Artículos en revistas científicas especializadas 2013 1. Acevedo-Ramírez P.M.C., Quiroz-Romero H., H. Cruz-Mendoza., Ulloa-Arvizu R., Ibarra-Velarde F. Gastrointestinal nematodes in rotationally grazing ewews in the mountainous region of central Mexico. Journal of Helminthology. 2013; 87: 108-114. 2. Alba Zulema Rodas Martínez, Domingo Canales, Dulce María Brousset, William F Swanson. Assessment of Adrenocortical and Gonadal Hormones in Male Spider Monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) Following Capture, Restraint and Anesthesia. Zoo Biology. 2013; 32: 641-647. 3. Alicia E. Arrona-Rivera, Félix Sánchez-Godoy, Gary García-Espinosa. Micobacteriosis en cercetas migratorias capturadas en lagunas del altiplano centro de México. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias. 2013; 4: 399-404. 4. Alonso-Díaz MA, Fernández-Salas A, Martínez-Ibáñez F, Osorio-Miranda J. Amblyomma cajennense (Acari: Ixodidae) tick populations susceptible or resistant to acaricides in the Mexican Tropics. Veterinary Parasitology. 2013; 197: 326-331. 5. Álvarez L, Gamboa D, Zarco L, Ungerfeld R. Response to the buck effect in goats primed with CIDRs, previously used CIDRs, or previously used autoclaved CIDRs during the non-breeding season. Livestock Sci. 2013; 155: 459-462. 6. Álvarez L, Guevara N, Reyes M, Sánchez A, Galindo F. Shade effects on feeding behavior, feed intake, and daily gain of weight in female goat kids. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research. 2013; 8: 466-470. 7. Anaya L.M., Gutiérrez O.C., Ducoing W.A.M., Cifuentes C.P., Sánchez T.M. Consumo voluntario de alimento fresco por parte de monos aulladores (Alouatta palliata y A.pigra) en cautiverio. Cuadernos de Investigación UNED. 2013; 5: 151-155. 8. Anthony, S.J; Ojeda-Flores, R; Rico-Chávez, O; Navarrete-Macias, I; ZambranaTorrelio, C.M; Rostal, M; Epstein, J; Tipps, T; Liang, E; Sanchez-Leon, M; SotomayorBonilla, J; Ávila, R; Medellín, R; Goldstein, T; Suzán, G; Daszak, P; Lipkin. Coronaviruses in Bats from Mexico. Journal of General Virology. 2013; 94: 1028-1038. 9. Aquino I, Espinosa F, Alcala Y, Tapia G, Sumano H, Gutierrez L. Comparative efficacy of chitosan enhancement of quinfaamide or toltrazuril alone in an outbreak of coccidiosis in sheep. The indian Journal of Veterinary Research. 2013; 22: 1-7. 10. Aragón-Hernández, J., Flores-Pérez, F.I., Hallal-Calleros, C., Pérez-Martínez, M. Macroscopic morphometric analysis of genital organs of rabbit does with differing parturitions at 24 hours post-weaning. International Journal of Morphology. 2013; 31: 991996. 11. Ascencio-Rojas, L., Valles-de la Mora, B., Ibrahim, M. y Castillo-Gallegos, E. Use and management of tree fodder resources on farms in central Veracruz, México. Avances en Investigación Agropecuaria. 2013; 17: 95-117. 12. B. Godinez, C.S. Galina, H. Leon, M. Gutierrez and N. Moreno-Mendoza. Assessment of the viability of embryos stored in liquid nitrogen produced commercially using culture medium as a complementary test for stereoscopic microscopy. Zygote. 2013; 21: 110-114. 13. Barrón-Bravo, O.G., Gutiérrez-Chávez, A.J., Ángel-Sahagún, C.A., Montaldo, H.H., Shepard, L., Valencia-Posadas, M. Losses in milk yield, fat and protein contents according to different levels of somatic cell count in dairy goats. Small Ruminant Research. 2013; 113: 421-431. 14. Biloni A, Quintana CF, Menconi A, Kallapura G, Latorre J, Pixley C, Layton S, Dalmagro M, Hernández-Velasco X, Wolfenden A, Hargis BM, Tellez G. Evaluation of effects of EarlyBird associated with FloraMax B-11 on Salmonella Enteritidis, intestinal morphology and performance of broiler chickens. Poultry Science. 2013; 92: 2337-2346. 