Utá|Ä|vt Éy à{x \ÅÅtvâÄtàx VÉÇvxÑà|ÉÇ Founded in 1854 Very Rev. Edward Murphy — Pastor Fr. Carlos Lopera—- Associate Pastor Deacon Lawrence Geinosky —Pastoral Associate 121 East Duval Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 Phone (904) 359-0331 Fax (904) 356-8133 Email: [email protected] Website: www.icjax.org July 31, 2016 Parish Activity Schedule SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday 12:10 pm (Fulfills the Sunday obligation) Sunday 8:00 a.m. (Tridentine) 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. (Spanish) WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday Through Saturday 7:30 a.m. and 12:10 p.m. CONFESSIONS: 30 minutes Before all Masses. MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA Every Monday at 7:15 & noon. HOLY ROSARY: Monday-Friday, after the 7:30 a.m. Mass and Saturday at 11:30 a.m. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. MARRIAGE PREPARATION: All couples planning to be married should consult with their priest a minimum of eight to twelve months in advance to determine which program they should attend. Sunday 12:00 People of the Parish Monday 7:30 12:10 Tuesday 7:30 12:10 Wednesday 7:30 12:10 Thursday Friday Saturday 7:30 Al, special By: Maria Francis Campos By: Sister Alana +Jane M. Shannon By: Laura & Jeffrey Smiley +Marie Louise Eurilia Merise By: Mary Joseph +Don Simons By: Daughter-in-law +Geoffrey Lowther By: Brother +Charles Morin By: Granddaughter 12:10 +Diane Zuk By: Weldon Family 7:30 + Clarence David Myers, Jr. By: Lynette Matyi 12:10 Anne Marie Faith Ossi, Thanksgiving for her life By: Ossi Family 7:30 +June Mahoney By: Alisa Craddock 12:10 Our Lady of Penafracia By: Caba Family TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Do not spend your life toiling for material gain (Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23). Psalm — If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts (Psalm 90). Second Reading — Christ has raised you to new life, so seek now what is above (Colossians 3:1-5, 9-11). Gospel — Be on guard against all greed, for your life does not consist of earthly possessions, but of the riches of the reign of God (Luke 12:13-21). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. THE SECOND COLLECTION TODAY Is for: Hall Renovations Next week: Black and Native Americans EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 31, 2016 Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart. Psalm 90:12 Latin Mass Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost REMINDERS LARGE CANDLE: The large candles on the left of St. Theresa’s statue are for use in the Church and are $3.00 each. CHOIR: Practice will resume on September14, 2016. The first Tuesday and the third Wednesday 7-8:30p.m.. We welcome those who want to share their talents in singing the Lord’s praises. Contact: Jerry Picard 374-4647 CCD: Classes will resume at the end of the Summer DRE: Deacon Larry Geinosky 904-657-6524 [email protected] R.C.I.A: Anyone interested in learning more about the Catholic faith leading to full initiation into the Church at next year’s Easter vigil, should contact Deacon Lawrence Geinosky at 904-657-6524 . Class held every Sunday at 8:45 a.m. in the Leon Hall EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: After the 7:30 a.m. Mass on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Volunteers needed. FIRST FRIDAY SERVICES: All night Vigil every 1st Friday, beginning at 8:00 p.m. with Rosary/Confessions; Tridentine Mass - at 8:30 p.m.; Exposition of Blessed Sacrament at 9:30 p.m..; Vigil at 9:45 p.m.; Benediction at 7:00 a.m. ALLIANCE OF TWO HEARTS: Meets 4th Saturday, 8:30 a.m. in the Chapel of Leon Hall. HOLY ROSARY: Monday to Friday, after the 7:30 a.m. Mass, and Saturdays at 11:30 a.m. WOMAN’S COUNCIL: If interested, please contact Amanda Lane SAINT PADRE PIO PRAYER GROUP: 2ND Saturday of each month. 9 a.m. Meeting / 10am Adoration Chapel. please contact Carol at 904.302.2926 or [email protected] ST. RAPHAEL’S ARMY SINGLE GROUP: Parish Singles for faith/community/volunteerism 1st Tues. of the month at 5:45 in Leon Hall. Contact Joanne Mackey at 536 - 0534. EMMAUS- YOUNG ADULTS –Tuesdays 7-9 pm in Leon hall Contact :Emily Gehret 904-465-1501 AUGUST SAINT OF MERCY ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE HITTING IT BIG Raymund Kolbe was ordained a Franciscan priest in 1918, taking the name Maximilian. After studying in Rome, Maximilian returned to Poland. During World War II, Father Kolbe hid as many as 2,000 Jewish people and Poles in his Polish monastery. In 1941, Maximilian was arrested by the Nazis, who sent him to Auschwitz. When