Get an early tem po
- E ncourage players to "co a c h " each o th er - con stan t chatter
- Left/R ig ht/S p lit m ust always be provided
Goalkeeper Reaction Training
University of Louisville Men’s Goalkeeper Coach
Danny Cepero
2015 University of Louisville Coaching Symposium
Produced with permission from Ken Lolla & Staff
Goalkeeper Reaction Training
,V \
GK Coach Danny Cepero is one of the best
in the country at unique training which trains
game realistic situations while keeping
goalkeepers engaged and motivated during
A s
j *
1 Tennis Ball + 1 Soccer Ball Reaction
Tennis Ball Reaction
• Video Link shows all activities listed to the
• Heavy emphasis by Cepero on teaching
goalkeepers to save with their eyes first
"Keep Up"
Cióse Range
Shotstopping Reaction
Diving Reaction Training
© Copyright www.academysoccercoach.co.uk 2015
m “They may not make the majority of the
saves in these trainings, but you train it so
that when they haven’t been involved for
88 minutes, they are ready for that one
time they need to make a special save”
Shot/Parry Training
Saves in Traffic
Reaction Training
Link to Youtube Video of Session:
Passing Technique
Keeper Wars
Into Extensión Save
©Copyright www.academysoccercoach.co.uk 2015
^ V IL /y .
Possession with a Purpose
University of Louisville Men’s Head Coach
Ken Lolla
2015 University of Louisville Coaching Symposium
Produced with permission from Ken Lolla & Staff
5v2 Warmup Rondos
Objective: Connect 7 passes to keep pair in
middle until another round
**Have multiple groups going at once.
• As soon as the ball goes out get the next
ball in
• This is where games are won & lost;
during the moment of transition
• If you are slow to transition to a defender,
attackers will be on pass 3, 4 or 5.
Chasing = wasting energy
• Creates mentality needed for training
• Create competitions between groups
© Copyright www.academysoccercoach.co.uk 2015
Link to Youtube Video of this Activity
5v2 Directional Game
Objective: Work on using central midf¡eider
to connectpasses
• Target players have 2 touch, central
player has unlimited touches
• Ball must be played between targets
• Defenders unrestricted in their movements
• Can play target to target
m Work on central midfielders receiving
Work on central mldfielders off the ball
Don’t always have to go get the ball
Drag defenders away/create space
Link to Youtube Video of this Activity
7v4 Possession Game w/ Outlets
Objective: Switch point of attack under
• 7 attacking players look to play East to
West (can use all four bumper players)
• Attackers score by going East-West with
both targets receiving and playing back in
• 4 Defending players look to play targets
through 2 blue goals when they win it
• Keep track of score, play to time or to
• Work on how to suck in multiple defenders
before getting the ball long.
® Quick play
Constant off the ball movement & support
Link to Youtube Video of this Activity
http://youtu.be/qNbwjON6 Vo
JU a d e m y
The Simplicity of using 5
Corridors and 3 Zones to
define team shape:
Changing f rom attacking
to defensive team shape
Defensive team shape always begins from losing
the ball from an attacking team shape so we
need to set up from that starting point to practice
winning the ball back. In other words we don’t
set up from a 4-2-3-1 but more likely from a 3-1­
3-3, with four units of 4, 5 and 6, then 8, then 2,
3 and 10 and finally up top 7, 9 and 11.
Wayneharrison SoccerAwareness (c) 2013
Changing from
attacking to defensive
team shape
The 4 units of the team can be composed of
different players based on the adventure and
freedom of the team.
3-1-3-3 attacking shape is 4,5,6; then 8, then
2,3,10, then 7,9 and 11.
But it could; for example; be 4,5,8; 6, then 7,10,11,
and finally up front 2,3; and 9.
Or other permutations.
Wayneharrison SoccerAwareness (c) 2013
JU a d e m y
Attacking to
Defensive team shape
Attacking: Based on the 5 corridors width-wise we want all
5 corridors to have players in them. Based length-wise
we want a maximum of 2 of 3 zones filled; with the
exception of the keeper.
Defending: Based on the 5 corridors width-wise we want a
maximum of 3 corridors filled with players preferably 2.5
if possible.
