ASSEMBLY ASSIGNMENTS & FOR THE RECORD... 1st Assembly (8:15 am) Assignments Prayers: Opening: Communion: Offering: February 26 Leon Arnold John Scogin Mark Stolz March 4 TBA TBA TBA Communion Servers for February: Keith Peterson, John Scogin, Tommie Skelton, Mark Stolz, Edwin Ward, Tom Webster, Jason Allen, Tom Allen 2nd Assembly (10:45 am) Assignments Prayers: Opening: Communion: Offering: February 26 Steve Gardner Gene Adams Lewis Meeks March 4 TBA TBA TBA Communion Servers for February: Jack Sides, Vern Smith, Joe Taylor, Jimmy Walker, Devon Wallace, Travis Wallace, Mark Walle, Rick Watts, Phil Woodall FOR THE RECORD: FEBRUARY 19, 2012 ATTENDANCE: 1st English-Speaking Assembly.....................................................182 2nd English-Speaking Assembly................................................. 489 Spanish-Speaking Assembly .......................................................... 78 Bible Classes................................................................................... 352 CONTRIBUTION: Weekly Budget ........................................................................ $24,500 Contribution ............................................................................ $20,935 Rivers of Compassion (ROC).................................................... $880 Debt Retirement....................................................................... $5,600 FLORAL DEDICATION: Happy Birthday, Loraine Cawthon! Love from your grateful kids, grands, & greats Memorial Gifts Given to... G.P.P. Fund in memory of Phina Hamilton Harvey & Violet Widner Debt Retirement Fund in memory of Al Cornett Sara Cornett LONG-TERM & SHUT-INS Antonia Amaya, Dorothy Barton, Charlene Brooks, Margie Burns, Francisca Caballero, Victoria Castillo, Ray Crowell, Dorothy Davis, Juanice Davis, Judy Ferris, Johnye Francis Gullet, Ludie Mae Hobbs, Ruby Horn, Meredith Kelly, Yon Le, Elaine Lints, Faye McCarley, Tarayla McDonough, Debbie McWheithy, Hazel Meeks, Kaitlyn Moehlman, Madison Moehlman, Charlcie Moore, Maria Ortiz, Sally Ramirez, Cynthia Richardson, Adriana Rivas, Bernice Scarborough, James Skains, Mary Skinner, Jim Thorton, Lois Weir OUR PRAYER CONCERNS... LAS ORACIONES DE LOS SANTOS SON PODEROSAS... Extending Our Deepest Sympathies to... Kay Sides & family in the loss of her mother and long time member, Phina Hamilton C H I L D R E N ’ S & Y O U T H M IN I S T R I E S N E W S & E V E N T S ... KITCHEN ETIQUETTE TODAY’S CHILDREN’S MINISTRY TEAM FOR 1ST ASSEMBLY (8:15 AM): Parents, please instruct your children to stay out of the kitchen! Remind them that food and drinks in the refrigerators and cupboards belong to a ministry and are to be left alone. Water fountains are available both upstairs and downstairs for water needs. Thanks for your help. María Alvarado: Sister of Claudia Robles, eye surgery (Hermana de Claudia Robles, será operado de los ojos) Dorothy Buice: Upcoming knee surgery Gary (Angie Espejo’s Brother): Terminal liver cancer Rebecca Flores: Laura Lopez’ grandmother, struggling with gastritis (Abuela de Laura, luchando contra la gastritis) Eric Frances: Richard Perry’s brother-in-law, recovering from major back surgery Maria del Carmen Hernandez: Health issues (Teniendo problemas con su salud) Isidro & Jamie Iglesias: Twins born 8 weeks premature, NICU, Arlington Memorial (Problemas con su embarazo, internada por los siguiente 4 semanas) Michael Johnston: Dennis Jamison’s brother-inlaw, waiting for liver transplant @ MD Anderson Maria Matzen: Health issues (problemas de salud) Les Miller: Cancer returned, chemo treatments Maria Moreno: Waiting on upcoming operation (Esperando operación) Larry Oliver: Raquel’s father, recovering