The Catholic Communities of Jack and Wise Counties MASS INTENTIONS / INTENCIONES DE LA MISA PLEASE CALL OUR CENTRAL OFFICE TO SCHEDULE MASS INTENTIONS. FAVOR DE LLAMAR A NUESTRA OFICINA CENTRAL PARA OFRECER UNA INTENCION DE MISA. Jan./ enero 4 7:00 pm.............................................Father Thomas DSouza HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Jan./ enero 5 8:30 am..........................................................St. John’s Choir (Requested by: Carmen Hamblin) 10:30 am......................................................... Susan Cone † (Requested by: Tom Cone) 1:00 pm..............................................Bob & Tish Holloway † (Requested by: Carmelina Holloway) & Moises Torres † (Requested by: Esposa e Hijos) 5:00 pm Jan./ enero 6 8:30am..........................................................Jim Marschall † (Requested by: The Ladies of St. John’s) Jan./ enero 8 6:00pm Jan./ enero 9 8:30am Jan./ enero 10 8:30am.................................................................Ala Biggs † (Requested by: Margaret Smith & Ashlin Winters) Please include in yours prayers those who are ill and recovering. Porfavor incluya en sus oraciones a aquellos que estan enfermos o en recuperacion. Mrs. Monica Lopez, Mrs. Rita Rodriguez, Mr. Manuel Montes de Oca, Mr. Curtis Reeves, Mrs. Lisa Toledo-Ocampo, Mr. Urbano Gonzalez, Ms. Rosio Gonzalez, Mr. Leo Riney, Mrs. Dorothy Taylor, Mr. Clarence Pennartz, Mrs. Ann Jolley, Mr. Jose De Luna, Mrs. Ruth La Caze, Mrs. Louise Stone, Mrs. Frances Janecka, Mr. Bob Dougher, Mr. Rodolfo Hernandez, Mr. Modesto Romero, Mrs. Dorothy Pennartz, Mr. Victor Gonzalez, Ms. Yesenia Villaneda, Tommy Taylor, Mr. Mike Provence. Collections for Dec. 22nd, 29th and Jan. 5th will be posted on the bulletin for Jan. 12th Flusche Auto Repair 802 N Miller Decatur, TX 940-627-5121 Special thanks to our advertisers. If you are interested in placing your ad on the back of our bulletin please call the number on the back of the bulletin or the office. La Epifanía del Señor The Epiphany of the Lord We hear once again the story of the wise men that embarked on a long and hazardous journey in search of the Christ child. What made them wise? It was the fact that, whereas his own people didn’t want to know him. They recognized this child as the savior of the world in talking about this great feast, I think far too much emphasis is placed on the star, with the result that it becomes a very narrow and tame feast. Whatever the star was, it was only the means by which a great mystery was revealed -the revelation of Christ as the savior, not just of the Jews, but of the gentiles, that is of the whole human race. This is, therefore a great and revolutionary feast. La Epifanía del Señor Oímos una vez más la historia de los reyes magos que emprendieron un largo y peligroso viaje en busca del niño Jesús. ¿Qué los hizo sabios? Fue el hecho de que, mientras que los suyos no querían conocerlo. Reconocieron a este niño como el salvador del mundo para hablar de esta gran fiesta, creo que demasiado énfasis está puesto en la estrella, con el resultado de que se convierta en una fiesta muy estrecha. Lo que era la estrella, era sólo el medio por el cual un gran misterio fue revelado-la revelación de Cristo como el salvador, no sólo de los Judíos, pero de los gentiles, es decir de todo el género humano. Se trata, por tanto, una gran fiesta. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR PRIEST, FATHER THOMAS D’SOUZA. MAY GOD BLESS HIM WITH MANY MORE YEARS OF HEALTH AND HAPPINESS! MASS INTENTION ENVELOPES are available in the back of the churches. Please use these envelopes for your mass intentions. The envelopes can be put in the regular collection once you fill it out. ATRÁS O EN LA ENTRADA de las Iglesias se encuentran unos sobres para las intenciones de misa. Si le gustaría ofrecer una misa en honor de un ser querido o fallecido, llene un sobre y póngalo en la colecta. Forgiving Is Better Then Revenge A man came out of his house to admire his new truck. To his