The Fundation of Christian Religion

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<3661069664001 1
Bayer. Staatsbibliothek
The F un d ATI on
lathered into sixe Principles, of that
' Famous and worthy Minister of Christ
in the Universitie of Cam
M William Perkins.
htd it is to be learned of ignorantpeople,
that they may hefit ta heare Sermenswitleprofiti
and to rtceiue the Lords Supper-*
with çomfort.
PJsal. 1i9, vers. 1 jo.
The entrance into thy Words íhe Weth light,
andgiueth understanding to thesimplc.
s Bayerlsche ^
To ail ignorant people that défi
.to.bé instructed»
Oorepeopte,jour manne:
foothfipyornseines^ th'
yèwerein dmoiïhappic '
te\bnt ìf thematierec.
d îuBtrïaU, it xotllfalloutfarre other
Foryou teddejottr íiues ingredt tgnn.
Ce , ds may appedfe by thèsejour coi:
opinions ivbichfottoîP 5 ' ; J
î. Thatfaith ís amans, good r.
s good seruing of Go : '
2. ThatGod is íèrued by therc!
íîrig of the ten commandement
tords Prayer, and the Creede.
3. That ye have beleeved in C
everíìnceyoucould remember.
A 2
4 '
4. That it is pittie that he should
liue, vvhich doth aney vvhit doubt oí
his salvation.
5. That nohc can tell,vvhether hc
shal be íàued or no , certenly : but thaï
ail men muíl be of a good beliefe.
. '
6. That hovvsocuer a man liue,yei
if he call uponGodon hisdeath-bed.
de, and íay, Lordhaue mercie uponme.
and so goe a vvay likc a Iambe , he is
certaine ly íàued.
That if any be strangeîy visitcd,
he is either taken vvith a planet,or be.
8. That a man may íavvfuíly ívvea<
re , vvhen he ípeakes nothing , but thc
truth,and ívveares by nothing»but that
vyhich is good, as byhisfaith,ortrotfai
9. That a preacher is a good man
no longer thenheis inthe pulpit. %q
thwke ail Uke themfebves.
10. That a man may rcpent vvhen.
hc vvHI, becauíè the Scriprure íàìth;
what time foener ajinner dotb repent
him osfirmesJ&c.
n.That it is an casier thingto pleaíè
God, thentho pleaíè our neighbour.
12. That ye can keepe the comman
dements ,
as vvell as God vvill give
you leane.
13. That it is the fafeít>to doeinRcligion as most doe.
14. That merrie ballads andbookes,
as Scoggin, Bevis cf Southhamptori >
aregood to drive avvay the time,ancí
toremoove heart qualmes. . .
1 5. That ye can férue God with ail
your hearts,and that ye woujdbe íòrrie else.:v.u V;«.i. .
.j. . .
16. That a man ncede not heare íb
many Se rmons , except he could follow them better.
A 3
. -
The Eçiftle-
...':- That a man vvhich commeth at.
j Sermons, may as vvellbeleeve>as
V . ich heares ail the Sermons in thc
i That y6 know al! the preachcr
:!! you.
For he can say nothing,
:hat euery man is a sinner, that
'.."j íiiust loueour neighours as our
:s that euery man muíl be saved
h'.hvtíií '
.; as hç.
I r
and allthis ye can tell as
That it vvas a good vvorld,
: >íî thç old Religion vvas, becauíe
. ; ys yvere cheape.
. ;
í . That cjrinking andbezehling in
: â houle or taverne , is good fel*tóïç y^ì'.'âHd shevves.a good kinde
and maintaines neighbour-
óì pií ';,íl ic r;'i.l.iv rt nûsi ri .'.rVl .
-kl.J rliat àf ban may ívvcare by the
7he Epistle.
Masse, because it is nothing now,and
by Lady , became shee is gone out
oft the Countrey.
22.That every man must be for himfelfe, and God for us all.
23. That a man may make of his
ovvnevvhatioeuer he can.
24. That if a man remember to íày
his praiers euery morning, ( though
he neuer understand them) he hath
blessed himíèlfe for all the day follo
[ :
25. That a man praieth, vvhenTOs
faith the ten commandements.
i .;
26. That a man eates his Maker in
the Sacrament.
27. That if a man be no adulterer,
no thiefe, no murtherer , and doe no
man harme, he is a right honest man.
28. That a manneede not have any,.
: !u
A 4
%he Efiftte,
knowledge of. religion, because hc is
29. That one may haue .a good
meaning, vvhen hc íàith and doth that
vvhich is euill.
That a man may goe to wiz-
zards called vvise men,
for counsell:
bccauíèGod hathprovidid a íalue for
31. That yeare to beexcufèd irr ail
your donings ,
.' &
because the best men
That ye haue íò stroug a faith
in Christ, that no euill companycan
burtyou. .;
Ihese andjùcb Uhesayings jwbat argue
they but. jour grqjfe ignorance ?
where igmrance raigneth , there raignes
Jtnne: and wherefítwe raignes, there the
T*# Epistfc
diuell rides : and whcre he rulcs: mcn arc
in a damnablecajè.
7c will replj unto mee thus fyhatje are
notfi bad as I would makejou.
If nccd
bdjou canfajtheCreede, the Jjwdsprayer, and the tenne Commandements :
thereforeje will be ofGods beliefefay ail
mcn what thçy will, andjou défie the di. uel from júm hearts. .
I anjwer ágahie , that it is not fufficient
to say ail thesé without boohe., unlejseje can
ttnderftandthe meanìng os thewords \and
be able to make a right use of the Com
mandements 5 ofthe Creed , ofthe Lords
praier,by apptying them inwardly tojour
hearts and consciences , and oéjwardly to
jour Hues a?îd conversations. . Ifs is the
very point in whichje faile.
Andfor an helçeinthis'jour ignorance,
0 èringjou. to true knowlcdge , misained
jí 5
ï'he Epistle.
saith, andsoundrepentance : herelhanjc
set downe theprincipal points ofChristian
religion infixeplaine and,eafie'mies : even
Juch is thesimpleB may eafily learne: and
hereunto is adioyned an exposition qfthem»
wordbj mord. Ifje do want othergood'.direóliones, then usethismy labourforjour
inflru&ion. In reading of it>jirB learne
thefixe Principles: andwhen jou haue
them withoudt booke, and the maening os
them mithalj then learne the exposition also;
ypich beeing well conceimdt ant insome
measurefelt in the heart, je shalbe able
to profit by Sermons , whereas mm je
cannot: and the ordinarieparts of'tbe Catechi/me,îíamely,te ten Commandements»
the Çreede* the Loordsprayer , and the in
stitution osthe twoSaaramentSìSbalfl mQre
eafily be mderflood.
Thine in Christ Jésus,
;. ;..'..;Thç
Fundation of Christian Reli
gion, gathered intó fixe Pi tri-.'.'
. '
firìî Priftcipltji
'' '
Question. *.*
, /. . Va
'Hat doest thou beleevg
jconcerning God?
