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t6LGHVHDQPiVLQIRUPDFLyQVREUH TXLDROHVJXVWDUtDUHFRJHUXQIRUPXODULRGHLQVFULSFLyQSRUIDYRUYLVLWHQQXHVWUR(VFULWRULRGH%LHQYHQLGDHQHO HO QXHVWUDSDUUR TXLDROHVJXVWDUtDUHFRJHUXQIRUPXODULRGHLQVFULSFLyQSRUIDYRUYLVLWHQQXHVWUR(VFULWRULRGH%LHQYHQLGDHQ YHVWtEXOR7DPELpQSXHGHQYLVLWDUQXHVWURVLWLRGHLQWHUQHWHQZZZKRO\FURVVDWODQWDRUJ3ODQHHQXQLUVHDQRVRWURV+D\XQ OXJDUSDUDWRGRVHQOD,JOHVLDGH+RO\&URVV OXJDUSDUDWRGRVHQOD,JOHVLDGH+RO\&URVV General Information / Información General Parish Office / Oficina Parroquial: 770-939-3501 Regular Mass Times/Horario de Misas Mon, Tue, Wed & Thur/Lun, Mar, Mier, Jueves: 9:15am and 7:00pm Wednesday/Miércoles: 7:00pm Spanish/español Friday/Viernes: 9:15am Saturday/Sábado: 9:15am and 5:00pm Vigil 6:30pm Spanish/español Vigil Sunday/Domingo: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:30am, 1:15pm Spanish/español & 5:30pm Lifeteen Burmese Mass (3rd Sunday) 3:00pm Burmese Confessions / Confesiones Wednesday / Miércoles Saturday / Sábado 6:30pm After 9:15am Mass or by appt. Después de la Misa de las 9:15am o con cita. Parish Office Hours/Horas de la Oficina Parroquial Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm Sacraments Baptism Under 8 Year s of Ag e Parents are required to be members of the parish for at l eas t si x months and are required to c ompl ete a prepar ation program. Call the parish offic e to r eser ve a spac e in the Baptis m clas s, hel d quarterl y. Marriage: T his s acrament requires compl eti on of a marriage preparati on pr ogram (generall y five to six months in length), as well as other notifications. You must also be a registered member of the c hurch for thr ee months before s ec uring a c alendar date for your wedding. Pleas e c ontact the paris h offic e for more informati on. Anointing of the Sick: Parishi oners mus t notify the parish offic e to rec ei ve a communion visitation or anoi nting by a priest i n the home or hos pital. Sacramentos Bautismos para niños menores de 8 años: Las charlas para los bautismos son el primero y segundo miércoles del mes. Los bautismos se celebran en grupo el tercer sábado de cada mes a las 10am. Requisitos: Los padres deben estar registrados en la Parroquia, acta de nacimiento del niño/a, acta de matri moni o católico de los padrinos, si los padrinos son solteros-- deberán ser mayores de 16 años y haber recibido los Sacramentos. Presentar el acta de Confir mación, to mar las charlas de preparación para el bautismo o traer carta de la parroquia donde asisten en la que conste que son católicos prácticos. Todos los documentos, junto con el registro para el bautismo se debe de presentar en la primera charla. Para más infor mación recoja los formularios para el bautismo en la mesa de bienvenida. Próximas Charlas—1 y 8 de mayo, 7pm, Salón 9 y 10, Bautismos, 18 de mayo a las 11am. No bautizamos en el mes de marzo. Pastor Rev. Richard Tibbetts Parochial Vicar Rev. Fausto Marquez In Residence Rev. Edward Danneker Rev. Daniel Agbeko Gbadji Associate Clergy Rev. Dr. Dayle Geroski Rev. Mr. Cecil Reimer Rev. Mr. Tom Silvestri Rev. Dr. James Weiss Business Manager Beth Butler, Ext. 226 [email protected] Director of Religious Education Barb Garvin, Ext. 233 [email protected] Music Minister Gail Goodman, Ext. 228 [email protected] Coordinator of Elementary Education Aida Buzeta, Ext. 235 [email protected] Youth Minister, Life Teen & Edge Mary Busbee, Ext. 232 [email protected] Edge Program Coordinator Emily Holmes, Ext. 232 Administrative Assistant Penny Lampe, Ext. 252 [email protected] Parish Secretary Monique Marlette, Ext. 223 [email protected] Assistant