puzzlement, his three-year-old son was happily hammering dents into the shiny paint of the truck. The man ran to his son, knocked him away, and hammered the little boy’s hands into pulp as punishment. When the father calmed down, he rushed his son to the hospital. Although the doctor tried desperately to save the crushed bones, he finally had to amputate fingers from boy’s both hands. When the boy woke up from the surgery and saw his bandaged stubs, he innocently said, “Daddy, I’m sorry about your truck.” Then he asked, “But when are my fingers going to grow back?” The father went home and killed himself. What a bad ending!!!! LESSON: Dear Friend, Think about this story the next time someone steps on your feet or you wish to take revenge. Think first before you lose your patience with someone you love. Trucks can be repaired. Broken bones and hurt feelings often can’t. Too often we fail to recognize the difference between the person and the performance. We forget that forgiveness is greater than revenge. When you forgive, you give yourself a gift, you benefit, and you become a hero and a blessing to the offender. When you revenge, you hurt yourself twice, you are the loser and to the offender, you remain a slave and a villain. People make mistakes. But the actions we take while in a rage will haunt us forever. Pause and ponder. Think before you act. Be patient and ask yourself, do I want to become a HERO or a SLAVE? January 5, 2014 The Epiphany of the Lord FAITH FORMATION/FORMACIÓN DE FE ASSUMPTION Please continue to bring food for our needy families. Por favor, siga donando alimentos para nuestras familias necesitadas • • • Ultreya en Asuncion La Ultreya de Asuncion en Decatur se reune todos los martes comenzando a las 6:30 con el Rosario. Estan todos coordialmente invitados a ser parte de estas reuniones. • • • LITURGY READERS 1-12-14 LECTORES 1-12-14 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 1-12-14 Doug Wynn, Jim Anderson, Melissa Wynn, Pat Privitt, Delma Pillot, Linda Anderson MINISTROS DE LA EUCARISTIA 1-12-14 ABVM ALTAR SERVERS/MONAGUILLOS 1-12-14 NEXT CLASS … SUN, 1/5/14 & WED, 1/8/14 PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE PRAYERS! Regresamos a clases el 5 para los que van el miércoles y el 8 de enero para los del domingo. Estudiantes practiquen sus oraciones durante las vacaciones! • • • • • • • ST. JOHN’S LITURGY READERS 1-12-14 LECTORES 1-11-14 Luly Duran & Beba Gomez EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 1-12-14 Billy Hutchison, Jim & Ann Duffy, Josh Bridwell MINISTROS DE LA EUCARISTIA 1-11-14 Silvestre & Blanca Guereca, Anabel Guereca, Maria Sandoval THEOLOGY OF THE BODY 8th grade youth Jan. 24th Decatur 6:30pm-8:30pm Jan. 25th Bridgeport 10:30am -12:30 pm Program Details Blessed Pope John Paul II’s compelling vision for love and life, and a language youth understand, Theology of the Body for Teens answers the questions teens and pre-teens have about their own bodies, issues on sexual morality, and how they are uniquely created for greatness. More info contact Karen Del Castillo 940368-8459 [email protected] TEOLOGÍA DEL CUERPO Para los jovenes del grado 8 El 24 de enero en Decatur de 6:30-8:30pm El 25 de enero en Bridgeport de 10:30am-12:30pm Detalles de este programa La visión del Beato Juan Pablo II acerca del lenguaje e idioma para que los jóvenes entiendan sobre el amor y la vida, la Teología del Cuerpo para adolescentes responde a las preguntas que los adolescentes y pre-adolescentes tienen acerca de sus propios cuerpos, las cuestiones sobre la moral sexual, y la forma en que ellos fueron creados exclusivamente para ser grandes. Para mas informacion hable con Karen Del Castillo 940-368-8459 [email protected] • • PARENTS For all registered students, if you did not provide your child’s baptism certificate at registration, please do so by the workshop date(s) [Feb 1st-First Reconciliation, Mar 1st-First Communion] For youth preparing for First Communion, please provide First Reconciliation (Confession) certificate. For youth preparing