.<^t There is one God ,
Creator and Governour
h'ntothefather, the Son,
andthe holy Ghost, . . . . .. . ^ . ' .
Troofes ont ohe \trord of God„
There is a God, . .. . .
For the invisible things of hini) thatis., his
tternallpower andGod.head art scène iby the RomX'n.
creation of the worldi being çon[idered in hu
'workgtoto the intenhthatthey fhouldíewìtt. \. ,, . .
haut excuse*
frçuertbelejfc. , ta lest not
himfelfe' without^ n$itnçfse .t^4njhat he
good , andgnue us rfiinefrom heauen , <iȇ
fruitfullfeafons ïjillihg our htartf with food
émdgladnctï.',A u . ....c'pwsV'ff
Sixe Principle/.
z. This God is one.
Concerning there fore meate sacrificed t*
i.Cvt.t. $'Jdols , wee know that an Idolis nothing in the
world : and that there is none ether Cod%
hut onet
p He is Creator ofall things;
created the heauen
, , the befinninoGodì
4»» the earth,
Heb. ii. j. Throngsaith wee unterstand,that the world
was ardained by the .word of God: so that
the things which wee fee , are not made »f
things which did appeare.
4. He isGouvernour of al things.
tcoy, ij. 5: The eyes *f the Lord in euery place be
held the euill and the good, Tea, and all the haires of your hesds are
f. Distinguished in to the Father, Son- .
ne, and the holy Ghost.
And ftfwtwhen he was baptised ,came
straigt out ofthe water : and loe, the heanens
Matt.j.ií. Were opened unto him, and John saw the Spi
rit of God descending like a Dove^and ligting upon him,
serf. i?í
Andloe a voice camefrom he auen.isayng,
This is my beloved Some, In whom l am
well pleased.
i.Ioh, j,7.
For there *re three which beare record
in heauen%theftthrttkerVbrd',and the holy
GoTt : and these three are ene.
ffiesecond Principle. \
What doest thou beleeue concer*
. %
«f Christian Religion.
. ì£
nìng man , and conceming thine owni
A. Ail men are wholly corrupted
wkh sihj through Adams falì,and so are
become slaves of Satan % and guilty of
eternal damnation.
x. AH men are cerrupted with
wtfí *> it ívrittenìTberè u nant rtgbteous, Hooi.|^#.
2. They are Vholly corrupted.
Now te verj God of peace sanftifìt ym
throughout., and 1 pray God^tbat yourwhole fcTfc.j, ìj;
ftirit, and siule ? and body.i may be hpt íl imelejsSiunto the comming »fonrLordsesiuChrift.
This I fay thereforeandtestìf.eintheLordììfhi^, \y,
thatye ìaenct forth walke , net j *t other Gtfu
tiles walke itnvanitit of tbeir minde,
Hauing tbeir cogitation darkenediCrbeing
ftrangers front the Use of Godi through fte verG i8,
ignorance tbat is in tbem,because of tbt bard*
nejf? of. tbeir heart.
Wben the Lord faw.>that tbt vrickednest J
of man was greatì in tbe earth 1 and ail the Çen 6> §
imaginations of the thoughts ofhis bearhivtr*
euill onely continually.
j. Through Adams sali,
Wherefore ^as by one man finne tntrtÀ in. Rotn.f.JjJj
to tbt "World, and deatbby finne,>andfo death
ivent over ail men , for ft mucb as ail m*n
haue ftnned,
4, And so are become flaues of
Sathan, '
Sixe frincites . ; 1
Iph x. *•
Wberein in time paftye walked according
U the course of tbeworld,and aster the trinse , that ruletb in the ayre,euen thejf>irititb<tt
now worketh in the ch'ldren of difobedience.
Fer as muchthen., m the chûdren wereparHeb, 2 i4 tak?rs of flesh and bloud , he alf1 bimfelfe
likettíife tooke partwith themthat bee might
defiròy.. tbrough.deathihim, that had the power
of deathj, that ts.,the diuell.
In whome theGod of thisworld bath blin»
i.Cor 4,4^
minds ythat is., óf Infidels tthat tbe
light 6f the glorious Gofiell of Ëhriîí ,which
is the image of Godt fhould not fbine unto
. .. . ; "
. ; .
f, Ane guiltie of cternal dam
For as marty as are àf the xvorkes of the
law., are under de curfe : for it is ^ffritten.,
Gai. 3. io. Curfcd iseuery man^that continueth not in ait
* Ûirigs, vc'bicbare -written in the booke of the
lau'ito doe them.
Likcwife therttasyby the offence of ene,tbe
Rom i8 fau^ cami m aM m*n l° condemnatìon',fo by
' the juffé fjing of ongì the benefit abounded te»
'ward ail men % to the justification of liefe,
%e thirdPrinciple.
£K What meanes is there for thee
to eícape this damnable estaíe?
j4. Jésus Christ , the eternall Sonne of
Gadjbeingmade man5byhis daeth up6
us Christian Religion.
the Crosse , and by his righteousiies,
hath periectly^aloneby himlèlfe, accom
plished all things, that are nedfull for the
salvation of'man kinde.
I. Christ Jesus the eternal Sonne
And the Word was made flesh.> and dwelt
among us ., andwe fait/ the glorie thereof', loh.i. i4,
as the glorie of the onely begotten {Sonnes
tft t^e Father yfull ofgrace an truth.
2. Being made man.
For he in no fort tooke the Angles., but he Hcbr,x,ti. .
teo^e the feede of Abraham,
3. By his death upon the Crcsse.
But he W<*J "Wunded for our transgres
sons , He was broken for oar iniquities , the Esa. jj. s.
chastisement of our peace was upon him, and
"With hisftnfes we arc healed,
4. And by his rigtheousnesie.
For ar by one mans disobedience , many
Were made sinners;so by the obedience, of one Rom.y,i>,
shall many also be made righteous. .
For he hath made him to be fmne for us.,
hich knew no finne , that We should be iCar.j.H
made thrighteoufnejfe of Godin bim.
S. Hath perfectly. is able also perfcfllj to faue
them., that come unto God by htmt feeing Heb.9if»
ht (iter Imeth to make intercession for them.
<• Alo*
Sixe Principles
6. Alone by him seise.
Aft, 4. it.
Neither is there solvation in any ether :
far among men there is giuen none other na~
me, under heauen , where by we must he
7, Accomplished all rhings needfull
for the saltation of mankinde,
And he is %the reconciliation for ourfinnes:
I lob
* and not for ours onelphut also for the finnes
of the whole vvorld,
%efourth Principle.
Q. But how maistthou be mede par
taker oi Christ and his benefits ?
AnÇw. Aman of a contrite and hum
ble spirit , by faith a loue apprehending
and appleying Christ, with all his me
rits , unto him íèlfe , is justified before
God, ant sanctified.
