PRODUCCIÓN DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA EN BIOMED CENTRAL, MDPI Y PLOS ONE 2004-2014 (octubre) María del Carmen Martín Marichal El siguiente estudio recoge la producción científica de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) en plataformas científicas en acceso abierto: Plos One, BioMed Central y Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI). La publicación en estas plataformas se realiza a través de lo que se conoce dentro del movimiento de Acceso Abierto como vía dorada, es decir, el autor o autora del artículo abona el coste de la publicación en las revistas incluidas dentro de estas plataformas. Salvo en el caso de Plos One, el personal investigador de la ULPGC interesado en publicar en ellas se beneficia de un porcentaje de reducción del coste por ser la universidad socio de estas entidades. En el caso de BioMed Central el porcentaje de reducción del coste es de un 15% y en el caso de MDPI es de un 10%. Este informe recoge los datos desde el año 2004 hasta octubre de 2014, aunque es a partir de 2012 cuando se observa un incremento significativo del número de publicaciones de los investigadores e investigadoras (en adelante PDI) de la ULPGC en estas herramientas. 1 PRINCIPALES CIFRAS DATOS POR RECURSO Y AÑO DE PUBLICACIÓN o 108 artículos publicados entre 2004 y 2014: 2014: 24 2013: 24 2012: 28 2011: 12 2010: 12 2009: 3 2008: 2 2007: 1 2006: 1 2004: 1 Publicaciones por año 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2004 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2 El desglose por plataforma y año de publicación es el siguiente: o 26 artículos en BioMed Central: 2014: 5 2013: 4 2012: 6 2011: 4 2010: 4 2009: 2 2006: 1 o 24 artículos en MDPI: 2014: 5 2013: 7 2012: 9 2011: 1 2010: 2 o 11 artículos en Springer Open1: 2014: 1 2013: 2 2012: 2 2011: 2 2010: 1 2009: 1 2007: 1 2004: 1 o 47 artículos en Plos One: 2014: 13 2013: 11 2012: 11 2011: 5 2010: 5 2008: 2 1 Springer Open forma parte de la plataforma BioMed Central. Los datos se han obtenido por separado dado el número de artículos publicados en revistas incluidas en Springer Open. 3 Publicaciones de los PDI de la ULPGC en BioMed Central, MDPI, PlosOne y Springer Open 47 26 24 11 BioMed Central MDPI Springer Open DATOS POR DEPARTAMENTOS, GRUPOS O INSTITUTOS Plos One 2 El Departamento de Ciencias Clínicas es el que más artículos ha publicado y del que un mayor número de investigadores e investigadoras ha participado en la elaboración de los mismos (33 y 38 respectivamente) A mucha distancia, le siguen los departamentos de Educación Física, con 13 artículos y 11 PDI, y Matemáticas con 10 artículos y 10 PDI. o Biología: 4 artículos / 6 PDI 2014: 3 2013: 1 Publicados en Plos One o Bioquímica: 1 artículo / 2 PDI 2 Se ha tenido en cuenta la adscripción de cada investigador e investigadora que ha participado en la elaboración de artículos. Cuando un artículo ha sido elaborado por personal adscrito a departamentos, grupos o institutos diferentes, éste se ha contabilizado en cada uno de ellos. 4 2012: 2 Publicados en MDPI o Bioquímica y Biología molecular, Fisiología y Genética e Inmunología: 6 artículos / 5 PDI 2014: 2 2013: 1 2012: 1 2011: 1 2010: 1 5 publicados en Plos One y 1 en BioMed Central o Centro de Biodiversidad y Gestión Ambiental: 2 artículos / 1 PDI 2012: 1 2011: 1 Publicados en Plos One o Ciencias Clínicas: 33 artículos / 38 PDI 2014: 7 2013: 9 2012: 9 2011: 2 2010: 3 2009: 2 2008: 1 10 publicados en BioMed Central, 2 en MDPI y 21 en Plos One o Ciencias de la Salud: o 1 artículo / 1 PDI 2014: 1 Publicado en BioMed Central Ciencias Médicas y Quirúrgicas: 7 artículos / 11 PDI 2014: 3 2013: 2 2011: 1 2006: 1 3 publicados en BioMed Central y 4 en Plos One 5 o Economía y Dirección de Empresas: 1 artículo / 3 PDI 2014: 1 Publicado en Plos One o Educación Física: 13 artículos / 11 PDI 2012: 3 2011: 3 2010: 5 2008: 2 Publicados en Plos One o Física: 1 artículo / 1 PDI 2010: 1 Publicado en Plos One o Grupo de Arquitectura y Concurrencia (GAC): o 4 artículos / 2 PDI 2013: 1 2012: 2 2011: 1 Publicados en MDPI Grupo de Investigación en traslacional Biopharm ULPGC: Oncología-Endocrinología molecular y 1 artículo / 7 PDI 2012: 1 Publicado en MDPI o Histología y Patología: o 2 artículos / 1 PDI 2014: 1 2013: 1 Publicado en Plos One IDetic: 6 artículos / 7 PDI 2013: 4 6 o Ingeniería Telemática: o 3 artículos / 6 PDI 2014: 1 2010: 1 2007: 1 1 publicados en MDPI, 1 en Springer Open y 1 en BioMed Central Matemáticas: o 4 artículos / 7 PDI 2014: 1 2012: 3 Publicados 3 en MDPI y 1 en Springer Open IUMA: o 1 artículos / 4 PDI 2012: 1 Publicado en Plos One Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas: o 1 artículo / 1 PDI 2013: 1 Publicado en Plos One Instituto de Oceanografía y Cambio Global: o 2012: 2 Publicado 1 en BioMed Central, 4 en MDPI y 1 en Springer Open 10 artículos / 10 PDI 2014: 1 2012: 3 2011: 3 2010: 1 2009: 1 2004: 1 2 publicados en BioMed Central, 2 en Plos One y 6 en Springer Open Medicina y Cirugía Animal: 3 artículos / 3 PDI 2014: 1 2012: 1 7 o Métodos cuantitativos: o 5 artículos / 12 PDI 2014: 1 2013: 3 2012: 1 4 publicados en MDPI y 1 en Springer One Siani: o 6 artículos / 10 PDI 2014: 3 2013: 1 2012: 2 Publicados en BioMed Central Química: o 3 artículos / 7 PDI 2014: 2 2013: 1 Publicados en Plos One Patología animal, producción animal y ciencia y tecnología de los alimentos: o 4 artículos / 6 PDI 2011: 2 2010: 2 1 en MDPI y 3 en BioMed Central Morfología: o 2010: 1 1 publicados en MDPI y 2 en BioMed Central 1 artículos / 3 PDI 2013: 1 Publicado en MDPI Unidad de Epidemiología y Medicina preventiva: 1 artículos / 2 PDI 2013: 1 Publicado en MDPI 8 Publicaciones por Departamento, Grupo o Instituto UNIDAD DE EPIDEMIOLOGÍA Y MEDICINA… SIANI 1 1 5 QUIMICA 6 PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y … 3 MORFOLOGÍA 4 MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS 3 MEDICINA Y CIRUGÍA ANIMAL 10 MATEMÁTICAS 2 IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE … 4 Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías… INSTITUTO DE OCEANOGRÁFIA Y CAMBIO GLOBAL 1 INGENIERÍA TELEMÁTICA 1 6 IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO… 2 HISTOLOGÍA Y PATOLOGÍA GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-… 1 4 Grupo de Arquitectura y Concurrencia (GAC) FÍSICA 1 13 Educación Física ECONOMÍA Y DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS 1 7 CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD 1 33 Ciencias Clínicas 2 CENTRO DE BIODIVERSIDAD Y GESTIÓN… 6 BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR,… BIOQUÍMICA BIOLOGÍA 1 4 9 PERSONAL INVESTIGADOR Y NÚMERO DE ARTÍCULOS PUBLICADOS INVESTIGADOR/A SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA CABALLERO SUÁREZ, JUAN MANUEL FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, LEANDRO HARJANI SAÚCO, JACKIE JERÓNIMO LARA JIMÉNEZ, PEDRO CARLOS SADARANGANI SADARANGANI, KISHIN BHAGWANDS SÁNCHEZ VILLEGAS, ALMUDENA ALAYÓN HERNÁNDEZ, FRANCISCO JAVIER ARÍSTEGUI RUÍZ, JAVIER GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ, CARMELO R. GUERRA HERNÁNDEZ, CARLOS BORJA Nº ARTÍCULOS 18 11 10 8 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 MACÍAS LÓPEZ, ELSA 4 PADRÓN MORALES, GABINO PÉREZ GARCÍA, RICARDO JAVIER QUESADA ARENCIBIA, ALEXIS SERRANO SÁNCHEZ, JOSÉ ANTONIO AFONSO OLIVARES, CRISTINA CASTRO NAVARRO, NOEMÍ DÍAZ CHICO, NICOLÁS GUADALUPE GRAU, AMELIA HENRÍQUEZ SÁNCHEZ, PATRICIA MIRECKI GARRIDO, MERCEDES DE OLMEDILLAS, HUGO PESTANO BRITO, JOSÉ JUAN SANTANA RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉ JUAN SOSA FERRERA, ZORAIDA SUÁREZ SARMIENTO, ÁLVARO TRAVIESO GONZÁLEZ, CARLOS MANUEL ALEMÁN PÉREZ, HÉCTOR ALMEIDA GONZÁLEZ, MAIRA ALONSO HERNÁNDEZ, JESÚS B. 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 10 INVESTIGADOR/A ARGÜELLO HENRÍQUEZ, ANASTASIO BAUTISTA CASTAÑO, INMACULADA DELGADO GUERRA, SAFIRA DOMÍNGUEZ BOADA, LUÍS MARÍA FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, ANTONIO FUENTES, TERESA GARCÍA SALVADOR, JOSÉ J. GONZÁLEZ HENRÍQUEZ, JUAN JOSÉ GONZÁLEZ LÓPEZ-VALCARCEL, BEATRIZ GONZÁLEZ QUESADA, ALICIA LLORET SAEZ-BRAVO, MARTA LÓPEZ, AROA LORENZO NAVARRO, JOSÉ JAVIER MATEOS DÍAZ, CARLOS PEREZ JIMÉNEZ, RAFAEL PÉREZ LUZARDO, OCTAVIO PONCE GONZÁLEZ, JESÚS GUSTAVO RICO SANTOS, MILAGROS SANTANA DEL PINO, ÁNGELO SANTANA FARRÉ, RUYMÁN SIERRA PULPILLO, EVA TORRES PADRÓN, MARÍA ESTHER TUYA CORTÉS, FERNANDO VILAR GUEREÑO, JOSÉ MANUEL WÄGNER, ANA MARÍA CLAUDIA ZUMBADO PEÑA, MANUEL LUÍS ALONSO GONZÁLEZ, ITZIAR GORETI ANDRADA BORZOLLINO, MARISA ARBELO HERNÁNDEZ, MANUEL ARIZA, A. ARTEAGA ORTÍZ, RAFAEL BARBER PÉREZ, PATRICIA BILBAO SIEYRO, CRISTINA BORDÓN RODRÍGUEZ, ELISA DE LOS REYES BORONAT CORTÉS, MAURO CABALLERO MENA, J. CASTRO QUEZADA, ITANDEHUI CHIRINO GODOY, RICARDO CONDE MARTEL, ALICIA Nº ARTÍCULOS 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 INVESTIGADOR/A DÍAZ CHICO, JUAN CARLOS DÍAZ DELGADO, JOSUÉ ESPINO CABALLERO, MINERVA ESPINOSA DE LOS MONTEROS Y ZAYAS, ANTONIO ESTÉVEZ ROSAS, FRANCISCO JESÚS FALCÓN SANTANA, SERGIO FERNÁNDEZ HEVIA, DANIEL FERNÁNDEZ VALERÓN, JOSEFA PILAR FERRER BALLESTER, MIGUEL ÁNGEL FIKA HERNANDO, MARÍA LUZ FREGEL, ROSA GARCÍA HERNÁNDEZ, JOSÉ A. GARCÍA-ALONSO MONTOYA, SANTIAGO GARIJO LÓPEZ, JUAN CARLOS GÓMEZ PINCHETTI, JUAN LUÍS GONZÁLEZ, ESTER GUEDES ALONSO, RAYCO HERNÁNDEZ CASTELLANO, LORENZO ENRIQUE HERNÁNDEZ LEÓN, SANTIAGO HERNÁNDEZ SOSA, JOSÉ DANIEL HERRÁEZ THOMAS, PEDRO MANUEL HERRERA RAMOS, ESTEFANÍA JIMÉNEZ MONZÓN, ROBERTO LÓPEZ BRITO, MARÍA DOLORES LÓPEZ RÍOS, LAURA LÓPEZ, MARIANA LORENZO, ÁLVARO MARCHENA GÓMEZ, JOAQUÍN MARRERO, MARÍA TERESA MARTEL ESCOBAR, MARÍA DEL CARMEN MARTÍ TRUJILLO, SARA MEDINA RODRÍGUEZ, NATHAN MOLERO LABARTA, TERESA MONTERO DEL PINO, MARÍA FERNANDA MONTESDEOCA ESPONDA, SARAH MONTIEL NELSON, JUAN ANTONIO MONZÓN ARGÜELLO, CATALINA MONZÓN VERONA, JOSÉ MIGUEL MORALES DE LA NUEZ, ANTONIO Nº ARTÍCULOS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 INVESTIGADOR/A MORALES DORESTE, MANUEL FRANCISCO MORALES, AYTHAMI MORENO INDIAS, ISABEL NEGRÍN HERNÁNDEZ, MIGUEL ÁNGEL NISSENSOHN, MARIELA NÓVOA MOGOLLÓN, FRANCISCO NÚÑEZ ORDOÑEZ, ANTONIO PALACIOS DÍAZ, M. PINO PÉREZ ARELLANO, JOSÉ LUÍS PÉREZ GALVÁN, FRANCISCO JAVIER PÉREZ GÓMEZ, JORGE PEREZ SUÁREZ, SANTIAGO T. PINAR SEDEÑO, MARÍA BEATRIZ PINILLA DOMÍNGUEZ, JAIME QUINTEIRO GONZÁLEZ, JOSÉ MARÍA RAMÍREZ CORBERA, ANA SOFÍA RODRÍGUEZ DE CASTRO, FELIPE RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ, FRANCISCO GERMÁN RODRÍGUEZ, NOÉ F. ROMERO QUINTERO, LEONARDO RUANO RODRÍGUEZ, CRISTINA SAAVEDRA SANTANA, PEDRO SÁNCHEZ MEDINA, AGUSTÍN JESÚS SANTANA MARTÍN, FRANCISCO JORGE SOSA CABRERA, SILVIA SUÁREZ DE TANGIL, MIGUEL TRIANA MÉNDEZ, JORGE VÁZQUEZ POLO, FRANCISCO J. VEGA ORELLANA, ORESTES VERBERNE, LISA VILAR GUEREÑO, JOSÉ MANUEL VILAS, JUAN CARLOS Nº ARTÍCULOS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Celeste: Becario/a Marrón: investigador/a Doctor/a Competitivo/a Naranja: Titulado/a Superior Investigación Rojo: No figuran en el directorio de la ULPGC Verde: PDI contratado para proyectos 3 Violeta: PIF 3 Datos obtenidos del Directorio de la ULPGC 13 Revistas donde se han publicados los artículos De los 108 artículos, 79 se han publicado en revistas pertenecientes al primer cuartil, 15 en revistas del segundo y 10 en publicaciones del tercero. Tres de los artículos publicados lo han hecho en revistas que no están recogidas en ninguno de los 4 cuartiles. Los títulos de estas publicaciones, junto al cuartil al que pertenecen y el número de artículos publicado en cada una de ellas se recogen en la tabla siguiente. PUBLICACIÓN Antibiotics BMC Bioinformatics BMC Evolutionary Biology BMC Health Services Research BMC Medicine BMC Microbiology BMC Public Health BMC Veterinary Research Boundary Value Problems Critical Care Environmental Health EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Fixed Point Theory and Applications Human Resources for Health International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health International Journal of Molecular Sciences Molecules Nanoscale Research Letters Nutrients Parasites & Vectors Pharmaceuticals PlosOne Radiation Oncology Sensors SpringerPlus Sustainability Trials World Journal of Surgical Oncology Cuartil 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 Nº Artículos publicados 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 1 3 4 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 47 6 14 1 1 1 1 En virtud de estos datos, podemos concluir que el personal investigador de la ULPGC cuando publica en revistas o plataformas en acceso abierto lo hacen mayoritariamente en aquéllas que pertenecen al Q1. 14 TABLAS ANEXAS 15 POR AÑO DE PUBLICACIÓN AÑO PUBLICACIÓN INVESTIGADOR DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI QUIMICA Molecules MDPI Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Sensors MDPI 2014 AFONSO OLIVARES, CRISTINA 2014 ALAYÓN HERNÁNDEZ, FRANCISCO JAVIER 2014 ANDRADA BORZOLLINO, MARISA MORFOLOGÍA Plos ONE 2014 ARBELO HERNÁNDEZ, MANUEL MORFOLOGÍA Plos ONE 2014 ARGÜELLO HENRÍQUEZ, ANASTASIO 2014 ARÍSTEGUI RUÍZ, JAVIER BIOLOGÍA Plos ONE 2014 ARIZA, A. BIOLOGÍA Plos ONE 2014 BILBAO SIEYRO, CRISTINA MORFOLOGÍA Plos ONE PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS Ciencias Clínicas BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central 2014 CASTRO NAVARRO, NOEMÍ 2014 CASTRO QUEZADA, ITANDEHUI 2014 DÍAZ CHICO, NICOLÁS Ciencias Clínicas Plos ONE 2014 DÍAZ DELGADO, JOSUÉ MORFOLOGÍA Plos ONE 2014 ESPINOSA DE LOS MONTEROS Y ZAYAS, ANTONIO MORFOLOGÍA Plos ONE 2014 FERNÁNDEZ HEVIA, DANIEL 2014 FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, LEANDRO 2014 FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, ANTONIO 2014 FIKA HERNANDO, MARÍA LUZ 2014 FREGEL, ROSA 2014 GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ, CARMELO R. 2014 GARIJO LÓPEZ, JUAN CARLOS BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central Nutrients MDPI Nanoscale Research Letters SpringerOpen Ciencias Clínicas Plos ONE MORFOLOGÍA Plos ONE CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD Trials BioMed Central BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA BMC Evolutionary Biology BioMed Central Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Sensors MDPI BIOLOGÍA Plos ONE TÍTULO ARTICULO Microextraction Techniques Coupled to Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Organic Micropollutants in Using Massive Vehicle Positioning Data to Improve Control and Planning of Public Road Transport Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans The effect of colostrum intake on blood plasma proteome profile in newborn lambs: low abundance proteins Krill Excretion Boosts Microbial Activity in the Southern The Submarine Volcano Eruption off El Hierro Island: Effects on the Scattering Migrant Biota and the Evolution The Submarine Volcano Eruption off El Hierro Island: Effects on the Scattering Migrant Biota and the Evolution High Resolution Melting Analysis: A Rapid and Accurate Method to Detect CALR Mutations The effect of colostrum intake on blood plasma proteome profile in newborn lambs: low abundance proteins The Mediterranean Diet and Nutritional Adequacy: A Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans Microwave-induced fast crystallization of amorphous hierarchical anatase microspheres Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth Simvastatin Impairs Growth Hormone-Activated Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT) Signaling Pathway in UMR-106 Osteosarcoma Cells Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans A healthy diet with and without cereal grains and dairy products in patients with type 2 diabetes: study protocol for a random-order cross-over pilot study - Alimentation The history of the North African mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U6 gene flow into the African, Eurasian and American continents Using Massive Vehicle Positioning Data to Improve Control and Planning of Public Road Transport The Submarine Volcano Eruption off El Hierro Island: Effects on the Scattering Migrant Biota and the Evolution POR AÑO DE PUBLICACIÓN AÑO PUBLICACIÓN 2014 INVESTIGADOR GÓMEZ PINCHETTI, JUAN LUÍS 2014 GUERRA HERNÁNDEZ, CARLOS BORJA 2014 HERNÁNDEZ CASTELLANO, LORENZO ENRIQUE 2014 HERNÁNDEZ LEÓN, SANTIAGO 2014 HERRÁEZ THOMAS, PEDRO MANUEL 2014 HERRERA RAMOS, ESTEFANÍA 2014 MATEOS DÍAZ, CARLOS 2014 MEDINA RODRÍGUEZ, NATHAN 2014 MIRECKI GARRIDO, MERCEDES DE 2014 MOLERO LABARTA, TERESA 2014 MONZÓN ARGÜELLO, CATALINA 2014 MORALES DORESTE, MANUEL FRANCISCO DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO RECURSO OAI TÍTULO ARTICULO BIOLOGÍA Plos ONE Ciencias Clínicas Plos ONE Krill Excretion Boosts Microbial Activity in the Southern Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth Simvastatin Impairs Growth Hormone-Activated Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT) Signaling Pathway in UMR-106 Osteosarcoma Cells PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS PUBLICACIÓN BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central BIOLOGÍA Plos ONE MORFOLOGÍA Plos ONE CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS Critical Care Ciencias Clínicas MATEMÁTICAS / IUMA BioMed Central Plos ONE BMC Bioinformatics BioMed Central Ciencias Clínicas Plos ONE CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS Plos ONE BIOLOGÍA Plos ONE MEDICINA Y CIRUGÍA ANIMAL Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas MDPI Sensors MDPI Sustainability MDPI Recycled Urban Wastewater for Irrigation of Jatropha curcas L. in Abandoned Agricultural Arid Land Sensors MDPI Using Massive Vehicle Positioning Data to Improve Control and Planning of Public Road Transport Plos ONE Multiple Ethnic Origins of Mitochondrial DNA Lineages for the Population of Mauritius PADRÓN MORALES, GABINO 2014 PALACIOS DÍAZ, M. PINO 2014 PÉREZ GARCÍA, RICARDO JAVIER 2014 PESTANO BRITO, JOSÉ JUAN BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA 2014 PESTANO BRITO, JOSÉ JUAN BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA 2014 QUESADA ARENCIBIA, ALEXIS 2014 QUINTEIRO GONZÁLEZ, JOSÉ MARÍA 2014 RODRÍGUEZ DE CASTRO, FELIPE 2014 ROMERO QUINTERO, LEONARDO ECONOMÍA Y DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS 2014 SÁNCHEZ MEDINA, AGUSTÍN JESÚS ECONOMÍA Y DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS Plos ONE 2014 SÁNCHEZ VILLEGAS, ALMUDENA Ciencias Clínicas Plos ONE CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS The Submarine Volcano Eruption off El Hierro Island: Effects on the Scattering Migrant Biota and the Evolution Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans Surfactant protein A genetic variants associate with severe respiratory insufficiency in pandemic influenza A virus Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth alleHap: an efficient algorithm to reconstruct zerorecombinant haplotypes from parent-offspring pedigrees Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth High Resolution Melting Analysis: A Rapid and Accurate Method to Detect CALR Mutations Geographic Patterns of Genetic Variation in a Broadly Distributed Marine Vertebrate: New Insights into Loggerhead Turtle Stock Structure from Expanded Hip Osteoarthritis in Dogs: A Randomized Study Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue and Plasma Using Massive Vehicle Positioning Data to Improve Control and Planning of Public Road Transport International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2014 Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) The effect of colostrum intake on blood plasma proteome profile in newborn lambs: low abundance proteins BMC Evolutionary Biology BioMed Central Sensors MDPI BMC Bioinformatics BioMed Central Critical Care BioMed Central Plos ONE The history of the North African mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U6 gene flow into the African, Eurasian and American continents Using Massive Vehicle Positioning Data to Improve Control and Planning of Public Road Transport alleHap: an efficient algorithm to reconstruct zerorecombinant haplotypes from parent-offspring pedigrees Surfactant protein A genetic variants associate with severe respiratory insufficiency in pandemic influenza A virus Environmental Management in Small and Medium-Sized Companies: An Analysis from the Perspective of the Theory Environmental Management in Small and Medium-Sized Companies: An Analysis from the Perspective of the Theory Dietary Fat Intake and the Risk of Depression: The SUN POR AÑO DE PUBLICACIÓN AÑO PUBLICACIÓN INVESTIGADOR DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO 2014 SÁNCHEZ VILLEGAS, ALMUDENA Ciencias Clínicas 2014 SANTANA DEL PINO, ÁNGELO MATEMÁTICAS 2014 SANTANA FARRÉ, RUYMÁN Ciencias Clínicas 2014 SANTANA RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉ JUAN QUIMICA PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI Plos ONE BMC Bioinformatics BioMed Central Plos ONE Molecules MDPI Plos ONE 2014 SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS Ciencias Clínicas Plos ONE Nutrients MDPI Plos ONE 2014 SIERRA PULPILLO, EVA HISTOLOGÍA Y PATOLOGÍA Plos ONE 2014 SOSA CABRERA, SILVIA ECONOMÍA Y DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS Plos ONE 2014 SOSA FERRERA, ZORAIDA QUIMICA Molecules MDPI 2014 TORRES PADRÓN, MARÍA ESTHER QUIMICA Molecules MDPI 2014 VERBERNE, LISA 2014 VILAR GUEREÑO, JOSÉ MANUEL MEDICINA Y CIRUGÍA ANIMAL International Journal of Molecular Sciences MDPI 2014 WÄGNER, ANA MARÍA CLAUDIA CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS BMC Bioinformatics BioMed Central 2013 AFONSO OLIVARES, CRISTINA SpringerPlus SpringerOpen Antibiotics MDPI 2013 ALEMÁN PÉREZ, HÉCTOR 2013 ALONSO GONZÁLEZ, ITZIAR GORETI 2013 2013 2013 2013 ALONSO HERNÁNDEZ, JESÚS B. ARÍSTEGUI RUÍZ, JAVIER BAUTISTA CASTAÑO, INMACULADA CASTRILLÓN SANTANA MODESTO F Ciencias Clínicas QUIMICA Plos ONE Ciencias Clínicas Plos ONE INGENIERÍA TELEMÁTICA Plos ONE IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) Sensors MDPI IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) Sensors MDPI BIOLOGÍA Plos ONE Plos ONE Plos ONE Ciencias Clínicas SIANI Sensors MDPI TÍTULO ARTICULO Effects of 1-Year Intervention with a Mediterranean Diet on Plasma Fatty Acid Composition and Metabolic Syndrome in a Population at High Cardiovascular Risk alleHap: an efficient algorithm to reconstruct zerorecombinant haplotypes from parent-offspring pedigrees Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth Microextraction Techniques Coupled to Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Organic Micropollutants in Dietary Fat Intake and the Risk of Depression: The SUN Prevalence of Abdominal Obesity in Spanish Children and Adolescents. Do We Need Waist Circumference The Mediterranean Diet and Nutritional Adequacy: A Usage of Plant Food Supplements across Six European Countries: Findings from the PlantLIBRA Consumer Survey Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans Environmental Management in Small and Medium-Sized Companies: An Analysis from the Perspective of the Theory Microextraction Techniques Coupled to Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Organic Micropollutants in Microextraction Techniques Coupled to Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Organic Micropollutants in Dietary Fat Intake and the Risk of Depression: The SUN Hip Osteoarthritis in Dogs: A Randomized Study Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue and Plasma alleHap: an efficient algorithm to reconstruct zerorecombinant haplotypes from parent-offspring pedigrees An assessment of the concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater treatment plants on the island Assessment of the Presence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Seawater Samples from Coastal Area of Gran Canaria Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Carbon Dynamics within Cyclonic Eddies: Insights from a Design Methodology of an Equalizer for Unipolar Non Return to Zero Binary Signals in the Presence of Additive White Gaussian Noise Using a Time Delay Neural Network on a Field Programmable Gate Array On the Selection of Non-Invasive Methods Based on Speech Analysis Oriented to Automatic Alzheimer Disease Diagnosis Carbon Dynamics within Cyclonic Eddies: Insights from a Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse On the Use of a Low-Cost Thermal Sensor to Improve Kinect People Detection in a Mobile Robot POR AÑO DE PUBLICACIÓN AÑO PUBLICACIÓN 2013 INVESTIGADOR CASTRILLÓN SANTANA, MODESTO F. DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO SIANI 2013 FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, ANTONIO 2013 GARCÍA HERNÁNDEZ, JOSÉ A. 2013 GARCÍA SALVADOR, JOSÉ J. Ciencias Clínicas 2013 GONZÁLEZ QUESADA, ALICIA Ciencias Clínicas 2013 GUEDES ALONSO, RAYCO 2013 HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI Sensors MDPI MORFOLOGÍA Plos ONE CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS Plos ONE Plos ONE Plos ONE Plos ONE Plos ONE QUIMICA SpringerPlus Ciencias Clínicas SpringerOpen Plos ONE Plos ONE 2013 HENRÍQUEZ SÁNCHEZ, PATRICIA Ciencias Clínicas Plos ONE Plos ONE 2013 HERNÁNDEZ SOSA, JOSÉ DANIEL SIANI 2013 LARA JIMÉNEZ, PEDRO CARLOS Ciencias Clínicas 2013 LÓPEZ, AROA 2013 LORENZO NAVARRO, JOSÉ JAVIER 2013 MACÍAS LÓPEZ, ELSA 2013 MONTESDEOCA ESPONDA, SARAH 2013 MORALES DORESTE, MANUEL FRANCISCO 2013 PÉREZ ARELLANO, JOSÉ LUÍS 2013 PEREZ JIMÉNEZ, RAFAEL QUIMICA Sensors MDPI Plos ONE Molecules MDPI Sensors MDPI Sensors MDPI Grupo de Arquitectura y Concurrencia (GAC) Sensors MDPI QUIMICA SpringerPlus SpringerOpen PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central SIANI CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) 2013 PEREZ SUÁREZ, SANTIAGO T. IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) 2013 PESTANO BRITO, JOSÉ JUAN BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA Plos ONE EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking BioMed Central EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking SpringerOpen Sensors MDPI Plos ONE TÍTULO ARTICULO On the Use of Simple Geometric Descriptors Provided by RGB-D Sensors for Re-Identification What Caused the UK’s Largest Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) Mass Stranding Event? Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse An assessment of the concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater treatment plants on the island Polymorphisms in DNA-Repair Genes in a Cohort of Prostate Cancer Patients from Different Areas in Spain: Heterogeneity between Populations as a Confounding Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk Empirically Derived Dietary Patterns and Health-Related Quality of Life in the SUN Project Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse On the Use of Simple Geometric Descriptors Provided by RGB-D Sensors for Re-Identification Polymorphisms in DNA-Repair Genes in a Cohort of Prostate Cancer Patients from Different Areas in Spain: Heterogeneity between Populations as a Confounding Phenolic Constituents, Antioxidant and Preliminary Antimycoplasmic Activities of Leaf Skin and Flowers of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill.) from the On the Use of a Low-Cost Thermal Sensor to Improve Kinect People Detection in a Mobile Robot On the Use of Simple Geometric Descriptors Provided by RGB-D Sensors for Re-Identification Mobile Sensing Systems An assessment of the concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater treatment plants on the island Controlled, blinded force platform analysis of the effect of intraarticular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells associated to PRGF-Endoret in Long-Term Frozen Storage of Urine Samples: A Trouble to Get PCR Results in Schistosoma spp. DNA Detection? Design considerations of conventional angle diversity receivers for indoor optical wireless communications Simulation of impulse response for indoor visible light communications using 3D CAD models Design Methodology of an Equalizer for Unipolar Non Return to Zero Binary Signals in the Presence of Additive White Gaussian Noise Using a Time Delay Neural Network on a Field Programmable Gate Array Introducing the Algerian Mitochondrial DNA and YChromosome Profiles into the North African Landscape POR AÑO DE PUBLICACIÓN AÑO PUBLICACIÓN INVESTIGADOR DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI UNIDAD DE EPIDEMIOLOGÍA Y MEDICINA PREVENTIVA Molecules MDPI QUIMICA Molecules MDPI 2013 RAMÍREZ CORBERA, ANA SOFÍA 2013 RICO SANTOS, MILAGROS 2013 RUANO RODRÍGUEZ, CRISTINA Ciencias Clínicas 2013 SÁNCHEZ VILLEGAS, ALMUDENA Ciencias Clínicas 2013 SANTANA DEL PINO, ÁNGELO 2013 SANTANA RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉ JUAN PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS QUIMICA Plos ONE Plos ONE BMC Medicine BioMed Central BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central SpringerPlus SpringerOpen Antibiotics MDPI Plos ONE Plos ONE Environmental Health 2013 SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS Ciencias Clínicas BioMed Central Plos ONE Plos ONE BMC Medicine BioMed Central Plos ONE 2013 SIERRA PULPILLO, EVA 2013 SOSA FERRERA, ZORAIDA 2013 SUÁREZ DE TANGIL, MIGUEL 2013 SUÁREZ SARMIENTO, ÁLVARO 2013 TORRES PADRÓN, MARÍA ESTHER 2013 TRAVIESO GONZÁLEZ, CARLOS MANUEL 2013 VEGA ORELLANA, ORESTES HISTOLOGÍA Y PATOLOGÍA Plos ONE SpringerPlus SpringerOpen Antibiotics MDPI QUIMICA Molecules MDPI Grupo de Arquitectura y Concurrencia (GAC) Sensors MDPI QUIMICA Antibiotics MDPI IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) Sensors MDPI Sensors MDPI Molecules MDPI QUIMICA UNIDAD DE EPIDEMIOLOGÍA Y MEDICINA PREVENTIVA TÍTULO ARTICULO Phenolic Constituents, Antioxidant and Preliminary Antimycoplasmic Activities of Leaf Skin and Flowers of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill.) from the Phenolic Constituents, Antioxidant and Preliminary Antimycoplasmic Activities of Leaf Skin and Flowers of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill.) from the Empirically Derived Dietary Patterns and Health-Related Quality of Life in the SUN Project Empirically Derived Dietary Patterns and Health-Related Quality of Life in the SUN Project Mediterranean dietary pattern and depression: the PREDIMED randomized trial Controlled, blinded force platform analysis of the effect of intraarticular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells associated to PRGF-Endoret in An assessment of the concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater treatment plants on the island Assessment of the Presence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Seawater Samples from Coastal Area of Gran Canaria Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk Cross-Sectional Assessment of Nut Consumption and Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and Other Cardiometabolic Environmental footprints of Mediterranean versus Western dietary patterns: beyond the health benefits of Lifestyles and Risk Factors Associated with Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: A Baseline Assessment of the Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Mediterranean dietary pattern and depression: the PREDIMED randomized trial White Blood Cell Counts as Risk Markers of Developing Metabolic Syndrome and Its Components in the Predimed What Caused the UK's Largest Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) Mass Stranding Event? An assessment of the concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater treatment plants on the island Assessment of the Presence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Seawater Samples from Coastal Area of Gran Canaria Phenolic Constituents, Antioxidant and Preliminary Antimycoplasmic Activities of Leaf Skin and Flowers of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill.) from the Mobile Sensing Systems Assessment of the Presence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Seawater Samples from Coastal Area of Gran Canaria Design Methodology of an Equalizer for Unipolar Non Return to Zero Binary Signals in the Presence of Additive White Gaussian Noise Using a Time Delay Neural Network on a Field Programmable Gate Array On the Selection of Non-Invasive Methods Based on Speech Analysis Oriented to Automatic Alzheimer Disease Phenolic Constituents, Antioxidant and Preliminary Antimycoplasmic Activities of Leaf Skin and Flowers of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill.) from the POR AÑO DE PUBLICACIÓN AÑO PUBLICACIÓN INVESTIGADOR 2013 VILAR GUEREÑO, JOSÉ MANUEL 2012 NISSENSOHN, MARIELA 2012 2012 ALAYÓN HERNÁNDEZ, FRANCISCO JAVIER ALMEIDA GONZÁLEZ, MAIRA DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central Ciencias Clínicas Nutrients MDPI Sensors MDPI Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Ciencias Clínicas EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Sensors Environmental Health SpringerOpen MDPI BioMed Central Plos ONE 2012 ARGÜELLO HENRÍQUEZ, ANASTASIO 2012 ARÍSTEGUI RUÍZ, JAVIER 2012 CABALLERO SUÁREZ, JUAN MANUEL 2012 CASTRO NAVARRO, NOEMÍ 2012 DÍAZ CHICO, JUAN CARLOS 2012 DÍAZ CHICO, NICOLÁS 2012 DOMÍNGUEZ BOADA, LUÍS MARÍA PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS INSTITUTO DE OCEANOGRÁFIA Y CAMBIO GLOBAL MATEMÁTICAS PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC Ciencias Clínicas BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central Plos ONE DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA 2012 ESPINO CABALLERO, MINERVA 2012 ESTÉVEZ ROSAS, FRANCISCO JESÚS Parasites & Vectors BioMed Central BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central Pharmaceuticals MDPI The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver Pharmaceuticals MDPI The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver Environmental Health BioMed Central Plos ONE INSTITUTO DE OCEANOGRÁFIA Y CAMBIO GLOBAL Plos ONE Molecules Ciencias Clínicas 2012 FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, LEANDRO GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC Is There a Seamount Effect on Microbial Community Structure and Biomass? The Case Study of Seine and Sedlo A best proximity point theorem for Geraghty-contractions Genetic characterization and molecular identification of the bloodmeal sources of the potential bluetongue vector Culicoides obsoletus in the Canary Islands, Spain The complement system of the goat: Haemolytic assays and isolation of major proteins SpringerOpen EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA BIOQUÍMICA The complement system of the goat: Haemolytic assays and isolation of major proteins Fixed Point Theory and Applications Plos ONE 2012 TÍTULO ARTICULO Controlled, blinded force platform analysis of the effect of intraarticular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells associated to PRGF-Endoret in The Relationship between Zinc Intake and Serum/Plasma Zinc Concentration in Children: A Systematic Review and Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport Pervasive multimedia guidance system for special needs passengers on public transport Provision of Ubiquitous Tourist Information in Public Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a MDPI Plos ONE Pharmaceuticals MDPI Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a Contribution of Individual and Environmental Factors to Physical Activity Level among Spanish Adults Is There a Seamount Effect on Microbial Community Structure and Biomass? The Case Study of Seine and Sedlo Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities Influence of Neonatal Hypothyroidism on Hepatic Gene Expression and Lipid Metabolism in Adulthood The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver POR AÑO DE PUBLICACIÓN AÑO PUBLICACIÓN INVESTIGADOR DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO 2012 FERNÁNDEZ VALERÓN, JOSEFA PILAR BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA 2012 FERRER BALLESTER, MIGUEL ÁNGEL IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) 2012 GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ, CARMELO R. 2012 GONZÁLEZ HENRÍQUEZ, JUAN JOSÉ 2012 GONZÁLEZ, ESTER 2012 GUERRA HERNÁNDEZ, CARLOS BORJA 2012 HARJANI SAÚCO, JACKIE JERÓNIMO 2012 HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas PUBLICACIÓN GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC MATEMÁTICAS TÍTULO ARTICULO Plos ONE The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Study Sensors MDPI Sensors MDPI EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Sensors MATEMÁTICAS IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) RECURSO OAI SpringerOpen MDPI Plos ONE MDPI On the Feasibility of Interoperable Schemes in Hand Biometrics Pharmaceuticals MDPI The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen Environmental Health BioMed Central Plos ONE Radiation Oncology BioMed Central Plos ONE JIMÉNEZ MONZÓN, ROBERTO GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC 2012 LARA JIMÉNEZ, PEDRO CARLOS Ciencias Clínicas Pharmaceuticals MDPI Radiation Oncology BioMed Central Plos ONE 2012 LLORET SAEZ-BRAVO, MARTA Ciencias Clínicas 2012 LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport Pervasive multimedia guidance system for special needs passengers on public transport Provision of Ubiquitous Tourist Information in Public Contribution of Individual and Environmental Factors to Physical Activity Level among Spanish Adults Sensors Ciencias Clínicas 2012 On the Feasibility of Interoperable Schemes in Hand Biometrics Radiation Oncology BioMed Central Plos ONE Plos ONE 2012 LÓPEZ, AROA QUIMICA Molecules MDPI 2012 LÓPEZ, MARIANA QUIMICA Molecules MDPI 2012 LORENZO, ÁLVARO Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Sensors MDPI A best proximity point theorem for Geraghty-contractions Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) Influence of Neonatal Hypothyroidism on Hepatic Gene Expression and Lipid Metabolism in Adulthood MVP expression in the prediction of clinical outcome of locally advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma patients The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver MVP expression in the prediction of clinical outcome of locally advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma patients The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a MVP expression in the prediction of clinical outcome of locally advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma patients Energy Metabolism during Repeated Sets of Leg Press Exercise Leading to Failure or Not Muscle Hypertrophy in Prepubescent Tennis Players: A Segmentation MRI Study Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport POR AÑO DE PUBLICACIÓN AÑO PUBLICACIÓN INVESTIGADOR 2012 MACÍAS LÓPEZ, ELSA 2012 MARRERO, MARÍA TERESA 2012 MATEOS DÍAZ, CARLOS DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO PUBLICACIÓN Grupo de Arquitectura y Concurrencia (GAC) Sensors MDPI Sensors MDPI BIOQUÍMICA Molecules MDPI GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC Pharmaceuticals MDPI Ciencias Clínicas 2012 MIRECKI GARRIDO, MERCEDES DE 2012 MONTERO DEL PINO, MARÍA FERNANDA 2012 MORALES DE LA NUEZ, ANTONIO 2012 MORALES, AYTHAMI 2012 MORENO INDIAS, ISABEL 2012 2012 PADRÓN MORALES, GABINO PÉREZ GALVÁN, FRANCISCO JAVIER RECURSO OAI GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC INSTITUTO DE OCEANOGRÁFIA Y CAMBIO GLOBAL PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS Plos ONE Pharmaceuticals MDPI Plos ONE Parasites & Vectors BioMed Central IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) Sensors MDPI PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central Sensors MDPI Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas QUIMICA Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Sensors SpringerOpen MDPI Molecules MDPI Sensors MDPI 2012 PÉREZ GARCÍA, RICARDO JAVIER 2012 PÉREZ LUZARDO, OCTAVIO Ciencias Clínicas 2012 PEREZ LUZARDO, OCTAVIO LUÍS Ciencias Clínicas 2012 QUESADA ARENCIBIA, ALEXIS Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas 2012 QUESADA ARENCIBIA, ALEXIS Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas 2012 RICO SANTOS, MILAGROS QUIMICA Molecules MDPI EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Sensors SpringerOpen MDPI Plos ONE Environmental Health BioMed Central Sensors MDPI Sensors MDPI EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking SpringerOpen TÍTULO ARTICULO Architecture and Protocol of a Semantic System Designed for Video Tagging with Sensor Data in Mobile Devices Ubiquitous Monitoring of Electrical Household Appliances Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver Influence of Neonatal Hypothyroidism on Hepatic Gene Expression and Lipid Metabolism in Adulthood The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver Is There a Seamount Effect on Microbial Community Structure and Biomass? The Case Study of Seine and Sedlo Genetic characterization and molecular identification of the bloodmeal sources of the potential bluetongue vector Culicoides obsoletus in the Canary Islands, Spain On the Feasibility of Interoperable Schemes in Hand Biometrics The complement system of the goat: Haemolytic assays and isolation of major proteins Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport Pervasive multimedia guidance system for special needs passengers on public transport Provision of Ubiquitous Tourist Information in Public Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport Pervasive multimedia guidance system for special needs passengers on public transport Provision of Ubiquitous Tourist Information in Public The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) Provision of Ubiquitous Tourist Information in Public Transport Networks Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport Pervasive multimedia guidance system for special needs passengers on public transport Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities POR AÑO DE PUBLICACIÓN AÑO PUBLICACIÓN INVESTIGADOR 2012 RODRÍGUEZ, NOÉ F. 2012 2012 2012 DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI MEDICINA Y CIRUGÍA ANIMAL BMC Microbiology BioMed Central SAAVEDRA SANTANA, PEDRO MATEMÁTICAS Critical Care BioMed Central SADARANGANI SADARANGANI, KISHIN BHAGWANDS MATEMÁTICAS Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN Plos ONE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE 2012 SANTANA FARRÉ, RUYMÁN Ciencias Clínicas Plos ONE Plos ONE Plos ONE Environmental Health 2012 SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS Ciencias Clínicas BioMed Central Plos ONE Plos ONE Nutrients MDPI Plos ONE 2012 SERRANO SÁNCHEZ, JOSÉ ANTONIO Plos ONE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE 2012 SUÁREZ SARMIENTO, ÁLVARO 2012 TRAVIESO GONZÁLEZ, CARLOS MANUEL 2012 TRIANA MÉNDEZ, JORGE 2012 TUYA CORTÉS, FERNANDO 2012 VILAS, JUAN CARLOS 2012 ZUMBADO PEÑA, MANUEL LUÍS BORDÓN RODRÍGUEZ, ELISA DE LOS REYES A best proximity point theorem for Geraghty-contractions Contribution of Individual and Environmental Factors to Physical Activity Level among Spanish Adults Muscle Hypertrophy in Prepubescent Tennis Players: A Segmentation MRI Study Influence of Neonatal Hypothyroidism on Hepatic Gene Expression and Lipid Metabolism in Adulthood A 14-Item Mediterranean Diet Assessment Tool and Obesity Indexes among High-Risk Subjects: The PREDIMED Association of the European Lactase Persistence Variant (LCT-13910 C>T Polymorphism) with Obesity in the Canary Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) Statistical and Biological Gene-Lifestyle Interactions of MC4R and FTO with Diet and Physical Activity on Obesity: The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a The Relationship between Zinc Intake and Serum/Plasma Zinc Concentration in Children: A Systematic Review and Waist-to-Height Ratio and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Elderly Individuals at High Cardiovascular Risk Contribution of Individual and Environmental Factors to Physical Activity Level among Spanish Adults Muscle Hypertrophy in Prepubescent Tennis Players: A Segmentation MRI Study Grupo de Arquitectura y Concurrencia (GAC) Sensors MDPI Ubiquitous Monitoring of Electrical Household Appliances IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) Sensors MDPI Transformation of Hand-Shape Features for a Biometric Identification Approach QUIMICA Molecules MDPI CENTRO DE BIODIVERSIDAD Y GESTIÓN AMBIENTAL INSTITUTO DE OCEANOGRÁFIA Y CAMBIO GLOBAL Ciencias Clínicas Plos ONE Plos ONE Environmental Health BioMed Central Plos ONE 2011 TÍTULO ARTICULO Molecular method for the characterization of Coxiella burnetii from clinical and environmental samples: Assessment of candidemia-attributable mortality in critically ill patients using propensity score matching Ciencias Clínicas Radiation Oncology BioMed Central Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities A Meta-Analysis of Seaweed Impacts on Seagrasses: Generalities and Knowledge Gaps Is There a Seamount Effect on Microbial Community Structure and Biomass? The Case Study of Seine and Sedlo Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a Combined low initial DNA damage and high radiationinduced apoptosis confers clinical resistance to long-term toxicity in breast cancer patients treated with high-dose POR AÑO DE PUBLICACIÓN AÑO PUBLICACIÓN INVESTIGADOR DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO 2011 BORONAT CORTÉS, MAURO 2011 CABALLERO SUÁREZ, JUAN MANUEL 2011 CHIRINO GODOY, RICARDO BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA 2011 DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA PUBLICACIÓN CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS MATEMÁTICAS RECURSO OAI Plos ONE Boundary Value Problems SpringerOpen Plos ONE Plos ONE Plos ONE 2011 GONZÁLEZ HENRÍQUEZ, JUAN JOSÉ 2011 GONZÁLEZ LÓPEZ-VALCARCEL, BEATRIZ 2011 HARJANI SAÚCO, JACKIE JERÓNIMO MATEMÁTICAS 2011 HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO Ciencias Clínicas 2011 LARA JIMÉNEZ, PEDRO CARLOS MATEMÁTICAS MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS Ciencias Clínicas Plos ONE BMC Health Services Research BioMed Central Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen Boundary Value Problems SpringerOpen Radiation Oncology BioMed Central Radiation Oncology BioMed Central Radiation Oncology BioMed Central Radiation Oncology BioMed Central 2011 LLORET SAEZ-BRAVO, MARTA Ciencias Clínicas Radiation Oncology BioMed Central 2011 LÓPEZ BRITO, MARÍA DOLORES MATEMÁTICAS Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen 2011 LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE Plos ONE 2011 LÓPEZ RÍOS, LAURA CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2011 MACÍAS LÓPEZ, ELSA Grupo de Arquitectura y Concurrencia (GAC) 2011 MARTÍ TRUJILLO, SARA 2011 Plos ONE Sensors MDPI EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE NÓVOA MOGOLLÓN, FRANCISCO CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS Plos ONE 2011 PINAR SEDEÑO, MARÍA BEATRIZ Ciencias Clínicas Radiation Oncology BioMed Central 2011 PINILLA DOMÍNGUEZ, JAIME MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS BMC Health Services Research BioMed Central Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen 2011 SADARANGANI SADARANGANI, KISHIN MATEMÁTICAS TÍTULO ARTICULO Interaction between Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and Hepatic Lipase Encoding Genes and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Telde Study On existence and uniqueness of positive solutions to a class of fractional boundary value problems Interaction between Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and Hepatic Lipase Encoding Genes and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Telde Study Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents Iliopsoas and Gluteal Muscles Are Asymmetric in Tennis Players but Not in Soccer Players Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents Are prescribing doctors sensitive to the price that their patients have to pay in the Spanish National Health A fixed point theorem for Meir-Keeler contractions in On existence and uniqueness of positive solutions to a class of fractional boundary value problems Combined low initial DNA damage and high radiationinduced apoptosis confers clinical resistance to long-term toxicity in breast cancer patients treated with high-dose MVP and vaults: a role in the radiation response Combined low initial DNA damage and high radiationinduced apoptosis confers clinical resistance to long-term toxicity in breast cancer patients treated with high-dose MVP and vaults: a role in the radiation response Combined low initial DNA damage and high radiationinduced apoptosis confers clinical resistance to long-term toxicity in breast cancer patients treated with high-dose A fixed point theorem for Meir-Keeler contractions in Iliopsoas and Gluteal Muscles Are Asymmetric in Tennis Players but Not in Soccer Players Soccer Attenuates the Asymmetry of Rectus Abdominis Muscle Observed in Non-Athletes. Interaction between Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and Hepatic Lipase Encoding Genes and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Telde Study A Hierarchical Communication Architecture for Oceanic Surveillance Applications Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents Interaction between Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and Hepatic Lipase Encoding Genes and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Telde Study Combined low initial DNA damage and high radiationinduced apoptosis confers clinical resistance to long-term toxicity in breast cancer patients treated with high-dose The evolution of health status and chronic conditions in Catalonia, 1994-2006: the paradox of health revisited using the Blinder - Oaxaca decomposition A fixed point theorem for Meir-Keeler contractions in ordered metric spaces POR AÑO DE PUBLICACIÓN AÑO PUBLICACIÓN 2011 INVESTIGADOR BHAGWANDS DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO MATEMÁTICAS PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI Boundary Value Problems SpringerOpen Plos ONE 2011 SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE Plos ONE 2011 SERRANO SÁNCHEZ, JOSÉ ANTONIO 2011 SUÁREZ SARMIENTO, ÁLVARO 2011 TUYA CORTÉS, FERNANDO 2011 WÄGNER, ANA MARÍA CLAUDIA 2010 EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Grupo de Arquitectura y Concurrencia (GAC) CENTRO DE BIODIVERSIDAD Y GESTIÓN AMBIENTAL Plos ONE Sensors MDPI Plos ONE CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS Plos ONE ARTEAGA ORTÍZ, RAFAEL FÍSICA Plos ONE 2010 BARBER PÉREZ, PATRICIA MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS Human Resources for Health BioMed Central 2010 CABALLERO SUÁREZ, JUAN MANUEL MATEMÁTICAS Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen 2010 DELGADO GUERRA, SAFIRA 2010 DÍAZ CHICO, NICOLÁS EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE Ciencias Clínicas Plos ONE Plos ONE 2010 DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE Plos ONE 2010 FUENTES, TERESA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE 2010 GARCÍA-ALONSO MONTOYA, SANTIAGO IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) 2010 GONZÁLEZ LÓPEZ-VALCARCEL, BEATRIZ MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS 2010 GUADALUPE GRAU, AMELIA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE 2010 GUADALUPE GRAU, AMELIA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE 2010 HARJANI SAÚCO, JACKIE JERÓNIMO MATEMÁTICAS 2010 HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO Ciencias Clínicas Sensors MDPI Human Resources for Health BioMed Central Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen Radiation Oncology BioMed Central Radiation Oncology BioMed Central Plos ONE Plos ONE TÍTULO ARTICULO On existence and uniqueness of positive solutions to a class of fractional boundary value problems Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents Iliopsoas and Gluteal Muscles Are Asymmetric in Tennis Players but Not in Soccer Players Soccer Attenuates the Asymmetry of Rectus Abdominis Muscle Observed in Non-Athletes. Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents A Hierarchical Communication Architecture for Oceanic Surveillance Applications Gradients in the Number of Species at Reef-Seagrass Ecotones Explained by Gradients in Abundance Interaction between Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and Hepatic Lipase Encoding Genes and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Telde Study Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Forecasting the need for medical specialists in Spain: application of a system dynamics model Contractive-Like Mapping Principles in Ordered Metric Spaces and Application to Ordinary Differential Equations Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Large Asymmetric Hypertrophy of Rectus Abdominis Muscle in Professional Tennis Players Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Electro-Quasistatic Analysis of an Electrostatic Induction Micromotor Using the Cell Method Forecasting the need for medical specialists in Spain: application of a system dynamics model Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Contractive-Like Mapping Principles in Ordered Metric Spaces and Application to Ordinary Differential Equations Prediction of clinical toxicity in locally advanced head and neck cancer patients by radio-induced apoptosis in Radiation induced apoptosis and initial DNA damage are inversely related in locally advanced breast cancer patients Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Anaerobic Energy Expenditure and Mechanical Efficiency during Exhaustive Leg Press Exercise POR AÑO DE PUBLICACIÓN AÑO PUBLICACIÓN 2010 INVESTIGADOR LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO PUBLICACIÓN EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA RECURSO OAI Plos ONE Plos ONE Plos ONE 2010 MARTEL ESCOBAR, MARÍA DEL CARMEN 2010 MONTIEL NELSON, JUAN ANTONIO 2010 MONZÓN VERONA, JOSÉ MIGUEL 2010 NEGRÍN HERNÁNDEZ, MIGUEL ÁNGEL 2010 OLMEDILLAS, HUGO MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health MDPI Sensors MDPI Sensors MDPI International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health MDPI Plos ONE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE 2010 PÉREZ GÓMEZ, JORGE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE 2010 PONCE GONZÁLEZ, JESÚS GUSTAVO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE 2010 RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ, FRANCISCO GERMÁN BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA Plos ONE 2010 SADARANGANI SADARANGANI, KISHIN BHAGWANDS MATEMÁTICAS Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen Plos ONE 2010 SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE Plos ONE 2010 SANTANA MARTÍN, FRANCISCO JORGE 2010 SERRANO SÁNCHEZ, JOSÉ ANTONIO IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) Sensors EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA MDPI Plos ONE MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health MDPI MEDICINA Y CIRUGÍA ANIMAL BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central 2010 VÁZQUEZ POLO, FRANCISCO J. 2010 VILAR GUEREÑO, JOSÉ MANUEL 2009 CABALLERO MENA, J. MATEMÁTICAS Boundary Value Problems SpringerOpen 2009 FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, LEANDRO Ciencias Clínicas Radiation Oncology BioMed Central 2009 HARJANI SAÚCO, JACKIE JERÓNIMO MATEMÁTICAS Boundary Value Problems SpringerOpen 2009 HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO Ciencias Clínicas Radiation Oncology BioMed Central TÍTULO ARTICULO Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Large Asymmetric Hypertrophy of Rectus Abdominis Muscle in Professional Tennis Players Skeletal Muscle Myofibrillar and Sarcoplasmic Protein Synthesis Rates Are Affected Differently by AltitudeBayesian Variable Selection in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Electro-Quasistatic Analysis of an Electrostatic Induction Micromotor Using the Cell Method Electro-Quasistatic Analysis of an Electrostatic Induction Micromotor Using the Cell Method Bayesian Variable Selection in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Contractive-Like Mapping Principles in Ordered Metric Spaces and Application to Ordinary Differential Equations Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Large Asymmetric Hypertrophy of Rectus Abdominis Muscle in Professional Tennis Players Electro-Quasistatic Analysis of an Electrostatic Induction Micromotor Using the Cell Method Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Bayesian Variable Selection in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Assessment of the effect of intraarticular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in osteoarthritic dogs using a double blinded force platform Existence and Uniqueness of Positive and Nondecreasing Solutions for a Class of Singular Fractional Boundary Value Constitutive gene expression profile segregates toxicity in locally advanced breast cancer patients treated with highdose hyperfractionated radical radiotherapy Existence and Uniqueness of Positive and Nondecreasing Solutions for a Class of Singular Fractional Boundary Value Constitutive gene expression profile segregates toxicity in locally advanced breast cancer patients treated with highdose hyperfractionated radical radiotherapy POR AÑO DE PUBLICACIÓN AÑO PUBLICACIÓN INVESTIGADOR DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI 2009 SADARANGANI SADARANGANI, KISHIN BHAGWANDS MATEMÁTICAS Boundary Value Problems SpringerOpen 2009 SÁNCHEZ VILLEGAS, ALMUDENA Ciencias Clínicas BMC Public Health BioMed Central 2008 DELGADO GUERRA, SAFIRA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE 2008 DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE 2008 FUENTES, TERESA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE 2008 GUADALUPE GRAU, AMELIA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE 2008 GUERRA HERNÁNDEZ, CARLOS BORJA Ciencias Clínicas Plos ONE 2008 LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO Plos ONE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE 2008 OLMEDILLAS, HUGO 2008 PONCE GONZÁLEZ, JESÚS GUSTAVO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems SpringerOpen 2007 NÚÑEZ ORDOÑEZ, ANTONIO 2006 CONDE MARTEL, ALICIA CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS World Journal of Surgical Oncology BioMed Central 2006 MARCHENA GÓMEZ, JOAQUÍN CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS World Journal of Surgical Oncology BioMed Central 2004 FALCÓN SANTANA, SERGIO MATEMÁTICAS Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen TÍTULO ARTICULO Existence and Uniqueness of Positive and Nondecreasing Solutions for a Class of Singular Fractional Boundary Value Relationship between body image disturbance and incidence of depression: the SUN prospective cohort Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity The Ergogenic Effect of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin on V?O2max Depends on the Severity of Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity Embedded Systems for Portable and Mobile Video Platforms Metachronic malignant transformation of small bowel and rectal endometriosis in the same patient Metachronic malignant transformation of small bowel and rectal endometriosis in the same patient On some Banach space constants arising in nonlinear fixed point and eigenvalue theory POR RECURSO OAI RECURSO OAI BioMed Central INVESTIGADOR AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN TÍTULO ARTICULO Ciencias Clínicas 2012 Environmental Health Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS 2014 BMC Veterinary Research The effect of colostrum intake on blood plasma proteome profile in newborn lambs: low abundance proteins 2012 BMC Veterinary Research MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS 2010 Human Resources for Health Ciencias Clínicas 2011 Radiation Oncology 2014 BMC Veterinary Research 2012 Parasites & Vectors 2012 BMC Veterinary Research CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2006 World Journal of Surgical Oncology DOMÍNGUEZ BOADA, LUÍS MARÍA Ciencias Clínicas 2012 Environmental Health FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, LEANDRO Ciencias Clínicas 2009 Radiation Oncology FIKA HERNANDO, MARÍA LUZ CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD 2014 Trials BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA 2014 BMC Evolutionary Biology 2011 BMC Health Services Research 2010 Human Resources for Health 2012 Environmental Health 2012 Radiation Oncology 2011 Radiation Oncology 2011 Radiation Oncology 2010 Radiation Oncology 2010 Radiation Oncology ALMEIDA GONZÁLEZ, MAIRA ARGÜELLO HENRÍQUEZ, ANASTASIO BARBER PÉREZ, PATRICIA BORDÓN RODRÍGUEZ, ELISA DE LOS REYES CASTRO NAVARRO, NOEMÍ CONDE MARTEL, ALICIA BioMed Central DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO FREGEL, ROSA GONZÁLEZ LÓPEZ-VALCARCEL, BEATRIZ HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS Ciencias Clínicas The complement system of the goat: Haemolytic assays and isolation of major proteins Forecasting the need for medical specialists in Spain: application of a system dynamics model Combined low initial DNA damage and high radiation-induced apoptosis confers clinical resistance to long-term toxicity in breast cancer patients treated with high-dose radiotherapy The effect of colostrum intake on blood plasma proteome profile in newborn lambs: low abundance proteins Genetic characterization and molecular identification of the bloodmeal sources of the potential bluetongue vector Culicoides obsoletus in the Canary Islands, Spain The complement system of the goat: Haemolytic assays and isolation of major proteins Metachronic malignant transformation of small bowel and rectal endometriosis in the same patient Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) Constitutive gene expression profile segregates toxicity in locally advanced breast cancer patients treated with high-dose hyperfractionated radical radiotherapy A healthy diet with and without cereal grains and dairy products in patients with type 2 diabetes: study protocol for a randomorder cross-over pilot study - Alimentation and Diabetes in The history of the North African mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U6 gene flow into the African, Eurasian and American continents Are prescribing doctors sensitive to the price that their patients have to pay in the Spanish National Health System? Forecasting the need for medical specialists in Spain: application of a system dynamics model Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) MVP expression in the prediction of clinical outcome of locally advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with Combined low initial DNA damage and high radiation-induced apoptosis confers clinical resistance to long-term toxicity in breast cancer patients treated with high-dose radiotherapy MVP and vaults: a role in the radiation response Prediction of clinical toxicity in locally advanced head and neck cancer patients by radio-induced apoptosis in peripheral blood Radiation induced apoptosis and initial DNA damage are inversely related in locally advanced breast cancer patients POR RECURSO OAI RECURSO OAI INVESTIGADOR HERNÁNDEZ CASTELLANO, LORENZO ENRIQUE HERRERA RAMOS, ESTEFANÍA LARA JIMÉNEZ, PEDRO CARLOS LLORET SAEZ-BRAVO, MARTA MARCHENA GÓMEZ, JOAQUÍN MEDINA RODRÍGUEZ, NATHAN MORALES DE LA NUEZ, ANTONIO MORALES DORESTE, MANUEL FRANCISCO MORENO INDIAS, ISABEL PEREZ JIMÉNEZ, RAFAEL PEREZ LUZARDO, OCTAVIO LUÍS PESTANO BRITO, JOSÉ JUAN PINAR SEDEÑO, MARÍA BEATRIZ BioMed Central PINILLA DOMÍNGUEZ, JAIME QUINTEIRO GONZÁLEZ, JOSÉ MARÍA RODRÍGUEZ DE CASTRO, FELIPE DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN TÍTULO ARTICULO 2009 Radiation Oncology Constitutive gene expression profile segregates toxicity in locally advanced breast cancer patients treated with high-dose hyperfractionated radical radiotherapy PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS 2014 BMC Veterinary Research The effect of colostrum intake on blood plasma proteome profile in newborn lambs: low abundance proteins CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2014 Critical Care 2012 Radiation Oncology 2011 Radiation Oncology 2011 Radiation Oncology 2012 Radiation Oncology 2011 Radiation Oncology CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2006 World Journal of Surgical Oncology MATEMÁTICAS / IUMA 2014 BMC Bioinformatics 2012 Parasites & Vectors 2013 BMC Veterinary Research 2012 BMC Veterinary Research IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) 2013 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Ciencias Clínicas 2012 Environmental Health Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA 2014 BMC Evolutionary Biology The history of the North African mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U6 gene flow into the African, Eurasian and American continents Ciencias Clínicas 2011 Radiation Oncology MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS 2011 BMC Health Services Research IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) 2014 BMC Bioinformatics CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2014 Critical Care Ciencias Clínicas Ciencias Clínicas PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS Surfactant protein A genetic variants associate with severe respiratory insufficiency in pandemic influenza A virus infecti MVP expression in the prediction of clinical outcome of locally advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with Combined low initial DNA damage and high radiation-induced apoptosis confers clinical resistance to long-term toxicity in breast cancer patients treated with high-dose radiotherapy MVP and vaults: a role in the radiation response MVP expression in the prediction of clinical outcome of locally advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with Combined low initial DNA damage and high radiation-induced apoptosis confers clinical resistance to long-term toxicity in breast cancer patients treated with high-dose radiotherapy Metachronic malignant transformation of small bowel and rectal endometriosis in the same patient alleHap: an efficient algorithm to reconstruct zero-recombinant haplotypes from parent-offspring pedigrees Genetic characterization and molecular identification of the bloodmeal sources of the potential bluetongue vector Culicoides obsoletus in the Canary Islands, Spain Controlled, blinded force platform analysis of the effect of intraarticular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells associated to PRGF-Endoret in The complement system of the goat: Haemolytic assays and isolation of major proteins Design considerations of conventional angle diversity receivers for indoor optical wireless communications Combined low initial DNA damage and high radiation-induced apoptosis confers clinical resistance to long-term toxicity in breast cancer patients treated with high-dose radiotherapy The evolution of health status and chronic conditions in Catalonia, 1994-2006: the paradox of health revisited using the Blinder - Oaxaca decomposition alleHap: an efficient algorithm to reconstruct zero-recombinant haplotypes from parent-offspring pedigrees Surfactant protein A genetic variants associate with severe respiratory insufficiency in pandemic influenza A virus infection POR RECURSO OAI RECURSO OAI INVESTIGADOR RODRÍGUEZ, NOÉ F. DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN MEDICINA Y CIRUGÍA ANIMAL 2012 BMC Microbiology SAAVEDRA SANTANA, PEDRO MATEMÁTICAS 2012 Critical Care SÁNCHEZ VILLEGAS, ALMUDENA Ciencias Clínicas 2013 BMC Medicine 2009 BMC Public Health TÍTULO ARTICULO Molecular method for the characterization of Coxiella burnetii from clinical and environmental samples: variability of genotypes Assessment of candidemia-attributable mortality in critically ill patients using propensity score matching analysis Mediterranean dietary pattern and depression: the PREDIMED randomized trial Relationship between body image disturbance and incidence of depression: the SUN prospective cohort alleHap: an efficient algorithm to reconstruct zero-recombinant haplotypes from parent-offspring pedigrees Controlled, blinded force platform analysis of the effect of intraarticular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells associated to PRGF-Endoret in Environmental footprints of Mediterranean versus Western dietary patterns: beyond the health benefits of the Mediterranean dietary pattern and depression: the PREDIMED randomized trial Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) Controlled, blinded force platform analysis of the effect of intraarticular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells associated to PRGF-Endoret in Assessment of the effect of intraarticular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in osteoarthritic dogs using a double blinded force platform analysis alleHap: an efficient algorithm to reconstruct zero-recombinant haplotypes from parent-offspring pedigrees Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) Microextraction Techniques Coupled to Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Organic Micropollutants in Environmental Water Samples Assessment of the Presence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Seawater Samples from Coastal Area of Gran Canaria Island Using Massive Vehicle Positioning Data to Improve Control and Planning of Public Road Transport Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport Provision of Ubiquitous Tourist Information in Public Transport Networks Design Methodology of an Equalizer for Unipolar Non Return to Zero Binary Signals in the Presence of Additive White Gaussian Noise Using a Time Delay Neural Network on a Field Programmable Gate Array SANTANA DEL PINO, ÁNGELO MATEMÁTICAS 2014 BMC Bioinformatics SANTANA DEL PINO, ÁNGELO PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS 2013 BMC Veterinary Research 2013 Environmental Health 2013 BMC Medicine 2012 Environmental Health PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS 2013 BMC Veterinary Research MEDICINA Y CIRUGÍA ANIMAL 2010 BMC Veterinary Research WÄGNER, ANA MARÍA CLAUDIA CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2014 BMC Bioinformatics ZUMBADO PEÑA, MANUEL LUÍS Ciencias Clínicas 2012 Environmental Health 2014 Molecules 2013 Antibiotics 2014 Sensors 2012 Sensors 2012 Sensors 2013 Sensors 2013 Sensors On the Selection of Non-Invasive Methods Based on Speech Analysis Oriented to Automatic Alzheimer Disease Diagnosis 2013 Sensors On the Use of a Low-Cost Thermal Sensor to Improve Kinect People Detection in a Mobile Robot SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS VILAR GUEREÑO, JOSÉ MANUEL AFONSO OLIVARES, CRISTINA Ciencias Clínicas QUIMICA MDPI ALAYÓN HERNÁNDEZ, FRANCISCO JAVIER ALONSO HERNÁNDEZ, JESÚS B. CASTRILLÓN SANTANA MODESTO F Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) SIANI POR RECURSO OAI RECURSO OAI INVESTIGADOR CASTRILLÓN SANTANA, MODESTO F. DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO SIANI AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN TÍTULO ARTICULO On the Use of Simple Geometric Descriptors Provided by RGB-D Sensors for Re-Identification The Mediterranean Diet and Nutritional Adequacy: A Review 2013 Sensors Ciencias Clínicas GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC 2014 Nutrients 2012 Pharmaceuticals The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver 2012 Pharmaceuticals The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver BIOQUÍMICA 2012 Molecules Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, LEANDRO GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC 2012 Pharmaceuticals The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver FERRER BALLESTER, MIGUEL ÁNGEL IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) 2012 Sensors 2014 Sensors 2012 Sensors 2012 Sensors IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) 2010 Sensors GONZÁLEZ, ESTER IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) 2012 Sensors GUERRA HERNÁNDEZ, CARLOS BORJA GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC 2012 Pharmaceuticals SIANI 2013 Sensors GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC 2012 Pharmaceuticals LÓPEZ, AROA QUIMICA 2013 Molecules LÓPEZ, AROA QUIMICA 2012 Molecules LÓPEZ, MARIANA QUIMICA 2012 Molecules 2013 Sensors CASTRO QUEZADA, ITANDEHUI DÍAZ CHICO, JUAN CARLOS DÍAZ CHICO, NICOLÁS ESTÉVEZ ROSAS, FRANCISCO JESÚS MDPI GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ, CARMELO R. GARCÍA-ALONSO MONTOYA, SANTIAGO HERNÁNDEZ SOSA, JOSÉ DANIEL JIMÉNEZ MONZÓN, ROBERTO LORENZO NAVARRO JOSÉ JAVIER Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas SIANI On the Feasibility of Interoperable Schemes in Hand Biometrics Using Massive Vehicle Positioning Data to Improve Control and Planning of Public Road Transport Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport Provision of Ubiquitous Tourist Information in Public Transport Networks Electro-Quasistatic Analysis of an Electrostatic Induction Micromotor Using the Cell Method On the Feasibility of Interoperable Schemes in Hand Biometrics The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver On the Use of Simple Geometric Descriptors Provided by RGB-D Sensors for Re-Identification The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver Phenolic Constituents, Antioxidant and Preliminary Antimycoplasmic Activities of Leaf Skin and Flowers of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill.) from the Canary Islands Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities On the Use of a Low-Cost Thermal Sensor to Improve Kinect People Detection in a Mobile Robot POR RECURSO OAI RECURSO OAI INVESTIGADOR LORENZO NAVARRO, JOSÉ JAVIER LORENZO, ÁLVARO MACÍAS LÓPEZ, ELSA MARRERO, MARÍA TERESA MARTEL ESCOBAR, MARÍA DEL CARMEN MATEOS DÍAZ, CARLOS MIRECKI GARRIDO, MERCEDES DE MDPI MONTIEL NELSON, JUAN ANTONIO MONZÓN VERONA, JOSÉ MIGUEL MORALES DORESTE, MANUEL FRANCISCO MORALES, AYTHAMI NEGRÍN HERNÁNDEZ, MIGUEL ÁNGEL NISSENSOHN, MARIELA PADRÓN MORALES, GABINO PALACIOS DÍAZ, M. PINO PÉREZ GALVÁN, FRANCISCO JAVIER DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO SIANI AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN TÍTULO ARTICULO On the Use of Simple Geometric Descriptors Provided by RGB-D Sensors for Re-Identification Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport 2013 Sensors 2012 Sensors 2013 Sensors Mobile Sensing Systems 2012 Sensors Architecture and Protocol of a Semantic System Designed for Video Tagging with Sensor Data in Mobile Devices 2012 Sensors Ubiquitous Monitoring of Electrical Household Appliances 2011 Sensors BIOQUÍMICA 2012 Molecules MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS 2010 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Grupo de Arquitectura y Concurrencia (GAC) A Hierarchical Communication Architecture for Oceanic Surveillance Applications Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities Bayesian Variable Selection in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) 2012 Pharmaceuticals The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver 2012 Pharmaceuticals The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver MEDICINA Y CIRUGÍA ANIMAL 2014 IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) 2012 Sensors MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS 2010 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Ciencias Clínicas 2012 Nutrients 2014 Sensors 2012 Sensors 2012 Sensors PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS 2014 Sustainability QUIMICA 2012 Molecules 2014 Sensors Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas 2010 2010 Electro-Quasistatic Analysis of an Electrostatic Induction Micromotor Using the Cell Method Electro-Quasistatic Analysis of an Electrostatic Induction Sensors Micromotor Using the Cell Method Hip Osteoarthritis in Dogs: A Randomized Study Using International Journal of Molecular Sciences Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue and Plasma Rich in Sensors On the Feasibility of Interoperable Schemes in Hand Biometrics Bayesian Variable Selection in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis The Relationship between Zinc Intake and Serum/Plasma Zinc Concentration in Children: A Systematic Review and DoseUsing Massive Vehicle Positioning Data to Improve Control and Planning of Public Road Transport Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport Provision of Ubiquitous Tourist Information in Public Transport Networks Recycled Urban Wastewater for Irrigation of Jatropha curcas L. in Abandoned Agricultural Arid Land Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities Using Massive Vehicle Positioning Data to Improve Control and Planning of Public Road Transport POR RECURSO OAI RECURSO OAI INVESTIGADOR PÉREZ GARCÍA, RICARDO JAVIER Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas PEREZ SUÁREZ, SANTIAGO T. IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) QUESADA ARENCIBIA, ALEXIS Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas RAMÍREZ CORBERA, ANA SOFÍA RICO SANTOS, MILAGROS MDPI DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO SANTANA MARTÍN, FRANCISCO JORGE SANTANA RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉ JUAN SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS SOSA FERRERA, ZORAIDA SUÁREZ DE TANGIL, MIGUEL SUÁREZ SARMIENTO, ÁLVARO TORRES PADRÓN, MARÍA ESTHER UNIDAD DE EPIDEMIOLOGÍA Y MEDICINA PREVENTIVA QUIMICA IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) QUIMICA Ciencias Clínicas QUIMICA QUIMICA Grupo de Arquitectura y Concurrencia (GAC) QUIMICA AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN TÍTULO ARTICULO Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport Provision of Ubiquitous Tourist Information in Public Transport Networks Design Methodology of an Equalizer for Unipolar Non Return to Zero Binary Signals in the Presence of Additive White Gaussian Noise Using a Time Delay Neural Network on a Field Programmable Gate Array Provision of Ubiquitous Tourist Information in Public Transport Networks Using Massive Vehicle Positioning Data to Improve Control and Planning of Public Road Transport Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport Phenolic Constituents, Antioxidant and Preliminary Antimycoplasmic Activities of Leaf Skin and Flowers of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill.) from the Canary Islands Phenolic Constituents, Antioxidant and Preliminary Antimycoplasmic Activities of Leaf Skin