ENCUENTRO INTERNACIONAL EN FITODEPURACIÓN (Julio del 2005, Lorca) INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON PHYTODEPURATION (July 2005, Lorca, Murcia, Spain) TÍTULO DEL TRABAJO “Sustainable Indicators of Treatment Solutions for Small Agglomerations” TÍTULO RESUMIDO “Sustainability Indicators” NOMBRE DE AUTORES Espadinha, C.; Marcão, A.; Fàbregas, A.; Galvão*, A.; Matos, J. NOMBRE Y DIRECCIÓN DE LAS INSTITUCIONES Instituto Superior Técnico. Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal. NÚMERO DE TELÉFONO, FAX Y E-MAIL Tfno: +351218418371; Fax: +351218418371; e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] FIGURAS Y TABLAS 8 figuras 128 ENCUENTRO INTERNACIONAL EN FITODEPURACIÓN (Julio del 2005, Lorca) INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON PHYTODEPURATION (July 2005, Lorca, Murcia, Spain) Sustainable Indicators of Treatment Solutions for Small Agglomerations Espadinha, C.; Marcão, A.; Fàbregas, A.; Galvão*, A.; Matos, J. Instituto Superior Técnico SUMMARY: Evaluating sustainable treatment solutions is especially relevant in Portugal due the number of this type of wastewater treatment plants serving small agglomerations and the lack of qualified human resources in rural communities. In the first stage of the study, several indicators were applied in order to evaluate the sustainability of different types of wastewater treatment plants. The facilities analysed are located in Odemira, Penacova, Penamacor, Sabugal, Fundão and Viseu Municipalities. The types of biological treatments to be compared were conventional systems (extended aeration and trickling filters) and non conventional treatment systems (constructed wetlands and ponds) for small agglomerations. A conventional system for the wastewater treatment of small agglomerations is, usually, an appropriated and sustainable option, because they have ol wer energy consumptions and lower chemical products and concrete consumptions per inhabitant. The higher needs of such systems are associated to the extended area required for their implantation. Nevertheless, wetlands are still a valid option in rural communities, where area availability is not usually a restriction. KEY WORDS : Constructed wetlands; Sustainability indicators; treatment; wastewater. Indicadores de Sostenibilidad de Soluciones de Tratamiento para Pequeñas Aglomeraciones RESUMEN La evaluación de la sostenibilidad de sistemas de tratamiento para pequeñas poblaciones es especialmente relevante en Portugal debido a la gran proporción de este tipo de sistemas en nuestro país y a la escasez de recursos humanos cualificados en zonas rurales. En base a estaciones de tratamiento de aguas residuales en funcionamiento, se analizaron los distintos indicadores de sostenibilidad propuestos en una primera fase del trabajo. Las estaciones de tratamiento de aguas residuales objeto de estudio se encuentran en los Concelhos de Odemira, de Penacova, de Penamacor, de Sabugal, de Fundão y de Viseu. El tratamiento biológico de estas estaciones de tratamiento de aguas residuales divididse en sistemas convencionales (fangos activados y filtros percoladores) y no convencionales (humedales construidos y lagunaje). La elección de sistemas no convencionales (humedales construidos y lagunaje) para el tratamiento de aguas residuales provenientes de pequeñas poblaciones es, generalmente, apropiada y sostenible, en la medida en que presentan menores consumos energéticos, de productos químicos y de hormigón por habitante equivalente. Las mayores exigencias por parte de estos sistemas no convencionales, se reflejan a nivel del área necesaria para la implantación de los mismos. A veces, esa situación no constituye una limitación en las regiones rurales, donde predominan las pequeñas poblaciones. PALABRAS -CLAVE: Humedales construidos; Indicadores de sostenibilidad; tratamiento; aguas residuales. 1. INTRODUCTION In order to improve sanitation levels in Portugal, the Portuguese government published, in the beginning of this century, a document intituled “Strategic Plan of Water Distribution and Wastewater Sewage” (PEAASAR), where a main goal of providing drainage and wastewater treatment to 90% of Portuguese population was set. According to MATOS et al. (2002), 70% of Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP), expected to be built or improved in Portugal, are intending to serve agglomerations with less than 2000 habitants. This percentage is relevant taking into account that approximately 42% of the Portuguese population lives in agglomerations with less than 2000 habitants (INE, 2001). In this study, this population size was considered to be the limit for the definition of “small agglomeration”. Therefore, this paper intends to support the decisions to be taken concerned with building and improving WWTP serving small agglomerations, by analysing the sustainability of different treatment systems. In accordance with “The Brundtland Report”, sustainable development is defined as the “development that satisfied the needs of the present, without compromising the future 129 ENCUENTRO INTERNACIONAL EN FITODEPURACIÓN (Julio del 2005, Lorca) INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON PHYTODEPURATION (July 2005, Lorca, Murcia, Spain) generations’ abilities of satisfying their own needs” (IA, 2002). Based on this concept, a WWTP with lower consumptions associated with the used materials for building and operation of the system, lower installed power, lower costs associated with the operation, maintenance and monitoring and that presents an effluent