Final Report Draft On the UNCCD Launching process of alignment of Action Programmes to Combat Desertification with the 10-Year Strategy for South American countries held in Montevideo from July 6 to 7, 2009. 1 FINAL REPORT OF THE ALIGNMENT OF ACTION PROGRAMMES TO THE 10-YEAR STRATEGY WORKSHOP FOR SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES. MONTEVIDEO, URUGUAY – JULY, 6 – 7, 2009. I. ORGANIZATION OF THE MEETING 1. The UNCCD launching workshop for the alignment of Action Programmes to the 10Year Strategy for the South American countries was convened in coordination with the Government of the Republic of Uruguay, to take place in Montevideo on July 6 to 7, 2009. 2. The opening ceremony of the alignment workshop took place on July 6, 2009 in Montevideo. The opening address was given by Ms. Giselle Beja Valent, National Focal Point of Uruguay. II. ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS A. Elections of Officers 3. The following officers were elected members of the Bureau of the Alignment Workshop: Chairwoman: Rapporteur: Mrs. Giselle Beja Valent (Uruguay) Mr. Wilfredo Alfaro (Chile) B. Adoption of the Agenda 4. In the first session, conducted on the 6th of July, the meeting approved the orally corrected Agenda as follows: 1. Opening meeting; 2. The need for NAP alignment in view of the Convention and the Strategy; a) General provisions of the Convention in connection with NAPs, SRAPs and RAPs; b) Relevant COP decisions and the progress made in the NAP process; c) The Strategy and the arising need for alignment; d) CRIC 7 recommendations regarding Action Programmes alignment; e) Integrated financial strategies in the alignment process; f) General discussions; 3. Review of the proposed methodology and approach: a) Presentation of the first part of the draft guidelines: focus areas; b) Presentation of the second part of the draft guidelines: the process; c) Discussions; 4. Review of the status of NAPs and alignment needs: a) Experience in the process of aligning Argentinean NAP; b) Approved NAPs; 2 FINAL REPORT OF THE ALIGNMENT OF ACTION PROGRAMMES TO THE 10-YEAR STRATEGY WORKSHOP FOR SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES. MONTEVIDEO, URUGUAY – JULY, 6 – 7, 2009. 5. Review of the draft Guidelines, a) Review of the focus areas; b) Review of the alignment process; 6. Presentation of results and general discussion. 7. Closing Session. C. Attendance 5. Representatives of the following 8 Parties to the UNCCD attended the NAP alignment workshop: Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Peru Uruguay Venezuela 6. The complete list of participants is included in annex I. III. CONCLUSIONS Y RECOMMENDATIONS 7. The representatives of the Convention Party countries attending the workshop of alignment of Action Programmes to the 10-Year Strategy elaborate the following conclusions and recommendations: (a) The alignment of Action Programmes to the Strategy could be defined as the “participative, educative, interactive, interdisciplinary and interinstitutional process performed by the National Focal Points together with their respective national coordination bodies aiming to review and document the contributions of the respective Action Programmes to the objectives of the 10-Year Strategy, prioritizing the activities related to the alignment process with their respective performance indicators for these activities”; (b) The voluntary character in the utilization of the guidelines for the alignment process of Action Programmes should be highlighted; (c) The guidelines for the alignment process should be based on the elaboration of a logical framework including a monitoring and an evaluation system to follow-up the prioritized activities; (d) All indications of principles and concepts included in the alignment guidelines should be in concordance with the Convention text; 3 FINAL REPORT OF THE ALIGNMENT OF ACTION PROGRAMMES TO THE 10-YEAR STRATEGY WORKSHOP FOR SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES. MONTEVIDEO, URUGUAY – JULY, 6 – 7, 2009. (e) Any references included in the guidelines related to the analysis and/or evaluation of the National Action Programmes to be rigorously documented; (f) The participating Parties reminded the Secretariat and the Global Mechanism the request contained in the CRIC 7 report referring to the technical support and the mobilization of resources for the alignment process; (g) The Secretariat, the Global Mechanism and other cooperation agencies are invited to strengthen the technical capacities of the Parties to carry out the alignment process, taking into account the wide diversity and the different needs of each Party. The projects on “national capacity self assessment” of the GEF could be considered in this process; (h) Parties suggests to incorporate in the alignment process the different Ministries and institutions related to the combat against desertification and drought, in order to ensure a well coordinated inter-institutional process and its corresponding implementation support; (i) The scientific sector should be included to the alignment process, in particular the Scientific Correspondents, as well as the civil society organizations as key stockholders in the process to combat desertification; (j) Parties recognizes the LADA methodology and assesses it as one of the possible options to include in the alignment process; (k) The Latin American and the Caribbean Regional Action Programme (RAP) should be updated and aligned to the Strategy; (l) Synergies with the Conventions on sustainable development should be consider in the context of each Convention’s specific