for Confirmation, please provide First Communion certificates. PADRES Para los estudiantes, si no entregaron su copia del certificado de bautizo por favor entréguelo ya que los talleres serán: 1 de febrero para la Reconciliación y el 1 de marzo para los de la Primera Comunión. Los estudiantes de la Primera Comunión necesitan entregar copia del certificado de Reconciliación. Los estudiantes de Confirmación necesitan entregar copia del certificado de Primera Comunión. • • • SUBSTITUTES FOR CATECHIST CATECHIST ASSISTANTS We need your help in building a list of available teen/ adults (16+) that can be called to help substitute in our faith formation classes when needed for teachers/assistants. Please contact Anna Boyles, 940.390.9596. • • • SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR OUR YOUTH! We will be selling items to raise funds for faith formation (workshops, retreats). Please stop by and take a look! • • • Want to get notifications about Faith Formation (cancelling of classes, meeting reminders)? TO RECEIVE MESSAGES VIA TEXT, text @jbdc to (469) 507-2193. This is for the JBD (Jacksboro, Bridgeport, Decatur) Faith Formation. Le gustaria recibir notificaciones de la doctrina como cancelación de clases, recordatorio de juntas, etc. LO PUEDE RECIBIR VIA MENSAJE DE TEXTO SAVE THE DATE! Middle School Rally (6th, 7th, 8th) Registration deadline-Sunday, Jan. 26, 2014 Pick up a packet in the DRE office or contact Karen Del Castillo (940.368.8459). Date: Saturday Feb. 15, 10:30AM-8:30PM Place: Most Blessed Sacrament Church in Arlington Cost: $50 a person includes all rally activities, t-shirt, supper, drinks/snacks, transportation PARENTS - We will need chaperones (1 adult for every 6 youth) and drivers. Please support our youth and consider being a part of this event. Chaperone must be Safe Environment certified and have completed the online chaperone training. GUARDE LA FECHA! Reunion para los grados de middle school (grados 6,7 y 8) La registración termina el 26 de enero del 2014 Pase por las formas en la oficina de la doctrina o hable con Karen Del Castillo 940-368-8459. La reunión será en la Iglesia del Sagrado Sacramento en Arlington. El costo es de $50 por persona el cual incluye actividades, camiseta, cena, bebidas y botanas y transportación. Padres - necesitaremos chaperones (1 adulto por cada 6 estudiantes) y choferes. Porfavor apoye a nuestros jóvenes y sea parte de este evento. Los chaperones deben tener la clase de Ambiente Seguro y haber concluido con el entrenamiento de chaperon en línea. • • • BAPTISM WORKSHOP (for children ages 7 to 17) Children ages seven (7) and older have reached the “age of discretion” and must be initiated on the Sacrament of Baptism (cf. Rite of Baptism for Children, Introduction, 1; RCIA, 252, ff.; National Statutes, 18 - 21). Therefore, we are holding a Baptism Workshop on Saturday, Jan. 18 from 9am-12pm at Assumption (parish hall). If you have not been contacted and your child is between the ages of 7 to 17 and needs the Sacrament of Baptism, please contact Anna Boyles (940.390.9596 or [email protected]). TALLER PARA BAUTISMO (para niños de 7 a 17 años de edad) Niños mayores de 7 años que deseen ser iniciados al sacramento del Bautizo. Habrá un taller el sábado 18 de enero del 2014 de 9am-12pm en el salón parroquial en Asunción. Si no le han llamado todavía y su niño está en las edades de 7-17 y necesita recibir el sacramento de Bautizo, por favor comuníquese con Ana Boyles al 940-390-9596. a su teléfono solo mande @jbdc al (469) 507-2193. YOUTH GROUP MEET & GREET For all youth in Grades 9th-12th Jan. 18th Bridgeport 5:00pm-6:30pm SAVE THE DATE Music / Food / Friends More info contact Karen Del Castillo 940-368-8459 [email protected] REUNION Y BIENVENIDA PARA LOS JOVENES Esta reunion es para todos los jovenes de los grados 9-12 El 18 de enero En Bridgeport de 5:00-6:30p.m. Jovenes pongan esta fecha en el calendario Vengan a compartir entre amigos, comida y musica Para mas informacion hable con Karen Del Castillo 940-368-8459 [email protected]