suitable with the receiving waters, should be considered the more sustainable system. According to the Directive n ° 91/271/CEE, the wastewater treatment required for populations lower than 2000 inhabitants is defined as “appropriate treatment”, that is, a treatment level that guarantees the quality standards of the receiving waters. The wastewater treatment applied to small agglomerations usually includes a septic tank or an Imhoff tank followed, in some cases, by a biological treatment or soil disposal. Tertiary treatment can be necessary, in some cases, due to the receiving environment’s requirements, such as bathing areas or water bodies subject to eutrophication. In Portugal, the facilities for wastewater treatment of small agglomerations are included in the following types: septic tanks, Imhoff tanks, extended aeration, trickling filters, lagoons and constructed wetlands. Nevertheless, there is a tendency, namely in the centre of the country, for the construction of horizontal flow constructed wetlands, because they are generally considered more sustainable solutions. In the context of this paper, the conventional systems analysed include biological treatment by extended aeration or trickling filters. On the other hand, the non conventional systems considered are constructed wetlands and ponds. An important aspect when analysing sustainable development, is the development and monitoring of indicators. In accordance with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development an indicator is defined as: “a parameter, or a value derived from parameters, which points to, provides information about, describes the state of a phenomenon/environment/area, with a significance extending beyond that directly associated with a parameter value”. The indicators are classified as measuring instruments and they should yield certain criteria, and their application must be defined and structured in order to be a useful tool. 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS In order to evaluate the sustainability of several wastewater treatment systems (conventional and non conventional), sustainablility indicators were developed. The indicators can be divided in three domains: environmental, economical and social. Then, these indicators were applied to WWTP of several municipalities located in the centre of Portugal (Penacova, Penamacor, Sabugal, Fundão and Viseu Municipalities), and in the south of country (Odemira Municipality). The total number of WWTP analysed comprised 27 facilities, from which project data was available. Data regarding operational parameters, like the number of employees, was only available for 8 of the WWTP (all of them from Odemira Municipality). The sustainable indicators calculated were the following: Environmental ?? Installed power per inhabitant vs. served population 130 ENCUENTRO INTERNACIONAL EN FITODEPURACIÓN (Julio del 2005, Lorca) INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON PHYTODEPURATION (July 2005, Lorca, Murcia, Spain) ?? Annual energy consumption per inhabitant vs. served population ?? % of energy consumed in the WWTP comparing to the total energy consumed by the population ?? Concrete used in WWTP per inhabitant vs. served population ?? Total area per inhabitant vs. served population Economical ?? Civil construction costs per inhabitant vs. served population ?? Mechanical and electric equipment costs per inhabitant vs. served population ?? Annual operation costs per inhabitant vs. served population (only data from WWTP of Odemira Municipality). Social indicators, like the number of complaints or odour nuisance, were not possible to evaluate due to the lack of enough data. When performing the calculations, the following assumptions and considerations were taken into account: for a comparative and economical analysis the preliminary treatment was not considered. All the works and materials associated with upstream pumping and screens were not considered, because the need for these infrastructures is usually determined by the upstream topography; the energy consumptions were estimated based on the installed power and on the operation time; the concrete used on WWTP refers to primary, secondary, tertiary and sludge treatment infrastructures and to operation building; the civil construction costs gather the material and labour; the investments costs include civil construction, mechanical equipments and land movement; the operation costs include labour, chemical products, energy, chemical analysis and transportation and sludge disposal. 3. RESULTS For a comparative analysis of conventional and non conventional systems, figures were developed in order to give a large and intuitive vision of the two kinds of treatment systems. A distinction was made between conventional and non-conventional systems. Each indicator was plotted against the corresponding served population, in order to evaluate the scale effect of the different systems. 