I, A man of a contrite and hum
ble spirit,
Tor thusfaith bee that is bight and axcelIsa,57 ^'lenth'tHee that inhabiteth the eternitit.flvho(e name is the Holyone , / dwell in the high
and holy place , with bim als7 , that is of x\
contrite and humble trite J to reuiue theJj>iriu of the humble , and to giue life to themt
that are »f a contrite heart,
F sal,fi,17, The sacrifices of Gid, are a contrite ftirih
a contrite and a broken heart ., O God, thou
wilt not demise.
«i& $YÌmtQù<i**' , .i ****
. i« .
heefaid unto the skier of theSjnagagucï.Jk
up f«rjnfgntyAod jvh^H * serpent had Non,« t|ì
j» »m» > róf^ 6« /í^rf » the Serpent
#/ brafîéf*nâïïuèd\ ^ v.
V.\Mnd*s MoÇes lift uf the Serpent in the i0h;
'Wildernejfe.>fomuft the Sonne ofnian beelifi
í '. ITbÂt'witofeetter btltcucth in kirn j /WW retl.' fl
Uòt ptnfh, but h/tue tternal lise.
$i Apprehending and applyingChrifl:
;.j.jq with ail hi» merits unto
; j
hifníêlfé. ' ' =>
íf«í rtx mandas réc'emed\ him, t» .them he '0',♦ *• fy
pmvr, h, be thïsonïìet1
io them%
tbat peleeni in hit nAme. '.'vi. '
; \
. And fefus faid unto them; I am the hreMd tfMfe^ MtbVtVtMnUik tW^et.^ÌialloK6,i^
muhunger $ an'd'hli^'thàt^eHitìimí' ïh «fi'
''.^V^'fcjùlUfiéd. bèfòré God;.. A .
Éor.whÀt fxith the^Scripinre ; Abraham.
beleeued God, and ii'iiùÀ} Counied io hitn'fer R°BU4«j2
JEuen ai D#vid dtelarltth' the blejsednejfe ferç \,
of the man., unto whome God imputeht righ'
Kstujxefe. ï witbont ivorkfs ì ftiing*
Bleffed are they v>hdfe iniquities areforgi'
mi*ítd*vbtfe RmtS AtrvoitífCÀ,
Sine trincipkt
f. And sanctified.'
And hee put no difference bet weene m
ítwíi them* *fttr that bj faith hte had puri
fied their hearts.
Buth jee *n of him in Christ fefus , whê
». or. i jo,Ofg0£ is Httfa unu w wiÇe dtme,and rights
Act. 15 i9.
^i .
ntsncjfeyand sanHification,and redemption*
^ : .
'Phef/th Principle.
"Whzt are the ordinarè or usuall
. ',jìCanes for obtaining of fàitJb?
A* Faith commcth onelybythe prea«
ching of the word, and increasetA daily
by it : as also by the administration of
the Sacraments and prayer.
. .{
1, Faith commet^ onely by the prea
ching of the word, and increase^
..;.. .a daily by it,
Rom. 10.
But how shall they call on him in whtnee
they haiie noth belceuedì bow fiait they bê
le eue in him,of whom they haue not heard?
And howshall they heart without a PreachcrX
tfor.19.t8 . Where then is no vision, the people decay :
but bee, that keepeth the law its blesed.
Hos. 4, j.
My people are destroyedfor lacke of know
ledge: because thou hait refused. knowledge*
J will also refuse thee, that thou fiait be no
Priest to mee : and seeing thou haft forgot
ten the law of they God, 1 will also forget
they children.
, ,
\. ..
a. As also by the administration of
the Sacraments.
<Aftcr btcrcctiutdthtstgnt of circumcison*.
#/ Christian Religion.
as the féale of the righteoufnejfe .of
ivhieh hte had, when bee was uncircumcífedy . 1. ;*3f
that bee fhould be the father of allthem,tkat
tele eueì not being circumsed: that righttons.nejfe migbt be imputed to them alf0,
_ .'. j^kg
. Moreouer , brethren,, I would not , that i.Cor.i», (
y eefhould bee ignorant) that ail our fa$hers
were under the clsud, and ail pafed throug
the sea?&'í..
j. And Prayer. v
For whofoetur fhall call upon the name Rom,tt;rj
ef the Lord,fb*U befaued. v
IhcJtxth Principlcj.
j£. Whvi is the cstacc ot ail men aster
^.All mcn fhall rise againevviththejr
owne bodis , tho the Tast judgement:
vvhicfc beeing ended,the godly (hall poP.
seíTe the kingdome of hrauen : but unbelceucrs and reproba tes (hall bee in hell,
tormented vvith the diuell and his angels for euer.
i* AU mcn seal rise againe vvith their
. ovne bodies,
Aíarttel notat thit^for the houre fhall co- loh.j. it.
me,in the which ail., that are in the graucsi
fhall heare his voite.
And thej fkali cornesorth; that haue de
tte good, unto the refurreSion of lise : btttnt&tfl
they , that haue d»ne eut11, unto the refurreftitnof condemnation,
B a
. ^«...» . « «,. ' >, To the Iast judgement.
ficcJ.Iz.i4, > FtrGod irtU bringtturj workf antùiuiÍtmcnt, with enerj fîcret ïhing , whtíher it
te gond oyèmli.
/«y^w umojou.t that etifrj idle' xtrori
t.: O.: irWrr
/W/fledke.i they fh*ll gitte M *c.
eount ihefe ofyat thedùy of'jttdgemthts . 5H
n^^w^ beeiûgended thegódly.
^ /<wrí^ juííLott vexediviM the uncleane conversation óf thìwicked,
And the LordftU'.imh
the middeíi of the CitiesTmihtkrcìtogl' the mtddtïi 0f ferusalem ,and set 4tparke.*pon thà
forehe*d*Uif~themvt1ÌÁl tofiurtie, *nd crie for
tUjbe *bomipatjotiAj)$hM bec done in the
middefí thereof.
". « (;; jb
:. ; . . j 4i Shaft. posse(&:the.;krogdòinçK
:.: *'.... ... .': !L!ofGodífo , .i.níl s..': *''.'.
$atr 85,
fidlthc íiag sartortíem onhit right
r,34' ' band\Çome jee bleffed of
yee the kingdome prtpared for yoUt frem tbe
bcgimivg of the vrorld. . i /v
XíM . .
5. B jt unhclceuers andreprobwes.shâl
bee in hell, tormchíédWitb. thék .1.'
diuell and his angels.
t; i.A-i
Tbe» sh*U bee fay wta ticm.dntbi' Ufb
hand:. Depart* ., ytt ewrssd % intm.
irert, 45, guerlafUng sire twhicb isprsptrêdfar thedi$*d>i»,f
ttell Cr Çtr áHgelw \ ..'
'>: \\ \ .V. +
The Scriptures foi proofe Weré onely'
quo ted by che .Autkor, to mooue thee*
«o searcb them; îbc ÏQïdS Aeraselues
1 haut
•/ fhrijl**» Religion.