and Flowers of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill.) from the Canary Islands Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities Electro-Quasistatic Analysis of an Electrostatic Induction Micromotor Using the Cell Method Microextraction Techniques Coupled to Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Organic Micropollutants in Environmental Water Samples Assessment of the Presence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Seawater Samples from Coastal Area of Gran Canaria Island The Mediterranean Diet and Nutritional Adequacy: A Review The Relationship between Zinc Intake and Serum/Plasma Zinc Concentration in Children: A Systematic Review and DoseMicroextraction Techniques Coupled to Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Organic Micropollutants in Environmental Water Samples Assessment of the Presence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Seawater Samples from Coastal Area of Gran Canaria Island Phenolic Constituents, Antioxidant and Preliminary Antimycoplasmic Activities of Leaf Skin and Flowers of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill.) from the Canary Islands 2012 Sensors 2012 Sensors 2013 Sensors 2012 Sensors 2014 Sensors 2012 Sensors 2013 Molecules 2013 Molecules 2012 Molecules 2010 Sensors 2014 Molecules 2013 Antibiotics 2014 Nutrients 2012 Nutrients 2014 Molecules 2013 Antibiotics 2013 Molecules 2013 Sensors Mobile Sensing Systems 2012 Sensors Ubiquitous Monitoring of Electrical Household Appliances 2011 Sensors 2014 Molecules 2013 Antibiotics A Hierarchical Communication Architecture for Oceanic Surveillance Applications Microextraction Techniques Coupled to Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Organic Micropollutants in Environmental Water Samples Assessment of the Presence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Seawater Samples from Coastal Area of Gran Canaria Island POR RECURSO OAI RECURSO OAI INVESTIGADOR TRAVIESO GONZÁLEZ, CARLOS MANUEL MDPI TRIANA MÉNDEZ, JORGE VÁZQUEZ POLO, FRANCISCO J. VEGA ORELLANA, ORESTES VILAR GUEREÑO, JOSÉ MANUEL ALEMÁN PÉREZ, HÉCTOR ALMEIDA GONZÁLEZ, MAIRA Plos One DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO AÑO PUBLICACIÓN 2013 Sensors 2013 Sensors On the Selection of Non-Invasive Methods Based on Speech Analysis Oriented to Automatic Alzheimer Disease Diagnosis 2012 Sensors Transformation of Hand-Shape Features for a Biometric Identification Approach QUIMICA 2012 Molecules MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS 2010 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health UNIDAD DE EPIDEMIOLOGÍA Y MEDICINA PREVENTIVA 2013 MEDICINA Y CIRUGÍA ANIMAL 2014 Ciencias Clínicas 2013 2013 IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) Ciencias Clínicas 2012 2013 ANDRADA BORZOLLINO, MARISA MORFOLOGÍA 2014 ARBELO HERNÁNDEZ, MANUEL MORFOLOGÍA 2014 2014 BIOLOGÍA ARÍSTEGUI RUÍZ, JAVIER 2014 2013 INSTITUTO DE OCEANOGRÁFIA Y CAMBIO GLOBAL 2012 BIOLOGÍA 2014 FÍSICA 2010 Ciencias Clínicas 2013 2013 MORFOLOGÍA 2014 BORONAT CORTÉS, MAURO CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2011 CHIRINO GODOY, RICARDO BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA 2011 ARIZA, A. ARTEAGA ORTÍZ, RAFAEL BAUTISTA CASTAÑO, INMACULADA BILBAO SIEYRO, CRISTINA TÍTULO ARTICULO Design Methodology of an Equalizer for Unipolar Non Return to Zero Binary Signals in the Presence of Additive White Gaussian Noise Using a Time Delay Neural Network on a Field Programmable Gate Array INGENIERÍA TELEMÁTICA ALONSO GONZÁLEZ, ITZIAR GORETI PUBLICACIÓN Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities Bayesian Variable Selection in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Phenolic Constituents, Antioxidant and Preliminary Antimycoplasmic Activities of Leaf Skin and Flowers of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill.) from the Canary Islands Hip Osteoarthritis in Dogs: A Randomized Study Using International Journal of Molecular Sciences Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue and Plasma Rich in Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a CrossCarbon Dynamics within Cyclonic Eddies: Insights from a Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans Krill Excretion Boosts Microbial Activity in the Southern Ocean The Submarine Volcano Eruption off El Hierro Island: Effects on the Scattering Migrant Biota and the Evolution of the Pelagic Carbon Dynamics within Cyclonic Eddies: Insights from a Is There a Seamount Effect on Microbial Community Structure and Biomass? The Case Study of Seine and Sedlo Seamounts The Submarine Volcano Eruption off El Hierro Island: Effects on the Scattering Migrant Biota and the Evolution of the Pelagic Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse High Resolution Melting Analysis: A Rapid and Accurate Method to Detect CALR Mutations Interaction between Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and Hepatic Lipase Encoding Genes and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Telde Study Interaction between Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and Hepatic Lipase Encoding Genes and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Telde Study Molecules POR RECURSO OAI RECURSO OAI INVESTIGADOR DELGADO GUERRA, SAFIRA DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA AÑO PUBLICACIÓN 2010 2008 Plos One DÍAZ CHICO, NICOLÁS Ciencias Clínicas 2014 2010 DÍAZ DELGADO, JOSUÉ DOMÍNGUEZ BOADA, LUÍS MARÍA MORFOLOGÍA 2014 Ciencias Clínicas 2012 2012 2011 2011 DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA 2010 2010 2010 2008 ESPINO CABALLERO, MINERVA Plos One ESPINOSA DE LOS MONTEROS Y ZAYAS, ANTONIO INSTITUTO DE OCEANOGRÁFIA Y CAMBIO GLOBAL 2012 MORFOLOGÍA 2014 2014 FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, LEANDRO Ciencias Clínicas 2014 2012 FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, ANTONIO MORFOLOGÍA 2014 2013 FERNÁNDEZ VALERÓN, JOSEFA PILAR FUENTES, TERESA BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA 2012 2010 2008 GARCÍA HERNÁNDEZ, JOSÉ A. GARCÍA SALVADOR JOSÉ J CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS Ciencias Clínicas 2013 2013 PUBLICACIÓN TÍTULO ARTICULO Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth Hormone in Liver Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a CrossContribution of Individual and Environmental Factors to Physical Activity Level among Spanish Adults Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents Iliopsoas and Gluteal Muscles Are Asymmetric in Tennis Players but Not in Soccer Players Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Large Asymmetric Hypertrophy of Rectus Abdominis Muscle in Professional Tennis Players Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity Is There a Seamount Effect on Microbial Community Structure and Biomass? The Case Study of Seine and Sedlo Seamounts Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth Hormone in Liver Simvastatin Impairs Growth Hormone-Activated Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT) Signaling Pathway in UMR-106 Osteosarcoma Cells Influence of Neonatal Hypothyroidism on Hepatic Gene Expression and Lipid Metabolism in Adulthood Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans What Caused the UK’s Largest Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) Mass Stranding Event? The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a CrossSectional Study Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of POR RECURSO OAI RECURSO OAI DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO Ciencias Clínicas AÑO PUBLICACIÓN 2013 GARIJO LÓPEZ, JUAN CARLOS BIOLOGÍA 2014 GÓMEZ PINCHETTI, JUAN LUÍS BIOLOGÍA 2014 INVESTIGADOR GARCÍA SALVADOR, JOSÉ J. GONZÁLEZ HENRÍQUEZ, JUAN JOSÉ MATEMÁTICAS 2012 2011 GONZÁLEZ QUESADA, ALICIA Ciencias Clínicas 2013 2013 2010 GUADALUPE GRAU, AMELIA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA 2010 2008 2014 GUERRA HERNÁNDEZ, CARLOS BORJA Ciencias Clínicas 2014 2008 Plos One 2013 HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO Ciencias Clínicas 2012 2012 2013 HENRÍQUEZ SÁNCHEZ, PATRICIA Ciencias Clínicas 2013 2013 HERNÁNDEZ LEÓN, SANTIAGO HERRÁEZ THOMAS, PEDRO MANUEL LARA JIMÉNEZ, PEDRO CARLOS BIOLOGÍA 2014 MORFOLOGÍA 2014 Ciencias Clínicas 2013 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 PUBLICACIÓN TÍTULO ARTICULO Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse The Submarine Volcano Eruption off El Hierro Island: Effects on the Scattering Migrant Biota and the Evolution of the Pelagic Krill Excretion Boosts Microbial Activity in the Southern Ocean Contribution of Individual and Environmental Factors to Physical Activity Level among Spanish Adults Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth Hormone in Liver Simvastatin Impairs Growth Hormone-Activated Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT) Signaling Pathway in UMR-106 Osteosarcoma Cells Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity Polymorphisms in DNA-Repair Genes in a Cohort of Prostate Cancer Patients from Different Areas in Spain: Heterogeneity between Populations as a Confounding Factor in Association Influence of Neonatal Hypothyroidism on Hepatic Gene Expression and Lipid Metabolism in Adulthood The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a CrossCorrection: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Empirically Derived Dietary Patterns and Health-Related Quality of Life in the SUN Project Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse The Submarine Volcano Eruption off El Hierro Island: Effects on the Scattering Migrant Biota and the Evolution of the Pelagic Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans Polymorphisms in DNA-Repair Genes in a Cohort of Prostate Cancer Patients from Different Areas in Spain: Heterogeneity between Populations as a Confounding Factor in Association The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a CrossEnergy Metabolism during Repeated Sets of Leg Press Exercise Leading to Failure or Not Muscle Hypertrophy in Prepubescent Tennis Players: A Segmentation MRI Study Iliopsoas and Gluteal Muscles Are Asymmetric in Tennis Players but Not in Soccer Players Soccer Attenuates the Asymmetry of Rectus Abdominis Muscle Observed in Non-Athletes. POR RECURSO OAI RECURSO OAI INVESTIGADOR DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO AÑO PUBLICACIÓN 2010 LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA 2010 2010 2010 2010 2008 2008 Plos One LÓPEZ RÍOS, LAURA CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2011 MARTÍ TRUJILLO, SARA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA 2011 MATEOS DÍAZ, CARLOS Ciencias Clínicas 2014 MIRECKI GARRIDO, MERCEDES DE Ciencias Clínicas 2014 2012 MOLERO LABARTA, TERESA CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2014 INSTITUTO DE OCEANOGRÁFIA Y CAMBIO GLOBAL 2012 MONZÓN ARGÜELLO, CATALINA BIOLOGÍA 2014 NÓVOA MOGOLLÓN, FRANCISCO CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2011 MONTERO DEL PINO, MARÍA FERNANDA 2010 OLMEDILLAS, HUGO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA 2010 2008 PÉREZ ARELLANO, JOSÉ LUÍS CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2013 EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA 2010 PÉREZ LUZARDO, OCTAVIO Ciencias Clínicas 2012 PESTANO BRITO, JOSÉ JUAN BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA PÉREZ GÓMEZ, JORGE PUBLICACIÓN TÍTULO ARTICULO Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men Anaerobic Energy Expenditure and Mechanical Efficiency during Exhaustive Leg Press Exercise Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Large Asymmetric Hypertrophy of Rectus Abdominis Muscle in Professional Tennis Players Skeletal Muscle Myofibrillar and Sarcoplasmic Protein Synthesis Rates Are Affected Differently by Altitude-Induced Hypoxia in Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity The Ergogenic Effect of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin on V?O2max Depends on the Severity of Arterial Hypoxemia Interaction between Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and Hepatic Lipase Encoding Genes and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Telde Study Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth Hormone in Liver Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth Hormone in Liver Influence of Neonatal Hypothyroidism on Hepatic Gene Expression and Lipid Metabolism in Adulthood High Resolution Melting Analysis: A Rapid and Accurate Method to Detect CALR Mutations Is There a Seamount Effect on Microbial Community Structure and Biomass? The Case Study of Seine and Sedlo Seamounts Geographic Patterns of Genetic Variation in a Broadly Distributed Marine Vertebrate: New Insights into Loggerhead Turtle Stock Structure from Expanded Mitochondrial DNA Sequences Interaction between Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and Hepatic Lipase Encoding Genes and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Telde Study Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity Long-Term Frozen Storage of Urine Samples: A Trouble to Get PCR Results in Schistosoma spp. DNA Detection? Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a Cross- 2014 Multiple Ethnic Origins of Mitochondrial DNA Lineages for the Population of Mauritius 2013 Introducing the Algerian Mitochondrial DNA and Y-Chromosome Profiles into the North African Landscape POR RECURSO OAI RECURSO OAI INVESTIGADOR PONCE GONZÁLEZ, JESÚS GUSTAVO DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA AÑO PUBLICACIÓN 2010 2008 Plos One RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ, FRANCISCO GERMÁN BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA 2010 ROMERO QUINTERO, LEONARDO ECONOMÍA Y DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS 2014 Ciencias Clínicas 2013 ECONOMÍA Y DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS 2014 RUANO RODRÍGUEZ, CRISTINA SÁNCHEZ MEDINA, AGUSTÍN JESÚS 2014 SÁNCHEZ VILLEGAS, ALMUDENA Ciencias Clínicas 2014 2013 2012 2012 2011 SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 SANTANA FARRÉ, RUYMÁN Ciencias Clínicas 2014 2012 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS Ciencias Clínicas 2013 2013 PUBLICACIÓN TÍTULO ARTICULO Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Environmental Management in Small and Medium-Sized Companies: An Analysis from the Perspective of the Theory of Empirically Derived Dietary Patterns and Health-Related Quality of Life in the SUN Project Environmental Management in Small and Medium-Sized Companies: An Analysis from the Perspective of the Theory of Dietary Fat Intake and the Risk of Depression: The SUN Project Effects of 1-Year Intervention with a Mediterranean Diet on Plasma Fatty Acid Composition and Metabolic Syndrome in a Population at High Cardiovascular Risk Empirically Derived Dietary Patterns and Health-Related Quality of Life in the SUN Project Contribution of Individual and Environmental Factors to Physical Activity Level among Spanish Adults Muscle Hypertrophy in Prepubescent Tennis Players: A Segmentation MRI Study Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents Iliopsoas and Gluteal Muscles Are Asymmetric in Tennis Players but Not in Soccer Players Soccer Attenuates the Asymmetry of Rectus Abdominis Muscle Observed in Non-Athletes. Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Large Asymmetric Hypertrophy of Rectus Abdominis Muscle in Professional Tennis Players Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth Hormone in Liver Influence of Neonatal Hypothyroidism on Hepatic Gene Expression and Lipid Metabolism in Adulthood Dietary Fat Intake and the Risk of Depression: The SUN Project Prevalence of Abdominal Obesity in Spanish Children and Adolescents. Do We Need Waist Circumference Measurements in Usage of Plant Food Supplements across Six European Countries: Findings from the PlantLIBRA Consumer Survey Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Cross-Sectional Assessment of Nut Consumption and Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and Other Cardiometabolic Risk Factors: The Lifestyles and Risk Factors Associated with Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: A Baseline Assessment of the PREDIMED Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse White Blood Cell Counts as Risk Markers of Developing Metabolic Syndrome and Its Components in the Predimed Study POR RECURSO OAI RECURSO OAI INVESTIGADOR DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 Plos One SERRANO SÁNCHEZ, JOSÉ ANTONIO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA 2012 2011 2010 SIERRA PULPILLO, EVA HISTOLOGÍA Y PATOLOGÍA 2014 2013 SOSA CABRERA, SILVIA ECONOMÍA Y DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS TUYA CORTÉS, FERNANDO CENTRO DE BIODIVERSIDAD Y GESTIÓN AMBIENTAL VERBERNE, LISA 2012 2011 Ciencias Clínicas INSTITUTO DE OCEANOGRÁFIA Y CAMBIO GLOBAL 2014 WÄGNER, ANA MARÍA CLAUDIA CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2011 ZUMBADO PEÑA, MANUEL LUÍS Ciencias Clínicas 2012 QUIMICA 2013 SpringerPlus Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas 2012 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking MATEMÁTICAS 2009 Boundary Value Problems 2012 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2011 Boundary Value Problems 2010 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2004 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2014 Nanoscale Research Letters VILAS, JUAN CARLOS AFONSO OLIVARES, CRISTINA ALAYÓN HERNÁNDEZ, FRANCISCO JAVIER CABALLERO MENA, J. SpringerOpen 2014 CABALLERO SUÁREZ, JUAN MANUEL FALCÓN SANTANA, SERGIO FERNÁNDEZ HEVIA, DANIEL MATEMÁTICAS MATEMÁTICAS 2012 TÍTULO ARTICULO A 14-Item Mediterranean Diet Assessment Tool and Obesity Indexes among High-Risk Subjects: The PREDIMED Trial Association of the European Lactase Persistence Variant (LCT13910 C>T Polymorphism) with Obesity in the Canary Islands Statistical and Biological Gene-Lifestyle Interactions of MC4R and FTO with Diet and Physical Activity on Obesity: New Effects on The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a CrossWaist-to-Height Ratio and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Elderly Individuals at High Cardiovascular Risk Contribution of Individual and Environmental Factors to Physical Activity Level among Spanish Adults Muscle Hypertrophy in Prepubescent Tennis Players: A Segmentation MRI Study Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans What Caused the UK's Largest Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) Mass Stranding Event? Environmental Management in Small and Medium-Sized Companies: An Analysis from the Perspective of the Theory of A Meta-Analysis of Seaweed Impacts on Seagrasses: Generalities and Knowledge Gaps Gradients in the Number of Species at Reef-Seagrass Ecotones Explained by Gradients in Abundance Dietary Fat Intake and the Risk of Depression: The SUN Project Is There a Seamount Effect on Microbial Community Structure and Biomass? The Case Study of Seine and Sedlo Seamounts Interaction between Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and Hepatic Lipase Encoding Genes and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Telde Study The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a CrossAn assessment of the concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater treatment plants on the island of Gran Pervasive multimedia guidance system for special needs passengers on public transport Existence and Uniqueness of Positive and Nondecreasing Solutions for a Class of Singular Fractional Boundary Value A best proximity point theorem for Geraghty-contractions On existence and uniqueness of positive solutions to a class of fractional boundary value problems Contractive-Like Mapping Principles in Ordered Metric Spaces and Application to Ordinary Differential Equations On some Banach space constants arising in nonlinear fixed point and eigenvalue theory Microwave-induced fast crystallization of amorphous hierarchical anatase microspheres POR RECURSO OAI RECURSO OAI INVESTIGADOR GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ, CARMELO R. GUEDES ALONSO, RAYCO HARJANI SAÚCO, JACKIE JERÓNIMO LÓPEZ BRITO, MARÍA DOLORES MONTESDEOCA ESPONDA, SARAH NÚÑEZ ORDOÑEZ, ANTONIO PADRÓN MORALES, GABINO SpringerOpen PÉREZ GARCÍA, RICARDO JAVIER PEREZ JIMÉNEZ, RAFAEL QUESADA ARENCIBIA, ALEXIS SADARANGANI SADARANGANI, KISHIN BHAGWANDS AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN TÍTULO ARTICULO Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas 2012 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking QUIMICA 2013 SpringerPlus 2012 2011 Fixed Point Theory and Applications Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2011 Boundary Value Problems 2010 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2009 Boundary Value Problems MATEMÁTICAS 2011 Fixed Point Theory and Applications QUIMICA 2013 SpringerPlus Pervasive multimedia guidance system for special needs passengers on public transport An assessment of the concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater treatment plants on the island of Gran A best proximity point theorem for Geraghty-contractions A fixed point theorem for Meir-Keeler contractions in ordered On existence and uniqueness of positive solutions to a class of fractional boundary value problems Contractive-Like Mapping Principles in Ordered Metric Spaces and Application to Ordinary Differential Equations Existence and Uniqueness of Positive and Nondecreasing Solutions for a Class of Singular Fractional Boundary Value A fixed point theorem for Meir-Keeler contractions in ordered An assessment of the concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater treatment plants on the island of Gran 2007 EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO MATEMÁTICAS IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas 2012 2012 Embedded Systems for Portable and Mobile Video Platforms EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Pervasive multimedia guidance system for special needs passengers on public transport Pervasive multimedia guidance system for special needs passengers on public transport IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) 2013 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Simulation of impulse response for indoor visible light communications using 3D CAD models Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas 2012 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Pervasive multimedia guidance system for special needs passengers on public transport 2012 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2011 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2011 Boundary Value Problems 2010 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2009 Boundary Value Problems MATEMÁTICAS SANTANA RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉ JUAN QUIMICA 2013 SpringerPlus SOSA FERRERA, ZORAIDA QUIMICA 2013 SpringerPlus A best proximity point theorem for Geraghty-contractions A fixed point theorem for Meir-Keeler contractions in ordered metric spaces On existence and uniqueness of positive solutions to a class of fractional boundary value problems Contractive-Like Mapping Principles in Ordered Metric Spaces and Application to Ordinary Differential Equations Existence and Uniqueness of Positive and Nondecreasing Solutions for a Class of Singular Fractional Boundary Value An assessment of the concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater treatment plants on the island of Gran An assessment of the concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater treatment plants on the island of Gran POR DEPARTAMENTO, GRUPO O INSTITUTO DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO INVESTIGADOR PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI TÍTULO ARTICULO ARÍSTEGUI RUÍZ, JAVIER 2013 Carbon Dynamics within Cyclonic Eddies: Insights from a Biomarker Study MONZÓN ARGÜELLO, CATALINA 2014 Geographic Patterns of Genetic Variation in a Broadly Distributed Marine Vertebrate: 2014 Krill Excretion Boosts Microbial Activity in the Southern Ocean ARÍSTEGUI RUÍZ, JAVIER BIOLOGÍA AÑO PUBLICACIÓN GÓMEZ PINCHETTI, JUAN LUÍS Plos ONE ARÍSTEGUI RUÍZ, JAVIER ARIZA, A. The Submarine Volcano Eruption off El Hierro Island: Effects on the Scattering Migrant Biota and the Evolution of the Pelagic Communities 2014 GARIJO LÓPEZ, JUAN CARLOS HERNÁNDEZ LEÓN, SANTIAGO BIOQUÍMICA ESTÉVEZ ROSAS, FRANCISCO JESÚS 2012 Molecules MDPI Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities MARRERO, MARÍA TERESA BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ, FRANCISCO GERMÁN 2010 Plos ONE Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men CHIRINO GODOY, RICARDO 2011 Plos ONE Interaction between Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and Hepatic Lipase Encoding Genes and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Telde Study PESTANO BRITO, JOSÉ JUAN 2013 Plos ONE Introducing the Algerian Mitochondrial DNA and Y-Chromosome Profiles into the North African Landscape PESTANO BRITO, JOSÉ JUAN 2014 Plos ONE Multiple Ethnic Origins of Mitochondrial DNA Lineages for the Population of Mauritius BioMed Central The history of the North African mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U6 gene flow into the African, Eurasian and American continents 2012 Plos ONE The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Study 2012 Plos ONE A Meta-Analysis of Seaweed Impacts on Seagrasses: Generalities and Knowledge Gaps 2011 Plos ONE FREGEL, ROSA 2014 BMC Evolutionary Biology PESTANO BRITO, JOSÉ JUAN FERNÁNDEZ VALERÓN, JOSEFA PILAR CENTRO DE BIODIVERSIDAD Y GESTIÓN AMBIENTAL TUYA CORTÉS, FERNANDO CIENCIAS CLÍNICAS SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS 2012 Plos ONE SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS 2012 Plos ONE DÍAZ CHICO, NICOLÁS 2010 Plos ONE Gradients in the Number of Species at Reef-Seagrass Ecotones Explained by Gradients in Abundance A 14-Item Mediterranean Diet Assessment Tool and Obesity Indexes among High-Risk Subjects: The PREDIMED Trial Association of the European Lactase Persistence Variant (LCT-13910 C>T Polymorphism) with Obesity in the Canary