DESCRIPCIÓN BIBLIOGRÁFICA DEL TRABAJO FIN DE ESTUDIOS IKASKETEN AMAIERAKO LANARI BURUZKO BIBLIOGRAFIAREN DESKRIBAPENA PC 934 ANX1 Campos OBLIGATORIOS / NAHITAEZ bete beharreko eremuak AÑO / URTEA (20xx): 2015 Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) / Gradu Amaierako Lana (GAL) x Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) / Master Amaierako Lana ( MAL) ☐ Título del TFG/TFM / GAL/MALaren izenburua: Desarrollo del enfoque competencial a partir de las matemáticas. Autor (Apellidos, Nombre) / Egilea (Deiturak, izena): Oteiza, González, Adriana Director / Zuzendaria: M.Carmen Prados Oses UPNA / NUP x Otro (Indicar) / Beste bat (Jarri) Codirector, si existe / Zuzendarikidea, halakorik badago UPNA / NUP ☐ Otro (Indicar) / Beste bat (Jarri) Abstract (Resumen de 100-250 palabras)/ Abstract (Laburpena 100-250 hitzetan) This work will be based on the development of mathematical competence, focused on the realization of a United market as final session. To achieve this some preparation and planning sessions will be necessary with children in them, others work mathematical competence, many of the multiple competences will take place Inglés Ingelesa transversely, in order to be able to develop them from a mathematical point of view. Before all that it will proceed at a first point, to a contextualization exposing what are the competences and a brief explanation of them, how and when to emerge and the evolution to the present day, followed by partner affective characteristics of students, the type of work that will promote, justified by theories of different authors and after that the goals that we aim to achieve followed by the proposal itself. Materias o Palabras Clave (máximo 5) / Gaiak edo hitz gakoak (gehienez 5) Basic competences; Contextualization; Cross; Meaningful learning; Team work. no Gaztela Campos OPTATIVOS / AUKERAKO eremuak Abstract (Resumen de 100-250 palabras) / Abstract (Laburpena 100-250 hitzetan) PC 934 ANX1 Rev 00 – 18/03/2015 pág /or.1 DESCRIPCIÓN BIBLIOGRÁFICA DEL TRABAJO FIN DE ESTUDIOS IKASKETEN AMAIERAKO LANARI BURUZKO BIBLIOGRAFIAREN DESKRIBAPENA PC 934 ANX1 Materias o Palabras Clave (máximo 5) / Gaiak edo hitz gakoak (gehienez 5) Euskera Euskara Abstract (Resumen de 100-250 palabras) / / Abstract (Laburpena 100-250 hitzetan) Materias o Palabras Clave (máximo 5) / Gaiak edo hitz gakoak (gehienez 5) Otro Idioma Beste hizk. bat Abstract (Resumen de 100-250 palabras) / / Abstract (Laburpena 100-250 hitzetan) Materias o Palabras Clave (máximo 5) / Gaiak edo hitz gakoak (gehienez 5) PC 934 ANX1 Rev 00 – 18/03/2015 pág /or.2