to the Business Manager Karen Scaff, Ext. 242 [email protected] Custodial Maintenance Zlatko Halimic, Ext. 239 Friends of St. Martin de Porres, Ext 231 Presentaciones: Niños y niñas de 40 días ó de tres años, inscribirse antes de la misa con los ujieres. Los niños de tres años deben estar bautizados. Matrimonios: Co mo requisito deben compl etar una preparación matri monial y ser mie mbros de la parroquia por no menos de 6 meses. Para mas infor mación, comuníquese con Padre Fausto Marquez, 770-939-3501, Ext. 225. Unción de los Enfermos: Si tiene un familiar enfer mo o conocido y que pertenece a la parroquia, puede llamar para que el Sacerdote lo visite o algún Ministro Extraordinario de la Comunió n. Lla me a la oficina , 770-939-3501, Ext. 225 y lo visitaremos y orare mos por el. 2 Homebound? Do you know a parishioner who is homebound due to illness, or is elderly and would like to receive Communion? Please contact Eileen Anandappa at 770-908-0062 or e-mail her at [email protected]. +HDULQJ,PSDLUHG'HYLFHV $YDLODEOHDWDOOZ HHNHQG0 DVVHV3 HUVRQDO KHDULQJGHY LFHVDUHDYDLODEOHWRDVVLVWWKRVH DWWHQGLQJOLWXUJLHV,I\RXZ RXOGOLNHWRXVHRQH SOHDVHY LVLWWKH:HOFRPH' HVN Parish Life BEREAVEMENT S UPPORT The Holy Cross Bereavement Support Group meets the first Tuesday of the month (May 7th) at 1:30pm in the Assembly Room. If you are interested in being part of this new group, please drop-in to our meeting or contact Al or Elaine McNeil at 770-935-4993. Please mail check, payable to Magnificat Joyful Visitation, by May 11 to: Kathy Timony, 6170 Rachel Ridge, Norcross, GA 30092. Check-in is at the door for those with reservations only. For information call Kathy Timony at 770 -263-6957. 3DWULRWLF&RQFHUW 3DWULRWLF&RQFHUW Job Opening Holy Cross Catholic Church is hiring a part time (20-25 hours) Administrative Assistant for the Office of Religious Education. Applicant must be a practicing Catholic, bilingual with ability to communicate both verbally and written in both English and Spanish. Must have experience with Microsoft Office and ability to learn Parish Soft. Sunday and Wednesday evening hours will be required. Please send resume and salary requirement to Barb Garvin, Director of Religious Education, Holy Cross Catholic Church, Atlanta. [email protected]. Memorial Mass On May1st, Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory will be celebrating the Second Annual Memorial Mass for all babies whose life ended way too soon (miscarriage, stillbirth or infant death). If your loss was recent or years prior please join Embrace Ministry for this very special Mass on May 1st at 7pm at The Cathedral of Christ the King, 2699 Peachtree Rd, NE, Atlanta, GA 30305. A reception will follow the mass. AARP Driver Safety Course The next AARP Driving Safety Course will be Wednesday, May 8, 9AM – 3PM. The AARP Driver Safety course teaches valuable defensive driving techniques and provides a refresher about the rules of the road. By completing the course you could qualify for an insurance discount from your insurance company. Pre-registration is required and participants will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Cost is $12 for AARP members/$14 for non-members (pay the day of the class.) Bring a brown bag lunch. Register by calling Holy Cross office at 770-939-3501. 