NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS: Vicente Javier Clemente Suárez Correo electrónico: [email protected] PUESTO: ASIGNATURAS IMPARTIDAS: GRADO MÁXIMO ACADÉMICO: (indicar si se es acreditado) FORMACIÓN ACADÉMICA COMPLETA: EXPERIENCIA PROFESIONAL RELEVANTE: ÁREA/S DE INVESTIGACIÓN: (+Proyectos con financiación interna/externa) PUBLICACIONES (últimos 5 años) Profesor Entrenamiento Deportivo Planificación, monitorización y control del entrenamiento Doctor Profesor ayudante Doctor Licenciado CC. Actividad Física y el Deporte. Itinerario Rendimiento Deportivo (UCLM) CAP (UCLM) DEA (UCLM) Doctorado Rendimiento Deportivo (UCLM, UEX) Postdoct (UP) 4 años y medio personal investigador Laboratorio Entrenamiento Deportivo (UCLM) 2 años investigador contratado doctor (UP) 8 años Director Técnico Equipo triatlón Tritoledo 11 años Entrenador Equipo triatlón Tritoledo 11 años Entrenador Club Atletismo Torrejoncillo Respuesta Psico‐fisiológica en combate Efectividad del modelo de periodización inversa de entrenamiento en deportes cíclicos Author: Clemente, V Title: The women's gymnastics in Greece (La gimnasia femenina en Grecia) Journal: Educación y Deporte Issue: 14 Year: 2009 pages: 13‐16 Author: Clemente, V Title: Sport in Babylonia. (Babilonia y el deporte) Journal: Educación y Deporte Issue: 7 Year: 2008 pages: 24‐28 Author: Clemente, V Title: Physical training in Greece (Entrenamiento deportivo en Grecia) Journal: Educación y Deporte Issue: 8 Year: 2008 pages: 20‐23 Author: Clemente, V Title: The preliminary training of Elis (Los entrenamientos preliminares de Elis) Journal: Educación y Deporte Issue: 9 Year: 2009 pages: 19‐21 Author: Clemente, V Title: The sports diet in Greece (La dieta deportiva en Grecia) Journal: Educación y Deporte Issue: 10 Year: 2009 pages 18 ‐22 Author: Clemente, V Title: The fall of the Olympics (La caida de las olimpiadas) Journal: Educación y Deporte Issue: 11 Year: 2009 pages: 19‐22 Author: Clemente, V Title: The Olympic Truce (La tregua olímpica) Journal: Educación y Deporte Issue: 13 Year: 2009 pages: 10‐15 Author: Clemente, V Title Pierre de Coubertin and the revival of the Olympic Games (Piere de Coubertin y el renacimiento de las olimpiadas) Journal: Educación y Deporte Issue: 15 Year: 2009 pages: 15‐17 Author: Clemente, V Title: Launch pattern development in 7 years children’s. Journal: Issue: 133 Year: 2009 pages: Author: Clemente, V Title: Differences in performance laboratory test on a female triathlete with and without menstruation Journal: Issue: 134 Year: 2009 pages: Author: Clemente, V Title: Anthropometric Changes after maximal strength training for hypertrophy in elite female triathletes Journal: Issue: 135 Year: 2009 pages: Author: Clemente, V Title: Transitions, biomechanical, physiological and performance effects in the succession of the disciplines of triathlon. Journal: Issue: 136 Year: 2009 pages: Author: Clemente, V. Trigo, R. Title: Fatigue of nervous system after a 200 km relay ultraendurance race. Journal: Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte Issue: 5 Year: 2010 pages: 33‐38 Author: Vicente Clemente Suárez, Víctor Muñoz, Domingo Ramos Campo, Fernando Navarro, José María González‐ Ravé Title: Muscle destruction, heart rate, lactate and perceived exertion in an ultra‐endurance 24h relay race. Journal: Motricidad. European Journal of Human Movement Issue: 24 Year: 2010 pages: 1‐21 Author: Clemente V, Martínez A, Muñoz V, González JM Title: Fatigue of nervous system after an incremental maximal oxygen consumption test. Journal: Archivos de Medicina del Deporte Issue: 137 Year: 2010 pages: 107‐118 Author: Clemente V, González JM Title: Changes in body composition after a 1700 km mountain bike ultraendurance race Journal: Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte Issue: 5 Year: 2010 pages: 95‐99 Author: Clemente V, Muñoz V, Ramos D, Juárez D, Navarro F, González JM Title: Changes