î rhaue-expressed ì at the carneslr tequest
pf maj&y , rhat túou. majcfi more eafily
Jearne them: if yettthou wlle beeigno*
randthey malice is;euident : if thou gair
nest kno vlcdgvgivc God the glùrici*
doingof his ^iíLn ï.m f .. ;
ïc. .rxitkw^.yti.i ffs.T: ví.t;:: . /j
. ifgutftitrtt
' 'wv ;«.':.. ibd io
i {}
Hat is Goftfci : f; '. ^ofc.4.»4í
I ìh^Ski G*DDÌto4 Sçirit ì
or a ípiritua II substance,
.moft wisei mastîhòlyt
çtcrnall , infinité; .
^ v.^«
.42a. . Ho'w doej^ou per^
wade our selfcthatïhere is aGod? . 3.
a(4r Bcside thçfctestimonie pkthe Scri' ar.^.imfl.
pt u r es T plaine reason wil shew it.
a.&.^^t i§CMje reason2.: .v I ' :
îirri J7 ster,.í.cpt)si4eï the TonderfuUi
framè of the Worid*mç thinkea,the sillyj
creatures , that pec jn k , couJd neuen .;1 ît
make it: neîtheç could .it.raake ic selfet
and therefore, besides ail thèse* tbema*
k>«. ofíc must acedes be God. JEven aï
"h- ..t
Sixé Principles
vven a man cornes înto a strange còun«
try, and sees faire & sumtuous buildings,
and yet findes no liuing créatures tncrç,
besidesbirds and beasts,he wil not ima
gine, thac either birds or beastes reai ed
chose buildings , but hee prefantly conceives,that some men either were, or
havebeene there.
tv»tt other reaíòn haue you ?j
. A* A man, that commits any firme,
io.*' °* as murther,íbrnication, adultèrie, blasaad 4»,ti phemie v^cc» albeit hee doth so conceale.the.roatter,that no man liuing know
of îtyyet oftentimes he hath a griping
in his conscience , aod feeles the very
flaffeingof hell sire; vvhid> is a ítvong
teason to ftew\ that there is a God, before whose judgement seat, he muít an
fvver sot Hs fact.
c ^ HoW manie Gods are there? "
i Cor.g.ji
No more but one.
. Q^ How doe you conceive t>is one
,God in your mind ?
'. * ' .
Deut.4.i6 ' 4. Mot by ftfaming ah image of h\m
Amos,4.íj in my mrad ( as ignorant fòlkes doe,
that thinke bim to bee an óld rhan sitting
in heaven) but I conceive hirn by his
properties and YVOfkes,'0*.""''.1 íû '
' 13,
Òt fVàafo bee his ehiefe properties?
>Í..Fhst, Hee is moîl wtfe , understanding;all things arigti and knowìhg the
reason of tkem, Secondly, he ís moítíel),
% ;i s
•/ Christian ReHgítH.
which appeared, in that he is most juíí
and merafuUnnto his creatures. Thirdly*
hee is eternally Without either beginningvorend of daies. Lastly, he is insitiheiboth because he is present in all pla
ces, and because hee is of" power fuffi-Cient , to doe, wtatsoeuer he wilL
' sjC>. What be the workes of God?
A. The creation of the world , and
euerytning therein, and the préserva.
tton of hem , being created by bu facial
jgj. How know you, that God gouerneth euety particular thing in the worldby his facial providence?
A, To omit the Scriptures. I see it
byexperiencet Mente, Drincke and Cloting, being voide ot head & life, could
not prescrue the life of man, unlefle there were a facial providence ofGod to gi-
Exod »o f
Esa 4i4»
lob. 9. 4;
Dcm.i *
Man. 10.
£*v lòa<
at 4,+.
ve vertue unto them*
j^HoW is this one God distinguished?
A. Into the Father., which begetteté i.I
the Sonne; into the Sonne , who is be3**
gotten of the Father j into the holy Ghost*
17 '
wo proceeded from the Father and die i0b,i; n,
^Thesecond Principle expounded.
Q. Let us now come to our seluess . 1
Antìirst tell meet what is the naturall . ' '
estate of man?
B 4
Boh ï r. ' .AJ^very «iSn i£ by nature <kfM? % íìn ,
' griifeVhauíngjii ním thç se'éd^fj^ll firfc
of it, as fruits therof,
" ^
icynsx as a Jeprosië,thatrunnetU from
tRecrowne òf thé head to thé foale of
the foore*
.'. . ,. ,'
ç j& Sçhcvy n\ç? .'hovv every part of
. . rdastís cbrruptccí wlth sinne ?
\. '.'
FÍW.'f in the miride therç is no.,\ *' cfîftjOfet ignorance and blancs, conTic. i. iç. tferhing heaúenjy rnatters..... Sècpndly,
WHMi trtëcbMfence is defiled , being aliwaies
Esa. j7.19 either benumbed With sinne) or elíèturm. . ,. 3H«PM$
«fyÇhrift*** Religion.
. «f . " '
ÌQyhope,jcle%ei&G. awsmopuedatuUlkî 1
redto that, ^ìrhieh is.euill , jo etofraç*
it $ and they are neuer'stirre4.u$tp
Y.yhiçfi is^oôrt, beesto esche9,
vvit. La&íyV'the members of thebody
are the igr^^çîçnts&tQole^ofthemvid
§>r ithpexeq^ipn pf sinnç., \ .Ur. í ;K
,n yiH
^atjbjÇe those.'evjjj tô&nsj&fò ìm.
are the rrujtggÇ thjs cpçnjptjçt^í . . .
f. ,ioC «
. ,4. ÇuiU$oughts in the m i nd e, v hi c h Gfefaîfc, j,
cpme either by a.m«$ji9W.?%H^hÇSls the suggçstipo^ í^djuiel ?
ejiyj.mptí|òpftftn4 M»sts j&t^.fo&ejtfte lot. i3.x.
art: and fr9nj:$b^fe%rjfe^]i(i}|pVpçd^^n^Actor.i.3.
djeedes, .v^enrftny ocçafïoji.i« 8lWnfO ,,Chr' i8.i
Q. Eíovy commeth it tp passe,tfaít:j$,
men are
d^filed. j$\tfo .firmes '.:
. W.
r ^ ^j ^d^ts infîdeliîyi..and, fe&GfoMfc W**
dienceîin e^çifjg^hf ÍPíb^d^,frulíf^uea.,^ J9.
do not onely hurtt^eraíçlc^ái^ut;^sg;
staine their blood , and dlsgvaee wè» .sm'it©*
posterity. '
.5[ucí] hi.s vhod
hissai* rí f,j fu;ir:.lsrií.b Htnjflí." >~
%,t £
^ He is.cpntinu^iy/^bje^ %o thjç. .«is..oti
curse oî.G^/^)^%ì^^^}n.^!^Qà. 3. iq,
ofhis lise, and aster tjuf} :H&îf?j hsbpyiL
| 5. VVhat is the çursç çl'p^d irjt
in thfrfòtrië,blihUnes,hár4fléfltíbfhe^t, w. **,z7i
sipmi&uiiuïa lin loBíijn * ai íisrfj .|tàifiw5> 6í,«7»
Sixe Principles
horror of conscience? in goods, hinderances, and losses: in name vignominie
and eproch: lastly, in the whole man,
bondage under Sathan , the prince of dar#
Whzt manner of bondage is htsl'
Hcb.i.i.; &'A. This bondage is, when a man i*
the llaue of the diuell,and hath him to
» Cor. ,4 ratgne iri his heart, as his God.