15. Blanco FC, Bianco MV, Garbaccio S, Meikle V, Gravisaco MJ, Montenegro V, Alfonseca E, Singh M, Barandiaran S, Canal A, Vagnoni L, Buddle BM, Bigi F, Cataldi A. Mycobacterium bovis mce2 double deletion mutant protects cattle against challenge with virulent M. bovis. Tuberculosis (Edinb). 2013; 93: 363-372. 16. Broom DM, Galindo F, Murgueitio F. Sustainable, efficient livestock production with high biodiversity and good welfare for animals. Proceedings of The Royal Society B. 2013; 280: 2013-2025. 17. C. Soto, E. Avila, J. Arce, F Rosas, and D. McIntyre. Evaluation of different strategies for broiler feed formulation using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy as a source of information for determination of amino acids and metabolizable energy. J. Applied Poultry Research. 2013; 22: 730-737. 18. Campbel WB, Jarillo RJ, López OS, Castillo GE. Does stocking rate manipulation promote pasture sustainability in the humid tropics?. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 2013; 66: 348-355. 19. Campos-Montes, G.R., Montaldo, H.H., Martínez-Ortega, A., Jiménez, A.M., CastilloJuárez, H. Genetic parameters for growth and survival traits in Pacific white shrimp Penaeus (Litopenaeus) vannamei from a nucleus population undergoing a two-stage selection program. Aquaculture International. 2013; 21: 299-310. 20. Cárdenas N, Cortes A. García G., Quintana LJA. Condición corporal de la cerceta ala azul (Anas discors) obtenida por actividad cinegética en el Estado de México. Universidad y Ciencia. 2013; 29: 63-74. 21. Carmen Frías-Domínguez, Julieta Garduño, Salvador Hernández, René Drucker-Colin, Stefan Mihailescu. Flattening plasma corticosterone levels increases the prevalence of serotonergic dorsal raphe neurons inhibitory responses to nicotine in adrenalectomised rats. Brain Research Bulletin. 2013; 98: 10-22. 22. Carmona Gasca CA, I Ko, Albert; Ahmed N, Hartskeerl R, De la Peña-Moctezuma A. Isolation and molecular characterization of Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Ballum. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems. 2013; 16: 143-153. 23. Carolina Guadalupe Sosa-Gutiérrez, María Teresa Quintero Martínez, Soila Maribel Gaxiola Camacho, Silvia Cota Guajardo, María D. Esteve-Gassent, María-Guadalupe Gordillo-Pérez. Frequency and clinical epidemiology of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis in dogs infested with ticks from Sinaloa, Mexico. Hindawi Publishing Corporation. 2013; 2013: 1-3. 24. Carranza-Flores JM, Padilla-Noriega L, Loza-Rubio E, García-Espinosa G. Prolonged excretion of a low-pathogenic H5N2 avian influenza virus strain in the Pekin duck. Journal of Veterinary Science. 2013; 14: 487-490. 25. Castillo GE, Valles MB, Ocaña ZE, Jarillo RJ. Rendimiento total de materia seca y calidad nutritiva de hojas y tallos de cuatro accesiones de Cratylia argéntea en el trópico húmedo de Veracruz. Avances en investigación Agropecuaria. 2013; 17: 79-93. 26. Celene Salgado-Miranda, Elizabeth Loza-Rubio, Edith Rojas-Anaya, Gary GarcíaEspinosa. Viral vaccines for bony fish: past, present and future. Expert Reviews. 2013; 12: 567-578. 27. Clemente N, Orihuela A, Flores I, Aguirre V, Valencia J. Reproductive behaviour of Saint Croix and Suffolk rams at medium latitudes (19°N) during long days while being exposed to Suffolk ewes in seasonal anestrus. Arch Med Vet. 2013; 45: 67-70. 28. Concepción Ramírez Lubianos, Froylán Ibarra V., Herminia I. Pérez, Norberto Manjarez A, Héctor J. Salgado, Yeniel González, C. Assesment of the acaricide activity of carvacrol and salicylic acid analogues on Riphicephalus (Boophilus) microplus computerselected. Experimental Applied Acarology. 2013; 61: 251-257. 