Islands Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men BORDÓN RODRÍGUEZ, ELISA DE LOS REYES HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO LARA JIMÉNEZ, PEDRO CARLOS LLORET SAEZ-BRAVO, MARTA PINAR SEDEÑO, MARÍA BEATRIZ 2011 Radiation Oncology BioMed Central Combined low initial DNA damage and high radiation-induced apoptosis confers clinical resistance to long-term toxicity in breast cancer patients treated with highdose radiotherapy POR DEPARTAMENTO, GRUPO O INSTITUTO DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO INVESTIGADOR AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI 2012 Environmental Health BioMed Central Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) 2009 Radiation Oncology BioMed Central Constitutive gene expression profile segregates toxicity in locally advanced breast cancer patients treated with high-dose hyperfractionated radical radiotherapy TÍTULO ARTICULO ALMEIDA GONZÁLEZ, MAIRA DOMÍNGUEZ BOADA, LUÍS MARÍA HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO CIENCIAS CLÍNICAS PÉREZ LUZARDO, OCTAVIO SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS ZUMBADO PEÑA, MANUEL LUÍS FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, LEANDRO HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO ALEMÁN PÉREZ, HÉCTOR BAUTISTA CASTAÑO, INMACULADA GARCÍA SALVADOR, JOSÉ J. GONZÁLEZ QUESADA, ALICIA HENRÍQUEZ SÁNCHEZ, PATRICIA SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS 2013 Plos ONE Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Outcomes SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS 2013 Plos ONE Cross-Sectional Assessment of Nut Consumption and Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and Other Cardiometabolic Risk Factors: The PREDIMED Study SÁNCHEZ VILLEGAS, ALMUDENA SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS VERBERNE, LISA 2014 Plos ONE Dietary Fat Intake and the Risk of Depression: The SUN Project SÁNCHEZ VILLEGAS, ALMUDENA 2014 Plos ONE Effects of 1-Year Intervention with a Mediterranean Diet on Plasma Fatty Acid Composition and Metabolic Syndrome in a Population at High Cardiovascular Risk 2013 Plos ONE Empirically Derived Dietary Patterns and Health-Related Quality of Life in the SUN Project HENRÍQUEZ SÁNCHEZ, PATRICIA RUANO RODRÍGUEZ, CRISTINA SÁNCHEZ VILLEGAS, ALMUDENA CIENCIAS CLÍNICAS Environmental Health BioMed Central Environmental footprints of Mediterranean versus Western dietary patterns: beyond the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS 2013 GUERRA HERNÁNDEZ, CARLOS BORJA 2008 Plos ONE 2012 Plos ONE Influence of Neonatal Hypothyroidism on Hepatic Gene Expression and Lipid Metabolism in Adulthood 2013 Plos ONE Lifestyles and Risk Factors Associated with Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: A Baseline Assessment of the PREDIMED Trial FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, LEANDRO HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO MIRECKI GARRIDO, MERCEDES DE SANTANA FARRÉ, RUYMÁN SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS DÍAZ CHICO, NICOLÁS FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, LEANDRO POR DEPARTAMENTO, GRUPO O INSTITUTO DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO INVESTIGADOR GUERRA HERNÁNDEZ, CARLOS BORJA AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI TÍTULO ARTICULO 2014 Plos ONE Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth Hormone in Liver 2013 Plos ONE Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Outcomes MATEOS DÍAZ, CARLOS MIRECKI GARRIDO, MERCEDES DE SANTANA FARRÉ, RUYMÁN ALEMÁN PÉREZ, HÉCTOR BAUTISTA CASTAÑO, INMACULADA GARCÍA SALVADOR, JOSÉ J. GONZÁLEZ QUESADA, ALICIA HENRÍQUEZ SÁNCHEZ, PATRICIA SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS SÁNCHEZ VILLEGAS, ALMUDENA 2013 BMC Medicine BioMed Central Mediterranean dietary pattern and depression: the PREDIMED randomized trial 2011 Radiation Oncology BioMed Central MVP and vaults: a role in the radiation response 2012 Radiation Oncology BioMed Central MVP expression in the prediction of clinical outcome of locally advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with radiotherapy SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS CIENCIAS CLÍNICAS HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO LARA JIMÉNEZ, PEDRO CARLOS HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO LARA JIMÉNEZ, PEDRO CARLOS LLORET SAEZ-BRAVO, MARTA HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO 2013 Plos ONE LARA JIMÉNEZ, PEDRO CARLOS HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO 2010 Radiation Oncology BioMed Central SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS 2014 HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO 2010 Radiation Oncology BioMed Central SÁNCHEZ VILLEGAS, ALMUDENA 2009 BMC Public Health BioMed Central Plos ONE FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, LEANDRO Polymorphisms in DNA-Repair Genes in a Cohort of Prostate Cancer Patients from Different Areas in Spain: Heterogeneity between Populations as a Confounding Factor in Association Studies Prediction of clinical toxicity in locally advanced head and neck cancer patients by radio-induced apoptosis in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) Prevalence of Abdominal Obesity in Spanish Children and Adolescents. Do We Need Waist Circumference Measurements in Pediatric Practice? Radiation induced apoptosis and initial DNA damage are inversely related in locally advanced breast cancer patients Relationship between body image disturbance and incidence of depression: the SUN prospective cohort 2014 Plos ONE Simvastatin Impairs Growth Hormone-Activated Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT) Signaling Pathway in UMR-106 Osteosarcoma Cells SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS 2012 Plos ONE Statistical and Biological Gene-Lifestyle Interactions of MC4R and FTO with Diet and Physical Activity on Obesity: New Effects on Alcohol Consumption CASTRO QUEZADA, ITANDEHUI SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS 2014 GUERRA HERNÁNDEZ, CARLOS BORJA Nutrients MDPI The Mediterranean Diet and Nutritional Adequacy: A Review ALMEIDA GONZÁLEZ, MAIRA DOMÍNGUEZ BOADA, LUÍS MARÍA CIENCIAS CLÍNICAS HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO LARA JIMÉNEZ, PEDRO CARLOS PÉREZ LUZARDO, OCTAVIO SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS ZUMBADO PEÑA, MANUEL LUÍS 2012 Plos ONE The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Study POR DEPARTAMENTO, GRUPO O INSTITUTO DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO INVESTIGADOR NISSENSOHN, MARIELA AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI 2012 Nutrients MDPI SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD TÍTULO ARTICULO The Relationship between Zinc Intake and Serum/Plasma Zinc Concentration in Children: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis Usage of Plant Food Supplements across Six European Countries: Findings from the PlantLIBRA Consumer Survey Waist-to-Height Ratio and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Elderly Individuals at High Cardiovascular Risk White Blood Cell Counts as Risk Markers of Developing Metabolic Syndrome and Its Components in the Predimed Study A healthy diet with and without cereal grains and dairy products in patients with type 2 diabetes: study protocol for a random-order cross-over pilot study - Alimentation and Diabetes in Lanzarote -ADILAN alleHap: an efficient algorithm to reconstruct zero-recombinant haplotypes from parent-offspring pedigrees Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Outcomes High Resolution Melting Analysis: A Rapid and Accurate Method to Detect CALR Mutations SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS 2014 Plos ONE SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS 2012 Plos ONE SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS 2013 Plos ONE FIKA HERNANDO, MARÍA LUZ 2014 Trials BioMed Central WÄGNER, ANA MARÍA CLAUDIA 2014 BMC Bioinformatics BioMed Central GARCÍA HERNÁNDEZ, JOSÉ A. 2013 Plos ONE MOLERO LABARTA, TERESA 2014 Plos ONE 2011 Plos ONE Interaction between Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and Hepatic Lipase Encoding Genes and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Telde Study 2013 Plos ONE Long-Term Frozen Storage of Urine Samples: A Trouble to Get PCR Results in Schistosoma spp. DNA Detection? BORONAT CORTÉS, MAURO LÓPEZ RÍOS, LAURA CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS NÓVOA MOGOLLÓN, FRANCISCO WÄGNER, ANA MARÍA CLAUDIA PÉREZ ARELLANO, JOSÉ LUÍS CONDE MARTEL, ALICIA 2006 World Journal of Surgical Oncology BioMed Central Metachronic malignant transformation of small bowel and rectal endometriosis in the same patient 2014 Critical Care BioMed Central Surfactant protein A genetic variants associate with severe respiratory insufficiency in pandemic influenza A virus infecti MARCHENA GÓMEZ, JOAQUÍN HERRERA RAMOS, ESTEFANÍA RODRÍGUEZ DE CASTRO, FELIPE ROMERO QUINTERO, LEONARDO ECONOMÍA Y DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS SÁNCHEZ MEDINA, AGUSTÍN JESÚS 2014 Plos ONE Environmental Management in Small and Medium-Sized Companies: An Analysis from the Perspective of the Theory of Planned Behavior 2010 Plos ONE Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men 2010 Plos ONE Anaerobic Energy Expenditure and Mechanical Efficiency during Exhaustive Leg Press Exercise SOSA CABRERA, SILVIA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA DELGADO GUERRA, SAFIRA DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA GUADALUPE GRAU, AMELIA LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO OLMEDILLAS, HUGO SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN SERRANO SÁNCHEZ, JOSÉ ANTONIO LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA POR DEPARTAMENTO, GRUPO O INSTITUTO DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO INVESTIGADOR MARTÍ TRUJILLO, SARA AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI 2011 Plos ONE Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents 2010 Plos ONE Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men 2012 Plos ONE Contribution of Individual and Environmental Factors to Physical Activity Level among Spanish Adults 2012 Plos ONE Energy Metabolism during Repeated Sets of Leg Press Exercise Leading to Failure or Not 2008 Plos ONE Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity 2011 Plos ONE Iliopsoas and Gluteal Muscles Are Asymmetric in Tennis Players but Not in Soccer Players 2010 Plos ONE Large Asymmetric Hypertrophy of Rectus Abdominis Muscle in Professional Tennis Players 2012 Plos ONE Muscle Hypertrophy in Prepubescent Tennis Players: A Segmentation MRI Study 2010 Plos ONE Skeletal Muscle Myofibrillar and Sarcoplasmic Protein Synthesis Rates Are Affected Differently by Altitude-Induced Hypoxia in Native Lowlanders SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA TÍTULO ARTICULO SERRANO SÁNCHEZ, JOSÉ ANTONIO DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA FUENTES, TERESA GUADALUPE GRAU, AMELIA LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO OLMEDILLAS, HUGO PÉREZ GÓMEZ, JORGE PONCE GONZÁLEZ, JESÚS GUSTAVO SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN SERRANO SÁNCHEZ, JOSÉ ANTONIO LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO DELGADO GUERRA, SAFIRA DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA FUENTES, TERESA GUADALUPE GRAU, AMELIA LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO OLMEDILLAS, HUGO PONCE GONZÁLEZ, JESÚS GUSTAVO DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN SERRANO SÁNCHEZ, JOSÉ ANTONIO LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO POR DEPARTAMENTO, GRUPO O INSTITUTO DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO INVESTIGADOR LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI 2011 Plos ONE LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO 2008 Plos ONE ARTEAGA ORTÍZ, RAFAEL 2010 Plos ONE SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN FÍSICA MACÍAS LÓPEZ, ELSA SUÁREZ SARMIENTO, ÁLVARO MACÍAS LÓPEZ, ELSA GRUPO DE ARQUITECTURA Y CONCURRENCIA (GAC) MACÍAS LÓPEZ, ELSA TÍTULO ARTICULO Soccer Attenuates the Asymmetry of Rectus Abdominis Muscle Observed in NonAthletes. The Ergogenic Effect of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin on V?O2max Depends on the Severity of Arterial Hypoxemia Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men 2011 Sensors MDPI A Hierarchical Communication Architecture for Oceanic Surveillance Applications 2012 Sensors MDPI Architecture and Protocol of a Semantic System Designed for Video Tagging with Sensor Data in Mobile Devices 2013 Sensors MDPI Mobile Sensing Systems 2012 Sensors MDPI Ubiquitous Monitoring of Electrical Household Appliances 2012 Pharmaceuticals MDPI The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver SUÁREZ SARMIENTO, ÁLVARO MACÍAS LÓPEZ, ELSA SUÁREZ SARMIENTO, ÁLVARO DÍAZ CHICO, JUAN CARLOS DÍAZ CHICO, NICOLÁS FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, LEANDRO GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC GUERRA HERNÁNDEZ, CARLOS BORJA JIMÉNEZ MONZÓN, ROBERTO MATEOS DÍAZ, CARLOS MIRECKI GARRIDO, MERCEDES DE HISTOLOGÍA Y PATOLOGÍA SIERRA PULPILLO, EVA 2014 Plos ONE Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans SIERRA PULPILLO, EVA 2013 Plos ONE What Caused the UK's Largest Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) Mass Stranding Event? PEREZ JIMÉNEZ, RAFAEL 2013 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking BioMed Central 2013 Sensors MDPI Design considerations of conventional angle diversity receivers for indoor optical wireless communications ALONSO HERNÁNDEZ, JESÚS B. PEREZ SUÁREZ, SANTIAGO T. Design Methodology of an Equalizer for Unipolar Non Return to Zero Binary Signals in the Presence of Additive White Gaussian Noise Using a Time Delay Neural Network on a Field Programmable Gate Array POR DEPARTAMENTO, GRUPO O INSTITUTO AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI 2012 Sensors MDPI On the Feasibility of Interoperable Schemes in Hand Biometrics 2013 Sensors MDPI On the Selection of Non-Invasive Methods Based on Speech Analysis Oriented to Automatic Alzheimer Disease Diagnosis PEREZ JIMÉNEZ, RAFAEL 2013 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking SpringerOpen TRAVIESO GONZÁLEZ, CARLOS MANUEL 2012 Sensors MDPI ALONSO GONZÁLEZ, ITZIAR GORETI 2013 Plos ONE Carbon Dynamics within Cyclonic Eddies: Insights from a Biomarker Study 2012 Plos ONE Is There a Seamount Effect on Microbial Community Structure and Biomass? The Case Study of Seine and Sedlo Seamounts (Northeast Atlantic) DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO INVESTIGADOR TÍTULO ARTICULO TRAVIESO GONZÁLEZ, CARLOS MANUEL FERRER BALLESTER, MIGUEL ÁNGEL IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO GONZÁLEZ, ESTER TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) MORALES, AYTHAMI ALONSO HERNÁNDEZ, JESÚS B. TRAVIESO GONZÁLEZ, CARLOS MANUEL INGENIERÍA TELEMÁTICA Simulation of impulse response for indoor visible light communications using 3D CAD models Transformation of Hand-Shape Features for a Biometric Identification Approach ARÍSTEGUI RUÍZ, JAVIER INSTITUTO DE OCEANOGRÁFIA Y CAMBIO GLOBAL ESPINO CABALLERO, MINERVA MONTERO DEL PINO, MARÍA FERNANDA VILAS, JUAN CARLOS ALAYÓN HERNÁNDEZ, FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ, CARMELO R. LORENZO, ÁLVARO 2012 Sensors MDPI 2012 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking SpringerOpen Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport PADRÓN MORALES, GABINO PÉREZ GARCÍA, RICARDO JAVIER QUESADA ARENCIBIA, ALEXIS ALAYÓN HERNÁNDEZ, FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ, CARMELO R. PADRÓN MORALES, GABINO PÉREZ GARCÍA, RICARDO JAVIER Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas QUESADA ARENCIBIA, ALEXIS Pervasive multimedia guidance system for special needs passengers on public transport POR DEPARTAMENTO, GRUPO O INSTITUTO DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI 2012 Sensors MDPI Provision of Ubiquitous Tourist Information in Public Transport Networks 2014 Sensors MDPI Using Massive Vehicle Positioning Data to Improve Control and Planning of Public Road Transport 2014 BMC Bioinformatics BioMed Central alleHap: an efficient algorithm to reconstruct zero-recombinant haplotypes from parent-offspring pedigrees 2010 Sensors MDPI 2007 EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems SpringerOpen Embedded Systems for Portable and Mobile Video Platforms 2012 Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen A best proximity point theorem for Geraghty-contractions 2011 Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen 2014 BMC Bioinformatics BioMed Central alleHap: an efficient algorithm to reconstruct zero-recombinant haplotypes from parent-offspring pedigrees SAAVEDRA SANTANA, PEDRO 2012 Critical Care BioMed Central Assessment of candidemia-attributable mortality in critically ill patients using propensity score matching analysis GONZÁLEZ HENRÍQUEZ, JUAN JOSÉ 2011 INVESTIGADOR TÍTULO ARTICULO ALAYÓN HERNÁNDEZ, FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ, CARMELO R. PADRÓN MORALES, GABINO PÉREZ GARCÍA, RICARDO JAVIER QUESADA ARENCIBIA, ALEXIS ALAYÓN HERNÁNDEZ, FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ, CARMELO R. PADRÓN MORALES, GABINO PÉREZ GARCÍA, RICARDO JAVIER QUESADA ARENCIBIA, ALEXIS QUINTEIRO GONZÁLEZ, JOSÉ MARÍA GARCÍA-ALONSO MONTOYA, SANTIAGO IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) MONTIEL NELSON, JUAN ANTONIO MONZÓN VERONA, JOSÉ MIGUEL Electro-Quasistatic Analysis of an Electrostatic Induction Micromotor Using the Cell Method SANTANA MARTÍN, FRANCISCO JORGE NÚÑEZ ORDOÑEZ, ANTONIO CABALLERO SUÁREZ, JUAN MANUEL HARJANI SAÚCO, JACKIE JERÓNIMO SADARANGANI SADARANGANI, KISHIN BHAGWANDS HARJANI SAÚCO, JACKIE JERÓNIMO LÓPEZ BRITO, MARÍA DOLORES A fixed point theorem for Meir-Keeler contractions in ordered metric spaces SADARANGANI SADARANGANI, KISHIN BHAGWANDS SANTANA DEL PINO, ÁNGELO MEDINA RODRÍGUEZ, NATHAN Plos ONE Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents CABALLERO SUÁREZ, JUAN MANUEL MATEMÁTICAS HARJANI SAÚCO, JACKIE JERÓNIMO 2010 Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen Contractive-Like Mapping Principles in Ordered Metric Spaces and Application to Ordinary Differential Equations SADARANGANI SADARANGANI, KISHIN BHAGWANDS GONZÁLEZ HENRÍQUEZ, JUAN JOSÉ 2012 Plos ONE Contribution of Individual and Environmental Factors to Physical Activity Level among Spanish Adults CABALLERO MENA, J. HARJANI SAÚCO, JACKIE JERÓNIMO SADARANGANI SADARANGANI, KISHIN BHAGWANDS CABALLERO SUÁREZ, JUAN MANUEL 2009 Boundary Value Problems SpringerOpen Existence and Uniqueness of Positive and Nondecreasing Solutions for a Class of Singular Fractional Boundary Value Problems POR DEPARTAMENTO, GRUPO O INSTITUTO DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN 2011 Boundary Value Problems SpringerOpen FALCÓN SANTANA, SERGIO 2004 Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen VILAR GUEREÑO, JOSÉ MANUEL 2010 BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central 2014 International Journal of Molecular Sciences MDPI RODRÍGUEZ, NOÉ F. 2012 BMC Microbiology BioMed Central GONZÁLEZ LÓPEZ-VALCARCEL, BEATRIZ 2011 BMC Health Services Research BioMed Central 2010 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health MDPI 2010 Human Resources for Health BioMed Central Forecasting the need for medical specialists in Spain: application of a system dynamics model PINILLA DOMÍNGUEZ, JAIME 2011 BMC Health Services Research BioMed Central The evolution of health status and chronic conditions in Catalonia, 1994-2006: the paradox of health revisited using the Blinder - Oaxaca decomposition BILBAO SIEYRO, CRISTINA 2014 Plos ONE High Resolution Melting Analysis: A Rapid and Accurate Method to Detect CALR Mutations 2014 Plos ONE Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans 2013 Plos ONE What Caused the UK’s Largest Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) Mass Stranding Event? BioMed Central Controlled, blinded force platform analysis of the effect of intraarticular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells associated to PRGF-Endoret in osteoarthritic dogs INVESTIGADOR HARJANI SAÚCO, JACKIE JERÓNIMO RECURSO OAI TÍTULO ARTICULO On existence and uniqueness of positive solutions to a class of fractional boundary value problems SADARANGANI SADARANGANI, KISHIN BHAGWANDS MEDICINA Y CIRUGÍA ANIMAL MORALES DORESTE, MANUEL FRANCISCO VILAR GUEREÑO, JOSÉ MANUEL On some Banach space constants arising in nonlinear fixed point and eigenvalue theory Assessment of the effect of intraarticular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in osteoarthritic dogs using a double blinded force platform analysis Hip Osteoarthritis in Dogs: A Randomized Study Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue and Plasma Rich in Growth Factors Molecular method for the characterization of Coxiella burnetii from clinical and environmental samples: variability of genotypes in Spain Are prescribing doctors sensitive to the price that their patients have to pay in the Spanish National Health System? MARTEL ESCOBAR, MARÍA DEL CARMEN NEGRÍN HERNÁNDEZ, MIGUEL ÁNGEL MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS Bayesian Variable Selection in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis VÁZQUEZ POLO, FRANCISCO J. BARBER PÉREZ, PATRICIA GONZÁLEZ LÓPEZ-VALCARCEL, BEATRIZ ANDRADA BORZOLLINO, MARISA ARBELO HERNÁNDEZ, MANUEL DÍAZ DELGADO, JOSUÉ MORFOLOGÍA ESPINOSA DE LOS MONTEROS Y ZAYAS, ANTONIO FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, ANTONIO HERRÁEZ THOMAS, PEDRO MANUEL FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, ANTONIO MORALES DORESTE, MANUEL FRANCISCO SANTANA DEL PINO, ÁNGELO VILAR GUEREÑO, JOSÉ MANUEL 2013 BMC Veterinary Research POR DEPARTAMENTO, GRUPO O INSTITUTO DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO INVESTIGADOR AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI TÍTULO ARTICULO 2012 Parasites & Vectors BioMed Central Genetic characterization and molecular identification of the bloodmeal sources of the potential bluetongue vector Culicoides obsoletus in the Canary Islands, Spain 2014 Sustainability MDPI Recycled Urban Wastewater for Irrigation of Jatropha curcas L. in Abandoned Agricultural Arid Land 2012 BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central The complement system of the goat: Haemolytic assays and isolation of major proteins 2014 BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central The effect of colostrum intake on blood plasma proteome profile in newborn lambs: low abundance proteins 2013 SpringerPlus SpringerOpen An assessment of the concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater treatment plants on the island of Gran Canaria (Spain) 2013 Antibiotics MDPI Assessment of the Presence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Seawater Samples from Coastal Area of Gran Canaria Island (Spain) 2014 Molecules MDPI Microextraction Techniques Coupled to Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Organic Micropollutants in Environmental Water Samples 2013 Molecules MDPI Phenolic Constituents, Antioxidant and Preliminary Antimycoplasmic Activities of Leaf Skin and Flowers of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill.) from the Canary Islands (Spain) CASTRO NAVARRO, NOEMÍ MORALES DE LA NUEZ, ANTONIO PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS PALACIOS DÍAZ, M.N PINO ARGÜELLO HENRÍQUEZ, ANASTASIO CASTRO NAVARRO, NOEMÍ MORENO INDIAS, ISABEL ARGÜELLO HENRÍQUEZ, ANASTASIO CASTRO NAVARRO, NOEMÍ HERNÁNDEZ CASTELLANO, LORENZO ENRIQUE AFONSO OLIVARES, CRISTINA GUEDES ALONSO, RAYCO MONTESDEOCA ESPONDA, SARAH SANTANA RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉ JUAN SOSA FERRERA, ZORAIDA AFONSO OLIVARES, CRISTINA SANTANA RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉ JUAN SOSA FERRERA, ZORAIDA TORRES PADRÓN, MARÍA ESTHER AFONSO OLIVARES, CRISTINA SANTANA RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉ JUAN QUIMICA SOSA FERRERA, ZORAIDA TORRES PADRÓN, MARÍA ESTHER LÓPEZ, AROA RICO SANTOS, MILAGROS POR DEPARTAMENTO, GRUPO O INSTITUTO DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO INVESTIGADOR AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI 2012 Molecules MDPI Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities 2013 Sensors MDPI On the Use of a Low-Cost Thermal Sensor to Improve Kinect People Detection in a Mobile Robot 2013 Molecules MDPI Phenolic Constituents, Antioxidant and Preliminary Antimycoplasmic Activities of Leaf Skin and Flowers of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill.) from the Canary Islands (Spain) 2014 Nanoscale Research Letters SpringerOpen TÍTULO ARTICULO SUÁREZ DE TANGIL, MIGUEL LÓPEZ, AROA LÓPEZ, MARIANA PÉREZ GALVÁN, FRANCISCO JAVIER RICO SANTOS, MILAGROS TRIANA MÉNDEZ, JORGE CASTRILLÓN SANTANA, MODESTO F. LORENZO NAVARRO, JOSÉ JAVIER SIANI CASTRILLÓN SANTANA, MODESTO F. HERNÁNDEZ SOSA, JOSÉ DANIEL LORENZO NAVARRO, JOSÉ JAVIER UNIDAD DE EPIDEMIOLOGÍA Y MEDICINA PREVENTIVA RAMÍREZ CORBERA, ANA SOFÍA VEGA ORELLANA, ORESTES FERNÁNDEZ HEVIA, DANIEL Microwave-induced fast crystallization of amorphous hierarchical anatase microspheres POR AUTOR INVESTIGADOR AFONSO OLIVARES, CRISTINA ALAYÓN HERNÁNDEZ, FRANCISCO JAVIER ALEMÁN PÉREZ, HÉCTOR Nº ARTÍCUOS 3 4 2 DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO QUIMICA Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Ciencias Clínicas ALMEIDA GONZÁLEZ, MAIRA 2 Ciencias Clínicas ALONSO GONZÁLEZ, ITZIAR GORETI 1 INGENIERÍA TELEMÁTICA 2 IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) ALONSO HERNÁNDEZ, JESÚS B. 1 ANDRADA BORZOLLINO, MARISA 1 ARIZA, A. ARTEAGA ORTÍZ, RAFAEL 2 PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS 4 2014 Molecules MDPI 2013 Antibiotics MDPI 2013 SpringerPlus SpringerOpen 2014 Sensors MDPI 2012 Sensors MDPI 2012 Sensors MDPI 2012 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking SpringerOpen 2013 Plos ONE 2013 Plos ONE 2012 Environmental Health BioMed Central 2012 Plos ONE 2013 Plos ONE 