Luc. u i4.
q How may a man know, vvheter
Sathan be his God. or not. l" '
A. Hee may know it by this , if hee
gtue obedience to him in hií heart , and
*. . . . ' expresse it in his con veríàtiôn; '
C . * ., Q.. And how ftáí a man'perceiue this
obedience.^ ';V '.
A. IFhe takedeîight în the euil mo» loh %s%. tionsVthat Sathari^UW into^iisheart,and
;do fullfiH the lusts; of the diuèíî^;
°;j82 fvkzi is thé cmfe, due to man
in.: the end of this life?
Rom y.i1,
A. Death , Which is the separation of
bodie and ibule,
^. ^at is'tfte curse after this life?
Gil. 3 19.
A, Eeernall damnation in hell fiere,
Rem.jip, vvherof euery man is guild, and is in as
.great danget of it, as the traytor appre
hended is in danger ofhanging, drawing
and quartering.
'. *'.
%e third Principle expounded,
Q± If damnation bee the reward of
. . ... '.. t : fiiinc: then is a man of all creatures most
•/ ChrijiUn Religion.
miserable : a dcfgge or a toade when
they die, al their miserie is ended; but
when a man dyeth, there is the begin
ning of his woe.
A. It were so indeed, if there werf
no means of deliuerance;but GOD bat*
(he,wed his mercy, in, giuing a Sauttur to
Q, How is this Sauiour called? .v
"A. Jesus Christ.
£>. What is Jesus Christ?
A% The eternall Sonne of God, made H«h*««_
man in all things, cuen in his infir/nitits h^'.1*:
like other men,saue onely in sinne(.
M*r,'ij j*
jg. How was he made man voyd of
' . :
' '"" j'r'V ' .
'v.î -H
A. He was conceiued in the wombe Matt,i,i$,
of a Virgin, and ftnfttfied by the holy
Ghost at his conception.
.. '.
Qj_ Why must our Sauiour bee bot&
God and man? '
A. He must bee a man, because man i>T*m.*«
had finned, and therefore a man must fff[f' : «
die for sin, to appease Gods wrath: He
must be God, to sustaineôc uphoide the
manhood, to ouercome and vanquish
' w.:* '. "
«« .
Q^ rrhat be the offices of Christ to
make him an al-sufficient Sauiour ?
, CCtfkf the meanes of salvation "
in the behalfe of man kinde. *
Lk i, h.
SixtTrineiples .
. JX How do£h hee vvorke. the mea?
ies.'oi salutation? .y (í (.'v. ... *ej
Matt »', !
Jí.' First , by.maèing fatkfd&ontq Hif
Heb.7. '5. Father soir "thé'íîrine os maa; fécond ljr
. j£ .rìoy.dpîh.^TO^ç. satisfaction?
\A, By CWo meancs; and the first is
by offcring à sacrifice; ''
is .the.íàçrjfiçe?
' 'J
yfaépM* A, CKrist hírnïêlfeî; 'a^hee is^amat»
consisting of.hpdy asnd. .{fiule. j . M ^
wí. Christ,asheeísGQdusthe^/;<*js>
JMmftryy& thePrie^,^ .v:i,i ...
Heb.5,5,í. '
None but Christ i ahdtnátîas h«.
W is>pth$9d and tpan, r. . . .... . . \ V"
" ífoyy/oft d id he sacrifice Jhim»
Heb.9 z8,
Neupr but once. .
Q. Wh.xt dett/> dïd hé.suster> y|ì^
he íàcrifiqe.d himsejfe ?. .
'^ij VLrç'at^ vppn'tfee.çrosle,pçculìar.
tp hi.rnCçise àlone: for besides the íèparàtioíi'bf hody and foule , hee felt alfa.
the mms oî beíl,\n tbat the^olewrátik
of God, due to the sione' òfroan., y\ni
ppwred fortè upoa him.
. o
jéL W}$t profité commeth byèisr^aíL
a'. Xjòds^w^atis appeaíèd by.^.'s
.CL CQuld defufTerings of Christ,
vvasbut fbr à.îr&r^time, counteruail*
euè'Hàfting' dà'hïnârion, and so appcaso
Gtìds Wraírrí^ oh\.. '
yí. Yca: forrfèeiûg Christ furfered,
GbdfttíFetétì,tfrò^&.notin hisGodhead;
andthat is more,thcn if ail méri in the
^Vorid fcad suïïèred for euer ánd euer.
No#' tèÚ.méfe'Fhc othér meanes
tìtfÀiéifdtíMi?-'ú (iJ .' . - ,.V,'''> . 1
*W ft is; the 'èërrcct' fulfillirig' of the
"''"^ hl 5ns'"
jg. HoW did he fulfilî the fetf*
V$y'his 0<f)ffï? rirbtetusnes ;! vvhìch
CènfyûfStJj 'of ?Wb parts; rhe first, the
irtiegr'ûU+nà fUrenes oï hiS hUrnane nature: the other,his obedìtncè ih performing
aH that theJaW requiretf
J^ You haue she,^ed hovv Christ
dotibmake fatisfaffion;. tell me likewile,
hoW he dotA niake inttrcejfunì
Á< He alone dotA còntinually appeare
before bisfetherin heaven,making the
faiti fully and ail thé'rt praièrs accep'table unto hirajby applyingùf tbfe riaerits of Ais owne perfect.fatiff^àton to
. ',
jQ. w&yís Christ a Propbetî . i t
a. To reuetle. unto hisGhurcA the vyay
and meanes of saluation.and this he doté
outvvardlyby the ministerie of Ais Word»
and ixiwítfdly by tb,e reacbiflg of ^his
. .
kdw.s i$
.i> r. r
. >;«*.'
Sixe Princìples
Q, Why is he also a Kingì
A. That he might bomtifully besttw
upon us , & t«wwjr unto us a] the fore„. ,
faid meanes offafvation.
£>. How doth he *hev himselse to
Actot. io.
A. In that beeing dead and £«r«W,hee
rose fr»m tbe graue, quickened his dead
Eph,4. 8. bodie, ascended in;to heauen * and noNr
Actar.i.9. ^ííííA -t ^ right hand 0f hisFather,Witi
If» 9, ?,
and }o,»i.
Matt. to.
^. i
i.! oh. m.
anJ «. 3j.
5a! 1 *7«
fuit powcr and glorie in heauen.
£. How elfe?
AK In that hee doth continually fri
(pjre and direct his servants, bythe divi
ne power of his holy Spirit» accurding
to his holy word.
But to vvhome wil this blessed
King communicate ail theíè meanes of
ji, He offereth them to many and they
are suffieient to faue ail mankinde; bue
a11 fta11 not bee
there °y'°ecauíò
by fatththey vvil not receiue them. ....