29. Cuevas-Romero, S., Blomström, A. L., Alvarado, A., Hernández-Jauregui, P., RiveraBenitez, F., Ramírez-Mendoza, H., Berg, M. Development of a real-time RT-PCR method for detection of porcine rubulavirus (PoRV-LPMV). Journal of Virological Methods. 2013; 189: 1-6. 30. Fernández I.G, Moncebáez J., Elizondo C., Hernández H. Ulloa-Arvizu and R. Rojas S. Negative prediction value of pregnancy-associated Glycoprotein contributes to reduce the days during which nonpregnant holstein cows are subjected to diverse strategies of hormonal synchronization. International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 2013; 5: 160-164. 31. Fernando A. Cervantes, Jésica Arcangeli, Rogelio A. Alonso Morales. The SRY gene of the Y chromosome successfully identifies gender of endemic Mexican shrews (Mammalia: Soricomorpha). Mammalia Journal. 2013; 77: 335-339. 32. Fernando Alberto Muñoz, Sergio Estrada Parra, Andrés Romero Rojas, Erik González Ballesteros, Thierry Mwork, Héctor Villaseñor Gaona, Iris Estrada García. Inmunologycal evaluation of captive green sea turtle (chelonia mydas) with ulcerative dermatitis. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 2013; 44: 837-844. 33. Flores OA, Roque C, López R, Benítez S, Oropeza MA, Hernández Cerón J. Porcentaje de concepción en vacas lecheras tratadas con progesterona cinco días después de la inseminación. Rev Mex Cienc Pecu. 2013; 4: 507-514. 34. G. M. Nava, R. Merino, R. Jarquin, N. Ledesma, I. Sánchez-Betancourt, E. Lucio, E. Martínez, M. Escorcia. A rapid test for avian influenza detects swine influenza virus. Veterinary Record. 2013; 173: 424-425. 35. Galindo, J., Galina, C.S, Estrada, S., Romero, J.J., Alarcón, M., Maquivar, M. Effect of Changes in Body Weight, Body Condition and Back Fat during Last Month of Pregnancy on the Reproductive Efficiency of Bos indicus Cows in the Tropics of Costa Rica. Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 2013; 3: 22-28. 36. García HY, González HR, García PA, Ángeles CSC, Carmona CA, Cárdenas VR. Efecto de la suplementación con diferentes fuentes de hierro durante la recuperación de ratas anémicas. Revista Cenic Ciencias Biologicas. 2013; 44: 14-22. 37. Garcia MI, Tinoco M M, Rivera H M, Sanchez B F, Tapia P G, Altamirano L M, Romero R L, García O L. Acute toxicity and genotoxic evaluation of Metlin (R) and Metlos (R) (Organic Agave fructans). Food and Nutrition Science. 2013; 4: 106-112. 38. Gasca-Pineda J, Cassaigne I, Alonso RA, Eguiarte LE. Effective population size, genetic variation, and their relevance for conservation: the bighorn sheep in tiburon island and comparisons with managed artiodactyls. Plos One. 2013; 8: 1-12. 39. Gerardo Fuentes-Coto, Rocio A. Ruiz-Romero, José I. Sánchez-Gómez, Dolores N. Ávila-Ramírez, Jorge Escutia-Sánchez. Análisis microbiológico de leche de origen orgánico: atributos deseables para su transformación. Agricultura Sociedad y Desarrollo. 2013; 10: 419-432. 40. Gómez Verduzco G., Morales López R. and Avila González E. Use of 25hydroxycholecalciferol in diets of broilers chickens. J. Poultry Science Association. 2013; 50: 60-64. 41. Guadalupe Santillán-Velázquez, Froylán Ibarra-Velarde, Blas Flores-Pérez Margarita Romero-Ávila, Yazmin Alcalá-Canto, Héctor Salgado-Zamora, Yolanda Vera Montenegro. In vitro and in vivo Efficacy of an Experimental Compound against Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus Ticks. Pharmacology and Pharmacy. 2013; 4: 41-45. 42. Guadarrama-Olhovich, García-Ortuño LE, Ruiz RJA, Bouda J. Acute pancreatitis, azotaemia, Cholestasis, and haemoolytic anaemia in a dog: a case report. Veterinarni Medicina. 2013; 58: 44-49. 43. Guzmán-Novoa E, Hamiduzzaman MM, Correa-Benitez A, Espinosa-Montaño L, Uribe-Rubio JL. A scientific note on the first detection of the black queen cell virus in honey bees (Apis mellifera) in Mexico. Apidologie. 