several prisoners escaped, the commander picked 10 men to be starved as punishment. Franciszek Gajowniczek, a husband and father, was one of these. Fr. Kolbe offered his life in this man’s place. When Kolbe outlived many of the men, he was killed by lethal injection. In 1982, Pope St. John Paul II canonized Maximilian Kolbe as a “martyr of charity.” Present at the ceremony was Gajowniczek, who had lived 54 years after St. Maximilian had taken his place in death. It seems to be commonly accepted nowadays that everyone wants to win the lottery, hit the slots big at the casino, or be a millionaire. This attitude is akin to what the first hearers of the parable of the successful farmer would have thought: Why, of course he’d want to find a way to preserve his good fortune for the future, to secure for himself a life of leisure, eating, drinking, and merriment. It’s exactly the kind of life that the right ticket, hand of cards, or quiz show answer might bring us today. Being surrounded by this “common wisdom” makes the words of Qoheleth, the psalmist, Paul, and Jesus all that much harder to hear today. Perhaps good fortune will be ours, perhaps it will not be. But if we make that fortune or the quest for it the heart, the very center, of our lives, then we will live to regret it. We will not achieve the future security we pursue, and we will lose the present moment in the chase. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASS AUGUST MESSAGE OF MERCY Religious Ed classes will begin Sunday, September 11th. Registration for classes will start in August. “Show us, LORD, your mercy; grant us your salvation.” Psalm 85: 8 ¡Manifiéstanos, Señor, tu misericordia y danos tu salvación! Salmos 85:8 We will be looking for new and returning catechists to sign up for the new school year. Please contact Deacon Larry at (904) 657-6524 if you are interested. ANUNCIOS GENERALES DE LA BASÍLICA: Misas Dominicales: 2:00pm en español Confesiones: Media hora antes de la Misa. Se puede también hacer cita llamando a la Basílica. . Matrimonio: contactar al sacerdote 6 a 8 meses antes. . Clases de Bautismo , 1er Domingo del Mes. Bautismos: Ultimo Domingo, Eucaristía, Confirmación de Adutos: contactar Noé (904)887-9216. Mayor información: Carmen o Tony Mckinnon: (904) 629-1591- (904)312-1372 . VOLUNTARIOS: Necesitamos voluntarios para recoger las ofrendas durante la misa los Domingos, si está interesado por favor comunicarse con cualquier servidor . . PRIMERA COMUNION Y CONFIRMACION Ya están abiertas las inscripciones para las clases de la primera comunión y la confirmación, por favor llene sus formularios a tiempo. . El Papa Francisco ha hablado más de una vez sobre la necesidad para la Iglesia Católica de valorizar el papel de la mujer, pero siempre ha evitado presentar esta valorización como una forma de “clericalización” de las mujeres. “Es algo que no sé de dónde ha salido –dijo en diciembre de 2013, en la entrevista con La Stampa a propósito de unas declaraciones sobre mujeres cardenales- Las mujeres en la Iglesia deben estar valorizadas, no ‘clericalizadas’. Quien piensa en mujeres cardenales sufre un poco de clericalismo”. En septiembre de 2001, el entonces prefecto de la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe, Joseph Ratzinger, junto con los cardenales Medina Estévez, (Prefecto del Culto divino) y Castrillón Hoyos (prefecto para el Clero) firmaron una breve carta, aprobada por el Papa Wojtyla, en la que se afirmaba que “no es lícito poner en acto iniciativas que en cualquier modo pretendan preparar candidatas al orden sacerdotal”. El texto se refería al orden diaconal como sacramento y primer grado del sacerdocio. Nuevos estudios sobre el diaconado femenino en la iglesia de los primeros siglos, su papel y deberes confrontados con el diaconado masculino, podrían abrir nuevas posibilidades y nuevas formas de servicio consagrado más allá de las órdenes religiosas femeninas ya existentes. Join hundreds of men from around the diocese on Saturday, August 6th, for a powerful and challenging day of inspiration and renewal with daily Mass and presentations by Bishop Felipe Estévez, Br Rahl Bunsa, Brs. Angelus and Innocent Montgomery, Hector Molina, and Brian Sexton as emcee! Tickets are only $25 until July 31st ! After July 31st , the cost will be $35 until the day of the event. There is a special rate of $15 available for high school youth, ages 14 - 18. Go to https://dcfl.org/mensconference/ to purchase tickets. You can also check out a special witness talks by searching “Jacksonville men’s conference” on google, and share this with other men you know. See you there! READINGS FOR THE WEEK Jer 