131 ENCUENTRO INTERNACIONAL EN FITODEPURACIÓN (Julio del 2005, Lorca) INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON PHYTODEPURATION (July 2005, Lorca, Murcia, Spain) Annual energetic consumption per inhabitant (kWh/inh./year) Installed power per inhabitant (kW/inh.) 70,0 Conventional systems Non conventional systems 0,050 0,045 0,040 0,035 0,030 0,025 0,020 0,015 0,010 0,005 0,000 60,0 50,0 Conventional systems 40,0 Non conventional systems 30,0 20,0 10,0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0,0 0 Served population Figure 1 – Installed power per inhabitant vs. served population 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 3 2,0 1500 2000 Conventional systems 1,0 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 Non conventional systems (m /inh.) 2,5 Concrete per inhabitant Conventional systems Non conventional systems 3,0 1000 Served population Figure 2 – Annual energy consumption per inhabitant vs. served population 4,0 3,5 500 0 Served population 500 1000 1500 2000 Served population Figure 4 – Concrete used in WWTP per inhabitant vs. served population. Conventional systems Non conventional systems 30,0 25,0 2 (m /inh.) Total area per inhabitant 35,0 20,0 15,0 10,0 5,0 0,0 0 500 1000 1500 Civil construction costs per inhabitant (€/inh.) Figure 3 – % of energy consumed in the WWTP comparing to the total energy consumed by the population. 700,0 Conventional systems 600,0 Non conventional systems 500,0 400,0 300,0 200,0 100,0 0,0 0 2000 500 Conventional systems Non conventional systems 100,0 80,0 60,0 40,0 20,0 0,0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 1500 2000 Served population Figure 7 – Mechanical and electric equipment costs per inhabitant vs. served population. Figure 6 – Civil construction costs per inhabitant vs. served population. 800,0 Civil construction and mechanical and electric equipment costs per inhabitant (€/inh.) Mechanical and electric equipment costs per inhabitant (€/inh.) Figure 5 – Total area per inhabitant vs. served population. 120,0 1000 Served population Served population Conventional systems 700,0 600,0 Non conventional systems 500,0 400,0 300,0 200,0 100,0 0,0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Served population Figure 8 – Annual operation costs per inhabitant vs. served population (only WWTP from Odemira Municipality). 132 ENCUENTRO INTERNACIONAL EN FITODEPURACIÓN (Julio del 2005, Lorca) INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON PHYTODEPURATION (July 2005, Lorca, Murcia, Spain) 4. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Figure 1 shows a higher need of installed power per inhabitant for conventional systems, what was already expected. Conventional WWTP presents, generally, higher energy consumptions per inhabitant. According to the presented data (Fig. 3), the energy consumption per inhabitant with treatment facilities is lower than 4% of the total consumption per inhabitant of the served community. When the effluent is treated with constructed wetlands, the percentage of energy consumption in the WWTP is lower than 2% of the total. Figure 5 shows a higher area requirement per inhabitant for the implantation of non conventional systems, due the extensive nature of these systems. Although trickling filters are classified as conventional systems, this particular type of treatment may have characteristics similar to non-conventional systems, in what respects low energy costs and concrete used per inhabitant. The operation costs associated with low rate trickling filters are generally also very low, as illustrated in Figure 8. In general, it is expected that annual costs with treatment systems will be lower when considering wetlands and lagoons. In this study, as it can be observed from Figure 8, a significant part of the existing conventional systems (the low rate trickling filters) present very low operation costs, due to the characteristics of the facilities (without pumping or lighting) and poor operation. On the other hand, in certain cases, the constructed wetlands included lighting, responsible for additional energy consumption. A global analysis performed for the group of indicators presented, and from the available data, seems to show that non-conventional systems have the following characteristics, when compared to conventional systems: ?? Less average energy consumption per inhabitant ?? Less average concrete consumption per inhabitant, ?? Similar civil construction costs per inhabitant, The major disadvantage regarding conventional systems seems to be associated with the extended area required for their implantation. Taking also these limited results into account, the selection of non conventional systems for the wastewater treatment from small agglomerations may be considered, generally, an appropriated and sustainable option, especially in sites where land availability is not a problem and when its cost are low. 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This paper has been developed under the “ICREW Project – Improvement of Coastal and REcreational Waters for all”, funded by INTERREG IIIB Program. Part of the results presented where developed under a final thesis of the Environmental Engineering Course at Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. 133 ENCUENTRO INTERNACIONAL EN FITODEPURACIÓN (Julio del 2005, Lorca) INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON PHYTODEPURATION (July 2005, Lorca, Murcia, Spain) 6. REFERENCES INSTITUTO DO AMBIENTE (IA) – Estratégia Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, ENDS 2002, Junho de 2002. INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTATÍSTICA (INE) - Recenseamento Geral da População e Habitação - 2001 (Resultados Definitivos). MATOS, J.; SANTOS, S.; DIAS, S., Sistemas de Tratamento para Pequenos Aglomerados em Portugal: desafios, estratégias e tendências para o futuro, Lisboa, 2002. MINISTÉRIO DO AMBIENTE E ORDENAMENTO DO TERRITÓRIO (MAOT) – Plano Estratégico de Abastecimento de Água e de Saneamento de Águas Residuais. MAOT, Lisboa, Abril 2000. ORGANIZAÇÃO PARA A COOPERAÇÃO E DESENVOLVIMENTO ECONÓMICO, OCDE Environmental Indicators – development, measurement and use, 2003. 134