2013; 44: 382-384. 44. Hammami, H., Bormann, J., M'hamdi, N., Montaldo, H.H., Gengler, N. Evaluation of heat stress effects on production traits and somatic cell score of Holsteins in a temperate environment. Journal of Dairy Science. 2013; 96: 1844-1855. 45. Heidi Zozaya, Lilia Gutierrez, Maria Josefa Bernad and Héctor Sumano. Pharmacokinetics of a peroral single dose of two long-acting formulations and an aqueous formulatios of doxycycline hyclate in horses. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. 2013; 55: 2127. 46. Hernández-Cerón J, Gutiérrez CG. La somatotropina bovina recombinante y la reproducción en bovinos, ovinos y caprinos. Agrociencia. 2013; 47: 35-45. 47. J. Ly, J. L. Reyes, E. Delgado, L. Ayala, M. Castro. Harina de palmiche para cerdos en ceba. Influencia del peso corporal en la digestibilidad rectal y salida fecal de materiales. Revista Cubana de Ciencia Agrícola. 2013; 47: 283-287. 48. J.A. Munguía-Xóchihua, W. Valenzuela-Medrano, J.C. Leyva-Corona, M.I. MoralesPablos, J.A. Figueroa-Castillo. Potencial del orégano como alternativa natural para controlar Haemonchus contortus en ovinos de pelo. Revista Latinoamericana de Recursos Naturales. 2013; 9: 149-153. 49. Janet García Herrera, Marco Antonio Juárez Estrada, Sonia López Cordova. Gradual increase of CO2 during first stages of incubation with late change of O2 partial pressure modifies the hatch trajectory of broiler chicks. Vet Mex. 2013; 44: 1-16. 50. Jarillo-Rodríguez, J., Castillo-Gallegos, E., Degollado-Hoyos, O., Flores-de la Rosa, F. R., Valles-de la Mora, B., y Escobar-Hernández, R. Emergencia de semilla de piocho (Melia azedarach L.) sometida a diferentes tiempos de escarificación con H2SO4. Avances en investigación Agropecuaria. 2013; 17: 83-88. 51. JM Vargas, GD Mendoza, M de la Salud Rubio-Lozano and FA Castrejón. Effect of endogenous fibrolytic enzimes on the carcass characteristics and performance of grainfinished steers. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology. 2013; 13: 435-439. 52. Jonathan N. Avilés-Nieto & José L. Valle-Cerdán & Francisco Castrejón-Pineda & Sergio Ángeles-Campos & Einar Vargas-Bello-Pérez. Digestibility of Buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) based diets supplemented with four levels of Gliricidia sepium hay in hair sheep lambs. Tropical Animal Health and Production. 2013; 45: 104-112. 53. Jorge Servín, L. José Quintana, H. Marie Casaubon, A. Mariano González and Susana Rojas. Assessment of Two Female Broiler Rearing Systems (Tradicional and Modern) and Their Repercussion on Wllbing, Corticosterona Concentration, Lesions in Adrenal Glands and Productive Parameyters. International Journal of Poultry Science. 2013; 12: 353-357. 54. Lan Quan, Cadhla Firth, Juliette M. Conte, Simon H. Williams, Carlos ZambranaTorrelio, Simon J. Anthony, James A. Ellison, Amy T Gilbert, Ivan V. Kuzmin, Michael Niezgoda, Modupe O. V. Osinubi, Sergio Recuenco, Wanda Markotter, Robert Breiman, Lems Kalemba, Jean Malekani, Kim A Lindblade, Melinda K Rostal, Rafael Ojeda Flores, Gerardo Suzan, Lora B. Davis, Dianna M. Blau, Albert B. Ogunkoya, Danilo A. Alvarez Castillo, David Moran, Sali Ngam, Dudu Akaibe, Bernard Agwanda, Thomas Briese, Jonathan H. Epstein, Peter Daszak, Charles E. Rupprecht, Edward C. Holmes, W. Ian Lipkin. Bats are a major natural reservoir for hepaciviruses and pegiviruses. PNAS. 2013; 110: 8194-8199. 55. Lents C. A., F. J. White, N. H. Ciccioli, L. N. Floyd-White, I. Rubio, D. H. Keisler, L. J. Spicer, and R. P. Wettemann. Metabolic status, gonadotropin secretion, and ovarian function during acute nutrient restriction of beef heifers. Journal of Animal Sciences. 