South Lake High School Shark Bite

South Lake High School Shark Bite
Seattle Public Schools
Volume 7, Issue 3
Every Student — Every Classroom — Every Day
The Parent Involvement Policy and C-SIP are available for review in the main office.
South Lake Students go to We Day at Key Arena
May 26th, 2016
Mission Statement:
South Lake High
School welcomes all
students to a small,
supportive and structured educational
setting where academic achievement is
the celebrated outcome.
Upcoming Events:
On April 20th, ten South Lake students attended We Day at the Key
Arena. There were several inspirational speakers, entertainers, and
sports figures. The following are a
just a sampling of people our students were able to see: Ciara, Kat
Graham, Pete Carroll, Lilly Singh,
the Band Perry, Paula Abdul, Marlee
Matlin, George Takei, Ricardo
Lockette, Doug Baldwin, and Sue
Bird. Russell Wilson even made a
surprise appearance. The philosophy
of We Day is to inspire youth to get
involved in their local and global
 6/1 EOC Math
 6/2 EOC Biology
 6/11 Prom
 6/14 Senior Student
Work Due Date
 6/15 Senior Lunch
 6/17 Graduation
Katia Sanchez and Noel Woods
 6/23 Lincoln Park Picnic
 6/24 Field Day and Last
Day of School
Message from the
Community for Youth
Winners for Life
Great Job Gabby!
Title I Information
Spanish Translation
South Lake students at their very first We Day at Key Arena.
Students who attended We Day
have to chance to earn Service
Learning hours, a high school graduation requirement, by doing a
small project serving the community. Once they do the project, the
eight hours spent at We Day will
count towards Service Learning.
For more information, contact Ms.
Waka at (206)252-6623.
IGNITE takes Young Women to Starbucks
On April 28th, sixteen young women had the opportunity to
visit Starbucks headquarters with the IGNITE program. IGNITE is working to inspire young women, especially young
women of color, to go into technology careers. Right now,
women only represent nine percent of the workforce in the
technology field. South Lake has been to Microsoft, DigiPen,
and Starbucks, along with other major tech companies. Internships are offered over the summer, so visit the Career Center
for more information.
Blitz, posing for the camera.
South Lake and Nathan Hale students posing for a group picture on the IGNITE field trip at Starbucks Headquarters.
Great Gatsby Prom
All-school prom
will be held at the
Rainier Beach
Yacht Club on June
11th. Couples are
$25 and individuals
are $15. Get your
tickets early and
come in your flapper dresses and
suits. Appetizers,
desserts, and beverages will be served.
There will also be
music and dancing.
Guests are welcome
if they have an approved guest form.
Winners for Life
Award Recipients
Martin Frye
South Lake High School Shark Bite
Message from the Principal
It is hard to
believe that
the end of
the school
year is fast
approaching. With
only four weeks left, we are
busy preparing our students
for state tests (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) and End of
Course Exit (EOC) exams)
and preparing them to submit Collection of Evidence
(COE) tasks. Seniors are
also working hard to complete course work and their
High School and Beyond
Plans. As we continue to
push our students to finish
strong, we would like to celebrate the students who have
reaped the benefits of their
hard work last semester. The
following students received
notice that they passed the
EOC and/or COE that they
took/submitted this past January: Andy Reynoso
Jimenez, Lesley Morris,
Yazmin Perez, Hydia Ford,
Tessa Hill, Mariela Orozco
Page 2
Echeverria, Raymond
Wright, Samuel Valladares,
Alexandria Gort, Maria
Hernandez, MChayla Jenkins, and Amara Smith.
Congratulations to each of
these students! All of your
hard work has paid off.
Thank you, COE teachers,
Mr. Fahselt, Ms. France,
and Ms. Perez for all that
you have done for our kids!
Next school year, South
Lake is proud to offer a new
credit retrieval Coordinated
Studies option. At the end
of first and third quarter,
teams of teachers will be
guiding students through an
engaging, real-world project
that connects Common Core
standards to their lives.
These projects will include
field trips, guest speakers,
presentations, and the opportunity to earn a 0.50 core
credit for one week’s work.
We are excited to present
this new opportunity to our
students to earn credit faster.
With the end the school
year on June 24th comes
several opportunities for
summer credit retrieval programs, job opportunities,
and internships. We want to
encourage our students to
continue to stay active during the summer. Our college and career center specialist, Chris Syrjala, is a
wonderful resource for our
students to plan for a productive summer. Please encourage your student to stop
by the Career Center to find
out more information on
these programs. Counselor
Eve Levasseur can also help
students register for credit
retrieval at Cleveland High
As always, I welcome
caregivers and community
partners to visit South Lake.
If at any time you have
questions or concerns,
please contact me at 206252-6600.
