COURSE SYLLABUS MASTER DEGREE "TRANSGENESIS, GENE THERAPY, CLONING AND STEM CELLS" 2013/2014 1. Course details 1.1. The Course Academic Year 2013/2014 MÁSTER UNIVERSITARIO EN Degree BIOLOGÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LA REPRODUCCIÓN EN MAMÍFEROS TRANSGENESIS, GENE THERAPY, Course Title CLONING AND STEM CELLS Code 6099 Year FIRST Type ELECTIVE COURSE Number of groups 1 ECTS 3 Estimated student workload 75 Term taught 2º Cuatrimestre SPANISH : Group 1 Language ENGLISH : Group 1 Type of teaching Campus-based course 1.2. The Teaching Staff Course Coordinator Area/Department FISIOLOGÍA VETERINARIA/ FISIOLOGÍA Staff position PROFESORES TITULARES DE UNIVERSIDAD JOAQUIN E-mail Address / [email protected] JERONIMO Website / Online GADEA MATEOS office hours Group: 1 Phone number, Office hours and Location Online office hours: YES Term Day Office Hours Location Terms 1 and 2 Jueves 10:00- 12:00 868884655, Facultad de Veterinaria 1 COURSE SYLLABUS MASTER DEGREE "TRANSGENESIS, GENE THERAPY, CLONING AND STEM CELLS" 2013/2014 FRANCISCO Area/Department FISIOLOGÍA VETERINARIA/ FISIOLOGÍA ALBERTO GARCIA Staff position PROFESOR CONTRATADO DOCTOR TIPO A (DEI) VAZQUEZ E-mail Address / [email protected] Group: 1 Website / Online office hours Phone Online office hours: YES number, Office hours and Term Day Office Hours Location Terms 1 and 2 Jueves 9:00- 11:00 868888009, Location Facultad de Veterinaria B1.1.040 2. Course Description Advances in the generation of transgenic animals, gene therapy, cloning and the use of stem cells have been a major advance in the field of science and health. Technological advances in this field have allowed for a wide variety of transgenic animals for different purposes and applications. In recent years, the development of transgenesis has been associated with the development and application of new technologies of molecular biology and assisted reproduction. In this course we study the methods used so far for the generation of transgenic animals, analyzing both the benefits that each technology offers as constraints presented techniques . We report from the first studies in transgenesis by pronuclear injection to the latest advances in induced pluripotent stem cells that have just been described, through the use of viruses, sperm as mediators of gene transfer and nuclear transfer processes (cloning ) . Also bring the experience of our research group in recent years in this exciting field of science. This course will also study the various applications that transgenic animals have been and are in the biomedical field and in agriculture. Among these applications in the field of health include models of human disease , generation of biopharmaceutical products and organ transplantation modified humans ( xenotransplantation ) pigs. Moreover , resistance to disease, the improvement of production indices and reducing polluting effect of livestock are the main applications of transgenic animal production. We will make a special stress upon the development of cloning techniques and applications that implies. Similarly assess the state of science regarding the isolation, cultivation and use of stem cells. 2 COURSE SYLLABUS MASTER DEGREE "TRANSGENESIS, GENE THERAPY, CLONING AND STEM CELLS" 2013/2014 The program is divided into various topics that address the scientific and methodological basis for the production of transgenic animals , the interest of these animals in agriculture and medicine, transgenesis results obtained in different species of domestic animals, the application of gene therapy and the ethical and moral implications of this research. 3. Course access requirements 3.1 Incompatibilities Ninguna 3.2 Recommended background Es recomendable que conozcan los conceptos básicos de biología molecular (ADN, genómica y proteómica). Es imprescindible la capacidad para hacer una lectura comprensiva de textos científicos en lengua inglesa. 4. Course-specific skills and their relation to degree-specific skills Skill 1. Being able to know the main methodologies and applications of trangenesis, gene therapy, cloning and stem cells · Conseguir un conocimiento profundo y actualizado de las bases anatómicas, fisiológicas e histológicas del proceso reproductor en los mamíferos en general, y más concretamente en la especie humana y en los animales de interés zootécnico (especies bovina, porcina, equina, caprina y ovina). · Ser capaz de desenvolverse en un laboratorio de reproducción humana o animal y podrá realizar por sí mismo técnicas como la preparación de medios de cultivo, manipulación de gametos, inseminación artificial, maduración in vitro, fecundación vitro, inyección intracitoplasmática de espermatozoides, cultivo de embriones, transferencia de embriones, crioconservación de gametos y embriones, diagnósticos de ovulación o gestación por ultrasonografía, análisis espermáticos, manejo de bases de datos, estudios citogenéticos, etc. · Conocer las disposiciones Legales y los principios Éticos que han de regir sus actuaciones tanto en el trabajo con la especie humana como con los animales de abasto. Skill 2. To learn in depth and updated form the main juridical, ethical and moral issues related to the use of these technologies · Conseguir un conocimiento profundo y actualizado de las bases anatómicas, fisiológicas e histológicas del proceso reproductor en los mamíferos en general, y más concretamente en la especie humana y en los animales de interés zootécnico (especies bovina, porcina, equina, caprina y ovina). · Ser capaz de desenvolverse en un laboratorio de reproducción humana o animal y podrá realizar por sí mismo técnicas como la preparación de medios de cultivo, manipulación de gametos, inseminación artificial, maduración in vitro, fecundación vitro, inyección intracitoplasmática de espermatozoides, cultivo de embriones, transferencia de embriones, crioconservación de gametos y embriones, diagnósticos de ovulación o gestación por ultrasonografía, análisis espermáticos, manejo de bases de datos, estudios citogenéticos, etc. · Conocer las disposiciones Legales y los principios Éticos que han de regir sus actuaciones tanto en el trabajo con la especie humana como con los animales de abasto. Skill 3. Being able to synthesize, prepare and submit a work describing any aspect related to the use of transgenesis, gene therapy, cloning and stem cells · Conseguir un conocimiento profundo y actualizado de las bases anatómicas, fisiológicas e histológicas del proceso reproductor en los mamíferos en general, y más concretamente en la especie humana y en los animales de interés zootécnico (especies bovina, porcina, equina, caprina y ovina). · Ser capaz de desenvolverse en un laboratorio de reproducción humana o animal y podrá realizar por sí mismo técnicas como la preparación de medios de cultivo, manipulación de gametos, inseminación artificial, maduración in vitro, fecundación vitro, inyección intracitoplasmática de espermatozoides, cultivo de embriones, transferencia de embriones, crioconservación de gametos y embriones, diagnósticos de ovulación o gestación por ultrasonografía, análisis espermáticos, manejo de bases de datos, estudios citogenéticos, etc. · Conocer las disposiciones Legales y los principios Éticos que han de regir sus actuaciones tanto en el trabajo con la especie humana como con los animales de abasto. 3 COURSE SYLLABUS MASTER DEGREE "TRANSGENESIS, GENE THERAPY, CLONING AND STEM CELLS" 2013/2014 5. Course contents Part 1: Generation of transgenic animals. Methodology and applications. Part 2: Importance of the use of gene therapy in Biomedicine Part 3: Cloning. Methodology and applications. Part 4: Stem cells. Methodology and applications. Part 5: Juridical, ethical and moral issues related to the use of these technologies. 6. Teaching methods and contact hours Attendance Independent Learning Activity Methodology Workload Hours Learning 5 25 30 30 10 40 5 5 10 Students in small groups (2-3 people) prepare a review paper on a topic related to animal transgenesis gency therapy, cloning or stem cells. This document will form Article the basis for preparing teachers with the help of a communication to a student conference or a document that will be sent to a scientific journal for evaluation. THEORETICAL LESSONS JOURNAL CLUB 7. Course Timetable 8. Assessment Methods / Instruments Written Test. Short questions. Evaluated skill Evaluation Criteria Weight Minimun grade 5 50% 4 COURSE SYLLABUS MASTER DEGREE "TRANSGENESIS, GENE THERAPY, CLONING AND STEM CELLS" 2013/2014 Methods / Instruments Article.The student must prepare a review document format of a scientific paper on a topic related to transgenesis, gene therapy, cloning and / or stem cells. Evaluated skill Evaluation Criteria Minimun grade 5 Weight 40% Methods / Instruments Assistance, Involvement with the group,Participation in class Evaluated skill Evaluation Criteria Minimun grade 5 Weight 10% Exam date 9. Reading list (required and recommended readings) Bacci ML. A brief overview of transgenic farm animals. Vet Res Commun. 2007 Aug;31 Suppl 1:9-14. Carl A. Pinker. Transgenic Animal Technology. A laboratory Handbook. Academic Press. 2002. ISBN 012557166-6. Gadea J.; Garcia-Vazquez F. A. Methodologies for generating transgenic pigs ITEA-INFORMACION TECNICA ECONOMICA AGRARIA Volume: 106 Issue: 1 Pages: 15-29 Published: MAR 2010 Gadea J.; Garcia-Vazquez F. A. Applications of transgenic pigs in biomedicine and animal production. Source: ITEA-INFORMACION TECNICA ECONOMICA AGRARIA Volume: 106 Issue: 1 Pages: 30-45 Published: MAR 2010 Niemann H, Kues WA. Transgenic farm animals: an update. Reprod Fertil Dev. 2007;19(6):762-70. Parrington J, Coward K, Gadea J. Sperm and testis mediated DNA transfer as a means of gene therapy. Syst Biol Reprod Med. 2011 Feb;57(1-2):35-42. Review. Wall RJ. New gene transfer methods. Theriogenology. 2002 Jan 1;57(1):189-201. Whitelaw CB, Lillico SG, King T. Production of transgenic farm animals by viral vector-mediated gene transfer. Reprod Domest Anim. 2008 Jul;43 Suppl 2:355-8. García-Vázquez FA, Ruiz S, Matás C, Izquierdo-Rico MJ, Grullón LA, De Ondiz A, Vieira L, Avilés-López K, Gutiérrez-Adán A, Gadea J. Production of transgenic piglets using ICSI-sperm-mediated gene transfer in combination with recombinase RecA. Reproduction. 2010 Aug;140(2):259-72. 5 COURSE SYLLABUS MASTER DEGREE "TRANSGENESIS, GENE THERAPY, CLONING AND STEM CELLS" 2013/2014 10. Additional information 6