2013 Sensors MDPI 2013 Sensors MDPI 2014 Plos ONE 2014 Plos ONE 1 1 BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central 2012 BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central 2014 Plos ONE 2014 Plos ONE 2013 Plos ONE 2012 Plos ONE BIOLOGÍA 2014 Plos ONE 2010 Plos ONE FÍSICA 1 MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS BAUTISTA CASTAÑO, INMACULADA 2 Ciencias Clínicas 1 2014 INSTITUTO DE OCEANOGRÁFIA Y CAMBIO GLOBAL BARBER PÉREZ, PATRICIA BILBAO SIEYRO, CRISTINA RECURSO OAI MORFOLOGÍA BIOLOGÍA ARÍSTEGUI RUÍZ, JAVIER PUBLICACIÓN MORFOLOGÍA ARBELO HERNÁNDEZ, MANUEL ARGÜELLO HENRÍQUEZ, ANASTASIO AÑO PUBLICACIÓN MORFOLOGÍA 2010 2013 Human Resources for Health BioMed Central Plos ONE 2013 Plos ONE 2014 Plos ONE TÍTULO ARTICULO Microextraction Techniques Coupled to Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Organic Micropollutants in Environmental Water Samples Assessment of the Presence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Seawater Samples from Coastal Area of Gran Canaria Island (Spain) An assessment of the concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater treatment plants on the island of Gran Using Massive Vehicle Positioning Data to Improve Control and Planning of Public Road Transport Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport Provision of Ubiquitous Tourist Information in Public Transport Networks Pervasive multimedia guidance system for special needs passengers on public transport Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Outcomes Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Outcomes Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGFI Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Carbon Dynamics within Cyclonic Eddies: Insights from a Biomarker Design Methodology of an Equalizer for Unipolar Non Return to Zero Binary Signals in the Presence of Additive White Gaussian Noise Using a Time Delay Neural Network on a Field Programmable Gate Array On the Selection of Non-Invasive Methods Based on Speech Analysis Oriented to Automatic Alzheimer Disease Diagnosis Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans The effect of colostrum intake on blood plasma proteome profile in newborn lambs: low abundance proteins The complement system of the goat: Haemolytic assays and isolation of major proteins Krill Excretion Boosts Microbial Activity in the Southern Ocean The Submarine Volcano Eruption off El Hierro Island: Effects on the Scattering Migrant Biota and the Evolution of the Pelagic Carbon Dynamics within Cyclonic Eddies: Insights from a Biomarker Is There a Seamount Effect on Microbial Community Structure and Biomass? The Case Study of Seine and Sedlo Seamounts (Northeast The Submarine Volcano Eruption off El Hierro Island: Effects on the Scattering Migrant Biota and the Evolution of the Pelagic Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men Forecasting the need for medical specialists in Spain: application of a system dynamics model Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Outcomes Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Outcomes High Resolution Melting Analysis: A Rapid and Accurate Method to Detect CALR Mutations POR AUTOR Nº ARTÍCUOS DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI BORDÓN RODRÍGUEZ, ELISA DE LOS REYES 1 Ciencias Clínicas 2011 Radiation Oncology BioMed Central BORONAT CORTÉS, MAURO 1 CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2011 CABALLERO MENA, J. 1 MATEMÁTICAS 2009 Boundary Value Problems INVESTIGADOR CASTRO NAVARRO, NOEMÍ 2012 Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen Boundary Value Problems SpringerOpen 2010 Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen SIANI 2013 Sensors MDPI SIANI 2013 Sensors MDPI 2014 BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central 2012 Parasites & Vectors BioMed Central 2012 BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central Nutrients MDPI 5 3 PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS 1 Ciencias Clínicas 2014 CHIRINO GODOY, RICARDO 1 BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA 2011 CONDE MARTEL, ALICIA 1 CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2006 DELGADO GUERRA, SAFIRA 2 EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA CASTRO QUEZADA, ITANDEHUI DÍAZ CHICO, JUAN CARLOS DÍAZ CHICO, NICOLÁS 1 3 SpringerOpen 2011 MATEMÁTICAS CABALLERO SUÁREZ, JUAN MANUEL Plos ONE Plos ONE World Journal of Surgical Oncology BioMed Central 2010 Plos ONE 2008 Plos ONE GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC 2012 Ciencias Clínicas 2014 GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC 2012 Ciencias Clínicas 2010 Plos ONE 2014 Plos ONE DÍAZ DELGADO, JOSUÉ 1 MORFOLOGÍA DOMÍNGUEZ BOADA, LUÍS MARÍA 2 Ciencias Clínicas 2012 Pharmaceuticals MDPI Plos ONE Pharmaceuticals Environmental Health MDPI BioMed Central 2012 Plos ONE 2012 Plos ONE 2011 Plos ONE 2011 Plos ONE TÍTULO ARTICULO Combined low initial DNA damage and high radiation-induced apoptosis confers clinical resistance to long-term toxicity in breast cancer patients treated with high-dose radiotherapy Interaction between Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and Hepatic Lipase Encoding Genes and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Telde Study Existence and Uniqueness of Positive and Nondecreasing Solutions for a Class of Singular Fractional Boundary Value Problems A best proximity point theorem for Geraghty-contractions On existence and uniqueness of positive solutions to a class of fractional boundary value problems Contractive-Like Mapping Principles in Ordered Metric Spaces and Application to Ordinary Differential Equations On the Use of a Low-Cost Thermal Sensor to Improve Kinect People Detection in a Mobile Robot On the Use of Simple Geometric Descriptors Provided by RGB-D Sensors for Re-Identification The effect of colostrum intake on blood plasma proteome profile in newborn lambs: low abundance proteins Genetic characterization and molecular identification of the bloodmeal sources of the potential bluetongue vector Culicoides obsoletus in the Canary Islands, Spain The complement system of the goat: Haemolytic assays and isolation of major proteins The Mediterranean Diet and Nutritional Adequacy: A Review Interaction between Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and Hepatic Lipase Encoding Genes and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Telde Study Metachronic malignant transformation of small bowel and rectal endometriosis in the same patient Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth Hormone in Liver The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGFI Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Contribution of Individual and Environmental Factors to Physical Activity Level among Spanish Adults Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents Iliopsoas and Gluteal Muscles Are Asymmetric in Tennis Players but Not in Soccer Players POR AUTOR INVESTIGADOR DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA Nº ARTÍCUOS 7 DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI 2010 Plos ONE 2010 Plos ONE 2010 Plos ONE 2008 Plos ONE ESPINO CABALLERO, MINERVA 1 INSTITUTO DE OCEANOGRÁFIA Y CAMBIO GLOBAL 2012 Plos ONE ESPINOSA DE LOS MONTEROS Y ZAYAS, ANTONIO 1 MORFOLOGÍA 2014 Plos ONE ESTÉVEZ ROSAS, FRANCISCO JESÚS 1 BIOQUÍMICA 2012 Molecules MDPI FALCÓN SANTANA, SERGIO 1 MATEMÁTICAS 2004 Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen FERNÁNDEZ HEVIA, DANIEL 1 2014 Nanoscale Research Letters SpringerOpen 2014 Plos ONE 2014 Plos ONE Ciencias Clínicas FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, LEANDRO 5 GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC 2012 Pharmaceuticals 2012 2009 MDPI Plos ONE Radiation Oncology BioMed Central Ciencias Clínicas FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, ANTONIO 2 MORFOLOGÍA 2014 Plos ONE 2013 Plos ONE Plos ONE TÍTULO ARTICULO Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Large Asymmetric Hypertrophy of Rectus Abdominis Muscle in Professional Tennis Players Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity Is There a Seamount Effect on Microbial Community Structure and Biomass? The Case Study of Seine and Sedlo Seamounts (Northeast Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities On some Banach space constants arising in nonlinear fixed point and eigenvalue theory Microwave-induced fast crystallization of amorphous hierarchical anatase microspheres Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth Hormone in Liver Simvastatin Impairs Growth Hormone-Activated Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT) Signaling Pathway in UMR106 Osteosarcoma Cells The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver Influence of Neonatal Hypothyroidism on Hepatic Gene Expression and Lipid Metabolism in Adulthood Constitutive gene expression profile segregates toxicity in locally advanced breast cancer patients treated with high-dose hyperfractionated radical radiotherapy Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans What Caused the UK’s Largest Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) Mass Stranding Event? The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGFI Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Study On the Feasibility of Interoperable Schemes in Hand Biometrics FERNÁNDEZ VALERÓN, JOSEFA PILAR 1 BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA 2012 FERRER BALLESTER, MIGUEL ÁNGEL 1 IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) 2012 Sensors MDPI FIKA HERNANDO, MARÍA LUZ 1 CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD 2014 Trials BioMed Central A healthy diet with and without cereal grains and dairy products in patients with type 2 diabetes: study protocol for a random-order cross-over pilot study - Alimentation and Diabetes in Lanzarote - FREGEL, ROSA 1 BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA 2014 BMC Evolutionary Biology BioMed Central The history of the North African mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U6 gene flow into the African, Eurasian and American continents FUENTES, TERESA 2 EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA GARCÍA HERNÁNDEZ, JOSÉ A. GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ, CARMELO R. 1 4 CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas 2010 Plos ONE 2008 Plos ONE 2013 Plos ONE 2014 Sensors MDPI 2012 Sensors MDPI 2012 Sensors MDPI Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Outcomes Using Massive Vehicle Positioning Data to Improve Control and Planning of Public Road Transport Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport Provision of Ubiquitous Tourist Information in Public Transport Networks POR AUTOR INVESTIGADOR GARCÍA SALVADOR, JOSÉ J. Nº ARTÍCUOS 2 DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO Ciencias Clínicas AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI 2012 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking SpringerOpen 2013 Plos ONE 2013 Plos ONE 1 IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) 2010 GARIJO LÓPEZ, JUAN CARLOS 1 BIOLOGÍA 2014 GÓMEZ PINCHETTI, JUAN LUÍS 1 BIOLOGÍA 2014 Plos ONE 2012 Plos ONE 2011 Plos ONE GARCÍA-ALONSO MONTOYA, SANTIAGO GONZÁLEZ HENRÍQUEZ, JUAN JOSÉ GONZÁLEZ LÓPEZ-VALCARCEL, BEATRIZ GONZÁLEZ QUESADA, ALICIA GONZÁLEZ, ESTER GUADALUPE GRAU, AMELIA GUEDES ALONSO, RAYCO 2 2 2 1 3 1 MATEMÁTICAS MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS Ciencias Clínicas IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA QUIMICA Sensors MDPI Plos ONE 2011 BMC Health Services Research BioMed Central 2010 Human Resources for Health BioMed Central 2013 Plos ONE 2013 Plos ONE 2012 Sensors MDPI 2010 Plos ONE 2010 Plos ONE 2008 Plos ONE 2013 SpringerPlus SpringerOpen 2014 Plos ONE 2014 Plos ONE Ciencias Clínicas GUERRA HERNÁNDEZ, CARLOS BORJA HARJANI SAÚCO, JACKIE JERÓNIMO 4 5 GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC 2012 Ciencias Clínicas 2008 MATEMÁTICAS Pharmaceuticals MDPI Plos ONE 2012 2011 Fixed Point Theory and Applications Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen SpringerOpen 2011 Boundary Value Problems SpringerOpen 2010 Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen 2009 Boundary Value Problems SpringerOpen 2013 Plos ONE 2012 Environmental Health BioMed Central 2012 Radiation Oncology BioMed Central 2012 Plos ONE TÍTULO ARTICULO Pervasive multimedia guidance system for special needs passengers on public transport Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Outcomes Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Outcomes Electro-Quasistatic Analysis of an Electrostatic Induction Micromotor Using the Cell Method The Submarine Volcano Eruption off El Hierro Island: Effects on the Scattering Migrant Biota and the Evolution of the Pelagic Krill Excretion Boosts Microbial Activity in the Southern Ocean Contribution of Individual and Environmental Factors to Physical Activity Level among Spanish Adults Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents Are prescribing doctors sensitive to the price that their patients have to pay in the Spanish National Health System? Forecasting the need for medical specialists in Spain: application of a system dynamics model Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Outcomes Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Outcomes On the Feasibility of Interoperable Schemes in Hand Biometrics Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity An assessment of the concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater treatment plants on the island of Gran Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth Hormone in Liver Simvastatin Impairs Growth Hormone-Activated Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT) Signaling Pathway in UMR106 Osteosarcoma Cells The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity A best proximity point theorem for Geraghty-contractions A fixed point theorem for Meir-Keeler contractions in ordered On existence and uniqueness of positive solutions to a class of fractional boundary value problems Contractive-Like Mapping Principles in Ordered Metric Spaces and Application to Ordinary Differential Equations Existence and Uniqueness of Positive and Nondecreasing Solutions for a Class of Singular Fractional Boundary Value Problems Polymorphisms in DNA-Repair Genes in a Cohort of Prostate Cancer Patients from Different Areas in Spain: Heterogeneity between Populations as a Confounding Factor in Association Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) MVP expression in the prediction of clinical outcome of locally advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with Influence of Neonatal Hypothyroidism on Hepatic Gene Expression and Lipid Metabolism in Adulthood POR AUTOR INVESTIGADOR HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO Nº ARTÍCUOS 10 DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO Ciencias Clínicas AÑO PUBLICACIÓN 2012 2011 HENRÍQUEZ SÁNCHEZ, PATRICIA 3 Ciencias Clínicas BioMed Central BioMed Central 2010 Radiation Oncology BioMed Central 2009 Radiation Oncology BioMed Central 2013 Plos ONE 2013 Plos ONE 2013 Plos ONE 1 BIOLOGÍA 2014 HERNÁNDEZ SOSA, JOSÉ DANIEL 1 SIANI 2013 HERRÁEZ THOMAS, PEDRO MANUEL 1 MORFOLOGÍA 2014 1 2014 BMC Veterinary Research Sensors Ciencias Clínicas Plos ONE Critical Care BioMed Central 2012 Pharmaceuticals MDPI LÓPEZ BRITO, MARÍA DOLORES LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO 2 1 11 Plos ONE Radiation Oncology 2012 2011 LLORET SAEZ-BRAVO, MARTA MDPI 2014 2012 5 BioMed Central Plos ONE 2013 LARA JIMÉNEZ, PEDRO CARLOS BioMed Central Radiation Oncology HERNÁNDEZ LEÓN, SANTIAGO JIMÉNEZ MONZÓN, ROBERTO Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology 1 CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC Plos ONE 2011 HERNÁNDEZ CASTELLANO, LORENZO ENRIQUE 1 RECURSO OAI 2010 PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS HERRERA RAMOS, ESTEFANÍA PUBLICACIÓN BioMed Central Plos ONE Radiation Oncology BioMed Central 2011 Radiation Oncology BioMed Central 2012 Radiation Oncology BioMed Central 2011 Radiation Oncology BioMed Central 2011 Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen Ciencias Clínicas MATEMÁTICAS EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA 2012 Plos ONE 2012 Plos ONE 2011 Plos ONE 2011 Plos ONE 2010 Plos ONE 2010 Plos ONE TÍTULO ARTICULO The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGFI Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Combined low initial DNA damage and high radiation-induced apoptosis confers clinical resistance to long-term toxicity in breast cancer patients treated with high-dose radiotherapy MVP and vaults: a role in the radiation response Prediction of clinical toxicity in locally advanced head and neck cancer patients by radio-induced apoptosis in peripheral blood Radiation induced apoptosis and initial DNA damage are inversely related in locally advanced breast cancer patients Constitutive gene expression profile segregates toxicity in locally advanced breast cancer patients treated with high-dose hyperfractionated radical radiotherapy Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Outcomes Empirically Derived Dietary Patterns and Health-Related Quality of Life in the SUN Project Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Outcomes The effect of colostrum intake on blood plasma proteome profile in newborn lambs: low abundance proteins The Submarine Volcano Eruption off El Hierro Island: Effects on the Scattering Migrant Biota and the Evolution of the Pelagic On the Use of Simple Geometric Descriptors Provided by RGB-D Sensors for Re-Identification Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans Surfactant protein A genetic variants associate with severe respiratory insufficiency in pandemic influenza A virus infecti The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver Polymorphisms in DNA-Repair Genes in a Cohort of Prostate Cancer Patients from Different Areas in Spain: Heterogeneity between Populations as a Confounding Factor in Association MVP expression in the prediction of clinical outcome of locally advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGFI Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Combined low initial DNA damage and high radiation-induced apoptosis confers clinical resistance to long-term toxicity in breast cancer patients treated with high-dose radiotherapy MVP and vaults: a role in the radiation response MVP expression in the prediction of clinical outcome of locally advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with Combined low initial DNA damage and high radiation-induced apoptosis confers clinical resistance to long-term toxicity in breast cancer patients treated with high-dose radiotherapy A fixed point theorem for Meir-Keeler contractions in ordered Energy Metabolism during Repeated Sets of Leg Press Exercise Leading to Failure or Not Muscle Hypertrophy in Prepubescent Tennis Players: A Segmentation MRI Study Iliopsoas and Gluteal Muscles Are Asymmetric in Tennis Players but Not in Soccer Players Soccer Attenuates the Asymmetry of Rectus Abdominis Muscle Observed in Non-Athletes. Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men Anaerobic Energy Expenditure and Mechanical Efficiency during Exhaustive Leg Press Exercise POR AUTOR INVESTIGADOR Nº ARTÍCUOS DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO LÓPEZ RÍOS, LAURA 1 CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS LÓPEZ, AROA 2 QUIMICA LÓPEZ, MARIANA 1 QUIMICA LORENZO NAVARRO, JOSÉ JAVIER 2 SIANI 1 Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas LORENZO, ÁLVARO MACÍAS LÓPEZ, ELSA MARCHENA GÓMEZ, JOAQUÍN MARRERO, MARÍA TERESA MARTEL ESCOBAR, MARÍA DEL CARMEN MARTÍ TRUJILLO, SARA MATEOS DÍAZ, CARLOS MEDINA RODRÍGUEZ, NATHAN MIRECKI GARRIDO, MERCEDES DE 4 1 1 1 1 Grupo de Arquitectura y Concurrencia (GAC) CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS BIOQUÍMICA MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA MONTERO DEL PINO, MARÍA FERNANDA PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI 2010 Plos ONE 2010 Plos ONE 2010 Plos ONE 2008 Plos ONE 2008 Plos ONE 2011 Plos ONE Molecules MDPI 2012 Molecules MDPI 2012 Molecules MDPI 2013 Sensors MDPI 2013 Sensors MDPI 2012 Sensors MDPI 2013 Sensors MDPI Mobile Sensing Systems 2012 Sensors MDPI Architecture and Protocol of a Semantic System Designed for Video Tagging with Sensor Data in Mobile Devices 2012 Sensors MDPI 2011 Sensors MDPI 2006 World Journal of Surgical Oncology BioMed Central 2012 Molecules MDPI 2010 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health MDPI 2011 Plos ONE Plos ONE Ciencias Clínicas 2014 2012 Pharmaceuticals MDPI 1 MATEMÁTICAS / IUMA 2014 BMC Bioinformatics BioMed Central Ciencias Clínicas 2014 3 GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC 2012 2 TÍTULO ARTICULO Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Large Asymmetric Hypertrophy of Rectus Abdominis Muscle in Professional Tennis Players Skeletal Muscle Myofibrillar and Sarcoplasmic Protein Synthesis Rates Are Affected Differently by Altitude-Induced Hypoxia in Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity The Ergogenic Effect of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin on V?O2max Depends on the Severity of Arterial Hypoxemia Interaction between Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and Hepatic Lipase Encoding Genes and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Telde Study Phenolic Constituents, Antioxidant and Preliminary Antimycoplasmic Activities of Leaf Skin and Flowers of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill.) from the Canary Islands Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities On the Use of a Low-Cost Thermal Sensor to Improve Kinect People Detection in a Mobile Robot On the Use of Simple Geometric Descriptors Provided by RGB-D Sensors for Re-Identification Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport 2013 GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC Ciencias Clínicas MOLERO LABARTA, TERESA AÑO PUBLICACIÓN Plos ONE Pharmaceuticals MDPI 2012 Plos ONE 1 CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2014 Plos ONE 1 INSTITUTO DE OCEANOGRÁFIA Y CAMBIO GLOBAL 2012 Plos ONE Ubiquitous Monitoring of Electrical Household Appliances A Hierarchical Communication Architecture for Oceanic Surveillance Applications Metachronic malignant transformation of small bowel and rectal endometriosis in the same patient Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities Bayesian Variable Selection in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth Hormone in Liver The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver alleHap: an efficient algorithm to reconstruct zero-recombinant haplotypes from parent-offspring pedigrees Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth Hormone in Liver The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver Influence of Neonatal Hypothyroidism on Hepatic Gene Expression and Lipid Metabolism in Adulthood High Resolution Melting Analysis: A Rapid and Accurate Method to Detect CALR Mutations Is There a Seamount Effect on Microbial Community Structure and Biomass? The Case Study of Seine and Sedlo Seamounts (Northeast POR AUTOR INVESTIGADOR Nº ARTÍCUOS DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI MONTESDEOCA ESPONDA, SARAH 1 QUIMICA 2013 SpringerPlus SpringerOpen MONTIEL NELSON, JUAN ANTONIO 1 IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) 2010 Sensors MDPI MONZÓN ARGÜELLO, CATALINA 1 BIOLOGÍA 2014 MONZÓN VERONA, JOSÉ MIGUEL 1 MORALES DE LA NUEZ, ANTONIO 1 IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS Plos ONE 2010 Sensors MDPI 2012 Parasites & Vectors BioMed Central 1 MEDICINA Y CIRUGÍA ANIMAL 2014 International Journal of Molecular Sciences MDPI 1 PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS 2013 BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central MORALES, AYTHAMI 1 IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) 2012 Sensors MDPI MORENO INDIAS, ISABEL 1 PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS 2012 BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central NEGRÍN HERNÁNDEZ, MIGUEL ÁNGEL 1 MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS 2010 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health MDPI MORALES DORESTE, MANUEL FRANCISCO NISSENSOHN, MARIELA 1 Ciencias Clínicas 2012 NÓVOA MOGOLLÓN, FRANCISCO 1 CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2011 NÚÑEZ ORDOÑEZ, ANTONIO 1 IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) 2007 OLMEDILLAS, HUGO PADRÓN MORALES, GABINO 3 4 EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Nutrients MDPI Plos ONE EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems SpringerOpen 2010 Plos ONE 2010 Plos ONE 2008 Plos ONE 2014 Sensors MDPI 2012 Sensors MDPI 2012 Sensors MDPI 2012 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking SpringerOpen Sustainability MDPI PALACIOS DÍAZ, M.PINO 1 PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS 2014 PÉREZ ARELLANO, JOSÉ LUÍS 1 CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2013 PÉREZ GALVÁN, FRANCISCO JAVIER 1 QUIMICA 2012 Molecules MDPI 2014 Sensors MDPI 2012 Sensors MDPI 2012 Sensors MDPI 2012 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking SpringerOpen PÉREZ GARCÍA, RICARDO JAVIER 4 Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Plos ONE TÍTULO ARTICULO An assessment of the concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater treatment plants on the island of Gran Electro-Quasistatic Analysis of an Electrostatic Induction Micromotor Using the Cell Method Geographic Patterns of Genetic Variation in a Broadly Distributed Marine Vertebrate: New Insights into Loggerhead Turtle Stock Structure from Expanded Mitochondrial DNA Sequences Electro-Quasistatic Analysis of an Electrostatic Induction Micromotor Using the Cell Method Genetic characterization and molecular identification of the bloodmeal sources of the potential bluetongue vector Culicoides obsoletus in the Canary Islands, Spain Hip Osteoarthritis in Dogs: A Randomized Study Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue and Plasma Rich in Controlled, blinded force platform analysis of the effect of intraarticular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells associated to PRGF-Endoret in On the Feasibility of Interoperable Schemes in Hand Biometrics The complement system of the goat: Haemolytic assays and isolation of major proteins Bayesian Variable Selection in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis The Relationship between Zinc Intake and Serum/Plasma Zinc Concentration in Children: A Systematic Review and DoseInteraction between Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and Hepatic Lipase Encoding Genes and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Telde Study Embedded Systems for Portable and Mobile Video Platforms Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity Using Massive Vehicle Positioning Data to Improve Control and Planning of Public Road Transport Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport Provision of Ubiquitous Tourist Information in Public Transport Networks Pervasive multimedia guidance system for special needs passengers on public transport Recycled Urban Wastewater for Irrigation of Jatropha curcas L. in Abandoned Agricultural Arid Land Long-Term Frozen Storage of Urine Samples: A Trouble to Get PCR Results in Schistosoma spp. DNA Detection? Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities Using Massive Vehicle Positioning Data to Improve Control and Planning of Public Road Transport Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport Provision of Ubiquitous Tourist Information in Public Transport Networks Pervasive multimedia guidance system for special needs passengers on public transport POR AUTOR INVESTIGADOR PÉREZ GÓMEZ, JORGE PEREZ JIMÉNEZ, RAFAEL Nº ARTÍCUOS DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO 1 EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA 2 IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN 2010 Plos ONE 2013 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking BioMed Central 2013 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking SpringerOpen 2012 PÉREZ LUZARDO, OCTAVIO PEREZ SUÁREZ, SANTIAGO T. PESTANO BRITO, JOSÉ JUAN 2 1 3 RECURSO OAI Plos ONE Ciencias Clínicas IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA 2012 Environmental Health BioMed Central 2013 Sensors MDPI 2014 BMC Evolutionary Biology BioMed Central Plos ONE Introducing the Algerian Mitochondrial DNA and Y-Chromosome Profiles into the North African Landscape Radiation Oncology BioMed Central PINILLA DOMÍNGUEZ, JAIME 1 MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS 2011 BMC Health Services Research BioMed Central PONCE GONZÁLEZ, JESÚS GUSTAVO 2 EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA 1 RAMÍREZ CORBERA, ANA SOFÍA 1 UNIDAD DE EPIDEMIOLOGÍA Y MEDICINA PREVENTIVA RICO SANTOS, MILAGROS 2 QUIMICA The history of the North African mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U6 gene flow into the African, Eurasian and American continents 2013 2011 QUINTEIRO GONZÁLEZ, JOSÉ MARÍA The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGFI Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) Design Methodology of an Equalizer for Unipolar Non Return to Zero Binary Signals in the Presence of Additive White Gaussian Noise Using a Time Delay Neural Network on a Field Programmable Gate Array Multiple Ethnic Origins of Mitochondrial DNA Lineages for the Population of Mauritius Ciencias Clínicas Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) Simulation of impulse response for indoor visible light communications using 3D CAD models Plos ONE 1 4 Design considerations of conventional angle diversity receivers for indoor optical wireless communications 2014 PINAR SEDEÑO, MARÍA BEATRIZ QUESADA ARENCIBIA, ALEXIS TÍTULO ARTICULO Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men 2010 Plos ONE 2008 Plos ONE 2012 Sensors MDPI 2014 Sensors MDPI 2012 Sensors MDPI 2012 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking SpringerOpen 2014 BMC Bioinformatics BioMed Central 2013 Molecules MDPI 2013 Molecules MDPI 2012 Molecules MDPI Critical Care BioMed Central RODRÍGUEZ DE CASTRO, FELIPE 1 CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2014 RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ, FRANCISCO GERMÁN 1 BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA 2010 RODRÍGUEZ, NOÉ F. 1 MEDICINA Y CIRUGÍA ANIMAL 2012 Plos ONE BMC Microbiology BioMed Central Combined low initial DNA damage and high radiation-induced apoptosis confers clinical resistance to long-term toxicity in breast cancer patients treated with high-dose radiotherapy The evolution of health status and chronic conditions in Catalonia, 1994-2006: the paradox of health revisited using the Blinder Oaxaca decomposition Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity Provision of Ubiquitous Tourist Information in Public Transport Networks Using Massive Vehicle Positioning Data to Improve Control and Planning of Public Road Transport Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport Pervasive multimedia guidance system for special needs passengers on public transport alleHap: an efficient algorithm to reconstruct zero-recombinant haplotypes from parent-offspring pedigrees Phenolic Constituents, Antioxidant and Preliminary Antimycoplasmic Activities of Leaf Skin and Flowers of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill.) from the Canary Islands Phenolic Constituents, Antioxidant and Preliminary Antimycoplasmic Activities of Leaf Skin and Flowers of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill.) from the Canary Islands Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities Surfactant protein A genetic variants associate with severe respiratory insufficiency in pandemic influenza A virus infection Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Molecular method for the characterization of Coxiella burnetii from clinical and environmental samples: variability of genotypes in POR AUTOR INVESTIGADOR Nº ARTÍCUOS DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI ROMERO QUINTERO, LEONARDO 1 ECONOMÍA Y DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS 2014 Plos ONE RUANO RODRÍGUEZ, CRISTINA 1 Ciencias Clínicas 2013 Plos ONE SAAVEDRA SANTANA, PEDRO 1 MATEMÁTICAS 2012 Critical Care BioMed Central 2012 Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen 2011 Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen 2011 Boundary Value Problems SpringerOpen 2010 Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen 2009 Boundary Value Problems SpringerOpen SADARANGANI SADARANGANI, KISHIN BHAGWANDS SÁNCHEZ MEDINA, AGUSTÍN JESÚS SÁNCHEZ VILLEGAS, ALMUDENA 5 1 5 MATEMÁTICAS ECONOMÍA Y DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS Ciencias Clínicas 2014 Plos ONE 2014 Plos ONE 2014 Plos ONE 2013 BMC Medicine 2013 2009 SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN SANTANA DEL PINO, ÁNGELO SANTANA FARRÉ, RUYMÁN SANTANA MARTÍN, FRANCISCO JORGE SANTANA RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉ JUAN 8 2 EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE BMC Public Health BioMed Central 2012 Plos ONE 2012 Plos ONE 2011 Plos ONE 2011 Plos ONE 2011 Plos ONE 2010 Plos ONE 2010 Plos ONE 2010 Plos ONE MATEMÁTICAS 2014 BMC Bioinformatics BioMed Central PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS 2013 BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central 2 Ciencias Clínicas 1 IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) 3 BioMed Central QUIMICA 2014 Plos ONE 2012 Plos ONE 2010 Sensors MDPI 2014 Molecules MDPI 2013 Antibiotics MDPI 2013 SpringerPlus SpringerOpen 2014 Nutrients MDPI TÍTULO ARTICULO Environmental Management in Small and Medium-Sized Companies: An Analysis from the Perspective of the Theory of Empirically Derived Dietary Patterns and Health-Related Quality of Life in the SUN Project Assessment of candidemia-attributable mortality in critically ill patients using propensity score matching analysis A best proximity point theorem for Geraghty-contractions A fixed point theorem for Meir-Keeler contractions in ordered metric spaces On existence and uniqueness of positive solutions to a class of fractional boundary value problems Contractive-Like Mapping Principles in Ordered Metric Spaces and Application to Ordinary Differential Equations Existence and Uniqueness of Positive and Nondecreasing Solutions for a Class of Singular Fractional Boundary Value Problems Environmental Management in Small and Medium-Sized Companies: An Analysis from the Perspective of the Theory of Dietary Fat Intake and the Risk of Depression: The SUN Project Effects of 1-Year Intervention with a Mediterranean Diet on Plasma Fatty Acid Composition and Metabolic Syndrome in a Population at High Cardiovascular Risk Mediterranean dietary pattern and depression: the PREDIMED randomized trial Empirically Derived Dietary Patterns and Health-Related Quality of Life in the SUN Project Relationship between body image disturbance and incidence of depression: the SUN prospective cohort Contribution of Individual and Environmental Factors to Physical Activity Level among Spanish Adults Muscle Hypertrophy in Prepubescent Tennis Players: A Segmentation MRI Study Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents Iliopsoas and Gluteal Muscles Are Asymmetric in Tennis Players but Not in Soccer Players Soccer Attenuates the Asymmetry of Rectus Abdominis Muscle Observed in Non-Athletes. Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men Large Asymmetric Hypertrophy of Rectus Abdominis Muscle in Professional Tennis Players alleHap: an efficient algorithm to reconstruct zero-recombinant haplotypes from parent-offspring pedigrees Controlled, blinded force platform analysis of the effect of intraarticular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells associated to PRGF-Endoret in Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth Hormone in Liver Influence of Neonatal Hypothyroidism on Hepatic Gene Expression and Lipid Metabolism in Adulthood Electro-Quasistatic Analysis of an Electrostatic Induction Micromotor Using the Cell Method Microextraction Techniques Coupled to Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Organic Micropollutants in Environmental Water Samples Assessment of the Presence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Seawater Samples from Coastal Area of Gran Canaria Island (Spain) An assessment of the concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater treatment plants on the island of Gran The Mediterranean Diet and Nutritional Adequacy: A Review POR AUTOR INVESTIGADOR SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS SERRANO SÁNCHEZ, JOSÉ ANTONIO SIERRA PULPILLO, EVA SOSA CABRERA, SILVIA SOSA FERRERA, ZORAIDA Nº ARTÍCUOS 18 4 2 1 3 DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO Ciencias Clínicas EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA HISTOLOGÍA Y PATOLOGÍA ECONOMÍA Y DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS QUIMICA AÑO PUBLICACIÓN 2014 PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI TÍTULO ARTICULO Plos ONE Dietary Fat Intake and the Risk of Depression: The SUN Project Prevalence of Abdominal Obesity in Spanish Children and Adolescents. Do We Need Waist Circumference Measurements in Usage of Plant Food Supplements across Six European Countries: Findings from the PlantLIBRA Consumer Survey Environmental footprints of Mediterranean versus Western dietary patterns: beyond the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet Mediterranean dietary pattern and depression: the PREDIMED randomized trial Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Outcomes Cross-Sectional Assessment of Nut Consumption and Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and Other Cardiometabolic Risk Factors: The Lifestyles and Risk Factors Associated with Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: A Baseline Assessment of the PREDIMED Trial Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Outcomes White Blood Cell Counts as Risk Markers of Developing Metabolic Syndrome and Its Components in the Predimed Study Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) The Relationship between Zinc Intake and Serum/Plasma Zinc Concentration in Children: A Systematic Review and DoseA 14-Item Mediterranean Diet Assessment Tool and Obesity Indexes among High-Risk Subjects: The PREDIMED Trial Association of the European Lactase Persistence Variant (LCT13910 C>T Polymorphism) with Obesity in the Canary Islands Statistical and Biological Gene-Lifestyle Interactions of MC4R and FTO with Diet and Physical Activity on Obesity: New Effects on The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGFI Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Waist-to-Height Ratio and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Elderly Individuals at High Cardiovascular Risk Contribution of Individual and Environmental Factors to Physical Activity Level among Spanish Adults Muscle Hypertrophy in Prepubescent Tennis Players: A Segmentation MRI Study Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans What Caused the UK's Largest Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) Mass Stranding Event? Environmental Management in Small and Medium-Sized Companies: An Analysis from the Perspective of the Theory of Microextraction Techniques Coupled to Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Organic Micropollutants in Environmental Water Samples Assessment of the Presence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Seawater Samples from Coastal Area of Gran Canaria Island (Spain) An assessment of the concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater treatment plants on the island of Gran Phenolic Constituents, Antioxidant and Preliminary Antimycoplasmic Activities of Leaf Skin and Flowers of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill.) from the Canary Islands 2014 Plos ONE 2014 Plos ONE 2013 Environmental Health BioMed Central 2013 BMC Medicine BioMed Central 2013 Plos ONE 2013 Plos ONE 2013 Plos ONE 2013 Plos ONE 2013 Plos ONE 2012 Environmental Health BioMed Central 2012 Nutrients MDPI 2012 Plos ONE 2012 Plos ONE 2012 Plos ONE 2012 Plos ONE 2012 Plos ONE 2012 Plos ONE 2012 Plos ONE 2011 Plos ONE 2010 Plos ONE 2014 Plos ONE 2013 Plos ONE 2014 Plos ONE 2014 Molecules MDPI 2013 Antibiotics MDPI 2013 SpringerPlus SpringerOpen 2013 Molecules MDPI 2013 Sensors MDPI Mobile Sensing Systems 2012 Sensors MDPI Ubiquitous Monitoring of Electrical Household Appliances 1 SUÁREZ DE TANGIL, MIGUEL SUÁREZ SARMIENTO, ÁLVARO QUIMICA 3 Grupo de Arquitectura y Concurrencia (GAC) POR AUTOR INVESTIGADOR TORRES PADRÓN, MARÍA ESTHER TRAVIESO GONZÁLEZ, CARLOS MANUEL TRIANA MÉNDEZ, JORGE TUYA CORTÉS, FERNANDO Nº ARTÍCUOS 2 3 DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO QUIMICA IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) 1 QUIMICA 2 CENTRO DE BIODIVERSIDAD Y GESTIÓN AMBIENTAL AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI 2011 Sensors MDPI 2014 Molecules MDPI 2013 Antibiotics MDPI 2013 Sensors MDPI 2013 Sensors MDPI On the Selection of Non-Invasive Methods Based on Speech Analysis Oriented to Automatic Alzheimer Disease Diagnosis 2012 Sensors MDPI Transformation of Hand-Shape Features for a Biometric Identification Approach 2012 Molecules MDPI 2012 Plos ONE 2011 Plos ONE VÁZQUEZ POLO, FRANCISCO J. 1 MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS 2010 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health VEGA ORELLANA, ORESTES 1 2013 Molecules VERBERNE, LISA 1 UNIDAD DE EPIDEMIOLOGÍA Y MEDICINA PREVENTIVA Ciencias Clínicas 2014 MEDICINA Y CIRUGÍA ANIMAL 2014 International Journal of Molecular Sciences MDPI PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS 2013 BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central VILAR GUEREÑO, JOSÉ MANUEL 2 VILAR GUEREÑO, JOSÉ MANUEL 1 MEDICINA Y CIRUGÍA ANIMAL 2010 VILAS, JUAN CARLOS 1 INSTITUTO DE OCEANOGRÁFIA Y CAMBIO GLOBAL 2012 WÄGNER, ANA MARÍA CLAUDIA 2 CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2014 2 Ciencias Clínicas 2012 2012 MDPI Plos ONE Plos ONE BMC Bioinformatics 2011 ZUMBADO PEÑA, MANUEL LUÍS MDPI BioMed Central Plos ONE Environmental Health BioMed Central Plos ONE TÍTULO ARTICULO A Hierarchical Communication Architecture for Oceanic Surveillance Applications Microextraction Techniques Coupled to Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Organic Micropollutants in Environmental Water Samples Assessment of the Presence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Seawater Samples from Coastal Area of Gran Canaria Island (Spain) Design Methodology of an Equalizer for Unipolar Non Return to Zero Binary Signals in the Presence of Additive White Gaussian Noise Using a Time Delay Neural Network on a Field Programmable Gate Array Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities A Meta-Analysis of Seaweed Impacts on Seagrasses: Generalities and Knowledge Gaps Gradients in the Number of Species at Reef-Seagrass Ecotones Explained by Gradients in Abundance Bayesian Variable Selection in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Phenolic Constituents, Antioxidant and Preliminary Antimycoplasmic Activities of Leaf Skin and Flowers of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill.) from the Canary Islands Dietary Fat Intake and the Risk of Depression: The SUN Project Hip Osteoarthritis in Dogs: A Randomized Study Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue and Plasma Rich in Controlled, blinded force platform analysis of the effect of intraarticular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells associated to PRGF-Endoret in Assessment of the effect of intraarticular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in osteoarthritic dogs using a double blinded force platform analysis Is There a Seamount Effect on Microbial Community Structure and Biomass? The Case Study of Seine and Sedlo Seamounts (Northeast alleHap: an efficient algorithm to reconstruct zero-recombinant haplotypes from parent-offspring pedigrees Interaction between Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and Hepatic Lipase Encoding Genes and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Telde Study Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGFI Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional POR ARTÍCULO TÍTULO ARTICULO INVESTIGADOR A 14-Item Mediterranean Diet Assessment Tool and Obesity Indexes among High-Risk SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS Subjects: The PREDIMED Trial CABALLERO SUÁREZ, JUAN MANUEL HARJANI SAÚCO, JACKIE JERÓNIMO A best proximity point theorem for Geraghty-contractions A fixed point theorem for Meir-Keeler contractions in ordered metric spaces SADARANGANI SADARANGANI, KISHIN BHAGWANDS HARJANI SAÚCO, JACKIE JERÓNIMO LÓPEZ BRITO, MARÍA DOLORES SADARANGANI SADARANGANI, KISHIN BHAGWANDS A healthy diet with and without cereal grains and dairy products in patients with type 2 diabetes: study protocol for a random-order cross-over pilot study - Alimentation and Diabetes in Lanzarote -ADILAN FIKA HERNANDO, MARÍA LUZ MACÍAS LÓPEZ, ELSA A Hierarchical Communication Architecture for Oceanic Surveillance Applications SUÁREZ SARMIENTO, ÁLVARO A Meta-Analysis of Seaweed Impacts on Seagrasses: Generalities and Knowledge Gaps TUYA CORTÉS, FERNANDO ARTEAGA ORTÍZ, RAFAEL Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men MATEMÁTICAS MATEMÁTICAS CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD Grupo de Arquitectura y Concurrencia (GAC) Grupo de Arquitectura y Concurrencia (GAC) CENTRO DE BIODIVERSIDAD Y GESTIÓN AMBIENTAL LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA OLMEDILLAS, HUGO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) SpringerOpen 2011 Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen 2014 Trials BioMed Central 2011 Sensors MDPI 2012 Plos ONE 2010 Plos ONE 2014 BMC Bioinformatics BioMed Central 2013 SpringerPlus SpringerOpen MATEMÁTICAS CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS GUEDES ALONSO, RAYCO QUIMICA MONTESDEOCA ESPONDA, SARAH QUIMICA SANTANA RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉ JUAN QUIMICA SOSA FERRERA, ZORAIDA QUIMICA GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ, CARMELO R. Fixed Point Theory and Applications EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA QUIMICA MACÍAS LÓPEZ, ELSA 2012 MATEMÁTICAS / IUMA AFONSO OLIVARES, CRISTINA LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO Plos ONE FÍSICA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA SANTANA DEL PINO, ÁNGELO RECURSO OAI MATEMÁTICAS GUADALUPE GRAU, AMELIA QUINTEIRO GONZÁLEZ, JOSÉ MARÍA PUBLICACIÓN MATEMÁTICAS EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA ALAYÓN HERNÁNDEZ, FRANCISCO JAVIER Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport 2012 MATEMÁTICAS MATEMÁTICAS DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA WÄGNER, ANA MARÍA CLAUDIA Anaerobic Energy Expenditure and Mechanical Efficiency during Exhaustive Leg Press Exercise Architecture and Protocol of a Semantic System Designed for Video Tagging with Sensor Data in Mobile Devices Ciencias Clínicas EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA MEDINA RODRÍGUEZ, NATHAN An assessment of the concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater treatment plants on the island of Gran Canaria (Spain) AÑO PUBLICACIÓN DELGADO GUERRA, SAFIRA SERRANO SÁNCHEZ, JOSÉ ANTONIO alleHap: an efficient algorithm to reconstruct zero-recombinant haplotypes from parent-offspring pedigrees DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Grupo de Arquitectura y Concurrencia (GAC) Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas 2010 Plos ONE 2012 Sensors MDPI 2012 Sensors MDPI POR ARTÍCULO TÍTULO ARTICULO INVESTIGADOR LORENZO, ÁLVARO Architecture of a Framework for Providing Information Services for Public Transport PADRÓN MORALES, GABINO PÉREZ GARCÍA, RICARDO JAVIER QUESADA ARENCIBIA, ALEXIS Are prescribing doctors sensitive to the price that their patients have to pay in the Spanish National Health System? Assessment of candidemia-attributable mortality in critically ill patients using propensity score matching analysis Assessment of the effect of intraarticular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in osteoarthritic dogs using a double blinded force platform analysis Assessment of the Presence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Seawater Samples from Coastal Area of Gran Canaria Island (Spain) Association of the European Lactase Persistence Variant (LCT-13910 C>T Polymorphism) with Obesity in the Canary Islands GONZÁLEZ LÓPEZ-VALCARCEL, BEATRIZ SAAVEDRA SANTANA, PEDRO VILAR GUEREÑO, JOSÉ MANUEL 2012 Sensors MDPI MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS 2011 BMC Health Services Research BioMed Central MATEMÁTICAS 2012 Critical Care BioMed Central 2010 BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central 2013 Antibiotics MDPI MEDICINA Y CIRUGÍA ANIMAL SANTANA RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉ JUAN QUIMICA SOSA FERRERA, ZORAIDA QUIMICA TORRES PADRÓN, MARÍA ESTHER QUIMICA SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS Ciencias Clínicas SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA 2011 Plos ONE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA MARTEL ESCOBAR, MARÍA DEL CARMEN MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS NEGRÍN HERNÁNDEZ, MIGUEL ÁNGEL MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS VÁZQUEZ POLO, FRANCISCO J. MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS 2010 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health MDPI Ciencias Clínicas DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA FUENTES, TERESA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA GUADALUPE GRAU, AMELIA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA OLMEDILLAS, HUGO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA PÉREZ GÓMEZ, JORGE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA PONCE GONZÁLEZ, JESÚS GUSTAVO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ, FRANCISCO GERMÁN Plos ONE MATEMÁTICAS EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA DÍAZ CHICO, NICOLÁS 2012 EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA MARTÍ TRUJILLO, SARA SERRANO SÁNCHEZ, JOSÉ ANTONIO Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men RECURSO OAI QUIMICA GONZÁLEZ HENRÍQUEZ, JUAN JOSÉ Bayesian Variable Selection in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis PUBLICACIÓN Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas AFONSO OLIVARES, CRISTINA DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents AÑO PUBLICACIÓN DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA 2010 Plos ONE Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men 2010 Plos ONE POR ARTÍCULO TÍTULO ARTICULO INVESTIGADOR SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN Carbon Dynamics within Cyclonic Eddies: Insights from a Biomarker Study Combined low initial DNA damage and high radiation-induced apoptosis confers clinical resistance to long-term toxicity in breast cancer patients treated with highdose radiotherapy ALONSO GONZÁLEZ, ITZIAR GORETI ARÍSTEGUI RUÍZ, JAVIER DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO BORDÓN RODRÍGUEZ, ELISA DE LOS REYES Ciencias Clínicas HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO Ciencias Clínicas LARA JIMÉNEZ, PEDRO CARLOS Ciencias Clínicas LLORET SAEZ-BRAVO, MARTA Ciencias Clínicas PINAR SEDEÑO, MARÍA BEATRIZ Ciencias Clínicas ALMEIDA GONZÁLEZ, MAIRA Ciencias Clínicas DOMÍNGUEZ BOADA, LUÍS MARÍA Ciencias Clínicas HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO Ciencias Clínicas PEREZ LUZARDO, OCTAVIO LUÍS Ciencias Clínicas SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS Ciencias Clínicas ZUMBADO PEÑA, MANUEL LUÍS Ciencias Clínicas FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, LEANDRO Ciencias Clínicas HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO Ciencias Clínicas CABALLERO SUÁREZ, JUAN MANUEL MATEMÁTICAS HARJANI SAÚCO, JACKIE JERÓNIMO MATEMÁTICAS