and differential mandate in order to provide wider coherence and consistency to the alignment process; (m) The Guidelines shall adjust to the reality of each country, it should be simple, short and flexible, and it should prioritize the alignment principles in order to make the process more cost-effective; (n) The guidelines should include orientation related to integrated investment frameworks for the implementation of the Action Plans; (o) The alignment of Action Programmes should not include a new document or an extra workload to the National Focal Points; (p) The aligned Action Programmes should include a monitoring and evaluation system with indicators, as well as a baseline, to operationalize their implementation and to strengthen the Convention; 4 FINAL REPORT OF THE ALIGNMENT OF ACTION PROGRAMMES TO THE 10-YEAR STRATEGY WORKSHOP FOR SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES. MONTEVIDEO, URUGUAY – JULY, 6 – 7, 2009. (q) The link between the National Reports, the alignment of Action Programmes and the Integrated Investment Frameworks should be highlighted and seen as complementary processes that feed each other, with the aim of integrating the same and not separating the processes. IV. MEETING CLOSURE D. Approval of the Final Report 8. The plenary meeting approved the report of the meeting. E. Closing Ceremony 9. The UNCCD NAP alignment workshop ended on July 7, 2009. The representative of Uruguay, on behalf of her government, declared the official closure of the UNCCD launching process of alignment of Action Programmes to Combat Desertification with the 10-Year Strategy for South American country Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. Montevideo, Uruguay, July 7, 2009 5 FINAL REPORT OF THE ALIGNMENT OF ACTION PROGRAMMES TO THE 10-YEAR STRATEGY WORKSHOP FOR THE SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES. MONTEVIDEO, URUGUAY - JULY, 6 – 7, 2009. ANNEX I LIST OF PARTICIPANTS OF THE ALIGNMENT OF ACTION PROGRAMMES TO THE 10-YEAR STRATEGY WORKSHOP FOR THE SOUTH AMERICA COUNTRIES URUGUAY – JULY 6 AND 7, 2009 COUNTRY NAME POSITION 2 Bolivia Técnico PFN Secretaría de Ambiente. Especialista en César Altamirano Desertificación y Bustillos Terrazas 3 Brasil José Roberto de Lima 1 Argentina 4 Colombia Pablo Viegas Aurelio Zoraida Fajardo ADDRESS Director de Lucha Contra la Desertificación San Martín 451 - Bs. As. Ministerio de Planificación del Desarrollo - Av. 6 de Agosto 2570 - La Paz Ministerio del Medio Ambiente - Esplanada dos Ministerios - Bloco B Sala 735 - Brasilia DF Profesional Especializada Dirección de Ecosistemas, Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial. Calle 37 # 8-40 TELEPHONE/ FAX E-MAIL 5411-43488321/ 5411-4388265 [email protected] 2246293/2430503/ 2430503 [email protected] 5561-33171717 [email protected] 571-3323434/ 571-3323457 [email protected] FINAL REPORT OF THE ALIGNMENT OF ACTION PROGRAMMES TO THE 10-YEAR STRATEGY WORKSHOP FOR SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES. MONTEVIDEO, URUGUAY – JULY, 6 – 7, 2009. Ministerio de AGRICULTURA Corporación Nacional Forestal - Av. Bulnes 259 Of. 506 - Santiago-Chile 5 Chile Wilfredo Alfaro Catalán 6 Perú Fiorella Pizzini Coordinador PANCCD-CHILE Asesora de la Dirección General de Cambio Climático, Ministerio del Ambiente de Desertificación y Perú - Av. Guardia Civil 205 Recursos Hídricos - San Borja - Lima 7 Uruguay Giselle Beja Valent Directora Asesora Asuntos Ambientales MVOTMA-DINAMA Internacionales Galicia 1133 P3 Montevideo 8 Uruguay Graciela Rossi Asesora Asuntos Internacionales MVOTMA-DINAMA Galicia 1133 P3 Montevideo 9 Uruguay Walter Regueiro Asesor Asuntos Internacionales Carlos D. Víctora Jefe de Departamento Uso y Conservación de Suelos. MVOTMA-DINAMA Galicia 1133 P3 Montevideo [email protected] Dirección Nacional de Recursos Renovables. Ministerio de Ganadería, 598 2 Agricultura y Pesca - Av. E. 3052778/3082595/ Garzón 456 - Montevideo 598 2 3055307 [email protected] 10 Uruguay 56-2-6630247/ 56-2-6630250 [email protected] 5112255370/ 5112255369 598 2 -9170710 int.4300/ 598 2 -9170710 int.4320 598 2 -9170710 int.4608/ 598 2 -9170710 int.4320 598 2 -9170710 int.4303/ 598 2 -9170710 int.4320 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] FINAL REPORT OF THE ALIGNMENT OF ACTION PROGRAMMES TO THE 10-YEAR STRATEGY WORKSHOP FOR SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES. MONTEVIDEO, URUGUAY – JULY, 6 – 7, 2009. 11 Uruguay 12 Venezuela Secretaría de la 13 UNCCD Secretaría de la 14 UNCCD Héctor González Idiarte Director Recursos Naturales Renovables Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca - Cerrito 318 2do. Piso - Montevideo Luisa Elena Aragort Coordinadora Programa Lucha contra la Desertificación, cuencas hidrográficas Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ambiente Venezuela - Carrera 15 9-11, Sector Cayaurima, Barcelona, Anzoategui UNCCD Mónica Acosta Coordinadora de la Unidad de Coordinación Regional de ALC C/ Presidente Masaryk 29, Colonia Polanco, 11570 México DF, México Principal Consultant Helsby 8860-F, LR, Santiago, Chile Cesar Morales Mecanismo Mundial Francisco Brzoic UNCCD Parilo 15 Asesor Regional para Príncipe de Gales 5892 America del Sur Santiago, Chile Mecanismo Mundial Alan González Figueroa 16 UNCCD Ayarco Este Casa IS-D La Asesor Regional para Unión de Tres Ríos Cartago Meso América - Costa Rica 598 2 9159878/ 598 2 9156456 [email protected] 4148158674/ 2812760830 [email protected] 52 55 5263 9677/ 52 55 55311151 [email protected] 562-2102081 [email protected] 562-2102981/ 569-78795421 [email protected] 506-8339-0607/ a.figueroa@global506-22711359