Sharing Information...Empowering People

Sharing Information...Empowering People
Latino Service Providers (LSP) is a nonprofit organization made up of over 1000 organizations and individuals
that share a vision of a vibrant and inclusive Sonoma County. LSP is committed to enhancing the quality of life
and support of the Latino community.
Latino Service Providers has a 25-year track record of partnering with government, service providers, families and
individuals to bridge the gap between services and needs. LSP’s deep roots and longstanding focus on the Latino
community make LSP both a unique resource and a credible voice on Latino issues in Sonoma County.
Sonoma County’s Latino population
is growing at a rapid rate. In 2038, Latinos will
be the largest ethnic group in Sonoma County
and by 2050, Latinos will be the majority, a staggering 51%. This increasingly high growth rate
means that we have a window of opportunity to
foster a skilled and educated workforce to meet
job market demands, especially in light of an increasing retiree population; and address critical
challenges unique to the Latino community.
The high school drop-out rate (15.9%)
is significantly higher than any other ethnic
group and only about 9% of all Latinos in Sonoma County hold a degree higher than a high
school diploma.
An average Latino adult income
is about $21,695 a year. With such low income,
access to a healthy lifestyle and preventative
care becomes crucial, especially because Latinos
have the highest uninsured rate of any ethnic
group within the U.S. An investment in the Latino population today, will result in a better future for everyone in Sonoma County tomorrow.
Many Latinos fail to benefit from
opportunities to live better lives due to a lack of
knowledge about resources. It is time to bridge
the gap between available resources and the
people who need them!
Source: Hispanic Demographic Trends Report 2011 Sonoma County. (2011,
July). Santa Rosa, CA: Sonoma County Economic Development Board.
Measure of America: A Portrait of Sonoma County. (2014).
Santa Rosa, CA: Sonoma County Department of Health Services.
Our Vision
Our vision is a community where Latinos are fully integrated by
having equal opportunities, support, and access to services in
the pursuit of a higher quality of life.
Our Mission
The LSP mission is to build a healthier community by serving
and strengthening Latino families and children, and reducing
disparities related to ethnicity or race within Sonoma County.
Our Services
LSP works with community partners to
1) Exchange information.
2) Increase awareness of available resources and access
to programs and services.
3) Influence public policy.
4) Enhance interagency communication.
One of the focuses of LSP activities is to reduce the risk of
mental illness by increasing access to mental health prevention
and early intervention services, an identified disparity within
the Latino community.
Monthly LSP Meetings
LSP meetings provide a place for members to collaborate and
create stronger community networks. A member agency hosts
a meeting and highlights its programs, services and staff. Hosts
provide meeting space and light refreshments. Attendees have
a few minutes to introduce themselves and share their materials.
Meetings are held the last Thursday of the month from
11:30 am to 1:00 pm. You do not have to be Latino or speak
Spanish to attend. All community members are welcome!
Workforce Development
LSP partners with the community, governmental agencies, and
educational institutions to develop a web based clearinghouse
of job postings. LSP conducts a yearly job fair to recruit bilingual/
bicultural behavioral health candidates.
Electronic Newsletter (Eblast)
Weekly electronic newsletters are e-mailed to LSP
members and partners. E-newsletters contain valuable
information that is important and relative to the
Latino community.
Announcements include free or low-cost health and mental
health programs and services, educational classes and seminars,
community events, bilingual/bicultural employment opportunities, and other relevant information.
The LSP website serves as an important hub for outreach,
information, and available resources. Visitors can access past
e-newsletters, educational information, programs, events, and
links to other services and agencies.
Collaboration and Partnership
We strive to develop collaborative relationships with other
Sonoma County agencies by participating in partner agency
planning sessions, providing access to resources, and supporting
outreach efforts on behalf of the Latino community. Our goal is
to increase cultural responsiveness and help advocate for Latinos.
Become A Member
To become a member, provide one-time financial support,
underwrite a key initiative, or make a donation, please visit
our website at:
Quiénes Somos:
Proveedores de Servicios para Latinos del Condado de Sonoma (LSP) es un grupo informal de individuos y agencias locales unidos con el propósito
de educar y comunicar entre todos, apoyando a
nuestra comunidad Latina en temas de salud, educación, servicios legales y otros servicios sociales.
Tenemos más de 1,000 miembros representando
una variedad de comunidades dentro de nuestro
Lo Que Hacemos:
LSP Board of Directors
Lance Goller, President
Director of Outreach & Enrollment
Redwood Community Health
Sonoma County Dept. of Health Services
Behavioral Health Division
Inez J. Barragan, Treasurer
EOPS/CARE Director, Santa Rosa Junior College
1. Reuniones Mensuales
Associate Director Migrant Education,
Region 2
2. Boletín Electrónico Informativo
Un sistema de distribución de correo electrónico
para presentar, de manera oportuna, información
sobre eventos, actividades, y oportunidades.
Miembros de LSP puenden mandar sus anuncios
usando la forma “Announcement Request Form”
ubicada en el sitio de internet.
3. Mantenemos un Sitio de Internet
El sitio de internet:
sirve como un centro importante donde se encuentra información y recursos que ayudan a fortalecer a las familias. La comunidad Latina tiene
acceso a anuncios, información educacional,
programas, eventos importantes entre otros,
servicios y recursos disponibles.
Hágase Miembro de LSP-SC!
Para hacerse miembro de LSP visite nuestro
sitio de internet:,
seleccione “Become a member” y llene la forma.
Service Providers
Cruz Cavallo, MFT, Secretary
Nosotros incorporamos una variedad de
mecanismos para poder compartir información
importante para toda nuestra comunidad.
Diferentes miembros de LSP se ofrecen como
anfitriones para nuestras reuniones, que usualmente se llevan a cabo el último jueves de cada
mes, de 11:30 am – 1:00 pm.
Elaine Pearson
Francisco H. Vázquez
Professor of Ideas, Hutchins School
Sonoma State University
Stephen R. Thomas
Principal, Tickler & Thomas
Wanda Tapia-Thomsen, Executive Director/CEO
930 Shiloh Road
Building 44, Suite D
Windsor, CA 95492
(707) 837-9577
[email protected]
Cell: 707-953-8532
Andrea Garfia, Community Program Coordinator
[email protected]
Cell: 707-494-6620
Gonzalo Romo, Program Manager
[email protected]
Cell: 707-228-6721
Christine Vasquez, Webmaster