7KH3HDFKWUHH6\PSKRQLF : LQGVZLOORQFHDJDLQ SUHVHQWWKHLUSDWULRWLF PXVLFFRQFHUW,WZLOOEHDW SPRQ7KXUVGD\ 0D\WK1RDGPLVVLRQ EXWGRQDWLRQVDUHZHOFRPH WRVXSSRUWWKHLUHIIRUWV &RPHDQGMRLQXVDIWHUZDUG LQWKHSDULVKKDOOIRUDQLFH FUHDPVRFLDO«ORWVRI JRRGLHVDQGGLIIHUHQW IODYRUVWRPDNH\RXUVHOIDQ XQIRUJHWWDEOHLFHFUHDP WUHDW%ULQJDOODJHVWKH\¶OO ORYHLW«ERWKWKHPXVLFDQG WKHLFHFUHDP Attention all Knights of Columbus The Holy Cross Knights of Columbus Annual Steak Night will be on May 6, 2013 at 7:00pm. Reservations must be called in or e-mailed to Bob Hudson, Grand Knight, no later than April 29, 770-934-1970 or [email protected]. Magnificat Prayer Breakfast This breakfast for women will be held Sat., May 18, 2013 from 9:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m. at Holy Cross Church. All women are invited. The guest speaker will be Pat Everett, leader of the St. John Neumann Women’s Catholic Bible Study, and with her husband serving in a new ministry to young married couples. This is a morning of spiritual encouragement and renewal in Catholic faith for women. Reservations are $15. Advance reservations are required. 5(0,1'(5 )LUVW&RPPXQLRQZLOOEHFHOHEUDWHGGXULQJ WKHDP0DVVRQ6XQGD\0D\:H H[SHFWDODUJHUWKDQDYHUDJHDWWHQGDQFH GXULQJERWKRIWKHVH0DVVHV 3 4 Parish Life MOTHER’S DAY NOV ENA In your May packet of envelopes, note that a Mother’s Day Novena envelope is enclosed. If you wish to remember a living or deceased love one during our 9-day Novena of Masse s at Holy Cross, starting May 12th, please fill out the back of the envelope with the name/names of those to be remembered, enclose your donation & drop the envelope in the offertory or leave it in the Church office during weekdays. The deadline is Friday, May 10th at noon. NOVENARIO DE MISAS POR LAS MADRES En el paquete de sobres del mes de Mayo esta incluido un sobre para el novenario de Misas por las madres, vivas o difuntas. Si usted desea que el nombre de su madre sea incluido en el novenario, por favor complete la información con su donación y coloque el sobre en la canasta de la colecta, no mas tarde del 10 de mayo. 7DVWHRI/LIH 7KH+R O\& URVV$ ,'60LQLVWU\LVZRUNLQJKDUG WRRQFHDJDLQKRVWDZRQGHUIXO´7DVWHRI/LIHµ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ark your Calendars: “CURTAINS” Shows start April 28 & Ma y 3, 4, 5 FIRST COMMUNION MASSES Sunday, April 28th—during the 11:30am Mass Sunday, Ma y 5th—during the 11:30am Mass Saturday, May 11th—during the 6:30pm Mass TRIVIA NIGHT Monday, May 15th at 7pm GRADUATION MASS Sunday, Ma y 19th—during the 5:30pm Mass PEACHTREE SYMPHONIC CONCERT Thursday, May 30th at 8:00pm TASTE OF LIFE FUNDRAISER Saturday, June 8 KALEIDOSCOPE June 10 –14 God’s Gladiator Book Signing with Richard S heedwith at the Chancery Richard Hardy-Sheedwith is the author of the book, God’s Gladiator, and a retired certified public accountant who offers consultation to the Archdiocese of Atlanta’s finance staff. He resides with his wife, Maria, in Tucker, is a parishioner of Holy Cross Catholic Church, and a First Degree member of the Knights of Columbus. Richard will be available for a book signing on May 8th at the Archdiocese of Atlanta’s Chancery from 10:30 am – 4:00 pm. You are invited to stop in for the book signing and a visit with Richard. God’s Gladiator is about a man who met God like Saul of Tarsus, not on the road to Damascus, but in a hotel room in Germany while about to betray his fellow colleague. God’s Gladiator is the true story of a self-centered, quick-witted, and determined German immigrant who climbed up the ladder in the business world. Along the way, he met the Ku Klux Klan, the powerful Odessa Nazi organization, and evaded a firing squad execution by fascists in Uruguay. The Palestinian Liberation Organization also helped him escape Beirut during a brutal civil war dressed as a Muslim warrior. It’s the story of a man who turned around his life in prayer and faith using the teachings of the Desert Fathers and the Sacraments of the Church. 