ad council - foodborne illness scripts

Partners & Napier, NYC
November 13, 2014
Open on a rowdy mosh pit happening on a cutting board. There is a pile of raw hamburger
sitting in its own juices. E. coli microbes slamdance around it like the walls of a nightclub.
Frenetic fun. We hear a rumbling sound and see a shadow descend over the cutting board.
All the microbes hide and camouflage themselves in and around the raw meat.
CUT TO: A mom rustles around in a grocery bag and pulls out a tomato and an onion.
She sets it on the cutting board and begins slicing it next to the raw meat. She sets the knife
down and walks away.
CUT TO: Close-up of the cutting board. Tomato and onion slices are stacked, slightly
overlapping to form a series of steps, touching the juices that surround the raw hamburger.
The E. coli peek their heads out and come out from hiding behind the raw meat. They
make their way over to the vegetables, moshing through the juices and spreading the
rawness across the cutting board.
SFX: Record scratch. The music stops.
FREEZE FRAME: E. coli in frenzy
VO: No permita que el E. coli baile en sus alimentos
TEXT: Se estima que 3,000 norteamericanos mueren cada año.
VO: Se estima que anualmente 3,000 norteamericanos mueren a causa de
enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos contaminados.
GFX: Two cutting boards separated by arrows animate on screen. The animation
transforms into the SEPARATE icon.
VO: Así que siempre separe las carnes crudas de los vegetales.
GFX: The other three icons animate around SEPARATE.
VO: Aprenda como mantener a su familia sana en
TEXT: Limpie. Separe. Cocine. Enfríe.
Open on a mosh pit happening on a cutting board. There is a pile of raw hamburger sitting
in its own juices. E. coli microbes are slamdancing around it like the walls of a nightclub.
They make their way over to the tomatoes and onions, splashing through the juices and
spreading the rawness across the cutting board to the vegetables.
VO: No permita que el E. coli baile en sus alimentos.
TEXT: Se estima que 3,000 norteamericanos mueren cada año.
VO: Se estima que anualmente 3,000 norteamericanos mueren a causa de
enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos contaminados.
GFX: Two cutting boards separated by arrows animate on screen. The animation
transforms into the SEPARATE icon.
VO: Así que siempre separe las carnes crudas de los vegetales.
GFX: The other three icons animate on around SEPARATE. VO: Keep your family safe at
VO: Aprenda como mantener a su familia sana en
TEXT: Limpie. Separe. Cocine. Enfríe.
TELEVISION: 30 ‘Funky Chicken’
MUSIC: Fun, funkadelic dance track.
Open on a funky dance party taking place in an oven on roasting pieces of chicken. It’s a
group of microbes, Salmonella, dancing intensely with each other. Suddenly a crack of light
comes in, and they all scurry. Some hide behind the meat, the others blend in with their
environment, hiding and peeking out as they lay down.
CUT TO: The chicken is pulled out of the oven and set on the counter.
COCINERA: Me parece que ya está listo.
The person walks away. The Salmonella all look to see that she is gone and then come out
from hiding and continue their dance party on the pieces of chicken.
SFX: Needle scratch. Music ends abruptly.
FREEZE FRAME: The Salmonella dancing in frenzied action.
VO: No permita que la salmonella baile en su pollo.
TEXT: Aproximadamente 1 de cada 6 norteamericanos se enferma cada año.
VO: Este año aproximadamente 1 de cada 6 norteamericanos se enfermará por causa
de alimentos contaminados.
GFX: A thermometer icon animates to 165 degrees and transforms into the COOK icon.
VO: Así que aprenda las temperaturas correctas para cocinar cada tipo de carne.
GFX: The rest of the icons animate around COOK.
VO: Aprenda como mantener a su familia sana en
TEXT: Limpie. Separe. Cocine. Enfríe.
TELEVISION: 15 ‘Funky Chicken’
MUSIC: Fun, funkadelic dance track.
Open on a funky dance party taking place in an oven on roasting pieces of chicken. It’s a
group of microbes, Salmonella, dancing intensely with each other.
VO: No permita que la salmonella baile en su pollo.
TEXT: Aproximadamente 1 de cada 6 norteamericanos se enferma cada año.
VO: Este año aproximadamente 1 de cada 6 norteamericanos se enfermará por causa
de alimentos contaminados.
GFX: A thermometer icon animates to 165 degrees and transforms into the COOK icon.
VO: Así que aprenda las temperaturas correctas para cocinar cada tipo de carne.
GFX: The icons animate on with an emphasis on COOK.
VO: Aprenda como mantener a su familia sana en
TEXT: Limpie. Separe. Cocine. Enfríe.
RADIO: 30 ‘Mosh’
MUSIC: Fast rock song.
AUDIO: Squeaky sounds of delight and enthusiastic slamdancing come from the E. coli as
we hear them getting raw and splashing about in the juices.
VO: Este es el sonido que hace el E. coli mientras baila en los jugos de carne cruda
sobre la tabla de cortar.
AUDIO: Grocery bag hits the counter.
VO: Tal parece que mamá colocó los vegetales sobre la misma tabla.
AUDIO: We hear them being cut on the same cutting board. Then we hear the knife being
set down and the mom walks away.
AUDIO: The squeaky sounds intensify, cheering for the new veggies they are dancing on.
More dancing and splashing noises.
SFX: Needle scratch. Music ends abruptly.
VO: Se estima que anualmente 3,000 norteamericanos mueren por enfermedades
transmitidas por alimentos contaminados. Así que siempre separe las carnes crudas de
los vegetales.
VO: Aprenda como mantener a su familia sana en Un mensaje de
USDA, HHS y el Ad Council
RADIO :30 ‘Funky Chicken’
MUSIC: Fun, funkadelic dance track
AUDIO: Squeaky sounds of delight and enthusiastic partying come from the Salmonella as
we hear them getting funky with one another.
VO: Este es el sonido que hace la Salmonella mientras baila sobre su pollo a medio
AUDIO: Sound of oven door opening. The music scratches to a stop, the Salmonella shush
each other and quickly quiet down.
VO: Y parece que mamá lo va a sacar del horno antes de tiempo
AUDIO: Sound of oven closing and dish being set on a counter. Music back on, squeals of
delight from the microbes and back to the sound of funky dancing.
SFX: Needle scratch. Music ends abruptly.
VO: Este año aproximadamente 1 de cada 6 norteamericanos se enfermará por causa de
alimentos contaminados. Siempre use un termómetro para cocinar las carnes a su
temperatura adecuada.
VO: Aprenda como mantener a su familia sana en Un mensaje de USDA,
HHS y el Ad Council