2013; 91: 4146-4157. 56. López-Rincón G, Gutiérrez-Pabello JÁ, Díaz-Otero F, Muñoz-Valle JF, Pereira-Suárez AL, Estrada-Chávez C. Mycobacterium bovis infection in cattle induces differential expression of prolactin receptor isoforms in macrophages. Comp Immunol Microbiol infect Dis. 2013; 36: 619-629. 57. Lorenzo Gómez Cárdenas, Edith Ponce-Alquicirab, Renata Ernlund Freitas Macedoc, María Salud Rubio Lozano. Efecto de antimicrobianos naturales sobre la estabilidad físicoquímica, microbiológica y sensorial de hamburguesas de res mantenidas en refrigeración. Rev Mex Ciencias Pecuarias. 2013; 4: 255-270. 58. Lozada-Gallegos A.R., Letechipia-Moreno J., Palma-Lara I., Alessi Montero A., Rodríguez G, Castro-Muñozledo F., Cornejo-Corte M.A. y Juárez-Mosqueda ML. Development of a bone nonunion in a noncritical segmental tibia defect model in sheep utilizing interlocking nail as an internal fixation system. Journal of Surgical Research. 2013; 183: 620-628. 59. M. D. Mariezcurrena, A. Z. M. Salem, C. Tepichín, M. S. Rubio and M. A. Mariezcurrena. Physical, chemical and sensory factors of Mexican and New Zealand sheep meat commercialized in Central of Mexico. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 2013; 8: 3710-3715. 60. M.A. López-Soto, Y.S. Valdés-García, A. Plascencia, A. Barreras, B.I. Castro-Pérez, A. Estrada-Angulo, F.G. Rios, A. Gómez-Vázquez, L. Corona, R.A. Zinn. Influence of feeding live yeast on microbial protein syntheis and nutrient digestibility in steers fed a steam-flaked corn-based diet. Acta Agruculturae Scand Section A. 2013; 63: 39-46. 61. M.J. Zumárraga, C. Arriaga, S. Barandiaran, L. Cobos-Marín, J. de Waard, I. EstradaGarcia, T. Figueiredo, A. Figueroa, F. Giménez, H.M. Gomes, J.A. Gonzalez-y-Merchand, A. Macías, F. Milián-Suazo, C.A.R. Rodríguez, M.A. Santillán, P.N. Suffys, M.D. Trangoni, A.M. Zárraga, A. Cataldi. Understanding the relationship between Mycobacterium bovis spoligotypes from cattle in Latin American Countries. Res in Vet Sci. 2013; 94: 9-21. 62. Medina-Esparza, L., Macías, L., Ramos-Parra, M., Morales-Salinas, E., Quezada, T., Cruz-Vázquez, C. Frequency of infection by Neospora caninum in wild rodents associated with dairy farms in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Veterinary Parasitology. 2013; 191: 11-14. 63. Mendoza MG, Hernández Cerón J, Zarco L, Gutiérrez CG. Porcentaje de concepción en vacas Holstein repetidoras tratadas con somatotropina bovina al momento de la inseminación. Rev Mex Cienc Pecu. 2013; 4: 177-183. 64. Miguel Ángel Galván-Morales, Rosa Elena Sarmiento-Silva, Ma. Eugenia ManjarrezZavala. Modulación de la síntesis de Interferones en la infección por Paramyxovirus. Neumología y Cirugía del Tórax. 2013; 72: 241-255. 65. Miranda-de la Lama, Pascual-Alonso M, Guerrero A, Alberti P, Alierta S, Sans P, Gajan J, Villarroel M, Dalmau A, Verlarde A, Campo M, Galindo F, Santolaria M, Saduño C, Maria G. Influence of social dominance on production, welfare and the quality of meat from beef bulls. Meat Science. 2013; 94: 432-437. 66. Morales, S.E., Aguilar, A.B.O., Ramírez, L.J., Méndez, B.A., López, G.S.J. Oral fibrosarcoma in a black iguana (Ctenosaura pectinata). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 2013; 44: 513-516. 67. Morales-Ueno, K., Montaldo, H.H., Ortega, A.M., Paniagua-Chávez, C.G., CastilloJuárez, H. An extender solution for the short-term storage of Litopenaeus vannamei sperm to be used in artificial insemination. Aquaculture Research. 2013; 44: 1254-1258. 70. Orozco, M.A., Morales, E. (Corresponding author), Salmerón, F. Characterization of the Inflammatory Response in the Uteri of Cows Infected Naturally by Neospora caninum. Journal Comparative Pathology. 