5 Post Abortion Treatment and Healing Is there forgiveness, hope and healing after an abortion? Yes Yes Yes. Please know you are not alone. If you or a loved one has been touched by abortion there is help. PATH – Post Abortion Treatment and Healing is a nonprofit organization that works with post abortive women and men through Bible studies and Rachel’s Vineyard retreats that help lead to wholeness & healing. Compassionate, non-judgmental, confidential care is available please contact Mary Ann McNeil at 404-7175557 or [email protected] you can also visit us on our website at www.healingafterabortion.org. .QLJKWVRI&ROXPEXV 7ULYLDDQG,QIR.QLJKW Hospice Volunteers Needed 021'$ <0$< 3030 3OHDVHMRLQXVIRUDQHYHQLQJRIIRRGIHOORZVKLS DQGIXQSOXV35,=(6ZKLOHOHDUQLQJDERXWKRZ WKH.QLJKWVRI&ROXPEXVEHQHILWVWKH&KXUFK FRPPXQLW \DQGLWVPHPEHUV.QLJKWVDQGQRQ .QLJKWVZLYHVDQGIULHQGVDUHDOOZHOFRPHWR DWWHQG Compassionate Care Hospice is a home hospice care company in Atlanta and we need your help. Have you ever considered giving an hour a week to a hospice patient and/or their family? CCH is also in critical need of clerical volunteers to give two or three hours a week in their Dunwoody office, a handful of miles NW of Holy Cross. If you feel led to give of yourself in this way, please contact Michael at [email protected] or call 678-215-4046. Families In Faith—Gift and Command Just six sentences make up the total Gospel on this the Fifth Sunday of Easter, and yet these six sentences are among the most challenging of the New Testament! The Gospel offers u s a glimpse of the final meal of Jesus a nd the disciples. Filled with love, cognisant of his coming passion and death, the beloved Rabbi stuns his disciples by washing their feet and calling them friends. Jesu s longed to acknowledge all that had transpired in their years together and to prepare them for their call and commission--yet into this moment of embrace and reconciliation, grief and betrayal were manifest in the departure of Judas. Jesus did not respond with recrimination and anger towards his betrayer. Rather, he turned in trust to the Father, proclaiming that even now God was glorifying the Son, and the Son, in utter faithfulness, wa s glorifying the Father. Jesus understood that his entire life was lived for the glorification of the Father, whether healing the sick, feeding the hungry, raising the dead or living through his Passion, death and Resurrection. In his final hours Jesu s offered his disciples (and all who will follow in his name) a gift and a new command. His new commandment is not simply to love but to love as we have been loved by him. We are to take the gift given--the love of Jesus and the Father--and in turn to love others. This love is not an affection or an emotion. It is not simply a pleasant behavior toward others in which one is kind, or civil or respectful. The love Jesus gives and commands goes beyond conventional understanding. It is a love without boundaries and limits, not reserved for family and friends. not earned or offered with expectation of return. This love has a breadth and depth to embrace the stranger and the enemy. It has a disposition toward others that desires their well being, their protection and self worth. Those who call Jesus “Lord” have received this love. He has taken us to himself, willed our well being over his own, given us life when death was our destiny. He has loved us with the love he alone has received from the Father-with a love proper to his statu s as only begotten son. This love he shares with us. This love is our gift. We are commanded to