WE@EU INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGREEMENTS: Networking event. WE@EU INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGREEMENTS: Networking event Wednesday, May 17th 2016 European Parliament BRUSSELS Centro de Competencias del Agua, Peru Alicia Minaya Boosting Innovation through Research and Alliances in Peru 1 WE@EU INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGREEMENTS: Networking event. Boosting Innovation through Research and Alliances in Peru Alicia Minaya Director International Cooperation CCA – Peru May 17th 2016 European Parliament BRUSSELS PERU: Economic Indicators GDP growth 6% average: 2004-14 3,2% in 2015. Forecast 2016 (EIU): 3,6% Public budget -2,1% in 2015; -0,29% in 2014; surplus in the previous 4 years R+D+i Fotos: PromPerú 0,15% of GDP in 2014 0,25 researchers /1000 labour force INNOVATION IN PERU: A Key to diversify the economy To stimulate the development of science and technology for the promotion of economic growth and productive development. Ministry of Production: National Plan for productive diversification Ministry of Economy and Finance: National Competitiveness Agenda Belonging to the same segment Project: „Mapping of Clusters in Peru“ Ministry of Finance National Council for Competitiveness 2013 Criteria to identify clusters in Peru Various stages in the value chain Minimun critical mass Geographical concentration Not just local demand Source: Consorcio Cluster Development- Metis Gaia – Javier D’ávila Quevedo. Engl. A. Minaya Existing clusters identified in Peru. Water clusters were not identifed Mining Clothing (textiles, shoes, jewelry) Agro-food business Tourism Fishing Health Source; Consorcio Cluster Development- Metis Gaia – Javier D’ávila Quevedo. English translation: Alicia Minaya Peru: Distribution of water and population per watershed LIMA. A megacity in a coastal desert • 9.8 million: 30% of Peru´s population • 2th largest desert city after Cairo • 9mm yearly annual precipitation • 39m3 Total river discharge • Drinking water coverage: 95% • Sewage connection coverage: 90% • Water consumption: 250l/p/day (SEDAPAL 2015) • Non-revenue water for SEDAPAL: 40% (WB 2015) Source: J. Ordoñez, SENAMHI &: SEDAPAL 2015 Megaprojects to secure water sources for Lima Huascacocha – Rímac (Marca IV) Planta de Tratamiento Chillón (Concesión) (En operación) Presa Jacaybamba Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales TABOADA Laguna Huascacocha Río Chillón Hidroeléctrica Huinco Océano Pacifico Planta de La Atarjea Planta de Tratamiento de Agua Potable de Huachipa (En Operación) Marca III (En Operación) Río Santa Eulalia Obras de Cabecera - Marca II Río Rímac Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales de La Chira Río Blanco Planta de Tratamiento de Agua Potable de Lurín Río Lurín Planta de Agua de Osmosis Inversa Source: SEDAPAL, 2016 Peru: Opportunities for innovation in water • Large investment project in water and sanitation: USD: 20.000 millons – Tenders – PPPs – USD 110 mill. Green infrastructure • New environmental regulation – Max. Admissible Concentrations (VAM) – New law for Ecosystem Services compensation • Financial incentives for innovation – Taxes for Works, Taxes for R+D – Green infrastructure funds • Funding for R+D+i – Perú in Horizon2020 – Programm CienciActiva – Programm InnovatePeru CCA: Peruvian Water Competence Center JOINING STRENGTHS FOR SUSTAINABLE WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT R+D Education Innovation CCA: Expanding Activities 2013 2014 2015 2016 CONCYTEC/German Cooperation CONCYTEC´s Ces: Int´ workshops CCA New legal entity Expanding activities: Start of activities ExpoAguaPeru CCA: Expanding Activities ExpoAgua Peru CompiteMas-Perú Conferences Capacity Building R+D+i MBA in Water and Sanitation • International Seminars in Peru: “Alliance University – Enterprise for Innovation in Water Management “. • International Cooperation Agreement: CCA-ZINNAE Project WE@EU • ExpoAgua Peru 2015: ZINNAE Invited • Smagua-Spain 2016: Peru-Aragon Session • ExpoAgua Perufor 2016: ZINNAE Coorganizators Scope further joint initiatives To Know More About CCA www.cca.org.pe Alicia Minaya Director International Cooperation International Office in Berlin-Germany Peru Centro de Competencia del Agua [email protected]