28:1-17; Ps 119:29, 43, 79, 80, 95, 102; Mt 14:13-21 Tuesday: Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23; Mt 14:22-36 or Mt 15:1-2, 10-14 Wednesday: Jer 31:1-7; Jer 31:10, 11-12ab, 13; Mt 15:21-28 Thursday: Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 16:13-23 Friday: Na 2:1, 3; 3:1-3, 6-7; Dt 32:35cd-36ab, 39abcd, 41; Mt 16:24-28 Saturday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Lk 9:28b-36 Sunday: Wis 18:6-9; Ps 33:1, 12, 18-22; Hb 11:1-2, 8-19 [1-2, 8-12]; Lk 12:32-48 [35-40] Monday: NEW PARISHIONERS If you wish to register as a parishioner of Immaculate Conception Church, please complete the following and drop it into the offertory collection basket. Please indicate if you wish to receive offertory envelopes. Name: Address: “La Iglesia necesita que las mujeres entren en el proceso de toma de decisiones. También que puedan guiar un departamento en el Vaticano”, ha afirmado el Papa Francisco respondiendo, a seis preguntas que le hicieron durante el encuentro con 900 religiosas de todo el mundo. City & Zip Code: Continuará!... !..... Offertory Envelopes YES__________ Telephone No. NO______________ HALL RENOVATION The Hall Renovation: monthly payment $3,547.59 Collected so far this month - 1,835.50 1,712.09 SIDEWALK ADVOCATES FOR LIFE Are you interested in a peaceful, prayerful method of reaching out to women and men entering the local abortion facility and helping them to choose life? If so, Sidewalk Advocates for Life might be for you! This “sidewalk counseling” program uses a very compassionate, woman-oriented method to save lives and help woman in unplanned pregnancies by offering them more life-affirming options. Our next training will be held on Sat Aug 13, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Holy Family Catholic Church, 9800 Baymeadows Rd. 32256. If you would like to learn this method and check out our program, please contact the Program Director at (904) 382-2619 More information at or email [email protected]. www.sidewalkadvocates.org! SEPARATED AND DIVORCED MINISTRIES DCCW ANNUAL LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP support, empower, educate St. Augustine Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Save the Date For the Annual Leadership Workshop Saturday, August 13, 2016 Open to all CCW Members Elected Officers and Commission and Committee Chairs are encouraged to attend!!! 9:30 am to 2:30 pm The day includes coffee and goodies, lunch, handouts, presentations, and break outs and the day is free. Just make a reservation!! Jackie Agate [email protected] or 904.273.5532 and leave a message. Sacred Heart 7190 U.S. Highway 17 South Fleming Island, FL IT’S JUST FUN is a ministry of the Diocese of St. Augustine for single and single-again Catholics, 35+. Join us each month in a variety of family, social, spiritual, outdoor, community service & educational activities. For more information, visit www.itsjustfun.org. REBUILDING WHEN YOUR RELATIONSHIP ENDS is an educational seminar, created by Dr. Bruce Fisher, for those adjusting to the end of a love relationship and is being offered by the Diocesan Center for Family Life. Rebuilding is an ecumenical, comprehensive guide through the process of dealing with single-again status. The next class begins on Thursday, Sep. 15 and continues every Thursday through Nov. 17. Classes are held at 7:00 p.m. at the Catholic Center in Jacksonville. Cost is $40. Call (904) 308-7474 or visit www.dcfl.org. 2016 WORRY Don’t tell me that worry doesn’t do any good. I know better. The things I worry about never happen. Anonymous Diocese Goal Amount Pledged $3,250,000 $4,688,679 Immaculate Conception Pledge $62,815 Amount Paid $54,928 2015 $3,000,000 $4,385,986 $72,082 $61,857 CATHOLICS IN RECOVERY meets on the first Thursday of every month at 7p.m. at Assumption Church, 2403 Atlantic Blvd., . Enjoy fellowship with men and women who join to celebrate Mass, gather for a meal, and share the experience, strength and hope of their individual journeys. For more information, visit www.catholicsinrecovery.org. TV AND ONLINE MASS FOR THE HOMEBOUND Is someone you love unable to get to church? “My Sunday Mass” will bring spiritual comfort and joy for the homebound. For the Sunday time and channel guide, visit: www.MySundayMass.org. Please Note: For those who can get to church, the TV/online liturgy will not meet the Sunday Mass obligation. Thank you for spreading the word about Mass for the homebound! Please join us in praying the Rosary each Sunday in front of the Church at 9:30 am. DIVINE MERCY HOUSE THRIFT STORE We pray the rosary for our country. We are praying for religious freedom, the