in biochemical parameters after a 20 hour ultra‐endurance kayak and cycling event. Journal: International Sportmed Journal Issue: 12(1) Year: 2011 pages: 1‐6 Author: Clemente V, González JM Title: Analysis of selected physiological performance determinants and muscle damage in a 24‐hour ultra‐ endurance relay race Journal: International Sportmed Journal Issue: 12(4) Year: 2011 pages: 179‐186 Author: Clemente V, Ramos D, González JM Title: Modifications to body composition after running an alpine marathon Journal: International Sportmed Journal Issue: 12(3) Year: 2011 pages: 133‐40 Author: Clemente V, Title: Nervous system fatigue after a maximum incremental cycling test. Journal: Journal of Sport and Health Research Issue: 3(1) Year: 2011 pages: 27‐34 Author: González, JM., Arija, A., Clemente V Title: Seasonal changes in jump performance and body composition of Spanish women volleyball players Journal: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Issue: 25(6) Year: 2011 pages: 1492‐1501 Author: Clemente V Title: Fatigue of nervous system after a 30 'time trial of young cyclists. Journal: Motricidad. European Journal of Human Movement Issue: 25 Year: 2010 pages: 1‐21 Author: Clemente V, Martín S, Porres J, Fuentes S, Aranda P Title: Effect of vitamin E supplementation on incremental test to maximal oxygen consumption in Wistar rats performance. Journal: Archivos de Medicina del Deporte Issue: 143 Year: 2011 pages: 103‐112 Author: Clemente V, Muñoz V, Melús M. Title: Fatigue of nervous system after performing a test of repeated sprint ability (RSA) in professional soccer players. Journal: Archivos de Medicina del Deporte Issue: 143 Year: 2011 pages: 174‐180 Author: Clemente V, Gonzalez, J. Title: 4 weeks of training with different aerobic workload distributions ‐ effect on aerobic performance Journal: European Journal of Sport Science Issue: iFirstarticle Year: 2011 pages: 1‐7 Author: Gonzalez, J, Juarez, D, Clemente V, Muñoz V, Diaz G, Carrasco M, Navarro F. Title: Analysis of the maximum power specified in swimmers of different levels Journal: Revista de Entrenamiento Deportivo Issue: 3 Year: 2011 pages: 11‐15 Author: Clemente V, Muñoz V, Martinez A. Title: Fatigue of nervous system after performing a test of repeated sprint ability (RSA) in youth category soccer players Journal: Apunts. Medicina de l’esport. Issue: 46(172) Year: 2011 pages: 177‐182 Author: Clemente V, Juarez D, Huerta, C. Title: Nervous system fatigue after performing a test of maximal strength in squat Journal: Athletic Training Journal Issue: 3 Year: 2011 pages: 5‐9 Author: Clemente V. Title: Changes in biochemical parameters after a mountain marathon. Journal: Motricidad. European Journal of Human Movement Issue: 27 Year: 2011 pages: 75‐83 Author: Ramos D, Martinez F, Esteba P, Rubio J, Clemente V, Mendizaba S, Jimenez F. Title: Hematological changes produced by eight weeks intermittent hypoxia program in cyclists. Journal: Archivos de Medicina del Deporte Issue: 145 Year: 2011 pages: 319‐330 Author: Clemente, V., Robles, J. Title: Analysis of physiological markers, cortical activation and manifestations of force in a simulated combat Journal: Archivos de Medicina del Deporte Issue: 149 Year: 2012 pages: 594‐600 Author: Clemente, V. Title: Effect on basal spyrometric of three programs to develop aerobic endurance of 4 weeks duration in athletes Journal: Journal of sport and health research Issue: Accepted Year: 2012 pages: Author: Clemente, V. Title: Acute Effects on the central nervous system after a simulated time trial cyclists cadets Journal: Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte Issue: 5(1) Year: 2012 pages: 8‐11 Author: Clemente, V., Robles, J. Title: Organic Response in a simulated combat Journal: Sanidad Militar Issue: 68(2) Year: 2012 pages: 97‐100 Author: Clemente, V., Ravé, J., Navarro, F. Title: Short‐term periodized aerobic training does not attenuate strength