love as we have been loved. Such a challenge! It will be the mark of discipleship, the sign shown to the world so that it will know we are Christians. As the feast of Pentecost draws near, let us reflect on the graces we need to fill this great commandments. May our prayer echo that of St. Augustine as he cried out to God, "Lord, give what you command, and command what ever you will!" 5HPHP EHU WRUHF\FOHSDSHU WUDVKFDU GERDU GDOXPL QXPSODVWL FL QWKH GHVL JQDWHGUHF\FOL QJEL QVORFDWHG DURXQG WKH FKXUFKFDPSXV$OOEXONSDSHUDQGQHZ VSDSHUUHF\FOL QJSODFHGL QWKHSDSHUUHF\FOL QJ GXPSV WHU EHKL QGWKHFKXUFKNL WFKHQEHQHIL WVRXU<RXWK0L QLVWU\ 6 Mass Intentions & Readings/Intenciones & Lecturas de la Misa Through incessant prayer, we open ourselv es more fully to understanding God’s will. Through f aith in the power of prayer, we experience God’s love and assistance. Our Christian lif e is nourished by the scriptures we read and by our received tradition. Podemos entender mas prof undamente la voluntad de Dios cuando estamos en continua oración. A través de nuestra f e en el poder de la oración, podemos sentir el amor y la ayuda de Dios. Nuestra vida Cristiana es alimentada por las escrituras que leemos y por la tradición recibida. Sunday/Domingo 4/28—Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 14:21b-27 Ps 145:8-13 Rv 21:1-5a Jn 13:31-33a,34-35 5:00pm 6:30pm* 7:30am 9:00am 11:30am 1:15pm 5:30pm Mary Van Horn (D) by Pat Reiley Angel de Jesus Rodriguez (D) Elsy Rodriguez & Family William Heine (D) by Joe Johnston Jim Petrie (D) by Rita Harmey er Mr. & Mrs. Freddie Gaither (L) by Brad Carroll The intentions of the Priest/Las intenciones del Sacerdote For the people of Holy Cross/Por la gente de Holy Cross Monday/Lunes 4/29— Saint Catherine of Siena, virgin, doctor of the church Acts 14:5-18 Ps 115:1-5,15-16 Jn 14:21-26 9:15am 7:00pm Rose Marie & Harry Kelly (L) Ly nn King Norma Matthews (D) Knights Council #10355 Tuesday/Martes 4/30—Easter Weekday – Saint Pius V, pope Acts 14:19-28 Ps 145:10-13ab,21 Jn 14:27-31a 9:15am 7:00pm Julia DeReimer (D) by Patricia Krull The intentions of the Priest/Las intenciones del Sacerdote Wednesday/Miércoles 5/1—Easter Weekday – Saint Joseph the Worker Acts 15:1-6 Ps 122:1-5 Jn 15:1-8 9:15am 7:00pm* Tony Siso (D) by Connie Perez Juan M. Diaz (D) by Patricia Medinia Thursday/Jueves 5/2— Saint Athanasius, bishop, doctor of the Church Acts 15:7-21 Ps 96:1-3,10 Jn 15:9-11 9:15am 7:00pm The Altar Flowers may be given in me mory or honor of loved ones for a donation of $75. To schedule your altar Flower intentions please call Martha Murphy at 770-934-1464. Las flores del altar pueden ser dedicadas a una intención especial tal como cumpleaños, aniversario de muerte o de matrimonio etc. Si desea hacer su donación de $75, por favor llame a la oficina de la iglesia entre las 9:00am—1:00pm de lunes a viernes y procure por Monique. James Schillaci (D) by the Tanzosch Family Mark Egbuonu and Family (L) by Ogy Egbuonu Friday/Viernes 5/3—Saints Philip & James, Apostles 1 Cor 15:1-8 Ps 19:2-5 Jn 14:6-14 9:15am 7:30pm* Philip Schillaci (D) by the Tanzosch Family The intentions of the Priest/Las intenciones del Sacerdote Saturday/Sábado 5/4—Easter Weekday Acts 16:1-10 Ps 100:2,3,5 Jn 15:18-21 Lecturas para la semana del 28 de abril de 2013 Domingo: Hch 14, 21-27/Ap 21, 1-5/Jn 13, 31-33. 