right to live for all human beings, and for peace around the world. EUCHARIST: THE ULTIMATE COMMUNICATION OF DIVINE MERCY by Fr. Leonard Chuwa Come to Marywood Retreat and Conference Center on Monday, Sept. 12 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for a presentation by Father Leonard Chuwa, AJ. Father Chuwa’s talk entitled, “Eucharist: The Ultimate Communication of Divine Mercy” will reflect on how being the face of God’s mercy Jesus communicates Himself fully in the mystery of the Eucharist. As Jesus’ disciples, all Christians are called to be like Christ, to be mercy. The Eucharist is communion with Christ’s mystical body and a covenant to be as merciful as our Heavenly Father is merciful. Both aspects of the Great Commandment of Love can only be understood from the perspective of Divine Mercy and empathy. How are we going to be students in Christ’s school of mercy? Cost is $20 and includes lunch. To register call (904) 2872525 or email [email protected]. NEEDS VOLUNTEERS The Divine Mercy House Thrift Store is in desperate need of volunteers. If you can spare a few hours a week or more, we can use your help! Don’t forget high school teens can get their volunteer hours easily during the summer months. Call us at (904) 268-9968. We will be waiting for your call. The Thrift Store is at 11018 Old St Augustine Rd, Suite 140, Jacksonville 32257. Basilica Bookstore and Gift Shop Check out our Pre-Owned Book sale! All books just $2.00 TO REPORT SEXUAL ABUSE Attention: The Diocese of Saint Augustine treats all allegations of sexual misconduct seriously and deals with all allegations in a prompt, confidential and thorough manner. To Report Abuse Call: Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator (904) 262-3200, ext. 129, or Department of Children and Families, 1-800-96Abuse. Attencion: La Diocesis de San Augustine le da seria consideración a toda acusasion de mala conducta sexual y dispone de todos dichos casos de manera pronta, completa y confidencial. Para reportar tal abuso, llame a: Coordinador Diocesano de Auxilio a Victimas (904) 262-3200, ext. 129 o Departamento de Ninos y Familias del Estado de la Florida 1-800-90Abuse (1-800-962-2873) Do you have old religious books at home? Drop them off at the bookstore so that others can benefit from the spiritual PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH Julia R. Martinez, Rosanne Pafford (Fr. Murphy’s sister), Jocelyn Battisti, Joseph Fore, Jimmy Ossi, Joey Gill, Jennifer Spain & Family, Pauline Jones, Christine Cassara, Terra Watkins, Nicholas Everhart, Pauline Stichweh, Georgette Pidal, Kate Cronk, Juanita Rall, Nelta Nzuzu, Andrew Gilligan, Tammy Havey, Lucinda Bennett, Carol Harden, Barry Beasley, Joseph Charles, Dorothy Hartman, Ruben Parra, Lois Placke, Raymond Tubel ,Colby Larsen, James Simonelli,, Sara Jones, Kristin Eaker, Don & Carol Lucus, Judy Pamula, Rosa Broadnax, Marie Walker, Harry P. , Iris D. ,Tony Strong PRAY FOR THE DECEASED OF OUR PARISH Fr. Antonio Leon, Mary Pappas, Augusto Suarez, Pat Mastroleo, Annetta Jones, Fayvette Randall, Tom Pappas, Betty (B.J.) Johnson, Julius Osuagwu, John Williams, , Rosa Maria Fluriach, Nick Debs; John Lopez, Kelly La Duke, Lorraine Carroll, Elizabeth Yeager, Ray Godfrey Lewis, Mary Pinkston, Carolyn Bautista, Daniel Urbanus, John M. Sesnick, Ella Marie Nowicki, Minnie Thompson, George Helow, Austin Steele, William Sundmacker, Harold Tarkington, Richard Overholt, Juan Martinez, Serafina Kinnare, George Kenefake, Willie Cote, Rosa Smith, Stan Mazur, Jean Floyd, Dan Selhorst,Tena DeSalvo, Edgardo Obenza, Charles Dalton, Thomas Mumford, Flo Thibault, Richard Brazo, Sr., Jose Pellon, Larry Murray, Betty Ann Salvatore, Chuck Brean, George Kowkabany, June Mahoney, Alberta Zito, Regino Soto, Eugene Pagliocca, Daniel Balogh, Robert Gillespy, Zena Filo, Richard Kopec, Marleen Walenberger, John Broadnax, Dr. Isabella K. Sharpe, Joann Bastien, Terry Thomas, Concepcion Martin, Joanie Griadek, Lella Serbi,,Crisenta Bacolor, Rudy DeGuzman, Orlando Bacolor, Mitch Nowicki & Palma Nowicki, Leo Charles, Isaias Bautista, Don & Lucy Drinkwater, Shawn Boschen, George Deihl, Graciela Goebertus, Rita & Lynne Tibbitts, Lucille Sherrer, Freddie McClain, Nieves Solares SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Alphonsus Liguori St. Eusebius of Vercelli; St. Peter Julian Eymard St. John Vianney Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major; First Friday The Transfiguration of the Lord; First Saturday Church Name: Immaculate Conception Bulletin No. 022572 Contact: Patricia (904) 359-0331 OS: Windows 7 Software: Publisher 2007 Adobe 9 Special instructions: 550pcs