2013; 148: 148-156. 71. Ortega VE, López OS, Burgueño FJA, Campbel WB, Jarillo RJ. Date of pruning of Guazuma ulmifolia during the rainy season affects the availability, productivity and nutritional quality of forage during the dry season. Agroforestry System. 2013; 917-927. 72. Pascual-Alonso M, María G, Sepúlveda W, Villarroel M, Aguayo-Ulloa L, Galindo F, Miranda-de la Lama G. Identity profiles based on social strategies, morphology, physiology, and cognitive abilities in goats. Journal of Veterinary Behavior. 2013; 8: 458465. 73. Pasquel, S. G., Agnew, D., Nelson, N., Kruger, J. M., Sonea, I. and Schott, H. C. Ureteropyeloscopic anatomy of the renal pelvis of the horse. Equine Veterinary Journal. 2013; 45: 31-38. 74. Pérez-Rivero, J.J., Rendon-Franco, E., Pérez-Martínez, M., Ávalos-Rodríguez, A.,Ávila-Flores, R. Morphometric differences in testicular tissue of Tadarida brasiliensis bats from the urban area of Mexico City during summer, autumn, and winter. International Journal of Morphology. 2013; 31: 932-936. 75. Posadas ME, Peña BSD, Valladares CB. Recombinant protein detection and its contentin total protein, lipids and toxic antinutritional substances in mexican maize. Health. 2013; 5: 9-13. 76. Quevillon EL, Díaz F, Jaramillo L, Lascurain R, Gutiérrez-Pabello JA, Castañeda FA, Arriaga C, Pérez R, González XE. Comparison of immune peripheral blood cells in tuberculin reactor cattle that are seropositive or seronegative for Mycobacterium bovis antigens. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2013; 153: 194-201. 77. Quichimbo C, Lopez C. Quintana LJA. Effect of niple type drinker height on productive parameters of broilers. International Journal of Poultry Science. 2013; 12: 144157. 78. Quiroz Romero H, Ibarra-Velarde F, Ochoa P, Manga-González Y. Strategic treatment against Fasciola hepatica in bovines in Veracruz, Mexico. Rev. Ibero-Latinoam. Parasitol. 2013; 72: 45-51. 79. R. Segura-Velázquez, J. Cervantes, E. Acosta, I. Sánchez-Betancourt, N. Villalobos, L.F. Rodarte, QM. Restelli, G. Fragoso, E. Sciutto. Influenza vaccine: Development of a novel intranasal and subcutaneous recombinant adjuvant. J Vaccine. 2013; 14269: 1-8. 80. Ramírez-Martínez L, Contreras-Luna, MJ. De la Luz, J.F. Rivera-Benitez, SaavedraMontañez JM, Manjarrez ME, Rosete DP, Ramírez-Mendoza H. Evidence of transmission and risk factors for Influenza A virus in household dogs and their owners. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses. 2013; 7: 1292-1296. 81. Rendón-Franco E., Muñóz-García C., Romero-Callejas E., Moreno-Torres K., Suzán G. Effect of host species diversity on multiparasite systems in rodent communities. Journal of Parasitology Research. 2013; 113: 447-450. 82. Rivera N, Romero S, Menchaca A, Zepeda A, Garcia L, Salas G, Romero L, Malagon F. Black fever like in murine malaria. Parasitology Research. 2013; 112: 1021-1029. 83. Rivera-Benitez JF, García-Contreras AD, Reyes-Leyva J, Hernández J, SánchezBetancourt JI, Ramírez-Mendoza H. Efficacy of quantitative RT-PCR for detection of the nucleoprotein gene from different porcine rubulavirus strains. Archives of Virology. 2013; 158: 1849-1856. 84. Rivera-Benitez JF, Rosas-Estrada K, Pulido-Camarillo E, De la Peña-Moctezuma A, Castillo-Juárez H, Ramírez-Mendoza H. Serological survey of veterinarians to asses the zoonotic potential of three emerging swine diseases in Mexico. Zoonoses and Public Health. 2013; Jun 4: 1-7. 85. Rivera-Benitez JF; Cuevas-Romero S.; Pérez-Torres A; Reyes-Leyva J; Hernández J; Ramirez-Mendoza H. Respiratory disease in growing pigs after Porcine Rubulavirus experimental infection. Virus Research. 2013; 176: 137-143. 86. 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