SYLLABUS AREA : ARCHITECTURE, URBANISM AND TERRITORY COURSE : URBANISM (This is an upper division course.) REQUIREMENT : PLANNING AND URBAN MANAGEMENT CREDITS : 3 PERIOD : 2012-01 LECTURER : Solángel Fernández Huanqui EMAIL: [email protected] COORDINATOR : Guillermo Fernández Carrión EMAIL: [email protected] I. HRS. THEORY:14 HRS. PRACTICE:56 SUMMARY The course offers to introduce the student to the discipline of urbanism; it gives a broad overview of the structure and process of contemporary urbanism practice in the world and in Peru. It will highlight both the theoretical debates and practical challenges that urban designers are likely to encounter within different substantive subfields of urbanism practice; and discuss problem solving techniques and strategies used by practicing urban designers and planners working in different contexts. The objective of the course is to develop in the student interest in urbanism concepts and urban issues and to understand their challenges and good practices for solution. In addition, the organization of the course will give students an opportunity to learn how to express their ideas verbally and interact with others in workshops and class discussions. Some key conceptual aspects of the course are the basis of urbanism, the structure and functions of the city, the presentation of main urban problems in contemporary cities, the case of Peruvian cities and specifically Lima, the urban design tendencies and the vision for the cities of tomorrow. II. COMPETENCY At the end of the course the student will be competent in: • Understanding and application of basic concepts of urbanism and urban development. • Understanding the structure of the city, the urban elements and their relationships. • Analysis of the different layers of an urban setting. • Understanding the development of urbanism in the world and in Peru. • Understanding the theoretical debates and practical challenges that urban designers are likely to encounter within different substantive subfields of urbanism practice. • Understanding the spatial organization of the Peruvian territory and the current urban planning policies. • Organizing arguments and defending ideas about urban problems. • Ability to work cooperatively in a group. • Ability to engage in reflective thinking and writing necessary to enter the practice of urbanism. III. Urbanism METHODOLOGY Page 1 of 7 F-205 • • • • • The course is composed by 70 hours of class distributed in 14 teaching weeks, with 14 hours of theory and 28 of practice. The lectures will be developed through power point presentations in which students will be stimulated to take part. Students will be encouraged to reflect critically, participate in the lecture and discuss and organize their ideas within their groups. The workshops consist in the following guided activities: debates, student led-presentations and case studies. During the last 5 weeks, five case studies will be developed in which students will apply the knowledge and skills gained. The methodology for the workshops will be the following: - Introduction of the case by the lecturer. - Students will join their teams to do the work. - Presentation and discussion in class of each specific case. - Development of the case. - Presentation of the group proposal by theme and analysis of results. IV. Week TIMETABLE AND LEARNING STRATEGIES Hours 5 Contents Workshop: Urban analysis and the layers of the city (in groups)- Part 1. 5 Workshop: Urban analysis and the layers of the city (in groups)– Part 2. 3 5 - Understands and applies basic concepts of urbanism and urban development. - Analyses the different layers of an urban setting. - Explains the city as an urban structure and the elements that composed it. - Conceptualises the city as a complex system with multiple interrelationships between its elements and with the environment. - Guides the workshop on urban analysis. - Understands the city as a dynamic and complex structure with multiple urban elements and relationships. - Analyses the different layers of an urban setting. - Explains and - Understands and Development of World Urbanism - Ancient City Urbanism - Introduces basic concepts of urbanism, its philosophy and theories, the concept of city and territory. - Explains the process of urban development at different levels. The Urban Structure - How does the urban structure works? - Elements of the urban structure - Relationships within the urban structure. - The city as a complex system. 2 Competencies Introduction to Urbanism - Basic concepts of Urbanism - The process of Urban Development at different levels. 