Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency The database on iodine deficiency includes data by country on goitre prevalence and/or urinary iodine concentration Last Updated: 2006-12-28 EL SALVADOR Urinary iodine (µg/L) Goitre prevalence (%) Level Date L 1999 N 1996 -1997 N 1990 Region and sample descriptor Sex Age (years) Sample size ThyroMobil study 8 sentinel sites: SAC B 6.00 - 12.99 251 National: SAC: Total B SAC by department: Ahuachupan B SAC by department: Cabanas B SAC by department: Chalatenango B SAC by department: Cuscatlan B SAC by department: La Libertad B SAC by department: La Paz B SAC by department: La Union B SAC by department: Morazan B SAC by department: San Miguel B SAC by department: San Salvador B SAC by department: San Vicente B SAC by department: Santa Ana B SAC by department: Sonsonate B SAC by department: Usulutan B 6.00 - 14.99 6.00 - 14.99 6.00 - 14.99 6.00 - 14.99 6.00 - 14.99 6.00 - 14.99 6.00 - 14.99 6.00 - 14.99 6.00 - 14.99 6.00 - 14.99 6.00 - 14.99 6.00 - 14.99 6.00 - 14.99 6.00 - 14.99 6.00 - 14.99 2394 105 105 192 120 284 135 120 60 165 480 120 240 133 135 National: SAC: Total B SAC by sex F SAC by sex M SAC by area: Urban B SAC by area: Rural B SAC by region: Central B SAC by region: Metropolitan B SAC by region: Occidental B SAC by region: Oriental B SAC by region: Paracentral B 7.00 - 14.99 7.00 - 14.99 7.00 - 14.99 7.00 - 14.99 7.00 - 14.99 7.00 - 14.99 7.00 - 14.99 7.00 - 14.99 7.00 - 14.99 7.00 - 14.99 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Grade 1 Grade 2 Distribution (%) TGP <20 20-49 50-99 100-299 Notes Prevalence (%) >300 <100 Median 176.0 4.6 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.8 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.7 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.2 22.4 2.2 24.8 28.4 20.8 20.7 30.6 24.2 12.4 40.6 31.6 25.9 Mean SD Reference General Line 2896 * 1 3108 * 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2858 * © WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency NOTES EL SALVADOR Reference no 2896 General Notes: The ThyroMobil study in El Salvador covered 8 sentinel sites randomly selected in provinces known as iodine deficient in the past; sample selection was done in coordination with the health authorities, using Ministries of Health's records; SAC randomly selected from one school at each site; goitre investigated by ultrasonography, values not included in the database. UI <50 µg/L: 17.9% Line note 1 Reference no 3108 General Notes: Multi-stage cluster sampling with probability proportionate to size (all 14 departments of El Salvador included); UI median 150 µg/L or above in all departments. Line note 2 UI <50 µg/L: 1.% Line note 3 UI <50 µg/L: 0.0% Line note 4 UI <50 µg/L: 0.1% Line note 5 UI <50 µg/L: 0.05% Line note 6 UI <50 µg/L: 0.0% Line note 7 UI <50 µg/L: 0.1% Line note 8 UI <50 µg/L: 0.0% Line note 9 UI <50 µg/L: 0.1% Line note 10 UI <50 µg/L: 0.05% Line note 11 UI <50 µg/L: 0.1% Line note 12 UI <50 µg/L: 0.2% Line note 13 UI <50 µg/L: 0.0% Line note 14 UI <50 µg/L: 0.2% Line note 15 UI <50 µg/L: 0.1% Line note 16 UI <50 µg/L: 0.0% Reference no 2858 General Notes: Data extracted from summary data; same data reported in references No. 442 and 2855. © WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency REFERENCES EL SALVADOR Reference 2858 Republica de El Salvador. Documento país para la Conferencia Internacional de Nutrición a celebrarse en Roma/ Italia en Diciembre/92 [informe final]. 1992. Reference 2896 Pretell EA, Delange F, Hostalek U, Corigliano S, Barreda L, Higa AM, Altschuler N, Barragan D, Cevallos JL, Gonzales O, Jara JA, Medeiros-Neto G, Montes JA, Muzzo S, Pacheco VM, Cordero L. Iodine nutrition improves in Latin America. Thyroid, 2004, 14 :590-599. Reference 3108 Minsterio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social [El Salvador]. Primer estudio nacional sobre excreción urinaria de yodo en escolares en El Salvador [First national survey on urinary iodine excretion in schoolchildren in El Salvador]. San Salvador, Ministerio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social El Salvador, 1998. © WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency ADDITIONAL REFERENCES EL SALVADOR Reference 430 Molina JH. The problem of endemic goiter in El Salvador. In: Dunn JT et al., eds. Towards the eradication of endemic goiter, cretinism, and iodine deficiency. Washington, DC, Pan American Health Organization, 1986 :296-299. Reference 442 Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social, Organización Panamericana de la Salud, Instituto de Nutrición de Centroaméricana y Panamá. Informe final de la Encuesta de Bocio Endémico en Escolares de El Salvador, octubre de 1991. 1991. Reference 2855 [Anonymous]. Country assessment prepared for 'Ending Hidden Hunger', El Salvador. A Policy Conference on Micronutrient Malnutrition; 1991 Oct 10-12; Montreal, Canada. Atlanta, Task Force for Child Survival and Development, 1991. Reference 3104 Lemus-Gerencia M, de Orellana-Gerencia H, Alfaro C, Merino G. Situación de los alimentos fortificados en El Salvador en el año 2000. El Salvador, Gobierno de El Salvador, Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social, Organización Panamericana de la Salud, Instituto de Nutrición de Centroamérica y Panamá, 2001. Reference 4793 Cabezas A, Pineda T, Scrimshaw NS. Endemic goiter in El Salvador school children. American Journal of Public Health, 1953, 43 :265-268. © WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency