Vicente Javier Clemente Suárez Correo electrónico

NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS: Vicente Javier Clemente Suárez Correo electrónico: [email protected] PUESTO: ASIGNATURAS IMPARTIDAS: GRADO MÁXIMO ACADÉMICO: (indicar si se es acreditado) FORMACIÓN ACADÉMICA COMPLETA: EXPERIENCIA PROFESIONAL RELEVANTE: ÁREA/S DE INVESTIGACIÓN: (+Proyectos con financiación interna/externa) PUBLICACIONES (últimos 5 años) Profesor Entrenamiento Deportivo Planificación, monitorización y control del entrenamiento Doctor Profesor ayudante Doctor Licenciado CC. Actividad Física y el Deporte. Itinerario Rendimiento Deportivo (UCLM) CAP (UCLM) DEA (UCLM) Doctorado Rendimiento Deportivo (UCLM, UEX) Postdoct (UP) 4 años y medio personal investigador Laboratorio Entrenamiento Deportivo (UCLM) 2 años investigador contratado doctor (UP) 8 años Director Técnico Equipo triatlón Tritoledo 11 años Entrenador Equipo triatlón Tritoledo 11 años Entrenador Club Atletismo Torrejoncillo  Respuesta Psico‐fisiológica en combate  Efectividad del modelo de periodización inversa de entrenamiento en deportes cíclicos Author: Clemente, V Title: The women's gymnastics in Greece (La gimnasia femenina en Grecia) Journal: Educación y Deporte Issue: 14 Year: 2009 pages: 13‐16 Author: Clemente, V Title: Sport in Babylonia. (Babilonia y el deporte) Journal: Educación y Deporte Issue: 7 Year: 2008 pages: 24‐28 Author: Clemente, V Title: Physical training in Greece (Entrenamiento deportivo en Grecia) Journal: Educación y Deporte Issue: 8 Year: 2008 pages: 20‐23 Author: Clemente, V Title: The preliminary training of Elis (Los entrenamientos preliminares de Elis) Journal: Educación y Deporte Issue: 9 Year: 2009 pages: 19‐21 Author: Clemente, V Title: The sports diet in Greece (La dieta deportiva en Grecia) Journal: Educación y Deporte Issue: 10 Year: 2009 pages 18 ‐22 Author: Clemente, V Title: The fall of the Olympics (La caida de las olimpiadas) Journal: Educación y Deporte Issue: 11 Year: 2009 pages: 19‐22 Author: Clemente, V Title: The Olympic Truce (La tregua olímpica) Journal: Educación y Deporte Issue: 13 Year: 2009 pages: 10‐15 Author: Clemente, V Title Pierre de Coubertin and the revival of the Olympic Games (Piere de Coubertin y el renacimiento de las olimpiadas) Journal: Educación y Deporte Issue: 15 Year: 2009 pages: 15‐17 Author: Clemente, V Title: Launch pattern development in 7 years children’s. Journal: Issue: 133 Year: 2009 pages: Author: Clemente, V Title: Differences in performance laboratory test on a female triathlete with and without menstruation Journal: Issue: 134 Year: 2009 pages: Author: Clemente, V Title: Anthropometric Changes after maximal strength training for hypertrophy in elite female triathletes Journal: Issue: 135 Year: 2009 pages: Author: Clemente, V Title: Transitions, biomechanical, physiological and performance effects in the succession of the disciplines of triathlon. Journal: Issue: 136 Year: 2009 pages: Author: Clemente, V. Trigo, R. Title: Fatigue of nervous system after a 200 km relay ultraendurance race. Journal: Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte Issue: 5 Year: 2010 pages: 33‐38 Author: Vicente Clemente Suárez, Víctor Muñoz, Domingo Ramos Campo, Fernando Navarro, José María González‐
Ravé Title: Muscle destruction, heart rate, lactate and perceived exertion in an ultra‐endurance 24h relay race. Journal: Motricidad. European Journal of Human Movement Issue: 24 Year: 2010 pages: 1‐21 Author: Clemente V, Martínez A, Muñoz V, González JM
Title: Fatigue of nervous system after an incremental maximal oxygen consumption test. Journal: Archivos de Medicina del Deporte Issue: 137 Year: 2010 pages: 107‐118 Author: Clemente V, González JM Title: Changes in body composition after a 1700 km mountain bike ultraendurance race Journal: Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte Issue: 5 Year: 2010 pages: 95‐99 Author: Clemente V, Muñoz V, Ramos D, Juárez D, Navarro F, González JM Title: Changes in biochemical parameters after a 20 hour ultra‐endurance kayak and cycling event. Journal: International Sportmed Journal Issue: 12(1) Year: 2011 pages: 1‐6 Author: Clemente V, González JM Title: Analysis of selected physiological performance determinants and muscle damage in a 24‐hour ultra‐
endurance relay race Journal: International Sportmed Journal Issue: 12(4) Year: 2011 pages: 179‐186 Author: Clemente V, Ramos D, González JM Title: Modifications to body composition after running an alpine marathon Journal: International Sportmed Journal Issue: 12(3) Year: 2011 pages: 133‐40 Author: Clemente V, Title: Nervous system fatigue after a maximum incremental cycling test. Journal: Journal of Sport and Health Research Issue: 3(1) Year: 2011 pages: 27‐34 Author: González, JM., Arija, A., Clemente V Title: Seasonal changes in jump performance and body composition of Spanish women volleyball players Journal: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Issue: 25(6) Year: 2011 pages: 1492‐1501 Author: Clemente V Title: Fatigue of nervous system after a 30 'time trial of young cyclists. Journal: Motricidad. European Journal of Human Movement Issue: 25 Year: 2010 pages: 1‐21 Author: Clemente V, Martín S, Porres J, Fuentes S, Aranda P Title: Effect of vitamin E supplementation on incremental test to maximal oxygen consumption in Wistar rats performance. Journal: Archivos de Medicina del Deporte Issue: 143 Year: 2011 pages: 103‐112 Author: Clemente V, Muñoz V, Melús M. Title: Fatigue of nervous system after performing a test of repeated sprint ability (RSA) in professional soccer players. Journal: Archivos de Medicina del Deporte Issue: 143 Year: 2011 pages: 174‐180 Author: Clemente V, Gonzalez, J. Title: 4 weeks of training with different aerobic workload distributions ‐ effect on aerobic performance Journal: European Journal of Sport Science Issue: iFirstarticle Year: 2011 pages: 1‐7 Author: Gonzalez, J, Juarez, D, Clemente V, Muñoz V, Diaz G, Carrasco M, Navarro F. Title: Analysis of the maximum power specified in swimmers of different levels Journal: Revista de Entrenamiento Deportivo Issue: 3 Year: 2011 pages: 11‐15 Author: Clemente V, Muñoz V, Martinez A. Title: Fatigue of nervous system after performing a test of repeated sprint ability (RSA) in youth category soccer players Journal: Apunts. Medicina de l’esport. Issue: 46(172) Year: 2011 pages: 177‐182 Author: Clemente V, Juarez D, Huerta, C. Title: Nervous system fatigue after performing a test of maximal strength in squat Journal: Athletic Training Journal Issue: 3 Year: 2011 pages: 5‐9 Author: Clemente V. Title: Changes in biochemical parameters after a mountain marathon. Journal: Motricidad. European Journal of Human Movement Issue: 27 Year: 2011 pages: 75‐83 Author: Ramos D, Martinez F, Esteba P, Rubio J, Clemente V, Mendizaba S, Jimenez F. Title: Hematological changes produced by eight weeks intermittent hypoxia program in cyclists. Journal: Archivos de Medicina del Deporte Issue: 145 Year: 2011 pages: 319‐330 Author: Clemente, V., Robles, J. Title: Analysis of physiological markers, cortical activation and manifestations of force in a simulated combat Journal: Archivos de Medicina del Deporte Issue: 149 Year: 2012 pages: 594‐600 Author: Clemente, V. Title: Effect on basal spyrometric of three programs to develop aerobic endurance of 4 weeks duration in athletes Journal: Journal of sport and health research Issue: Accepted Year: 2012 pages: Author: Clemente, V. Title: Acute Effects on the central nervous system after a simulated time trial cyclists cadets Journal: Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte Issue: 5(1) Year: 2012 pages: 8‐11 Author: Clemente, V., Robles, J. Title: Organic Response in a simulated combat Journal: Sanidad Militar Issue: 68(2) Year: 2012 pages: 97‐100 Author: Clemente, V., Ravé, J., Navarro, F. Title: Short‐term periodized aerobic training does not attenuate strength capacity or jump performance in middle‐aged endurance athletes Journal: Acta Physiologica Hungarica Issue: Acepted Year: 2012 pages: Author: Clemente, V., Robles, J. Title: Mechanical, physical and physiological analysis of symmetrical and asymmetrical combat Journal: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Issue: 27(9) Year: 2013 pages: 2420‐2426 Author: Clemente, V., Robles, J. Title: Psycho‐physiological response of soldiers in urban combat Journal: Annals of Psychology Issue: 29(2) Year: 2013 pages: 598‐603 Author: Juarez, D, Gonzalez, J, Legaz, A, Portillo, J, Clemente V, Newton, R. Title: Acute effects of two resisted exercises on 25m swimming performance Journal: Isokinetics and Exercise Science Issue: 21(1) Year: 2013 pages: 29‐35 Author: Ramos, D., Sánchez, A., Robles‐Pérez, J., Montañez, P., Clemente‐Suárez, V.J. Title: Technical efficiency in shackled actions after a short audiovisual training session Journal: The Open Sports Sciences Journal Issue: Accepted Year: 2013 pages: Author: Jimenez, J., Ramos, D., Rubio, J., Martinez, F., Esteban, P., Clemente‐Suárez, V.J., Villa, J.G. Title: Body composition and cardiorespiratory response of male and female soldiers during a simulated attack maneuver Journal: The Open Sports Sciences Journal Issue: Accepted Year: 2013 pages: Author: Robles, J., Aguirre, J.A., Montañez, P., Ramos, D., Clemente‐Suárez, V.J. Title: Technical analyses of close quarter combat with rifle
Journal: The Open Sports Sciences Journal Issue: Accepted Year: 2013 pages: Author: Aguirre, J., Clemente‐Suárez, V.J., Montañez, P., Robles, J. Title: Efficacy of experimental intense rifle fencing training Journal: The Open Sports Sciences Journal Issue: Accepted Year: 2013 pages: Author: Arroyo‐Toledo, J., Clemente‐Suárez, V.J., González‐Ravé, J.M. Title: The effects of ten weeks block and reverse periodization training on swimming performance and body composition of moderately trained female swimmers. Journal: Journal of Swimming Research Issue: 21(1) Year: 2013 pages: Author: J. Jaime Arroyo‐Toledo, Vicente J. Clemente, José OTROS MÉRITOS: María González‐Rave, Domingo J. Ramos Campo & Andrew D. Sortwell Title: Comparison Between Traditional And Reverse Periodization: Swimming Performance And Specific Strength Values Journal: International Journal of Swimming Kinetics Issue: 2(1) Year: 2013 pages: 87‐96 Author: Melús Rojas, Miguel ;Clemente Suárez, Vicente . Title: Cortical and physiological response during a maximal incremental test ISBN: 978‐3659‐06216‐2 Year: 2012 Editorial: Editorial Académica Española Type of production: Book City: Saarbrücken Author: Clemente Suárez, Vicente Javier ; Robles Perez, Jose. Title: Psycho‐Physiological response on different combat situations. ISBN: 978‐3‐659‐04904‐0 Year: 2012 Editorial: Editorial Académica Española Type of production: Book City: Saarbrücken Author: Clemente Suárez, Vicente Javier. Title: Organic response in a 24h ultraendurance event.. ISBN: 978‐3‐659‐05484‐6 Year: 2012 Editorial: Editorial Académica Española Type of production: Book City: Saarbrücken Author: Clemente Suárez, Vicente Javier. Title: Effects of the distribution, organization and sequence of different training tasks to improve endurance performance URL: Year: 2011 Editorial: RUIdera. Repositorio universitario institucional de recursos abiertos Type of production: Book Country: Spain Author: Clemente Suárez, Vicente Javier; Arroyo‐Toledo, Juan Jaime. Title: Autonomic adaption after High‐intensity Interval Training. In: ISBN: Year: 2013 Editorial: Type of production: Chapter in book City: Estancia predoctoral Universidad Granada, Facultad Farmacia 2 años docencia: Entrenamiento Deportivo, Planificación, control y Valoración del entrenamiento deportivo y Natación de Alto Rendimiento Cinturon negro 1 DAN Judo Entrenador Nacional Natación Entrenador Nacional Triatlon Coodirector 4 Tesinas en ECEF (2 premios mejor tesina) 