Jbefourth Principleexpomded.
jg. r^har is faith?
. . ' .
%A. Faith is a wonderfull grâce of
God « by whieh a man doth appeehend
and applieChrist,andallhisbenefits unto himselse.
Q. How doth a man apply Christ un
to himselse, seing vvee are on earth,and
Christ in heauen?
of ChristUn Religion.
A. This applying is done by afurtnce., *'C'"r«'*»
irvhen a roan is verily P^s^adedbythej^'J^,^
holy spirit , of Gods favour towards
himsettc ptrticularl) , & of the forgiuenes ' « '
of his o^ne sinners.
jg. How doth God being men truly
to beleeue in Christ ?
A, First , hee prepareti their hearts*
that they might be capable cf faith : and
then he vvorketh fairh in them.
How doth God prepare mens he
A. By bruising them, as if one would Esa.n.i^.
breake an hard stone to powder: and Hoi,é
this is done by humbling them,
Q. How dotb God humble a man? "
' A. By working in him a sight of his
fins, and a sorrow for them.
Q. How is this sight of linne wrought?
A. Bythe morall law: the fumewhc- Rom. j**
re of is the ten commandements.
& 7* 7. *♦
Qy wh.xt sinnes may 1 finde in my sei
se by them ?
. :, À. Tenne.
jg. Whit is the first?
A, To make something thy God, Caw. I»
vvhic* is not God , by fearing it, lo-.t wa
ving it, and so trusting in it more then
in the fueGod,
Q. IVHt is the second?
A. To vvoiftip false gods, or the
true God in a false manner.
.V. .. .1
Q.. Wktx. ú the third? .
A. To
.íji .
"liî? s
&ixe'ÌPtincipïh' "
Á. To dishonour of'God fn abusing
his titles, vvords, and'vvòfkcs.
t! £. f^éat ys the foUrttf? 1 :
A, To breake the Sábbath , indoistg
the vvorkes ef their calling & of trie
.fies/»} and inlcauing undonc the vvòrkc
of the fpírit*
.*i jg* whit Wethe ííxe lattet ?
,*♦ To doe any thíngV.that may hui*
der thyneighbours dtgníty*Iife>chastity,
yveaJthi) good narae,thougfc ît be butin
j.e secret thoughts and motions of thé
heart, tínto Whic6 thoU giuèst no liking
notconfen&j <;; .". j| 1 '.,'. ' , jg. ^arisTorró^Tòr rìnne?/
Act. i*37> ' A. k is V'Vehn a inár^ Vdnícience ís
touched y*rfck a lkiôty fèdíng of Gods
i.tim.t U Difpleafure . for : any 8F ïtiese" siûtìeï : ïti
Bfi»f.67 fuc^vifothat hee uttérly defpaires of
es f
íàluatioriyln fégard of any thing in him*
." felfe, acknov. ledging that he hatfc deièrued sAaráe an<t èÒHfuîîbh éterrially.
Q. Ho^k dotA God vvoíkë this sorrow?
^ . ;?s" :'; ' "
a. Bv the terrible curTé of the íaw.
. 'ìA.íiec VAíhieè breakësbù't òne ofttíe
commandements of Gôd, thougfc tt be
but once in ail his lise tjme, and that
onely inone tfeougfctì isTubjec^ to, &
in;dangerbpf eteínâÚ damhatibn. therecy.
f; '
v .
Of Christian Religion.
jgf When mens hearts are thus pre
pared , how dot* God ingtaft faith in
; .
A. By working certaine inward mo
tions in the heart, which are the sccdes
of faith, out of which it brended.
jg. What is the first of them?
A. When a man humbled undet the Kíâ. j yi Ì,
burden of his sinnes, doté acknowledge j**.^ l7«
and feele that he stands in great neede
. *
of Christ,
Q. VVkvc is the second?
A* An hungring desire & a longing Matrf'y,4Î
to be made partaker of Christ & alihis
mat is the third ? ;
A„ A flying to the throne of grace, Heb. 4, s.
from the sentence of te law pricking the
Q. How is it done ?
A, By praying , wit* sending up loud twSïfïHf
cries for God favour inC hrist, in the par- M** ^
doning of sinne: and with feruent per- ji"'15'"
severance herein , till the desire of the Act. g. »j.
heart be granted.
VVhzx foliowet* aster this?
A. God then according to h\s mer..Matt.r.7».
cifull promise, lets the poorc sinner feele Esa.6. **■
the assurance of his loue,vv^er>»'itA heIob'33'
louet/> him in Christ »vvWch assurance i*
a liuely fait*.
Sìxt Trinciples
Q, Arethere diver* degreesandmea*
sures of true faith?
A. Yea.
Lui. i7. f.
yfrbzt îs the leaíl measure of tru«
faith, that any man can haue ?
A„ tVhcn a man of an humble spirit,
Esa. 4». 3. by reason of thc littlenesse of his ímh\
Man. i7. doth not yet feele the assurance of the
forgiuenesle of his finnes, and yet he is
Luc« lM. pCrj\y aded, that they are pardonable:
and therefore desiretA , that they ftoulë
be pardoned,and witAhis heart praietA
to God to pardon them,
Q. Hov doe you knoV that such s
man hatfc faitA?
*.om.s,ii. A, Thèse defirts and proiers are testiGai.s í, Ionies of the ípirit , vvhofe propertie
Matt, j, 5. jt js tQ ^jrre Up a lottging and a lujUng as
ter heauenly things vvith ftfhts and "gro**
ves forGods favour and mercieinChrist.
Rom. 8. 9. Now where the Spirit of Christ is,there
Eph, 3.i7.15 Christ d,velling: and where Christ;
dvelleth , there is true faitA>hoW vveake foeuer it be.
Q. VVhK. is the greatest meafure of
faitA ?
. .
A. ^Mrhen a man daily increafing ìn
faith cornes to be fully perfwadtt ofGods
Jove in Christ towards himfelfe particnCan'' *.lUrljy and of the tòrgiuenesse of his ovne íinnes,
mcn ftall a Christian heart corn»
1» rhis full assurance ? '
A. Not
Of ChrijUa» KcligitH.
j/f. Not at the first , but in some con. 1. Tim. 4
tinuance of time, when he hat* beene 7«8«
well practised in repentance , and hat£ J^'*^ ^
had divers experiences of Gods loue unto >,Tcrfe«
him in Christ: Tien after them will appeare in his heart the fulnes ofperfwalion: which is the ripenejfe and strength Ro">«4.»
Q. Whxt benefits doth a man receiue
by fàit/, in Christ?
A. Hereby hee is justified before God,fcC°M.i»
and sanctified.
Actor y.*
a JVb&t is this, to be jupfitd before Roni. 4' *'
A. It comprehended two things: the
first ) to. be cleared from the guiltitttff»
mi pmifltment of sinne ; the second , to
be accepted as perfectly righteous befo
re God.
Q, How is a man cleared from the
'uiltinesse and punishment of his sinnes?