SADARANGANI SADARANGANI, KISHIN BHAGWANDS MATEMÁTICAS Constitutive gene expression profile segregates toxicity in locally advanced breast cancer patients treated with high-dose hyperfractionated radical radiotherapy DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA Contribution of Individual and Environmental Factors to Physical Activity Level among Spanish Adults GONZÁLEZ HENRÍQUEZ, JUAN JOSÉ SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN SERRANO SÁNCHEZ, JOSÉ ANTONIO MORALES DORESTE, MANUEL FRANCISCO Controlled, blinded force platform analysis of the effect of intraarticular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells associated to PRGF-Endoret in osteoarthritic dogs PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA INGENIERÍA TELEMÁTICA BIOLOGÍA Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case–control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) Contractive-Like Mapping Principles in Ordered Metric Spaces and Application to Ordinary Differential Equations AÑO PUBLICACIÓN 2013 Plos ONE 2011 Radiation Oncology BioMed Central 2012 Environmental Health BioMed Central 2009 Radiation Oncology BioMed Central 2010 Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA MATEMÁTICAS 2012 Plos ONE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS 2013 BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central POR ARTÍCULO TÍTULO ARTICULO Controlled, blinded force platform analysis of the effect of intraarticular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells associated to PRGF-Endoret in osteoarthritic dogs INVESTIGADOR SANTANA DEL PINO, ÁNGELO VILAR GUEREÑO, JOSÉ MANUEL Correction: Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Outcomes ALEMÁN PÉREZ, HÉCTOR BAUTISTA CASTAÑO, INMACULADA GARCÍA HERNÁNDEZ, JOSÉ A. GARCÍA SALVADOR, JOSÉ J. GONZÁLEZ QUESADA, ALICIA HENRÍQUEZ SÁNCHEZ, PATRICIA SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS Cross-Sectional Assessment of Nut Consumption and Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and Other Cardiometabolic Risk Factors: The PREDIMED Study SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS Design considerations of conventional angle diversity receivers for indoor optical wireless communications PEREZ JIMÉNEZ, RAFAEL ALONSO HERNÁNDEZ, JESÚS B. Design Methodology of an Equalizer for Unipolar Non Return to Zero Binary Signals in the Presence of Additive White Gaussian Noise Using a Time Delay Neural Network on PEREZ SUÁREZ, SANTIAGO T. a Field Programmable Gate Array TRAVIESO GONZÁLEZ, CARLOS MANUEL Dietary Fat Intake and the Risk of Depression: The SUN Project Effects of 1-Year Intervention with a Mediterranean Diet on Plasma Fatty Acid Composition and Metabolic Syndrome in a Population at High Cardiovascular Risk Empirically Derived Dietary Patterns and Health-Related Quality of Life in the SUN Project Energy Metabolism during Repeated Sets of Leg Press Exercise Leading to Failure or Not Environmental footprints of Mediterranean versus Western dietary patterns: beyond the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet Ciencias Clínicas IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI 2013 BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central 2013 Plos ONE 2013 Plos ONE 2013 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking BioMed Central 2013 Sensors MDPI IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) Ciencias Clínicas Ciencias Clínicas Ciencias Clínicas 2014 Plos ONE SÁNCHEZ VILLEGAS, ALMUDENA Ciencias Clínicas 2014 Plos ONE MONTIEL NELSON, JUAN ANTONIO MONZÓN VERONA, JOSÉ MIGUEL SANTANA MARTÍN, FRANCISCO JORGE Embedded Systems for Portable and Mobile Video Platforms PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS Ciencias Clínicas Ciencias Clínicas CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS Ciencias Clínicas Ciencias Clínicas Ciencias Clínicas Ciencias Clínicas AÑO PUBLICACIÓN SÁNCHEZ VILLEGAS, ALMUDENA SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS VERBERNE, LISA GARCÍA-ALONSO MONTOYA, SANTIAGO Electro-Quasistatic Analysis of an Electrostatic Induction Micromotor Using the Cell Method DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO NÚÑEZ ORDOÑEZ, ANTONIO IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) IUMA (INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MICROELECTRÓNICA APLICADA) HENRÍQUEZ SÁNCHEZ, PATRICIA Ciencias Clínicas RUANO RODRÍGUEZ, CRISTINA Ciencias Clínicas SÁNCHEZ VILLEGAS, ALMUDENA Ciencias Clínicas LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS ROMERO QUINTERO, LEONARDO Environmental Management in Small and Medium-Sized Companies: An Analysis from SÁNCHEZ MEDINA, AGUSTÍN JESÚS the Perspective of the Theory of Planned Behavior 2010 Sensors MDPI 2007 EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems SpringerOpen 2013 Plos ONE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA 2012 Plos ONE Ciencias Clínicas 2013 Environmental Health BioMed Central ECONOMÍA Y DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS ECONOMÍA Y DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS 2014 Plos ONE POR ARTÍCULO Environmental Management in Small and Medium-Sized Companies: An Analysis from TÍTULO ARTICULO the Perspective of the Theory of Planned Behavior INVESTIGADOR SOSA CABRERA, SILVIA Existence and Uniqueness of Positive and Nondecreasing Solutions for a Class of Singular Fractional Boundary Value Problems Forecasting the need for medical specialists in Spain: application of a system dynamics model Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Leptin Receptors, Serum Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity MATEMÁTICAS HARJANI SAÚCO, JACKIE JERÓNIMO MATEMÁTICAS SADARANGANI SADARANGANI, KISHIN BHAGWANDS MATEMÁTICAS BARBER PÉREZ, PATRICIA MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS GONZÁLEZ LÓPEZ-VALCARCEL, BEATRIZ MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS DELGADO GUERRA, SAFIRA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA FUENTES, TERESA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA GUADALUPE GRAU, AMELIA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Plos ONE RECURSO OAI 2009 Boundary Value Problems SpringerOpen 2010 Human Resources for Health BioMed Central EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA OLMEDILLAS, HUGO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA MORALES DE LA NUEZ, ANTONIO Geographic Patterns of Genetic Variation in a Broadly Distributed Marine Vertebrate: New Insights into Loggerhead Turtle Stock Structure from Expanded Mitochondrial MONZÓN ARGÜELLO, CATALINA DNA Sequences Gradients in the Number of Species at Reef-Seagrass Ecotones Explained by Gradients TUYA CORTÉS, FERNANDO in Abundance BILBAO SIEYRO, CRISTINA MOLERO LABARTA, TERESA Plos ONE Ciencias Clínicas LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO CASTRO NAVARRO, NOEMÍ Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans PUBLICACIÓN 2008 GUERRA HERNÁNDEZ, CARLOS BORJA Genetic characterization and molecular identification of the bloodmeal sources of the potential bluetongue vector Culicoides obsoletus in the Canary Islands, Spain Hip Osteoarthritis in Dogs: A Randomized Study Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue and Plasma Rich in Growth Factors AÑO 2014 PUBLICACIÓN ECONOMÍA Y DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS CABALLERO MENA, J. PONCE GONZÁLEZ, JESÚS GUSTAVO High Resolution Melting Analysis: A Rapid and Accurate Method to Detect CALR Mutations DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS BIOLOGÍA CENTRO DE BIODIVERSIDAD Y GESTIÓN AMBIENTAL 2012 Parasites & Vectors BioMed Central 2014 Plos ONE 2011 Plos ONE 2014 Plos ONE MORFOLOGÍA CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS MORALES DORESTE, MANUEL FRANCISCO MEDICINA Y CIRUGÍA ANIMAL VILAR GUEREÑO, JOSÉ MANUEL MEDICINA Y CIRUGÍA ANIMAL ANDRADA BORZOLLINO, MARISA MORFOLOGÍA ARBELO HERNÁNDEZ, MANUEL MORFOLOGÍA DÍAZ DELGADO, JOSUÉ MORFOLOGÍA ESPINOSA DE LOS MONTEROS Y ZAYAS, ANTONIO MORFOLOGÍA 2014 2014 International Journal of Molecular Sciences MDPI Plos ONE Histopathological Muscle Findings May Be Essential for a Definitive Diagnosis of Suspected Sharp Trauma Associated with Ship Strikes in Stranded Cetaceans TÍTULO ARTICULO POR ARTÍCULO INVESTIGADOR FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, ANTONIO MORFOLOGÍA HERRÁEZ THOMAS, PEDRO MANUEL MORFOLOGÍA SIERRA PULPILLO, EVA Iliopsoas and Gluteal Muscles Are Asymmetric in Tennis Players but Not in Soccer Players Influence of Neonatal Hypothyroidism on Hepatic Gene Expression and Lipid Metabolism in Adulthood Interaction between Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and Hepatic Lipase Encoding Genes and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Telde Study Introducing the Algerian Mitochondrial DNA and Y-Chromosome Profiles into the North African Landscape EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, LEANDRO Ciencias Clínicas HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO Ciencias Clínicas MIRECKI GARRIDO, MERCEDES DE Ciencias Clínicas SANTANA FARRÉ, RUYMÁN Ciencias Clínicas BORONAT CORTÉS, MAURO CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS CHIRINO GODOY, RICARDO BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA LÓPEZ RÍOS, LAURA CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS NÓVOA MOGOLLÓN, FRANCISCO CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS WÄGNER, ANA MARÍA CLAUDIA CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS PESTANO BRITO, JOSÉ JUAN ESPINO CABALLERO, MINERVA MONTERO DEL PINO, MARÍA FERNANDA VILAS, JUAN CARLOS Krill Excretion Boosts Microbial Activity in the Southern Ocean Large Asymmetric Hypertrophy of Rectus Abdominis Muscle in Professional Tennis Players Lifestyles and Risk Factors Associated with Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: A Baseline Assessment of the PREDIMED Trial ARÍSTEGUI RUÍZ, JAVIER GÓMEZ PINCHETTI, JUAN LUÍS 2014 AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN Plos ONE RECURSO OAI HISTOLOGÍA Y PATOLOGÍA DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA ARÍSTEGUI RUÍZ, JAVIER Is There a Seamount Effect on Microbial Community Structure and Biomass? The Case Study of Seine and Sedlo Seamounts (Northeast Atlantic) DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA INSTITUTO DE OCEANOGRÁFIA Y CAMBIO GLOBAL INSTITUTO DE OCEANOGRÁFIA Y CAMBIO GLOBAL INSTITUTO DE OCEANOGRÁFIA Y CAMBIO GLOBAL INSTITUTO DE OCEANOGRÁFIA Y CAMBIO GLOBAL BIOLOGÍA BIOLOGÍA DORADO GARCÍA, CECILIA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS Ciencias Clínicas DÍAZ CHICO, NICOLÁS Ciencias Clínicas 2011 Plos ONE 2012 Plos ONE 2011 Plos ONE 2013 Plos ONE 2012 Plos ONE 2014 Plos ONE 2010 Plos ONE 2013 Plos ONE POR ARTÍCULO TÍTULO ARTICULO Lipid Profiling and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay between Estradiol and Growth Hormone in Liver INVESTIGADOR DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, LEANDRO Ciencias Clínicas GUERRA HERNÁNDEZ, CARLOS BORJA Ciencias Clínicas MATEOS DÍAZ, CARLOS Ciencias Clínicas MIRECKI GARRIDO, MERCEDES DE Ciencias Clínicas AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI 2014 Plos ONE SANTANA FARRÉ, RUYMÁN Ciencias Clínicas Long-Term Frozen Storage of Urine Samples: A Trouble to Get PCR Results in Schistosoma spp. DNA Detection? PÉREZ ARELLANO, JOSÉ LUÍS CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2013 Plos ONE Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Outcomes ALEMÁN PÉREZ, HÉCTOR BAUTISTA CASTAÑO, INMACULADA GARCÍA SALVADOR, JOSÉ J. GONZÁLEZ QUESADA, ALICIA HENRÍQUEZ SÁNCHEZ, PATRICIA SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS Ciencias Clínicas Ciencias Clínicas Ciencias Clínicas Ciencias Clínicas Ciencias Clínicas Ciencias Clínicas 2013 Plos ONE SÁNCHEZ VILLEGAS, ALMUDENA Ciencias Clínicas SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS Ciencias Clínicas Mediterranean dietary pattern and depression: the PREDIMED randomized trial Metachronic malignant transformation of small bowel and rectal endometriosis in the CONDE MARTEL, ALICIA same patient MARCHENA GÓMEZ, JOAQUÍN Microextraction Techniques Coupled to Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Organic Micropollutants in Environmental Water Samples Microwave-induced fast crystallization of amorphous hierarchical anatase microspheres QUIMICA SANTANA RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉ JUAN QUIMICA SOSA FERRERA, ZORAIDA QUIMICA TORRES PADRÓN, MARÍA ESTHER QUIMICA SUÁREZ SARMIENTO, ÁLVARO RODRÍGUEZ, NOÉ F. Multiple Ethnic Origins of Mitochondrial DNA Lineages for the Population of Mauritius PESTANO BRITO, JOSÉ JUAN LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO Muscle Hypertrophy in Prepubescent Tennis Players: A Segmentation MRI Study SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN SERRANO SÁNCHEZ, JOSÉ ANTONIO MVP and vaults: a role in the radiation response MVP expression in the prediction of clinical outcome of locally advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with radiotherapy BioMed Central 2006 World Journal of Surgical Oncology BioMed Central 2014 Molecules MDPI 2014 Nanoscale Research Letters SpringerOpen Grupo de Arquitectura y Concurrencia (GAC) Grupo de Arquitectura y Concurrencia (GAC) 2013 Sensors MDPI MEDICINA Y CIRUGÍA ANIMAL 2012 BMC Microbiology BioMed Central BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA 2014 Plos ONE 2012 Plos ONE FERNÁNDEZ HEVIA, DANIEL MACÍAS LÓPEZ, ELSA BMC Medicine CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS AFONSO OLIVARES, CRISTINA Mobile Sensing Systems Molecular method for the characterization of Coxiella burnetii from clinical and environmental samples: variability of genotypes in Spain CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS 2013 EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO LARA JIMÉNEZ, PEDRO CARLOS EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Ciencias Clínicas Ciencias Clínicas HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO Ciencias Clínicas LARA JIMÉNEZ, PEDRO CARLOS Ciencias Clínicas 2011 Radiation Oncology BioMed Central 2012 Radiation Oncology BioMed Central POR ARTÍCULO MVP expression in the prediction of clinical outcome of locally advanced oral TÍTULO ARTICULO squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with radiotherapy On existence and uniqueness of positive solutions to a class of fractional boundary value problems On some Banach space constants arising in nonlinear fixed point and eigenvalue theory On the Feasibility of Interoperable Schemes in Hand Biometrics INVESTIGADOR LLORET SAEZ-BRAVO, MARTA Ciencias Clínicas CABALLERO SUÁREZ, JUAN MANUEL MATEMÁTICAS HARJANI SAÚCO, JACKIE JERÓNIMO MATEMÁTICAS SADARANGANI SADARANGANI, KISHIN BHAGWANDS MATEMÁTICAS FALCÓN SANTANA, SERGIO MATEMÁTICAS FERRER BALLESTER, MIGUEL ÁNGEL IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) GONZÁLEZ, ESTER IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) MORALES, AYTHAMI IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) ALONSO HERNÁNDEZ, JESÚS B. IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) TRAVIESO GONZÁLEZ, CARLOS MANUEL IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) On the Selection of Non-Invasive Methods Based on Speech Analysis Oriented to Automatic Alzheimer Disease Diagnosis On the Use of a Low-Cost Thermal Sensor to Improve Kinect People Detection in a Mobile Robot On the Use of Simple Geometric Descriptors Provided by RGB-D Sensors for ReIdentification CASTRILLÓN SANTANA, MODESTO F. SIANI LORENZO NAVARRO, JOSÉ JAVIER SIANI CASTRILLÓN SANTANA, MODESTO F. SIANI HERNÁNDEZ SOSA, JOSÉ DANIEL SIANI LORENZO NAVARRO, JOSÉ JAVIER ALAYÓN HERNÁNDEZ, FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ, CARMELO R. Pervasive multimedia guidance system for special needs passengers on public transport DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO PADRÓN MORALES, GABINO PÉREZ GARCÍA, RICARDO JAVIER QUESADA ARENCIBIA, ALEXIS LÓPEZ, AROA RAMÍREZ CORBERA, ANA SOFÍA Phenolic Constituents, Antioxidant and Preliminary Antimycoplasmic Activities of Leaf Skin and Flowers of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill.) from the Canary RICO SANTOS, MILAGROS Islands (Spain) AÑO 2012 PUBLICACIÓN Radiation Oncology PUBLICACIÓN BioMed Central RECURSO OAI 2011 Boundary Value Problems SpringerOpen 2004 Fixed Point Theory and Applications SpringerOpen 2012 Sensors MDPI 2013 Sensors MDPI 2013 Sensors MDPI 2013 Sensors MDPI 2012 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking SpringerOpen 2013 Molecules MDPI SIANI Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas QUIMICA UNIDAD DE EPIDEMIOLOGÍA Y MEDICINA PREVENTIVA QUIMICA POR ARTÍCULO Phenolic Constituents, Antioxidant and Preliminary Antimycoplasmic Activities of Leaf Skin and Flowers of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill.) from the Canary TÍTULO ARTICULO Islands (Spain) INVESTIGADOR SUÁREZ DE TANGIL, MIGUEL VEGA ORELLANA, ORESTES Polymorphisms in DNA-Repair Genes in a Cohort of Prostate Cancer Patients from Different Areas in Spain: Heterogeneity between Populations as a Confounding Factor in Association Studies Prediction of clinical toxicity in locally advanced head and neck cancer patients by radio-induced apoptosis in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) Prevalence of Abdominal Obesity in Spanish Children and Adolescents. Do We Need Waist Circumference Measurements in Pediatric Practice? LARA JIMÉNEZ, PEDRO CARLOS Ciencias Clínicas HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO Ciencias Clínicas 2013 SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS PADRÓN MORALES, GABINO PÉREZ GARCÍA, RICARDO JAVIER QUESADA ARENCIBIA, A. Recycled Urban Wastewater for Irrigation of Jatropha curcas L. in Abandoned Agricultural Arid Land Ciencias Clínicas Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas 2010 Plos ONE Radiation Oncology 2014 BioMed Central Plos ONE 2012 Sensors MDPI Ciencias Clínicas 2010 Radiation Oncology BioMed Central SÁNCHEZ VILLEGAS, ALMUDENA Ciencias Clínicas 2009 BMC Public Health BioMed Central PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS 2014 Sustainability MDPI 2012 Molecules MDPI 2013 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking SpringerOpen PALACIOS DÍAZ, M.PINO BIOQUÍMICA LÓPEZ, AROA QUIMICA LÓPEZ, MARIANA QUIMICA MARRERO, MARÍA TERESA BIOQUÍMICA PÉREZ GALVÁN, FRANCISCO JAVIER QUIMICA RICO SANTOS, MILAGROS QUIMICA TRIANA MÉNDEZ, JORGE Simulation of impulse response for indoor visible light communications using 3D CAD models MDPI RECURSO OAI HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO ESTÉVEZ ROSAS, FRANCISCO JESÚS Secondary Metabolites from Two Species of Tolpis and Their Biological Activities Molecules PUBLICACIÓN UNIDAD DE EPIDEMIOLOGÍA Y MEDICINA PREVENTIVA Ciencias Clínicas GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ, CARMELO R. Radiation induced apoptosis and initial DNA damage are inversely related in locally advanced breast cancer patients Relationship between body image disturbance and incidence of depression: the SUN prospective cohort 2013 AÑO PUBLICACIÓN QUIMICA HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO ALAYÓN HERNÁNDEZ, FRANCISCO JAVIER Provision of Ubiquitous Tourist Information in Public Transport Networks DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO PEREZ JIMÉNEZ, RAFAEL QUIMICA IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, LEANDRO Simvastatin Impairs Growth Hormone-Activated Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT) Signaling Pathway in UMR-106 Osteosarcoma Cells Ciencias Clínicas 2014 Plos ONE 2010 Plos ONE GUERRA HERNÁNDEZ, CARLOS BORJA Ciencias Clínicas Skeletal Muscle Myofibrillar and Sarcoplasmic Protein Synthesis Rates Are Affected Differently by Altitude-Induced Hypoxia in Native Lowlanders LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA POR ARTÍCULO TÍTULO ARTICULO Soccer Attenuates the Asymmetry of Rectus Abdominis Muscle Observed in NonAthletes. Statistical and Biological Gene-Lifestyle Interactions of MC4R and FTO with Diet and Physical Activity on Obesity: New Effects on Alcohol Consumption INVESTIGADOR LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA SANCHÍS MOYSI, JOAQUÍN EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS Surfactant protein A genetic variants associate with severe respiratory insufficiency in HERRERA RAMOS, ESTEFANÍA pandemic influenza A virus infecti RODRÍGUEZ DE CASTRO, FELIPE ARGÜELLO HENRÍQUEZ, ANASTASIO The complement system of the goat: Haemolytic assays and isolation of major proteins CASTRO NAVARRO, NOEMÍ MORENO INDIAS, ISABEL ARGÜELLO HENRÍQUEZ, ANASTASIO The effect of colostrum intake on blood plasma proteome profile in newborn lambs: low abundance proteins CASTRO NAVARRO, NOEMÍ HERNÁNDEZ CASTELLANO, LORENZO ENRIQUE The Ergogenic Effect of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin on V?O2max Depends on LÓPEZ CALBET, JOSÉ ANTONIO the Severity of Arterial Hypoxemia The evolution of health status and chronic conditions in Catalonia, 1994-2006: the paradox of health revisited using the Blinder - Oaxaca decomposition PINILLA DOMÍNGUEZ, JAIME Ciencias Clínicas CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS CIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y QUIRÚRGICAS PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL, PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, Y CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS GUERRA HERNÁNDEZ, CARLOS BORJA JIMÉNEZ MONZÓN, ROBERTO 2011 Plos ONE 2012 Plos ONE 2014 Critical Care BioMed Central 2012 BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central 2014 BMC Veterinary Research BioMed Central 2011 BMC Health Services Research BioMed Central 2014 BMC Evolutionary Biology BioMed Central 2012 Pharmaceuticals MDPI BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, LEANDRO RECURSO OAI MÉTODOS CUANTITAVOS PESTANO BRITO, JOSÉ JUAN DÍAZ CHICO, NICOLÁS PUBLICACIÓN 2008 BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA DÍAZ CHICO, JUAN CARLOS AÑO PUBLICACIÓN EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA FREGEL, ROSA The history of the North African mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U6 gene flow into the African, Eurasian and American continents The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO Plos ONE The Influence of Estrogens on the Biological and Therapeutic Actions of Growth Hormone in the Liver 2012 Pharmaceuticals MDPI AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI 2014 Nutrients MDPI POR ARTÍCULO TÍTULO ARTICULO INVESTIGADOR MATEOS DÍAZ, CARLOS MIRECKI GARRIDO, MERCEDES DE The Mediterranean Diet and Nutritional Adequacy: A Review CASTRO QUEZADA, ITANDEHUI SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS The Relationship between Zinc Intake and Serum/Plasma Zinc Concentration in Children: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis The Submarine Volcano Eruption off El Hierro Island: Effects on the Scattering Migrant Biota and the Evolution of the Pelagic Communities Ciencias Clínicas DOMÍNGUEZ BOADA, LUÍS MARÍA Ciencias Clínicas Ciencias Clínicas LARA JIMÉNEZ, PEDRO CARLOS Ciencias Clínicas PÉREZ LUZARDO, OCTAVIO Ciencias Clínicas SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS Ciencias Clínicas ZUMBADO PEÑA, MANUEL LUÍS Ciencias Clínicas NISSENSOHN, MARIELA Ciencias Clínicas SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS Ciencias Clínicas ARÍSTEGUI RUÍZ, JAVIER BIOLOGÍA ARIZA, A. BIOLOGÍA GARIJO LÓPEZ, JUAN CARLOS BIOLOGÍA HERNÁNDEZ LEÓN, SANTIAGO BIOLOGÍA Plos ONE Nutrients 2014 MACÍAS LÓPEZ, ELSA Ubiquitous Monitoring of Electrical Household Appliances SUÁREZ SARMIENTO, ÁLVARO SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS ALAYÓN HERNÁNDEZ, FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ, CARMELO R. PADRÓN MORALES, GABINO PÉREZ GARCÍA, RICARDO JAVIER QUESADA ARENCIBIA, ALEXIS Waist-to-Height Ratio and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Elderly Individuals at High Cardiovascular Risk 2012 2012 TRAVIESO GONZÁLEZ, CARLOS MANUEL Using Massive Vehicle Positioning Data to Improve Control and Planning of Public Road Transport BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR, FISIOLOGÍA, GENÉTICA E INMUNOLOGÍA HENRÍQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS ALBERTO Transformation of Hand-Shape Features for a Biometric Identification Approach Usage of Plant Food Supplements across Six European Countries: Findings from the PlantLIBRA Consumer Survey GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION EN ONCOLOGÍA-ENDOCRINOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Y TRASLACIONAL BIOPHARM ULPGC Ciencias Clínicas Ciencias Clínicas ALMEIDA GONZÁLEZ, MAIRA FERNÁNDEZ VALERÓN, JOSEFA PILAR The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Study DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS MDPI Plos ONE IDeTIC (INSTITUTO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO Y LA INNOVACIÓN EN LAS COMUNICACIONES) 2012 Sensors MDPI Grupo de Arquitectura y Concurrencia (GAC) Grupo de Arquitectura y Concurrencia (GAC) 2012 Sensors MDPI Ciencias Clínicas 2014 Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas 2014 Ciencias Clínicas 2012 Plos ONE Sensors MDPI Plos ONE POR ARTÍCULO TÍTULO ARTICULO What Caused the UK’s Largest Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) Mass Stranding Event? White Blood Cell Counts as Risk Markers of Developing Metabolic Syndrome and Its Components in the Predimed Study INVESTIGADOR FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, ANTONIO DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO AÑO PUBLICACIÓN PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI MORFOLOGÍA SIERRA PULPILLO, EVA HISTOLOGÍA Y PATOLOGÍA SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS Ciencias Clínicas 2013 Plos ONE 2013 Plos ONE POR ARTÍCULO TÍTULO ARTICULO White Blood Cell Counts as Risk Markers of Developing Metabolic Syndrome and Its Components in the Predimed Study INVESTIGADOR SERRA MAJEM, LLUIS DEPARTAMENTO/GRUPO/INSTITUTO AÑO PUBLICACIÓN Ciencias Clínicas 2013 PUBLICACIÓN RECURSO OAI Plos ONE