from double knee replacement Jean Radford: Radiation treatments for 33 sessions Ángeles Ramírez: Waiting on medical exam results (Esperando resultados de exámenes médicos) Sally Ramirez: Granddaughter of Valente & Aixia Villagomez, waiting on kidney operation (Nieta de Los Villagomez, esperando operación de riñón, ya en casa) Amber (Rinehart): Gary & Cheryl’s daughter, high blood pressure due to pregnancy, on bed rest W.T. Smith: Recovering from serious motorcycle accident, several broken bones throughout body, stable condition, ICU, Parkland David Stephen: Possible carbon monoxide poisoning, further testing needed Willie Mae Taulton: Suffering with tremors, hasn’t gotten relief Octavio Velazquez, Sr.: Joyce Hernandez’ father, upcoming cancer surgery March 6 Jaime Villeda: Perla Garcia’s father in Honduras, upcoming prostate surgery (Padre de Perla García en Honduras, tendrá operación de próstata) Gerald Watson: Home recovering an additional 2 stent placements PUBLICATION OF MEMBERSHIP PRAYER CONCERNS WILL BE LIMITED. If you would like more information on those listed, please contact them personally. SUMMER CAMPS NEWS As we gear up for summer camps, I am asking for partners in assuring KIDS GO TO CAMP! If you would like to help tell children about Jesus, please see me...I need money, volunteers, ideas, and oh yeah, lots of prayers! God bless all of you, Miss Connie Creepy Crawly Spring Break Camps March 12 - 16 February 26 Games & Such 4:00 pm Youth Room Nursery: Jason & Cindy Allen Celebration Station: Combined with CBH March 4 No activities due to BKU night Children Bible Hour: Connie Davis Thomas McIntosh in the loss of his mother-in-law Mary Wall in the loss of her brother SUNDAYS NIGHTS TODAY’S CHILDREN’S MINISTRY TEAM FOR 2ND ASSEMBLY (10:45 AM): Children’s Bible Hour: Clark Hackney Dry Bones Mission Trip Meeting Me, 2’s!: Heather Ford Zoom Zone (Grades 3 & 4): Joyce Hernandez Sunday, March 4 12:00 pm Youth Room Celebration Station: Melinda Bowman Power Hour (Grades 5 & 6): Nursery: Drew Bowman Charlene Joubert NOT IN SESSION AT THIS TIME CUB SCOUTS Wednesday, Feb. 29: Pinewood Derby Work Night DFW Girls Gathering Richardson East Church of Christ Cost: $35 includes the following: snacks and lunch, take home gift, conference fee, housing Housing will be in church host families who have gone through background checks. Register NOW at Sunday, March 18 Families with babies born in 2011 will be honored on this special day during the 2nd Assembly. Be sure to get pictures of your babies and their information (date of birth, parents’ names) in to Connie Davis or Anne Bunn before March 4! GRACEPLACE CHILDREN’S CENTER (DAY CARE) We are now accepting applications for teacher positions. Applicants must be able to lift 50 pounds and able to stand on their feet for an extended period of time. Contact Connie Davis for more information. CARLSON’S CORNER... Good Morning Favored in the Lord! What a delight to gather with others sharing the One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, and One Body. Remember, our Unity is founded and grounded in the Unity of the Trinity! Praise God as the One True Living God. What separates us from the pagans? We've been forgiven of our idolatry, and we now follow the One God, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. Praise Him with zeal and passion today. It's a dangerous thing to gather with the saints in worship if your heart is evil or hard and your life has been one of pagan excesses the week before. Seek forgiveness through confession and repentance and are a zillion opportunities to make a difference. Speaking of volunteering, thanks to all of you who expressed interest in