capacity or jump performance in middle‐aged endurance athletes Journal: Acta Physiologica Hungarica Issue: Acepted Year: 2012 pages: Author: Clemente, V., Robles, J. Title: Mechanical, physical and physiological analysis of symmetrical and asymmetrical combat Journal: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Issue: 27(9) Year: 2013 pages: 2420‐2426 Author: Clemente, V., Robles, J. Title: Psycho‐physiological response of soldiers in urban combat Journal: Annals of Psychology Issue: 29(2) Year: 2013 pages: 598‐603 Author: Juarez, D, Gonzalez, J, Legaz, A, Portillo, J, Clemente V, Newton, R. Title: Acute effects of two resisted exercises on 25m swimming performance Journal: Isokinetics and Exercise Science Issue: 21(1) Year: 2013 pages: 29‐35 Author: Ramos, D., Sánchez, A., Robles‐Pérez, J., Montañez, P., Clemente‐Suárez, V.J. Title: Technical efficiency in shackled actions after a short audiovisual training session Journal: The Open Sports Sciences Journal Issue: Accepted Year: 2013 pages: Author: Jimenez, J., Ramos, D., Rubio, J., Martinez, F., Esteban, P., Clemente‐Suárez, V.J., Villa, J.G. Title: Body composition and cardiorespiratory response of male and female soldiers during a simulated attack maneuver Journal: The Open Sports Sciences Journal Issue: Accepted Year: 2013 pages: Author: Robles, J., Aguirre, J.A., Montañez, P., Ramos, D., Clemente‐Suárez, V.J. Title: Technical analyses of close quarter combat with rifle Journal: The Open Sports Sciences Journal Issue: Accepted Year: 2013 pages: Author: Aguirre, J., Clemente‐Suárez, V.J., Montañez, P., Robles, J. Title: Efficacy of experimental intense rifle fencing training Journal: The Open Sports Sciences Journal Issue: Accepted Year: 2013 pages: Author: Arroyo‐Toledo, J., Clemente‐Suárez, V.J., González‐Ravé, J.M. Title: The effects of ten weeks block and reverse periodization training on swimming performance and body composition of moderately trained female swimmers. Journal: Journal of Swimming Research Issue: 21(1) Year: 2013 pages: Author: J. Jaime Arroyo‐Toledo, Vicente J. Clemente, José OTROS MÉRITOS: María González‐Rave, Domingo J. Ramos Campo & Andrew D. Sortwell Title: Comparison Between Traditional And Reverse Periodization: Swimming Performance And Specific Strength Values Journal: International Journal of Swimming Kinetics Issue: 2(1) Year: 2013 pages: 87‐96 Author: Melús Rojas, Miguel ;Clemente Suárez, Vicente . Title: Cortical and physiological response during a maximal incremental test ISBN: 978‐3659‐06216‐2 Year: 2012 Editorial: Editorial Académica Española Type of production: Book City: Saarbrücken Author: Clemente Suárez, Vicente Javier ; Robles Perez, Jose. Title: Psycho‐Physiological response on different combat situations. ISBN: 978‐3‐659‐04904‐0 Year: 2012 Editorial: Editorial Académica Española Type of production: Book City: Saarbrücken Author: Clemente Suárez, Vicente Javier. Title: Organic response in a 24h ultraendurance event.. ISBN: 978‐3‐659‐05484‐6 Year: 2012 Editorial: Editorial Académica Española Type of production: Book City: Saarbrücken Author: Clemente Suárez, Vicente Javier. Title: Effects of the distribution, organization and sequence of different training tasks to improve endurance performance URL: Year: 2011 Editorial: RUIdera. Repositorio universitario institucional de recursos abiertos Type of production: Book Country: Spain Author: Clemente Suárez, Vicente Javier; Arroyo‐Toledo, Juan Jaime. Title: Autonomic adaption after High‐intensity Interval Training. In: ISBN: Year: 2013 Editorial: Type of production: Chapter in book City: Estancia predoctoral Universidad Granada, Facultad Farmacia 2 años docencia: Entrenamiento Deportivo, Planificación, control y Valoración del entrenamiento deportivo y Natación de Alto Rendimiento Cinturon negro 1 DAN Judo Entrenador Nacional Natación Entrenador Nacional Triatlon Coodirector 4 Tesinas en ECEF (2 premios mejor tesina)