1 Teaching Strategies and Activities Page 2 of 7 F-205 - The The The The Medieval City Early-modern City Industrial City Global City Workshop: Discussion about the Global City. 5 Workshop: Discussion about the Informal City. 5 5 values the socioeconomic and cultural issues in the process of urban development in the world. - Develops arguments for and against the global city and presents them to the class. - Explains and compares the process of urban development in Peru and its integration to the special characteristics of the Peruvian territory. - Guides the discussion about the Informal City. - Understands and values the socioeconomic and cultural issues in the process of urban development in Peru. - Develops arguments for and against the informal city and presents them to the class. - Explains what urban density is, its spatial characteristics and socio-economic issues. - Guides the studentled presentations. - Understands and discusses issues of urban density, its spatial characteristics and socio-economic issues. - Understands the process of informal urbanization that has defined the character of today’s Peruvian cities. - Explains the concepts of place identity and quality public spaces. - Explains the relationship between place identity and public spaces. - Guides the studentled presentations. - Understands the Development of Peruvian Urbanism - Pre-Hispanic City - Hispanic City - Haussman and the Modern City - The Informal City 4 compares how has been the process of urban development in the different world civilizations through time. - Guides a discussion about the Global City. Urban Density - What is Urban Density? - How do different urban densities look? - Residential Density and its socio- economic implications. Workshop: Student-led presentations: informal settlements and gated communities. 6 5 Place Identity and Urban Spaces - What is a Quality Public Space? - What is Place Identity? - The importance of Public Spaces in a City. Workshop: Student-led presentations: Examples of good practice Urbanism Page 3 of 7 concepts of place identity and quality urban spaces and their relationships. F-205 7 5 Landscape and Urbanism - Living in harmony with nature. - Urbanism and natural disasters. - The importance of Green Areas in a City. Workshop: Student-led presentations: Examples of good practice. 8 5 Workshop: Student-led presentations: Examples of good practice. 5 Workshop: Student-led presentations: Student visions about the future of Lima. 5 - Understands and discusses the main issues about urban sustainability. - Understands that technology applied to the city in an efficient way will contribute to solve great part of the urban issues of today. - Explains different theories and urban utopias about the future of Cities. - Explains the challenges for the future of cities. - Starts a discourse to imagine tomorrow's urban living conditions. - Guides the studentled presentations. - Understands and develops arguments in favour or against specific urban tendencies and utopias. - Thinks critically about the cities of the future and understands their challenges. - Develops a vision about the future of cities. - Explains a synthesis - Understands the The Peruvian Territory - Urban and Regional Urbanism - Explains and examines strategies of sustainable urbanism in practice today, and explores the ways in which these strategies are practiced or could be implemented in cities. - Explains the importance of applying technology in cities as a factor for development and long-term sustainability. - Guides the studentled presentations. Urban Utopias - Theories and Utopias about the City. - Challenges for the future of cities. - The Future of Cities, Is this Tomorrow? 10 - Understands the vulnerability of a natural territory and how the process of urban development can deal with this, reducing its impacts on nature. - Understands the importance of green areas in the city. Sustainable Urbanism - What is Urban Sustainability? - Alternatives energies, Zero carbon emissions, Eco Towns. - What are the arguments against and for urban sustainability? 9 - Explains how living in harmony with nature, without predating its defences, natural disasters can be mitigated, preserving human life. - Explains the importance of green areas in the city. - Guides the studentled presentations. Page 4 of 7 F-205 Development in Peru (The Andean territory, The Regions, Risks of the geographic reality) - Urban Planning Policies in Peru. Workshop: The New Spaces for Real Estate Development in Lima (The Edge Lima- Callao, The Seafront, The Barracks, Piedras Gordas, Lurin Valley) 11 12 13 14 5 5 5 5 Workshop Cases: Baseline Analysis - The Edge Lima- Callao - The Seafront - The Barracks - Piedras Gordas - Lurin Valley Workshop Cases: Baseline Analysis - The Edge Lima- Callao - The Seafront - The Barracks - Piedras Gordas - Lurin Valley Workshop Cases: Vision and Development Strategy - The Edge Lima- Callao - The Seafront - The Barracks - Piedras Gordas - Lurin Valley Workshop Cases: Vision and Development Strategy - The Edge Lima- Callao - The Seafront - The Barracks - Piedras Gordas - Lurin Valley Urbanism Page 5 of 7 of the spatial organization of the Peruvian territory. - Explains the main urban planning policies in Peru. - Explains the tendencies of real estate development in Lima. - Presents the 5 case studies that will be developed in groups. spatial organization of the Peruvian territory. - Discusses the principles of current urban planning policies in Peru. - Understands the tendencies of real estate development in Lima. - Explains and proposes the development of the selected workshop case. - Works in a team to develop a proposal for the workshop case. - Explains and justifies the proposal. - Develops presentation skills. - Explains and proposes the development of the selected workshop case. - Baseline Analysis Submission. - Works in a team to develop a proposal for the workshop case. - Explains and justifies the proposal. - Develops presentation skills. - Explains and proposes the development of the selected workshop case. - Works in a team to develop a proposal for the workshop case. - Explains and justifies the proposal. - Develops presentation skills. - Explains and proposes the development of the selected workshop case. - Vision and Development Strategy Submission. - Works in a team to develop a proposal for the workshop case. - Explains and justifies the proposal. - Develops presentation skills. F-205 V. EVALUATION 1. Percentages to calculate the final mark of the course: Nº 1 2 3 Evaluation Type Continuous Evaluation Mid-term test Final-term test % 40% 30% 30% Evaluaciones a Rezagar NO SI SI 2. Percentages and Timetable for the Continuous Evaluation Mark (40%) Evaluation Type Workshops and Presentations VI. • Nº 1 2 3 4 Partial Percentages (%) 12.50% 12.50% 37.50% 37.50% Week 2 6 10 14 Date REFERENCES English References: 1. Alexander, Christopher (1967); “Notes on the Synthesis of Form”. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 2. Jacobs, Jane (1961); “The Death and Life of Great American Cities”, Random House, New 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. • York. Lynch, Kevin (1960); “The Image of the City”, Technology Press & Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. Lynch, Kevin (1981); “A Theory of Good Urban Form”, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. Lynch, Kevin (1984); “Good City Form”, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. Rossi, Aldo (1982); “The Architecture of the City”, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. Kostoff, Spiro (1991); “The City Shaped: Urban Patterns and Meanings Through History”, Thames and Hudson, London. Spanish References: 1. Agurto Calvo, Santiago (1987); “Construcción, arquitectura y planeamiento incas”, Lima, CAPECO, 1987, pp.38 y 49. 2. Agurto Calvo, Santiago (1979); “La traza urbana de la ciudad inca”, Proyecto 39, UNESCO3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. INC, Perú, Lima, 1979, pp. 97 y 112. Ayala Alonso Enrique (Compilador) (1995); ”La odisea iberoamericana: Arquitectura y Urbanismo” México. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Benévolo Leonardo (1994); “Orígenes del urbanismo moderno”. Editorial Gustavo Gili. Barcelona. Benévolo Leonardo (1987); “Historia de la Arquitectura moderna”. Editorial Gustavo Gili. Barcelona Colegio de Arquitectos del Perú (1999);”Propuesta de bases para el Desarrollo Urbano” Interurbe 99. Las ciudades de nuestro país: Visión 2020, 22 y 23 de noviembre. Chueca Gotilla Fernando (1968,1970): “Breve historia del urbanismo”, Alianza Editorial Madrid, España. Dórich Torres Luis, Rodríguez Cobos Luis (2004); “Desarrollo Urbano y Regional en el Perú” Breve historia del territorio peruano. Lima. Urbanism Page 6 of 7 F-205 9. Flórez Raúl (Editor) (1994); “Costo, crecimiento y rentabilidad de las ciudades peruanas” Universidad del Pacifico, Centro de investigación (CIUP). 10. Gutiérrez, Ramón (1984); “Arquitectura y Urbanismo en Ibero América”. Madrid. Ediciones Cátedra. 11. H.Mausbach (1981);”Introducción al urbanismo” Un análisis de los fundamentos de la planificación actual; México D.F. 12. Kuroiwa Julio (2002); “Reducción de desastres” Viviendo en armonía con la naturaleza, Lima. 13. Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento (2004); “Situación de los barrios urbano marginales en el Perú 2004” (primera aproximación), primera edición diciembre 2005. 14. Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento (2006); “Catastro urbano municipal: Normas técnicas y de gestión reguladoras del catastro urbano municipal”, Lima. 15. Municipalidad de Lima (1990) Plan de Desarrollo Metropolitano 1990-2010. Lima 16. Municipalidad de Lima (2002)/Comisión Especial de Asesoramiento y Desarrollo de Proyectos Estratégicos de Lima/ Ortiz de Zevallos Augusto; “Lima 2002.2003 primeros proyectos estratégicos”. Lima 17. Municipalidad de Independencia (2004)/Ortiz de Zevallos Augusto; “ Nuevo centro de Lima norte: Plan Urbano Estratégico para Independencia”.Lima. 18. Romero Sotelo Miguel Eugenio (2006); “El Arquitecto Desarrollador” Retornando al territorio productivo y a las ciudades humanizadas. Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Lima, Perú. 19. Rossi Aldo (1982); “La Arquitectura de la ciudad”;Editorial Gustavo Gili S.A. Barcelona 1982. 20. Rostworowsky de Diez Canseco, Maria (1996); “Costa peruana prehispánica”, Lima, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 1996. p.15. 21. Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (1997): “Espacio Urbano, Estrategias de intervención en el espacio publico”, Seminario Internacional. Lima: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. 22. Williams Carlos (1981); “Arquitectura y Urbanismo en el antiguo Perú”, Historia del Perú, tomo VIII: 367-595. Editorial Juan Mejía Baca, 3ra edición, Industria Grafica S.A. Urbanism Page 7 of 7 F-205