Prime Time Apt. Ministry. If you want to know more, see Matt Hurley. The possibilities are endless…The first Sunday in May is our annual Community Picnic following the Second Assembly. It's always a beautiful day and lots of fun… Bryan Harrison is scheduled to preach in March. I'm also lining up Mike Meierhofer to come and share about his most recent trip to Cambodia. His adventures in Jesus Name sound like the Book of Acts…Ya' know I love ya'! March 7, 14, 21 Worship & Bible Study of Genesis 7—8 pm Youth Room Each day during Spring Break, we’ll be hosting fun events to cure your boredom! More details to come, but here’s what we’re planning: Monday Movie Day Tuesday Picnic & Games at the Park Wednesday Mission & Dinner Thursday Help with Primetime Ministry Hey Teens & Parents! Keep us updated on your activities, games, performances, etc. so we can come support you. Shoot us an email, Facebook message, or text! Here’s our info: Dennis: 972-298-4656 x19 [email protected] Kim: SERVING TOGETHER ARTICLE BY...JEFF CONRAD know His forgiveness and love. "The time is already past," says Peter, "for us to participate in sinful, worldly pursuits."…There is something of a need to organize and expand our greeter, usher, parking ministry. Please see me or Jeff if you have interest in serving. We want to make sure every person has an opportunity to gather safely and comfortably for Sunday worship…Please note in your bulletin the promotion for the Volunteer Training to Serve at GPP that will be conducted here on the morning of March 10. Register today and mark your calendars. This is what many of you have been waiting to participate in. There February 29: Leap Year Pancake Night & Games 6:30 - 8:00 pm Youth Rm & Gym Lunch Provided March 30 - 31 BOY SCOUTS Monday, Feb. 27: Troop Meeting March 11, 18, 25 Games & Such 4:00 pm Youth Room WEDNESDAYS NIGHTS: 972-298-4656 x35 [email protected] FAMILY LIFE MINISTRY NEWS & EVENTS... I G L E S IA DE C R IS T O — E L L U GA R DE GRACIA… Una familia buscando conocer a Dios, compartir a Cristo, servir a otros, y crecer en fe. FAMILYFEST SCHEDULE FOR FEBRUARY: Feb. 26: Mar. 4: Mar. 11: Team 6 No meal due to BKU Night Team 7 GIVING THANKS: • • A thank you card from Jack & Kay Sides and family has been posted on the bulletin board by Room 106. A special thanks to everyone who helped to make our Men’s Retreat a huge success. Over 100 men gathered to learn, fellowship, and eat! Please take a moment some time this week to pray for our people listed below. You may even want to send a greeting card to let them know you are thinking of them. PERSON OF THE WEEK: WT (T-Dawg) Smith 2124 Brookfield Avenue Dallas, 75235 MISSIONARIES OF THE WEEK: PRAYER TIME WITH THE ELDERS: Tuesday, February 28 To reserve your spot to pray with the Elders, please contact Jeff Conrad at [email protected]. FOSTER’S HOME FOR CHILDREN NEWS: Foster’s Home will be holding their 9th annual auction on Saturday, March 3, beginning at 10 am. They are located at 1779 N. Graham Street in Stephenville, TX. For more information, please contact Lacy Barton at 254-968-2143 x245 or [email protected]. SCOUTING FOR FOOD: Thank you so much for your help in collecting canned goods for the Duncanville Outreach and the DCC Food Pantries. The Scouts in Duncanville, DeSoto, Cedar Hill, and Lancaster collected over 15, 000 cans—you helped our GracePlace Scouts collect almost 2000 cans! Thanks once again. Bryan & Libby Harrison Pioneer Bible Translators [email protected] MEET & GREET OUR NEW MEMBER: Johnnie Rhodes 201 S. Joe Wilson Road, #153 Cedar Hill, 75104 214-957-0486 HE-BREWS COFFEE SHOP FUNDRAISER TODAY, Feb. 26 All funds collected will go towards the Youth Group mission trip this summer. GOOD NEIGHBOR: Please help support Scout Outreach Ministries by linking your Tom Thumb card to Duncanville Church of Christ. Applications are available in the foyer or at the service desk at your neighborhood Tom Thumb store. Our Good Neighbor number is 9426. BLANKET DRIVE: We need blankets of all sizes for those in need. Please place your donations in the box marked Voice of the Martyrs Blanket Drive. You may contact Pam Pirozzo at 214-789-2169 with any questions. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN DE MUJERES: Martes a las 9:30 am en el Grande Room Thursday, March 1 6:30 pm Entertainment provided by Jack Allday & Band Please bring casseroles, salads, and desserts and come join us! We are now accepting applications for teacher positions. Applicants must be able to lift 50 pounds and stand on their feet for an extended period of time. Contact Connie Davis for more information. The Ladies Night Out ministry is for ALL ladies (young and old!) who gather together to encourage and build friendships, as well as enjoy a wonderful meal. These ladies meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at a restaurant to be determined. Be sure to check out the bulletin or building ads for locations. Since the ministry has been in existence for quite a long time, this is an excellent opportunity for our new members to meet our “old-timers.” And if you don’t want to go by yourself, this is also an easy way to invite a friend or two to join you for the evening. The coordinators are Connie Davis and Martha Sigmund. If you have any questions, please be sure to contact one of these ladies. Our next gathering will be March 13, 7 pm, at Chipolte’s in Grand Prairie. Hope to see you then! ACTIVIDADES DE JÓVENES DOMINGOS MIÉRCOLES: Hoy a las 6:00 pm Salón de Jóvenes 6:30 - 8:00 pm Noche de Pancakes & Juegos “GUERREROS DE ORACIÓN” Domingos, 8:30 am, Cuarto #153 FAMILYFEST: Por favor, tenga en cuenta que todos los miembros son parte de un equipo. Cada equipo ayuda a proporcionar la comida individualmente que se sirve cada domingo. Familyfest está diseñado para servir a nuestros visitantes. Esta es una gran manera de servir a los demás. Por favor, pregunte si usted no sabe el equipo al que pertenece. Para no poner mucha carga en los equipos, los miembros pueden traer comida cada domingo si gusta ser parte del convivio. TIEMPO DE ORACIÓN CON LOS ANCIANOS : Martes, 28 de Febrero Pueden reservar su tiempo con mandando un email a: [email protected] o me pueden hablar a mí. Jerry 972/298-4656 DAY CARE DE LA IGLESIA: Estamos aceptando solicitudes para posiciones de maestros. Los solicitantes deben poder levantar 50 libras y mantenerse en pie durante un largo período de tiempo. Póngase en contacto con Connie Davis para más información. VIP’S EVENT GRACEPLACE CHILDREN’S CENTER (DAY CARE) MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS... GRUPO DE MUJERES EN CASA: Comunicase con la Hermana Monse Hernandez (214-742-9558). Martes a las 9 am. ¡Buenos días escogidos de Dios! ¿Qué tal viviendo en el Reino del Hijo Amado? Gracias a todos por su asistencia hoy. ¡Celebro poder estar entre mi familia hoy! Gracias por sus textos y llamadas la semana pasada. Ya estoy mejor, y listo para servir al Señor otro día más. ¡Les dije a los hermanos el miércoles pasado que lo se siento como un mes cuando falto a una reunión! ¡Los necesito! Gracias a todos que ayudaron y asistieron a la Cena de Nicaragua, se levanto más de $1200 y todavía siguen dando los hermanos. Ok, ¡Día de Amistad estará aquí el próximo domingo! Preparen a su familia a ser flexible. Por favor ayuden con lo que puedan y mucho mas. Ya estamos listos para