A. By Christs sufferings and deaub u- Co'. •. »*•
wn the crosse.
1 £j * 14
Q± How is he accepted for. righteous 0 '*'7*
A„ By the righteoufhesse of Christ im- a.C»r,;,ji,
,tided to him.
Q. PThat profit comes by beinhthus .
ustified ?
A.. Hereby and by no other meanesin Rom,4.i7
he world, the beleever shall bep accepted Apoc,*!*
etore Gods judgement fearc, as worthy
G a
Sìxe Principles
of eternall life by the merits of the samS
rigkeousnefle of Christ.
O^Doe not good workes them make
us worthy of eternall life?
A. No: For God, who is perfect:
righteoufnes it seise , will finde in the
best rvorkes We doe, more matter of
Psel.i4i'1' damnation then of salvation : and there
lob 64 6* ^0re we mu^ rat^er condemne our sel0
ves for our good vvorkes then Iooke to
be justified before God there by.
How may a man know that He is
, ' justified before God.
A. He neede not ascend into honueri r. to feared* the secret counsell of God:but
2.101i,3.9, rat^er descend mto his oWne heare, to
search whether he be fanftified or not,
FPhzt is it to be sanctified?
A. It comprehended two things; she?
^ first , to be purged from the corruption
of his own nature , the second , to be
indued with in ward rigkeousnesse.
q^How is the corruption of sinne purged?
Rom.6,4. A. By the ments and power of Christs
i,Pct.4 1 r dead, v\h\ch being by fait/; applied is as
a corasiue to abate , consume, and wea
ken the power of all sinne,
0^ How is a man indued with inhe
rent rigkeousnesse?
Rom. 6. j,
a. Throug/j the vertue of Christs rePhi!, j. i © furrection : wMch being applyed by said,
•/ Christian Religion,
is as a restorative , to revive x man that)
is dead in sinne,to ne.vscnesse of life, .
Q. In what part of man is sanctifica
tion wrought?
A, In euery part of body and soule. tXb'iXtf
In want time is it wrought ?
A. It is begun in this life, in which
thefaithfuli receive onely the firSí fruits Rpm.8.ti,'
of the Spirit, and it is not finished before 1 Cot.$.,
the end of this life.
What graces of the Spirit doe usitally shew themselves in the heart of a
man sanctified?
A. The hadred ofsinndand the louepi".,'9."l.
of righteousnesse.
&4°. 9.
' O. What proceedes of them?
& 0i.3.
J" t,
I . I .
r 1 ■
Kom,7 12.
si. Repentance, which is a letled pur-pfci.
pose in the heart , with a careful ende- 77.ii3..
avour to leaue all his sinneSï andtoliue.
a Christian life, according to all Gods
Q._ What goeth with repentance?
A, A ]continuall fighting-and strugling against the assaults of a mans owne
fleík, against the motions of the divell,
and rhe incitements of te world.
Q, What followeth after a man hath
gotten the victory in any temptation or
A. Experience of Gods loue inChrist, Rom.J
r„*. ,
— 1 .so increase
■ » .1 " . of1 peacen of conscience,,
and ioy in the holy Ghost.
Sixt PrincipUs
Whzt follo.wetfc if in any temptation he be ouercome and through infirmity fail? .
1. «or. 7.
^ Aster a vvhilc there vvill arise a
*i»c^6 t7i°^b sorr(nvì which is , vvhen a man is
grieued for no other cause in the world,
but for this onh/ithat by his fin he hari>
diípleased God , vvho hati beene unto
; him a most mercifull and IouingFather.
[FPkzt signe is. there of this fòr. ro\c ?
The true signe of it is this 1 vvhen
a man can bee grieued for the rery disobedience of God in his euill vvord or deede, rhoug^f he fhould neuer bc punifhcd.
and thoug^ there were neither heaueri
nor hcll.
. . ,
PT/>at folloves aster this íorrow ?
A. RepentanCC renewed afresh.
By whut signes vviíl this repentanceappeare?
a.Cor.7.tí ji By seven, w A care toleauc the
fín îinto whid? hee is falkn. 2. An ut.
ter condemning of himfelfc for it, whid?
a crauinig of pardon. 3. A great angsr
againsthimfelfe for his earelefnesie. 4. A
feare lest he fhould fall into the íame
finne againe, j. A désire euer aster to
pleafe God. 6. A zeale of the sarnc.
7. Reuenge upon himseluc for his for
mer otìfence,
. .
»f Cbri/tU/t Rtligian.
TheJifth Principle expounded.
.„ .
jg. WAat outward meanesmuil wee
use to obtaine faith , and all blessings of
God which come by faic^ ?
A\ The trekking of God»Word, and
the administration of the Satr*mcMstanà
P. Wfeere is the word of God to bee
A. The whole Word of God, needfull to salvation, is set down in the holy
*• .
How know you that the Scriptu
res ate the Word of God, and not mens
A, I am assured of it : First because
the holy Ghost pcrswadeth my conscien- EpH. m>
ce , that it is so. Secondly* I fee it by ex
perience.' For the preaching of the Scri
ptures hauethepower ofGodinthem to Heb.4.11
humble 4 m*», when they are preached, Cor'li*
and to cast him downe to hell, and aster
Ward to restore and raise him up againe.
What is the uft of tho word of
God preached?
A. First, it breedcth, and then it increascth faith in chem which are chosen to falva'-ionî But unto them that perisii , it is , by reason of their corruption ,
4» tccafion of their further damnation.
Q. How must we heare Gods Word,
that it maybe estectuallto our salvation?
C 4
A. VVe
' lg) . '
Heb,4, r.
Actl'îs 4"
We moft COme Unt0 iC Vvith huh*
Heb. 4 2)ger.bitten hearts , hauing an appetite to
Ese.66. tithe word; we must marke it vvith ati.ue 2. j, tention , receive jt by faith , submit our
Psai,ii9.u {dues , unto it with scare and tremb'
' :
. :.
ling, euen then when our faults are reproouet: lastly, we must hide id in the
corners of our hearts, that we may fra
me our Hues and conversations by it,
Q. What ys a Sacrament? ''
Gal, j. ia> firme, an instrument to conuey Christ and
'all his benefits to them|, that do beleeue
in him.
jg. PFhy must a Sacrament represent
the mercies of God before our eyes ?
A. Because we are dull to conceiue
and to remember them.
jg. PPTiìy doe the Sacraments scale
unto us the mercies of God?
A. Fecause we are full of unbelefe ,
and doubting of them.
Q. Why is the Sacrament the instru»
j ment of the Spirit to conuey the mer
cies of God into our hearts ?
A. Because wee are like Thomas,wec
will not beleeve till wee seek them in
some measure in our hearts.
How many Sacraments are there?
i.Cor. to,
anj nQ mQre f .Baptipme t by
which wee haue our admission into the
true Church of God,and the LordiSuppen
•f Christian Retigitn. .
by which Wee arc nourished andpreserved
in the true Church after our admission.
jQ. What is done in Baptisme?
