Vida Humana Internacional Sección Hispana HUMAN LIFE INTERNATIONAL™ Hispanic Division “Creando una efectiva oposición la Cultura Muerteen en el el mundo mundo entero.” Effective to the Culture of Death Around the World” “En defensa de la avida, la fe ydelalafamilia entero.” “Creating “Defending Life,Opposition Faith & Family Around the World” PRESIDENTE PRESIDENT Pbro. / Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer DIRECTORA SECCION HISPANA HISPANIC DIVISION DIRECTOR Sra. Magaly Llaguno OFICINAS REGIONALES DE HLI HLI REGIONAL OFFICES HLI Asia HLI European Coordination Office – Oficina para la Coordinación en Europa HLI Cameroon – Africa Occidental West Africa HLI Tanzania – Africa Oriental / East Africa HLI Roma/Rome –Vaticano Vatican City HLI Miami – Sección Hispana para EE.UU. y Países Hispanos / US and International Hispanic Outreach ORGANIZACIONES AFILIADAS EN LOS PAISES HISPANOS AFFILIATES IN HISPANIC COUNTRIES Argentina Acción por la Vida y la Familia Asociación Pro Familia CLADH – Centro Latinoamericano de Derechos Humanos Bolivia ANE Provida Brasil/Brazil Associãçao Nacional Pró-Vida e PróFamília Chile Movimiento Anónimo por la Vida Colombia Fundación Cultura de la Vida Humana Costa Rica ADEVI – Asociación Defensa de la Vida Cuba Pro Vida Cuba Ecuador Fundación Acción Provida El Salvador Fundación Sí a la Vida España/Spain Asociación Evangelium Vitae México Federación Cultura de la Vida Centro de Ayuda para la Mujer Latinoamericana A.C. Instituto para la Rehabilitación de la Mujer y la Familia, A.C. (I.R.M.A.) Nicaragua ANPROVIDA – Asociación Nicaragüense por la Vida Panamá Fundación Ofrece un Hogar Fundación Vida y Familia Paraguay SEAVI – Servicio de Amor y Vida Instituto Tomás Moro Perú CEPROFARENA – Centro de promoción familiar y regulación natural de la natalidad. Puerto Rico Centro Guadalupe Vida y Familia Uruguay Asociación Esperanza Uruguay LATINAMERICAN NETWORK OF PRIESTS AND SEMINARIANS FOR LIFE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background HUMAN LIFE INTERNATIONAL ( together with its Hispanic division, VIDA HUMANA INTERNATIONAL (, is the largest pro-life organization in the world with ecclesiastic RECOGNITION and whose mission is to Create an Effective Opposition to the Culture of Death Around the World and therefore to defend Human life and family values. As we all know, at the present time the Culture of Death and its threats have increased tremendously. We are also conscious that the renewal of humanity starting with the Catholic Church must necessarily include the renewal of priests, who are the shepherds of the Lord’s people, who will play a major role in the future Evangelization of the world and therefore in the establishment of a CULTURE of LIFE, which should motivate all Christians to take the following message of Jesus to the world: "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly" (Jn 10,10). Accordingly, VHI is committed to establishing a NETWORK OF PRIESTS AND SEMINARIANS FOR LIFE IN LATIN AMERICA. Purpose The main objective of the NETWORK will be: To promote the Gospel of the Lord and the Culture of Life, among diocesan priests and the majority of seminarians in Latin America by establishing and fortifying a network at the local, national and international levels among the local ecclesiastical hierarchies, pro-life organizations and the seminaries in the entire Region. This initiative demands the efforts of a full-time priest and a technical team, who will have as their main strategy the promotion in each Latin American country an interactive network between priests and seminarians. The team includes Father Juan Carlos Chávez, Dean of Our Lady of Peace Seminary of Tulcan, Ecuador (with Diocesan approval) and Juan Mario Rojas, Director of International Coordination of VHI. Vida Humana Internacional 45 SW 71 Avenue, Miami, Florida 33144 USA Tel./Ph. 305.260.0525 Fax 305.260.0595 Sitio de la Internet bilingüe/Bilingual website: The Network will provide: Information and educational courses open to priests and seminarians, dealing with all aspects relative to the defense of human life from the moment of conception to natural death, and also about the defense of family values as the Christian revelation and the Catholic Church tradition present them. At the pastoral level, key facts and actions about the reality of defending all human life and family values in Latin America. These efforts will make it possible for priests and seminarians (future shepherds) to reach the faithful with solid and convincing arguments. Beginning with the correct vision of human sexuality according to Divine Revelation and the Teachings of the Church, continuing with natural family planning and the exposé of the “unholy trinity” of birth control, sex “education” and abortion, the consequences of abortion and how to prevent it, the traumatic situation of women who have suffered because of an abortion (PAS or post abortion syndrome), and also dealing with the spirituality of priests and the impact of establishing in our world the CULTURE OF LIFE. Access to volunteers of organizations affiliated to VHI in different countries of Latin America, with educational tools and strategies in defense of life, and especially: 1) On line courses on sexual education according to the teachings of the Catholic Church, that are available in the web page of VHI (, or to other Catholic institutions of education in the Spanish speaking world. 2) The LatinAmerican Network of Crisis Pregnancy Centers ( and its affiliates in Latin America, which offer help to women facing an unexpected pregnancy under difficult circumstances. 3) Courses to promote natural family planning. 4) Places where women that reject abortion can live at least until the birth of a new life, which is a gift from God, is born. 5) Spiritual experiences of retreats and processes that seek the interior healing of all those women who have suffered because of an abortion. 6) Areas of spiritual growth to fortify the pastoral commitment of priests and seminarians for the right to life. Vida Humana Internacional 45 SW 71 Avenue, Miami, Florida 33144 USA Tel./Ph. 305.260.0525 Fax 305.260.0595 Sitio de la Internet bilingüe/Bilingual website: 2 Contacts to all networks that VHI has helped create through the years and eventually links to a network of people and contemplative religious communities that could adopt all priests and seminarians who fight for the right to life. The prayers of these communities will be a protection in the battle against evil. We humbly ask for your support and blessing of this NETWORK especially now, at the beginning of the Year for Priests recently launched by Pope Benedict XVI. For further information please contact: Father Juan Carlos Chávez, Director of the Latin American Network of Priests and Seminarians for Life ([email protected]) Mario Rojas, Director of International Coordination of VHI ([email protected]) Magaly Llaguno, OCDS, Executive Director of VHI ([email protected]) We also offer following VHI links in Spanish for reference: – Offers hundreds of pages with valuable information – Promotes chastity among youth – Offers videos – International Network of Praying for Life Vida Humana Internacional 45 SW 71 Avenue, Miami, Florida 33144 USA Tel./Ph. 305.260.0525 Fax 305.260.0595 Sitio de la Internet bilingüe/Bilingual website: 3