9:15am The intentions of the Priest/Las intenciones del Sacerdote 34-35 5:00pm For the people of Holy Cross/Por la gente de Holy Cross Lunes: Hch 14, 5-18/Jn 14, 21-26 6:30pm* Maria Lourdes Plazaola (D) by Lourdes Plazaola Martes: Hch 14, 19-28/Jn 14, 27-31 Miércoles: Hch 15, 1-6/Jn 15, 1-8 o Mt 13, 54-58 Sunday/Domingo 5/5—Sixth Sunday of Easter Jueves: Hch 15, 7-21/Jn 15, 9-11 Acts 15:1-2,22-29 Ps 67:2-3,5-6,8 Rv 21:10-14,22-23 Jn 14:23-29 Viernes: 1 Cor 15, 1-8/Jn 14, 6-14 7:30am Norma Matthews (D) by Cece Ritchie Sábado: Hch 16, 1-10/Jn 15, 18-21 9:00am Hue Bundrick (L) by Joe Johnston Domingo siguiente: Hch 15, 1-2. 22-29/Ap 21, 1011:30am Thomas Puthumana (D) by the Puthumana Family 14. 22-23/Jn 14, 23-29 1:15pm 5:30pm The intentions of the Priest/Las intenciones del Sacerdote Juan Garcia (D) by the Garcia Family *en español 7 OFFERTORY/OFERT ORIO April 20 & 21—$22,856.55 Thank you for your generosity. Gracias por tu generosidad. 2ND C OLL ECTION 4/28/13 Catholic Home Mission 5/5/13 Catholic Communications 5/12/13 St. Vincent de Paul 5/19/13 Friends of St. Martin Next week’s second collection Next week our parish will take up the Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). This Collection communicates the Good News through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through podcasts, television, radio, and print media. Half of all proceeds remain in our (arch)diocese, so please be generous in this Collection. CCC is how the Good News gets around to you. Segunda Colecta de la próxima semana La próxima semana, nuestra parroquia llevará a cabo la Colecta para la Campaña Católica de la Comunicación (CCC). Esta Colecta comunica la Buena Nueva mediante actividades católicas en las redes sociales y enriquece nuestra fe a través de podcasts, de la televisión, la radio y los medios impresos. La mitad de lo recaudado permanece en nuestra (arqui)diócesis así que, por favor, contribuyan generosamente a esta Colecta. Mediante la CCC, así compartimos la Buena Nueva con ustedes. Please pray for the repose of the soul of Please remember in your prayers/ Por favor recuerde en sus oraciones: Eleanor Wilson Sam Mure, Kathleen Wernecke, Don Spinner, Carla Crawford, Khoung Mai, Brenda Dixon, Rose Erbs, Jim Bergmann, Beth Butler, Irene Walton, Hemona Samuel, Sister Marilyn, Billie Ballard, Theresa Pinson, Leslie Russo, Paul Sorrells, Dennis DeVito, James Miller, Jr., Katie Lindquist, Maria Vargas, Margaret & Jean Clos, Peter Kruy, Leslie Long, Steve Jackson, Ann Giambruno, Carina Jimenez, Mitzy Jiles, Bruce Weaver, Zach Zambroske, Delores McLeod, Bill Zigler, TJ Kinard, Dot Brooks, Charlene and Randy Timmons, Rachel Blackwell, and Gloria Butler. mother of Debra Thiele May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Por favor recuerde siempre en sus oraciones las almas que han fallecido y ahora se encuentran en el Reino de los cielos. If you woul d like the name of a l oved one added to our published prayer list, pleas e call the c hurc h office at 770-939-3501, or email your request to offic e@holycr ossatlanta.org. Individuals will be kept on our prayer list for six weeks. Por fav or, llame a la oficina parroqui al a 770-939-3501 si des ea poner a un familiar en la lista de oraciones , o c uando la s alud de alguien mejore o si ellos necesitan ser removidos de la lista. Tambi én nos puede mandar un mensaj e por correo electrónic o a offic e@holycrossatl anta.org. 8 NEW RCIA CLASSES WILL B EGIN AUGUST 25 Rito de Iniciación DÍA DE INFORMACIÓN AGOSTO 18 COMIENZO DE CLASES AGOSTO 25 I NQ UIRY SESSIO NS: JULY 14 & AUG . 