EARLY CHILDHOOD DIRECTION CENTERS - NEW YORK CITY FACT SHEET The Early Childhood Direction Centers (ECDC), funded by the New York State Education Department, provide free confidential information and referral for families and professionals about services for young children with suspected or diagnosed developmental delays or disabilities. In New York City there is an Early Childhood Direction Center in each borough. Children of families referred to the ECDC should reside in the borough and be between birth and five years of age. http://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/techassist/ecdc/home.html ECDC staff provide information about and/or referrals for: Diagnostic and Evaluation Services Infant and Toddler Early Intervention Services Preschool Special Education Services Transition to School Age Special Education Services Childcare, Head Start and other Early Childhood Settings Family Support Services Medical, Dental and Other Health Services Advocacy Services provided by the ECDC include: Linking children and families to available services, supports and programs in New York City Referrals to agencies and professionals providing services to young children and their families Referrals of infants and toddlers to the New York City Early Intervention Program (EI) Assistance with referrals of children to the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) Follow up telephone contact with families until their child reaches age five Workshops and resources for families and professionals Technical assistance for early childhood programs BRONX Early Childhood Direction Center Bronx Independent Living Services 4419 Third Avenue, Suite 2C Bronx, NY 10457 347-271-8159 [email protected] http://bils.org BROOKLYN Early Childhood Direction Center United Cerebral Palsy of NYC 160 Lawrence Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11230 718-437-3794 [email protected] www.ucpnyc.org/ecdc MANHATTAN Early Childhood Direction Center New York Presbyterian Hospital 409 East 60th Street, #3-312 New York, NY 10022 212-746-6175 [email protected] http://nyp.org/ecdc QUEENS Early Childhood Direction Center Queens Centers for Progress 81-15 164th Street Jamaica, NY 11432 718-215-1299 [email protected] http://ecdc-queens.webs.com STATEN ISLAND Early Childhood Direction Center Staten Island University Hospital 242 Mason Avenue, 1st Floor Staten Island, NY 10305 718-226-6670 [email protected] http://www.siuh.edu/childhood September 2015 EARLY CHILDHOOD DIRECTION CENTERS - NEW YORK CITY HOJA DE INFORMACION Los Early Childhood Direction Centers (ECDC), son programas sostenidos por el Departamento de Educación del Estado de Nueva York, que proporcionan servicios de información y referidos gratis y confidenciales a padres y profesionales para niños (as) con retrasos del desarrollo sospechados o diagnosticados. En la ciudad de Nueva York hay un ECDC en cada condado. Niños (as) de familias que se refieren al ECDC deben vivir en ese condado y tener entre 0 y 5 años de edad. http://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/techassist/ecdc/home.html El personal del ECDC le ayuda a obtener información sobre y/o remisión a: Servicios diagnósticos y de evaluación Servicios de intervención temprana para infantes y niños Servicios especiales pre-escolares Transición a Servicios Escolares de Educación Especial Centros de cuidado para niños, Head Start y otros Centros Educativos para la Niñez Servicios de apoyo para las familias Servicios médicos, dentales y de salud Derechos Los ECDC proveen servicios que incluyen: Conectar niños y familias a los servicios disponible, apoyos y programas en la ciudad de Nueva York Referir a las agencias y los profesionales que proveen servicios a niños con necesidades especiales y a sus familias Referir a infantes y niños al programa de Intervención Temprana de Nueva York (EI) Referir a niños al Comité de la Educación Especial Preescolar (CPSE) Contacto por teléfono con las familias hasta que el niño tenga los cinco anos Talleres y recursos para familias y profesionales Asistencia técnica para centros educativos para la niñez BRONX Early Childhood Direction Center Bronx Independent Living Services 4419 Third Avenue, Suite 2c Bronx, NY 10457 347-271-8159 [email protected] http://bils.org BROOKLYN Early Childhood Direction Center United Cerebral Palsy of NYC 160 Lawrence Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11230 718-437-3794 [email protected] www.ucpnyc.org/ecdc MANHATTAN Early Childhood Direction Center New York Presbyterian Hospital 409 East 60th Street, #3-312 New York, NY 10022 212-746-6175 [email protected] http://nyp.org/ecdc QUEENS Early Childhood Direction Center Queens Centers for Progress 81-15 164th Street Jamaica, NY 11432 718-215-1299 [email protected] http://ecdc-queens.webs.com STATEN ISLAND Early Childhood Direction Center Staten Island University Hospital 242 Mason Avenue, 1st Floor Staten Island, NY 10305 718-226-6670 [email protected] http://www.siuh.edu/childhood September 2015