ST. FRANCES CABRINI GRANBURY, TEXAS. SAINT ROSE OF LIMA, GLEN ROSE May 29TH OFFERINGS Regular Collection June 5th, Safe Environment Meeting $3,098.53 Weekday Mass Intentions Monday/Lunes, June 6th 9:00am †Val Giannelli (Carmine & Lucy Esposito) †Emily & Vincient Esposito (Carmine & Lucy Esposito) Tuesday/Martes, June 7th 9:00am †Larry Link (Maria Rodriguez) Mike Tynan (Elsie Miller) Wednesday/Miércoles, June 8th 6:00pm †Fred Ball (Larane & Harry McKee) 7:00pm Miembros de Nuestra Parroquia Thursday/Jueves, June 9th 9:00am †William F. Mullally (M.J. & Phyllis Mullally) Friday/Viernes, June 10th 9:00am Gabriel & Teresa Velazquez (Elsie Miller) Norma Procaccino & Family (Elsie Miller) <<<<<<<<++++++++++>>>>>>>>>> Weekend Mass Intentions Saturday/Sábado, June 11th 5:00pm †Roger Nimon (Eddy & Linda Moore) †Joe, Dorothy, Louis Hlavinka (E.J. Dittlinger) Sunday/Domingo, June 12th 9:00am †Daniel Guevara (Pinratana Family) †David Marsh (Marsh Family) 10:45am †William Corcoran (Arturo & Elizabeth Villa) 12:30pm Miembros de Nuestra Parroquia Next Week Second Collection is for Mission Outreach SPECIAL OCCASION FLOWERS The flowers on the altar today are in memory of †Peggy Daus. Baby Bottle Fund Raiser 2016 ST. ROSE OF LIMA GLEN ROSE, TEXAS. Please remember to bring your bottles filled with your donations to the parish office or return them to the Brazos Pregnancy Center at 1812 Acton Hwy. (strip mall in Big Lots parking lot). Your support is greatly appreciated. Help save all the babies!! There will be a Safe Environment meeting on Wednesday June 8th from 68 pm. This training will be for NEW volunteers and for those that need to renew. Please Call Denise at 817-326-2131 to RSVP. Volunteer Opportunity The Healthy Kids Summer Lunch Program begins Monday June 6th through Friday August 5th, 2016. This is a community wide program that provides lunches to all children and youth under 18 in Granbury at different locations. St. Frances Cabrini has participated for several years now. If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information please contact Erica or Denise at the church office, 817-326-2131 or by email at [email protected]. Our parish will serve lunches at the Lake Granbury Harbor Pool Area (3613 Lake Granbury Dr.) from Monday through Friday 12:30pm-1:30pm. This community effort gives us the chance to carry out the corporal work of mercy of feeding the hungry during this Year of Mercy. Volunteers must be able to drive and it is required that minimum 2 people be at the location to serve, one must be an adult. We can pair you up or you can find your own partner. Oportunidad para Servir El Programa de Verano (Healthy Kids) ofrece almuerzos gratis para niños menores de 18 en el área de Granbury. Comensara el lunes 6 de junio y se terminara el viernes 5 de agosto. Nuestra parroquia ha ayudado a repartir almuerzos por varios años. Si está interesado en ayudar por favor comuníquese con Erica o Denise en la oficina al 817-326-2131 o por correo electrónico a [email protected]. Nuestra parroquia servirá almuerzos en la alberca de Lake Granbury Harbor (3613 Lake Granbury Dr.) de lunes a viernes 12:30-1:30pm. Este programa nos da la oportunidad de llevar a cabo la obra corporal de misericordia de darle de comer al hambriento durante este Año de la Misericordia. Los voluntarios deben de poder manejar y se requiere que estén al mínimo 2 personas en la ubicación, uno tiene que ser adulto. Podemos acomodarlos con otro adulto, o pueden buscar su propia pareja. Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ Decimo Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario Summer Activities for the Youth Religious Education classes are over for the year. There will be several activities available for the middle school and high school youth during the summer. Check the bulletin for upcoming activities and sign up for text messages about activities by sending the text message: @sfcgyouth to 81010. Youth that can attend are incoming 6th graders through outgoing 12th graders. We need parents to help chaperone for events, if you can attend an event and help chaperone please let me know. Finance Report Less than five years ago our wonderful Family Life Center was completed. To pay the balance of costs not already covered by your pledges, we took a 10-year mortgage from the Diocese for approximately $700,000. Since our parish did not have sufficient cash flow from normal collections to pay for the mortgage, we relied on your Stewardship and Building Fund contributions to make the monthly mortgage payments. Due to your faithful generosity, these contributions were always greater than the required mortgage payment. The Finance Council recommended to Monsignor Juan that we apply all such overages directly to the principal of the note and he agreed. Due to the monthly overpayments on the mortgage, our 10year note was paid off in March…FIVE AND A HALF YEARS EARLY! Even though the Family Life Center mortgage is paid off, our ongoing building maintenance and capital expenses continue to be a challenge. For example, the A/C units for the sanctuary are failing and repairs are estimated at $25,000. Likewise, the A/C units in the Religious Education Building need significant repair or possibly replacement. Finally, several capital projects are already under consideration and review. Bottom line, it will always be your generosity and faith which offer our parish the