hospedar a nuestros visitantes y seguimos en oración cada día. Este sábado a las 9 am, tenemos la oportunidad de orar juntos como iglesia antes del evento. ¡Espero que apartes tiempo para estar aquí! ¿Saben qué? Me he enamorado de esta obra y de lo que nos hemos convertido. Cada día, transformándonos más y más como Cristo nos ha traído resultados. La transformación es lo que cambiara a esta iglesia. ¡Asiste más y ocúpate en las cosas del Señor, el tiempo es corto! ¿Quién te prometió el día de hoy? Abrazos, Jerry HORARIO DE SERVICIO: DOMINGO: MIÉRCOLES: Clase Bíblica Adoración Adoración 9:30 am 10:45 am 6:00 pm Clase Bíblica 7:00 pm ¿QUIERES AYUDAR CON “DIA DE AMISTAD”? Hablen mas con: Angeles Ramirez: Registracion Norma Tarin: Hospitalidad Olga Lujan: Cocina Gustavo Lomeli: Decoraciones Jose Perales: Equipo de sillas y mesas Limpieza: ¡TODOS! “14 Días de Oración” Cada día a las 10:00 a.m. 2 - 19: Por la iglesia 2 - 20: Por mis invitados 2 - 21: Por la predicación 2 - 22: Por los obreros 2 - 23: Por mi familia 2 - -24: Por mi predicador 2 - 25: Por mí, como servidor 2 - 26: Por los niños jóvenes 2 - 27: Por las clases 2 - 28: Por el convivio 2 - 29: Por los alimentos 3 - 1: 3 - 2: 3 - 3: Por la organización Por mis obstáculos TODOS JUNTOS, aquí en El Lugar de Gracia 9:00 am ¿Vas a venir a orar el sábado? 3 de marzo, 9 a.m. CALL TO WORSHIP COMMUNION CONGREGATIONAL SINGING CONTRIBUTION WELCOME CHILDREN’S MOMENT CONGREGATIONAL SINGING SERMON: RON CARLSON PRAYER CONGREGATIONAL SINGING CONGREGATIONAL SINGING PASTORAL PRAYER ¡Solo ven! OUR CONTACT INFORMATION: MAILING: PO Box 382000, Duncanville, TX 75138 LOCATION: 402 W. Danieldale Rd, Duncanville, TX 75137 CONTACT: 972-298-4656 (Office) 972-298-4829 (Fax) (Website) ¡Faltan 7 días! Día de Amistad 2012, Domingo 4 de Marzo ¡Marque su calendario! Capacitación de Voluntarios para G.P.P. (los apts. de la iglesia) Sabado, 10 de Marzo 8 am - 1 pm, En el comedor INFORMACION DE CONTACTO: Jerry Gonzalez 972-298-4656 (Office) 214-325-8044 (Cell) [email protected] (Email) 402 W. Danieldale Road, Duncanville 75137 PO Box 382000, Duncanville 75138 OUR ASSEMBLY TIMES: SUNDAYS: 1st Assembly 8:15 am 2nd Assembly 10:45 am Bible Classes 9:30 am Life Groups 6:00 pm OUR ELDERS: Gene Adams Rick Cotton Mike Crowell Stan Dacus Grover Davis Jim Davis Kirk Fullerton Joe Gentry Tim Haynes Jimmy Sigmund Marcus Steverson Tim Sullivan Harvey Widner John Wood WEDNESDAYS: Bible Classes Cub Scouts 972-291-2764 214-924-9045 972-951-1361 214-435-3110 214-244-1032 214-415-6447 214-213-8051 972-283-9519 972-709-7003 972-291-8154 972-523-0051 972-296-8894 972-298-3846 469-644-6689 OUR COUNSELING INFORMATION: Steven Armstrong 972-257-0449 Linda Johnson 972-298-3614 7:00 pm 7:00 pm [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] OUR OFFICE MINISTRY TEAM INFORMATION: CHILDREN’S: Connie Davis 214-415-3593 [email protected] FAMILY LIFE: Jeff Conrad 214-923-9079 [email protected] MUSIC COORDINATOR: Clark Hackney 972-298-4656 PREACHER: Ron Carlson 214-394-9018 [email protected] RECOVERY/PRISON: Stek Steck 469-363-5026 [email protected] Devon Wallace 469-335-7797 [email protected] SPANISH-SPEAKING: Jerry Gonzalez 972-298-4656 x16 [email protected] YOUTH GROUP: Dennis Jamison 972-298-4656 x19 [email protected] Kim Lowe 972-298-4656 x35 [email protected] OFFICE/ACCOUNTING: Al Batten 972-298-4656 x20 OFFICE/BOOKKEEPING: Clynda Davis 972-298-4656 x13 [email protected] OFFICE/EDUCATION: Maleah Arnold 972-298-4656 x12 [email protected] OFFICE/FACILITIES MGMT: Gene Adams 972-298-4656 x37 [email protected] OFFICE/MEMBER INFO: Rosa Flores 972-298-4656 x14 [email protected] OFFICE/PUBLICATIONS: Anne Bunn 972-298-4656 x11 [email protected]