INSTRUMENTO DE EVALUACIÓN Código: AP5 - AA1- IE7 Programa de formación: Producción de Multimedia. Nombre del Proyecto: Producción de aplicativos multimedia para el sector productivo. Actividad de Proyecto: Integración de los elementos de la multimedia Código de la Guía: TPM-AP5-GD 5. Fase del Proyecto: Ejecución. Actividad de aprendizaje 1: Identificar las herramientas integradoras de los elementos multimediales (Action Script, Java Script, PHP-HTML5-CSS3. Evidencia: 7 . Evaluación en línea en ingles sobre conceptos técnicos de los lenguajes propuestos. INSTRUCCIONES PARA EL DILIGENCIAMIENTO: Estimado Aprendiz(a): le invito tener en cuenta la información suministrada en este instrumento de evaluación, el cual ha sido elaborado para observar verificar y valorar su desempeño en la evidencia de aprendizaje VOCABULARY´s ACTIVITY A. Build your vocabulary Word Field: Biography What´s the usual order of these events in your country? (Esta actividad puede ser ilustrada con una imagen de cada evento en la vida). INSTRUMENTO DE EVALUACIÓN Código: AP5 - AA1- IE7 You retire You get engaged You graduate You are born You study You get divorced You do military service You die You get married You find a job You have children You leave home B. Match the verbs with the pictures Swim ( ) Run ( ) Ride ( ) Jog ( ) INSTRUMENTO DE EVALUACIÓN Código: AP5 - AA1- IE7 Walk ( ) Exercise ( Dive ( ) ) b. a. c. INSTRUMENTO DE EVALUACIÓN Código: AP5 - AA1- IE7 d. f. e. g. INSTRUMENTO DE EVALUACIÓN Código: AP5 - AA1- IE7 C. Complete each list with its correspondent category, according to the given themes: Music, material, professions, 1. _______________ sports, movies, animals 2. _______________ 3. _______________ Trout Whale Deer Woolen Leather rubber 4. ________________ 5. _______________ 6. _______________ Accountant Physician Designer Diving Canyoning Skating Folk Jazz Gospel Horror Love Science Fiction INSTRUMENTO DE EVALUACIÓN Código: AP5 - AA1- IE7 D. Complete the text. In a small village Traveling golf ourselves retiring in different countries My parents are diplomats, and they´ve worked all over the world. It was strange for me, and but it made us very independent – my sister growing up 1__________________________, we can look after 2 _____________________. My father´s looking forward to 3 __________________________ now. I think he´s had enough of living abroad, and he wants to settle down 4 _________________________ and take up 5 _____________! It´ll be harder for my mum, I don´t think she´ll ever give up 6 ________________ E. 1. Put the opposite of the adjectives below in one of the columns, using the prefixes given. Adaptable, patient, romantic, pleased, obedient, honest, sensitive, personal, un Selfish dis tolerant, im selfish, lucky, polite, in INSTRUMENTO DE EVALUACIÓN Código: AP5 - AA1- IE7 2. "Choose an English text (maximum 3 paragraphs) about “Identificar las herramientas integradoras de los elementos multimediales” following the procedure written in “How to learn Vocabulary” for the understanding of a short text, as follows: 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Identify the main idea of the text. Make a list of the unknown vocabulary. Look for the meaning in your dictionary, paying attention to the pronunciation and the meaning in the context. Try to guess the meaning of the text without translating word by word. Send the findings in a creative document containing: The chosen text, with the previous steps, also the bibliography. This document should be in both English and Spanish and be supported in a synchronized section with your instructor. INSTRUMENTO DE EVALUACIÓN Código: AP5 - AA1- IE7 IMAGES Swimming. Available in Recovered 2013, may 15 Woman exercising, Available in Recovered 2013, may 15 Running man. Available in, Recovered 2013, may 15 Rider. Available in Recovered 2013, may 15 Scuba diving. Available in 0126/14968194-scuba-diving.jpg. Recovered 2013, may 15