UNIDAD EDUCATIVA MONTE TABOR – NAZARET Área de Technology Actividades Académicas Examen Remedial Technology 2015 - 2016 NOMBRE: ________________________________________ CURSO: __10_____ FECHA: ________________________ PROFESOR/A: ______Brown / Morales_______________ Instrucciones para exámenes remediales: Para apoyar al desarrollo de destrezas y contenidos de la asignatura en base a los temarios de supletorios publicados en la página web se recomienda trabajar las siguientes actividades académicas a realizarse en casa previo a las fechas de exámenes remediales. Adicionalmente para el estudio y preparación es necesario utilizar las diferentes herramientas trabajadas durante el año lectivo como actividades en clase, tareas, lecciones, evaluaciones sumativas, exámenes quimestrales y actividades de preparación exámenes supletorios. Semana 1 1. Review the materials we’ve used for the year. School web pageSecundaria/Recursos de Aprendizaje Technology Décimo de Básica ( http://montetabornazaret.wikispaces.com/*Technology10 ) 2. Download the Vectorian Giotto software and install it in a PC. http://vectorian.com/giotto/ 3. Review Vectorian Giotto. Re-read all the help sections from the program. 4. Create a REMEDIAL folder. Redo the animations from VG-tutorials. Save 2 vgd files and 2 swf files. 5. Make a complete webpage1 with 1 table of 4 rows a. b. c. d. e. Row1 – Title that says Tutorial Animations that spans two columns. Row2 – The two animations from the two tutorials. Row3 – A sub-title that says what each animation shows. Row4 – A paragraph explaining how each animation works. Save it into your REMEDIAL folder. Get the object code from http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_object.asp Or use the code from any previous files that have worked and edit for the new file name. Semana 2 1. VG: make 2 animations that demonstrate tweening movement HTML: a. b. c. d. make a web page2 (name it movement.html) that shows 2 examples of tweening movements. Row1 – Title that says Tweening Movement that spans two columns. Row2 – The two animations. Row3 – A sub-title that says what each animation shows. Row4 – A paragraph explaining how each animation works. 2. VG: make 2 animations that demonstrate tweening color HTML: a. b. c. d. make a web page3 (name it color.html) that shows the 2 animations of tweening color. Row1 – Title that says Tweening Color that spans two columns. Row2 – The two animations. Row3 – A sub-title that says what each animation shows. Row4 – A paragraph explaining how each animation works. 3. VG: make 2 animations that demonstrate tweening shape HTML: a. b. c. d. make a web page4 (name it shape.html) that shows the 2 animations of tweening shape. Row1 – Title that says Tweening Shape that spans two columns. Row2 – The two animations. Row3 – A sub-title that says what each animation shows. Row4 – A paragraph explaining how each animation works. 4. Make a rectangular collage from images taken from each of the 8 animations. Resize the collage to be 800 by 600 pixels. 5. Make a homepage (page6 - name it home.html ). Place the collage nicely centered. Make an image mapping to each of the html files already created in the past two weeks. Semana 3 1. Complete the mini-website (homepage plus 5 webpages) that shows the 8 animations produced over the past two weeks. 2. VG - Review the help section and the meaning of layers, frames. This week practice animations that use multiple layers. 3. The 7th page will show 2 examples of layers. The first will be 2 layers. The second 3 layers. VG: make 2 animations that demonstrate layers a. 2layers: A sunrise behind some land. b. 3layers: A setting moon behind some hills with a cloud moving in front of the moon. HTML: c. d. e. f. make a web page7 (name it layers.html) that shows the 2 animations layers. Row1 – Title that says Layers that spans two columns. Row2 – The two animations. Row3 – A sub-title that says what each animation shows. Row4 – A paragraph explaining how each animation works. Semana 4 1. Review all vocabulary used for learning html and Vectorian Giotto. Make a webpage8 (name it vocabulary.html) a. Make a nested list of vocabulary used. b. Within Tweening – what is each of the tweenings, for example. c. Within Layers – what layer concepts are used – top and bottom, front and back. d. Within HTML – tags: tables, images, lists etc. 2. Review the interface of Vectorian Giotto and the meaning of everything that we’ve done during the year related to it. Include the interface details in the vocabulary page. 3. Complete the website, a. Add the vocabulary page to the website. b. Check that all html files work and link back to the homepage. 4. Review everything for the remedial exam.