11 10:30 A. M. IN THE ASSEMBLY ROO M (NEXT TO TH E P ARISH HALL) &ULVWLDQDGH$GXOWRV ¢48((65,&$" El Rito de Iniciación, se destina a los adultos que, al oír el anuncio del misterio de Cristo, y b ajo la acción del Espíritu Santo en sus corazon es cons ciente y librem ente bus can al Dios vivo y emprenden el camino de la fe y de la conversión. Con la ayuda d e Dios se les p rovee de l a ayud a espiritual para su prep aración y para la recepción de los sacramentos en el momento oportuno. $UH<RX,QWHUHVWHG $UH<RX,QWHUHVWHG LQ%HFRPLQJ&DWKROLF" LQ%HFRPLQJ&DWKROLF" God creat ed us out of love, and wants us to freely love Him in return. After our fi rst parents sinned, the Father continued in His plan to draw us into full relationship with Him. This plan was accomplished by sending His only Son to free us from the slavery o f sin and reconcile us to Himself. ¿Estás interesado en conocer más acerca de la Iglesia Católica, la liturgia, tradición, etc...? Eres adulto y necesitas el Sacramento del Bautismo, Primera Comunión o la Confirmación. Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic tradition? Holy Cross will begin classes in August to share with others the truths of the Catholic faith and the fellowship of our Church family. ¡Nunca es tarde para recibirlos! Día de In formación es el 18 de agosto (10:30am-12:30pm) “O send out thy light and thy truth; let them lead me, let them bring me to thy holy hill and to thy dwelling!” – Psalm 43:3 “Hagan, pues, que brille su luz ante los hombres; que vean estas buenas obras, y por ello den gloria al Padre de ustedes que está en los Cielos.” – Mt 5:16 “You move us to delight in praising You; for You have formed us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in You.” – St. Augustine, “Confessions” Contact Cindy Durham: (770) 938-6511 or [email protected] www.holycrossatlanta.org/rcia Comuníquese con Aida Buzeta: (770) 939-3501 ext. 235 o abuzeta@holycross atlanta.org www.holycrossatlanta.org/rcia &DWHFKLVWDQG&DWHFKLVW$VVLVWDQWV1HHGHG IRU6FKRRO<HDU Our Religious Education program now serves over 800 children and youth from pre-k through 12 th grade. Next school year w e w ill be opening an additional elementary session on Sunday afternoons (3:45 – 5:15pm) for families that have children in more than one age group. (Elementary – Middle School Edge – High School-Life Teen) In order to do this w e need your help. We are looking for adults that are willing to share their Catholic faith w ith the young church. Our goal is to have tw o Catechist in each room and to meet this goal we need you. Please contact the Religious Education Office, 770-939-3501, ext. 233 or bgarv [email protected] to learn more about this opportunity. Summer training will be prov ided. If Sunday afternoon does not w ork in your schedule, w e w ill have openings on Sunday morning and Wednesday night as w ell as our Edge and Life Teen Programs can all use additional help. PLEASE consider v olunteering. 9 $UFKELV KRS*UHJRU\LQYLWHV\RXWRMR LQKLPDQG &DWKROLFVIURPDFURVVWKH$UFKGLRFHVHWRJDWKHU IRUWKLV \HDU·V (XFKDULVWLF&RQJUHVVDWWKH *HRUJLD,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQYHQWLR Q&HQWHU0D\ VWDQG-XQHVW,QWKLV <HDURI)DLWKZLWKWKH %OHVVHG0RWKHUDVRXUPRGHORIIDLWKSHUVRQLILHG WKHWKHPHRIWKH(XFKDULVWLF&RQJUHVV FRPHVIURPWKH*RVSHORI-RKQ´'R :KDWHYHU+H7HOOV<RXµ:HWDNHWKLV RSSRUWXQLW\WRUHFRQQHFWZLWKIULHQGVVSHQG TXLHWWLPHLQSUD\HUDQGOLVWHQWRG\QDPLF VSHDNHUVVXFKDV$UFKELV KRS&DUOR0DULD 9LJDQR'U6FRWW+DKQ0DUFHOOLQR'·$PEURVLR DQG'U(OL]DEHWK/HY 92/817((561(('('(XFKDULVWLF&RQJUHVV 0DU\DQGWKH<HDURI)DLWK´'R:KDWHYHU +H7HOOV <RXµ7KH(XFKDULVWLF&RQJUHVVFRPHV HDUO\WKLV\HDUWRWKH*HRUJLD,QWHUQDWLRQDO &RQYHQWLR Q&HQWHU)ULGD\0D\VW²6DWXUGD\ -XQHVW3OHDVHSUD\HUIXOO\FRQVLGHUJLYLQJWLPH DVDYROXQWHHU«\RXUJHQHURVLW\ZLOOEHPXFK DSSUHFLDWHG9ROXQWHHUUHJLV WUDWLRQFORVHVDVRI $SULOWKVRWKDWSODQVPD\EHPDGHDFFRUGLQJ WRWKHQXPEHURIYROXQWHHUVFRPPLWWHGDWWKDW WLPH0RUHLQIRUPDWLRQDQGYROXQWHHU UHJLV WUDWLRQIRUPVDUHDYDLODEOH\RXUSDUWLFXODU