Based length-wise we want a maximum of 2 of 3 zones
filled preferably the whole team is condensed into 1.5
zones or at most half a field.
Wayneharrison SoccerAwareness (c) 2013
Dividing the field into fifths widthwise and thirds
Playing in 5
widthwise to help define the positioning of players. Also playing in 3 thirds from goal to goal
lengthwise (lets call these ZONES FOR CLARITY). Here we have a good balance with players positioning at angles
to each other. Must get the team into 2 thirds only, except for the keeper, both offensively and defensively.
Too spread out f rom goal to goal
Team is too big with too much space to allow for a counter attack. So even when attacking we have to think
about if we lose it what do we do.
Playing a Pressing game comes f rom the back
Defensive unit pushes midf¡eld unit up,
midfield unit pushes attacking unit up. This
is Phase 5 of the 5 Phases of play
If we want to play a pressing game then we must have the back four as high as possible (essentially a back 3 now) and then the responsibility of the
front players is to press asap when we lose it to stop a counter attack. Same in midfield where we now have our wing fullbacks positioned.
Observations on quick pressing
I t wont always work; we cannot stop every delivery f rom the opponents trying to get
¡n behind us because we defend high; th a t ¡s ¡mpossible; but ¡f we could achieve 50%
of success th a t would be a great sta rt.
50% success, say 30 deliveries so 15 successful ¡mmediate wins back, ¡t still saves a
hell of a lot of recovery running and energy used plus we are ¡n a great position to
I f we allow the forward pass then the whole team will be forced to recover back
various distances depending on th e ir position plus when we next win it back we will be
¡n a much poorer position to attack f rom. And we lose te rrito ria l advantage.
SO stop it at the SOURCE. A short and ¡mmediate 5 to 10 yard burst by one player to
press and delay (or win) to ball can save 50 yard runs fo r others. But we need this
same burst f rom 3 or 4 players collectively to be really effective.
So 15 deliveries stopped means a saving fo r midf¡eld players of 15 x 50 yards;
potentially over 750 yards of speed and high and vital energy not used up.
Even more with
d successes.
Therefore the closest and next closest players to the ball when it ¡s lost MUST
switch on ¡mmediately f rom an offensive to defensive mentality to win or delay; its
vital fo r the team this happens.
Pressing in attacking third condensing to 3 corridors
Condensing the spaces close to the ball. (11) forces (A) inside to the support and blocks the pass to (I). (3) is
already up there and so is the next pressing player. Don’t worry about (D) and (G) and (4) already has
covered the space should (A) be able to play the ball long. Defending just inside our own half.
Pressing in attacking third condensing to 3 corridors
Condensing the spaces close to the ball. (11) forces (A) inside to the support and blocks the pass to (I). (3) is
already up there and so is the next pressing player. Don’t worry about (D) and (G) and (4) already has
covered the space should (A) be able to play the ball long. Defending just inside our own half.
Pressing in attacking third condensing to 3 corridors
Defensive set up. Everyone condensed into 3 corridors wide or less (more like 2.5 wide). (9) can be ready for the
back pass to (B) or the keeper, (7) can be ready for the change of play to (C) or (D). Almost inviting (A) to
pass back so we can press quickly in front of goal. MUST stop the forward pass.
Attacking ¡n the attacking third opening to 5 corridors
Attacking set up 3-1-3-3. Everyone opened up into 5 corridors wide. Opening up spaces between opponents
making it much harder to defend against. Players positioning between opponents to get into open passing
Attacking ¡n the attacking third opening to 5 corridors
(7) And (11) position between opponents to find the best spaces to receive. (2) and (3) distract (A) and (D). (11)
positions in the middle of (A), (B) and (E). (7) positions in-between (D), (G) and (C).
Attacking ¡n the attacking third opening to 5 corridors
Attacking set up 3-1-3-3. We want players to move between corridors to interchange and rotate to fool and
confuse the opposition at the same time filling all corridors up with someone.
Thank you for downloading the book and for sharing
with others. Be sure to follow all of the
contributors from this book.
Good luck to all!
- Bobby Puppione
@ bobbypup