A, In the assembly of the Church the
; covenant of grace betweene God and the
party baptized, is solemnelv confirmed
Tlt. 3. 5»
In this convenant, what doth
God promise to the party baptized ?
A, Christ, with all blessings that CO- Gal. 3. 17.
me by him*
, ?et. 3««.
To what condition is the party
baptized bound?
A. To receiue Christ) <5c to repent Mar.ï&ifi
his fin*
çk fVfat meanetbthe fîrwkling ox dip- ^ . ' ..*
sing in water ? '
A. It feales unto us remission of sins , prt, , :
and sanctification by the obedience and V
sprinkling of the blood of Christ.
Q. Howcommeth it to passe,that ma
ny after their baptisme for a long time
feele not the essedt and fruite of it , and
some neuer.
A. The fault is not in God> who keepes his convenants , but the fault is in
themsclues, in that they doe not keepe . «Í
the condition of the convenant,to recei-.
ve Christ by faith, and to repent of all
their sinnes.
*' .
ífhen fhalla man then fee the effect
of his baptisme*
^A. At what time soeuer htc doth re-;
C $
ceive 20,
t.Pet..« zì.
ïcci Y a.
4.3 .
Sixe Prìnciples
ceiue Christ by faith > though it bee msny yeares aster, he shall then feele thc
poWer of God to regenerate him, and
to worke ail thlngsinhim, vvhich he
ossered in ba prisme.
How if a man tieuer keepc th»
condition, ro vvhich he bound hiœfclf'e
-A. His damnation fhall bee the greatcr> bccause he breaketh his no\f madc
What is done in thc Lords Supper?
jí. The former couenant solemnly rà°r' ". tified in baptisme, is rcnucd in the Lords.
Ita, r/
Supper, betweenc the Lord himselfe,(5c
thc receiuer ?
Q± Who is thc receiuer?
Euety one that hath beene bapti
zec* ' artt* âlcel
^p^'"6 nat*1 tru,y
beleeved in Christ, repented cf his siri*
nes from his heair.
Q ffhit meanerh the brcad and vvt.
nc, thc cating or' the bicad. astddrihking
of the vviiic ?
i Cor
^helè out^ard actions are a se*7'». *' conc* ^a'e 'et
tnc Lords own hand
unto his couenant. And they doe giue
cuery receiuer to understand , that as.
God doth blesse rhe bread and vvine, to
préserve & streng then the body of the
receiuer: so Christ apprehended and re£eiuçd. by íàith, skall nourish him, and
. •/ CbriflUn RèligitH.
. 4J
preserve both body and foule unto eterç
nall lise.
Q. What sìiall a true receiuer seele ia
himíèlfe aster the receiuing oí the Sacra*
A. The increase ofhisfaith inChrist*
the increase of sanctification , a greatef
measure of dyingeo fini a greatereare
to liue in newnessc of lise
. *
fVhat if a man aster the receiuing
of the Sacrament, neuer find any fuchthing in himíèlfe?
A. He may vvell suspect himíèlfe:
vvhether he díd euer repent or not,and
therupon is to uíc means to corne t»
sound íaitli & repentanec.
Q. rrhìt is another meancs of increasing faith?
A. Prayer.
W\\ax. is prayer
A, A familiar speech vvîthGodin the
name ofChrist,in,whicheitherVe craue
, «or ,*,
. '
''. '
things needfull.orgiue thankesfor things
In asking things ncedfulh vvhat is
Ai Tvco things, an carnest deíìre>and
Q^VFhat things must a Christian mans Mar.ii.-uj.
heart desire ?
ui. Sixe things efpecially;
What arethey?
Sixe Principles
Petïfionl. ^4, i.ThathemayglorifieGod.2.Tha&
God may reigne in his heart, and not sinHL
ne: j. That he may do Gods will, and
not the lusts of his flesh : 4. That he may
relic him'selre on Gods providence for
. . all the meanes of this tempor all life :
V. . .
That he may be justified, and be at
V I'. peace with God : 6, That by the poWer
ofGod hee may bee strengthened against
. '
all temptations.
Whrt is faith?
A. A perfwafion, that those things,
which we truly desire, God willgrant
çhem for Christs fake.
. / 1. '
y 'Tbefixt Principle expounded.
After that a man hath led a short
life in this world , wath followed*
A. Death, which is the parting a sun
der of body and soule
! . i2i Why do wicked men & unbeleeuers dy?
A* That their bodies may goe to the
earth , and their foules may be cast into
1. .
hell fire.
Q. Why do the godly die, seeingChrist
by death hath ouercome death ?
. /
A. They die for this end, that their
Act.7. 60. bodies may rest for awhile in the earth,
H»b *ïì' & their foulçs mav cn*er into heauen
«« immediately,
•s Christian Religion.
W\>2X folloWeth after death?
A. The day of judgement.
J '"'Sl* Vfhut signe is there to know this
day from other daies?
A. Heauen and earth shall beconsù- i Pet.$ u;
med with fire immediately before the vu.
u comming of the judge,
jg. Who shall be judge?
A* Jesus Christ the Sonne of God.
rrhat shalbe the comming to jud
A. Hee shall come in the eloudes in i.Th,4,i$f
great' majestie and glorie, with infinite
company of Angels,
I ; Q. How shall a man be cited to jud'
A, At the found of a trumped , the Matt
líuing shall be changed in the twinckling
of an eye , and the dead (hall rise a gaine
euerie one with hisoWne bodie:and all. iob.i9.1ji
shall be.gathered to gether before Christ;
and after this, the good shall be severed.
( from the bad , these standing on the left Matth. t;:
hand of Christ, the other on the right.
Hov wil Christ trie and exami
ne euery mans cause ?
A, The bookes of euery mans doings
shall be laid open, mens consciences shall Dan, 7i*S
be made either to accuse them , or excu
se them, and euery man shall be tried by
the workes , which he did in his life
time,because they are open and manifest ,oh. 3' 'ft
lignes of faith or unbelife,
*ai S't*'
Matt. if.
34.. 4i.
'. '
Sixe Principles
JQ. Witt sentence will hegiue?
A, Hee will giuc sentence of lalva
tion to the elect and godly 1 but he will
pronounce sentence of damnation againfl
unbeleeuers and reprobates.
jQ. What state shall the godly be in
after the day ofjudgement?
A, They (ball continue for euer in the
highest heausn in the presence of God,
hauing fellow'ship wit/) Christ Jesus, and
reigningwid? him for euer.
What state shall the wicked be in
after the day of judgement?
j4. In erernall perdition and destrmction in hell fire.
What is that?
A. It stands in three things especially;
First, a perpetuall separation from Gods
comfortat,ie presence. Secondly, fellow
ship with the diuell and his angels. Thir
dly, an horrible pang and toiment both
of body & foule, arising of the seeling of
the W&ole wrat/> of God , po wred fortô
cn the Wicked for euer world without
«nd: and if the paine of one tooth for one
day be so great, endlefle shall be the paif\e of the wk>le man, body & fou
le for euer.