financial resources it needs. Therefore, please continue to make your Stewardship and Building Fund contributions as always; likewise, please maintain or, if possible, increase your other weekly contributions. Together we will all keep St. Frances Cabrini on a firm financial foundation. God bless you all. Actividades durante el Verano para Jóvenes Las clases religiosas han terminado por el año. Durante el verano habrá varias actividades disponibles para los grados 6-12. Podrá ver las actividades en el boletín o también puede suscribirse a los mensajes de texto para enterarse: mande @sfcgyouth al 81010. Los jóvenes que entraran a 6º grado hasta los que acaban de terminar el 12 grado podrán asistir. Necesitamos padres que nos ayuden a ser chaperones para los eventos, si usted puede ayudar en un evento por favor déjenos saber. Reporte de Financias Hace menos de cinco años nuestro maravilloso Centro Familiar fue terminado. Para pagar el costo total de la construcción que no podíamos pagar con nuestras donaciones, tomamos un préstamo para 10 años de la Diócesis de aproximadamente $700,000. Como nuestra parroquia no tenía el dinero suficiente con las colectas para pagar el préstamo, dependimos de sus contribuciones de Stewardship y Building Fund para hacer los pagos mensuales de la hipoteca. Gracias a su fiel generosidad, estas donaciones siempre fueron mayor del pago requerido de la hipoteca. El Consejo de Finanzas le recomendó a Monseñor Juan que aplicáramos todas las donaciones directamente al pago del préstamo y el acepto. Debido a los pagos sobre pagados al préstamo, nuestros 10 años de pagos se terminaron de pagar en marzo… ¡CINCO AÑOS Y MEDIOS ANTES! Aunque la hipoteca del Centro Familiar está pagada, los pagos de mantenimiento y costos de otros proyectos continuaran. Por ejemplo, las unidades del aire acondicionado en la iglesia están fallando y las reparaciones costaran un estimado de $25,000. También las unidades en el Edificio Educacional necesitan reparaciones y posiblemente remplazarlas. Finalmente, varios proyectos están siendo revisados y considerados para llevarlos a cabo. En conclusión, siempre serán su fe y generosidad que ofrecen los recursos financieros que nuestra parroquia necesita. Por lo tanto, les pedimos continúen haciendo sus donaciones de Stewardship y Building Fund, así como también mantengan o si fuera posible incrementen sus otras donaciones semanales. Juntos mantendremos a St. Frances Cabrini en un estado financiero firme. Dios los bendiga. 10th SUNDAY IN Ordinary Times JUNE 5, 2016 GOSPEL REFLECTION: 1 Kings 17:17-24 Galatians 1:11-19 Psalm 30:2, 4-6, 11-13 Luke 7:11-17 "I assure you, brothers, the gospel I proclaimed to you is no mere human invention. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I schooled in it." —Galatians 1:11-12 “God is one. He is uniquely one, for He is three Persons in one God. God is Trinity. He is Family and Community. God is a community of eternal begetting and "begottenness." The Father has been begetting and is always begetting the Son. Therefore, the Son is uniquely begotten, and the Holy Spirit is the eternal Fruit of this love of the Father and the Son. God is a community of eternal sending. The Father has been sending and is always sending Jesus and the Holy Spirit; Jesus also is always sending the Holy Spirit (seeJn 20:21-22; 14:26; 16:7). God is a community of eternal witnessing. The Spirit witnesses to the Son (Jn 15:26), Who is the faithful and true Witness (Rv 1:5) of the Father, Who also witnesses for Jesus (Jn 5:37; 8:18). God is Triune Community, and the relationships in this Community are unique. We can understand them enough to know that we can never understand them very well. God is transcendent. His triune life is the mystery of mysteries. Yet He has chosen us to live in Him and in Trinitarian love. Praise the Holy Trinity!” (PRESENTATION MINISTRIES) +++++++++++++++++++++++ .ALL MINISTRY LEADERS: Please, email [email protected] with your contact information so it can be posted in the back of the church. BULLETIN: ST. ROSE OF LIMA Catholic Church P.O. Box 7324 Mesquite at Rose Ave. Glen Rose, TX 76043 254-897-9970 Sunday Mass Time: 10:45 AM Sunday Rosary: 10:15 AM ADORATION-WEEKLY ON THURS. 6-7:00PM CONFESSIONS WEEKLY ON THURS. 6:15-6:45PM MASS WEEKLY ON THURS. 7PM PRAYER Pastor: LIST: Fr. Fernando Preciado PLEASE remove the name by leaving a note in the folder on the bulletin board in the back of church. To add someone to the list… Please ADD their name to the prayer list by leaving a note in the folder Contact Pam Avance for information. CONTACT: [email protected] Beth Knight Nikki Miller Roberta LaBour Sergio Castellanos Mario Ballester Senen Ballesteros Sandy Smith Amanda Adams Isabella Ramirez Mark Mills Anna Alexander Peggy Wiseman Rick & Karen Perkins Jose Bonilla Jr Edil & Guadalupe Gutierrez Alejandro Corrujedo Tyler & Randa Avance Santiago Villa PLEASE SIGN UP IN THE OFFICE if you and your family would like to bring up the Offertory Gifts at the Sunday or Thursday masses. If your family bring up the gifts the mass that day will be said for PRAYER LIST+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ your family's intentions. Por favor señal hasta en la oficina si usted y su familia le gustaría traer los dones del Ofertorio en las Misas del domingo o el jueves. Si su familia lleve los regalos la masa se dirá ese día por las intenciones de su familia.