SYLLABUS Business Administration (E2 bilingual) FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ECONÓMICAS Y EMPRESARIALES 1.- ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR Basic Data Name Organizational Behaviour Business Administration Degree Course E2 bilingual ECTS (credits) 3,5 h Hours/week Compulsory. Basic training Type Departament Gestión Empresarial - Business Administration Area Human Resources Coordinator Dr. Antonio Núñez Professors Coordinator: Antonio Núñez Office e-mail Phone Tutorships OD-417 [email protected] 91.542.28.00, Extensión: 22.55 Mornings (4h/week): appointment by email Professor: Oscar Pérez Zapata Office e-mail Phone Tutorships [email protected] (will be active around January 21) [email protected] 91.542.28.00, Extensión: 2h/per week: before/after class appointment by email 1 2.- ABOUT ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR (OB) Course context Contribution to Business Administration degree Our topic focuses on people management within organizations. We aim to better understand human behaviour inside organizations: what happens there and why?. We concentrate on interpersonal/intrapersonal psychosocial processes; explore tools to improve self-knowledge and general knowledge about what drives people at organizations. This increased knowledge is a core asset in the process to become better professionals. The Organizational Behaviour course establishes the basic framework to more specific topics linked to Human Resources, Leadership or Negotiation in following years. Requirements None. It is always helpful to have done Psicología del itinerario CC Sociales before entering University. Also relevant is the first year course "Fundamentos de ADE o Gestión Empresarial". 3.- COURSE CONTENT Program I.- INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR Chapter 1: What is OB?: Evidence-based people management II.- INDIVIDUAL LEVEL DETERMINANTS Chapter 2: Managing diversity: Professional skills Chapter 3: Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Chapter 4: Emotions, moods and performance: Emotional Intelligence Chapter 5: Personality and values in people management Chapter 6: Perception and Decision making Chapter 7: Basics of Motivation: Extrinsic and Intrinsic Chapter 8: Motivation at work: Job enrichment III.- GROUP AND ORGANIZATIONAL LEVELS Chapter 9: Individual and groups Chapter 10: Efficient Teams Chapter 11: Interpersonal Communication Chapter 12: Leadership Chapter 13: Power, Politics and Ethics 2 4.- GRADING Grading activities FINAL EXAM: A pass grade is a requirement for the course Multiple-choice/short questions 60% Case studies 40% Content: everything we discuss in class Final project (real organization) Individual and group activities/participation Key criteria Weight Comprehensive understanding Reasoning and presenting Synthesis Concept application 60% Three milestones: 1. Short video 2. Written report 3. Final presentation Initiative, innovation and quality 20% 1. 2. 3. 4. 20% 5.- SCHEDULE Class content Reading Materials* Date 13-ene 16-ene 20-ene 23-ene 27-ene 30-ene 03-feb Session 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 OB Introduction OB Introduction Practice Diversity Practice Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 06-feb 10-feb 13-feb 17-feb 20-feb 24-feb 8 9 10 11 12 13 Practice Emotions and moods Practice Personality and values Practice Perception and Decision Making Robbins CH6 03-mar 06-mar 14 15 PROGRESS FINAL PROJECT Motivation Robbins CH7 10-mar 13-mar 17-mar 16 17 18 Motivation Practice Groups/Teams 20-mar 24-mar 27-mar 07-abr 10-abr 14-abr 17-abr 21/04/2015 DOUBLE SESSION TO BE CONFIRMED 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Practice Communication Practice Leadership Practice Power/Politics Practice 26-27 Final Project Presentations Comment Robbins CH1 College Stress Robbins CH2 Groups presentations Group 1 Group 2/Group 3 Group 4 Robbins CH3 Due Date NAME ORGANIZATION Group 5 /Group6 Robbins CH4 Group 7 /Group 8 Robbins CH5 Group 9 /Group10 SHORT VIDEOS ALL GROUPS Robbins CH8 Group 1 /Group 2 Robbins CH9/10 Group 3 /Group4 Robbins CH11 Group 5/Group 6 Robbins CH12 Group 7 /Group 8 Robbins CH13 Group 9 /Group10 FINAL EXAM KEY DATES *Plus additional materials proposed by the professor 3 6.- DEDICATION Summary Class dedication = 51h Lectures Seminars 24 hours 24 hours Final Exam 2 hours Exam revision 1 hour 3 horas Out-of-class dedication = 74h Working on theoretical content Working on practical content Final project Self-study 17 hours 17 hours 20 hours 20 hours 5 ECTS CREDITS: 5*25 hours = 125 h TOTAL DEDICATION 7.- GRADING ("Convocatoria Extraordinaria") To be discussed with the professor 8.- REFERENCES AND MATERIALS Basic References Textbook ROBBINS S.P., (2013): Organizational Behavior (Global Edition). Pearson Education Detailed content See schedule above Articles To be delivered Web page Moodle Additional materials To be delivered Additional References Textbook GIBSON, IVANCEVICH, DONNELLY & KONOPASKE (2011): Organizations: Behavior, Structure, Processes McGraw-Hill/Irwin (14 ed.) LUTHANS (2011): Comportamiento organizacional. McGraw-Hill/Irwin (12 ed.) Organizational Behavior: Human Behavior at Work. McGraw-Hill/Irwin (14 ed.) Additional books To be discussed with the professor Articles See references at the end of each chapter (main textbook) Web page and additional materials Moodle 4