Let’s continue to do all
we can to help our kids be
Thank you,
Keith Smith
Community For Youth at South Lake
Community partner, Community for Youth (CFY), held an event at South Lake on May 17th
and 19th. Mentees were able to connect with mentors to go over resume building, mock interviews, and to meet people from different careers. Poquitos voluntarily catered the event
with a barbeque truck in front of the school. Several South Lake students were part of the
event, along with some Rainier Beach students, and students from other schools in the
Greater Seattle Area.
Mariela Orozco
Stephanie Martinez
LEFT: South Lake student Devin Harris (far right), along with other
CFY youth. ABOVE: CFT mentors and mentees coming together
after enjoying a Poquitos meal.
Breakfast or
Lunch with
Principal Smith
Join Us! Chicken and
Waffles, or some other
delicious breakfast
treat, every Monday.
Hosted by the
D.A.D.S. volunteers.
From 7:15 am to 7:45
am. Mr. Smith will be
available to chat at this
time and on Fridays
during lunch. Please
come by to meet the
South Lake High School Shark Bite
Congratulations GRADS Graduates!
The South Lake Parent Education Lab would like
to congratulate our GRADS graduates, Gabriana
Garcia Martinez and her son Emilio, Katia Sanchez
and her son Alex, and Margaret Rim and her son
Raiden. They have worked so hard to complete
their graduation requirements while raising children. We are so very proud of them and cannot wait
to see what their next
adventure entails!
Katia Sanchez and her son Alex, class of 2016!
Great Job, Gabby!
Saturday Math
Get help with current
math work or work on
preparing for state
math assessments.
You can also earn
extra math credit.
Email Ms. Waka for
more information:
Margaret Rim and her son Raiden, class
of 2016!
Seniors and Scholarships
If you need help applying for FAFSA or
scholarships, visit the
Career Center. There
is so much money out
there for school. Let’s
make sure you can get
as much of it as you
Volunteers Needed
South Lake always
welcomes parents/
guardians and community partners to volunteer in the building.
We can use help filing, grading, organizing, etc. Let
the main office know if
you are interested. You
can reach
them at (206)
Page 3
Gabriana Garcia-Martinez and her son
Emilio, class of 2016! (photo bomb by
Alex Sanchez)
Title 1: What does it mean?
On May 19th, senior Gabriana Martinez Garcia was honored at The Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund Awards
Ceremony. She was among 26 other
recipients from the other Seattle High
Schools. Gabby was introduced to the
assembly by the school counselor,
Eve Levasseur. “This is my first year
at South Lake, and I didn’t know
Gabby very well, so I asked my peers
for their help… and the comments
just poured in. Her talents and strengths soon became clear. Not
only did she excel in class, she chose to be trained in the Aerospace Technology program. She has been an active member of
IGNITE and as a part of the greater school community, she took
on leadership roles in many areas - as a student on the School
Board; spearheading the bilingual club and bringing in Consejo
to help our female students deal with important issues in their
lives. On the home front, she stepped up to keep her family connected during a rough patch, and by being a stable, loving mother to her son Emilio.
She is respected by both the staff and her peers at South
Lake. Her enthusiasm, positive attitude, curiosity, confidence
has made her a success.” Gabriana graciously accepted the
award, thanking family and her many supporters. She shared
that while she does plan to continue her education, she has yet to
decide the direction she will take. No matter what she decides,
she is sure to be a success!
Title 1, Part A is a federally funded program that allocates additional monies to schools who have a high percentage of students receiving
free or reduced lunches. The monies are generally used to fund staff
who provide additional academic support, enhance before or after
school tutoring programs, purchase supplies or curricula to use with students who are below standard, and support parent involvement activities. South Lake High School is a Title 1 school. The
2015-16 Title 1 Parent Involvement Plan is available in the front office for review by our parents
and families. As part of our being a Title 1 school, South Lake documents the ways in which we
encourage families to become involved with their student's education. Please feel welcome to chat
with staff about ways you can become more involved in South Lake High School. If at any time
you have concerns about the use of Title 1 funds, please contact Mr. Smith. The district contact
person for our school is Helen Finch, Consulting teacher Title 1, [email protected] (206)
252-0160, who also is happy to take your calls. A procedure for written complaints is found on the
District website, on the Title 1 page.
Page 4
Volume 7, Issue 3
South Lake Estudiantes van a We Day en Key Arena
En el día 20 de abril, diez estudiantes de la escuela secundaria South
Lake atendieron We Day que tomó
lugar en el Key Arena. Hubo varios
oradores inspiradores, artistas, y
deportistas. Los estudiantes tuvieron la oportunidad de escuchar lo
que la siguiente gente tuvo que decir: Ciara, Kat Graham, Pete Carroll, Lilly Singh, The Band Perry,
Paula Abdul, Marlee Matlin, George Takei, Ricardo Lockette, Doug
Baldwin, y Sue Bird. Hasta Russell
Wilson, por sorpresa, apareció. La
filosofía de We Day es inspirar a
los jóvenes a involucrasen más en
la comunidad. Los estudiantes que
atendieron We Day tuvieron la
oportunidad de acumular horas para
el aprendizaje de servicio, un requi-
sito de graduación para la escuela
secundaria, por completando un
proyecto pequeño de sirviendo la
comunidad. En cuanto que acaben
el proyecto, los ochos horas ellos
hicieron en We Day serán contados
para el aprendizaje de servicio. Para
obtener más información, por favor
contacte la Señora Waka al número
(206) 252-6623.