SDULVKVFKRROLQIRUPDWLRQKHUHRUUHJLVWHURQ OLQHXVLQJWKHOLQNDWZZZDUFKDWOFRPFRQJUHVV (O$U]RELVSR*UHJRU\WHLQYLWDDXQLUVHDpO\D ORVFDWyOLFRVGHWRGDOD$UTXLGLyFHVLVDO&RQJUHVR (XFDUtVWLFRHQHO&HQWURGH&RQYHQFLRQHV ,QWHUQDFLRQDOGH*HRUJLDHOGH PD\R\GH MXQLRGHHVWHDxR(QHVWHDxRGHODIHFRQOD 9LUJHQ0DUtDFRPR PRGHORGHIHSHUVRQLILFDGD HOWHPDGHOD&RQJUHVR(XFDUtVWLFRYLHQH GHO(YDQJHOLRGH-XDQ+DFHORTXHpORV GLJD$SURYHFKDPRVHVWDRSRUWXQLGDGSDUD UHHQFRQWUDUPHFRQDPLJRVSDVDUXQUDWR WUDQTXLORHQRUDFLyQ\HVFXFKDUDORVRUDGRUHV FRPRDU]RELVSR&DUOR0DUtD9LJDQR'U6FRWW +DKQ0DUFHOOLQR' $PEURVLR\'U(OL]DEHWK /HY 6(1(&(6,7$192/817$5,26(O&RQJUHVR (XFDUtVWLFRGHO0DUtD\HODxRGHODIH +DFHORTXHpORVGLJD(O&RQJUHVR(XFDUtVWLFR YLHQHWHPSUDQRHVWHDxRDO&HQWURGH &RQYHFFLRQHV,QWHUQDFLRQDOGH*HRUJLDHO YLHUQHVGHPD\R\HOViEDGRGHMXQLR3RU IDYRUFRQVLGHUHGDUVXWLHPSRFR PR YROXQWDULRVXJHQHURVLGDGVHUiPX\ DSUHFLDGD5HJLVWURGHYROXQWDULRVVHFLHUUDD SDUWLUGHOGHDEULOSDUDTXHORVSODQHVVH SXHGHQKDFHUVHJ~QHOQ~PHURGHYROXQWDULRV FRPSUR PHWLGRVHQDTXHOPR PHQWR0iV LQIRUPDFLyQ\UHJLV WURGHYROXQWDULRVIRUPD HVWiQGLVSRQLEOHVVXLQIRUPDFLyQGHSDUWLFXODU SDUURTXLDOHVFRODUDTXtRHOUHJLVWURRQOLQHFRQ HOHQODFHHQZZZDUFKDWOFR PFRQJUHVV Adoration Visita a Jesús Sacramentado Come Let Us Adore Him “Jesús está expuesto en la capilla de lunes a sábado todo el día. Si deseas hacer tu visita puedes venir a la hora que puedas. La iglesia y nuestra parroquia necesita de tus oraciones. Si te interesa tomar una hora estable de adoración, te puedes comunicar con: Letic ia Oñate, 770-360-9786. Jesus asks, “Could you not stay...w ith me for even an hour?” Mt. 26:40. He invites all of us to spend one quiet hour each w eek in the adoration chapel. Please direct your inquiries to Kay Warthman at 770-493-1345. 10 Military Support Ministry Ministerio de Apoyo de las Tropas The Holy Cross Troop Support Ministry continues to support our servicemen and women deployed to Afghanistan. The next collection will be the weekend of May 4 & 5. A list of needed items may be found in the gathering area. Monetary donations are welcome to pay for postage and to purchase other needed items. Expired coupon collection will be suspended until September. Thank you for your donations. If you have names and addresses of family or friends who are deployed, please send them to [email protected] or [email protected]. El Ministerio de Apoyo de las Tropas sigue ayudando a nuestros soldados y mujeres desplegadas en Afganistán. La próxima colecta para este ministerio es el 4 y 5 de mayo. Una lista de cosas necesarias pueden encontrarse en la entrada de la iglesia. Se agradece donaciones de dinero pues esto ayuda con los costos de gastos de envío. Si tiene a familiares o amigos desplegados en estos lugares mande el nombre y dirección a [email protected] o [email protected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he window is closing f or taxpay ers to make contributions to GRACE Scholars in 2013. As of Friday, Apr. 7, the Georgia Department of Rev enue had approved 56 percent of the $52.4 million av ailable f or education tax credits. That was an increase of nearly $11 million in approvals ov er the prev ious two week period. GRACE Scholars rejoices in the record breaking high volume of donations so far in 2013. If you hav en’t given in 2013, GRACE urges you to take steps now to secure your tax credit approval. Please remember that y ou hav e 60 days f rom the date of approval to complete your gift. If y ou wish to be part of the GRACE mov ement, please contact the GRACE office at 404-920-7900 or [email protected] f or f orms and information or visit the updated website, www.gracescholars.org. Go ahead. Share GRACE