IGNITE Lleva Mujeres Jóvenes a Starbucks
En el día 28 de abril, dieciséis mujeres jóvenes tuvieron la oportunidad de visitar la sede de Starbucks por parte del
programa IGNITE. IGNITE trabaja con mujeres jóvenes, especialmente con mujeres jóvenes de color, en motivarlas a
perseguir careras tecnológicas. Ahora mismo, solamente nueve por ciento de la población activa en el campo tecnología son representados por mujeres. South Lake ha ido a Microsoft, DigiPen, y Starbucks, y a otras compañías tecnológicas. Se ofrece pasantías para el verano, por eso visite el Centro de Carreras (Career Center) para más información.
Un Mensaje del Director
Es difícil creer que el año escolar ya
mero se acaba. Ya falta cuatro semanas,
y por eso estamos ocupados en preparando los estudiantes para sus exámenes
del estado (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) y End of
Course Exit (EOC) exámenes) y también
preparándolos a entregar sus Collection
of Evidence (COE) tareas (en español se
llaman colección de evidencia tareas).
Seniors también están trabajando intensamente en completando trabajos para
clase y planes para después de la escuela
secundario (High School and Beyond).
Al continuar en apoyando nuestros estudiantes en acabar el año escolar con gran
esfuerza, queremos celebrar los estudiantes que han cosechado los beneficios
de sus esfuerzos la pasada semestre. Los
siguientes estudiantes recibieron noticias
que pasaron el EOC y/o el COE que
tomaron/entregaron el enero del 2016:
Andy Reynoso Jimenez, Lesley Morris,
Yazmin Perez, Hydia Ford, Tessa Hill,
Mariela Orozco Echeverria, Raymond
Wright, Samuel Valladares, Alexandria
Gort, Maria Hernandez, MChayla Jenkins, y Amara Smith. ¡Felicidades a estos estudiantes! Tus esfuerzos te dieron
buenos resultados.
South Lake está orgulloso de ofrecer
una nueva opción en recuperando crédito para Estudios Coordinados
(Coordinated Studies) durante el próximo año escolar. En el fin del primer y
tercer trimestre, equipos de maestras
guiaran los estudiantes por proyectos
interesantes, y también aplicaran condiciones reales en estos proyectos, que
conectan normas de comunes básicos
(Common Core standards) en sus vidas.
Estos proyectos incluyeran excursiones,
oradores invitados, presentaciones, y la
oportunidad de ganar 0.50 crédito por
una semana de trabajo. Estamos entusiasmados en presentar esta nueva oportunidad a nuestros estudiantes para ganar
crédito con rapidez.
El fin del año escolar, el 24 de junio,
trae oportunidades para programas en el
verano para recuperar crédito, oportunidades de trabajo, y pasantías. Queremos
animar nuestros estudiantes a ser activos
durante el verano. Nuestro colegio y
centro de carreras especialista, Chris
Syrjala, es un recurso maravillosa que
puede ayudar a los estudiantes planear
un verano productivo. Por favor anime a
tu estudiante a visitar el Centro de Carreras (Career Center) para obtener más
información sobre estos programas. La
consejera Eve Lavasseur también puede
ayudar los estudiantes registrar para la
recuperación de crédito en Clevelend
High School.
Como siempre, yo doy la bienvenida
a familias/tutores/cuidadores y socios de
la comunidad a visitar South Lake. Si a
cualquier tiempo tienes preguntas o
preocupaciones, por favor contáctame a
Vamos a continuar haciendo todo lo
que podemos hacer para ayudar nuestros
estudiantes ser exitosos.
Keith Smith
¡Felicidades graduados de GRADS!
El South Lake Parent Education Lab quiere felicitar nuestros graduados de GRADS, Gabriana García Martínez y su hijo Emilio,
Katia Sánchez y su hijo Alex, y Margaret Rim y su hijo Raiden. Ellas trabajaron duro en completando los requisitos de graduación
Oportunidades a Voluntarios
South Lake siempre le da la bienvenida a padres/tutores y compañeros comunitarios en el edificio. Podemos utilizas ayuda archivando, calificando, organizando, etc. Déjele saber a la oficina principal si está interesado(a). Puede contactarlos al (206) 252-6600.